ITE 292 OBE Syllabus (Edited)
ITE 292 OBE Syllabus (Edited)
ITE 292 OBE Syllabus (Edited)
1. Seatwork
1. Computer Parts 1. Computer
1. Lecture/Discussions
a. Motherboards
The students should be able to: b. BIOS 2. Oral Recitation 2. Rubric for
c. CPU 2. Lecture notes
CO1 1. Develop working knowledge of how recitation
Week 1 to 2 d. Memory
computers, its parts and devices operate. 3. Brainstorming
e. Power supplies
CO2 2. Compare and contrast the different types of 3. Rubric for
f. Storage devices 3. Textbook # 1
memory and its functions 4. Short Quiz Short quiz
g. Other computer Chapter 1
parts & devices
5. Hands –on / Lab 4. Rubric for Lab
exercises Exercises
CO1 1. Simulate desktop pc / laptop assembly
CO2 2. Identify, evaluate and control hazards and
2. Virtual desktop PC 1. Computer
CO3 3. Maintain OHS awareness
/ laptop assembly 1. Lecture/Discussions 1. Seatwork
CO4 4. Plan and prepare for tasks to be
3. Fundamentals and
Safety, Using the 2. Oral Recitation 2. Rubric for
2. Lecture notes
CO5 5. Prepare and maintain hand tools
Right Tools, and recitation
CO6 6. Use appropriate hand tools and test
Safety Procedures
equipment 3. Brainstorming
4. Desktop PC 3. Rubric for
Week 3 to 5 CO7 7. Demonstrate the proper way to dismantle 3. Textbook # 1
Assembly Short quiz
and assemble desktop pc. 4. Short Quiz Chapter 2 – 3
CO8 8. Diagnose minor problems in
4. Rubric for Lab
troubleshooting 5. Hands –on / Lab Exercises 4. Resource # 1
CO9 9. Perform computer system hardware’s exercises
preventive maintenance
1. Demonstrate the proper, fast and effective 5. Installing 1. Lecture/Discussions 1. Seatwork 1. Computer
Week 7 to 11
CO1 way in installing Operating Systems Operating systems
CO2 2. Explain the types of Operating system tools a. Installing 2. Oral Recitation 2. Rubric for 2. Lecture Notes
3. Apply skills and procedures to install, Windows Server recitation
CO3 configure, and troubleshoot computers, Operating System 3. Brainstorming
mobile devices, and software a. Differences and 3. Rubric for 3. Textbook # 1
Similarities in 4. Short Quiz Short quiz Chapter 4 -6
6. Installing, 5. Hands –on / Lab 4. Rubric for Lab
Configuring And exercises Exercises
Visible Parts
7. Foundations of
CO1 1. Locate and discuss current standards (i.e. Networking
RFC’s, IEEE 802 etc) and how standards a. Standards bodies
b. OSI model
bodies and the standardization process
c. Internet model
CO2 impact networking technology. d. Nodes & links
2. Compare and contrast the OSI and Internet e. LAN, WAN 1. Lecture/Discussions
models as they apply to contemporary f. Bandwidth, 1. Seatwork 1. Computer
communication protocols. throughput 2. Oral Recitation
CO3 3. Analyze and compare the characteristics of g. Components and 2. Rubric for 2. Lecture notes
various communication protocols and how architectures recitation
3. Brainstorming
Week 13 -15 h. Routing and 3. Textbook #
they support application requirements.
CO4 switching (bridging) 3. Rubric for 2,3
4. Summarize and describe the data i. Communication 4. Short Quiz Short quiz Chapter 1 - 5
communications and telecommunications protocols
models, topologies, protocols, standards 8. Routing and 5. Hands –on / Lab 4. Rubric for Lab 4. Resource # 1
Switching exercises Exercises
and architectures in use today.
CO5 5. Describe the necessary hardware (switches a. IEEE 802.1
and routers) and components (routing b. Routing algorithms
c. Routing protocols
algorithms and protocols) used to establish
d. Device architecture
communication between multiple networks. e. Advanced routing
and switching
f. Latency, jitter