Rules of Play: 1. Components 2. Setup
Rules of Play: 1. Components 2. Setup
Rules of Play: 1. Components 2. Setup
1.1 CARDS: There are two types of cards. The 128 playing cards 2.1 SHIP MARKERS: Select a scenario to be
are called ' 'Action cards''. The larger cards are a representative sample played and cut cards for the right to choose sides.
of the navies of the world and are called "Ship cards". The player drawing the highest RN selects his side;
the loser gets the first turn. Each player places the Ship cards for his
Card Symbol side in front of him. Place two square system markers of the same
Random Number color on each Ship in the maximum value boxes of its "Sensor Value''
Card Type and "Attack Value" Tracks. Place a third square system marker of
Quantitative Modifier the same color beneath and pointing towards the maximum value box
or Strength of the Ship's Current Detect Value.
The technical information printed gray on the Ship cards is not relevant to play and
is included for reference purposes only. The displacement value for Surface Ships
reflects a "full load" under combat conditions. Surface Ships are not drawn to scale.
Refer to the "length" specifications for a truer reflection of actual size. Submarines,
on the other hand, are drawn to scale. Their Displacement and Speed figures reflect
Red color indicates usage Hit Result submerged status.
during the opponent's turn.
3.1 Player Turns alternate until someone achieves his Victory Con-
ditions. A Player Turn consists of performing a maximum of one action
[Exception: Battle Stations] on each ship and/or airborne Helicopter
[Exception: Transports, 12.3]. A player need not predesignate those
actions; that is, he may observe the results of one action with one Ship
before deciding what to do with the next. There are seven types of
actions which each Ship may perform in its turn:
A. Attempt to increase the Contact Rating on some/all opposing Ships
by playing a "Sensor Detection" card (4.1). If a Helicopter plays
a "Sensor Detection" card, it must draw a RN to see if that
Helicopter is discarded (10.3).
B. Attempt to decrease the opposing Contact Rating on that Ship by
playing a "Contact Reduction" card (5.2).
C. Attack one Ship by playing one or more appropriate "Weapon
Lockon" cards (6.1). If a Helicopter attacks, it must draw a RN
afterwards to see if the Helicopter is discarded (10.3).
D. Remove damage to that ship by playing a "Damage Control"
card (6.7).
E. Decrease or increase the Contact Rating of that Ship and all 4. SENSOR DETECTION (A/PS):
opposing Surface Ships (or one Submarine) it is played against by 4.1 OVERVIEW: Ships locate each other by playing a "Sensor
playing an "Open/Close Range" card (8.1). Alternatively, a Detection" card and drawing a RN for each enemy Ship in play for
reinforcement may attempt to enter play with a "Close Range" which the searcher desires a stronger contact. Searching is optional;
card (11.1). a searcher need not draw a RN to check for every opposing vessel,
F. Repair a System Malfunction on that Ship by playing a "Techni- but if he plays a Sensor card he must search for at least one Ship. The
cian" card or by drawing a RN 4 (9.4). RN is added to the Sensor value of the Ship performing the action and
G. Launch a Helicopter from a Helicopter-equipped ship by playing modified by any Contact Reduction cards played by the defending Ship
a "Helicopter" card (10.1) as that Ship's action. (5.1). If this modified number is the target Ship's current "Detec-
tion Value", move the Contact marker of the searcher one box to the
Helicopters may perform only Actions A and C above. right on the target's Contact Level Track.
3.2 REACTIVE PLAYS: A Ship may play only one red card [Excep-
tion: Battle Stations, 3.6] in response to each black card played against 4.2 ACTIVE/PASSIVE SONAR (A/PS): A Submarine may not play
it during an opponent's turn. Red "Passive Sonars" played by Ships a Sonar card against a Helicopter. Some Sensor cards contain both
which are not attacked or subjected to an "Active Sonar" search Active and Passive (A/PS) capabilities and may be used either way
because the Searcher chooses not to "ping" them, do not count in the at the owner's option.
maintenance of this 1:1 ratio. There are four possible defensive plays: 4.21 ACTIVE SONAR (AS): An "Active Sonar" card may be played
A. A "Close/Open Range" card may be played to negate the effects only during a player's own turn and adds one to the Sensor value during
of an opposing "Close/Open Range" card (8.5) if already in contact that turn. When playing an "Active Sonar", the player must designate
with the playing Ship(s). the target(s). Other opposing Ships, whether a Sensor attempt is
B. An "Evasive Action" card may be played to modify the effect of resolved against them or not, may play a "Passive Sonar" even though
a "Weapon Lockon" card (7.1). the black card wasn't directed at them.
C. A "Contact Reduction" card may be played to lessen the Sensor 4.22 PASSIVE SONAR (PS): A "Passive Sonar" card may be played
values of any "Sensor Detection" attempt (5.3). either during one's own turn or during the opponent's. If played in
D. A "Passive Sonar" card may be played to automatically increase a friendly turn, the searcher's Sensor Value is not increased; however,
the Contact Level of any opposing Ship using "Active Sonar" the searcher is immune to the defender's play of a "Passive Sonar"
(4.22), or any attacking Submarine (6.8). The "Passive Sonar" card. When any opponent uses an "Active Sonar" card in a search
card may be played by a Ship which is not a target of the attempt, any defending Ship may play a "Passive Sonar" card to
search/attack. increase its Contact Level on the searching Ship. This "Passive Sonar"
card is immediately discarded and cannot be used against other searches;
3.3 HELICOPTER CHECKS: If a "Helicopter" card appears while however, the defender could play another "Passive Sonar" card to
drawing for a RN, a "Helicopter Check" (10.31) must be made for increase its contact against any new searchers. See 6.8 for use of Passive
any airborne helicopters of the drawing player. Sonar against attacking Submarines.
3.4 DISCARDS: A player who takes no actions during his turn must
discard one or more cards. A player who takes any action during his 4.3 MAXIMUM/MINIMUM CONTACT: A Contact marker cannot
own turn (including a Reinforcement attempt) may not discard any be advanced farther than Level 4, although it can be decreased. Once
cards. reduced, Contact Levels can be subsequently increased again to 4.
Contact can never be reduced lower than the "No Contact" box. Sensor
3.5 FILLING YOUR HAND: At the end of his own Player Turn, a cards cannot be played if all potential targets are at maximum contact
player may draw enough cards to refill his Hand. Players who play levels. In general, no card can be played without a legitimate game
red cards during their opponent's turn must wait until the end of their function; that is, a Damage Control card cannot be played on an
own turn to fill their Hand. A player whose Hand Size is for any reason undamaged Ship or an Evasive Action card played by a Ship which
decreased beneath his current total of cards need not discard the excess, is not under attack just to rid the Hand of these cards.
but he cannot draw new cards while currently exceeding his maximum
Hand Size.
3.6 BATTLE STATIONS (BS): Anytime a
player plays a "Battle Stations" card on a Ship,
it may take two Actions during that turn instead
of one. However, the two actions cannot be
identical such as two "Close/Open Range"
cards or two "Weapon Lockons" exceeding the 4.4 SUB/SURFACE CONTACTS: A Submarine's Sensor findings
target Contact Level. [EXCEPTION: A Ship belong to it alone—the Contact information is not shared between other
could play two "Evasive Action" cards pro- vessels of the same side as is done with Surface Ships. Therefore a
vided they were different types; such as a "High Contact marker matching the color of the system markers of the search-
Speed Turn" and a "Noisemaker". A Ship ing Submarine is necessary for each opposing vessel. However,
could also make two Repair attempts provided whenever a Surface Ship/Helicopter increases the contact it has on an
they were to different systems, or one used a opponent, that new Contact Level is instantly enjoyed by all Surface
"Technician" card while the other used a Ships on its side. Thus, movement of only one Nationality marker on
Random Number draw.] Playing a BS card does not allow an action the Submarine's Contact Level Track is necessary to update the Contact
plus a discard. Level for all Surface Ships against that Submarine.
Sub Only Sub Only
5. CONTACT REDUCTION (CR) 6.1 REQUIREMENTS: To attack, a Ship or Helicopter must play a
5.1 OVERVIEW: "Contact Reduction" cards may be played in either ' 'Weapon Lockon'' card. The target must have a current Contact Level
player's turn. During a friendly turn, they are used to attempt to reduce by the firing Ship or Helicopter the Contact number printed inside
the contact level that enemy Ships have on a friendly Ship. In the the Sonar Screen of the "Weapon Lockon" card. Targets whose current
enemy's turn, one may be played on each Ship in response to a "Sensor Contact Levels are "No Contact" or "No Attack" may not be attacked.
Detection" card to modify the chance of success of that and all sub- 6.2 ATTACK VALUES: Most Ship cards have two Attack Values for
sequent search attempts against that Ship for the rest of that Player Turn. each damage status. The bottom value with the submarine silhouette
5.2 FRIENDLY TURN: To reduce its current Contact level, a Ship is used to resolve attacks against Submarines. However, the top value
may play a "Contact Reduction" card and draw a RN the number differs depending on the Ship type. For Submarines, it is used to resolve
listed on the card. If successful, all Contact markers on that Ship's attacks against Surface Ships. For Surface Ships it is the number of
Contact Level Track are lowered by one (moved one space to the left). Helicopters that Ship can support in play at one time given its current
Attack Value status.
5.3 OPPONENT'S TURN: Before an opponent draws a RN to resolve 6.3 Each Ship or Helicopter may attack only one target per turn.
a "Sensor Detection" attempt against a Ship, the defender may play
one "Contact Reduction" card to modify the Sensor value used against 6.4 MULTIPLE FIRE CARDS: More than one "Weapon Lockon"
it. Subtract the red number indicated on the card from the Sensor Value card may be used in a combined attack if the Contact Level of the target
of the searching Ship. The effects of a card can only be used to modify equals or exceeds the sum of all the Contact Values on the "Weapon
Detection attempts against the Ship actually playing it, although it affects Lockon" cards used. The strength of multiple card attacks are added
all attempts against that Ship for the remainder of the current Player together, modified once by the attacker's Attack Value, and resolved
Turn. For this reason, players should resolve each announced Sensor with a single RN.
attempt before revealing what they'll do with their other Ships as the EXAMPLE: An undamaged John Rodgers has a Contact Level of 3 on an opposing Victor III
presence of a played "Contact Reduction" card may discourage further Submarine. The John Rodgers plays a "Weapon Lockon" card with Fire and Contact values
of 2, plus another "Weapon Lockon" card with a Fire value of 2 and a Contact value of 1.
Sensor attempts during that Player Turn. Only one "Contact Reduc- The total of the Contact values played is 3 which equals the Contact Level on the Submarine.
tion" card can be played to assist each Ship during a single opponent's The strength of the attack prior to the RN draw is 6 {John Rodgers Attack Value + 2 . Fire Value
+ 2 , Fire Value + 2 ) . However, because the John Rodgers played two black cards against the
turn. Submarine, the Soviet player may now play up to two red cards in reaction on that Submarine—
either two "Evasive Action" cards, or an "Evasive Action" and a "Passive Sonar", or two
"Passive Sonars". This combined attack is resolved by drawing one RN.
5.4 SUB ONLY: Those "Contact Reduction" cards with a submarine 6.5 RESOLUTION: The fire strength on the Weapon Lockon card(s)
silhouette in the center beneath the RN can only be used by Submarines. is modified by the current Attack Value on the attacking Ship or
To aid in easy identification, the top portion of a "Sub Only" card Helicopter card and any Evasion card played by the defender. If that
is light grey. total plus that of a RN is the target's Defense Value, the Ship has
been hit. If not, there is no effect. If hit, draw another card from the
Draw pile and apply the Hit result listed on the bottom of the card
5.5 PLAYING DEAD: A Submarine may shut down all non-essential by moving the target's Attack and/or Sensor Value markers one or
equipment and even release flotsam in an attempt to slip enemy contact two boxes to the right along their respective Tracks as directed by the
as its immediate reaction to any hit upon it (including a Dud) by placing card. Any target whose hit result is "Sunk", or whose "Attack" or
a marker on the Sub's "Systems Shutdown" box. The declaration "Sensor Value" marker is moved into its "Sunk" box is removed
(which is made during the opponent's turn) must be made after the from play. A hit result of "Dud" signifies that the warhead did not
hit resolution and before the next play. This reduces all Contact Levels detonate, and therefore the target is not damaged.
on that Submarine by one and allows it to draw one RN in each subse-
quent turn. If the RN is 4 it reduces Contact by one level, or the 6.6 DAMAGE: If a Ship is damaged, its Detection and Defense values
Sub may drop Systems Shutdown status and immediately play any play- are both reduced by one thereafter regardless of any subsequent Damage
able card. While in "Systems Shutdown" it may play no Black cards, Control efforts. Show the reduced values of the Ship by sliding the
take no action in its own turn, and does not add to maximum Hand Detection Value marker to the top so that it's arrow points down at
Size. The only red cards it may play are: the reduced value, and placing a " 7 " Defense marker on the Defense
box. Subsequent hits will not further reduce these values.
6.7 DAMAGE CONTROL: A damaged Ship may move a damage
marker one box to the left by playing a "Damage Control" card in
its turn and thereby recover lost Sensor or Attack values. However,
a reduced Detection/Defense value is never restored. "Damage
Control" cannot save an already "sunk" ship, nor repair a malfunc-
tioning system.
6.8 SUB ATTACK CONSEQUENCES: Whenever a Submarine
attacks, all opposing Surface Ships/Helicopters increase their Contact
Level by one on that Submarine if a defending Surface Ship/Helicopter
Surface Noise Thermal Layer Passive Sonar
plays a "Passive Sonar" card as a reaction to that attack. Individual
The drawing of a RN by a "Systems Shutdown" submarine is not an Submarines of the defender may each increase their Contact Level on
action and does not prevent the player from discarding. the firer by playing a "Passive Sonar" card. NOTE: Passive Sonars
played against Active Sonar searches (3.2) and Submarine attacks are 8.5 REACTIVE PLAYS: Whenever a player plays a "C/OR" card
the only instances in which a Ship may play a red card in response in his turn, it may be negated by his opponent immediately playing
to a black card directed against a different Ship. Such a play does not a "C/OR" card to nullify its effects (before any Contact Level markers
prevent that Ship from being able to play another red card against any are changed). The Ship playing the negating card must have already
black card directed against it subsequently during that turn. established contact ("No Attack" status is sufficient) with elements
of the moving force. The "C/OR" card is the only allowed action for
that Surface Force/Submarine in that player turn, whether it is nullified
or not. A player may not play a "C/OR" card during his opponent's
turn except to negate one just played by the opponent. A Surface Force
can play only one negating "C/OR" card per turn.
11.1 ENTRY: Some scenarios list Ships available as reinforcements.
These Ships are not available at first and do not add to Hand Size until
they enter play. A reinforcement may enter play whenever its owner
plays a "Close Range" card for it and draws a modified RN 6.
The RN drawn is added to the number of the current deck. Only one
reinforcing Ship may enter per successful "C/OR" play and the second
listed reinforcement may never enter before the first listed reinforce-
ment arrives. A reinforcement's entering "C/OR" card may not be
negated by an opponent's red "C/OR" play. This attempt does not
count against the options of any other Ship but does prohibit discards
by that player in diat turn. The entering Ship may not perform any
other action on its player turn of entry unless it plays a Battle Stations
card after its successful entry to allow one additional action.
10.1 LAUNCHING: Surface Ships having a Helicopter symbol in the 11.2 CONTACT: No adjustment to any Contact marker is made as
upper right:hand corner may play "Helicopter" cards which may, in a result of an entering reinforcement, although an entering Surface Ship
subsequent turns, be used to search for or attack Submarines. The automatically gains the Contact Level of other friendly Surface Ships
number in the top-left triangular half of the Ship's current Attack Value in play.
status indicates the maximum number of "Helicopter" cards that Ship
may have in play. As its sole action during its own turn, such a Ship 11.3 DURATION: If all Ships of a side are sunk before its reinforce-
may play one "Helicopter" card which is placed adjacent to the Ship. ments enter play, the scenario ends.
10.2 EFFECT: A Helicopter has the same Contact Level as the Ship
which launched it, but may be used on subsequent turns to perform
independent Sensor Checks and attacks of its own using the Sensor/
Attack values (2) printed on the Helicopter card. As such, it is con-
sidered a separate Ship for purposes of conducting Operations and
determining a player's Hand size.
13.4 ALFA C/OR EXCEPTION: Due to its great speed, an Alfa class
Submarine's "C/OR" play cannot be automatically negated by an 13G TURNING THE TIDE: As the tide of war turns in favor of
opponents "C/OR" reaction. The opponent may attempt to negate the NATO, many of the bases lost to the Soviets in the opening rounds
play with a reactive "C/OR" card of his own, but must also draw must be retaken. One such base lies near the town of Narvik in Norway.
a RN 4 for it to be successful. If the RN is < 4, the reactive card But the Soviets are waiting on land and at sea.
is played with no effect. SOVIET: Sura, Donets, Shtorm
13.5 VICTORY CONDITIONS: If no other Victory Conditions are NATO: John Rodgers, Simpson, Taylor, 3 Transports
cited, the first player to sink all opposing Ships currently in play wins. The Soviet wins by sinking all three Transports. Any other result is
However, if a scenario has no specific Victory Conditions to the a NATO victory.
contrary, a player may win by sinking one opposing vessel and sub-
sequently exitting all of his Ships without having any sunk. If trying
to win in this fashion, the exitting player may permanently remove 13H BOOMER: As a Soviet ballistic submarine moves toward its firing
a Ship from play by playing an "Open Range" card for that Ship position under the northern ice floes, a NATO sub-group intercepts
if it has achieved "No Contact" status on all opposing Ships. An the "boomer" and its escort. The "boomer" must be eliminated before
"Open Range" card played by a "No Contact" status Ship cannot it poses a strategic threat.
be negated (8.5). SOVIET: Zarnitsa, Ivan Rogov
NATO: Seawolf Reinforcement: Asheville
13A SUB DUEL: A pair of U.S. submarines have been operating too Nato wins by sinking the Zarnitsa. Once play has entered the second
successfully in the Atlantic, sinking Soviet submarines and surface ships deck, the Zarnitsa may draw a RN every time it plays an ' 'Open Range"
alike. To counter the threat, the Soviets dispatch two of their best killer card which is not negated by NATO. If the RN is less than the current
submarines. deck, the Soviet wins.
NATO: Los Angeles, Baltimore
SOVIET: Ivan Rogov, Skvortsov
13I SINK THE MOSKVA: The flagship of a Soviet ASW group, the
Anti-Submarine cruiser Moskva, has proven itself too effective against
13B SEARCH & DESTROY: As a NATO convoy makes its way to NATO submarines. NATO reacts by breaking from doctrine and form-
Iceland, a satellite update detects Soviet submarines moving toward ing a wolfpack to hunt it down.
the convoy. An ASW group is sent out on an interception course to
SOVIET: Moskva, Udaloy, Neukrotimyy, Revnostnyy, Tallin
remove the threat.
NATO: Asheville, Annapolis Reinforcement: Trafalgar
NATO: Virginia, Simpson
NATO wins by sinking the Moskva. The Soviet wins if the Moskva
SOVIET: Molniya, Skvortsov
exits (13.5) anytime after the first deck without losing more Ships than
NATO. Only Moskva—not its escorts—must exit to end the scenario.
13C BREAKOUT: To feed on the rich NATO surface convoys in the Any other result is a draw.
North Atlantic, the Soviets form sub groups to break out from the
Norwegian Sea. Waiting for just such a move, NATO submarines
position themselves to intercept. 13J THE RETURN HOME: The Soviet carrier Kiev has operated
NATO: Seawolf Reinforcement: Trafalgar successfully in the Atlantic since the outbreak of hostilities but needs
SOVIET: Ivan Rogov, Donets, Dekabrist Reinforcement: Skvortsov to return to port. The battlecruiser Kirov is sent out to escort her back.
All NATO submarines in the area are directed toward the force in hopes
Soviets win if they can manage any combination of two sunken NATO of bagging a major prize.
submarines and/or exitted Soviet submarines. Each Soviet submarine SOVIET: Kirov, Kiev, Neukrotimyy, Nikolayev, Tallin
must gain Contact Level 1 on a NATO submarine before it can attempt NATO: Asheville, Seawolf Reinforcement: Los Angeles
to exit.
NATO wins by sinking either the Kiev or the Kirov. Otherwise, the
Soviets win. Once play has entered the second deck, the Soviet may
13D FALKLANDS: The Argentine submarine force was a constant draw a RN every time he plays an "Open Range" card which is not
threat to the British during the Falklands War. A single successful attack negated by NATO. If he draws a RN less than the number of the current
on either the troop convoys or carrier task forces could have spelled deck, the scenario is over.
disaster for the entire campaign. Here a pair of Argentine subs are
discovered by a patrolling British submarine.
BRITISH: Swiftsure 13K FLATTOP: As NATO losses mount, they must risk the use of
ARGENTINE: Salta Reinforcement: San Luis smaller task forces. One such force is caught leaving Norfolk by a
Soviet wolfpack which has been assembled for just this task.
13E REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE: A renegade Soviet super boomer NATO: Kennedy, Virginia, John Rodgers, Simpson, Taylor
is determined to end Glasnost by starting WW HI. If it reaches its firing SOVIET: Ivan Rogov, Skvortsov, Yenisey Reinforcement: Bolshaya Neva
position, several American cities will be obliterated. A Soviet surface The Soviets win by sinking the Kennedy. NATO wins if the Kennedy
task force has orders to find and destroy it before it can reach its firing exits (13.5) anytime after the first deck without losing more Ships than
position. the Soviet. Only the Kennedy—not its escorts—must exit to end the
RENEGADE: Oppokov scenario. Any other result is a draw.
SOVIET: Rovnostnyy, Simferopol Reinforcement: Udaloy
The Soviet Surface Force wins by destroying the boomer before it 13L WOLFPACK: Allied forces in Norway desperately need supplies.
reaches its firing position. Once play has entered the second deck, the The Soviets are just as determined to prevent their arrival and have
Typhoon may draw a RN every time it plays an "Open Range" card. assembled a picket line of submarines off the Norwegian coast to contest
If the RN drawn is less than the number of the current deck, the the arrival of NATO convoys.
Renegade wins.
NATO: Invincible, Norfolk, Sheffield, Semmes, 3 Transports
SOVIET: Grif, DeKabrist, Ivan Rogov Reinforcement: Skvortsov
13F MOUNTING THE THREAT: As a large Soviet troop convoy
makes its way toward Iceland, a NATO sub group is detected. To Soviet wins the instant he sinks six points of NATO vessels. Any other
counter the threat, the Soviets send out an ASW screen along with result is a NATO victory. The Invincible is worth six points, each Trans-
whatever help they can get. port is worth two points, and each escort is worth one point. The Soviet
must immediately subtract one point from his score whenever he loses
SOVIET: Udaloy, Nikolayev Reinforcement: Kotov, Admiral Lapshin a Submarine.
NATO: Los Angeles, Valiant
can be just as accurate given sufficient time to collect the necessary data.
13M CONVOY SCREEN: A N A T O troop convoy is on its way to Even the actual ship type can be determined, given sufficient information
Europe and the ASW group screening the convoy has noted heavy sub- just by listening to the sounds generated by a ship and comparing these
marine activity and called for help to prevent any " l e a k a g e " from with a computerized library of sound profiles. But how much information
getting through to the convoy. The Soviets, for their part, likewise is enough? Obviously, the more information you have, the better your
direct additional forces to the area. chances to score a hit. But if you fire prematurely, not only will you most
likely miss your target, but you will undoubtedly alert him to your presence.
NATO: Arleigh Burke, Bowen And all the time you are looking for him, he is also trying to find you.
Reinforcement 1: John Rodgers It is, in many respects, the ultimate game of "chicken": two gunfighters
Reinforcement 2: Los Angeles staring each other down. Who will blink first?
SOVIET: Ivan Rogov, Skvortsov
Reinforcement 1: Yenisey In game terms all these factors come into play in a much less com-
Reinforcement 2: Grif plicated manner. Weapon attacks can be made at the lower "contact levels"
Reinforcement 3: Sura but the chances of a successful hit are less than if you wait for a better
target solution, i.e., high "contact levels". To get that higher level you
The Soviets win by scoring any combination of five sunken NATO can use either passive or active sonar detection cards or move towards
ships and/or exitted Soviet Subs (13.5). No Soviet Sub may attempt the target. Active cards will raise the enemy Contact levels faster due to
to exit before it has spent at least one entire deck in play. N A T O wins their +1 modifier, but may give away your own position even faster. I
by avoiding the Soviet Victory Conditions. should also dispel the notion that the playing of a sonar card equates to
that system only being used when the card is played. Playing the card
simulates the actual updating of ongoing sonar information. Not drawing
the right card simulates difficulty obtaining better information. Whether
NOTES FROM THE SKIPPER it is because of temperature changes "bending" the sound waves or human
When Avalon Hill first approached me about doing a modern sub- error on the part of your crew, it all amounts to a slower increase in enemy
marine game I was currently working on a more detailed simulation of contact levels in game terms.
modern naval combat. This posed a different type of challenge because
although they wanted the game to represent the weapons and decision But other elements can also effect how sound waves travel in water.
making of contemporary submarine warfare, they also required that it be Hiding above or below "thermal layers" and/or "surface noise" created
simple to play. Those familar with my past designs know that I've never by drift ice or storms are not the only elements affecting sonar contacts,
been happy with the constraints of hexagonal maps and traditional counters. but these are used in the game to visualize the overall effect of reducing
The choice to use cards rather than the more traditional hexagonal map the contact level. For submarines, Silent Running (creeping at low speeds
was an obvious starting point. Action cards allow one to incorporate all around five knots) or turning away from a contact can be an effective means
random result tables and player interaction in an easily used and under- of maintaining a low contact level or reducing a high one.
stood manner. As a side benefit, they also allow almost any probability Surface ships have a number of disadvantages when facing sub-
distribution. But most importantly, cards allow for fast play. This is a must marines, both in the game and in real life. They're generally noisier, have
for the less serious game player who is the primary audience for which fewer places to hide, and their sonars are less effective because they operate
this game was intended. One final, but overwhelming, argument for cards from the surface. However, they do have two important advantages that
was that of physical appearance. With all the games currently on the market, the game portrays effectively. First, they are generally all tied together
a newcomer must stand out from the crowd. To do this, a game first has electronically by a "data link". This feature allows all surface ships to
to be noticed and the most eye-catching device yet found in boardgames use information obtained by any other surface ship. Secondly, many sur-
is a deck of attractively illustrated cards. face ships have helicopters. Helicopters can hover over an area, unseen
by a submarine and lower an active or passive sonar buoy into the water.
With that said, I'll step down off my soapbox and address some
The first and last sound that a submarine may hear from a helicopter is
specific design decisions. Contemporary submarine warfare can be a very
a torpedo entering the water before it hits home. Helicopters can also be
complicated subject to simulate in detail. What makes it especially difficult
electronically linked to all the other surface ships in the area and be dis-
for a simpler game is the sorting through of all the information related
patched to any location faster than any submarine can leave it. However,
to the subject while retaining and emphasizing only the most important
helicopters are not without their limitations. Weight limits allow only one
characteristics to be learned. Let's start with the detection process. In most
or two torpedoes to be carried as well as limiting the number of sonar
naval combat situations the main objective is to remove an enemy threat
buoys. In game terms we see the tactical advantage of an airborne helicopter
from an area. Invariably this is done by sinking enemy ships or rendering
by the larger Hand size, but you take a chance of losing your helicopter
them hors de combat by applying sufficient damage that they will take
(i.e., forcing it to return to its mother ship) if you perform an action with
it upon themselves to retreat. But to damage a ship, one must first find
it. You can also lose it randomly with the passage of time due to fuel and
it. This is where sensors (or more specifically in submarine combat, sonar)
weather restraints. One might wonder why a ship can't just launch another
come in. If you think sonar is simple, you've been watching too much
helicopter whenever it likes. Why does a card need to be played? Launch-
television. Breaking it down to the basest fundamentals, sonar is sound
ing a helicopter in a rolling sea is not all that easy. More time (i.e. draw-
traveling through water. "Passive" sonar consists of listening for the enemy
ing a helicopter card) may be necessary for the helicopter to be prepared
without sending out any signals of one's own which might give away your
with fuel, weapons, and sonar buoys. Such time requirements translate
own position. "Active" sonar gives out a signal (the familiar "pinging"
in game terms to the need to draw (and play) a card.
sound of the Hollywood " B " movies) in hopes of creating an echo when
that signal bounces off a hull. Two things happen. More detailed infor- Few of these systems have been "tested" in combat situations. Things
mation is obtained about ships operating in the area, but at the expense can and do go very wrong—which is why the Falklands War was of so
of revealing one's own position to a listening enemy ship (i.e. passive much interest to naval strategists. At this level, what actually goes wrong
sonar). Thus, the effective use of sonar is the most basic element of when obtaining a "malfunction" result is not important. The effect of the
contemporary submarine warfare. Should a vessel use active sonar to malfunction is! A torpedo tube door may lock up or a computer may break
optimize chances of collecting information about enemy ships in the area down. Whatever the problem, the result is a system operating at a reduced
while thereby increasing the chances of his own detection, or wait and level of efficiency.
continue to listen quietly in hopes of gathering more information than you're
Damage to ships in modern combat is often a hit or miss affair with
giving away. Layered on top of this are other important considerations.
a single hit disabling or sinking a ship more often than not. In game terms
How much information is enough to launch a weapon system and obtain
this has been adjusted somewhat and a more optimistic view of ship
a kill? The initial information from sonar is rather limited, especially for
mortality taken to make the game more entertaining. It should also be noted
passive sonar. Bearing or direction to the enemy may well be all the in-
that some of the submarines seem to have the potential to absorb as much
formation you might obtain. Firing at a target with "bearing" informa-
damage as many of the surface ships. This is not the case. As a general
tion only will usually result in a miss. The missile may activate its homing
rule the torpedoes fired from submarines are much larger and carry twice
radar too late and miss its target altogether, or too early and give itself
the explosives. Surface ships generally use what are termed "stand-off"
away, allowing it to be easily defeated by ECM (Electronic Counter
weapon systems. These systems must fire a missile (or something simpler)
Measures) or ASM (Anti-Surface Missiles). Torpedoes have similar
that carries the torpedo to the approximate location of the submarine and
problems. Activating a torpedoe's homing sonar too early gives the target
releases its homing torpedo at that point. Since the torpedo must be carried
more time to react and deploy countermeasures. Torpedoes with their more
by the missile, the torpedo's weight (including warhead) plays an important
limited range, fired at targets that are out of range or that can be "outrun"
role in limiting the size of the warhead. Torpedoes carried by helicopters
become an obvious waste.
suffer from the same limitation although they are carried to the target
The more one listens, either actively or passively, the more infor- location by the helicopter rather than a missile.
mation is gathered and the greater the accuracy of the contact solution. The last element of the game we'll discuss concerns the relative values
Active sonar gathers data quicker and more accurately, but passive solutions of the ships themselves. Detection is directly related to the noise the ship
generates. NATO ships have always enjoyed an advantage when compared
with the noise their Soviet counterparts generate. But this gap is slowly
closing, especially with the new generation of submarines coming out of
Russia. Thus we see ships like the Victor III with a fairly high detection
rating. The Soviets also use acoustic coatings on many of their newer sub Now that you know how to play the game, the next problem is probably who to
hulls which can absorb sonar signals. Probably the hardest ships to detect play it with and how to win. We can help you with that problem, and many others,
are the diesel/electric submarines whose electric engines are so quiet, yet through your subscription to our bi-monthly gaming journal, The GENERAL In
require snorkeling near the surface to recharge batteries. The Soviets use The GENERAL you'll not only read all there is to know about this game, but will also
learn about our dozens of other exciting simulation games of skill. Every full-color
a number of the latter type in their coastal waters where they are effective
issue is crammed full of the best articles on the strategy and tactics of the games
in avoiding detection. Surface ships, even when "quieted", like many of from The Avalon Hill Game Company and Victory Games. And in 1988,
the newer NATO ships, are generally noisier than most submarines. Know- The GENERAL expanded to 64 pages. Just look at what The GENERAL offers:
ing that they are noisier and therefore operating at a disadvantage, sur-
Advertising: Our OPPONENTS WANTED COLUMN allows you to advertise, for a
face ships (and many of the noisier submarines) operate continually with minimal fee, for opponents, discontinued games or competition of any sort. Each
active sonar believing that the best defense is a good offense. issue contains dozens of ads which are seen by our many readers worldwide The
Much of the technological advantage of the West also shows up in fastest way to find an opponent for this game, whether it is across the street or
across the Atlantic Ocean, is in the pages of The GENERAL.
the quality of their sonar systems. Most NATO subs operate with not only
more effective sonar, but also with "towed arrays". Not only are these Contests: In every issue, we pose challenging game situations which you can enter
systems more effective than the usual hull mounted sonars, but they also to win free games by utilizing your playing skills for this or any of The Avalon Hill
have a full 360 degree arc unlike hull sonars. Noise from the propellers Game Company's many other simulations.
and wake of the ship disturb incoming sound signals in an arc approxi- Tactics & Strategy: Learn why you lose or how to win. The nation's best players
mately 60 degrees astern. This dead area can be used by a good captain and our design staff members write many thought-provoking articles on the entire
gamut of games by The Avalon Hill Game Company and victory Games. Many
to approach an enemy ship undetected. To reflect this in game terms, sonar
issues contain a SERIES REPLAY in which an actual move-by-move game by
values are larger for better Sonar systems and/or if the system is a "Towed master players, profusely illustrated and with commentary by a recognized expert,
Array". is printed.
For game purposes, attack values portray a number of different History: Curious about the events portrayed in the game? Articles in The GENERAL
elements all rolled into one. For example, most submarines can use a explain these events and discuss parallels in other games and in other periods
number of weapons to attack a ship. The Los Angeles class submarine, of history.
for example, can fire a "Harpoon" cruise missile against surface targets Game Design: Wonder why this game was designed the way it was? Read
from its torpedo tubes as well as a Mark 48 torpedo against either surface The GENERAL and find out! Our regular DESIGN ANALYSIS column features
or submerged targets. The "Harpoon" is an excellent anti-ship missile explanatory treatises by our designers and playtesters.
and its + 3 rating in the game reflects its high accuracy and survivability Variants: Tired of the same old game? Playtested variant rules and scenarios by
to air-defense systems. By way of explanation, it should be noted that when dedicated experts for this game, and dozens of others, are printed regularly in
a defensive card such as ' 'Evasive Action'' is played against such an attack The GENERAL. These bring many more hours of enjoyment, and often serve to
it represents not only the maneuvering of the ship, but more importantly highlight the finer points of strategy and tactics. And starting in 1988,
the effective use of air defensive systems to shoot down the missile. The The GENERAL will also annually include a die-cut variant counter sheet for select
game variants. These counters will be free only to regular subscribers to
Mark 48 torpedo also receives a high rating. It is a wire-guided torpedo The GENERAL.
with active and passive sonar for searching and homing on its target. Even
Questions Answered: In our QUESTION BOX in each issue, you'll find the only
after launch a wire-guided torpedo can have its targeting data updated
official source of rules interpretations and changes for this and our other games.
through the guide-wire. Once it reaches a position close enough to its target,
it's built-in sonar takes over. These torpedoes can prove to be very difficult Product Reviews: Interested in other titles from The Avalon Hill Game Company
or Victory Games? Check them out in the READER'S BUYERS GUIDE. The RBG
to evade once a " g o o d " weapon system lock is obtained.
is a game review compiled by our subscribers at large—the people who play
I hope walking through some of the rationale behind the rules has the games—not a self-appointed critic. Realism, complexity, components, play-
made the game more enjoyable for you by increasing your appreciation balance and game time are only a few of the categories rated in the RBG.
for the realism factored into the game mechanics. Although simple, the What's Happening: Most gamers like to know what's going on in the gaming
game is far from simplistic. Players looking for a more involved contem- hobby. Each issue contains an installment of AH PHILOSOPHY where we discuss
porary naval game should watch for my next game, BLUE WATER NAVY, developments in the industry and hobby, and generally strive to keep you
which includes all aspects of naval combat including surface ships, sub- informed. Full-page ads announce new titles from The Avalon Hill Game
marines, and aircraft. Check the pages of The GENERAL for information Company. In addition, the INFILTRATOR'S REPORT keeps you abreast on
about this and other games of skill by Avalon Hill. tournaments, conventions, club news, awards and unusual happenings.
Value: In every issue you'll find a vaiue coupon to be applied against the cost
of postage when purchasing games directly from The Avalon Hill Game
Since its inception in 1964, The GENERAL has stood the test of time. It remains
QUESTIONS: the oldest and most-respected periodical devoted to simulation gaming on the
We regret that we cannot answer game questions by phone. However, we will market. And its subscription rates remain the best value. Increase your enjoy-
try to answer all reasonable queries by mail provided you observe the following ment of this and our other games many-fold with a subscription. If you're con-
requests: vinced, send your check for a two-year subscription. See the PARTS LIST
enclosed with your new game for prices.
1. All questions must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope
bearing uncancelled U.S. postage sufficient for first class mail. Foreigners unable
to secure U.S. postage may purchase an International Reply Coupon sufficient
for return postage from their local Post Office. Questions cannot be returned
inside other ordered merchandise—keep your questions separate from orders. CREDITS:
2. Do not ask questions for more than one game. If your letter has to go from RESEARCH & DESIGN: Courtney Allen
one designer to another, the chances of it being lost or delayed are greatly GAME DEVELOPMENT: Don Greenwood
COVER ART: George Parrish Jr.
3. Do not ask questions on design or historical subjects. This type of material
is best covered in our magazine; THE GENERAL. Purchase of the recommended GRAPHICS: Charles Kibler, Dave Dobyski
special feature issue of THE GENERAL covering that game is recommended. TYPESETTING: Colonial Composition
4. Do not ask us to rewrite a rule for you or to explain it in other terms. We
cannot take the time to write individual essay responses to vague questions, nor PREP DEPT. COORDINATOR: Lou Velenovsky
can we possibly do so with any better results than the version you currently PRINTING: Monarch Services
possess which underwent several carefully prepared drafts. Therefore, please
phrase your questions in a Yes/No format and refer to the proper rule numbers PLAYTESTING: Andrew Lewis, Neil Moran, Paul Harper,
when posing a question. Bruce Earls, Flint Allen, Michael Smith, Joel Spence, Jeff Tabian,
5. Please take the time to see if you can answer your own questions. Most Mike Phelps, Bob Purnell, David Spangler, Philip Coveney,
questions we receive are clearly answered in the rules. When writing to us, pose Ernest Schubert, Darrel Plant
your questions carefully—most that we receive are so ambiguously worded that
it is impossible to give a precise answer.
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