Optima XR240amx Brochure
Optima XR240amx Brochure
Optima XR240amx Brochure
Authors Abstract
Matthieu Guillard, MSc, Image Quality Senior Engineer GE’s new mobile X-ray system Optima XR240amx is
Ping Xue, PhD, Image Quality Principal Engineer introducing the FlashPad HD wireless cassette-size
German Vera, MSc, Image Quality Engineering Manager digital flat panel detectors with an 100µm pixel pitch
and an improved pixel design. It provides a higher
spatial resolution and a higher detection efficiency at
all frequencies and all dose levels when compared to
Optima XR220amx, which justify the use of smaller
pixel size.
′ = + √ + 4
= ± √ +
1 (1)
′ = + + + + + 4
The DQE improvement at low and high dose (fig. 1)
4 4 4 4 and low and high frequency (fig. 2) demonstrates that
the improvement in pixel design compensate the
theoretical noise increase to fully take advantage of
the higher MTF. As shown on fig. 2, the low frequency
performances of the two detector versions are
comparable. At high frequency, the efficiency of the
FlashPad HD detector is increased and allows the
detection of additional signal that is not detected by
FlashPad detector. Detector with 100µm pixel pitch
provides a Nyquist frequency at 5lp/mm (cutoff in
DQE curve in fig. 2) and has less artifact due to
aliasing as seen in fig. 3. Higher frequency noise
inherent to the signal is also detected giving a visual
difference as seen in fig. 3. Fig. 3: Resolution test pattern image, left Optima XR220amx, right
Optima XR240amx
The analysis software CDRAD Analyzer V2.1.15
developed by Artinis Medical Systems for their
CDRAD 2.0 phantom is used to automatically
compute CD curve and IQF inv. Two statistical values
can be adjusted by the user, the a-priori-difference-of
means (APD) and the significance level (α). The APD is
set relatively to the image depth, 4 for Optima
XR240amx and 1 for Optima XR220amx. A calibration
of CDRAD Analyzer software is performed to set the
significance level. The correlation of human observer
Higher Image Quality with software for review of CDRAD images is analyzed
by the review of 6 different images for each system
representing the diversity of setup and dose level
(second highest and second lowest dose level for
each condition) by 3 human reviewers. For each
image the human observer result is compared with
software result obtained with different significance
level alpha values to determine the significance level
Fig. 4: CDRAD phantom
alpha matching the human observer result as shown
on fig. 6.
Di = diameter of hole [mm] (Detail)
Ci = depth of hole [mm] (Contrast)
(extremities, pediatrics), condition 2 with 10cm For Optima XR220amx system the significance level
PMMA filtration represents intermediate anatomies is set to 1E-2 and for Optima XR240amx it is set to 1E-
(C-spine, lower extremities) and condition 3 with 4 to fit the average of human observer review results
20cm PMMA represents thicker anatomies similarly to [6] as can be seen in fig. 7.
(Abdomen, Chest).
For condition 1 and 2, no grid is used and the source Fig. 7: Correlation between human observer (average) and software
to image distance (SID) is set to the detector gain CDRAD Analyzer V2.1.15 for different significance levels
calibration condition of 120cm. For condition 3, an
anti-scatter grid is used, 70lp/cm, 8:1 ratio and the Fig. 8 shows an example of CD curve with the same
SID is set to the grid focal distance of 130cm. For each significance level displaying the improvement in
mAs value 10 images are used for the CD curve and detectability for all hole diameters and depth. Using
IQF inv computation. The image processing the same significance level overestimate the
parameters used for each condition is system Factory difference between the two systems compared to
1. Hand PA protocol is used for condition 1, Thoracic- human review.
spine AP protocol is used for condition 2 and chest AP
protocol is used for condition 3.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Improved detectability,
more holes are visible
Relative IQFinv
0.95 0.80
Relative IQFinv
Relative IQFinv
0.80 0.40
up to +40%
Optima XR240amx
0.20 Optima XR240amx
0.70 Optima XR220amx
Optima XR220amx
0.65 0.00
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Detector Dose [uGy] Detector Dose [uGy]
Fig. 9: Relative IQFinv of Optima XR240amx and Optima XR220amx Fig. 11: Relative IQFinv of Optima XR240amx and Optima XR220amx
systems for condition 1: no additional PMMA filtration, 60kV, SID 120cm systems for condition 3: 20cm additional PMMA filtration, 120kV, SID
The improvement is especially visible for small objects thanks to the resolution improvement. Fig. 12 shows the
example of the 2 last lines of the CDRAD images having the smallest hole diameters, 0.4 and 0.3 mm, acquired for
the two systems with condition 1 at 4mAs. To get comparable display conditions, the window center is set
proportionally to pixel intensity in the cell (1.3,0.3), and the window level is set proportionally to the noise. The third
image gives a schematic of the real position of the hole located in a corner for each cell, with the position the same
for all images. A black dot corresponds to a physical hole in the CDRAD phantom, and more holes are visible on
Optima XR240amx image.
Optima XR220amx
Optima XR240amx
Fig. 12: Example of CDRAD image for condition 1 with 4mAs, holes diameter is 0.4mm on the top line and 0.3mm on the bottom line
1st: Optima XR220amx; 2nd: Optima XR240amx
3rd: Schematic representation with real hole positions
Helix: optimized digital image processing
The Optima XR240amx with Helix image processing and FlashPad HD combine to provide exceptional resolution.
The Helix digital image processing has been optimized, especially to take advantage of the additional high frequency
signal contained in the raw image enhanced in the processed image. Extremities exams are a typical clinical
application which will use the additional anatomical small details to visualize trabecular structure for useful clinical
diagnostic. Fig. 13 shows a comparison of cadaver images of the wrist of the same patient imaged with Optima
XR220amx and Optima XR240amx systems. The overall sharpness of the image is visible on the standard size
image, and additional details are visible on the zoomed images. The improvements in image quality and visibility of
fine structures are especially visible in extremity images and higher resolution should also be beneficial for other
clinical applications.
Fig. 13: Cadaver wrist images of the same patient with identical exposure parameters: 60kV, 2.5mAs, SID 100cm
Left: Optima XR220amx system, top: standard view, bottom: zoom on the radial styloid process
Right: Optima XR240amx system, top: standard view, bottom: zoom on the radial styloid process
Exams assessing the positioning of small lines are another clinical application for which resolution and small details
detection are key parameters. A new custom image look for chest PA view has been developed taking advantages
of the flexibility in image processing parameters as well as the high resolution provided by the detector to increase
the visibility of small lines, the image can be easily reprocessed with this look in only one click with QuickEnhance.
Such images can be provided in addition to the standard image to help line placement assessment without
additional dose to the patient. Fig. 14 shows a real challenging clinical case acquired with an Optima XR240amx for
which the same X-ray acquisition is processed with standard settings and QuickEnhance, a new custom line
placement look. The nasogastric line pointed out by the arrow is not easily visible in the normal processed image
and is more clearly visible with QuickEnhance on the reprocessed image with a custom line placement processing
Fig. 15 provides additional examples of clinical images of the one X-ray acquisition processed with two different
looks without additional dose to the patient.
Fig. 14: Challenging clinical case to assess nasogastric line placement acquired with Optima XR240amx system
Left: Normal image processed with standard image processing parameters, bottom: zoom on the NG line
Right: Reprocessed with QuickEnhance, a custom line look designed to enhance small lines visibility taking advantages of Optima XR240amx high resolution,
bottom: zoom on the NG line
Fig. 15: Clinical cases to assess line placement acquired with Optima XR240amx system, top: adult case, bottom: pediatric case
Left: Normal image processed with standard image processing parameters
Right: Reprocessed with QuickEnhance, a custom line look designed to enhance small lines visibility taking advantages of Optima XR240amx high resolution
Conclusion Reference
The Optima XR240amx, with Helix image processing [1] Samei E, Murphy S, Christianson O (2013) DQE of
and FlashPad HD 100µm wireless cassette-size wireless digital detectors: comparative performance
digital flat panel detectors, delivers an increase of with differing filtration schemes. Med Phys.
resolution by a factor of 2 compared to Optima 40(8):081910
XR220amx. Additional high frequency signal is
detected and aliasing artifacts are reduced thanks to [2] IEC 62220-1-3 - Medical electrical equipment –
finer spatial sampling. This is achieved without noise Characteristics of digital X-ray imaging devices –
compromise thanks to an improved pixel electronic Part 1-3: Determination of the detective quantum
design allowing a 10% increase of the low frequency efficiency
DQE compared to Optima XR220amx. Helix digital [3] Hamer, O. W. et al. (2005) Chest Radiography
image processing is optimized to take advantage of with a Flat-Panel Detector: Image Quality with Dose
this additional signal and provide sharper processed
Reduction after Copper Filtration. Radiology 237,
images. Overall up to 40% detectability increased is 691–700
measured with a Contrast Detail phantom study
compared to Optima XR220amx. [4] Knight S P (2014) A paediatric X-ray exposure
chart. Journal of Medical Radiation Science 61(3):
imagination at work