Feuer Riegel 2018
Feuer Riegel 2018
Feuer Riegel 2018
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The macroeconomic climate influences operations with regard to, e.g., raw material prices, financing, sup-
Received 12 May 2017 ply chain utilization and demand quotas. In order to adapt to the economic environment, decision-makers
Accepted 29 May 2018
across the public and private sectors require accurate forecasts of the economic outlook. Existing pre-
Available online xxx
dictive frameworks base their forecasts primarily on time series analysis, as well as the judgments of
Keywords: experts. As a consequence, current approaches are often biased and prone to error. In order to reduce
Forecasting forecast errors, this paper presents an innovative methodology that extends lag variables with unstruc-
Text mining tured data in the form of financial news: (1) we apply a variety of models from machine learning to word
Financial news counts as a high-dimensional input. However, this approach suffers from low interpretability and overfit-
Macroeconomic indicators ting, motivating the following remedies. (2) We follow the intuition that the economic climate is driven
Partial least squares by general sentiments and suggest a projection of words onto latent semantic structures as a means of
feature engineering. (3) We propose a semantic path model, together with estimation technique based on
regularization, in order to yield full interpretability of the forecasts. We demonstrate the predictive per-
formance of our approach by utilizing 80,813 ad hoc announcements in order to make long-term forecasts
of up to 24 months ahead regarding key macroeconomic indicators. Back-testing reveals a considerable
reduction in forecast errors.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction cial crises (Demyanyk & Hasan, 2010; Huang, Kou, & Peng, 2017),
currency crises (Sevim, Oztekin, Bali, Gumus, & Guresen, 2014)
Macroeconomic developments, such as cyclic downturns or the and bankruptcy (Du Jardin, 2015; McKee & Lensberg, 2002; Sun
economic circumstances associated with the U. S. subprime cri- & Shenoy, 2007), especially in the financial sector (Tam & Kiang,
sis, affect firm operations in multiple ways and represent direct 1992)
challenges to management (e. g. Demyanyk & Hasan, 2010; Goudie Future expectations regarding the macroeconomic environment
& Meeks, 1982). Examples include changes in the price of goods play a critical role in the decision-making process for many organi-
and raw materials, as well as the impact on overall demand, sup- zations (Xu et al., 2017). Hence, decision-makers across all sectors
ply chain utilization and even operational processes (Xu, Pinedo, must analyze the current economic environment and form accu-
& Xue, 2017). Therefore, firms are interested in foreseeing the fu- rate expectations about future economic trends in order to sup-
ture economic climate in order to manage operations accordingly port the operational strategy of organization and long-term man-
and hedge potential risks. In this context, operational research (OR) agement. As a result, macroeconomic variables, and the accurate
has a long tradition of addressing such risks (Demyanyk & Hasan, prediction thereof, form the basis for a wide array of OR models
2010). Our discipline has thus contributed to anticipating a vari- (e. g. Calabrese, Degl’Innocenti, & Osmetti, 2017; Fethi & Pasiouras,
ety of developments at a macroeconomic level, including financial 2010; Gutiérrez & Lozano, 2012).
distress (Geng, Bose, & Chen, 2015), liquidity risks (Shaik, 2015), The importance of accurate long-term forecasts for firm opera-
credit risks (Akkoç, 2012; Desai, Crook, & Overstreet, 1996), finan- tions has driven the extensive amount of research conducted with
respect to macroeconomic predictions. Specific examples from the
OR domain include short-term predictions of asset-related val-
Corresponding author. ues, including government bonds (Tay & Cao, 2001) and stock
E-mail addresses: sfeuerriegel@ethz.ch (S. Feuerriegel),
juliusgordon89@gmail.com (J. Gordon).
0377-2217/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon, News-based forecasts of macroeconomic indicators: A semantic path model for
interpretable predictions, European Journal of Operational Research (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.068
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 25, 2018;19:25]
indices (e. g. Huang, Nakamori, & Wang, 2005; Kung & Yu, 2008; 2. Background
Oztekin, Kizilaslan, Freund, & Iseri, 2016). Further research focuses
on forecasting macroeconomic indicators of single countries (e. g. 2.1. Predictive models for macroeconomic forecasts
Mahmoud, Motwani, & Rice, 1990) or the relationship between
countries (Sermpinis, Theofilatos, Karathanasopoulos, Georgopou- Beyond human predictions (Matsypura et al., 2018), common
los, & Dunis, 2013). Other works propose agent-based simulations approaches to macroeconomic forecasting include various time se-
to study the behavior of human forecasters (Bovi & Cerqueti, 2016). ries models (Allen & Morzuch, 2006), for instance, auto-regressive
Previous efforts at forecasting macroeconomic indicators have moving-average (ARMA) models and their multivariate variations,
made use of various input features and methodologies. Historic such as vector autoregression and vector error correction models.
time series data is a staple input for macroeconomic forecasting, However, their use entails certain challenges, since they must be
and has been applied to make both short- and long-term pre- adapted to cope with structural changes in the underlying systems
dictions (e. g. Jansen, Jin, & de Winter, 2016; Mahmoud et al., (Litterman, 1986). Nevertheless, time series models still appear to
1990; Sermpinis et al., 2013). A prevalent alternative is the subjec- be the standard benchmark against which the predictive perfor-
tive judgments of professional forecasters (Matsypura, Thompson, mance of alternative approaches is measured (de Gooijer & Hyn-
& Vasnev, 2018) such as those used by the European Central Bank. dman, 2006).
However, both time series models and subjective forecasts suffer Since vector autoregression and its variants are limited to a few
from severe prediction errors (Jansen et al., 2016), possibly because variables, researchers have proposed alternative models, such as
they cannot benefit from predictors that better measure the state Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR). The BVAR accounts more
and outlook of the economy. accurately for uncertainty regarding the structure of the economy
It is plausible that macroeconomic forecasting could also ben- and is utilized to handle instances with dozens of relevant vari-
efit from the advances of the big data era (Mortenson, Doherty, ables (Litterman, 1986). Its use for forecasts requires extensive
& Robinson, 2015) and potential improvements in predictive mod- computational resources, especially when dealing with many pre-
eling. Especially unstructured data, such as news, promises fur- dictors (Carriero, Clark, & Marcellino, 2015; Litterman, 1986).
ther insights into global systems and the heterogeneous trends and Bridge equations have been a suggested as an alternative
events that occur within them. Hence, news represents a powerful means of incorporating relevant explanatory variables into pre-
source of information for financial forecasting and is thus likely to dictive models. This approach is a form of linear regression that
serve as an intriguing – yet currently rare – predictor for macroe- time-aggregates economic time series to bridge the information
conomic forecasts. gap between low and high frequency indicators. It is a widely used
Our research therefore aims to improve macroeconomic fore- method for forecasting macroeconomic variables (Jansen et al.,
casts using financial disclosures. Financial news, in particular, con- 2016). However, these forecasts are generally limited to one or two
veys rich information about expected firm performance that often periods ahead.
goes beyond pure numeric data (e. g. Tsai & Wang, 2017). Text A different concept is represented by leading indicators. These
mining of financial news has been successfully used in conjunc- are supposed to provide prognostic capabilities for future changes
tion with predictive analytics to infer profitable short-term invest- in the economic outlook. Examples include major stock indices,
ment decisions in capital markets (Feuerriegel & Prendinger, 2016; the Ifo Business Climate Index from Germany, or the University of
Nassirtoussi, Aghabozorgi, Wah, & Ngo, 2014). However, it is un- Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index for the United States. These
clear whether financial filings – which should essentially mirror indices can yield important information regarding future cyclical
the current health of the firm – also provide long-term prognostic fluctuations of the general economy (Allen & Morzuch, 2006) and
capacity. they have thus been used to forecast imminent turning points in
To make long-term predictions of macroeconomic indicators, the business cycle (Layton & Smith, 2007). Predictive models us-
we construct an approach as follows: we use financial news and ing leading indicators have been applied, for instance, in single
insert corresponding linguistic features into various machine learn- variable ARMA models, multivariate models, diffusion indices and
ing methods. Our specific setting represents a major difference BVAR (Allen & Morzuch, 2006; Stock & Watson, 2002). However, it
from previous news-based forecasts, in the sense that the outcome is not clear whether these indices have a prognostic potential for
variable is reported in monthly or quarterly resolution. This re- future developments.
sults in fewer observations and thus extremely high-dimensional Since previous approaches to macroeconomic forecasting have
predictor matrices with severe risks of overfitting. To overcome primarily focused on using various forms of economic data as dy-
this challenge, we develop a form of feature engineering based namic predictors, the use of qualitative or unstructured data, such
on semantic projections and, on top of that, propose a seman- as financial news, deserves the attention of researchers. However,
tic path model that fulfills the demand of practitioners by be- the inclusion of larger numbers of predictors in traditional time se-
ing fully interpretable. Afterwards, we conduct an out-of-sample ries models can prove to be problematic, as such models typically
evaluation of the predictive performance. The results demonstrate struggle with such settings (Jansen et al., 2016; Litterman, 1986).
that our approach is superior in terms of relative performance The above literature review thus motivates our choice of models:
when compared to common time series models that serve as a we specifically decided to utilize different machine learning mod-
benchmark. els that can cope with non-linear relationships and large numbers
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. of textual features.
Section 2 reviews related research on macroeconomic forecasting
in order to outline the aforementioned research gap. As a rem- 2.2. Predictive text mining with financial news
edy, Section 3 explains our methodology for making news-based
macroeconomic predictions, with a particular focus on the pro- News-based predictions of macroeconomic indicators constitute
posed projections to latent semantic structures. Section 4 reports an innovative area of research. Due to the scarcity of related publi-
the datasets, based on which Section 5 compares the predictive cations, we decided to extend our literature overview and also in-
performance of both traditional time series models and news- clude news-based forecasts of stock returns in addition to macroe-
based forecasts. A discussion of managerial implications follows in conomic variables.
Section 6, while Section 7 concludes with an outlook on future re- Text mining of financial news have been successfully used in
search. conjunction with predictive analytics to infer profitable short-term
Please cite this article as: S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon, News-based forecasts of macroeconomic indicators: A semantic path model for
interpretable predictions, European Journal of Operational Research (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.068
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 25, 2018;19:25]
investment decisions in capital markets (Feuerriegel & Prendinger, Here we follow the intuition that the economic climate is linked
2016). Previous approaches have largely focused on predicting the to the perception (i. e. sentiments) of the involved stakeholders.
response to financial news in the form of short-term reactions of Given a meaningful choice of dimensions, we can later decompose
stock markets (Nassirtoussi et al., 2014), whereas we develop a fore- the overall forecasts in terms of the underlying constructs.
casting methodology for the general macroeconomic environment We adapt to the two aforementioned challenges by suggesting
over long-term forecast horizons. Text mining of financial news for a variety of predictive methods for our forecasting task. The under-
predictions in capital markets has been extensively studied in re- lying approach for text-based forecasts consists of preprocessing
cent years; for a comprehensive review we refer to Nassirtoussi of financial text, including feature extraction (cf. online appendix);
et al. (2014). optional feature engineering, in which we project individual words
Financial news contains fundamental and qualitative informa- onto latent semantic structures; model training and selection; and
tion that influences the expectations of market participants, and multi-step ahead predictions using a test set. The individual ap-
has thus driven the field of market prediction. A broad range of proaches can be grouped as follows:
textual materials has been in the course of recent research, in-
0. Baseline: Time series models. These build upon auto-regressive
cluding newspaper articles from media sources and regulated fil-
lags and combine them in linear and non-linear fashion.
ings, such as ad hoc announcements, 8-K filings and annual re-
1. Machine learning models with high-dimensional input. A series of
ports (Nassirtoussi et al., 2014). The common feature tying these
machine learning models is tested with high-dimensional input
previous efforts together is the focus on making short-term, usu-
as a comparison. The models are later fed with an input matrix
ally same-day, predictions.
that is (optionally) subject to unsupervised dimension reduc-
The challenge of working with textual data, such as finan-
tion techniques.
cial news, lies in how to efficiently transform it into a machine-
2. Models with semantic features. We develop a supervised tech-
friendly form and then apply a classifier to it. Hence, text min-
nique for feature engineering. This approach involves projec-
ing approaches commonly follow a similar procedure with the
tions of terms onto semantic constructs that then serve as a
goal of extracting and selecting relevant features that best repre-
low-dimensional feature space.
sent the original text (Nassirtoussi et al., 2014). In this regard, the
3. Semantic path model. Similar to the semantic features, we de-
bag-of-words approach breaks up the free-running text into sin-
velop a path model that operationalizes the semantic classifi-
gle words (or n-grams) which can then be used as features. Af-
cation of terms into different categories relevant in a macroe-
terwards, feature selection (sometimes joined with dimensionality
conomic context in order to obtain interpretable forecasts. To
reduction) aims to reduce the set of features while keeping rel-
circumvent overfitting from collinear constructs, we develop a
evant information. Common approaches in financial text mining
novel estimation technique with an additional regularization.
(Nassirtoussi et al., 2014) include frequency-based statistics, i. e.
term weighting. This then presents the input to machine learning We note that each of the text-based models is later trained in
classifiers. We draw upon the aforementioned approach utilizing different variants, i. e. the models are optionally augmented by the
high-dimensional input matrices, which results in one of our three same lags as the time series baseline.
text-based forecasting routines.
3.2. Baseline: time series models
3. Methods
In order to evaluate the predictive performance of our fore-
3.1. Overview casting methodology, we employ a number of benchmark models
that forecast the macroeconomic time series purely on the basis of
This section introduces the research framework for forecasting historic data points. These models include an auto-regressive (AR)
macroeconomic indicators based on financial news. This task en- process based on l lagged values. Formally, let i denote the current
tails two critical challenges: feature engineering and interpretabil- time period. We then predict the value in time step i + h, i. e. that
ity. is h steps ahead. This results in
First, the input matrix is high-dimensional as the number of
Yi+h = α + β1Yi−1 + · · · + βl Yi−l + εi , (1)
predictors exceeds the number of observations. For instance, the
macroeconomic indicators with quarterly resolution are predicted with coefficients α , β1 , . . . , βl , inputs Yi−1 , . . . , Yi−l and where Yi+h
based on a term-document matrix with 536 terms, while a sin- gives the predicted indicator. In addition, we incorporate non-
gle fold during cross-validation might consist of only 71 samples. linear relationships by applying a random forest (RF) to historic
We address this issue through unsupervised techniques for di- values for each of the macroeconomic indicators. This machine
mension reduction and, in addition, pioneer in replacing the sta- learning model frequently achieves a high predictive power with
tistical approaches to feature generation (e. g. Liang, Lu, Tsai, & little need for tuning (Hastie, Tibshirani, & Friedman, 2013).
Shih, 2016) with a supervised technique that incorporates domain- For both AR and RF models, we experiment with different spec-
specific knowledge. More specifically, it aggregates terms accord- ifications that vary in their lag order: on the one hand, we utilize
ing to a semantic classification with projections onto correspond- only 1 lag and, on the other hand, all lags of order 1 to 6. By test-
ing constructs, thereby yielding a low-dimensional input with only ing both variants, we also adhere to the selection made in previous
a couple of predictors. literature (e. g. Litterman, 1986; Stock & Watson, 2002). We specif-
Second, machine learning is often regarded as a black-box ically decided to predict the raw values of each of the macroe-
mechanism, whereas practitioners from operational management conomic indicators, instead of applying additional transformation.
demand the potential for interpretation as a means to validate This choice stems from the need of practitioners who require clear
the computer-based forecasts with their own beliefs and expecta- expectations in common and interpretable scales. As a comparison,
tions, as well as to gain trust in the automated decision support. we also predict a first-difference term as part of our evaluation.
Hence, we are specifically interested in models that attain a ben-
eficial trade-off between predictive performance and explanatory 3.3. Models for textual predictors
power. As a remedy, we propose a semantic path model that can
offer full accountability of the forecasts but yields a performance All subsequent models involving textual predictors are esti-
comparable to the best black-box models from machine learning. mated in three different variants: on the one hand, we forecast
Please cite this article as: S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon, News-based forecasts of macroeconomic indicators: A semantic path model for
interpretable predictions, European Journal of Operational Research (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.068
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 25, 2018;19:25]
macroeconomic indicators based purely on the narrative materials, only a subset of terms maps to each feature, thereby incorporating
excluding the history of the outcome variable. On the other hand, domain knowledge.
we follow the above time series models and augment the predic- We additionally utilize a Bayesian neural network as the under-
tor matrix by 1 and 6 auto-regressive lags of the to-be-predicted lying predictive model in order to infer Y from zi , thereby essen-
macroeconomic indicator. Thus the model can further learn from tially yielding a universal structure model, USM for short (Buckler
additional seasonal and trend characteristics. & Hennig-Thurau, 2008). In fact, universal structure modeling has
found to be effective in multiple applications from the fields of de-
cision support and operations research (e. g. Oztekin, Kong, & De-
3.3.1. Machine learning models for high-dimensional input
len, 2011; Turkyilmaz, Oztekin, Zaim, & Fahrettin Demirel, 2013;
As noted earlier, the document-term matrices are wide, since
Turkyilmaz, Temizer, & Oztekin, 2016).
the number of features (words) far exceeds the number of obser-
vations. We thus choose machine learning models that are known
for their performance with wide data sets, as they reduce the
risk of overfitting via feature selection, regularization and dimen- 3.3.3. Semantic path model
sion reduction (Hastie et al., 2013). These are as follows: least We now present the semantic path model that also involve pro-
squares absolute shrinkage operator (LASSO), ridge regression, elas- jections onto low-dimensional feature spaces. These again build
tic net (ENET), gradient boosting (GBM), principal component re- upon a meaningful representation of different perceptions of the
gression (PCR), random forest (RF) and partial least squares regres- macroeconomic climate as latent constructs. However, this ap-
sion (PLS-R). proach attains full interpretability as the underlying combination
Following common conventions, the above models are esti- construct is linear. Fig. 1 illustrates an example in which terms are
mated based on the term-document matrix. The entries are scaled mapped onto two constructs – negative outlook and economic un-
by tf-idf weighting in order to reflect how frequently a term ap- certainty – which then yield the final prediction. Such path mod-
pears in a document in the corpus. Beyond that, the experiments eling techniques are common in the social sciences (cf. Aguirre-
are repeated with different unsupervised transformations for di- Urreta & Marakas, 2014; Aubert, Rivard, & Patry, 1996; McIntosh,
mension reduction that are applied to the input X as part of a fea- Edwards, & Antonakis, 2014), where the constructs quantify differ-
ture engineering step. More precisely, we apply a principal compo- ent aspects of human behavior (Rigdon, Ringle, & Sarstedt, 2010;
nent analysis (PCA) and compute a latent semantic analysis (LSA), Tenenhaus et al., 2005). However, their adaptation to semantic
which are then fed into the different machine learning models. Al- structures for linguistic materials reveals an innovative application
together, we obtain a total of 21 different models (i. e. 7 classifiers, with considerable potential for interpreting language-based predic-
each with raw tf-idf, as well as 2 unsupervised dimension reduc- tions. Mathematically, the model builds upon the prescribed paths
tion techniques). of which terms Ii ⊆ {1, . . . , n} relate to construct i. Each construct
is then computed by a linear combination zi = j∈I φi j x j , i. e. a
3.3.2. Models with semantic features projection of words onto latent semantic constructs. Then, the final
We now present an alternative approach to feature generation. prediction is an additional linear model Y˜ = ψ0 + i=1 ψi zi . Evi-
More precisely, we replace the purely statistical approach behind dently, one can directly interpret the forecast and decompose its
unsupervised transformations for dimension reduction (i. e. PCA value into individual components ψ 1 z1 , ψ 2 z2 , etc. Hence, decision-
and LSA) with a supervised routine that encodes domain-specific makers can assess the underlying reasoning of the model and eval-
knowledge. uate the contribution of the different semantic categories to the
Our approach assumes that the overall macroeconomic climate overall outcome.
is driven by the perceptions (or sentiments) of individual stake- The above model can be estimated based on the algorithms
holders. For instance, a construct “macroeconomic uncertainty” for path modeling based on projections to latent structures
could be indicated by a term “risk”, while “increase” links to a (Tenenhaus et al., 2005), which we denote in the following:
construct “positive outlook”. Hence, we identify a new set of fea-
tures z1 , . . . , zm which represent such meaningful constructs (i. e.
perceptions). Each construct zi is represented by a linear com-
bination of terms x1 , . . . , xn or, more specifically, a subset Ii ⊆
{1, . . . , n} thereof; i. e. zi = j∈Ii φi j x j with coefficients φ ij . The
subset then incorporates our knowledge with regard to how terms
correspond to the different constructs. Here merely a categoriza-
tion Ii of words is needed in the form of a simple wordlist that
neither has weights nor is mutually exclusive. As a result, the high-
dimensional input matrix is projected onto a low-dimensional fea-
ture space based on the the pre-specified semantic structure.
The weights φ ij are computed in a supervised manner by mak-
ing use of the response Y. That is, the weights φ ij are chosen such Beyond the naïve estimation approach to path modeling based
that the zi explain as much of the covariance between X and Y as on projection to latent structures (Tenenhaus et al., 2005), we pro-
possible. Mathematically, the computation draws upon the exist- pose an alternative strategy: we argue that the potentially collinear
ing routine for projections on latent constructs (Hastie et al., 2013). relationships between the different constructs could lead to a low
This algorithm computes the coefficients for the each construct zi capacity for generalization and thus suboptimal forecasts. This dif-
similar to least squares, i. e. minφi j ,...,φim Y − φ X 2 , with the dif-
fers from the majority of path models in social sciences, where
ference that it involves the orthogonalization step from path mod- constructs represent distinct concepts (e. g. Aubert et al., 1996) and
eling, as terms can appear in more than one construct (Tenenhaus, thus mostly orthogonal vectors (Tenenhaus et al., 2005). However,
Vinzi, Chatelin, & Lauro, 2005). This highlights the differences from in our case, a high negativity is likely to correspond to low pos-
traditional PLS-R as a predictive model, in which the number of itivity and vice versa. Hence, this can be addressed by replacing
constructs m is subjected to tuning and all terms map on all fea- the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator from the inner model
tures. Conversely, our semantic features impose a structure where in path modeling with regularized variants, namely, LASSO, ridge
Please cite this article as: S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon, News-based forecasts of macroeconomic indicators: A semantic path model for
interpretable predictions, European Journal of Operational Research (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.068
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 25, 2018;19:25]
Fig. 1. Illustrative depiction of our semantic path model. The dictionary-based assignment of words to semantic categories is shown by the presence of arrow-shaped paths.
Here projections map the high-dimensional predictors onto latent semantic constructs.
regression and elastic net. This results in the general form retained, based on which the final model is fitted to the complete
2 training data. All models are tuned with the goal of minimizing the
˜ root mean squared errors. All models preprocess the predictors by
min Y − ψ0 − ψi zi + α1 ψ 1 + α2 ψ 22 , (3) scaling and centering to zero mean and a variance of one.
ψ0 ,...,ψm
i=1 2
Please cite this article as: S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon, News-based forecasts of macroeconomic indicators: A semantic path model for
interpretable predictions, European Journal of Operational Research (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.068
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 25, 2018;19:25]
Table 1
List of predicted macroeconomic indicators.
Gross domestic product Germany GDP Quarterly OECD Market value of all final goods and services produced 86
Gross domestic product E. U. GDP Quarterly ECB Market value of all final goods and services produced 86
Unemployment rate Germany UR Monthly OECD Number of unemployed people as a percentage of the labor force 260
Consumer price index Germany CPI Monthly OECD Measures prices changes in a basket of goods and services 260
Industrial production index Germany IPI Monthly OECD Measures the output in the industrial sector of the economy 260
Business confidence index Germany BCI Monthly OECD Enterprises’ assessment of production, orders and stocks 260
Consumer confidence index Germany CCI Monthly OECD Households’ expectations for the immediate future 260
Federal 10 year bond Germany Bund Monthly Bloomberg German government bond denominated in euros 260
Table 2
Descriptive statistics of disclosures and macroeconomic variables. The table lists the average value of each time series by calender year.
Year Number disclosures Average length GDP: Germany GDP: E. U. UR CPI IPI Bund BCI CCI
1996 (Jul–Dec) 424 277.38 481.58 1498.18 9.09 1.45 77.47 6.20 98.79 98.14
1997 1524 232.96 491.77 1534.49 10.05 1.94 80.06 5.65 100.20 98.37
1998 1911 281.13 504.56 1595.85 9.41 0.91 83.23 4.53 100.52 100.34
1999 3863 362.34 516.22 1669.71 8.58 0.59 84.16 4.55 99.51 100.85
20 0 0 6954 402.03 529.12 1758.11 7.90 1.44 89.26 5.23 100.73 101.51
2001 8817 296.22 544.96 1839.15 8.01 1.98 89.64 4.83 99.21 100.56
2002 7351 288.17 552.32 1902.70 8.85 1.42 88.62 4.76 98.96 99.38
2003 4676 301.33 555.02 1957.47 9.84 1.03 88.80 4.09 99.25 98.25
2004 4095 309.71 567.65 2041.11 10.01 1.67 91.56 4.06 100.32 98.65
2005 4112 323.98 575.22 2114.99 11.29 1.55 94.93 3.36 100.11 99.01
2006 4221 345.60 598.31 2225.96 10.37 1.58 100.72 3.79 101.53 100.21
2007 4449 376.53 628.31 2350.20 8.80 2.30 107.59 4.24 101.94 101.74
2008 4012 382.68 640.43 2408.32 7.66 2.63 107.77 3.96 100.22 99.96
2009 3500 399.41 615.07 2322.03 7.85 0.31 89.23 3.26 97.28 97.28
2010 3054 432.50 645.01 2386.20 7.07 1.10 99.33 2.74 101.09 100.60
2011 2982 468.68 675.78 2449.54 5.91 2.07 107.89 2.65 101.95 101.74
2012 2903 477.53 689.57 2459.55 5.46 2.01 107.19 1.51 100.07 100.35
2013 3099 454.36 706.56 2484.55 5.31 1.50 107.32 1.62 100.34 100.44
2014 3031 469.42 730.98 2531.89 5.05 0.91 109.37 1.17 100.88 101.25
2015 2811 488.65 758.20 2613.64 4.69 0.23 109.76 0.51 100.71 101.05
2016 (Jan–Apr) 510 556.60 771.76 2645.19 4.31 0.17 111.06 0.09 100.62 100.47
tors with the aim of reflecting the general German economic cli- (Nassirtoussi et al., 2014) and draw upon the Loughran–McDonald
mate. To account for the share of international firms, we also in- finance-specific dictionary1 , which categorizes words into different
cluded a number of European indicators for comparison. Table 1 semantic categories that reflect six such perceptions. The positive
reports our macroeconomic indicators with both monthly and and negative categories entail terms that refer to positive and neg-
quarterly resolution. ative assessments; uncertainty encodes terms used to signal vague-
ness or even risks with regard to macroeconomic development; le-
4.3. Descriptive statistics gal refers to, e. g., potential liabilities in the future; strong modal
and tentative (i. e. weak modal) measure the confidence with re-
The average length of an ad hoc announcement over the period gard to statements, conclusions and firm developments. The as-
amounts to 366.15 words. Table 2 lists further descriptives per year. signment of words is not unique, as several words belong to more
It further indicates an increasing length of the ad hoc announce- than one semantic category. For instance, all tentative (i. e. weak
ments over the research period. The average number of ad hoc an- modal) terms are included in the uncertainty list. In total, 132 out
nouncements published per year is to 4072 (for the period 1997– of 2,362 entries appear in more than one construct. The choice of
2015). this dictionary is beneficial to our setting as the wordlists have
been specifically designed to extract qualitative information from
4.4. Semantic constructs regulatory firm disclosures.
Please cite this article as: S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon, News-based forecasts of macroeconomic indicators: A semantic path model for
interpretable predictions, European Journal of Operational Research (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.068
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 25, 2018;19:25]
Table 3
Comparison of prediction performance across different quarterly macroeconomic indicators. The variable h in-
dicates the number of time steps predicted ahead. Depending on the resolution of the predictive variable, the
panels either report long-term forecasts of up to 8 quarters (such that both cases amount to 2 years). The col-
umn Y provides the results for the first difference or change in value from one period ahead to the current
period. For each outcome and model type, only the performance of the best-in-breed model is reported (i. e.
only the best-performing time series model, the best semantic path model, etc.). In each case, the table lists
are the root mean squared error. The news-based models that equal or outperform the prediction error of the
best benchmark model are in bold for each prediction horizon. In addition, the the P-value from the Diebold–
Mariano test is stated in the parenthesis when comparing the best-in-breed model to the best baseline, as
well as the corresponding model choice including lag structure and dimension reductions (if any).
Tables 3 and 4 compare the prediction performances as a best- mantic path model and semantic features prove to be more accu-
of-breed measure. That is, we only report the best-performing time rate than both the high-dimensional input and benchmark models.
series baseline, the best result from semantic path models, etc. For Relative to best high-dimensional input, the RMSE of 42.319 and
each best-of-breed model, the performance is measured in terms 65.529 represents 23 % and 44.8 % reduction, respectively.
of root mean squared error (RMSE). In addition, we validate the When looking at the long-term predictions, the LASSO-trained
robustness of our results by employing the Diebold–Mariano test. high-dimensional input model outperforms the benchmark for the
The test statistic estimates whether our news-based models ob- 3 quarters ahead prediction horizon, in this case achieving a RMSE
tain statistically significant lower forecast errors compared to the of 48.415 which is a 5 % reduction relative to the baseline. Further-
benchmark models. We expect this value frequently to be low due more, the high-dimensional input prove to be more accurate over
to the small size of the test set and the overall difficulty of macroe- the medium and long-term prediction horizons than the semantic
conomic predictions. Later, the quality of the forecasts is compared paths models.
across the different macroeconomic indicators; see Section 5.4.
Here we provide the normalized RMSE as it facilitates comparison 5.1.2. German GDP
across different predicted variables. The prediction errors for the German GDP are as follows. We
find the elastic net trained on the high-dimensional input the most
accurate for first-difference prediction horizon, achieving a RMSE
5.1. Prediction performance across macroeconomic indicators of 9.921. We observe improvements over the benchmark only fore
aforementioned horizons. This is especially interesting, since it dif-
5.1.1. Eurozone GDP fers from the prediction results for the whole Eurozone, where we
Table 3 lists the RMSE values obtained from the predictive ex- achieved consistent improvements.
periments undertaken for the Eurozone GDP. Several news-based
models are able to surpass the accuracy of the benchmarks for a 5.1.3. Unemployment
variety of the prediction horizons. First, in the case of the first- In terms of unemployment rate, the news-based models outper-
difference and 1 quarter ahead prediction horizon, both the se- form the benchmark over the first-difference prediction. We find
Please cite this article as: S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon, News-based forecasts of macroeconomic indicators: A semantic path model for
interpretable predictions, European Journal of Operational Research (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.068
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 25, 2018;19:25]
Table 4
Comparison of prediction performance across different monthly macroeconomic indicators. The variable h indicates the number of time steps predicted
ahead. Depending on the resolution of the predictive variable, the panels either report long-term forecasts of up to 24 months (such that both cases
amount to 2 years). The column Y provides the results for the first difference or change in value from one period ahead to the current period. For each
outcome and model type, only the performance of the best-in-breed model is reported (i. e. only the best-performing time series model, the best semantic
path model, etc.). In each case, the table lists are the root mean squared error. The news-based models that equal or outperform the prediction error of
the best benchmark model are in bold for each prediction horizon. In addition, the the P-value from the Diebold–Mariano test is stated in the parenthesis
when comparing the best-in-breed model to the best baseline, as well as the corresponding model choice including lag structure and dimension reductions
(if any).
Please cite this article as: S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon, News-based forecasts of macroeconomic indicators: A semantic path model for
interpretable predictions, European Journal of Operational Research (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.068
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 25, 2018;19:25]
Table 4 (continued)
both the semantic path model, as well as the semantic features, based models attain similar levels of accuracy however are unable
to be the most accurate with a RMSE of 0.062. Furthermore, the to best the leading benchmark. Further improvements in predic-
DM test results are highly significant for both models derived from tive performance are evident for the 24 months ahead prediction
semantic inputs. horizon. Here the high-dimensional input with PCA dimensional-
We observe that news-based models cannot beat the bench- ity reduction yields the lowest RMSE of 0.694, i. e. an improve-
marks for medium-term predictions, while we again gain improve- ment of 7.3% over the time series baseline. The observed results
ments from using news in the long-term. Here the news-based indicate that the financial news stemming from listed corporations
models consistently outperform the baseline for the 24 months can be utilized to capture the rate of change in consumer prices in
ahead prediction horizon. The highest predictive accuracy stems the short-term, and that these, continue to be predictive over the
from gradient boosting applied to high-dimensional input with a long-term.
prediction error of 2.300. The best of the benchmarks reported
only an RMSE of 3.419; this results in a forecast error reduction
of 32.7%. Furthermore, the Diebold–Mariano test results are highly 5.1.5. Industrial production
statistically significant for the 24 months prediction horizon for all The news-based models outperform the benchmarks for a ma-
news-based models. The semantic path model attains only an im- jority of tested prediction horizons. In particular, the news-based
provement of 18.8%, yet while being fully interpretable. model achieve a lower forecast error for the mid-range prediction
horizons. The experiments for the first-difference prediction reveal
that the high-dimensional input with LSA preprocessing obtains a
5.1.4. Inflation RMSE of 1.812 (i. e. an improvement of 0.8%. The news-based mod-
We find support for the fact that the news-based models are els outperform the benchmark for the 3–12 months ahead predic-
superior to the benchmarks for the first difference prediction hori- tion horizons. Both the semantic path model and the semantic fea-
zons. The high-dimensional input accounts for the lowest RMSE tures attain the best RMSE (3.497), for the 3 months ahead predic-
(0.209). Furthermore, the Diebold–Mariano test is statistically sig- tion. The high-dimensional input is the most accurate for the 6–12
nificant. For the prediction horizons 1–12 months ahead, our news- months ahead prediction horizon. The p-values from the individ-
Please cite this article as: S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon, News-based forecasts of macroeconomic indicators: A semantic path model for
interpretable predictions, European Journal of Operational Research (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.068
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 25, 2018;19:25]
ual DM tests indicate that predicted values from our news-based change in perceptions at a corporate level would already be fac-
system are significantly more accurate over the before-mentioned tored into the index by business leaders. The remaining indicators
prediction horizons. would be slower to adjust. We find the uncertainty construct to
be predictive for inflation, the confidence indices and government
5.1.6. Business confidence bonds. Consumers, firms and financial markets all have an aversion
The semantic path model, as well as semantic features, are to uncertainty. The legal construct seems to be predictive for in-
able to outperform the benchmark and the high-dimensional input dustrial production, business and consumer confidence. A possibil-
across a number of prediction horizons. Both methods register a ity explanation is that firms facing legal difficulties would reduce
the lowest RMSE for the 1 month (0.057), 9 month (0.878) and 12 output and other business investment impacting both the suppliers
month (0.847) ahead prediction horizons. The latter amounts to an and consumers that function within the economic stream. Finally,
improvement of 11.3%. Furthermore, these model significantly out- we find the modal constructs to be a weak predictor across all of
perform the high-dimensional input across all predictions horizons. the chosen indicators.
The business confidence index is calculated by conducting surveys
of business leaders who know the current state of the corporate 5.3. Sensitivity analysis
sector. The semantic path model can adapt at capturing the sen-
timent of the individual announcements; i. e. the same sentiment Tables 3 and 4 entail additional sensitivity checks. First, we
would be reflected in the index. The lack of long-term predictive compare stemming as a default in contrast to lemmatization. While
power for the high-dimensional inputs could be due to the fact the latter adapts correctly to the semantic context, it suffers from
that the news content might already be factored into their survey larger predictor matrices and potentially higher risk of overfitting.
answers, therefore reducing potential lag affects. Overall, the se- However, our results suggest no clear indication concerning which
mantic models seems better suited for predictions of the business approach is preferable with regard to our task. Second, we per-
confidence index than the high-dimensional inputs. formed all analyses based on the English corpus and now compare
this choice to both a corpus with German articles and a combined
5.1.7. Consumer confidence one. Again, we find no clear evidence that one consistently outper-
We investigate the prognostic capability of financial news for forms the other. A potential reason for this parity stems from the
the consumer confidence index. Overall, the predictive perfor- fact that the majority of firms publish in both languages and any
mance of the news-based models does not diverge greatly from potential differences therefore are relatively minor.
those of the benchmarks. Of the news-based models, both seman-
tic models prove to be more accurate than the high-dimensional
5.4. Comparison
input. The news-based models do narrowly outperform the bench-
mark for prediction horizons greater than 9 months ahead.
While the previous results compared the use of time series
models to a machine learning approach, we now turn our attention
5.1.8. Government bonds to the overall capacity of foreseen macroeconomic development.
The news-based models perform best relative to the bench- For this reason, we computed the normalized RMSE for all macroe-
marks for the first-difference prediction horizons. For instance, the conomic indicators as it facilitates comparisons between different
high-dimensional input attains the lowest overall RMSE (0.209, i. e. outcome variables and their respective scales. Formally, it is de-
a minus of 9.1% over the best baseline), closely followed by both RMSE
the semantic models (0.226, i. e. a minus of 1.7%), while the RMSE fined by NRMSE = .
Ymax − Ymin
of the best benchmark is 0.230. The high-dimensional input is also The normalized RMSE results are detailed in Table 5. We find
able to outperform best the benchmark for the 24 months ahead the Eurozone GDP results to have lower prediction errors than
prediction horizon. The Diebold–Mariano test results for the high- German GDP. Potential reasons could be the export orientation of
dimensional input are all highly statistically significant. German companies, or the higher volatility of the Eurozone GDP,
which can be better explained by production-related information
5.2. Interpretation of latent semantic structures from news disclosures. The prediction accuracy for the business
confidence index relative to consumer confidence is also better.
Fig. 2 presents the results from the semantic path model and Given the direct link between the business leaders who are sur-
decomposes the forecasts into different constructs in order to veyed to estimate the index and the source of the ad hoc an-
facilitate interpretation. That is, we compute the value of each nouncements, a higher rate of accuracy for the business confidence
construct – given by predicted value ψ i zi – and compare these index could be expected.
figures across the different semantic categories according to the In comparing the performance of both the semantic models rel-
Loughran–McDonald finance-specific dictionary. These categories ative to the high-dimensional input, we find the results varying
are: (i) positivity/negativity of economic outlook, (ii) uncertainty depending on the indicator and prediction horizon. The semantic
regarding economic development, (iii) legal risk for operations and models consistently attain lower prediction errors for the confi-
(iv) confidence/modality of the disclosing company. dence indices across all the prediction horizons except for the very
Altogether, we find the positive construct has the strongest long run. In fact, the semantic path model accomplishes the best
impact on both Eurozone and German GDP and, to a lesser ex- forecast in 6 prediction experiments, while the semantic features
tent, on consumer confidence, industrial production and govern- do so in 8 cases and the high-dimensional in 12, yet the latter with
ment bonds. The negative construct, on the other hand, affects hardly any interpretability. This is interesting in the light that our
the unemployment rate, inflation, industrial production, consumer semantic path model enforces a linear structure among constructs
confidence and government bonds. A rise in negative news could and thus excludes potentially non-linear relationships as used by
see firms downsize operations and cut investment spending, re- predictive models with semantic features or the universal struc-
sulting in lower levels of employment. Reduced confidence in the ture model. While non-linearity introduces additional flexibility,
economic outlook could see consumers also cut spending placing our setting is extremely overspecified and the smaller parameter
downward pressure on prices. The lag component is strongly pre- space of linear models can often be beneficial. Moreover, we see
dictive for all variables except business confidence. Potentially, a that traditional approaches to unsupervised dimensionality reduc-
Please cite this article as: S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon, News-based forecasts of macroeconomic indicators: A semantic path model for
interpretable predictions, European Journal of Operational Research (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.068
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 25, 2018;19:25]
Fig. 2. Illustrated interpretability of semantic path models. The value of each construct – given by predicted value ψ i zi – is plotted over the course of the test set. Note that
the inner model from our semantic path model operates on normalized constructs zi , which is even beneficial for the above comparisons. The latent structures directly lend
to interpretation with respect to our semantic dimension. For reasons of comparability, we apply the same estimation technique to all macroeconomic indicators: the inner
model is estimated via ordinary least squares for a prediction 1-year ahead based on the English corpus with 1 lag.
Please cite this article as: S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon, News-based forecasts of macroeconomic indicators: A semantic path model for
interpretable predictions, European Journal of Operational Research (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.068
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 25, 2018;19:25]
Table 5
Summary of text-based prediction performance across different macroeconomic indicators. Here the normalized RMSE
is reported in order to facilitate comparison across outcomes (and their respective scales). The variable h indicates the
number of time steps predicted ahead. Depending on the resolution of the predictive variable, the panels either report
long-term forecasts of up to 8 quarters or 24 months (such that both cases amount to 2 years). The column Y provides
the results for the first difference or change in value from one period ahead to the current period. For each outcome
and model type, only the performance of the best-in-breed model is reported (i. e. only the best-performing time series
model, the best semantic path model, etc.).
Quarterly resolution
Eurozone GDP Semantic path model 12.0 8.0 12.5 16.2 23.9 37.9
Semantic features 11.0 8.0 12.5 15.7 17.4 20.6
High-dimensional input 14.3 14.5 11.1 11.7 15.5 25.2
German GDP Semantic path model 21.1 18.5 19.0 32.0 57.3 77.1
Semantic features 19.6 15.4 14.4 17.8 28.8 43.5
High-dimensional input 15.6 12.8 14.6 24.7 37.4 53.4
Monthly resolution
Y h=1 h=3 h=6 h=9 h = 12 h = 24
Unemployment Semantic path model 15.4 2.2 6.7 16.1 27.7 41.1 99.2
Semantic features 15.4 2.2 7.5 18.1 28.9 41.4 88.1
High-dimensional input 17.6 6.5 8.1 15.2 26.7 44.5 82.1
Inflation Semantic path model 18.9 9.7 20.4 34.1 39.9 42.3 29.3
Semantic features 18.5 9.6 18.5 33 37.3 40.5 28.0
High-dimensional input 16.1 9.7 17.2 31.2 31.4 31.1 25.9
Industrial production Semantic path model 16.6 6.6 12.4 19.4 21.8 28.7 92.9
Semantic features 16.4 6.6 12.4 19.5 21.8 28.0 80.8
High-dimensional input 15.8 7.3 12.5 19.2 19.6 20.6 76.2
Business confidence Semantic path model 4.6 0.9 5.1 12.3 13.5 13.7 32.6
Semantic features 4.7 0.9 5.2 12.5 13.5 13.7 43.1
High-dimensional input 16.4 4.3 12.1 19.9 18.5 15.7 34.4
Consumer confidence Semantic path model 6.6 1.4 8.1 17.8 19.8 17.3 61.7
Semantic features 6.6 1.4 8.1 17.8 19.2 17.0 67.1
High-dimensional input 17.3 4.6 12.4 19.0 20.2 19.8 46.1
Government bonds Semantic path model 21.5 9.8 24.2 50.2 56.2 65.3 71.3
Semantic features 21.5 8.7 24.3 40.8 55.6 59.1 69.7
High-dimensional input 19.8 9.6 27.5 52.2 57.7 57.7 60.9
tion rarely yield the best-of-breed model; conversely, our domain pate the impact of short-term economic fluctuations on their port-
knowledge can outperform them frequently. folios and, if necessary, take the necessary precautions to hedge
The overall performance of the news-based models varies de- against losses.
pending on the macroeconomic variable and prediction horizon. Professional macroeconomic forecasts, such as those from cen-
Over the short- and medium term, the benchmark models tend tral banks, usually stem from both quantitative predictions and the
to be superior in terms of consumer-centered variables, such as judgment of economic experts (Matsypura et al., 2018). For ex-
unemployment rate or inflation. However, financial news reflects ample, the German Bundesbank combines factor models, demand-
both the current health and future expectations of corporations. and supply-side bridge equations and time series models for in-
As a consequence, news-based models appear especially useful for dustrial production. Expert knowledge is then applied to these
product-related indicators, such as the actual industrial product quantitative forecasts to determine the final projections for key
rate and confidence indices. Finally, in terms of long-term predic- macroeconomic indicators.2 The European Central Bank has a sim-
tions, the news-based models tend to outperform the benchmark ilar process and their projections “may incorporate a fair amount
models. Altogether, this provides ample evidence of the strength of of judgment” (European Central Bank, 2016). Their questionnaire
the predictive properties of our news-based inputs. concludes that “respondents consider their predictions to be 40%
judgment-based”.3 Hence, it is likely that these forecasts
Numerous studies have analyzed professional forecasts for their
6. Managerial implications
predictive performance and ability to identify potential biases
(Blanc & Setzer, 2015; Mostard, Teunter, & de Koster, 2011). In
The economic climate has long-ranging effects on firm opera-
the field of macroeconomic forecasting, a recent study (Dovern
tions. As a consequence, managers and policymakers alike are re-
& Weisser, 2011) finds that the distribution of a forecasts accu-
quired to form expectations, hedge potential operational risks from
racy varies significantly across indicators, forecasters and nations.
economic downturns and adapt their operations accordingly. Our
A further study reveals that consensus estimates are poor predic-
method thus assists managers in making such predictions and pro-
tors of gross domestic product as compared with statistical models
vides a cost-effective alternative to expert forecasts. Firm managers
(Jansen et al., 2016). However, the consensus estimates tend to per-
can utilize our predictions in order to, among other things, set
long-term strategic plans, decide on investment levels, and man-
age human resources. Beyond that, managers in public sector insti- 2
German Bundesbank. Forecasting models in short-term business cycle analy-
tutions may benefit from our long-term predictions when setting sis: A workshop report. URL: https://www.bundesbank.de/Redaktion/EN/Downloads/
Publications/Monthly_Report_Articles/2013/2013_09_forecasting.pdf, last accessed
fiscal policy, such as government spending, borrowing and taxa-
on January 12, 2018.
tion, and monetary policy concerning to control of the supply of 3
European Central Bank. Results of a special questionnaire for participants in the
money within the economy. Our innovative, news-based methodol- ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters. URL: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/prices/
ogy also provides investment managers a greater ability to antici- indic/forecast/shared/files/quest_summary.pdf, last accessed on January 12, 2018.
Please cite this article as: S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon, News-based forecasts of macroeconomic indicators: A semantic path model for
interpretable predictions, European Journal of Operational Research (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.068
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 25, 2018;19:25]
form better in periods of crisis. An intriguing approach would be cording to their market capitalization, since larger firms presum-
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intensive collection of economic data, which, as a result, is often
Supplementary material
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language. Second, the approach can be seamlessly extended to in- 2513–2522. doi:10.1016/j.cor.2004.03.016.
Huang, Y., Kou, G., & Peng, Y. (2017). Nonlinear manifold learning for early warnings
clude alternative data sources, including additional news sources in financial markets. European Journal of Operational Research, 258(2), 692–702.
and time series. Third, one could weigh corporate disclosures ac- doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2016.08.058.
Please cite this article as: S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon, News-based forecasts of macroeconomic indicators: A semantic path model for
interpretable predictions, European Journal of Operational Research (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.068
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Please cite this article as: S. Feuerriegel, J. Gordon, News-based forecasts of macroeconomic indicators: A semantic path model for
interpretable predictions, European Journal of Operational Research (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.05.068