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Project: Design and Construction of Underground Stations at Budhwar Peth, Mandai and
Swargate and Associated Tunnels for the Contract Package UGC-02
of the Pune Metro Rail Project.



Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited

Client (Maha-Metro)

Gulermak – TPL

Consultant TCPL- GC JV

Document No: P4B02-GUT-CV-BAS-PP4-00-00-DES-0007

Preliminary Design  ASSESSMENT REPORT (DAAR)

Definitive Design  P4B02-GUT-CV-BAS-PP4-00-00-


Office of Origin : Tandon Consultants Pvt. Ltd

Designed by : Nipun Jain

Checked by : Nikhil Agarwal

Approved by : Ashish Srivastava

This certifies that the report has been checked and approved in accordance with the approved
Preliminary Quality Assurance Plan Document No. P4B02-GUT-CV-BAS-PP4-00-00-DES-0001

Ashish Srivastava
(Lead Design Consultant)
Consultant Representative Contractor Representative



B01 21.10.2019 First submission

Maha Metro: Pune Metro: Contract UGC-02

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Development.................................................................................................................. 4
2. REFERENCES / DOCUMENTS MADE AVAILABLE ................................................... 5
2.1 Documents made available ............................................................................................. 5
2.2 Project Documents ......................................................................................................... 5
2.3 National Standards ......................................................................................................... 5
2.4 International Standards................................................................................................... 5
3. DESIGN PHILOSOPHY .................................................................................................... 6
3.1 General Assumptions ..................................................................................................... 6
4. POSSIBLE DETERIORATION MECHANISMS ............................................................. 8
4.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Concrete Degradation .................................................................................................... 8
4.2.1 Sulphate Attack....................................................................................................... 8
4.2.2 Chemical Attack ..................................................................................................... 9
4.2.3 Alkali – Silica Reactivity ........................................................................................ 9
4.2.4 Delayed Ettringite Formation .................................................................................. 9
4.2.5 Leaching ............................................................................................................... 10
4.2.6 Physical Deterioration of Concrete ........................................................................ 10
4.3 Reinforcement Corrosion ............................................................................................. 11
4.3.1 Reinforcement Corrosion due to Chloride Ingression ............................................ 12
4.3.2 Reinforcement Corrosion due to Carbonation........................................................ 13
4.3.3 Reinforcement Corrosion at Cracks ....................................................................... 16
4.3.4 Impact of Groundwater ......................................................................................... 18
4.3.5 Effect of Temperature ........................................................................................... 19
4.3.6 Corrosion in oxygenated environment ................................................................... 19
4.3.7 Stray Current Corrosion ........................................................................................ 19
4.4 Summary ..................................................................................................................... 20
5. SITE CONDITIONS AND MITIGATION MEASURES ............................................... 22
5.1 Chloride Content in Groundwater................................................................................. 23
5.2 Sulphate Content in Groundwater................................................................................. 23
5.3 Risk of Carbonation ..................................................................................................... 23

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5.4 Risk of Reinforcement Corrosion at Cracks.................................................................. 24

5.5 Risk of Alkali-Silica Reactivity .................................................................................... 24
5.6 Risk of Delayed Ettringite Formation ........................................................................... 24
5.7 Risk of Leaching .......................................................................................................... 25
6. RISK AGAINST DAMAGE DURING FIRE EVENT .................................................... 26
7.1 Durability Requirements as per Contract ...................................................................... 28
7.2 Provisions from Codes ................................................................................................. 29
REINFORCEMENT ................................................................................................................ 34
8.1 Exposure Class: ........................................................................................................... 34
8.2 Concrete grade, w/c ratio & cover to reinforcement: .................................................... 34
9. CRITICAL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ................................................................ 39
9.1 Concrete Production & Transportation: ........................................................................ 39
9.2 Reinforcement ............................................................................................................. 39
9.3 Placing of Concrete ...................................................................................................... 40
9.4 Cover to Reinforcement ............................................................................................... 42
9.5 Repairs......................................................................................................................... 42
9.6 Curing and Stripping of Formwork............................................................................... 42
10. FREQUENCY OF TESTS AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ................................... 45
11. MONITORING PROCESS DURING SERVICE PERIOD ........................................ 46
12. DURABILITY REQUIREMENT FOR CONCRETE ................................................. 47
13.1 Durability of Joints ...................................................................................................... 49
13.2 Durability of Sealants................................................................................................... 50
13.3 Waterproofing Membranes........................................................................................... 50
13.4 Structural Steel............................................................................................................. 50
13.5 Aluminium, Stainless and Mild Steel ........................................................................... 51
14. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. 52
ANNEXURE -1 ........................................................................................................................ 53
ANNEXURE -2 ........................................................................................................................ 54
.................................................................................................................................................. 55

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Maha Metro: Pune Metro: Contract UGC-02

The contract UGC-02 of Pune Metro consists of Design and Construction of Underground
Stations at Budhwar Peth, Mandai and Swargate and Associated Tunnels between Project
Start Chainage:14083.100m (Budhwar Peth Station) to Project End Chainage:16821.530m
(Siding Lines).

1.1 Scope

This document is prepared as part of Definitive Design Submission and shall assist the
structural design teams to design the system in line with current international durability
standards and guidelines and to comply with the project requirements and specifications. This
report shall be read in conjunction with ‘Outline Design Specifications’, (Part 2, Section VII
of Pune Metro tender document) and ‘Outline Construction Specifications’, (Part 2, Section
VIII of Pune Metro tender document).

This document provides a report on the various measures taken to achieve a 120-year design
life for Underground Package Cut & Cover Station Concrete Structures for the specific
environmental conditions that exist in Pune.

This report addresses various specific issues related to exposure condition, durability testing
and the acceptance criteria set by The Employer’s Specification in the tender documents
requires a service life of 120 years, specified in Part 2, Section VII, Subdivision 2, paragraph

Requirement from DAAR are specified in Clause 2.4.2 (3) of ODS which are as below:

1. The appraisal of the deterioration mechanisms that will affect various materials during
the service life.

2. The appreciation of the failure criteria for the elements and components.

3. The philosophy as to how the selected design will achieve the durability objective.

4. The identification of the critical elements and issues, their treatment (or additional
protection) with respect to the durability and provisions for rectification, if required.

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5. Monitoring requirements.

6. The specific provisions of the relevant International Codes/Standards (first

preference being given to BS Codes/Standards, where applicable) that will be
followed to explicitly meet the durability objective.

7. The requirements for the post construction maintenance.

1.2 Development

This report is prepared based on the available chemical analysis data from station locations.
At a later date, on receipt of information/data warranting review of the report, the durability
assessments as presented in this report shall be reviewed and, if required, revised.

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2.1 Documents made available

[1] UGC-01/Contract Documents/ Employer’s Requirements, Part 2

2.2 Project Documents

[1] Geotechnical Factual Report

[2] Geotechnical Interpretive Report
[3] Mix Design along with test reports of concrete and its constituents by CJV

2.3 National Standards

[1] IS 456: 2000

[2] IS 800:2007

[3] IS 1161: 1998

[4] IS 2062: 2006

2.4 International Standards

[1] Eurocode 0 (BS EN 1990: 2002)

[2] Annex to Eurocode 0 (BS EN 1990: 2002 + A1:2005)

[3] Eurocode 2 (BS EN 1992-1-1:2004)

[4] Annex to Eurocode 2 (BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 +A1:2008)
[5] BS 8500-1: 2006 Concrete Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1- Part
1: Method of Specifying and Guidance for the specifier

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All structures will be required to maintain adequate structural capacity and integrity and
sufficient serviceability to ensure the proper operation throughout its design life of 120 years.
Primary approach for designing durable concrete is based on assumption that a relatively
impermeable concrete with low diffusivity with required cover can assure the required design
life for structure subjected to aggressive environment.

The durability strategy will be to assess future probable conditions and material behavior on
basis of present knowledge of materials and predictions:

− Predicted environments to which an element is likely to be exposed.

− Severity of the exposure.
− Potential deterioration mechanism within this environment.

The design will be performed paying particular attention to proper structural detailing and
ensure that the steel reinforced in the concrete can withstand the aggressiveness of the ingress
of salty groundwater over the time period of 120 years.

Following grades of concrete are proposed for the RCC work of permanent works of project:

(a) All underground structures : M40

(b) All above ground structures including ancillary buildings : M40

3.1 General Assumptions

The considerations concerning the durability of the reinforced concrete elements in this report
are based on the following assumptions:

As, none of the existing codes provide guideline for 120 years design life. The most recent
codes which cited 120 years design life were BS 5400- Part 1, Part 4 & BD-31. We are
enclosing excerpts and conclusions from these codes (Refer Annexure1) and we confirm that
requirements for 120 years design life are adequately met with our recommendations in

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It is furthermore assumed that the concentrations of chlorides and sulfates in the groundwater
will not change significantly over the intended target design life of 120 years.

Inside surfaces of station box, columns and internal slabs, entry structures etc. have also been
covered in this report. These have been investigated for durability for carbonation as
Exposure Class XC3, BS: 8500-1:2006 Table A.1.

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4.1 Overview

It is essential that every concrete structure should continue to perform its intended functions
that are maintain its required strength and serviceability, during the specified or traditionally
expected service life. It follows that concrete must be able to withstand the processes of
deterioration to which it can be expected to be exposed.

Durability issue for concrete structures relate to degradation of the concrete and corrosion of
embedded steel. Both types of damage can be a major problem for all types of concrete

The extent to which a concrete structure is at risk to either form of degradation is dependent
on many factors including the specific local environment, concrete mix, method of
placement, etc. Different forms of attack relevant to the structures of Pune Metro project,
under the scope of this document are outlined below. Cracking of concrete can allow
aggressive agents to reach the reinforcement and accelerate the corrosion of reinforcement.

This section provides an overview of possible deterioration mechanisms for concrete and
reinforcement steel.

4.2 Concrete Degradation

Concrete degradation can happen from chemical attack (sulphates, acidic conditions and
alkali-aggregate) and mechanical damage.

4.2.1 Sulphate Attack

Sulphate attack of hardened concrete is caused by the reaction of sulphates with calcium
hydroxide and tricalcium aluminium hydrate, both of which are found in concrete. The
products of these reactions, gypsum and calcium-sulphoaluminate (ettringite) both have
greater volumes than the compounds from which they are formed. It is this expansion that
disrupts the hardened concrete, often resulting in spalling and cracking.

Especially in soils with relatively low temperatures, the presence of lime in the concrete
matrix (limestone or filler) can lead to an additional damage due to a subsequent thaumasite

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formation. The temperature limit is internationally stated as <15°C. Thus, thaumasite

formation is not seen as relevant in present project due to high ambient temperatures.

4.2.2 Chemical Attack

Concrete may be attacked by a range of chemicals. Strong acids rapidly attack the surface,
but the rate of attack of weak acids is much slower, or negligible in the case of some weak
organic acids. Alkalis can also cause deterioration. For example, strong solutions of sodium
hydroxide can attack siliceous aggregates in concrete. Attack by sulphates in solution is of
particular concern. In all cases where the possibility of a particular chemical coming into
contact with concrete is known in advance, the risk can be assessed and the concrete
protected by a surface treatment. In the case of a structure not expected to be exposed to
chemicals, other than on an infrequent, unpredictable or accidental basis, it is not usually
practicable to protect all surfaces and damage must be minimized by prompt maintenance
procedures to remove the spillage and clean the concrete.

The concrete mixes are conservatively set to be relatively impermeable (with low w/c ratio)
and include appropriate type of cement with supplemental cementitious materials to cover for
any worsening of exposure conditions. The immediate or short-term effect of any acid attack
is expected to be minimal and it is expected that necessary measures will be taken to address
the chemical attack to mitigate its long-term effects.

4.2.3 Alkali – Silica Reactivity

Alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) is a chemical process in which alkalis, present in cement,

combine with certain compounds (amorphous SiO2) in the aggregate when moisture is
present. This reaction produces an alkali-silicate gel that can absorb water and expand to
cause cracking and disruption of the concrete matrix.

The reaction is accelerated by additional alkali ingression from outside (seawater).

4.2.4 Delayed Ettringite Formation

Ettringite is a complex calcium sulphoaluminate hydrate that normally forms as an early

hydration product in Portland cement based concrete pastes. Delayed ettringite formation
(DEF) refers to formation of ettringite and related phases after setting and hardening of the
cement paste under presence of moisture. Formation of ettringite is accompanied by the

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development of high pressures, which exceed the tensile strength of the concrete and may
cause cracking.

DEF is most likely to occur in concretes hydrating at high temperatures. International

experiences show that hydration temperatures below 65°C give no significant risk of DEF.

4.2.5 Leaching

Concrete members exposed to water can be impaired by leaching of cement and binder. The
rate of leaching is affected by:

- Flow rate and turbulence

- Chemical state (lime-dissolving CO2, organic/inorganic acids, solved pollutants)
- Strength and porosity of concrete (abrasion resistance)

4.2.6 Physical Deterioration of Concrete

Deterioration of concrete can occur due to a number of physical phenomena which include:
 Surface Erosion:
Abrasion damage occurs when the surface of concrete is unable to resist wear caused by
rubbing and friction. As the outer paste of concrete wears, the fine and coarse aggregate
are exposed and abrasion and impact will cause additional degradation that is related to
aggregate-to-paste bond strength and hardness of the aggregate.

Although wind-borne particles can cause abrasion of concrete, the two most damaging
forms of abrasion occur on vehicular traffic surfaces and in hydraulic structures, such as
dams, spillways, and tunnels.

 Thermal Variations:
Concrete will expand when its temperature increases and contract when the temperature
decreases unless it is prevented from doing so by a restraint. Restraint of movement may
cause excessive strain and result in cracking of the concrete.

The concretes mixes used are robust, relatively impermeable and with good overall
quality and strength to help mitigate issues related to erosion or abrasion. The thermal
effects have been duly addressed in the design and have been provided for with
appropriate reinforcement to minimize any cracking.

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4.3 Reinforcement Corrosion

Corrosion of reinforcing steel and other embedded metals is the leading cause of deterioration
in concrete. When steel corrodes, the resulting rust occupies a greater volume than the steel.
This expansion creates tensile stresses in the concrete, which can eventually cause cracking,
delamination and spalling.

A sound non-contaminated, well cured concrete forms a highly alkaline protective

environment for embedded steel components, including the reinforcing steel. However, the
protective conditions can be lost leading to corrosion. The protective conditions for steel in
an alkaline solution are due to the formation of a very stable, thin film of iron oxide formed
on its surface, thus preventing further corrosion.

Reinforcing steel becomes passive as a result of the alkaline conditions within the concrete.
This alkalinity arises from two sources:

(a) Calcium hydroxide which is formed when the main cement constituents hydrate;
(b) Alkali metal hydroxides which are formed from the small amounts of sodium and
potassium oxides present in the cement.
Corrosion of steel embedded in concrete will only occur if the concrete is affected by
corrosive elements such as chlorides and carbon dioxide (carbonation), breaking down the
passive film. Corrosion damage occurs in these stages:

Induction Period before Corrosion Commencement

In an impermeable concrete the induction period can be many years. However, corrosion can
occur at an early stage when either the concrete is contaminated with corrosive elements at
the time of construction or if the concrete is highly permeable. Once corrosion starts, the rate
of corrosion will depend on several factors. These include concrete resistivity, moisture
content and the availability of oxygen.

Cracking, Delamination and Spalling of the Concrete Cover

Depending on the form of corrosion, cracking, delamination and spalling may occur after
only a slight reduction in bar thickness. This is because the resultant corrosion products
occupy large volumes that may be several times the original steel volume. Alternatively,
external signs of corrosion may be delayed until severe local loss of bar section has occurred.

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Damage to the concrete cover may increase or decrease the rate of corrosion of the
reinforcement, depending on the external environment.

4.3.1 Reinforcement Corrosion due to Chloride Ingression

Chloride attack is distinct in that the primary action is the corrosion of steel reinforcement,
and it is only because of this corrosion that the surrounding concrete is damaged. Corrosion
of reinforcement is one of the major causes of deterioration of reinforced concrete structures
in many locations.

Chloride attack occurs when chloride ions reach the steel reinforcement and break down the
protective oxide layer on the steel. Chloride ions affect the passivity of steel and cause the
development of local corrosion cells. Chloride ions present at the interface of steel and
concrete are not consumed in the reactions but may be considered as acting like catalysts by
promoting and continuing corrosion process. The interrelation between the chloride ions, the
concrete, relative humidity and extent of carbonation is complex. Chlorides can enter the
concrete at the time of construction, by use of contaminated aggregates or contaminated
water in the mix, and after construction from exposure to saline groundwater. Chloride
ingress occurs by simple diffusion, capillary risk, water movement through the concrete or by
evaporation and concentration effects. The rate of chloride ingress is dependent on the
concentration in the environment, the presence of water as a transport mechanism, thickness
of concrete cover to reinforcement and the quality of the concrete, which itself is dependent

 Water/cement ratio;
 Cement (binder) content;
 Placement & compaction;
 Temperature & quality of curing;
 Concrete admixtures
Chloride ions can always diffuse through concrete cover from ambient exposition to the
reinforcement steel surface. When reaching a critical concentration, the passivation layer of
steel gets dissolved. Under presence of moisture and oxygen a local corrosion reaction is

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 Fe → Fe2+ + 2e- (Anodic dissolving = oxidation)

 H2O + ½ O2 +2e- → 2 OH- (Cathodic reduction)
Since the anodic area is relatively small the corrosion abrasion is typically pit-like with
complete loss of steel cross section.

Challenge remains in defining critical chloride concentration level, below which corrosion
will not occur. In European countries as well as in North America it has become common
practice to limit the tolerable chloride content to or around 0.4% by weight of cement. In
probabilistic modelling the critical chloride content is a stochastic variable as e.g. in the FIB
model code for service life design, where CTL is defined by a Beta distribution with a lower
boundary of 0.2% chloride by weight of cement and a mean value of 0.6% by weight of

Limiting criteria for critical chloride levels for concrete is 0.6 kg/m³ concrete as per I.S. 456.
Note that GI report (ref Table 1of this report) shows, the chloride levels are in the very low
range for the considered package. A suitable concrete mix with low w/c ratio with
appropriate type of cement with supplemental cementitious materials is used for cut & cover
station. The concrete mixes have been tested to ensure both overall quality and for the
required service life, presented later in the report.

4.3.2 Reinforcement Corrosion due to Carbonation

Carbonation is widely recognized as one of the significant causes of corrosion of

reinforcement in concrete. Carbonation is a process in which carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere diffuses through the porous concrete and neutralizes the alkalinity of concrete.
Carbonation of concrete is the reaction of carbon dioxide, in the presence of moisture, with
hydrated cement paste. Carbon dioxide combines with the free lime (and other cement
hydrates) in the presence of moisture leading to a decrease in the alkalinity. As the
Portlandite in the paste becomes carbonated the pH drops further to around 8.3.

The carbon dioxide CO2 of the ambient air reacts with the calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 of the
concrete according to:
CO2 + Ca (OH)2 → CaCO3 + H2O

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Which, subsequently lowers the pH-value in concrete matrix by reducing the [OH-]

Figure 1 : Schematic Description of Carbonation Process

Under the presence of moisture and oxygen, a corrosion reaction starts:

Fe → Fe2+ + 2e- (Anodic dissolving = oxidation)
H2O + ½ O2 +2e- → 2 OH- (Cathodic reduction)
The maintenance of the passivation of reinforcing steel is conditional on the alkalinity of the
surrounding concrete remaining high. Thus, when the low pH front reaches the surface of the
reinforcing steel, the protective oxide film is removed and corrosion takes place (Walker
2002). This leads to general corrosion of the reinforcement.

Usually, the dissolved iron reacts with the hydroxide parts to more complex salts under
volume expansion which causes spalling / fretting of the concrete surface.

The properties like porosity, permeability, diffusion and capillarity show their effect on
carbonation and effects the durability of the concrete. The following factors have a significant
effect on the rate of carbonation

(a) Ambient relative humidity

The optimum effective relative humidity (RH) in the concrete for carbonation is 50-60%. At
a relative humidity above 95% the diffusion of carbon dioxide is very slow because of the

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reduced space for gaseous diffusion in water-filled pores. At a relative humidity below 50%
the supply of water to dissolve the carbon dioxide is limited and the rate of attack slows.

(b) Concentration of carbon dioxide

(c) Permeability of concrete

The penetration of concrete structures by carbonation is a slow process, the rate of which is
determined by the rate at which carbon dioxide can penetrate into the concrete. The rate of
penetration primarily depends on the porosity and permeability of the concrete. It is rarely a
problem on structures that are built with good quality concrete with adequate depth of cover
over the reinforcing steel. The rate of carbonation depends on:
a. The penetrability of the concrete (i.e. concrete quality)
b. The cement content and type (cement acting as a buffer to the carbonation

(d) Water cement Ratio / water binder ratio

It is found that the water cement ratio has a profound effect on carbonation for the normally
vibrated concrete and the depth of carbonation is directly related to water cement ratio. The
water cement ratio shall be kept to the minimum in the proposed design mix. The water
cement ratio of the water binder ratio will be controlled at the level of mix design; lower
water cement ratio will increase the compressive strength of the concrete and reduce the
permeability and will significantly reduce the depth of carbonation.

(e) Depth of cover to reinforcement

The depth of carbonation is reduced primarily when the reinforcement is provided with
substantial cover as per design specifications. In a temperate climate, the carbonation rate is
typically 10 to 15 mm over 40 years for good quality concrete. Again the rate of carbonation
follows a root-time law, so that doubling the depth of cover increases the time before
corrosion starts by a factor of 4.

(f) Curing period

Curing of concrete has an important contribution that influences many properties of concrete
and impacts directly the strength and service life. Appropriate curing helps in reducing the

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cracks and improves strength and durability; Increase in curing period increases strength of
concrete and decreases depth of carbonation.

(g) Grade of concrete & use of Supplementary Cementitious Materials

Minimum grade of cement, w/c ratio & using supplementary cementitious materials as per
BS code according to exposure class ensures satisfactory durability of concrete. Use of fly
ash helps in reducing the effect of carbonation. Many of the industrial by-products like
GGBS, Silica fumes help in improving the concrete strength as well as durability. GGBS and
Silica fume used as cement replacement materials in concrete help in ensuring less porous
concrete and good binding strength. The depth of carbonation depends on strength and
porosity of the concrete. Silica fume is very effective in reducing permeability of cement in
paste form and in concrete it also reduces porosity. It plays very significant role in the
process of development of high strength and high performance concrete.

(h) Placement and compaction of concrete

Proper placement and compaction of concrete ensure dense & high strength concrete which
ensures resistance against carbonation.

(i) Time of exposure

Early exposure to environment conducive to onset of carbonation should be avoided. This can
be ensured by ensuring curing and stripping the formwork only after concrete has attained
sufficient strength.

4.3.3 Reinforcement Corrosion at Cracks

Cracking is a basic principle of reinforced concrete structures when tensile stresses reach the
strength level of concrete. Since concrete is relatively weak in tension, cracks can develop as
shown in Figure 2, exposing the steel to even more chlorides, oxygen and moisture – and the
corrosion process accelerates. As corrosion continues, de-laminations – separations within the
concrete and parallel to the concrete surface- occur. De-laminations are usually located at, or
near, the level of the reinforcing steel. Eventually pieces of concrete break away forming
spalls in the concrete, which require repair to maintain structural integrity.

The specific crack formation depends on various causes like:

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 Hindered shrinkage due to moisture loss or settlement

 Hindered thermal strains due to hydration heat or cooling

 Hindered volume expansion due to boundary restraints

 Stress states from construction activities

 Stress states from designed load conditions

The crack width is normally limited by steel strain at reinforcement level (refer Figure

Effective range of the Reinforcement

2&Figure 3).

Figure 2 : Cracks at Reinforcement

Figure 3 : Cracks at Reinforcement

Cracks in concrete can form a path way for aggressive agents such as chlorides and water to
reach the reinforcement. Cracking is caused and exacerbated by a range of influences
including environmental conditions, design and construction.

An increased corrosion risk of reinforcement steel in cracked zones can only be expected if
the specific crack width exceeds a critical value which depends on various parameters.

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Commonly, it is internationally experienced that crack widths on surface not greater than
0.20 mm do not unfavorably affect the corrosion risk coming from non-chloride impacts.

Pune Metro is designed with crack width limitations as per applicable codes and standards for
the environmental conditions that exist in Pune.

4.3.4 Impact of Groundwater

Concrete buried in the ground is naturally protected from the more extreme environmental
effects such as short-term fluctuations of temperature. Ground conditions can vary from wet
with no oxygen present to dry, well aerated sandy soils. Position in relation to the water-table
is important, since water-saturated soils are usually low in oxygen content.

Upward leaching and evaporation of water from above exposed surfaces of buried structures
can result in very high concentrations of salts such as Sulphate and chlorides at, or near,
grade level. This may cause Sulphate attack of susceptible concretes and, in the case of
chlorides, can initiate reinforcement corrosion. Such damage is normally restricted within -
1m to +0.5 m of grade level.

One aspect that is particularly important is the possible damage to concrete caused by
fluctuation levels in the ground water table level.

Lowering of the level of the ground water table may adversely affect concrete that has been
contaminated by exposure to saline ground water since the chloride ion concentrations at the
reinforcement may be above the critical threshold levels and oxygen will become
increasingly available as the concrete dries out. Possible corrosion of the reinforcement after
reduction in water levels, where there was no prior corrosion owing to lack of oxygen should
be considered.

It may be noted that the concrete mixes proposed by CJV for the project are conservatively
set to be relatively impermeable (with low w/c ratio) and include appropriate type of cement
with supplemental cementitious materials to cover for any worsening of the ground water or
soil exposure condition. Also, the concrete mix is retained same for above ground as well as
those below the ground level to address any future changes in ground water level. The
concrete mixes have been tested to ensure both overall quality and the required service life.

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4.3.5 Effect of Temperature

Temperature affects corrosion of steel in concrete in several ways. For Pune environment,
high ambient temperatures can lead to:

 Rapid loss of water from the mix - resulting in a porous, less durable concrete;
 Increase the rate of diffusion of aggressive species through the concrete;
 Increase the rate of corrosion reaction once corrosion starts;
The placement temperature of concrete is controlled and the concrete adequately cured and
protected per industry standards, as prescribed in the specifications. There are no known
sources of chlorides in the air to initiate a corrosion process and the concretes used are of low
permeability. The concrete mixes have been tested to ensure both overall quality and the
required service life, presented in the following chapters.

4.3.6 Corrosion in oxygenated environment

Where fully oxygenated conditions exist, for example in atmospherically exposed concrete
(e.g. inner surface of cut & cover station), the corrosion process is controlled by the quality of
the concrete, the internal RH, concrete resistivity and chloride level near the reinforcement.

The corrosion will generally be uniform across the reinforcement and will result in formation
of voluminous hydrated oxides. Which will, in time, cause cracking and spalling of the
concrete cover.

There are no known sources of chlorides in the air to initiate a corrosion process and the
concretes used are of low permeability.

4.3.7 Stray Current Corrosion

Stray current is an accelerating factor that provides an external driving force for 'normal'
corrosion reactions in the same way as differential aeration effects. It is driven by the
potential gradient produced between the stray current source and the stray current return
point. The behavior over time will be a function of the relative electrical resistance of the
individual components and how these change as corrosion progresses. Stray current corrosion
can be controlled very well by proper bonding and grounding of the steel elements which are
embedded in concrete.

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DC power Rail systems is the primary source of stray current besides other possible sources
such as cathodic protection schemes, high voltage DC cable links, and other DC powered
equipment’s. In addition to this long-term threats, short term or more intermittent sources of
stray current – such as electric arc welding operations – may also be present at times over the
life of the system.

While elimination of stray current completely is not possible, the metro system is designed to
minimize and control the flow of stray current by adoption of following measures:

 A high return circuit conductivity, low rail voltage and good rail insulation.
 The provision of a stray current collection system.
Further, the chloride levels are generally in the low to moderate range for Pune Metro. A
suitable concrete mix with low w/c ratio with appropriate type of cement with supplemental
cementitious materials has been proposed for structures. These are sufficient to ensure the
durability of structure.

4.4 Summary

In summary, to provide a durable concrete structure that will not prematurely suffer from
degradation or corrosion of reinforcement it is important to:

(a) Develop a high-quality concrete mix that will, when correctly placed and cured, result
in a dense, low permeability concrete;

(b) Limit the crack width as per contract requirement to limit ingress of moisture in

(c) Ensure thickness of cover is sufficient for the environment / service conditions;

(d) Ensure concrete mix is essentially free from chlorides;

(e) Ensure the concrete is correctly placed and well compacted in controlled environment;

(f) Ensure adequate curing, using curing compounds, wet curing or other techniques;

(g) Where specific conditions require - incorporate additional protective measures as

appropriate (application of membranes & coatings to the concrete);

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(h) Ensure sufficient stray current control measures are in place.

(i) Ensure temperature of concrete during placement and differential temperature gradient
remains within the specified limits

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The available groundwater chemical test results are summarized as below. The environmental
aggressiveness will be estimated considering characteristic or upper values of the tests and
the recommendations of international standards.

Table 1: Test Results on Water and Soil Sample

BH. Sample Chloride Carbonate
pH (SO4)
No. Type
Soil 7.86 18 2.4 14
Soil 7.9 20 2.2 16
Water 7.9 62 180 43
Water 7.85 61 160 40
Water 7.99 59 210 42
Water 7.87 71 - 175
Water 7.87 85 - 107
Water 7.79 43 - 72
Water 8.24 48 - 86
Water 7.92 37 - 95
Water 8.28 35 - 138
Water 8.24 26 - 33
Soil 8.22 73 2.6 27
Water 7.57 97 - 152
Water 8.16 69 - 93

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Water 7.6 91 - 16
Water 7.87 75 - 16
Water 8.5 80 - 49

** As per available data.

5.1 Chloride Content in Groundwater

The measure of chloride in ground water samples are shown in Table 1, as based on the
provided chemical test data. The average level of chloride is 63 ppm, with an upper 92
percentile value of 91 ppm. The exposure class according to BS 8500-1: 2006 table A.1 is
considered XD2 conservatively used for ‘wet, rarely dry’ condition.

Where the concrete is fully immersed in the groundwater, although chloride ingress will
occur (due to diffusion), the extent of conventional corrosion will be limited by the lack of

Cover to reinforcement shall be accordingly evaluated.

5.2 Sulphate Content in Groundwater

The measured distributions of sulphate in ground water samples are shown respectively in
Table 1, as based on the provided chemical test data.

The average level of sulphate is 78 ppm, with an upper 92 percentile value of 151 ppm. The
average pH value of water is 7.98 >3.5.

The design sulphate class according to BS 8500-1: 2006 Table A.2 is AC1-s.

Cover to reinforcement shall be accordingly evaluated.

5.3 Risk of Carbonation

Carbonation requires the presence of both carbon dioxide and water. If the concrete is fully
saturated, carbon dioxide cannot reach the steel and the reaction does not occur. Similarly, if
the concrete is very dry there will be insufficient water in the concrete to sustain the

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carbonation reaction which takes place in solution. Carbonation therefore occurs most rapidly
in concrete at a relative humidity of about 65%.

Carbonation can occur on the inside surfaces and external surfaces very close to ground. For
this, exposure class according to BS 8500-1: 2006 Table A.1 is considered XC3.

Cover to reinforcement shall be accordingly evaluated.

5.4 Risk of Reinforcement Corrosion at Cracks

For mitigating risk due to cracking of RCC, stress level under serviceability limit state shall
be limited so as to have crack width to be 0.2 mm for face exposed to soil and 0.3 mm

5.5 Risk of Alkali-Silica Reactivity

The ASR risk of concrete can be assessed, as presented in Table 2:

Table 2: Estimated Risk of ASR

Type Aggregate Estimated ASR Risk

Non-reactive aggregates Low

Reactive aggregates without exterior alkali
By minimizing the effective alkali content
coming from cement hydration, the risk of
initiating ASR can be reduced. This can be
achieved by using LA-typed cements or slag /
fly ash blended binders
Reactive aggregates with exterior alkali

All aggregates must be tested regarding their ASR behavior. In case of high ASR risk, the
aggregates must be substituted.

5.6 Risk of Delayed Ettringite Formation

DEF is a result of high early temperatures (above 70oC – 80oC) in the concrete which
prevents the normal formation of ettringite. DEF-induced damage is not a common
phenomenon in concrete. Water or moisture from an external source is required for the

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reaction to occur, the availability of which will affect both the rate and the extent of

To mitigate the risk against DEF, concreting shall be done ensuring that temperature does not
go up more than 70oC. No heat curing is contemplated for these works, which has been found
to be reason for DEF at certain work sites.

5.7 Risk of Leaching

The risk of concrete leaching is estimated to be low due to:

 No direct contact of structural elements to streaming groundwater.

 Concrete mixture and w/c ratio will be designed to ensure sufficient abrasion
resistance(strength) and diffusion resistance against dissolving.

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Structure or structural element required to have fire resistance should be designed to possess
an appropriate degree of resistance to flame penetration; heat transmission and failure. The
fire resistance of a structural element is expressed in terms of time in hours.

(a) All structures shall be designed for fire protection as specified by the applicable
standards and codes. Materials specified for the Works shall be non-combustible and
nor emit toxic fumes when subject to heat or fire, except where permitted under the
Contract. In all cases where there is significant fire risk, materials shall be self-
extinguishing, low flammability, low smoke and low toxicity.

(b) All the structural elements shall be designed for a minimum fire resistance period of 4

(c) All internal members which do not contribute to box stability and can be repaired after
major fire are designed for 2 hours of fire rating like plenum slabs, OTE and ducts, etc.
(d) For minimum requirements of concrete cover reference shall be made to Table 16A of
clause no 26.4.3 of IS 456-2000.

Table 3: Minimum Element Sizes (Ref. Fig. 1 of IS 456-2000, Table 2.1 of ODS)

Element 4-hour FRP 2-hour FRP

Slab thickness 170 mm 125 mm
Beam width 280 mm 200 mm
Column size 450 mm 300 mm
Wall thickness (<1% Reinf.) 240 mm 160 mm
Wall thickness (>1% Reinf.) 180 mm 100 mm
Block-work wall 150 mm 100 mm
Staircase Waists 170 mm 125 mm

As per ODS an RCC wall with less than 1% reinforcement requires a thickness of 240mm.

Additionally, the requirements laid down in IS 456:2000 are as below:

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 Fig. 1, giving the minimum dimensions of reinforced concrete members as 240mm

for walls between 0.4% and 1% reinforcement

 Fig. 1, giving the minimum dimensions of reinforced concrete members as 240mm

for columns with one face exposed

 Tables 16A, giving a nominal cover of 40mm for columns, walls not mentioned
The required nominal cover is in line with the minimum concrete cover as per ODS.

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Contractual requirements and provisions of Indian and International Codes for the assessed
environmental conditions are detailed as below:

7.1 Durability Requirements as per Contract

Requirements as per ODS / OCS, relevant with the durability of structure are presented in

Table 4: Contract Requirements on Concrete Durability

Contract Requirement Value Reference

(a) Severe (ground face)
Exposure Condition ODS, Table 2.2, Cl. 2.6.3
(b) Moderate (elsewhere)
Concrete Grade ≥ M35 ODS, Cl. 2.6.1 (1)
<0.2 mm for exposed face
Crack width ODS, Table 2.2, Cl. 2.6.3
<0.3 mm elsewhere
Water permeability ≤10 mm (DIN 1048) ODS, Cl. 2.4.2 (4)
Chloride Ion penetration ≤1000 coulomb
ODS, Cl. 2.4.2 (4)
resistance (ASTM C 1202)
Cover to Reinforcement (ODS, Table 2.2, Cl. 2.6.3)
Element Min. Reqd. Cover Nominal Cover
(a) Top Face: 45 mm (c) Top Face: 40 mm
Base Slab
(b) Bottom Face : 70 mm (d) Bottom Face : 45mm
(a) Soil Face: 50 mm (a) Soil Face: 45 mm
Retaining Walls
(b) Inside Face: 40mm (b) Inside Face: 40mm
Columns/ Load Bearing Walls 40 mm 40 mm
Non- Load Bearing Walls 30 mm -
Internal Slabs 45 mm 40 mm
(a) Top Face: 45 mm (a) Top Face: 45 mm
Roof Slab
(b) Bottom Face : 45mm (b) Bottom Face: 40mm
Beams (Continuous) (a) Face in contact with (a) Face in contact with

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soil: 50 mm soil: 45 mm
(b) Elsewhere : 50 mm (b) Elsewhere : 40 mm
Stairs 55 mm 40 mm
Water Tank 45 mm 45 mm

7.2 Provisions from Codes

European and British Standards corresponding requirements are prescribed, in order to

consider the contractual requirement of 120 years of service life, which is not clearly
elaborated by IS 456 or IRS-CBC. Furthermore, requirements for carbonation and chloride
resistance is clearly distinguished in EN standards, so a more detailed approach of these
durability issues is feasible. Reference has been made to BS 8500-1: 2006, which clearly
illustrates measures for the intended working life of the structures. In the view of above, BS
8500-1: 2006 code has been adopted to meet intended design life of 120 years for cut & cover

Followings measures are proposed to ensure the same i.e. serviceability of the
underground structures by producing durable concrete with suitable admixtures (as
approved by Engineer).

Aggressive Chemical Environment for Concrete (ACEC) class for concrete as per Table A.2
of BS 8500-1:2006 is AC-1s with sulphate level less than 1400mg/l and greater than 400mg/l
and pH level is more than 3.5.

 From GI of the project and water sample that are analyzed chemically in the
(a) pH value: 7.98 >3.5
(b) Chloride: 63 <500 mg/L
(c) Sulphate: 78 <400 mg/L

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Extract from table A.2 of BS 8500-1: 2006

Table 5: BS 8500 Complementary to EN 206-1 Table A.2 abstract

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For at least 100 years of service life, according to BS 8500-1 Complementary British
Standard to BS EN 206-1 Table A.9, the limiting design class (DC) for concrete is DC-1.

Table 6: BS 8500 Complementary to EN 206-1 Table A.9 abstract

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Limiting values of concrete composition for the specified design class are presented in the
following Table of BS 8500-1 Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1 Table A.11.

Table 7: BS 8500 Complementary to EN 206-1 Table A.11 abstract

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Table 8: BS 8500 Complementary to EN 206-1 Table A.6 – Cement types

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8.1 Exposure Class:

Requirements as dictated by BS- EN 1992 are more stringent than those demanded by IS 456
and hence being adopted here. (Refer Annexure 2).

Exposure class for Pune falls into following categories as shown below as per Table A.1 of
BS 8500-1: 2006. It is evident from the Table that all exterior surfaces of the cut & cover
structure fall into XS2/XC3/XD2 categories and interior surface falls under XC3 category.

Further, XD2 category is more stringent compared to XS2 or XC3 category, therefore, all
exterior surface is governed by XD2 and inner surface is governed by XS1 category. Overall
XD2 category is most stringent and used as reference.

 Corrosion induced by chlorides from ground water

Structural Components Exposure class

1 XD2 (Reinforced and pre-stressed

All structural members (outer) concrete surfaces totally immersed in
water containing chlorides)

 Corrosion by carbonation criteria

Sl.No Structural Components Exposure Class

All Structural members (Inner) XC3 (Moderate Humidity)

2. All Structural members (Outer) XC3 (Moderate Humidity)

8.2 Concrete grade, w/c ratio & cover to reinforcement:

As per Tender Document Section VII: ODS subdivision, the minimum required grade of
concrete and cover are given in Table-4.

Recommendations as per Table A.5 of BS 8500-1:2006 are as below:

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Table 9: BS 8500 Complementary to EN 206-1 Table A.5 Abstract

Based on the following combinations can be recommended.

Exposure Nominal Cover Min w/c Cement

Cement Type
Class strength ratio Content

XS2 / XD2 40 mm C32/40 0.45 360 kg IIB-V, IIIA

All except
XC3 40 mm C30/37 0.55 300 kg

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Table 10: BS 8500 Complementary to EN 206-1 Table A.6

Furthermore, Concrete should be tested for impermeability according to DIN 1048 and ability
to resist chloride ion penetration according to ASTM C-1202. Water permeability shall not be
more than 10mm at 28 days and RCPT value shall be limited to 1000 coulombs at 28 days’
age. These measures will ensure that the concrete will be adequate to provide intended design
life of 120 years.

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Mix designs shall be carried out keeping in mind that the same is consistent with
requirements of DAAR viz. permeability not exceeding the specified limits, RCPT, Cement
combination, cover to reinforcement, minimum cementitious content and w/c ratio.

Table 11: Cover Requirement for Crack Width Check

Min. Cover for evaluating Crack Width from main bars
Element (ODS , Table 2.2, Cl. 2.6.3) Durability Requirement
(a) Top Face: 40 mm (a) Top Face: 40 mm (a) Top Face: 40 mm
Base Slab (b) Bottom Face : (b) Bottom Face : (b) Bottom Face : 45mm
45mm 40mm
(a) Soil Face: 45 mm (a) Soil Face: 40 mm (a) Soil Face: 45 mm
(b) Inside Face : (b) Inside Face : (b) Inside Face : 40mm
40mm 40mm
Load Bearing 40 mm 40mm 40 mm
Internal Slabs 40 mm 40mm 40 mm
(a) Top Face: 45 mm (a) Top Face: 40 mm (a) Top Face: 45 mm
Roof Slab (b) Bottom Face : (b) Bottom Face : 40 (b) Bottom Face : 40mm
40mm mm
(a) Face in contact (a) Face in contact (a) Face in contact with
with soil: 45 mm with soil: 40 mm soil: 45 mm
(b) Elsewhere : 40 (b) Elsewhere : 40 (b) Elsewhere : 40 mm
mm mm
Stairs 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm

Water Tank 45 mm 40 mm 45 mm
Minimum cover to reinforcement as mentioned in design drawings will be minimum cover
required due to durability plus an allowance in design for deviation, Δc. This allowance is
based on type of construction and the quality control measures.
- For Members casting on binder/PCC = 15 mm
- For Slabs casting on Shuttering = 5 mm

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Table 12: Min. Clear Cover

Min. Clear Cover from Reinforcement

(ODS , Table 2.2, Cl. Requirement due to Recommended
Element Requirement
2.6.3) fire Value
(Cmin + Δc)
Top Face: 45 mm Top Face: 40 mm Top Face: 45 mm Top Face: 45 mm
Base Slab
Bot Face : 70 mm Bot Face : 55 mm Bottom Face : - Bot Face : 70 mm
Soil Face : 50 mm Soil Face : 40 mm Soil Face : - Soil Face : 50 mm
Retaining Walls
Inside Face : 40mm Inside Face : 40 mm Inside Face : 40mm Inside :40mm
Columns/ Load
40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm
Bearing Walls
Internal Slabs 45 mm 45 mm 45 mm (4 hours) 45 mm
Top Face: 45 mm
Top Face: 40 mm Top Face: - Top Face: 45 mm
Roof Slab Bottom Face : 45
Bottom Face : 45 mm Bottom Face : 45 mm Bot Face : 45 mm
Face in contact soil: Face contact soil: 40
Station Beams :50
Beams 50 mm mm 50 mm (4 hours)
Elsewhere : 50 mm Elsewhere : 45 mm
Stairs 55 mm 45 mm 45 mm (4 hours) 55 mm
Water Tank 45 mm 45 mm - 45 mm

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To achieve the durability objective, good control of construction operations will be required.
This will be achieved through well-defined construction procedures, quality control systems
and experienced labor and staff.

Typical construction activities that will be critical to achieving the durability objective are
described in the following sections.

9.1 Concrete Production & Transportation:

Concrete production and transportation shall be undertaken to ensure compliance to mix

design requirements and placement conditions.

9.2 Reinforcement

 Steel rod reinforcement will be cut, bent and fixed in accordance with IS 456 or BS
8110: Part 1 or EC2 and as per approved bar bending schedule.

 Jigs will be used for fabrication of reinforcement cages. The bars will be placed and
assembled in jigs to ensure its accuracy and to maintain the positions as indicated in the
approved drawing. The spacing tolerance to the reinforcement will be +/-5mm. Rebar
bending machine will be used for bending of reinforcements.

 Bars will be fixed firm tied together with the distribution bars using tack weld / binding
wire (Min. 1 mm thick) and the projection ends of the tying wire will be cut-off.

 Main bars will be spot welded using MIG weld wherever required to make it firm and

 Cold bending will be used which does not damage the material.

 Bending hot at a cherry-red heat not exceeding 840oC may be noticed except for bars
dependent on cold-working for strength.

 Bars will not be cooled by quenching.

 Electric arc welding may be used, if noticed, for joining bars. Covered-alloy or
shielded-arc electrodes will conform to IS 814 and/or BS 639.

 Workmanship will be to IS 2251 or BS 5135.

 Joints will be butt-welded with standard double-V or double-U welds.

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9.3 Placing of Concrete

 Only accepted assembled formwork with approved check list shall be allowed for

 Concrete will be transported by means which prevent contamination (by dust, rain and
the like) segregation or loss of ingredients and will be transported from the batching
plant and placed without delay.

 Concrete will be placed directly in its final position without segregation or displacement
of the reinforcement, embedded items and formwork.

 The temperature of fresh concrete should not exceed lower of 320C or the temperatures
stated in the table of mixes.

 The maximum concrete temperature after placement should not exceed 500C nor be
300C above the temperature at the time of placement, whichever is the lower.

 It is to comply with the document entitled "Concrete in Hot Countries" published by the
FIP congress at New Delhi 1986.

 The Contractor will supply suitable maximum and minimum temperature thermometers
and record the shade and open-air temperatures at locations where concrete is being

 Following measures shall be taken to ensure quality of concrete works:

 Cleanliness of concrete pour

 Formwork set to meet minimum thickness and reinforcement cover


 Adequate cover to reinforcement by adequate distribution density of spacers

 Concrete mix to required specification

 Concreting records to be kept, recording items such as: source of concrete,

slump, quantity poured, samples taken and from which batch, time to pour each
load, delays, time after which formwork was removed, defects and remedial
work carried out

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 Good compaction

 Trial mixes and samples to be taken and tested

 Formwork not to be struck before minimum strength required is reached.

 Good curing practices

 Good quality finishing operations

 Careful transportation, stacking and handling within stated design parameter

 Curing shall be done appropriately by ponding on horizontal surface and using hessian
cloth for vertical surface and ensuring to keep it inundated with moisture all the time
during curing period. Exposed surfaces of concrete shall be kept continuously in a damp
or wet condition by ponding or by covering with a layer of sacking, canvas, hessian or
similar materials and kept constantly wet for at least seven days from the date of placing
concrete in case of ordinary Portland Cement-and at least 10 days where mineral
admixtures or blended cements are used. The period of curing shall not be less than 10
days for concrete exposed to dry and hot weather conditions. In the case of concrete
where mineral admixtures or blended cements are used, it is recommended that above
minimum periods may be extended to 14 days.

 During summer, chilled water will be used for concrete production also aggregates will
be stored in shed and will be sprinkled with cold water/ During summer, transit mixers
will be wrapped with hessian cloth which will be kept moist/ After pouring, the thick
element will be ponded with water, which will be further covered with hessian cloth and
thick plastic.

 Maximum core temperature of 65oC shall be verified while casting of first slab. Three
thermos-couples will be provided in (one at middle of slab and one below 100mm from
the top and at 100mm from the top and 100mm from the face) and temperature will be
monitored for 72 hour or the until the temperature difference between the core and
ambient becomes 20oC or less, whichever comes first.

 Concrete shall not be dropped from a height more than 1.5m to avoid segregation.

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 Formworks shall not be released until the concrete has achieved a strength of at least
twice the stress to which the concrete may be subjected at the time of removal of
formwork. The strength referred to shall be that of concrete using the same cement and
aggregates and admixture, if any, with the same proportions and cured under conditions
of temperature and moisture similar to those existing on the work. Vertical forms to
walls, columns & beams may be struck after 16-24 hours of casting.

 Care shall be taken to ensure delivery of concrete from batching plant to delivery site
before concrete sets. Concrete Mix has been designed for 3 hours retention. Batching
plant is located in the vicinity of station to ensure that concrete can be delivered from
batching plan to site within the allowable time period.

9.4 Cover to Reinforcement

 Control of the minimum thickness of concrete cover to reinforcement will be

achieved by the use of approved concrete spacers.

 If concrete spacers are used, they will be of similar concrete grade to the main
concrete, and will have non-metallic ties.

 Cover blocks used also should be of the same or higher grade than the concrete
grade of structure and be with roughened faces.

 No PVC / UPVC cover block shall be used.

9.5 Repairs

Where damages occurred or remedial work is required, repairs to be carried out only with
approved materials to the manufactures recommended procedures. All repairs to be approved
by the client or client’s representative.

9.6 Curing and Stripping of Formwork.

Addition of SCMs (Supplementary cementitious materials) such as Fly ash, GGBS etc. in
concrete; plastic shrinkage cracking is a possibility and therefore the curing of concrete
becomes very important. Initial curing will commence soon after initial setting of concrete or
immediately after the stripping of formwork. It is seen that with low temperature curing, a
relatively more uniform microstructure of the hydrated cement paste and pore size
distribution accounts for the higher strength. Pozzolanic Concrete increases in strength with
age if drying is prevented. Concrete shall not be allowed to dry or moisture shall not be

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reduced as it may slow have done the strength gain and therefore it is imperative that concrete
should be kept moist as long as possible. It is observed that the strength of the continuously
moist-cured concrete is enhanced greatly. It is proposed that curing needs to done with moist
covers or ponding initially and later suitable and approved curing compound (membrane
curing) will be adopted.

The use of SCMs can lead to significant retardation of the setting time, which means that
finishing operations may have to be delayed. The rate of the pozzolanic reaction is slower
than the rate of cement hydration, and SCMs concrete needs to be properly cured if the full
benefits of its incorporation are to be realized. When high levels of SCMs are used it is
generally recommended that the concrete is moist cured for a larger period as compared with
OPC in concrete. It has been recommended that the duration of curing be extended further
where possible, or that a curing membrane be placed.

Using SCMs in the concrete the final strength is greatly enhanced although the initial strength
gain is slow and therefore the longer shuttering time is required. Stripping of formwork will
be carried out only after concrete has gained sufficient strength to withstand the design loads;
while removal necessary precaution will be taken to ensure stability of the remaining
formwork. Cube / Cylindrical strength of concrete conduced at the time of trail mix will help
is determining the formwork stripping time.

Care will be taken to prevent the following at the time of form work stripping.
 Collapse under self-load or under design load
 Deflection of the structural member excessively in short or the long term
 Physically damage the structural member when formwork is removed.
 Cracks formation

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Table 13: Form work de-shuttering / stripping time and curing time for different
structural elements
Curing Period
( wet + membrane)
Period of
Sr. No. Structural Elements Total
Stripping wet (ponding /
Formwork membrane curing
hessian cloth)
Vertical face of columns
1 48 hrs
and walls
Soffit of slabs: props to
2 re-fixed immediately after 7 days
7 days 10 days 17 days
Soffit of beams and slab
3 props to re-fixed 10 days
immediately after de-
4 Props of slab 21 Days --- ---
Props of beams and slab
5 28 days --- ---

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The following table shows the recommended test frequency and its acceptance criteria

Table 14: Testing Frequency and Acceptance Criteria

Age of Acceptable
S.No Tests Reference Frequency
Concrete Limits

1. Concrete As per ODS Once per each source Conforming to

Mix Design of materials ODS

2. Cube IS 516 28 days As per IS 456, table Conforming to

Compressive 15.2.2 IS 456
3. Water DIN-1048-5 28 days One test for every 500 ≤10mm
Permeability cum of concrete pour.
After meeting
acceptance criteria for
5 such tests, frequency
shall be modified to
one test per 1000 cum.

4. RCPT ASTM– 28 days One test for every 500 ≤1000

C1202 cum of concrete pour. coulombs
After meeting (conforming to
acceptance criteria for ODS)
5 such tests, frequency
shall be modified to
one test per 1000 cum.

After the initial test results are acceptable, test frequency as mentioned shall be carried out
otherwise test frequency shall be re-visited based on the initial test results.

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The durability of concrete is assessed based on the chemical test results (Chloride and
Sulphate contents in Groundwater and Soil samples) at current stage as given in Section 5.
Maximum Chloride content and Sulphate content estimated from the chemical testing is used
for concrete durability assessment. The Chloride and Sulphate content values considered at
this stage shall be verified during the service period.

Therefore, during the service period it is recommended to collect the groundwater and soil
samples at different locations and the samples shall be tested to estimate the Chloride and
Sulphate contents. It is suggested that these samples are collected and tested once in every ten
years. The resulting values shall be used to verify the values considered in design and
construction stage.

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Design measures have been adopted to enable the structures to achieve its intended 120-year
service life, provided the necessary actions below are taken:

 Construction in accordance with the drawings and specifications

 Inspection, testing and monitoring activities are implemented in accordance with the
recommendations made in this report
 Remedial action is taken in a timely manner once defects / potential defects are
 Table 11 summarize the protection measures proposed for the structures of this project.

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Table 15: Protective Measures

Protection Measure Provides Protection Comments

OPC @ 225 kg/m3 with Carbonation, Thermal
GGBS @ 207 kg//m3 & cracking, Alkali Produces a durable, dense mix and
Microsilica @ 18kg/m3 Silica Reaction, increases the acid consuming
Sulphate attack, capability. The additive also reduces
Chloride attack, early thermal core temperatures
Protection against created by the exothermic chemical
DEF due to lower reaction of concrete. This reduces
heat of hydration, early thermal cracking.
lower RCPT

External concrete cover Carbonation,

Provides cover to reinforcement
designed to ‘severe 4 hour fire protection for
according to design specification.
conditions’ main structural box

This is in accordance with specification

Flexural crack width of and applies to both early thermal
structural members shrinkage cracking and long-term
Water seepage
limited to: flexural cracking. Sufficient steel
0.2 mm – external face reinforcement is determined from the
0.3 mm – internal face calculations based on limitation of the
crack widths
Minimum cement Sulphate attack Refer to requirement for minimum
content Chloride attack cement content.

Steel reinforcement
placed at close centers, Water seepage Minimize crack widths by limiting
with full anchorage and Reinforcement corrosion crack propagation.
lap lengths specified

Limitation of sulphates Corrosion,

and chlorides in the Sulphate attack
concrete mix Chloride attack

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This section of the Durability Assessment Report presents the durability requirements of non-
concrete structural components including joints between concrete elements, sealants,
waterproof membranes, structural steel work.

For this project, these components will be supplied by proprietary suppliers. The suppliers
shall be required to submit the technical details including design data, materials information
and construction details for perusal and review without objection on the durability
requirements prior to its use in the project.

13.1 Durability of Joints

All joints shall be designed such that they can be correctly placed within specified tolerance
using the proposed construction techniques. To comply with the required performance criteria
the joints shall be designed such that all components including reinforcement, formwork,
concrete, sealants and water stops can be practically and correctly placed at the time of

The level of restraint imposed by the joint on adjacent concrete sections and the effect of
jointing details on the capacity to maintain appropriate reinforcement cover and simplicity
must be considered.

Water stops shall not get separated from the base concrete during their design life. Where the
life expectancy of the water stop is less than the design life of the structure, provision shall be
made for its replacement. Where water stops are not readily replaceable provision shall be
made for alternative water control measures.

Construction joints in concrete sections designed to prevent the ingress of shall be fully
restrained such that pathways for water penetration will not be created. This will require
attention to the level of continuous reinforcement, surface finish and may require the use of a
water stop. It should be noted that where a concrete element is fully restrained on all sides the
likelihood of concrete shrinkage cracking is enhanced.

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Concrete shrinkage will be addressed in the design covering the degree of restraint and
construction sequence that are significant influencing factors.

13.2 Durability of Sealants

Sealants must be replaceable (or injectable) at the end of their service life. They shall be able
to withstand expected levels of movement without tearing or debonding. Sealants shall
maintain adequate flexibility for the duration of their design life.

13.3 Waterproofing Membranes

The need of waterproof membranes and/or coatings and the adopted design and construction
practices has been reviewed. The use of waterproof membranes is required for:
 Exterior of cut and cover tunnels
 External face of basement walls
 Roof slabs

In underground locations, inspection and maintenance may sometimes be very difficult or

even impossible. The waterproofing membranes under such circumstances shall only be
regarded as secondary protection to the entire protection system for durability achievement of
the required service life.

Waterproofing membranes must be designed to provide long term protection from water
penetration. The membrane must be considered as a system which includes the design of
joints, drainage and protection to the membrane.

The membrane must enable the normal contraction of the concrete.

13.4 Structural Steel

Structural steel shall be coated /painted with an approved protective coating that will permit
over coating as and when required.

Where exposed to moisture, the steel work shall be designed to preclude the retention of
moisture e.g. within channels etc. which may lead to unnoticed corrosion.

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If required by design or project specification, structural steel work has to be hot dipped
galvanized, coated further with an appropriate coating system or made of stainless steel.

Preventing leakage is critical for durability of steel works item and any leakages observed
during the regular inspection should be promptly repaired by appropriate grouting.

Appropriate quality concrete, surface preparation and subsequent painting together with good
workmanship and adequate supervision during construction stage shall ensure adequate
durability and long-term performance.

Appropriate construction procedures shall be applied.

In addition, any proprietary coating system information, including technical data, durability
test reports, history of application, guarantee statement, shall be reviewed together with
relevant method statements from the applicator as how to prepare the substrate, timing
between substrate drying to each coat’s application, experience of tradesman doing the
painting works.

Painting trials with the accepted trials serve as works acceptance standards. Quality
statements shall be submitted to Engineer for review and acceptance.

13.5 Aluminium, Stainless and Mild Steel

No pre-treatment is required for Aluminium and Stainless-Steel sections. Mild Steel sections
will be coated with primer and thereafter with approved paint. During maintenance period,
mild steel sections shall be rectified (as and when requited) and repainted. Defective
aluminium and stainless steel shall be replaced.

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Water content of concrete mix, selection of materials, concrete covers have been specified
after reviewing the site conditions, requirement of contract and provisions contained in codes
and references.

Appropriate design mix has been considered with OPC cement mixed with GGBS which
along with appropriate designs and quality control at site while execution is expected to
achieve 120-year service life for the structure.

The results from the durability tests such as RCPT, water permeability test have been verified
against requirement to have assurance against moisture and chlorides ingress.

Waterproofing membrane all along the outside of station box, proper treatment of
construction joints is proposed for the structure.

--------------End of Main Document---------------

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For 120 years deign life reference may be taken from Cl. 4.3.7 of BD 31/01-2001 “Design of
Buried Concrete Box and Portal Frame Structure.”

Thus, for internal face Cnom = 30+10 = 40 mm and for external face Cnom = 35+10 = 45 mm,
which is in line with recommended values in DAAR.

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Exposure condition values reference to be given as per IS 456 and BS EN 1992.

For inside face of UG structures and above

ground structures.

For soil face of UG structures.

As per IS 456, Exposure condition is ‘Moderate’ for Concrete faces exposed to Soil and
‘Mild’ for Concrete faces exposed to Air.

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For inside face of UG structures and above

ground structures.

For soil face of UG structures.

As per BS EN 1992, Exposure condition is ‘XD2’ for Concrete faces exposed to Soil and
‘XC3’ for Concrete faces exposed to Air. It may be noted that these classes are severe to that
of IS 456 and therefore, are considered in DAAR.

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