Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 60, No. 1, January 2012 389
Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 60, No. 1, January 2012 389
Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 60, No. 1, January 2012 389
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are excited in the wide slotline resonator. This cross polarization can
be decreased at high frequencies by narrowing the radiating slot at the
cost of narrow impedance bandwidth. This undesired phenomenon can
not be abolished in physics and also exists in many other UWB an-
tennas, e.g., a planar monopole antenna [18]. A Compact Hepta-Band Loop-Inverted F Reconfigurable
Antenna for Mobile Phone
In this communication, a novel UWB microstrip-fed slotline antenna Yue Li, Zhijun Zhang, Jianfeng Zheng, Zhenghe Feng, and
has been presented, designed and implemented under the concept of Magdy F. Iskander
multiple-mode resonance of a single resonator. Our extensive study has
firstly exhibited that its wide bandwidth of 3:1 or 100% is realized Abstract—A folded loop-inverted F reconfigurable antenna for mobile
by concurrently exciting the first four resonant modes of a single slot- phone applications is designed and the obtained results are discussed in
line radiator that is fed by the microstrip line at a proper offset position. this communication. It is shown that loop antenna mode and an inverted F
antenna (IFA) mode are controlled by only one p-i-n diodes with simple bias
With reference to the 160-
port impedance, an initial slotline antenna
circuit. The impedance can be matched by adopting a matching bridge for
is designed to achieve a wide operating band with a fractional band- both the loop and IFA modes. In a compact volume of 60 5 5 mm , the
width of 97.9%. By installing a tapered-line impedance transformer, proposed antenna operates in hepta-band, including GSM850, GSM900,
an actual 50-
microstrip-fed UWB slotline antenna has been devel- GPS, DCS, PCS, UMTS and WLAN, with the return loss lower than 6 dB.
oped by using four excited resonant modes. Measured results of the A prototype of the proposed antenna is fabricated, measured, and obtained
proposed antenna are in good agreement with the predicted ones and results including return loss, efficiency and gain, are presented.
they have demonstrated a 97.9% operating bandwidth, over which the Index Terms—Handset antennas, impedance matching, Mobile antennas,
VSWR is less than 2.3 and the antenna gain varies from 0.5 to 4.0 dBi, multiple band antennas, reconfigurable antennas.
as like other UWB antennas.
With the rapid development of wireless communication technology,
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5–8, 2004. gram of China under Contract 2010CB327402, in part by the National High
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Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) under
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[9] J. Y. Sze and K. L. Wong, “Bandwidth enhancement of a mi- Color versions of one or more of the figures in this communication are avail-
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Propag., vol. 49, no. 7, pp. 1020–1024, Jul. 2001. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2011.2167949
II. ANTENNA DESIGN AND CONFIGURATION Fig. 1. Geometry and dimensions of the proposed antenna. (a) 3-D view. (b)
Detailed dimensions in the planar view.
Fig. 1 shows the geometry of the proposed reconfigurable antenna,
the overall dimensions are 60 2 5 2 5 mm3 . The folded loop antenna
(uniform width of 1 mm) is supported by foam with the permittivity
close to that of air. The antenna structure is arranged just outside the
ground plane area and above the main board. The main board is made of
FR4 substrate ("r = 4:4; tan = 0:01), with the thickness of 0.8 mm.
A 100 3 60 mm2 metal ground is printed on the backside of the main
board, connecting the shorting point of the loop through a via-hole. A
microstrip line is arranged on the front side of main board and is
connected to feeding point of the loop. A shorting bridge (blue color in
Fig. 1), which has the same width as the loop (1 mm), connects the feeding
point with the shorting point. The position of p-i-n diode is illustrated in
Fig. 1(b). When the p-i-n diode is “ON,” the antenna works in a typical
loop mode. When the p-i-n diode is “OFF,” on the other hand, the loop
will be broken into two IFA, and the left part (the one without tuning
pad) is the main working branch. As a result, the operating modes of the
proposed antenna can be switched by the state of p-i-n diode.
The measured return losses of both working modes are shown in
Fig. 2. These data agree well with simulation results as will be shown
in Section III. Hepta-band is covered with 06 dB (VSWR = 3 : 1)
Fig. 2. Measured return loss of loop and IFA modes of the proposed antenna.
by combining the bandwidths of two modes. For the loop mode (solid
line), the achieved bands are 790–870 MHz and 1490–2225 MHz, of the loop as shown in Fig. 1. The simulated return loss of the loop
covering GSM850, GPS, DCS, PCS and UMTS bands. For the IFA mode with and without the matching bridge is illustrated in Fig. 3.
mode (dash dotted line), the achieved bands are 845–980 MHz and Simulations were made using the Ansoft High Frequency Structure
2240–2565 MHz, covering GSM900 and WLAN bands. Analysis on Simulator (HFSS) software. As it may be seen, the inclusion of the
the impedance matching of both modes is described in Section III. matching bridge resulted in improving the bandwidth, thus covering
the GSM850, GPS, DCS, PCS and UMTS bands.
The matching method is shown on the Smith Chart of Fig. 4. The
III. WORKING MODE ANALYSIS matching bridge works as a shunt inductor at the feeding point of loop.
As studied in [14], a shunt inductor is able to move the impedance curve
A. Loop Mode
alone the equal admittance circle. The susceptance introduced by shunt
Typical loop antennas and their applications in the mobile phones inductor is 1=j ! L, where ! is angular frequency and L is the equivalent
area are systematically discussed by Wong [7]–[10]. Three resonant inductance of the matching bridge. For the lower band, the susceptance
modes, including 0.5-wavelength mode, one-wavelength mode and is larger than that of the high band. As a result, the impedance curve
1.5-wavelength mode, are usually utilized. The tuning pad [8], [9] is moves further away from the matching center and towards the lower
a good method for impedance matching and with different effects to frequencies. Similar to the tuning pad in [8], [9], the matching bridge
different modes. The 0.5-wavelength mode is tuned for lower band, also has different effect that depends on the frequency. For the lower
and the one-wavelength and 1.5-wavelength modes are tuned together band, shown in Fig. 4(a), the frequency shifts to lower band with similar
to cover the higher bands. In order to achieve wider bandwidth, a bandwidth. However, more band moves into the VSWR 3:1 circle is
matching bridge is added between the feeding and shorting points shown in Fig. 4(b) and as a result the bandwidth is enhanced.
Fig. 3. Simulated return loss of loop mode of the proposed antenna with or Fig. 5. Simulated return loss of IFA mode of the proposed antenna with or
without the matching bridge. without the matching bridge.
in Fig. 5. For the dash dotted line, we can see two resonant frequencies
appearing in both lower band and high band, but with unacceptable
bandwidth. The narrow bandwidths for two monopoles are mainly due
to the compact volume without extra matching structure. For the two
IFA results shown in the solid line, one of the two former resonant fre-
quencies has been matched by adding the matching bridge. Therefore,
two more bands of GSM950 and WLAN have been achieved based on
the matched loop mode.
measured and shown in Fig. 9. For the GSM band, the gain varies
in the range of 0.22–1.10 dBi; for the GPS, DCS, PCS, and UMTS
bands, the gain ranges from 0.43 dBi to 3.13 dBi; and for the WLAN
band, gain of 2.12–2.41 dBi is achieved. The results indicate the
performance improvement by adopting switching mechanism.
A folded loop antenna with reconfigurable characteristic is proposed
in this communication for multiband applications for mobile phones
applications. Two strategies are designed for bandwidth enhancement.
Fig. 7. Diagram of bias circuit of p-i-n diode. The first one is the implementation of the loop-IFA modes switch. The
IFA mode is achievedby cutting the loop structure without other changes.
Another two resonant frequencies are added for wider bandwidth. Only
one p-i-n diode is utilized for modes switching, thus avoiding the com-
plex bias circuit and additional insertion losses. The second one is the
matching bridge between feeding and shorting point. For loop mode,
different effects take place for lower and higher bands; but for IFA mode,
both lower and higher modes are matched. By adopting the matching
bridge, the bandwidths of two modes are both improved. As a result, for
a typical mobile phone with the ground size of 100*60 mm2 , hepta-band
coverage is achieved in the compact volume of 60 2 5 2 5 mm3 , in-
cluding GSM850, GSM900, GPS, DCS, PCS, UMTS and WLAN bands.
The proposed antenna shows good radiation performance including the
efficiency and gain. The insertion loss of p-i-n diode is also discussed.
High quality switch is a promising solution for reconfigurable antenna
designs for mobile phone applications.
Fig. 8. Measured radiation efficiency of loop and IFA modes of the proposed
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