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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
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IS/IEC 309-1 (1988): Plugs, Socket-Outlets and Couplers for

Industrial Purposes, Part 1: General Requirements [ETD 15:
Rotating Machinery]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IsnEC 309-1 (1988)

~ ~ cf> ~ ~, XilcBc-~

Indian Standard

ICS 29.120.30

C BIS 1996
NEW DELHI 110002

AlIgJlst 1996 Price Group 15

Rota(lon Machinery Sectional Committee. ET 14

Clause Page
1. Scope , . I
2. Definitions . 2
l Generalrequirements . 5
4. Generalnotes on tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5. Standard ratings .. .. . .. . . .. .... .... . .. . . . . . .. ... . . . .. . . ... ... .. . •. .. .. . . ... ... .. .. . . 6
6. Oassification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6
7. Marking , . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7
8. Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
~. Protection againstelectricshock , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
10. Provision for earthing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11
I I. Terminals ',' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
12. Interlocks and retainingdevices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
13. Resistanceto ageingof rubberand thermoplastic material . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
14. Generalconstruction '. 18
15. Construction of socket-outlets ' 18
16. Construction of plugs and connectors 20
17. Const.ruetion of applianceinlets 21
18, Degreesof protection 22
II}. Insulation resistaaceand electric strength 23
20. Breaking capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25
21. Normal operation ' 27
22. Temperature rise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 28
23. Plexible cables and their connection 29
24. Mechanical strength 32
25. Screws, current-carrying parts and connections . ............... . . . ... • . .. . ............... . . 35
26. Creepage distances.clearances and distances through sealing compound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38
27. Resistance to heat. fire and tracking , 39
211. Resistanceto rusting _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
FI(,rltES .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . .•. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . ... .. . . . . . 42
APPf.N1>1X A - Metric and AWGlMCMconductorsize equivalents 57


This Indian Standard (Part 1) is identical to lEe Pub 309-1 (1988) covering General requirements of plugs and
socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes, issued by International Electroteehnical Commission, was
adopted by tile Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Wiring Accessories Sectional
Commiuee, Ef 14 and approval of tile Electroteehnical Division Council.
Thi~ standard (Part I) applies to plugs and socket-outlets. cables couplers'and appliance couplers. rated current
DOt exceeding 250 A primarily intended for industrialapplication, either indoor or outdoor.

(Colllinued on third cover)

lS/IEC 309·1 ( I'll )

Indian Standard


This standard is divided into several parts :

Part J: General requ irements, comprising clauses of a general character.
Subsequent parts: Particular requirements dealing with particular types . The clauses of
these particular requirements supplement or modify the corresponding clauses in Part I .
Where the text of subsequent parts indicates an "addition" to or a "replacement" of the
relevant requ irement, test specification or explanation of Part I, these changes are made
to the relevant text of Part I, which then becomes part of the standard. Where no
change is necessary, the words "This clause of Part I is applicable" are used.

I. Scope

This standard applies to plugs and socket-outlets, cable couplers and appliance
couplers, with a rated operating voltage not exceeding 690 V d.c. or a.e. and 500 Hz a.c,
and a rated current not exceeding 250 A, primarily intended for industrial use, either
indoors or outdoors.

The list of preferred ratings is not intended to exclude other ratings, requirements for
which are under consideration.
This standard applies to plugs and socket-outlets, cable couplers and appliance
couplers, hereinafter referred to as accessories, for use when the ambient temperature
does not normally exceed 40 "C.

The use of these accessories on building sites and for agricultural, commercial and
domestic applications is not precluded.
Socket-outlets or appliance inlets incorporated in or fixed to electrical equipment are
within the scope of this standard. This standard also applies to accessories intended to
be used in extra-low voltage installations.

This scandard docs 110( apply to alXeSlOries primarily intended for demesne and similar Jeneral purposes .

In locations where special conditions prevail, for example on board ship or where
explosions are liable to occur, additional requirements may be necessary.
IS/IEC 309·1 ( 1988)

2. DefiDitioD5

Where the terms voltage and current are used, they imply the d.c. or the a.c. Lm.S.
The following definitions apply for the purpose of this standard.
The application of accessories is shown in Figure I.

2.1 Plug and socket-outlet

A means enabling the connection at will of a flexible cable to fixed wiring. It consists
of two parts:

2.1.1 Socket-outlet
The part intended to be installed with the fixed wiring.
A socket-outlet may also be incorporated in the output circuit of an isolating transformer.

2.1.2 Plug
The part integral with or intended to be attached to the flexible cable connected to
the equipment or to a . connector.

2.2 Cable coupler

A means enabling the connection at will of two flexible cables. It consists of two

2.2.1 Connector
The part integral with or intended to be attached to the flexible cable connected to
the supply.

2.2.2 Plug
The part integral with or intended to be attached to the flexible cable connected to
the equipment or to a connector.
The plug of a cable coupler is identical 10 the plug of a "plug and socket-outlet". In general. a connector has
rhe same contact arrangement as a socket-outlet .

2.3 Applianu coupler

A means enabling the connection at will of a flexible cable to the equipment. It
consists of two parts:

2.3.1 Connector

The part integral with. or intended to be attached to, the flexible cable connected to
the supply.

2.3.2 Appliance inln

The part incorporated in, or fixed to, the equipment or intended to be fixed to it.
In general . the connector of an appliance coupler is identical to the connector of a cable coupler and an
appliance inlet has the same contact arrangement as a plug.

IS/IEC JOt·1 ( I'")

2.4 Rewirable plug or connertor

An accessory so constructed that the flexible cable can be replaced.

2.5 Non-rewirable plug or connector

An accessory so constructed that the flexible cable cannot be separated from the
accessory without making it permanently useless .

2.6 Mechanical switching device

A switching device designed to close and open one or more electric circuits by means
of separable contacts.

2.7 Switched socket-outlet

A socket -outlet with an associated switching device to disc mnect the supply from the
socket-outlet contacts.

2.8 Integral switching device

A mechanical switching device constructed as a pan of an accessory covered by this

2.9 Interlock
A device, either electrical or mechanical, which prevents the contacts of a plug from
becoming live before it is in proper engagement with a socket-outlet or connector, and
which either prevents the plug from being withdrawn while its contacts are live or makes
the contacts dead before separation.

2.10 Retaining device

A mechanical arrangement which holds a plug or connector in position when it is in
proper engagement, and prevents its un intentional withdrawal.

2.11 Rated current

The current assigned to the accessory by the manufacturer.

2.12 Insulation voltage

The voltage assigned to the accessory by the manufacturer and to which dielectric
,tests, clearances and creepage distances are referred.

2.13 Rated operating voltage

The nominal voltage of the supply for. which the accessory is intended to be used .

2.14 Basic insulation

The insulation necessary for the proper functioning of the accessory and for basic
protection against electric shock.

2.15 Supplementary insulation (protective insulation )

An independent insulation provided in addition to the basic insulation. in order to
ensure protection against electric shock in the event of a failure of the basic insulation.

ISIIEC Jot-I (19")

2.16 Double insulalion

Insulation comprising both basic insulation and supplementary insulation.

2.17 Reinforced insulalion

An improved basic insulation with such mechanical and electrical qualities that it
provides the same degree of protection a.ainst electric shock as double insulation.

2.18 Terminal
A conductive part provided for the connection of a conductor to an accessory.

2.18.1 Pillar terminal

A terminal in which the conductor is inserted into a hole or cavity, where it is
clamped under the shank of the screw or screws. The clamping pressure may be applied
directly by the shank of the screw or through an intermediate clamping member to which
pressure is applied by the sfiank of the screw (see Figure 14a).

2.18.2 Screw terminal

A terminal in which the conductor is clamped under the head of the screw. The
clamping pressure may be applied directly by the head of the screw or through an '
intermediate Part. such as a washer, clamping plate or anti-spread device (see Figures 14b
and 14c).

2.18.3 Siud terminal

A terminal in which the conductor is clamped under a nut. The clamping pressure
may be applied directly by a suitably shaped nut or through an intermediate part, such
as a washer, clamping plate or anti-spread device (see Figure 14d).

2.18.4 Saddle termine!

A terminal in which the conductor is clamped under a saddle by means of two or

more screws or nuts (see Figure 14e).

2.18.5 Lug terminal

A screw terminal or a stud terminal, designed for clamping a cable lug or bar by
means of a screw or nut (see Figure 14f).

2.18.6 Mantle terminal

A terminal in which the conductor is clamped apinst the base of a slot in a threaded
stud by means of a nut. The conductor is clamped against the base of the slot by a
suitably shaped washer under the nut. by a central peg if the nut is a cap nut, or by
equally effective means for transmitting the pressure from the nut to the conductor
within the slot (see Figure 14&).

2.19 Clamping unil

The part of a terminal necessary for the clamping and the electrical connection of the

IS/lEe 309·1 ( 1988 )

2.:?O rypt' test

A test of one or more lin i<:e~ made to a ce rtai n de sign to ~h0'" that the lk ~i!!n meet»
certain specificauons .

3. General requirements

Accessories shall he so designed and constructed that in normal use their performance
is reliable and without danger to the user or surround ings .

In general. compliance is checked by currying out at! the tests specified.

4. General notes on tests

4.1 Tests according to this standard are type tests. If a part of an accessor:" has previouslv
passed tests for a given degree of severity , the relevant type tests shall not be repeated if
the severity is not greater.

4.2 Unless otherwise specified, the samples are tested as delivered and under normal conditions
of use, at an ambient temperature of 20 ± 5 °C: the tests are made at rated frequency .

4.3 Unless otherwise specified, the tests are carried out in the order of the clauses of this

4.4 Three samples are subjected to all the teJIJ. ~/; however, the tests of Clauses 20. 11 and }l
have to be made with both d.c. and a.c., the test 1I'"h a.c. is made on three additional

4.5 Accessories are deemed to comply with this standard if no sample fails in the complete series
of appropriate tests. If one sample fails in a lest, that test and those preceding which may
have influenced the test result are repeated on another set of three samples. all of which
shall then pass the repeated tests.

In general. it will o n ly he necessary to repeat t he te'l wh ich caused the failure . unle.. Ihe ....mple fa,l, m one
o f the tests of C la uses 21 and 22. In whIch case the tes" are repeated from Ihat " f nau", 20 nn wa rd,

The applicant may submit . together with the first set o f samples, the add n io na l SC1 .. hrch ma y he wanted
should one sample fall . The testing stat ion w,lI then . .. l1hOUI further request. test the add'llllOal sa mples and will
reject only if a fun her fa. lure occurs . If the addit ional .a of samples is not submitted al the same ume, the
failure of one sample will entail a rejection.

4.6 When the tests are carried out with conductors, the latter shall be copper and comply with
t sc Publications 227. 228 and 245-4.

IS/IEC 309-1 ( 1988 )

5. Standard ratings

5.1 Preferred rated operating voltage ranges and voltages are:

20 V to 25 V 380 V to 415 V
40 V to 50 V 440 V to 460 V
100 v. to 130 V 480 V to 500 V
200 V to 250 V 600 V to 690 V
277 V

5.2 Preferred rated currents are given in the following table:


Series I Series II

16 20
32 30
63 60
125 100
250 200

6. Classification

6.1 Accessories are classified:

6.1.1 according to purpose : plugs , socket-outlets, connectors, appliance inlets;

6.1.2 according to degrees of protection : either in accordance with l EC Publ icat ion 529, or
according to degrees of protection against moisture :
- ordinary accessories;
- splashproof accessories ;
- watertight accessories.
For new designs , degrees of protection according to Publication 529 shall be used.

IPXO/ordinary accessories have no special protection against moistu re. and the y need not have lids.

In some countries, IPXO/ ord inary accessories are not allowed.

6.1.3. according to earthing facilities:

- access ories without earthing contact ;
- accessories with earthing contact;

6.1.4 according to the method of connecting the cable:

- rewirable plugs and connectors;
- non -rewirable plugs and connectors ;

IS/lEe 309-1 (1988)

6.1.5 according to interlocking facil ities:

- accessories without interlock, with or without integral switching device;
- accessories with mechanical interlock;
- accessories with electrical interlock.

7. Marking

7.1 Accessories shall be marked with:

- rated current(s) in amperes;
- rated operating voltage(s) or range(s) in volts;
- symbol for nature of supply, if the accessory is not intended for both a.c. and d.c., or
is intended for a.c. with ' frequencies other than 50 Hz or 60 Hz, or if the rating is
different for a.c. and d.c.;

- rated frequency if exceeding 60 Hz;

- either the name, trade mark or identification mark of the manufacturer or of the
responsible vendor ;
- type reference , which may be a catalogue number;
- symbol for degree of protection as applicable;
- symbol indicating the position of the earthing contact or the means used for
interchangeability, if any.
Opt ionally, the insulation voltage may be marked.

Compliance is checked by inspection.

7.2 When symbols are used, they shall be as follows:

A . amperes
y . volts
Hz . hertz
alternating current
direct current
@ or J,. , . earth
IPXO or no symbol . ordinary construction
IPX4 or & (one drop in a triangle) . splashproof construction

IPX7 or M (two drops) .. watertight construction

IPXX (relevant figures) . other constructions

For the marking of rated current(s) and rated operating voltage(s) or range(s), figures
may be used alone.

IS/lEe 309-1 ( 1988 )

The figure for d.c. rated operating voltage, if any. shall then be placed before the
figure for the a.c. rated operating voltage, and separated from it by a line or a d ash.

Compliance is checked by inspection.

7.3 For socket-outlets and appliance inlets, the marking for rated current, nature of supply, if
necessary, and either the name , trade mark or identification mark of the manufacturer or
the responsible vendor shall be on the main part , on the outside of the enclosure, or on
the lid, if any, if the latter cannot be removed without the aid of a tool.

Except for flush-type socket -outlets and appliance inlets, these markings shall be easily
discernible when the accessory is mounted and wired as in normal use, if necessary after
remo val from the enclo sure. The marking, if any , for the insulation voltage shall be on
the main pan ; it shall not be visible when the accessory is mounted and wired as in
normal use.

The marking for rated operating voltage, type reference, the symbol for degree of
protection, if required, and the symbol indicating the position of the earthing contact or
the means used for interchangeability, if any, shall be on a place which is visible after
installation of the accessory, on the outside of enclosure or on the lid, if any, if the
latter cannot be removed without the aid of a too l.

With the except ion of the type reference, these markings shall be easily discernible
when the accessory is mounted and wired as in normal use.

Compliance is checked by inspection.

The tum "ma in pan" of a socket-outlet or an app liance in let means the pan carrying the contacts .

The type reference may be marked on the main pan.

7.4 For plugs and connectors, the marking specified in Sub-clause 7.1, with the exception of
the mark ing for insulation voltage, if any , shall be easily discernible when the accessory
is wired read y for use.

The marking for insulation voltage, if any, shall be on the main part; it shall not be
visible when the accessory is mounted and wired as in normal use.

The term "ready for use" does not imply that .he plug or connector is in .engagement with its complementary
accesso ry.

The ter m "ma in part " of a plug or a connector means the part carrying the contacts .

Compliance is checked by inspection.

7.5 For rewirable accessories. the contacts shall be indicated by the symbols :

- for three-phase, the ~mbols L1 , L2, LJ, or I, 2, 3 for the phases, N for neutral, if
any , and the symbol ~ or...l- for earth :

lS/IEC 309-1 ( 1til )

for two-pole, which may he used for hoth a.c. and d .c., one symbol for one of the
live poles and the symbol @ or J,. for earth. if any ;

- for a period of time the marking R I. S2. T3 may be used instead of L1 , L2. L3.

These symbol s shall be placed close to the relevant terminals ; they shall not be placed
on screws. removable washers or other removable parts.
The term inals for pilot co nd uctor s are not required 10 be indrcated ,

The figu res used wuh the let ters ma~ be wruien a, a n index . It IS recommended thaI " 'here pracuceble the
symbol ~ sho uld be used

Compliance is checked by inspection.

7.6 Marking shall be indelible and eas ily legible.

Compliance is checked by inspection and by the following test :
After the humidity treatment of Clause /8. the marking is rubbed vitforolU~~' by hand for
15 s with a piece of cloth soaked in water and again for /5 s with a piece of doth soaked
with petroleum spirit.
Special attention is paid to the marking of the name, trade mark or identification mark
of the manufacturer or the responsible vendor and to that of the nature of SUPP~Y. if an)'.

A special lest for c heck ing the indelibility o f these marking, IS under consideration

7.7 If, in addition to the marking prescribed, the rated operating voltage is indicated by
means of a colour, the colour code shall be as shown in Table II. An indicating colour.
if different from that of the enclosure, shall be used only if it can be easily


Rated operating voltage

V Colour " "

20 (0 2S Violel
40 10 SO While
10 2~
II Yellow
380 10 480 Red
SOO 10 690
I Black

II For frequencies over 60 Hz up 10 and including SOO Hz. the

colour green may be used, if necessary, in combination " ilh lhe
colour for lhe rated operating vollqe.

II In countries ....h ere aa:asories of Series " current ratinp are

wed. the co lour orange is reserved for 12S/2~
V a.c , and lhe
colour grey is reserved for 277 V a .c. accalOries.

8. Dimeasioel

8.1 Accessories shall comply with the appropriate standard sheets, if any .

IS/IEC 309-1 (1''')
It shall not be possible to engage plugs or connectors with ~oc~et-outlets or appliance
. 8.2
inlets having different ratings, or having different contact combmatlOns.

In addition, the design shall be such that improper connections sha ll not be possible
_ the earth and /or pilot plug-contact and a live socket-contact, or a live plug-contact and
the earth and /or pilot socket-contact;
_ the phase plug-contacts and the neutral socket-contact, if any;
_ a neutral plug-contact and a phase socket-contact.
Compliance is checked by inspection.

8.3 It shall not be possible to make single-pole connections between plugs and socket-outlets
or connectors, or between appliance inlets and connectors or socket-outlets.

Plugs and appliance inlets shall not allow improper connections with socket-outlets
complying with l EC Publication 83 or with connectors complying with lEe Publica-
tion 320.

Socket-outlets and connectors shall not allow improper connections with plugs
complying with lEe Publication 83 or with appliance inlets complying with lEe Publi-
cation 320.
Improper connections include single-pole connections and other connections which do
not comply with the requirements for protection against electric shock.
Compliance is checked by inspection.

9. ProtectioD ••• Iut electric: shock

9.1 Accessories shall be so designed that live parts of socket -outlet s and connectors, when
they are wired as in normal use. and live parts of plugs and appliance inlets, when they
are in partial or complete engagement with the complementary accessories, are not
accessible .

In addition, it shall not be possible to make contact between a contact of a plug or

appliance inlet and a contact of a socket-outlet or connector while any contact is
Compliance is checked by inspection and. if necessary. by a test on the sample wired as
in normal use.
The standard test finger shown in Figure 2 is applied in every possible positron. an
electrical indicator, with a voltage not less than 40 V. being used to show contact with the
relevant part.
NC'ulral contacts and pilot contact s of socket-outlet s and connect ors are deemed to be live parts .

9.2 Accessories with earthing contact shall be so designed that :

- when inserting the plug or connector. the earth connection is made before the phase
connections and neutral, if any, are- made;

IS/U:C JOt·1 ( 1'U )

- when withdrawing (he plug or connector. the phase connections and neutral, if any.
are broken before the earth connection i~ broken .

9.3 11 shall not be possible to inadvertently assemble the pan carrying plug contacts into the
enclosure of a socket-outlet or connector.
Compliance is checked bv manual test.

10. Proyision for earthing

10.1 Accessories with earthing contact shall be provided with an earthing terminal. Metal-clad
fixed accessories with an internal earthing terminal can, in addition, be provided with an
external earthing terminal, which, except for flush type socket-outlets, shall be visible
from the outside.

Earthing contacts shall be directly and reliably connected to the earthing terminals,
except that the earthing terminal of socket-outlets incorporated in the output circuit of an
isolating transformer shall not be connected.
Compliance is checked by inspection.

10.2 Accessible metal parts of accessories with earthing contact, which may become live in
the event of an insulation fault, shall be reliably connected to the internal earthing
terminal(s) by construction.
For the purpose o! th is requirement . screws (or fix in. bales, covers and the like an! noc d~med to he
accessible pans which may become live in the event o( an insulatio n fault .

If accessible metal pans are screened (rom live pans by metal paru which are connected to an eanhi",
terminal or earthing contact . or if they are separated from live pans by double insulation or reinforoed
insulatioa, they are nOI . for the purpose of th is requirement. regarded as likely to become hve in the event of an
insulation Iault .

Compliance is checked by inspection and by the following test:

A current of 25 A derived from an a.c. source having a no-load voltage not exceeding 11 V
is passed between the earthing terminal and each of the accessible metal pans in tum.

The voltage drop between the earthing terminal and the accessible metal part is measured.
and the resistance calculated from the current and this voltage drop.
In no case shall the resistance exceed 0.05 n.
Care should he taken thai rhe contact resistance between lhe tip of the meuurinll probe and the metal part
under lest does not influence the test results ,

10.3 Earthing contacts shall be capable of carrying a current equal to that specified for the
phase contacts without overheating.
Compliance is checked by the tes) of Clause 22.

10.4 Earthing contacts shall be so shrouded or guarded that they are protected apinst
mechanical damage.
Compliance is checked by inspection .
This requirement precludes the use of SIde earthing contacts.

IS/lEe 309-1 ( 1988 )

II. Terminal..

Rewirahle accessories shall be provided WIt . h terrmna

. Is in which connection IS made bvJ
means of screws. nuts or equally effective devices.
Compliance is checked by inspection.
Requirements for screwless terminals are under consideration .

II .:? Parts of terminals. other than screws. nuts. washers. stirrups. clamping plates and the
like. shall be either of :
- copper ;
_ an alloy contairung at least 58% copper for parts that are worked cold or at least 50%
copper for other parts;
_ or other metal not less resistant to corrosion than copper and having mechanical
properties no less suitab le.
Steel screws shall be adequately protected against corrosion.
Compliance is checked by inspection and by chemical analysis.
A relaxat ion of the requ irement for pans o f term inals is under considerat ion.

11 .3 If the body of an earthing terminal is not part of the metal frame or housing of the
accessory, the body shall be of material as prescribed in Suh-c1ause 11.2 for parts for
terminals. If the body is part of the metal frame or housing, the clamping screw or nut
shall be of such material.

If the body of the earthing terminal is part of a frame or housing of aluminium or

aluminium alloy, precautions shall be taken to avoid the risk of corrosion resulting from
contact between copper and aluminium or its alloys.

The requirement regardmg the avoidance of the risk of corrosion does not preclude the use of adequately
enured mt'IJI \ere',",' o r nut,

Compliance is checked bv inspection and by chemical analysis.

11 .4 Terminals shall allow the connection of conductors having nominal cross-sectional areas
as shown in Tahle III.

For terminals other than lug terminals, compliance is checked by the following test and by
the tests of Sub-clauses 11.7. 11.8 and 11.9.

Gauges as specified in Figure IJ. having a measuring section for testing the insertibility
of the maximum specified cross-sectional area of Table lJ I shall be able to penetrate into
the terminal aperture under their own weight to the designated depth of the terminal.

For pillar terminals in which the end of a conductor is not visible, the hole to
accommodate the conductor shall have a depth such that the distance between the
bottom of the hole and the last screw will be equal to at least half the diameter of the
screw. and in any case not less than 1.5 mm.
Compliance is checked by inspection.

Size of connectable conductors
r - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - , -- -- .- .- - - ---.--_ . _...---.
Rating 01 the accessory Internal connection II External earthing ronnccnon If an~
f - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - t - - - - - - - - - - - - . . , . - -- - - - - - -- - - f -- ..- - - -.....-...-. ..
Flexible cables lor plugs
Yoltage Current and connectors So lid or stranded cables
Solid or stranded cables lor sockcr-ourlets "
v A lor appliance inlets 11
f-- - - - - - + - - - - - - - - , r - - .- - - - - f - - - - - - - . , - - - - - - - - - j -- - -- - ,..-- - -- ---- _ .- ... ..- ... ..- ....
Series I Series II mm' AWG/MCM" mm ' AWG /MCM" mm' AW(j /MC\1
f---------+---------t--- ---~f_------+
------+_----_. -- . I__.-.-----+---.- ---------
Not exceeding 50 16 20 410 10 12 10 8 410 10 12 to 8
32 30 4 10 10 12 to 8 4 to 10 12 to H

Exceeding 50
U .'
" 1
r-..- - - - - --+--- - - .-+----- -+- - -- - - +-- -- - - +--- -- - -.+---.--..-
I to 2,5
2.5 to 6
610 16
16 to 50
16 10 12
1410 10
6 10 2
10 4

10 10
to 25
10 70 I
16 10 12
14 10 H
I0 to 4
4 to 0
..... ..-._- ..

... '- _~ __~i _.:OO

70 to 150
"- 00 to 0000
--' 10._' 85 "_.L.._~.~o_=~~ _ 4

" Terminals lor pilot conductors, " an) . shall all ow the connecnon 01 conductors having the same nominal cro w-cectio nal areas as the mter nal termina l, 01 'I'> A aetew "",
h,,'tng rated operating soilages exceeding 50 V

11 C1a.ssillcatwn 01 conductors : according to 1EC Puhlication 218. Clause 2. solid (Cla.u I); stranded ICiass 2); [le .. hle (eI ,,.. 5)

" The nominal cross -sectional areas 01 co nd ucto rs arc given in square millimeters (rnm ') . AWG /MCM values are considered as equivalent to mm ' (or the purpose 0 / IhIS standard

Awn , American Wire Gauge is a system d Idenlllyin!! wires In 'which the diameters are lound In geometric progrewion between slle 16 and sile 0000

MCM : Mille Circular M,t. denotes circle surface unit . I MCM 0 .5067 mm' .

" 150 mm ' lor 200 A Series II devices.

IS/lEe 3M-I ( 1'")

For terminals complying with Figure 14, f .t h e Iug s h a II accept conductors having
nominal cross-sectional areas within the appropnate range specified in the Table Ill.
Terminals that cannot be checked by the gauges specified in Figure 13 are tested by
suitabl y shaped gauges having the same cross-section as those given in Table III.

11 .5 Terminals shall have appropriate mechanical strength.

Screws and nuts for clamping shall have an ISO thread or a thread comparable in
pitch and mechanical strength.
Provtsionall y. SI. BA and UN threads are considered as being comparable in pitch and mechanical strength.

Compliance is checked by inspection. measurement and the test of Sub-clause 25. I. In

addition to the requirements of Sub-clause 25.I, the terminals shall not have undergone
changes after the test that adversely affect their future use.

11.6 Term inals shall be properly fixed to the accessory and shall not work loose when the
clamping screws or nuts are tightened or loosened.
Screws and nuts for clamping the conductors shall not serve to fix any other
The clamp ing means for the conductor may be used to stop rotation or displacement of the plug or socket

Compliance is checked by inspection and, if necessary, by the test of Sub-clause 25.1.

These requirements do not preclude terminals that arc floating or terminals so designed that rotation or
displacement of the terminal is prevented by the clamping screw or nut, provided that their movement is
appropriately limited and does not impai r the correct operat ion of the accessory.
TermlOal\ may be prevented from workina loose by Iixing with two screws, by filling with one screw in a
recess such that there is no appreciable play or by other suitable tneans.

Covering with sealing compound without other means of lockina is not deemed to be sufficient. Self-hardening
resins may. however, be used 10 lock terminals which are not subject to torsion in normal use.

11.1 Terminals shall be so designed that they clamp the conductor between metal surfaces
with sufficient contact pressure and without damage to the conductor.
Compliance i.f checked by inspection and the type tests of the terminals of Sub -clauses 11.8
and 11.9. applied to three separate terminals.

11.8 First test

Vt'Ji/it'ation is made successiveiy with conductors of the largest and smallest cross-sectional
areas specified in Table 1/1, using rigid conductors for terminals of socket-outlets or
appliance inlets and flexible conductors for terminals of plugs or connectors.
The conductors shall be connected to the clamping unit, and the clamping screws or nuts
tightened to two-thirds of the torque indicated in Table XIV, Each conductor is subjected to
a pull according to the value in Table IV-I. exerted in the opposite direction to that in
which the conductor was inserted. The puJl is applied without jerks for J min. The maximum
length of the test conductor shall be I m.

During the test the conductor shall not slip out of the terminal nor shall it break at, or
in. the clamping unit.

lSI1EC )09·1 ( I'")

P'u l1lO~ h lfH'

-- --- - --- - - - - -'" _._- - - -----

mrn '
~- . . ..- - - .-_ . _ - -- - - _. --
! I I
I~ 40
15 50
-l 50
e eo
10 ~o
~5 100
50 1-111
70 ItlO
150 110
185 ~4O

11.9 Second test

This test is carried oUI first with the smallest cross-sectional area and then with the
largest cross-sectional area of the relevant values in Table III for rigid and fle xible
conductors. The clamping screws or nuts are tightened with the torque according to Table XIV
The terminal is fasten ed to a conductor whose length is at least 75 mm longer than the
height specified in Table IV-II. and is secured rigidly in a vertical position simulating actual
service conditions. The f ree end of the cable is passed through a bushing of the size
specified in Table I V-II. The bushing is attached to an arm. driven by a motor at a rate
of approximately 9 r.p.m. and in such a manner that the centre of the bushing is made to
describe a circle in a horizontal plane (see Figure 15).
The circle shall have a diameter of 75 ± 2 mm , and irs centre shall be venically below
the centre of the conductor opening in the terminal. The bushing is lubricated to prevent
binding. twisting or rotation of the insulated cable. A weight as specified in Table I V-II i.1
suspended from the f ree end of the conductor. The duration of the test is I min.
During the test the conductor shall not pull out of the clamping unit.
Breaking of the conductor or of any strand of a stranded conductor is determined b.1'
examining the entire terminal while the conductor is still connected aft er the test. The
conductor or strand of a stranded conductor shall not be visibly deta ched.

-- -- ···-- -..--- l
Cross-sectio nal area D iame te r of
Height Ii WeIgh I

of a rigid cond uctor bush ing

mm' mm mm
I! N
I 6.5 240 i 15 !
280 I
25 I
4 9.5 280 I 25
16 13 300 I
80 I
110 I I

185 26 430
Rev ision of this test is under consideration.

IS/lEe )09·1 ( 1988 )

shall be used only for acce ssories having a rated current of at least
11 .10 Lug terminals J • J

. I are pro vided, they shall be fitted with spring washers or equally
63 A: if such terrnm a s • J

effective locking means .

Compliance is checked by inspection.

11 .11 Each terminal shall be located in proximity to its corresponding terminal o~ terminal~
of different polarity, and to the intern al earthing terminal, if an y, unless there IS a soun
technical reason to the contrary.
Compliance is checked by inspection.

11 .12 Clamping screws or nuts of earthing terminals shall be adequately locked against
accidental loosening, and it shall not be possible to loosen them without the aid of a
Unless two screws in pillar type terminals are used, a test is required to prove the
locking capabilities .
A test is under consideration.

Compliance is checked by inspection and by manual test,

11.\ 3 Terminals shall be so located or shielded that :

_ screws becoming loose from the terminals cannot establish any electrical connection
between live parts and metal parts connected to the earthins terminal;

_ conductors becoming detached from live terminals cannot touch metal parts connected
to the earthing terminal:
_ conductors becoming detached from the earthing terminal cannot touch live parts.
This requirement applies also 10 terminals for pilot conductors.

Compliance is checked by inspection and by manual test.

11.\ 4 When the conductors have been correctly fitted, there shall be no risk of accidental
contact between live parts of different polarity or between such parts and accessible
metal parts, and, should a wire of a stranded conductor escape from a terminal, there
shall be no risk that wires emerge from the enclosure.
The requirement with regard to the risk of accidental contact between live parts and
acce ssible metal parts does not appl y to accessories having rated voltages not exceeding
50 V.

Compliance is checked by inspection and. where the risk of accidental contact between live
parts and other metal parts is concerned. by the following test.
An 8 mm length of insulation is removed from the end of a flexible conductor having a
cross-sectional area in the middle pf the range specified in Sub-clause 11.4. One wire of the
stranded conductor is left free and the other wires are fully inserted into and clamped in
the terminal. The free wire is bent. without tearing the insulation back. in every possible
direction. but without making sharp bends round' barriers.
The free wire of a conductor connected to a live terminal shall neither touch any metal
part which' is nor a live part nor emerge from the enclosure, and that of a conductor
connected to the earthing terminal shall not touch any live part.
If necessary , the lest is repealed with the free " ire in another position.

Ism:c J09·1 ( 1911 )

12. Interlocks

12.1 An interlock shall he incorpo rated in socket-outlets and connectors not comply 109 with
the appropriate tests for breaking capacity and normal operation .

interlocks shall he linked with the operation of a switching device so thai the plug
can neither be withdrawn from the socket-outlet or connector while the contacts are
alive. nor be inserted while the switching device is in the "ON" position .

Socket-outlets and connectors shall be so designed that . after engagement with any
complementary accessory. the interlock operates correctly .

The operation of an interlock sha ll not be impaired hy normal wear of the portion of
the plug used for interlocking.
The mechanical switching device for a mechanical interlock may be incorporated 10 the
socket-outlet or connector.
Compliance is checked by inspection after the tests of Clause 2/ .

12.2 Mechanical switching devices for interlocked a.c. switched socket-outlets shall be in a
utilization category of at least AC 22 according to I EC Publication 408.

Mechanical switching devices for interlocked d.c. switched socket -outlets or connectors
shall be of category of duty according to the application.
Accessories having an integral switching device and operated by the plug need not
comply with requirements of I EC Publication 408 but shall be in accordance with
Clauses 20 and 2 I of this standard .
Compliance is checked by inspection. by mea.~urement and bv tests.

13. Resistance to ageing of rubber and thermoplastic material

Accessories with enclosures of rubber or thermoplastic material, and parts of

elastomeric such as sealing rings and gaskets. shall be sufficiently resistant to ageing.

Compliance is checked by an accelerated ageing test made in an atmosphere having the

composition and pressure of the ambient air.
The samples are suspended freely in a heating cabinet, ventilated by natural circulation.
The temperature in the cabinet and the duration of the ageing test are ,'
70 ± 2 °C and 10 days (240 h}. for rubber:
.80 ± 2°C and 7 days (/68 h], for thermoplastic material.
After the samples have been allowed to attain approximately room temperature. they are
examined and shall show no crack visible to the naked ere. nor shall the material have
become sticky or greasy.
After the test. the samples shall show no damage which would lead 10 non-compliance
with this standard.

IS/lEe 309-1 ( 19" )

If there is a doubt as to whether the material has become s.ticky. the sample is placed on
one oj. the pans OJ.r a b i nad the other pan is loaded with' a mass equal to the. mass
a ance
of the sample plus 500 g. Equilibrium is then restored by pressing the sample with the
forefinger. wrapped in a dry piece of coarse woven cloth.
No trace of the cloth shall remain on the sample and the material of the sample shall
not stick to the cloth.
The use of an electr ically heated cabinet is recommended.

~atural circulat ion may be prov ided by holes in the walls of the cabinet.

14. Geller.1 collStructlon

14.1 Accessible surfaces of accessories shall be free from burrs, llashes and similar sharp
Compliance is checked by inspection.

14.2 Screws or other means for fixing the part carrying the socket-outlet contact or the part
carrying the ' plug contact to its mounting surface , in a box or in an enclosure, shall be
easily accessible.
These fixings and those which fix the enclosure shall not serve any other purpose
except in the case whereby an internal earthing connection is established automatically
and in a reliable way by such a fixing.
Compliance is checked by inspection.

14.3 It shall not be possible for the user to alter the posinon of the earthing contact, or of
the neutral contact. if any. in relation to the means of non-interchangeability of the
socket-outlet or connector, or in relation to the means of non-interchangeability of the
plug or appliance inlet.
Compliance is checked by manual test to ensure that only one mounting position is

14.4 Socket-outlets and connectors when mounted as in normal use and without a plug in
position shall ensure the degree of protection specified on its marking.

In addition. when a plug or appliance inlet is fully engaged with the socket-outlet or
connector. the lower degree of protection of the two accessories shall be ensured.

Compliance is checked by inspection.

15. Coatnc:tiotl of socket-oatlets

15.1 Contacts shall be so designed as to ensure adequate contact pressure when completely
engaged with the corresponding plug.
Compliance is checked by the temperature-rise test of Clause 22.

IS/IEC JOt·1 ( I'" )

15.2 The pressure exerted netween the socket lind plug contacts shall not be so great as to
make insertion and withdrawal of the plug difficult . It shall not be possible for the plug
to work out of the socket-outlet in normal use.
Compliance is checked by inspection.

15.3 Socket-outlets shall be so constructed as to permit :

- the conductors to be easily introduced into the terminals and secured therein;
- the correct positioning of the conductors, without their insulation coming into contact
with live parts of a polarity different from that of the conductor ;
- the covers or enclosures to be fixed easily after connection of the conductors.
Compliance is checked by inspection and by an installation test "'it1l conductors of the
largest cross-sectional area specified in Table Ill.

15.4 Enclosures and parts of a socket-outlet providing protection against electric shock shall
have adequate mechanical strength: they shall be securely fixed in such a way that they
will not work loose in normal use. It shall not be possible to remove these parts without
the aid of a tool.
Compliance is checked by inspection.

15.5 Cable entries shall allow the introduction of the conduit or the protective covering of
the cable so as to afford complete mechanical protection.
Compliance is checked by inspection and by an installation test with conductors of the
largest cross-sectional area specified in Table III.

15.6 Insulating linings. barriers and the like shall have adequate mechanical strength and shall
be fixed to the metal casing or the body in such a way that either they cannot be
removed without being seriously damaged or be so designed that they cannot be replaced
in an incorrect position.
Compliance is checked by inspection and by the tests of Sub-clause 18.2 and Clause U.
The use of self-setting varnish is allowed for fiJI in. insulatin. Iininp.

15.7 When a plug is not engaged, socket-outlets shall be totally enclosed when fitted with
screwed conduits. or polyvinyl chloride sheathed cables. The means for achieving total
enclosure and that for ensuring the marked degree of protection. if any. shall be securely
fixed to the socket-outlet. In addition. when a plug is completely engaged. the socket-
outlet shall incorporate means for ensuring the marked degree of protection.

Lid springs. if any, shall be of corrosion-resistant material such as bronze. stainless

steel or other suitable material adequately protected against corrosion.

Socket-outlets, splashproof or up to and including IPX4 designed for only one

mounting position may have provision for opening a drain-hole at least 5 mm in
diameter or 20 mm/ in area with a width of at least 3 mm which is effective when the
socket-outlet is in the mounting position.

Compliance is checked by inspection. by measurement and by the tests of Clauses 18. 19

and 21.

IS/lEe 309·1 ( 19")

I he '''tal enc losure and the marked degree of protecti on may be ac h ie ved by means o f a cover.

A draln.hole In the back of the enclosure of a socket-outlet. splas hproof or up to and including IPX4 intended
to he mo un ted on a ver tical wall is deemed to be ef fect ive onl y If the desi gn o f th e encl osure en sures a
clea ra nce "~ I a t lea.,1 5 mm frum the wall . or prov ides a dra inage cha n nel of at least the srze speci f ied ,

15.8 Socket-outlets having rated operating voltages exceeding 50 V shall be provided with
earthing contacts.
Compliance is checked by inspection.

16. Coostruction of plugs and ecaeeeeors

16.1 The enclosure of plugs and connectors shall completely enclose the terminals and the
ends of the flexible cable.
The construction of rewirable plugs and connectors shall be such that the conductors
can be properly connected and the cores kept in place so that there is no risk of contact
between them from the point of separation of the cores to the terminals.

Accessories shall be so designed that they can only be reassembled so as to ensure the
correct relationship between the components as originally assembled.

Compliance is checked by inspection and. if necessary. by manual test.

16.2 The various parts of a plug or connector shall be reliably fixed to one another in such
a way that they will not work loose in normal use. It shall not be possible to dismantle
plugs or connectors without the aid of a tool.

Compliance is checked by manual test and by the test of Sub-clause 24.3.

16.3 If an insulating lining is provided, it shall have adequate mechanical strength and shall
be secured to the enclosure in such a way that either it cannot be removed without
being seriously damaged or it is so designed that it cannot be replaced in an incorrect

Compliance is checked by inspection and by the tests of Sub-clauses 18.2 and 24.3.
The use of self-setting varnISh IS allowed for fixing insulating lin ings.

16.4 Plug contacts shall be locked against rotation and shall not be removable without
dismantling the plug.

Compliance is checked by inspection and by manual test.

Co ntacts of r1utl' may be either floating or fited .

16.5 Contacts of connectors shall be self-adjusting so as to ensure adequate contact pressure.

Contacts other than the earth contact shall be floating.

Earth contacts need not be floating provided that they have the necessary resilience in
all directions.

Compliance is checked by inspection and by test.

lSIlEC 309·1 ( 1911)

16.6 The pressure exerted by the contacts of connectors on the plul contacts shall not be so
great as to make insertion and withdrawal of the plug difficult. It shall not be possible
for the plug to work out of the connector in normal use.

Compliance is checked by inspection.

16.7 Plugs shall incorporate means for ensuring the marked degree of protection against
humidity when in complete engagement with the complementary accessory .
It shall not be possible to dismantle this means without the aid of a tool.
Compliance is checked by inspection and by the tests of Clauses 18 and 19.

16.8 Connectors shall be totally enclosed when fitted with a flexible cable as in nonnal use
and when not in engagement with a complementary accessory. In addition, they shall •
incorporate means for ensuring the marked degree of protection when in complete
engagement with the complementary accessory:

The marked degree of protection against humidity wben the complementary accessory i. nOl in position may
be achieved by means of a lid or cover.

The means for ensuring the marked degree of protection shall be securely fixed to the
Lid springs shall be of corrosion-resistant material, such as bronze, stainless steel or
other suitable materials adequately protected against corrosion.

Compliance is checked by inspection and by the tests of Clauses 18. /9 and 2/.

16.9 Plugs and connectors having rated operating voltages exceeding SO V shall be provided
with earthing contacts.
Compliance is checked by inspection.

17. Construction of appliaace lalets

17.1 Plug-contacts shall be locked against rotation and shall not be removable without the aid
of a tool.

Compliance is checked by inspection and by manua! test.

Contacts may be either floatin. or filled.

17.2 Appliance inlets shall incorporate means for ensuring the marked degree of protection
against humidity when an appropriate connector is completely enpaed.

It shall not be possible to dismantle this means without the aid of a tool.
Compliance is checked by inspection and by the tests of Qauses 18 and /9.

17.3 Appliance inlets having rated operating voltage exceeding SO V shall be provided with
earthing contacts.
Compliance is checked by inspection;

IS/lEe 309-1 ( lUI )

Ill. Degrees of protection

I lU Accessories shall have the degrees of protection marked on the products.

Compliance is checked by the appropriate tests mentioned in the sub-clauses below.

The tests are made on accessories fitted with the cables or conduits for which they are
designed. sere....'ed glands and fixing screws of enclosures and covers being tightened with a
torque equal to two-thirds of that applied in the tests of Sub-clause 24.5 or 25.1. as
Screwed caps. if any. are tightened as in normal use.
SMket-outlets are mounted on a vertical surface so that the open drain-hole. if any. is in
the lowest position and remains open.
Connectors are placed in the most unfavourable position and the drain-hole. if any.
remains open.
SMut-outlets and connectors are tested with and also without . the complementary
accessory in engagement. the means for ensuring the required degree of protection against
moisture being positioned as in normal use.
Plugs and appliance inlets are only tested when in engagement with the complementary

18.2 Accessories marked with IP symbols shall be tested in accordance with Sub-clause 18.1
and lEe Publication 529.
Immediately after the tests, the- samples shall withstand the electric strength test
specified in Sub-clause 19.3, and inspection shall show that water has not entered the
samples to any appreciable extent and has not reached Jive parts.

J8.3 Accessories marked with drop symbols shall be tested in accordance with Sub-clauses 18.1
and 18.4.

18.4 The enclosure of splashproof and watertight accessories shall provide the degree of
protection in accordance with the classification of the accessory .

aJ Sp/4sltproof accessories are sprayed with water for 10 min by means of the spray
apparatus. shown in Figure J. which comprises a tube formed into a semi-circle. The
radius of th,. circle is 200 mm or a multiple of 200 mm and is as small as is
compatible with the size and position of the sample. . The tube is perforated so that jets
of water are directed towards the centre of the circle. and the water pressure at the inlet
to the apparatus is equivalent to a head of about ' /0 m.

1M tube is caused to oscillate through an angle of J 20 0 • 60 0 on either side of the

vertical. the time for one complete oscillation (J 20 0 x 2) being about 4 s.
Th« sample is mounted at the centre of the semi-circle formed by the tube. so that its
lowest TNJ" is level with the axis of oscillation. During the test. the sample is turned
tJbout its vertical axis or moved transversally.
1"'1f'fediQtely afterwards, the sample is subjected for 5 min to splashing in all directions
by fftlans of the splash apparatus shown in Figure 4. During this test. the water pressure
is 50 regulated that the water splashes up 15 em above the bottom of the bowl. The

IS/lEe JOt-I ( .'U)

bowl is placed on a horizontal support 5 em 10 1(1 I'm bcl«...· th« ImH'." rdg« of th«
sample: the bowl ts moved around .\0 a ,l to Ipla.lh the sample from all directions . Cart' "
taken that the sample is not hi: by the direct .leI.

bt Watertight accessories are immersed for :!4 h in ...'uter at a temperature of "'(I ± 5 ' C.
the highest point of' the sample being about 5 em belo ...· the ...-atrr level

Immediately after the treatment specified under Items a ) or b ), Ihe samples shall
withstand the dielectric strength test specified in Sub-clause 19.3. and inspectio» sltall shoMO
that water has not entered the samples to any appreciable extent and has not reach..d live
parts .

18.5 All acces sories sha ll be proof against humid cond itions which may occur in normal usc.

Compliance is checked by the humidity treatm ent described in this sub-clause, followed
immediately by the measurement of the insulation resistance and by the dielectric strength
test, specified in Clause 19. Cable entries . ~f any. are lef) open : if knock-outs are provided.
one of them is opened.
Covers which can be removed without the aid of a tool art' removed and subjected to the
humidity treatment with the main part ; spring lids art> open during this treatment.

The humidity treatment is carried out in a humidity cabinet conta"''''1f air wuh a relative
humidity maintained between 91% and 95%. The temperature of the air. 01 all places M'he"
samples can be located, is maintained within 1 "C of any convenient value I Mt.·un 10 "C
and 30 °C.
Befort' being placed in the humidity cabinet. the samples are broughl to a temperature
between t and t + 4 0C.
The samples are kept in the cabinet for:
1 days (48 h) for ordinary accessories.
7 days ( / 68 h) for all other accessories.
In most cases. the samples ma y be brought to the temperature speCIfIed by keepln. them at Ih.. temperature
for at least 4 h before the humidity treatment .

A relative humidity between 91% and 95% can be obtaiRed by placing in the hurniduy cabinet a ..Iunated
solution of sodium sulphate (Na,sO.) or potassium nitrate (KNO ,) IO water, ha vlO, a suffiCIentl y large contact
surface with the air .

In order to achieve the specified conditions within the cabinet. it I' necessary to ensure constant circul at ion of
the a ir with in it and. in general. to use • cabinet which is thermally insulated

After this treatment, the samples shall show no damage witnin the meaninll of this

19.1 The insulation resistance and the dielectric strength of accessories shall be adequate.

Compliance is checked by the tests of Sub-clauses 19.1 and /9.3. ""hieh are made
immediately after the test of Sub-clause /8.5 in the humidity cabinet or in the room in

ISIIEC _·1 ( 1'")
which the samples wen broufht to the prescribed temperature, after reassembly of covers
which may have />Hn nrtto'lftl.
Accessories with enclosures of thermoplastic material are subjected to the additional test of
Sub-dause 19.4.
For the purpose of these tests. the neutral contact and the pilot contact are each cons idered as a pole.

19.2 11Ie insulation resista"ce is measund with a d.c. voltage of approximately 500 V applied.
the measurement ~i,., made l min after application of the voltage.
11Ie ittstlMtion resistance shall be not less than 5 Mn.
The term " body" includes all accessible metal parts, metal foil in contact with the oute~ surface of external
pans of insulating material. other than the engagement face of connectors and plugs. fiXIng screws of bases.
enclosures and covers. external assembly screws and earth ing term inals, if any.

\9 .2.\ For socket-outlets and connectors. the insulation resistance is measured consecutively:

a) between all ,ok! connected together and the body. the measurement being made with
and also without a plug in engagement;
b) between each pole in tum and all others. these being connected to the body, with a plug
in engagement;
c) between any metal enclosure and metal foil in contact with the inner surface of its
insulating lining. if any. a rap of approximately 4 mm being left between the metal foil
and the edge of the lining:
d) between any metal part of the cable anchorage of connectors and metal fml wrapped
round the flexible cable. or a metal rod of the same diameter as the flexible cable.
insertH in its place.

19.2.2 For plugs and appliance inlets. the insulation resistance is measured consecutively:

a) /Htween all poles connected together and the body;

b) /Htween each pole in tum and all others. these being connected to the body;
c) between any metal enclosure and metal foil in contact with Ihe Inner surface of its
insulaling lining. if any. a gap of approximately 4 mm being lefl between th« metal foil
and the edge of tb« lining;

d) between any metal part of the cable ,,"chorage of plugs and metal foil wrapped round
the flexible cable. or a metal rod of the same diameter as the flexible cable inserted in
its place.

19.3 A voltage of substantially sine-wave form. having a frequency of 50 Hz/60 Hz and the
value shown in Table V is applied for l min between the parts indicated in Sub-clause 19.2.

ISIIEC lOt-I ( 1911)

T~lIu V

l n vu l.n ro n \ ~ dIJ~ C 1,1 t he' .h.\. c' ~ 'l,.l f~ • 1(' ~ , \ ' lh ~tt:C'
i \"
~--------_._ - -~_ . __.__.__.- ._- ....--- - .,--.-- - -
.-- .-- - .- --- .-- . ~._. ,.- •.~---.--.- -- _. - - -.-, -~---- ..-_i
! l r h' ;JnJ mclu dr ng )0 '-ou
o ve r ~O u p h I 3 n J Ind u J ,"~ ~ ) ~ :: UUU : i
o ver 41 ' up It \ dnd in cludrn p ' IKI : '00
o ver ) (K) .\ (lUO

" The invularion voltage " at least equal t" the higheu rated " p" ratt ng ",Ita.e

~l Thi s val ue I~ inc reased to ~ ~ OO V Io r metal e n clovu res hned '-'l1h lO\utatmg
rn.u erral .

Initially. no more than half the prescribed voltage is applied. then it is raised rapidly to
the full value.
No flashover or breakdown shall occur during the test.
Gl ow discharge, with out drop in voltage are neglected .

19.4 Immediately after the test of Sub-clause 19.3, it sha ll be verified that for accessories with
enclosures of thermoplastic material the means of providing non-interchangeability have
not been impaired.

20. Bre.IIIDB capacity

Accessories without interlock shall have adequate breaking capacity.

Compliance is checked by testing any accessory with a new complementary accessory that
complies with the relevant standard.
The test position shall be horizontal or, if not possible. a.f in normal U.fe.

Any accessory having an integral switching device operated by the plug or appliance inlet
shall be mounted as in normal use.
The plug or connector is inserted into and withdrawn from the socket -outte« or appliance
inlet at a rate of 7.5 strokes per minute.
The speed of insertion and separation of the plug or connector shall be n.8 ± It.! m l s.

The measurement of speed is made by recording the interval of rime between insertion or
separation of the main contacts and the insertion . or separation of the earthing contact.
relative to the distance .
Electrical contacts shall be maintained for no more than 4 s and no len than 2 s.

The two accessories shall be separated at least bv 50 mm .

The number of cycles is specified in Table VJ.
IS/IEC JOt.l (1911)

A stroke is an insertion or a withdrawal of a plug or appliance inlet.

A cycle is composed of two strokes, one for insertion and one for withdrawal.

The samples are tested at I.] times tlte rated operating voltage and 1.25 times the rated
Accessories for a.c. only are tested with a.c. in a circuit with cos qJ as defined in Table VI.

Accessories for d.c. only are tested with a non-inductive load.

Accessories having a rated operating voltage or rated current higher for a.c. than for d.c.
are tested with d.c. in a non-inductive circuit. and with a.e. in a circuit such that cos rp is
as in Table VI. A new set of accessories is used for the second test.

The test is made using the connections shown in Figure 5 except that for accessories
having a rated voltage of 380 V-"15 V. the metal support is permanently connected to the
neutral. In all other cases. for two-pole accessories the selector switch C. connecting the
metal support and the accessible metal parts to one of the poles of the supply . is operated
after half the number of strokes: for three-pole accessories. the selector switch C is operated
after one-third of the number of strokes and again after two-thirds of the number of
strokes. so as to connect each pole in turn.

Resistors and inductors are not connected in parallel. except that. if an air-core induaor
is used. a resistor taking approximately 1% of the current through the inductor is connected
in parallel with it. Iron-core inductors may be used. provided the current has substantially
sine-wave form. For the tests on three-pole accessories, three-core inductors are used.

During the test. no sustained arcing shall occur.

After the test, the samples shall show no damage impairing their further use and the
entry holes for the plug contacts shall not show any serious damage.

Breaking capacity

!tlled current
A Number of cycles

Preferred raling.\ Other ratings a.c, d.c.

Sene. 1 Series " Range cos cp ±0.05 on load on load
16 20 up 10 29 0.6
32 50 50
30 from 30 10 59 0.6
63 50 50
60 from 60 10 99 0.6
125 20 20
100 from 100 10 199 0.7
250 20 20
200 from 200 10 250 0.8 10 10

ISIIEC JOt·l ( 1,..)
::! I. Normal operation

Accessories sha ll with stand. without excessive wear or other harmful effect. the
mechanical . electrical and thermal stresses occurring in normal use .

Compliance is checked by test ing any accessory with a 1It'I4' complementary' acussory' that
complies with the relevant standard.

This test is carried out by the same mtans as in Clause 10 used in the manner indicated
in that clause.

The test posit ion is as specified in Clause 20.

The test is made using the connections indicated in Clause 20, the selector switch C being
operated as prescribed in that clause.

The plug or connector is inserted into or withdrawn from th« socket-outlet or appliance
inlet at a rate of 7.5 strokes per minute.
Accessories are submitted alternately to cycles with and ....ithout current flowing except
those rated at 16/20 A which are only tested under load.
The samples are tested at a rated operating voltage and rated current.

After each 500 strokes, the contacts of the plug are wiped with a piece of dry cloth.

Accessories without interlock which have been subjected to the tests of Clause 20 are
tested with a number of cycles specified in Tobit' VI/. Accessories for a.c. onl» aft' tested
with a,c. in a circuit with cos ({J as specified in Table VII.
Accessories for d.c. only are tested with a non-inductive load.
Accessories having a rated operating voltage or rated current higher for a.c. than for d.c.
are tested with both d.c. in a non-inductive circuit, and with a.c. in a circuit such that
cos ({J is as in Table VI/. A new set of accessories is used for the second test.

Accessories with interlock are tested without current flowing, the interlock being locked
and unlocked after each complete insertion of the plug.
The number of cycles is the sum of the on and off load of Table VI/.
During the test, no sustained arcing shall occur.
After the test. the samples shall show:
- no wear impairing the further use of the accessory or of its interlock, if any:

- no deterioration of enclosures or barriers:

- no damage to the entry holes for the plug contacts that might impair proper working ;

- no loosening of electrical or mechanical connections :

- no seepage of sealing compound.
The samples shall then withstand an electric strength test made in accordance with
Sub-clause /9.3. the test voltage, however, being decreased by 500 V for accessories having
an insulation voltage exceeding 50 V.
The humidity treatment is not repeated beror~ the electric strength ICSl or lh i, sub-clause

IMI:C 309·1 (19")
. . .r
LId springs . I any. are teste
d b completell' opening and closing the lid. the number of
y . . ' 'ifi .
.. db ' the same as the numb er of mseruons of the plug spec I led In
rimes the lid IS opene eing
Table VI/.
Th " te't ma y be combin ed with the test for the accessories .

Normal operation

Rated current Numbe r of cy~lc:s
i A

Preferred Other a.c. d.c.

ra ting rat ing

Series I
! Seri es \I Range
cos CjI
on load off load on load off loa d
0.6 5000 - 5000 -
32 I 20
1 000
1 000
1 000
1 000
63 60
0.7 250 250 250 250

I 100 100 to \99

250 200 200 to 250 08
I 125 125 125 125

22. T. .perat8re rise

Accessories shall be so constru cted that the temperature rise in normal use is not
Compliance is checked by testing any accessory with a ne w complem entary accessory that
complies with the relevant standards.
17Ie test current is an alternat ing current of the value shown in Table VIlI.
Re ...tirable accessories are filled with conductors of a cross-sect ional area as specified in
Table V /I I, the terminal screws or nuts being tightened with a torque equal to two-thirds of
tltal specified in Sub-clause 25.1.
For the purpme of tkis test. a length of at least 2 m of the cable is connected to the
Non -re ...-irable access ories are tested as delivered.

For access ories "a ving three or more poles. the test current dllring the test shall be passed
thrQugh the phase contacts. If there is a neutral contact. a separate test shall be carried out
pani"g the test current through the neutral conta ct and the nearest phase contact.
A further separate test shall be carried out passing the test current tltf'QUgh the earthing
coetact and the nearest phase contact.
A current of 2 A shall be passed througb the pilot conta ct. if any , at the same time as
any of these tests.
IS/lEe 309-1 (1988)


Cro ss-sectio nal area(s) of th e conductors

Preferr ed Test
rated current curre nt
(A ) (A)
Appli an ce inlets Socke t-out lets
Con nectors

Ser ies I Series II mm ' mm '

16 20 22 2.5 ') 4 )
32 30 42 6 ') 10
63 60 rat ed cur rent 16 25
125 100 rated cu rr ent 50 70
250 200 rated current 150 185 ' )

I) Fo r accessori es having a rated opera ti ng voltage not exceeding 50 V. th e val ues a re increas ed t o 10.

z) 150 mm' for 200 A Ser ies II.

The duration of the test is:

1 h for accessories having a rated current not exceeding 32 A;
2 h for accessories having a rated current exceeding 32 A but not exceeding 125 A;
3 h for accessories having a rated current exceeding 125 A.
The temperature is determined by means of melting particles. colour-changing indicators.
or thermo couples which are so chosen and positioned that they have negligible effect on the
temperature being determin ed.
The temperature rise of terminals shall not exceed 50 K.

23. Flex ible cables and thei r connection

23.1 Plugs and connectors shall be provided with a cable anchorage such that th e cond uctors
are relie ved from strain, including twisting, where th ey are connected to the terminals or
terminations, and that their covering is protected from abras ion.
Cable anchorages shall be so designed that the cable cannot touch acce ssible metal
parts or internal metal parts, for example cable anchorage screws, if these are electrically
connected to accessible metal parts, un less the acce ssible metal parts -are connected to the
internal earth terminal.

Compliance is checked by inspection.

23.2 Requirements for plugs and connector

23.2.1 Non-rewirable plugs and connectors

Accessories shall be provided ·with a Oexible cab le complying with IE C Publication 245-4
of one of the types specified in the following table, the nominal cro ss-sectional area
being not less than the value shown.

ISIIEC 309-1 ( 1911 )

T.-\ IlU IX

TH'" ,,1' ca ble No minal cross-section

Jln:lt:r rt:J r.ned curr en t , •
......... __
.. , - ~---------
II:C ~ ~5

II> zo 5J " . 57 " . 1:>6 i 2.5 11

53 " . 06
Ill> i 16
1~ 5 100 1:>6 " 50

~ 5l)
._ _ ._ ~ ..
06 "
·_ - - - - L- -
- _ -J

" -\ cce, ,, ,, ie' hJ ' i n ~ J ra ted ope ra t ing vo ltage not ex ceed ing 50 V. va lue inc re ased to 4 .

" ," " , a pp lica ble to J CI·e."Orte, hav ing a ra ted ope ra ting vo ltag e ex cee d ing 4 15 V.

" O n I ) a pp licable for .\ P + J. a nd l P + J.

.. On I) a pp lica ble fo r 3 p + J.
. , For non -p refe rre d curren t rat ings. val ues a re u nder co n sider at io n.

Flexible cable s having nominal cross-sections other than those specified in Table IX
may be used if the load is known.
The core connected to the earthing terminal shall be identified by the co lour
combination green /yellow. The nominal cross-sectional area of the earthing cond uctor and
of the neutral conductor. if any. shall be at least equal to that of the phase conductors.
The pilot conductor. if any. shall have a nomin al cross-sectional area of at least
1.5 mm.
Compliance is checked by inspection and by the test of Sub-clause 23.3.

~ 3 .~ . ~ Rewirable plugs and connectors

it sha ll be clear how the relief from strain and the prevention of twisting is intended
to he effected :
- cable anchorages shall present no sha rp edges to the cable and shall be so designed
that the an chorages or their components cannot be inadvertently lost when the
accessory is being dism antled :
- makeshift methods. such as tying the cable into a knot or tying the ends with string,
sha ll not he used :

- cable anc ho rages and cable inlets sha ll be suitable for the different types of flexible
cable which may be connected .

If a cable inlet is pro vided with a sleeve to prevent damage to the cable, this sleeve
shall be of insul ating mater ial and shall be smooth and free from burrs.

If a bell-mouthed opening is provided . the diameter at the end shall be at least 1.5 times
the diameter of the cable with the largest cross-sectional area to be connected.
Helical metal sp rings. whether bare or covered with insulating material, are not allowed
as cable sleeves.

Compliance is checked by inspection and by the test of Sub-clause 23.3.

lSIlEC )09·1 ( 1911 )

23.3 Plugs and connectors provided with a fl e xible (,11M" are .Iub" """" III a pull tcvt In apparatus
similar to that shown in Figure 6, [u llo H'"" bv a torqu« 1t'.I;

Non-rewirable accessories are tested as delivered.

Rewirable accessories are tested firs t with one and th en wtt]: the oth er tvpe (If cable,
com plying with l EC Publication 245-4 , as speci fied in TaM.. X.


, . - - -,.-- - - - -r - - -, - - -----,.---- - - - .- - - .- .- --- .-._"-' .._ _..._..__.....-.. ...~

Preferred rat ed Ty pe of No mi na l ! App ro llmatt' ex re r n a1 d ia m eter \ \f t he l."dN e " I
T_~,.P_" , _'I_a_C_(".'_ _\~(-r~-\ '---'' '---1
curr e nt cable cross-
A section
1 ,-- _--._ ', --

Seri es I Series II I E C 245 mm' ~ P 3 P i : p+ J.

No t 16 20 66 4 135
exceedi ng 66 10 213
50 V 32 30 66 4 13 .~
66 10 213

\6 20 53 1 , SI I IU, ., 10 0
66 2.5 I 1.'0 ! 14.0 I~ ~
Over 32 30 53 2.5 I I I.~ I: ~ 140

50 V 66 6 .0 I )7.1 : I ~ .' I : 13

E~ E; ~: ~
63 60 66 60
66 16
125 100 66
II !i W3
l 4 ~.' 11
250 200 66 70 i I -14 , ! 4H H

L... -'--- --'- -'- -..l

L ._---~_._ ~~..~.~ .- -~~
' ) The va lue for each of the approximate external d iameters sho wn i, the average value of the urp'" and lo"'e, IIm ,to
specified in I EC Publication 2454 for the overall diameter of the cable

II Values are under con side rati on .

Conductors of the cable of rewirable accessories are introduced into th« terminals, the
terminal screws being tightened j ust suffic iently to prevent the conductors from easily
changing their position.
The cable anchorage is used in the normal way, clamping screws being IIghlened with a
torque equal to two-thirds of that specified in Sub-clause :25.1. After reassembly of tht'
sample. with cable glands, if any. in position, the component parts shall fi t .rnugly and it
shall not be possible to push the cable into the sample to any appreciable ext ent.

The sample is fixed in the test apparatus so that tht' axis of the cable is vertical where it
enters the sample,
The cable is then subjected 100 times to a pull of th« value shown in the table below.
Each pull is applied without jerlcr and has a duration of I s,
Immediately afterwards. the cable is subjected for I min to a torque of th« value shown
in the following table.

ISIIEC )09.1 ( 1988)


Pre tc rr ed r.tleJ cu rre nt

Force Torque
Se ne-, Sene s II
SO 0.3 5
II> ~o
~ .:: .\0 100 OA25
63 eo I~O 0.8
1 ~5 100 100 1.5
~ ~o 100 ) 00 3

During the tests. the cable shall not be damaged.

A/in the tests. the cable shall not have been displaced by more than 2 mm. For rewirable
accessories, the ends of the conductors shall not have moved noticeably in the terminals : for
non-rewirable accessories. there shall be no break in the electrical connections.

For the measurement of the longitudinal displacement. a mark is made on the cable at a
distance of approximately ;} em from the end of the sample or the cable anchorage before
starting the tests. If for non-rewirable accessories. there is' no definite end to the sample, an
additional mark is made on the body of the sample.
After the tests, the displacement of the mark on the cable in relation to the sample or
the cable anchorage is measured.

14. Mechanical strength

::!4.1 Accessories sha ll have adequate mechanical strength .

Compliance is checked by the appropriate test s of Sub-clauses 24.2 to 24.5 as follows :

.• for socket-outlets and appliance inlets. Sub-clause 24.2 :

.- for re...·irable plug s and connectors, Sub-clause 24.31}:
[or non-re...-irable plug s and connecto rs, Sub-clauses 24.3/1 and 24.4 :
. [or glands of splashproo] and watertight accessories, Sub-clause 24.5:

- for accessories ...'ith a degree of protection higher than I PXV. Sub-clause 24.5.

Before starring the test of Sub-clause 24.2 or 24.3. accessories with enclosures of resilient
or thermoplastic material are placed. with their bases or flexible cables. in a refrigerator at
a temperature of - 25 ± ;: "C for at least 16 h; they are then removed from the refrigerator
and im m ediatel y subj ected to the test of Sub-clause 24.2 or 24.3. as appropriate.

14,1 Blo ... · ~ are applied to the samples by means of the spring-operated impact test apparatus
shown in Figure 7.

The apparatus consists of three main parts: the body, the striking element and the
spring-loaded release cone.

1S/I}:C JOt·1 ( I'U )

The body comprises the housing. the striking element guide. the release mechunism and
all parts rigidly fixed 'hereto . The ma .\\' of this assemblv is 1 ~5(/ g.
The striking element comprises the hammer head. the hammer ,l haJi and ,hc' cocklnll
knob . The mass of 'his assembly is ~50 g.
The hammer head has a hemispherical face of polyamide hal'ing a Rockwell hardness of
HR 100. with a radius of 10 mm ; i, is fixed to 'he hammer shaft in such a It·u.r that 'he
distance from its tip to 'he plane of the front of 'he cone. when 'he striking elemen! is on
the point of release, is 28 mm .
The cone has a mass of 60 g and the cone spring is such that it exerts u force I!f :0 N
when the release jaws are on the point of releasing the striking dement.
The hammer spring is adjusted so that the product of the compression. in millimetres. and
the force exerted. in newtons, equals 2 000, the compression being approximately 28 mm.
With this adjustment, the impact energy is I ± (1.05 Nm.
The release mechanism springs are adjusted so that they exert just sufficient pressure to
keep the release jaws in the engaged position.
The apparatus is cocked by pulling the cocking knob until th« release jaws t'ngagt' ....;Ih
the groove in the hammer shaft .
The blows 'are applied by pushing 'he release cone against the sample in a direction
perpendicular to the surface at the point to be tested.
The pressure is slowly increased so that the cone moves back until it is in contact It'ilh
the release bars, which then move to operate the release mechanism and a/lo...' tht' hammt'r
to strike.
The sample is fixed as in normal use to a rigid support. Cable entries are It'jt open and
fixing screws of covers and enclosures are tightened It'ith a torque equal to two-thirds of
that specified in Table X/V.
Three blows are applied to every point that is likely to be weak.
After the test, the samples shall show no damage within tht' meaning of this standard; in
particular. live parts shall not have become accessible and the enclosure shall .rhow /10
cracks visible to tlte naked eye.
Watertight accessories and those with a degree of protection IPX7 and above shall
withstand the relevant treatment specified in CIIW5e 18.
Accessories with enclosures of thermoplastic material shall wiUuu..d the teat of
Sub-clause 19.4.
Damage to the finish, small dents whi<:h do nOl reduce creepage diataac:es or ~...a.CClo bela'" the nIue,
specified in Sub-clause 26.1, and small chips which do not adversely affect 1M prOlectlon apiJUI eleemc _hock or
moisture are neglected.
Cracks not visible to the naked eye and surface cracb in fibre reinforced mouldinp and the like are

24.3 Rewirable accessories are fitted with the lightest type of flexibl« cable of tM slfUlilul
cross-sectional area for the relevant rating specified in Tobit' X.
Non-rewirable accessories are tested as delivered.
The free end of the cable. wltich is about 2.25 m long. is fixed to a wall at a height of
75 em above the floor. as shown in Figure 8.

ISIIEC 309-1 ( 19118 )

The sample is held so that the cable is horizonta! and then it is allowed to fall on to a
concrete floor. This is done eight times. the cable being rotated through 45 ° at its fixing
each time.
After the test. the samples shall show no damage within the meaning of this standard; in
particular. no part shall have become detached or loosened.
Watertight accessories and those with a degree of protection IPX7 and above shall
withstand the relevant treatment specified in Clause 18.
Accessories with enclosures of thermoplastic material shall withstand the test of Sub-clause
Small chip' and dents which do not adversely affect the protect ion aga inst electric shock or moisture are

24.4 Non-rewirable accessories are subjected to a flexing test in an apparatus similar to that
shown in Figure 9.
The sample is fixed to the oscillating member of the apparatus so that, when this is at
the middle of its travel. the axis of the flexible cable, where it enters the sample, is vertical
and passes through the axis of oscillation.
The oscillating member is so positioned that the flexible cable makes the mlmmum lateral
movement when the oscillating member of the test apparatus is moved over its full travel.

The cable is loaded with a weight such that the force applied is as shown in the
following table.


Preferred rated current


Series I Series II

16 20 20
32 30 25

A current equal to the rated current of the accessory is passed through the conductors.'
the voltage between them being the rated voltage.
The oscillating member is moved backwards and forwards through an angle of 90° (45°
on either side of the vertical), the number of flexings being 20 ()()() and the rate of flexing
60 per minute.

After the test, the samples shall show no damage within the meaning of this standard.

A Ilexing is one movement, either backwards or forwards.

For accessories having a rated current exceeding 32 A. details of the test are under consideration.

24.5 Screwed glands are filled with a cylindrical metal rod having a diameter. in millimetres,
e~~l to the nearest whole number below the internal diameter of the packing; in
~'I"metres. ~e glands are then tightened by means of a suitable spanner, the force shown
rn the following table being applied to the spanner for I min, at a point 25 cm from the
axis of (he gland.

L'\IIEC JOt·1 ( I'")
•_ _ ._- - . •..••__. - -.._ ..• - - . .- ...- - ..... ··· · 1

t------------~._ ----_.----~I
Diameter of Force
test rod N

mm Gland. o f
M~l,,1 glands
mt>uldC\l m.I~f1.1 i

Up to and including 20
Over 20 up to
and including 30
Over 30

50 11 --..L

l J
II These values arc: provisional.

After the test, the glands and the enclosures of the samples shall show no damage within
the meaning of this standard.

25. Screws, curreDt-carryiDg parts aDd coaDeCtiollS

25.1 Connections, electrical or otherwise, shall withstand the mechanical stresses occurring in
normal use.
Screws transmitting contact pressure and screws which are operated when connecting
up the accessory and have a nominal diameter less than 3.5 mm shall screw into a metal
nut or metal insert.

Compliance is checked by inspection and. for screws and nuts transmitting contact prnSIUY
or which are operated when connecting up th« accessory. by the following test.

The screws or nuts are tighit!ned and loosened :

- ten times for screws in engagement with a thread of insulat;", material:
- five times for nuts and other screws.
Screws in engagement with a thread of insulating material are completely remoll~ a.nJ
reinserted each time.
This removal and insertion of the screws or nuts shall be carried out at such a rate that
the thread in the insulating material suffers no appreciable temperature rise owing '0
When testing terminal screws and nuts. a copper conductor hamsg the la'6est
cross-sectional area in Table Ill, rigid (solid or stranded) for socket-outlets and appliance
inlets and flexible for plugs and connectors, is placed in 'he terminal.
The test is made by means of a suitable scrrNdriver or spanner. The maximum 'orque
applied when tightening is equal to that shown in 'he Table XIV except 'hat 'he torque is
increased by 20% for screws in engagement with a thread in a hole which is obtained by
plunging, if the length of the extrusion exceeds 80% of the original thickness of the metal:

IS/IEC 309·1 ( 1' " )


i i To rqu e
I ~ el ro c Nominal d ia meter I
II sra ndard of thread I N 'm
val ue -, mm


~5 Lp 10 and includ ing ~ .8 0.2 0.4 0.4

to and
to and
includ ing
incl udin g
3 .~
I 35 o ver 3 .~ up 10 and incl udi ng 3.6 0.4
40 ove r 3.6 up to and includ ing 4.\ 0.7 L2 L2
·U 0 \ "( ( 4.\ up to and incl uding 4.7 0.8 1.8 1.8
5.0 0\0 cor 4.7 up to and incl uding 5.3 0.8 2.0 2.0
60 ov er 5.3 up 10 and includ ing 6.0 1.2 2.5 3.0
11 0 over 6.0 up 10 and includ ing 8.0 2.5 3.5 6.0

I 10.0
I ~O
10 and
to a nd
includ ing
incl uding
4.0 10.0
14.0 over 12.0 up 10 and incl uding 15.0 19.0
16.0 ov er 15.0 up to and including 20.0 25.0
zo.o over 20.0 up to and includi ng 24.0 36 .0
240 over ~4 .0 50.0

Column I applies to screws without heads which when tightened do not protrude from
the hole. and to screws which cannot be tightened by means of a screwdriver
ha ving a blade wider than the diameter of the screw.
Column /I applies to other screws and nuts which are tightened by means of a
Column /II applies to screws and nuts which can be tightened by means other than a
Each time the clamping screwis) or nutts) is (are) loosened. a new conductor shall be
used for a further connection.
When a screw has a hexagonal head with means for tightening with a screwdriver and
the values in columns II and III are different. the test is made twice, fir st applying the
torque specified in column III to the hexagonal head and then. on another set of samples.
applying. Ihe torque specified in column II by means of a screwdriver. If the values in
columns II and III are the same. only the test with the screwdriver is made.

After the test for clamping screws or nuts. the clamping unit shall not ha ve undergone
changes thai adversely affect its f urther use.
For mantle termi na ls, the specified no mi na l diameter is tha t of the s lotted stu d ,

For mant le terminal s in wh ich the nut is lightened by means ot he r th an a screwdriver a nd fo r whi ch the
nom ina l sere.. d iameter is over 10 mm . the value of the torque is unde r con sideration.

Scr ews o r nuts wh ich are o perated when con nect ing up the access o ry include te rm inal screws or nuts. assembly
screws. screws for fixing cove n. etc. but not co nnecti ons for screwed co nd uit s and screws for fixing socket-outlets
or appl iance inlets 10 the mounting surface.

The shape of the blade of the test screwdriver shall suit the head of the screw to be
tested .
The screws and nuts shall not be tightened in jerks.
Damage (0 cover s IS neglected .

ISIIEC )09·1 ( It11)

25.2 Screws in engagement with a thread of insulating material and which are operated when
connecting up the accessory shall have a length of engagement of at least J mm plus
one-third of the nominal screw diameter, or 8 mm, whichever is the shorter.

Correct introduction of the screw into the threaded hole shall be ensured.
Compliance is checked by inspection. by measurement and by manual ten .
The requirement with regard to correct introduct ion is mCI If mtroducuon o f t he .ere" rn a ,lanlln, manner
is prevented, (or example by guiding the screw by tbe pan 10 be fixed. b~ a recess In ine t h rcad cd ho le or by
the usc of a sc re w with tbe leading thread removed .

25.3 Electrical connections shall be so designed that the contact pressure is not transmitted
through insulating material other than ceramic, pure mica or other material with
characteristics no less suitable,' unless there is sufficient resiliency in the metallic parts t<
compensate for any shrinkage or yielding of the insulating material.

Compliance is checked by inspection.

The su ita bility o f the material is con sidered with respect I" irs d imensiona l stat- di \ ~

25.4 Screws and rivets which serve as electrical as well as mechan ical connections. shall be
locked against loosening.
Compliance is checked by inspection and by manual test.
Spring washers m a y pro vide sati sfacto ry lock ing .

For ri vet s. a non-circu lar sh ank or a n appropriate notch may be ,ulf'C1e nl.

Sealing compound which softens on healing provides satisfactory lock mg o n l ~ I", ..crew connecuon - n<lI SUt-IC" \
to torsion in normal use .

25.5 Current-carrying pans, other than terminals, shall be either of :

an allo y containing at least 50% copper ;
or other metal no less resistant to corrosion than copper and having mechanical
properties no less suitable.
Compliance is checked by inspection and. if neCt'Hary. bv chemical analvsrv .

The requirements for terminal s are inc luded m C1au,e II .

25.6 Contacts which are subjected to a sliding action in nonnal use shal! he of a metal
resistant to corrosion.
Springs ensuring the resilienc y of contact tube s shall he of metal resistant 10 corrosion
or be adequately protected aga inst corrosion.
Compliance is checked by inspection and, if necessary. by chemical analvsis .
A te st for determi n ing th e re vistance to corros ion o r t he adequacy o f t he p ro tecu o n ,t)I_un "'l ...·(Irr•.l... ro n " u n ~kr
consideration .

IS/IEC 309-1 ( 1'81 )

26. . Creepage distall«5. c1earaaces alld clistall«5 through seali.g c018po11Dd

26.1 Creepage: distances, clearances and d ista nces t h roug h se aling compound shall be not less
than the values in millimetres shown in Table XV.


Insulation voltage of the accessory


Up 10 a nd
Over 50 up 10
a nd incl udi n g
Over 41 5 up
to an d
50 415 including 500

Cr~~p<Jg~ dtstunc«
I . between live part-, o f d ifferent polar ity 3 4 6 10
, between II-e parts and :
- accessible metal part....
earth ing contacts. fi\ ing screws and sim ila r
- e vter nal ,,,scmbl) screws, ot he r than screws
whi ch arc c>n the engagement face o f plugs
a nd are isolated from the earth ing co ntacts 3 4 6 10


J. betw een live part> of d ifferent polarity
~ betwee n lI, c pa rt , and : I
2.5 4 6 8
- acc e,..ible metal pa rt .. 0 \) 1 listed undcr
, I
u cm 5
c"l rl h l n ~ l.' \) 1l 1.1('h. Ii vrng ~ rC: \lt'i a nd sim ilar
dcvrcc -,
", c vrc rnal a"embl) \Cn: "'i. ot he r than
'IoIr.: r ( \\, " h ich are o n the engagement facc
\11' pl u ~ , ,' nd a rc: i",la ted fro m the earthing
",·\) nl .l(h
, bet wc e n pJ r h a nd .11 \ (
2.5 4 6 8
I mel.,1 encl o vurev , ,f n OI lined with insular -
Inll m ~lIC' r"ll
'Url.h,: ': o n "h ICh the base o f a socket -out-
h..' 1 mo u nt ed
" 4 6 10 10
/' ~·I "\·\.· 11 a nd the bouorn l,f an y
, 11\ (' r .Jr h
,:.1Ihlurtl 1r r\.-\,." l"'" rn Ihr 1\; o f a soc ke t-o ut -
1<1 4 5
~_ . - . ._-_._-.
~ - _ . ~ -, - " __ ..
10 10

""" " ,hroU't(h \t'uh",l( co mpn und
In c
part" cu ..ered .. it h at least
=.. mm of ,e"lmll compound and the surface
" 0 " hrch the h'I\e of 41 socket-out let is
moun ted 2.5 4 6 6
X ~t~ern h\iC pdr" covered wi th at least
~ m m t' ( ,.".hnll compound dnd the bottom
an ) conductor recess 'n the base of a
" ·t lullcl 2.5 4 5 5
..._.... _ -_. ~ - - ... ~ __._- -

Compliance is checked by measurement.

For rewirable accessories, the measurements are made on the sample fitted with
conductors 0/ the largest cross-sectional area specified in Table Ill, and also without
conductors. For non-rewirable accessories, the measurements are made on the sample as
delivered .

So cket -outlets and connectors are checked when in engagement with a plug and also
...tithout a plug.

lSIlEC JOt-I ( I'")

Th e co nt rib ution to the creepage dist.mce of an ) g lUm e Ie" Ihan I mm ..,de .s limited 1<\ 11 . "' ,dth

Any ai r ga p less than I m m " ide i, ignored 10 cornpuung the 10\al c1 ear. n<~

The surface on wh ich the ba se of a socker-outtei " mounted Includes an~ surface .. lIh ...·h,c h the haM' .. ,n
co ntact when the sockel-o~tlet is insta lled. If the base is prov ided .. ith a ~etal plate at the bkk. thOi plate "
not regarded as the mounting surface.

26.2 Sealing compound shall not protrude above the edge of the cavity in which it l!i

Compliance is checked by inspection.

27. Resistance to heat, ~re and tracking

27.1 Accessories shall be sufficiently resistant to heat.

Compliance is checked by the tests of Sub-clauses 27.2 and 27.3.

27.2 The samples are kept for I h in a heating cabinet at a temperature of 100 ± 5 'C
They shall not undergo any change impairing their further use. and sealing compound
shall not flow to such an extent that live parts are exposed.

Marking shall still be easily legible.

A slight displacement of the scaling compound is neglected .

27.3 Parts of insulating material are subjected to a ball -pressure test by means of the
apparatus shown in Figure 10.
The surface of the part to be tested is placed in the horizontal position and a steel ball
of 5 mm diameter is pressed against this surface by a force of 20 N.
The test is made in a heating cabinet at a temperature of:
125 ± 5 °C for parts supporting live parts of rewirable accessories;

80 ± 3 °C for other parts.

After I h. the ball is removed and the diameter of the impression measured. For
materials which show deformat ion. this diameter shall not exceed 2 mm.
For elastomeric materials a lest is under consideration.

The lest is not made on part s o f ce ra mic materi al

27.4 External parts of insulating material and insulating parts supporting live parts of
accessories shall be resistant to abnormal heat and to lire .
Compliance is checked by the glow-...·ire test given in 1£ C Publication 695-2-1 ...·ith (he
following specifications.
The test apparatus is shown in Figures Iia and I lb .
A piece of white pinewood board. approximately I() mm thick and covered with a single
layer of tissue paper. is positioned at a distance of 200 ± 5 mm below the place where the
glow-wire is applied to the accessory.

IS/lEe )09-1 ( 1988 )

71,e temperature o] the tip of the glow-wire is:

{)50 ± IIJ C tor purtv of insulating material not necessary 10 retain current-carrying parts
IJnJ partv o] . the earthing circuits in position. even though they are in contact
with them .

850 ± . I necessary to retain current-carrying parts and

15 'C for parts of insulating materia
parts or the earthing circuits in position .

Duration 0/ the application is 30 ± I s.

The accessories are stored for 24 h in an atmosphere having a temperature between 15 °C
and ]5 "C and a relative humidity between 45% and 75% before starting the test.

The tip of the glow-wire is applied to the following places :

- in the middle of one external part for each material, with the exception of glands and
sealing compounds;
- in the middle of an insulating contact-carrying part for each material.
The tip is applied 10 flat surfaces and not to grooves, knock-outs, narrow recesses or
sharp edges and if possible not less than 9 mm from the edges of the accessories. The
movement of the tip of the glow-wire into the accessory shall be mechanically limited to
7 mm.

The test is made on one specimen. In case of doubt regarding the results of the test, the
test is repealed with IWO further specimens.
The accessories are considered to have withstood the glow-wire lest if:
- there is no visible flame and no sustained glowing, or
- flame or glowing of the specimen or of the surroundings extinguish within 30 s after the
removal of Ihe glo....-wire. and the surrounding parts have not burned away completely.
There shall be no permanent ignition of the tissue paper.

:!7.5 Insulating parts supporting live parts shall be of material resistant to tracking.

For materials other than ceramic. compliance is checked by the following test.
A flat surface of the part to be tested. if possible at least 15 mm x 15 mm. is placed in
the horizontal position .

T....o electrodes of platinum or other sufficiently non-corrosive material, with the dimensions
shown in Figure 12 are placed on the surface of the sample in the manner shown in that
figure, so that the rounded edges art' in contact with .the sample over their whole length.

The force exerted on the surface by each electrode is about I N.

The electrodes are connected to a 50 Hz supply source having a voltage of 175 V, of

substantially sine-wave form . The total impedance of the circuit when the electrodes are
short-circuited is adjusted by means of a variable resistor, so that the current is 1.0 ± 0.1 A
and cos IP is 0.9 to I. An overcurrent relay, with a tripping time of at least 0.5 s. is
included in the circuit.

The surface of the sample is wetted by allowing drops of a solution of ammonium

chloride in distilled water 10 fall midway between the electrodes. The solution has a volume

IS/lEe J09·1 (

resisti vity of -IVO fl em at :!.'o '{', COffc'lpolltllllg t/l U , 'til /( 0 11, .111'1/' /II I/I>,," t "I , I h « tI,/lP,
ha I'e a volume o f :!o ' ,: mm ' a nd fa ll [rom <l heigh: /II 3(1 mill / " ./0 "''''

The lime interval between one drop and th., n nl I I 3/1 1: ' I

No flas h o ver or breakdown bet ween e1ectrodc'l lh'lll /lccur bct ur« U tot al 01 51/ drop I ha s

Th e te st is not mad e o n acc evsori c, h.1\ I n~ r~It t"J , ' pl· r . 1 1 1I 1 ~ \1 \1t ..t ~(" n (\1 C" l("t"d JII ~ ~(1 \

A revision of t h is test is un der conv ide ra u on

28, Resistance to rusting

Ferrous parts, including enclosure s, shall be adequately protected against rusting ,

Compliance is checked by the fo llowing test.

All grease is remo ved from the parts to be tested , by immersion in carbon-tetrachloride,
trichloroethane or an equivalent degreasing agent fo r 10 min. 17Je parts are then immersed
for 10 min in a 10% solution of ammonium chloride in water at a temperature l~f
20 ± 5 °C.
Without drying, but after shaking o.ff any drops, Ihe pam are placed for f() min in a
box containing air sat urated with moisture at a temperature o] 20 ± 5 ' c.
After the parts have been dried fo r f() min in a heating cabinet at a temperature oj
100 ± 5 dc. their surfaces shall show no signs of rust.
Traces of rust o n sharp ed ges and an y yellowish film remova ble h) r u hhl n ~ are I~ n "red

For sma ll he lical spri ngs a nd t he like . a nd for inacccvvihle partl expo sed 10 ab ravro n. a la ) cr .,t ~ rra\< rna)
pro vid e suff icie nt pro tec tion agai nst ru sung. Such pa rts are su bjected to the te \! " nl) If t here 1\ d o uhl a""ul t he
effect ive ne ss of the grease fil m and the test i, then mad e ",it h,'ul previo us rem ova l of rbe ~rra ~

IS/lEe 309-1 ( 1988 )

r -S oc ket-outlet

Supply _

. \ Aexible cable

Plug and socket-outlet ~

Cable coupler


Flexible cable Appliance coupler


Connector -'

Appliance Inlet

FIG . I. -- Diagram showing the use of the accessories.

l"lIEC 309·1 ( 1'" )

- 180 · ,
S f'Cl llJf l
- - 90' A A B8

Insulating rnatenat

Stop plate

Detsll , X
. ., ".-" -%,/:f -_ -

Chamfer all edges

Part 3 Part 2 V,ew on back side PIIrt

Linear dimen sions in millim etres

Tolerances on dimensions without specific Material of finger : e.g. heat -treated steel
Both jomtv 01 Ihl\ I,nllc r rna ) "" ~nl th'ouJlh .m anllk
on angles: _I~' of 90 ".It . hut In o n e and the "-.1 mc ~IrC(ll nn , ' n l~

Usin g the pin and llH"-"'C' " , IUl tOn 1\ n nl~ o ne (.\( Ihe-
on linear dimensions: possible approaches in o rder h ' 11 m" thc "-'od ,nll anIle
For th i~ reason dlmrn\IOn\ .and tolerances of
up to 25 mm : ~~Ol to' QOC>
these delai" are not gl\cn in the dr... mlt The a'1ual
over 25 mm: ± 0.2 design mu st ensure a 9W "-'nd,nll a ngle .. "h .. 0 10
+ 10· tolerance ,

FIG, 2, - Standard test finger.

IS/lEe 309·1 ( 1988 )

Inside: diameter 01 lube 15 rnm.

Holes 0.4 mm in diameter at 50 mm centres through

wall inside: bend 01 tube . over an arc subtending an
angle: 01 60° on either SIde: 01 the: vertical .

FIG . 3. - Spray apparatus.

IS/lt:C .\09-1 ( 1988 )



Dimensions in millimetres

FIG. 4. - Splash apparatus.

IS/lEe )09.1 ( 1988 )


2P 2 P+ --:!.-



I .---+---+-~

3 P+N+--b-

FIG . 5. - Circuit diagrams for breaking capacity and normal operation tests.

Ism:c )09·1 ( 1911)

1--- _

- -'.

- I




Dimen sions '" mill imet rrs

FIG. 6. - Apparatus for testing the cable anchorage.

IS/lEe 309·1 ( 1988)

Release-mechanism spring

,-Release cone Release bar

L Hammer head
Hammer spring Hammer shaft Cocking knob

FIG. 7. - Impact-test apparatus.

"' 1

Dim"'lJions in millime/res

FIG. 8. - Arrangement for mechanical 6trength test for plugs and connectors.

Ll\IIEC. JOt·1 ( 1.11 )

Device for fixin~

the sample

Ax is of oscillation
- J - - - - W eighl

Dimensions in millim~l~s

FIG. 9. - Apparatus for flexing lest.

FIG. 10. - BaH-pressure apparatus.

IS/lEe )09·1 ( 1988 )

7 9

6 Sleep

1 car na ge 7 sca le for measure of flame

J tcn i lHnlng cord ~ scale for penetration

.j base plate 9 glow-wire

10 break -through in base plate for parti cles

falling from the specimen

1"1(; . Ila . - Test apparatus (example).

lS/..:C JOt.l ( 1'" )


~- -

Detail Z

Dimensions in millime/res

I glow-wire hard soldered at

2 thermocouple

J stud

FIG. l Ib. - Glow-wire and position of the thermocouple.

IS/l Ee 309-1 ( 1988 )


2 ±0.1

Slight ly rounded edge

5±0.1- l -11.- 0.15 ± 0.05

Dim ensions in millim e/res

FIG . 12. - Arrangement and dimens ions of the electrodes for the tracking test.

IS/IEC JOt·l ( I'" )

Cond ucto r cross-sectio nal area Gaug e

Flexible Rigid (solid or stra nded ) Diamerre a Tole rances lor a

( mm') (mm') (mm ) (mm)

1.5 1,5 2,4

2.5 4 2.8

4 6 3.6

6 10 4.3

10 - 5.3

16 25 6.9

50 70 12.0

70 - 14.0
- 0.08

- 150 18.0

-_O_.~ _ _ ~
150 185 20.0
L- -L... ---l.. --J

Dim ensions in millimrtres

Maximum cross-section of conductors and

correspond ing gauges.

Mater ia l: steel

FIG . 13. _ Gauges for testing insert ab ility of round unprepared conductors having the
ma ximum specified cross-section.

lS/IEC 309·1 ( 1981 )

la Pillar rer rrunalv

~ . .
.. ...,
' ./ 1' .

d. Stud terrrun ats

c Stu.htle le ,mlO ,lh

FIG. 14. - (continued on page 55 ).

lS/IEC 309·1 ( 1'" )

r. Lug te rm inals .

g. Man tle te rminals.

FIG. 14. - Examples of terminals.

IS/lEe 309-1 ( 1911 )

Clamping unit

37 .5

Bushing hole


FIG. 15. - Equipment test arrangement.

lS/IEC 309·1 ( 1911 )


Metric and A WG /MCM

conductor size
equ ivalents

Conductor size
mm' AWG /MCM

1.0 18
\.5 16
2.5 14
2.5 12
4.0 10
6.0 10
10 8
16 6
25 4
35 3
50 I
50 o
70 00
95 000
95 0000
120 250
150 300
185 350
185 400
240 500

NOles I. - The nearest equivalent

values are given for
AWG /MCM and metric
sizes .
2. - Either of the two
conductors specified for a
given test current range
ma y be used.
The values recommended by I EC
Sub-Committee 178 are gi ven as a
guide for use while other ratings are
under consideration .

IS/lEe J09.J ( J'")

Plugs. socket-outlets and couplers

for industrial purposes

Part 1: General requ irements


Page 2 SUbclause 7.2

Subclause 2.1 .1
Delete the triangle around the two
drops .
Add, at the end of the first sentence:

... or incorporated in equipment. Page 8

Subclause 7.3
Subclause 2.2.1
Delete "or identification mark"
Add, at the end of the subclause: remove the comma and add "or"
between "name" and "trade mark"
In general, a connector has the same contact
arrangement as a socket-outlet.
Add, at the end of this subclause:

Subclause 2 .2.2 The marking for rated current. nature of

supply! rated operating voltage and
Delete the following sentence: (manufacturer's name or trade mark or
the responsible vendor's name or trade
In general, a connector has the same contact
mark) the name. trade mark of the
arrangement as a socket-outlet. manufacturer or of fhe responsible
vendor, may be repeated on the lid. if
_any .
Page 5

Subclause 2 .20
Page 9
Delete this subclause completely.
Subclause 7.6

Page 6
Delete "or identification mark" , remove
the comma and add "or" between
Subclause 6. 1.2
"name" and "trade mark".
Penultimate paragraph, altar to read:

(hinged) lids. Page 24

Subclause 19.2.·1
Page 7

SUbclause 7.1, fifth dash Delete the whole paragraph d)

Delete "or identification mark", remove Subclause 19.2.2

the comma and add "or" between
"name" and "trade mark". Delete the whole paragraph d) .

IS/lEe 309-1 (I'")

Page 30 Page 32-

Table IX Table XI

In the third column, write : Add wpul/ w to the title of the third
column .
IEC 245-4 .
Page 36
In the first column, delete from the title
the footnote number 5) and delete the Add, at the end of the page:
corresponding note following the table.
Screwed connections will have been
Page 31 partially checked by the tests of clauses
21 and 24.
Table X
Page 57
In the last column, add the footnote
number 2) to two dashes. Delete Appendix A.

(Continuedfrom secondcover)

The text of IEC Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as Indian Standard without deviation.
In theadopted standard certain terminology and conventions are not identicalwiththoseused in IndianStandards,
attention is specifically drawn to the following:
(a) Wherever the words 'International Standard' appear, referring to this standard, they shouJ4 be read
as 'Indian Standard'.
(b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standard. the current practice is to use
a point (.) as the decimal marker.
OnlyEnglish language text in International Standard has been retained while adoptingit as Indian Standard,and
as such the page number given here are not the same as in IEC publication.
In this Indian Standard, the following International Standards are referred to be read in their respectiveplaces :
Iniemasional Standard Corresponding Indian Degree of
Standard Equivalenu
IEC Pub 227-1 (1979) IS 694 : 1990 PVC insulated cables Technically
for working voltages up to and in-equivalent
eluding 1100 V (third revision)
IEC Pub 228 (1978) IS 8130 : 1984 Conductors for insu- Technically
lated electric cables and flexible equivalent
cords (first revision)
IEC Pub 245-4 (1979) IS 9968 (Part 1): 1988Elastomer-in- Technically
sulated cables: Part 1 For working equivalent
voltages up to and including 1100 V
(first revision)
IEC Pub 529 (1989) IS 12063 : 1987 Classification of Technically
degrees of protection provided by equivalent
enclosures of electricalequipment
IEC Pub 320 (1981) Nil
lEC Pub 83 (1975) Nil
IEC Pub 947-3 (1990) (Superseding IS 13974 (Part 3) : 1993 Specifica- Identical
1EC408) tion for low-voltage switchgear and
control gear : Part 3 Switches, dis-
connectors, switch disconnectors
and fuse combination units (Super-
seding IS 4064 (Part I and Part 2)
IEC Pub 695-2·1 (1980) IS 11<XX> (Part 2ISe£ 1) : 1984 fire do
hazard If:Sting: Part 2 Test mdhods.
Section 1Glow wire leSt and guidance
For the purpose of deciding whetheI" a particular requirement of this 'standard is comp~ied wi~ final,value.
observed or calculated expressing the result of a test. shall be roundedoff in ac~c~ With IS 2 . 1960 Rules
for rounded off numerical values (revised)'. 'The number of significant places retained In the rounded off value
shall be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
This standard also iocllldes a corrigendum which is given at the end.
Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization. marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.

BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publlcations), BIS.
Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users
of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of 'BIS Handbook' and 'Standards Monthly Additions'.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc: No. E1D 14 (2813).

Amendments Issued Since PubUcation

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected



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