Basic Technology Textbooks in Nigerian Secondary Schools: A Quality and Content Analysis
Basic Technology Textbooks in Nigerian Secondary Schools: A Quality and Content Analysis
Basic Technology Textbooks in Nigerian Secondary Schools: A Quality and Content Analysis
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The textbooks used in basic technology courses in Nigerian secondary schools
serve several important purposes. They define the boundaries of content, the
order in which specific topics are taught and their presentation. They are also
a source for problem-solving, explanation-giving, and a means of connecting
students with emerging technologies. This study explores five basic technology
textbooks used in Nigerian schools to determine the extent to which they reflect
national educational policy objectives and enable student learning. The analysis
suggests that, while there are similarities in topics covered and overall content,
the textbooks differ substantially in how they approach the subject matter. Some
textbooks are long, well-indexed, and comprehensive. Others are shorter and more
concise, emphasizing select topics while mentioning others briefly. Overall, the
five textbooks responded well to the objectives found in the Nigerian guidelines
on education. The researchers recommend that technology textbooks contain
supplementary materials—for example, activity manuals, websites, and CD-
ROMs—to make learning more effective. Review panels including teachers,
educators, and curriculum content specialists should be periodically constituted to
review basic technology textbooks.
Nigeria, a country on the West Coast of Africa, with an estimated population of 140
million, is the most populous of all sub-Saharan African nations. It occupies a landmass of
about 923,768 square kilometers; its population is very ethnically diverse, with more than
270 different ethnic groups. Nigeria is one of the emerging democracies in Africa, having
had continuous democratic political governance since 1999. Nigeria is bordered by the
Republics of Benin, Niger and Cameroon to the west, north and east, respectively.
Nigerian society like other societies is a learning society and the learning process
is constantly changing. At times education proceeds on its own dynamics. Also, as in
other parts of the world, Nigeria is making serious efforts to establish and systematically
improve the teaching of technical and vocational education and training (TVET).
Technical and vocational education systems in Africa differ from country to
country and are delivered at different levels in different types of institutions, including
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technical and vocational schools (both public and private), polytechnics, enterprises, and
apprenticeship training centers. In West Africa in particular, traditional apprenticeship
offers the largest opportunity for the acquisition of employable skills in the informal
sector. In Ghana, the informal sector accounts for more than 90 percent of all skills
training in the country. In all of Sub-Saharan Africa, formal TVET programs are school-
based. In some countries, training models follow those of the colonial power. In general
however, students enter the vocational education track at the end of primary school,
corresponding to 6 – 8 years of education as in countries like Burkina Faso and Kenya,
or at the end of lower or junior secondary school, which corresponds to 9 – 12 years of
what is called basic education in countries like Ghana, Nigeria, Mali and Swaziland. The
duration of school-based technical and vocational education is between three and six
years, depending on the country and the model. In an attempt to expose young people
to pre-employment skills some countries like Ghana, Senegal and Swaziland have
incorporated basic vocational skills into their lower or junior secondary school curriculum
(Meeting of the Bureau of the Conference of Ministers of Education of the African Union
[(COMEDAF II+) 2007)].
There are five types of TVET institutions in Nigeria outside the universities: the
pre-vocational and vocational schools at post-primary level; and technical colleges,
polytechnics and technical teacher education colleges at the post-secondary level. Pre-
vocational education conveys basic vocational skills for primary school pupils. Vocational
schools also impact vocational skills but focus on the secondary school age group. The
technical colleges teach elementary level vocational skills. The polytechnics and technical
teacher education colleges are the main tertiary-level TVET institutions with the latter
focused on producing instructors for TVET institutions (African Economic Outlook
As noted in the African Economic Outlook (2008), instances of technical training
pre-date modern education in Nigeria. The apprenticeship system had long trained youth
in smiting, weaving, pottery, wood-carving, farming, basketry and a multiplicity of other
local handicrafts, prior to independence. The Yaba College of Technology, established
in 1932, was Nigeria’s earliest formal TVET institution at the tertiary level. For many,
the history of TVET in sub Saharan Africa and in Nigeria is dominated by a lack of
effectiveness (African Economic Outlook 2008). Some of this is seen in the lack of
funding and low teaching salaries, which are more constraining for TVET than for the
rest of the educational system. TVET is looked down upon in Nigerian society as a low-
status track. Vocational schools are mainly operated by state governments with little
participation by the federal government. TVET constitutes only about 1 per cent of total
educational enrolment with female participation averaging about one third. Informal
TVET in Nigeria is pervasive but poorly documented.
In public institutions, teaching materials are considered less adequate and the
teachers are less competent than their private sector counterparts, although there are
substantial variations in quality (African Economic Outlook 2008). Private institutions
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Basic Technology Textbooks in Nigerian Secondary Schools: A Quality and Content Analysis
have more useful programmes with trained and experienced staff and higher quality
equipment. Students in private schools learn practical skills in metalwork, woodwork,
electricity, petroleum technology and refining, automobile, carpentry, painting etc.
Foreign companies, such as Shell, Leventis and UAC, among others, offer technical
training courses for their employees.
In 1982, the new educational system was established, which consists of 6 years
primary, 6 years secondary, and 4 years tertiary. In 1999, compulsory and free basic
education was launched in schools by the then President of Nigeria (President Olusegun
Obasanjo), which is 9 years duration comprising of 6 years of primary education and 3
years of junior secondary education.
According to the Education for all (2000), gross primary school enrollment has
declined in Nigeria from approximately 86.2 percent in 1993 to 70.3 percent in 1996.
Dropout rates for both males and females in primary school remained high, around 10
to 15 percent between 1990 and 1994 for each level of education. Only 64 percent of
the students in primary school completed grade five, and only 43.5 percent continued on
to junior secondary school. Also, the report revealed that school quality has reportedly
deteriorated in Nigeria, and recent school reforms have been slow to take effect. Teachers
are not well trained and are poorly paid, making them less motivated and contributing to
poor or irregular school attendance among children.
Among the goals of secondary education according to the National Policy on
Education (FGN 2004) are to:
(i) provide all primary school leavers with the opportunity for education of a
higher level,
(ii) provide trained manpower in the applied science, technology and commerce at
sub-professional grades,
(iii) provide technical knowledge and vocational skills necessary for agricultural,
industrial, commercial and economic development.
These goals are still valid today. To achieve the goals, the junior secondary
education is both pre-vocational and academic, and is meant to be tuition free, universal
and compulsory; however, many students apply to technical schools today when they
cannot gain admission to non-technical higher institutions. In fact, they have to pay
higher schools fees in all higher institutions and the education is not compulsory at
that level. It was meant to teach basic subjects such as basic science, mathematics, and
English language, which enable students to acquire further knowledge and skills. All
students in junior secondary school are expected to take a minimum of ten and maximum
of thirteen subjects. Basic technology is one of the core and compulsory subjects offered
at junior secondary school level.
In the junior secondary curriculum basic technology includes a broad range of fields
of study and subjects such as auto mechanics, applied electricity, building, ceramics, metal
work, woodwork, plastics, rubber, food preservation, storage, technical drawing and other
miscellaneous topics. The basic technology course is meant to provide a holistic view of
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technology to students. The subject guidelines and contents have been carefully structured
into a teaching sequence, which consists of clear explanations and descriptions of how
results are obtained by using different tools, machines and materials. Basic technology is
also a skill development course, which aims at providing students with technical literacy
for everyday life. According to Nigeria’s Federal core curriculum, the objectives of basic
technology are to:
(i) provide pre-vocational orientation for further training in technology;
(ii) provide basic technological literacy for everyday living; and
(iii) stimulate creativity.
Basic technology at this level is also meant to provide basic knowledge about
industrial technology. It is designed to develop in students an appreciation of technology
and an interest in specific areas of industrial technology. On completion of junior
secondary school, according to FGN (2004), students are streamed into: (i) senior
secondary school; (ii) technical college; (iii) an out-of-school vocational training center;
and (iv) an apprenticeship scheme. This is based on results from the Junior Secondary
School Certificate Examination (JSSCE), whose purpose is to determine their academic
ability, aptitude and vocational interests.
The curriculum used to teach the subject of ‘Basic Technology’ was developed by
various subject specialists. For instance, those who studied electrical and electronics were
asked to write chapters or textbooks related to the subject, those who studied architecture
and building focused on related subjects, and those who studied engineering were asked
to contribute to engineering related subjects. Most are controlled by Nigerian Educational
Research and Development Council (NERDC). The review of the textbook is usually
carried out after five years.
The textbooks used in teaching basic technology in schools are an important source
of course content. A textbook can be used to define the boundaries of content, the order
in which specific topics are taught and, most importantly, how they are presented. In
technology classes, a textbook can be a source for problems solving, explanations, and a
means of connecting the students with the emerging technologies. For several reasons, it
seems that textbooks significantly influence the content and emphasis of courses teaching
about technology in classes for elementary teachers.
The supervision and control of information and ideas found in textbooks, and
other printed materials for students, are very important. There is a clear need to
carefully analyze textbooks, journals, and other communication media for the purpose
of uncovering parts thought to be dated, offensive or irrelevant. Objectionable material
may even be considered inappropriate, immoral, or injurious to the national development.
Thus an important rationale for a content analysis of textbooks is to improve the quality of
the contents conveyed by the schools to students.
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Basic Technology Textbooks in Nigerian Secondary Schools: A Quality and Content Analysis
While high-quality textbooks and learning materials are especially important for
students, they may contain incorrect technology-related information. For instance, many
researchers have found that some textbooks contain factually incorrect information. One
study found that eight of South Korea’s elementary, middle, and high school textbooks
contain incorrect information (Schwartzman 2008). Another study reviewed analytical
studies about the contents of health textbooks used in elementary, junior high, or high
schools in some 14 countries and found that several current textbooks provide insufficient
content and contain inaccurate or out-of-date health information (Nomoto, Nonaka,
Mizoue, Kobayashi and Jimba 2011).
With few exceptions (Raven 2006), there is no up to date study of the quality of
basic technology textbooks used in Nigeria and the extent to which they enable students
to acquire the intended curricular contents. There is also a need to examine whether the
technology textbooks are: easy to read and easily comprehend, help students develop a
basic orientation to the technological world and describe a range of student activities.
The analysis reported in this paper attempts to fill these knowledge gaps. The purpose of
the current study is not to promote a particular textbook, but rather to determine whether
each one meets established quality standards and is suitable for teaching and learning
vocational skills. In short, this study explores basic technology textbooks used in Nigerian
secondary schools to determine the extent to which they meet the objectives set forth in
the national educational policy guidelines and enable effective student learning.
This study initially assumed that basic technology classes have often been taught
by teachers with little experience in technology. To the extent this is true, then teachers
may utilize technology textbooks to simply "get through" the semester. There are also
indications that cultural understandings are embedded within the design of a textbook,
which might have been overlooked. Based on these assumptions, this study examines
basic technology textbooks as a step in understanding what kind of technology is being
taught to secondary schools students in Nigeria.
Literature Review
Usability refers to a measure of the quality of the user experience when interacting
with, for example, a website, a textbook, traditional software application, or any device
that users can operate in some way or another. It is often the most neglected aspect of
a design, yet it is one of the most important aspects (Nielsen 1997a; 1997b). Usability
problems may arise due to behavioral and cultural differences of users. In textbooks,
variation is found in relation to color, graphics, phrases, icons, character sets, pictures,
symbols, date and time format, and so forth (Onibere et al. 2000). Readers from different
cultures, age groups, and social backgrounds may understand the same information
presented in a textbook in rather different ways (Adeoye 2004). Specific metaphors,
symbols, and appearance may be misunderstood and provoke some readers to be
confused, or even offended.
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Basic Technology Textbooks in Nigerian Secondary Schools: A Quality and Content Analysis
teaching textbooks and the level of coverage required when preparing a textbook for both
teachers and students use. A detailed and systematic examination of textbooks should
help draw relevant conclusions for improvement. It could be further explained to mean
the separation of textbook into its components in order to identify what it contains, to
examine individual parts, or to study the whole structure.
Two guides were developed for this study: an interview guide and a textbook
analysis guide. The interview guide consists of five items that collect demographic data
about the teachers who teach the basic technology courses and about the textbooks they
use in their respective schools. The textbook analysis guide consists of 25 items. These
items are framed under the following headings: textbook as a material object, the structure
of the textbook, the textbook as a product in the market, the textbook as a product of the
author’s mind, the textbook as a communication tool, the textbook in a social context, and
the textbook as a work of art. These two instruments were pilot tested with a group of
students and revised several times before being administered.
Two lecturers from the Department of Science and Technology Education analyzed
the five basic technology textbooks, applying the revised guides, and specifying the
following items and topics:
i) author(s) and publication year
ii) country where published
iii) target country
iv) topics included
v) school/grade level
vi) cultural elements noted
Advanced “power tools” that seek to “open up” a text, initially developed by
Williamson (2005), were modified in this analysis. These tools basically involve "taking
something apart," in order to understand it better by considering its component parts
separately, as well as together. The three components of this strategy included: analyze
the text as a material object, analyze the text as a work of art, and analyze and respond
to the text from your own personal viewpoint as an individual reader. In addition, other
design elements such as images, symbols, language, and icons are incorporated in the
Table 1 presents basic publication information about the textbooks currently being
used in Nigerian Junior Secondary Schools. For each textbook the table lists the author,
publisher, the number of pages and the secondary schools that use them. The Federal and
the State governments of Nigeria did not require the use of a particular textbook for any
school; however, they made recommendations as to the textbooks to be used.
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Basic Technology Textbooks in Nigerian Secondary Schools: A Quality and Content Analysis
During the second semester of 2010/2011, student teachers from the Distance
Learning Institute, and students enrolled in Educational Technology course at the
University of Lagos students, were recruited as participants in this study. Most of the
participants (70%) are teachers from secondary schools around Lagos State. Most
teach Science and Technology subjects in their schools. They consist of 60% female
and 40% male. All of them were enrolled at the University of Lagos Distance Learning
Educational Program. They initially came together as a focus group and were asked the
following questions about the textbooks they used in their respective schools:
1. What textbooks do you use to teach basic technology in your secondary school?
2. What criteria are used for selecting the textbooks? Who chooses the basic
technology textbooks?
3. How would you characterize these textbooks? In what ways are the technology
textbooks different from the previous generation of books (written primarily by
technology teachers)?
4. What challenges of teaching technology and of teacher knowledge for such
teaching are reflected in the selected books?
5. What are the cultural elements observed in the textbooks?
6. What are the effects of the cultural elements on the students?
They are also asked to submit copies of the technology textbooks in use in their
respective schools. In total five different books were submitted. To analyze each book
the researchers used the guide developed for textbook analysis (see Appendix A).
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a different area of technology. This helps in presenting the topics in a way that make
learning pleasurable. Illustrations such as pictures of actual performance of experiments,
handling of hand tools, activities in school workshops, and other real situations, were
included to attract and motivate students to learn.
Structure of textbook - The textbook is well organized and divided into chapters.
Each chapter is organized around a topic with its subject matter addressed the contents
and specific objectives in line with the comparative education studies and adaptation
center (CESAC) syllabus. The textbook is written in such a simple language in order
to make the book almost self-instructional. Local names and situations are employed
where appropriate to enhance relevance. New terminologies are emphasized and clearly
explained for ease of understanding. A summary of the important points covered in each
chapter is given. The book also lists key words, together with their meaning, at the end of
each chapter in order to increase the technical vocabulary of both students and teachers.
Some exercises are also provided at end of each chapter to provide quick test that the
textbook covered. Such exercises can be done either in class or by each individual student.
Textbook as a product in market - At 141 pages the textbook is neither too long nor
too short. The pages include pictures of materials, hand tools and practical demonstration
of operations. The textbook is highly technical since the authors are experts in their
respective areas of specializations. However some of the contents could be “political”
since most authors do not teach in secondary schools and are unfamiliar with the level of
understanding and age of the students using the books. The physical form and appearance
of the textbook is quite good and attractive to read. The textbook is written to assist
students in understanding materials, hand tools, processing of materials. Also it attempts
to help students understand the roles technology plays in society and what contributions
they could make.
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1. Along with many other technology teachers, some of these authors believe strongly
that if technology is clearly and correctly explained, students can and will learn basic
technology effectively.
2. Analysis of the five basic technology textbooks suggests that while there are many
similarities in topics and overall content, they differ substantially in how they approach
the subject matter.
3. Some textbooks are long, well indexed, and comprehensive.
4. Some are shorter and more concise, not aiming to cover all bases, but rather giving
emphasis to some topics while mentioning others only briefly.
5. Some textbooks are more narrative in their approach to technology.
6. The five books responded well to the objectives as enshrined in the national policy on
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Basic Technology Textbooks in Nigerian Secondary Schools: A Quality and Content Analysis
Below is a summary of the responses to the five questions posed to the participants.
Question 1 - What textbooks are being used for teaching basic technology in junior
secondary schools?
Five common textbooks were found in many secondary schools in Nigeria. Although
some private schools use additional textbooks, the most popular textbooks have been
selected for the purpose of this analysis (See Table 1).
Question 2 - What are the criteria used for selecting the textbooks and who chooses the
basic technology textbooks?
Some schools selected the textbooks based on word of mouth as well as testimonies
from other schools. It is important to note that these textbooks are not imposed but
recommended by the Federal Ministry of Education and the state ministries of education
in their respective states.
Question 3 - How can these textbooks be characterized? In what ways are the basic
technology textbooks different from the previous generation of books (written primarily by
technology teachers)?
The textbooks used by the previous generation were lower quality: they had only black
and white illustrations, many of which were unclear. The content areas covered in the
earlier books were vocational skills and tools used for vocational work. Information and
communication technologies and emerging technologies were missing in most of them.
Most recent books are multi-authored texts drawing on expertise in different areas of
technology, which helps in presenting topics in a diverse way.
Question 4 - What challenges of teaching basic technology and of teacher knowledge for
such teaching are reflected in the selected books?
The greatest challenge of many technology textbooks is keeping it current in an ever
changing marketplace because constant technological changes. This is true for all the five
books analyzed in this study.
Question 5 - What are the cultural elements observed in the textbooks? What are the
effects of the cultural elements on the students?
There is no embedded cultural awareness within the design of the textbooks. A
combination of line drawings, clip arts and a few photographs from the locality were used.
There was no effect of the cultural elements on the students.
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The textbooks were classified according to the amount of topic information they
contained, the accuracy of the technology information provided, and the ICT priorities
conveyed. The findings of the analyses undertaken in this study can be summarized
as follows: some current school textbooks provide insufficient content and contain
inaccurate or out-of-date technology information. This study found through technology-
related content analysis of the school textbooks that textbooks in the Western world cover
emerging technology more often than do basic textbooks in Nigeria.
The first assumption that basic technology classes are often taught by teachers with little
experience in technology found not to be true based on our analysis. Although many of
the authors have experiences in technology, they are not technology teachers. Also, there
was no evidence to support the assumption that some cultural awareness is embedded
within the design of Nigerian textbooks. Our analysis revealed that majority of the authors
has the same cultural orientations with the students who use the textbooks. Although they
differ in ethnicity, the differences did not affect the content of their textbooks.
In the overall analysis of the five textbooks, it is clear that the books are similar in
their purpose but differ in their design. Most of the books are encyclopedic, including
every possible topic that might be covered at senior secondary levels. Basic technology
textbooks should be well indexed, and comprehensive. They typically should have
supplementary materials such as activity manuals, websites, and CD-ROMS. Also,
although most of the textbooks are of high quality standards and met the needs of
learners and teachers, just like NERD did, panel of reviewers across the subjects from
schoolteachers, educators, and curriculum content specialists should be constituted to
review periodically basic technology textbooks.
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