Shahbaz Internship Report

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Internship Report on HBL

Submitted to:
Sir zahid ali

Submitted by:
Muhammad shahbaz

Roll no . FA17M1MB011

Start with the
name of ALLAH
Almaity the Lord
Of the Lords The
King Of Kings
The creator or the
Modle of Univers.
I dedicate this report to last prophit

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)


To Loving Parents and caring teachers who area always pray

for my success.
A man can never be perfect as human. Now days we bear many difficulties but our mind is still
limited. Todays if a man wants to learn something related to banks or other ways of life can be
learn whatever the atmosphere. So i work in HBL as a internee to fulfil the this need where
I feel HBL it perfect place for learning. At every step of learning prayers of my parents always
with me.

During to complete of this report 1 face many problems but thanks to Allah almighty and
Prayers of my parents and teachers finally I complete this report.

I am feeling happy that the departments of Habib bank limited are very helpful to learn. At this
time especially thanks with core of heart to
Mr. Abdul qadeer (Bank Manager)
Mr. Rana Tanveer (operational Manager)

Whose guide me during all steps to complete this report.At the end I am very thankful to my
close friend who help me much to prepare this report.

Title Page. #


Chapter # 1

Introduction of the organization

 Introduction of HBL

 Objectives,Vision,Mission

 Board of Directors

Structure of organization

 Hierarchy

Chapter # 2

Account opening department & Deposit department

Chapter # 3

Department of Cash

Chapter #4

Department of Advanses & Loans

Chapter #5

Remittance departments
Chapter # 6

Department of Marketing

Chapter # 7

SWOT Analysis

PEST Analysis


Executive Summary

With the passage of time banking sector and his facilities is very important and basic need of our
life so it is most important to get knowledge or essential information about banks for my degree
MSC A&F as well as for our life due to this reason I joined HBL HASILPUR branch. .

To complete any work in this world have proper way and knowledge to complete it. So in the same
way there are some steps to complete this report which are given below:

 Introduction to organization
 Department of Deposit
Department of Accounts
 Department of remmitance
 Department of clearing
 Department of Advances & Loans
 Department of Marketing
 Financial statement analysis
 Common size analysis (horizontal & vertical)
 SWOT & PEST analysis
 Learning as internee

Ending of this report through different types of analysis in which swot ratios etc I will give a
proposal and also conclude it, according to best of my thinking this will be the fruitful for HBL.


What is Bank?

According to to differents books I read that this word "bank" is derived from French word "banque"
or bancus which means work for cash taking money & giving loans . Some other says that "Bank"
is comes from the "Germen" word back which to means of "joint stock store" importance. The
bank is a budgetary institution that collected cash from one gathering and gives to the second
gathering in the shape of loans at some interst .Bank take money at low rate of interst and give
loans at high rate of interst the deffirence between interst is profit &benifit for bank.


Habib bnks limeted is a open up in Pakistan 'admanistrations industry. An extansive arrangement

of more than 1594 appandages Nationwide to offer assistance. Perhaps the HABIB BANK
LIMITED secured in 1941 at Bombay. In any case its history starts in 1841 when a youngster
name Ismail Habeb achieves Bombay for career. After in the long run he arrived the position with
a dealer in utensils and non-ferrous metals. Ismail Habieb was outstandingly sharp and keen and
became accessary of his administrater. Later on he was picked as a prasident of the business.
Verious years sometime later he utilized his business. He possessed with private dealing with a
record. So' HBL has made a huge amount of advancement from its unassuming beginnings in
Bombay in 25 august, 1941 when it started business with a sattled Rs.25000 capitle. Awed by its
beginning execution, Quaid-e-Azam MuhammaAliJinah said the bankto transfer its action to
Karachi after the formation of Pakistan, HBL manufacture themself in Karachi in 1943 and
transformed into a picture of arrogance and sequencefor the of Pakistan.

After the creation of the articulatedgatharing in HBL, now the organization sequence streamas

Head office Karachi is atthepeak then come local job seats after this Tonal office comes and below
each Zonal office 40-50 Branches works. There are collective 9 region and combined 48 Zones
underneath these region. similarly put in up to commercial focus are 12 and amassed Sub-
Corporate focuses are 64.head office is embarrassed by President of the bank, in unfashionable
occupation places, Regional Chief Executive (RCE) sits, while Zonal Chiefs regulates zonal
business locales, limbs are overseen by Managers Sub-Manager support them. The new
hierarchical setup gave HBL a few points of interest, i.e.; now characteristic gatherings centre on
their entity capacity and administration, so they can work effectively and conclude better comes
about. as well, there is more scheduled time of military from the focal office and the provincial
office can work all the more originally. As 'time is cash', in this method owing to this novel
structure, it helped in decreasing the time for critical choice making. The regional and employment
seats can settle on enhanced events and accomplish the target owed to them.

This commercial bank name Habib Bank haschief goals which are given below :

1. Earning Benifits for Bank and for its Share Holders .

2. In the nation to saving money business .

3. Giving Job opportunities and reduces unemployment .

4. Start Businesses in the nation together on Large Scale and on small Scale .

5. Present Benificial work plans for people .

“To knowledge people to
Advance with confidence
And success”

“T0 make our customer Prosper, our staff
And create Honourable Value F0r
Board of directors
R. ZakirMahmood
Director Mr.RZakir Mahmood has over 34 years of banking experience and
retired as President& CEO of HBL in 2012, having served in that position
for 12 year.


Mr. MoezAhamad Jamal has experience of over 35 years in the financial


AghaSher Shah

Mr. AghaSherShah has over 27 years of experience in the financial sector.


Dr.NajeebSamie has over 33 years of experience in the corporate and

financial sector.



Bank bargain in cash sand they are just assemble ropes inside the economy. They get initial with
one entity and loan then onto the next, the modify in the middle of the quantity of obtain; loaning
structures their dissimilarity or awful benefit. Hence we can exactly communicate that Deposits
are the spine of the bank which reasons assemblage of an concern to turn into to work. These
Deposits are compulsion of bank so from standpoint of bank we can allude to them as liabilities.

Opening Of Account
The preliminary proof is the origin of cause buyer society. Former a financial authority open an
interchange record, lender must gallop budding client's principles, and uprightness, occupation and
technique for operate by indispensable situations agreed at time of documentation original.
Introductory assessment is main as of the departing with cause.

 Fakes Evading
 Lack of careness
Customer’s investigation


1. Current account:

In this account account holder can withdraw his money from banks at any time and as much
amount he want to withdraw. In this account the minimum balance should be RS: 500& 1000.
And in this account thier is no interest charges but some bank charges will be received against
your amount in account

Profit and loss sharing account This

type of account is for those persons who have low income. In this account interest will be given
two times during the year by bank. And this can be opened with Rs: 500 and 15000 can be
withdrawn in a month.
2. Profit and loss sharing Account:
This account is also for small income people. In this account amount is deposit for fixed time
and account holder cannot withdrawn moneybefore this time and other terms and conditions
of a bank.

3. PLS term deposit

In word put down account the time border of the account is harmony of the unlike fixed
reserves provide by the bank and on needs of the customers. The regularscann0t draw cash
from account in according to phrase and surroundings set by the bank.


The very important bound of swap separation in for money the bank is to obtain money from
customers and clientele and despite pay them from side to side cheques. correct when money is
gotten it is put away through the bank.
A Chequebook question to the customers by the help of which they end up ready to depict money
at whatever point they oblige it. Cheque is appeal pulled in on bank to pay brought up measure of
cash to the personage indicate in the Cheque.

Three Basic Types of Cheques are given below:

1. Bearer Cheque
The bearer cheque is a cheque which is pay on counter to any person who have a cheque and no
CNIC card copy or other inquiry is required like account holder name or ect .
2. Order Cheque
Order cheque is opposite to bearer cheque this cheque is not pay to any person on counter who
have this cheque until he proved that to manager he is the person who have right to pay cash with
order to account holder.

3. Crossed Cheque
Cross cheque is a cheque which cannot be pay on counter but transfer to the account of this person.

Technique and shields for money portion of the check

Person transact total from his evidences request to indication on the back from the Check. The
weigh details are enter in the system, than the officer checks the signature of the drawer from
picture weighed in the MISYS skeleton. By then he overlook the Check to the assistant who
calls the token no. also makes portionsto the bearer of the Check.


This is best opportunity for clients to get loan and credits and fulfil their needs of life but against
this loan the clients must be paid interest and this interest is main way of income for the income.

These type of loans banks are given below


The notoriety for dependability and truthfulness of the human being/association looking for
concede is known as its character. It is the most chief of the five. Moneylenders survey quality by
taking a gander at a budding borrower's history of advance reimbursement or if new borrower then
the moneylender strength similarly request references (firms or saves money with whom the
borrower has worked together previously).


In this system bank gives loan to customers but after satisfaction to return the amount to bank and
commit a contract according to terms and conditions to fulfil their loans.


This loan is given against a proper guarantee and guaranteed things should be more than the
amount of loan.


Capital means the money related assets that a borrower has accessible to guarantee the loan
specialist that the credit is secure. For this, the bank takes a gander at a business' monetary
articulations or a singular's credit application.

It alludes to the current trading and nature. It likewise influences the borrower's capacity to
reimburse the advance.


1. Over Draft
2. Cash Credit
3. Demand Loans
4. Agriculture financing
5. Staff Financing



Remittance is type of trust which is given by a bank to another bank or banks and hbl clients
also get benefit to this opportunity . There are two ways which are given are as under,

Inland remittance means the trust of banks to other banks or his clients within region. And this
type detailed elaboration are as under in two types,
 Inside region.
 Outside region.

Inside region

According to inside region the trust is within the city means to say that trust of bank on other banks
within the city means to say that a draft of a HBL can be withdrawn from other branch of HBL so
that customer does not face the problems.

Outside region

In it the trust of banks on the outside the city means to say the a draft etc can be withdrawn from
outside the city.

HBL exchanges cash by emulating:


HBL have the strong marketing department. It is the most important source of picking up and jams
the habits that container give an magnanimous come back to the bank.

It is the other name of the promotion of division. It advertises the bank because i.e. stores and work
mark for the general advancement of the bank. Stores are the soul of any bank. Without stores
bank can't perform any capacity of managing an account. This division alters the stores focus of
each additional room by custody an eye over the possible clients in the region. It offers inspiration
to limbs to accomplish their focuses through diverse battles and plans like money prizes and
strange augmentations. It distributes a become aware of in which those extensions are support who
attain their month to month targets. The principle ability is to make and sketch in the customers
and investors. It as well oversees:
 Policies for Advertising
 Promotion of Sales

Chapter No 7:

SWOT and PEST analysis

SWOT analysis


1. HBL to complete work effectiveiy hair Experts and doing work people.
2. HBL gives new advance technology and online to customers to save his money.
3. HBL has biggest network system among private banking system.
4. HBL have efficient and workable staff.
5. HBL have vast system of 1594limbs in the whole world.
6. HBL gives offer to budgetary business.
7. HBL have Biggest business according Assets.

1. HBL misson is not decently as well as it should.

2. HBL arrangements are notso well & good.
3. Till the presentportfolio is also infected.
4. Client criticism is absence.
5. Occupation is not fulfilledproperly .
6. Inconsistancy of working atmosphere .


1. In real money administration play a vital rule for development .

2. ATM and other online systems are in front of Banks for progress.
3. In the bussiness sector Store basesystem is helpful .
4. Charge card framework is available.

1. Their advancement is not so wall as muchit should be to face the challenges.
2. Lack of staff to lower as wellasupper level.
3. Increasing universal ground-breaking development.
4. Government actions areunfavourable andirregular .
5. There is Political instability.
6. The Move ahead engineering.

PEST analysis

In our country politics is instable due to this reason not only foreigon investor feel hesitate to invest
in our country even Pakistani also have no daring to invest in our country. This reason becomevery
big hurdle to progress in banking and other sectors.


our country economic condition is not so well. Pakistani economy condition can be understand by
seeing that almost every year Pakistan have deficit balance and these things is a not good sign for
progress so it is need to improve.


Our country is social country. And some norms and traditions have limited the area of progress.
Our country is jailed in social norms just like a thief in police station. We are facing many problems
tointroduce new and advancesystemjust online system because our peoplebelieved on traditional
things and don’t like changes.


We have no advance tachnologysystem as comparad to advanced countries justlike US etcbut with

the passage of time and as the needs of our life has been increased advance technology system is
required and thanks toAllahalmighty some advancehave been introduced inour country.

Hbib bank limitedstart in 1941 and capitalwas RS: 25000 only in Bombay andafter
that transfer toKarachi.

Now a day HBL has become the great helper of government business of Pakistan
and other important work related to business such as treasury bills etc within the
Pakistan and out of Pakistan.

The saving accountis the best opportunityfor small incomepeople who can save their
money as well as begets benefit of this is that this amount canbeinvest in other
business sector and make much money which is not fruitful only for individual but
also for country economy.

Thanks to Allah almightyHBL nationalized in 1974and after this become thebrand

name in area foundation.

Another facility giving by HBL is the credit facility in which banks gives loan to
people for differentpurposes and resultisthat people can develop a new business and
a farmer can use advance instruments forhisland and these thingscanincrease the
employment level.

At the conclusion a man can say that HBL play a biggest rule in advancement and
innovation of country.

HBL can make progress as well as it should but seriousness is more important to
progress and work on any plate form. My prays with HBL.

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