Gender Role Stereotyping of Parents in Children's Picture Books: The Invisible Father

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Gender Role Stereotyping of Parents in Children’s Picture Books: The Invisible


Article  in  Sex Roles · February 2005

DOI: 10.1007/s11199-005-1290-8


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Mykol C Hamilton
Centre College


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Sex Roles, Vol. 52, Nos. 3/4, February 2005 (
C 2005)

DOI: 10.1007/s11199-005-1290-8

Gender Role Stereotyping of Parents in Children’s

Picture Books: The Invisible Father

David A. Anderson1 and Mykol Hamilton1,2

Previous studies reveal the reinforcement of gender stereotypes by picture books children
read during the formative years. In these books, boys tend to be portrayed as active leaders,
and girls as passive followers. Women and girls are under-represented. Men often exhibit
career skills, and women perform traditional tasks in the home. Even when careers are
nontraditional, personality characteristics and other qualities and behaviors are often stereo-
typical. Previous researchers emphasized the narrowly defined roles of women and children
in picture books. In this study, we focused on the representation of mothers and fathers, and
examined whether men are stereotyped as relatively absent or inept parents. A content anal-
ysis of the gender roles exhibited in 200 prominent children’s picture books demonstrated
that fathers are largely under-represented, and, when they do appear, they are withdrawn
and ineffectual parents. Further research could establish whether seriously deficient models
of fatherhood in children’s literature affect the incidence of present, caring fathers in society.

KEY WORDS: gender stereotypes; parents; children’s literature.

“Are you my mother?,” repeats the baby bird, still perform about one-third more housework than
who never bothers to inquire about a father. P. D. fathers do, and they shoulder the majority of cook-
Eastman’s (1960) Are You My Mother? is among ing and child care responsibilities (Bond, Thompson,
other children’s books that assist with literacy but Galinsky, & Prottas, 2003). Inequities in household
may reinforce undesirable parental stereotypes at the duties, including childcare, are cited as major sources
same time. Picture books provide prolonged and re- of conflict and depression within families (Bird, 1997,
peated exposure to parenting techniques and related 1999; Ross & Mirowsky, 1988). What factors inter-
gender roles. Are the fathers present in the stories? fere with a broader role for fathers that includes
Are they integral parts of families? Do they care for more nurturing and housework? One variable that
and nurture their children? Given the nearly $1 bil- stands in the way of gender equality in parenting is
lion worth of children’s books purchased every year the gender socialization of children and parents that
(Children’s Book Council, 2002) and the nightly ritu- perpetuates traditional divisions of household labor.
als of reading them, their representations of parental One avenue for this socialization is children’s litera-
roles may influence the socialization of both children ture. Diekman and Murnen (2004) found that even
and parents. books praised as nonsexist in their portrayal of fe-
Although the labor force participation rate for male characters seldom portray male characters in
mothers with infants rose from 38% in 1980 to 55% in traditionally feminine gender roles.
2002 (Downs, 2003), mothers in dual-earner families Data from various studies suggest that gender-
stereotypic portrayals in children’s literature can in-
1 Anderson is in Economics. Hamilton is in Psychology. Centre
fluence the readers’ attitudes and behaviors. For
College, Danville, Kentucky.
2 To whom Correspondence should be addressed at Department example, Trepanier-Street and Romatowski (1999)
of Psychology, Centre College, 600 West Walnut Street, Danville, found that when books were selected with atten-
Kentucky 40422; e-mail: tion to the presentation of gender roles, the result

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C 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
146 Anderson and Hamilton

was a decrease in the stereotypic gender attitudes of trayal of women and men in parenting roles; our
the preschoolers exposed to the books. Fox (1993) general hypothesis was that the mothers and fathers
discussed the significance of gender portrayals in chil- in these books would exhibit stereotypical behaviors
dren’s books in terms of the transmission of a soci- and qualities. Specifically, we hypothesized that: (1)
ety’s culture to new generations. She presented evi- relative to mothers, fathers would be absent more
dence from experiments with college students, who often and mentioned less often; (2) mothers would
typically imitated the default of having a male main be portrayed more often than fathers as affection-
character and the inclusion of traditional stereotypes ate nurturers, and fathers would be portrayed as rela-
when writing their own stories for children. Narahara tively hands-off parents; (3) mothers would more of-
(1998) reviewed the research on sexism in books and ten express the stereotypically feminine emotions of
its influence on children, and concluded that charac- happiness and sadness and would more often be dis-
ters in books become gender role models; nonsex- obeyed, whereas fathers would more often mention
ist books have been shown to have desirable influ- money, express anger, and discipline their children.
ences on the self-concept, attitude, and behavior of
Weitzman, Eiffer, Hokada, and Ross (1972) METHOD
studied 18 Caldecott Medal winners and runners-
up to determine the relative presence of female and Sample
male characters in acclaimed children’s books, and
found that female characters were under-represented The total sample consisted of 200 children’s pic-
in titles, central roles, and pictures. Boys and girls ture books. Following several of the previous studies
were portrayed as active and passive, respectively, of stereotyping in children’s books, our sample in-
in the books. Men had careers, and women were cluded the 30 Caldecott Medal winners and Honor
wives and mothers. Subsequent studies of children’s Books (the formal name for Caldecott runners-up)
books by Kolbe and La Voie (1981), Heintz (1987), for 1995–2001. In order to draw from a larger and
Williams, Vernon, Williams, and Malecha (1987), more representative collection of the books that are
Purcell and Stewart (1990), Allen, Allen, and Sigler currently being read, we expanded the selection cri-
(1993), Kortenhaus and Demarest (1993), Turner- teria to include signals of popularity that have not
Bowker (1996), and McDonald (1998), among been the focus of previous research in this area. The
others, generally demonstrated that stereotyping and sample included 155 non-Caldecott-winning best-
representational inequities began to improve in the selling children’s books of 1999–2001 as determined
1970s, although significant imbalance and narrow by the New York Times,, Barnes and
gender roles still exist. Nilsen (1978) found that Noble, and Publishers Weekly, as well as the nine
the percentage of female characters in award win- additional bestselling Little Golden Books, the 2001
ning children’s books fell steadily from 46% to New York Public Library list of “books everyone
22% between 1950 and 1975. Collins, Ingoldsby, and should know,” and the 2001 top 10
Dellmann (1984) reported improved ratios of female picture books. These designations all translate into
to male characters in children’s book titles, central relatively large sales volumes.
roles, and pictures, and Dougherty and Engel (1987)
found that the percentage of female characters had
risen to 43% in the mid-1980s. Hamilton, Anderson, Procedure
Broaddus, and Young (2005) found no additional
progress in the relative frequency of female charac- Design of the Coding Instrument
ters between 1987 and 2002.
Previous researchers have demonstrated an To design the coding instrument, one female
overall gender imbalance in favor of male charac- professor, one male professor, two female students,
ters in popular children’s picture books, as well as and one male student contributed items, and then
demeaning gender role stereotypes for women and we edited and refined the instrument to prepare
children. In the present study, we examined whether it for preliminary testing. The faculty researchers
male characters, despite their prevalence, are under- and their student assistants read a sample of six
represented in the vital role of parent. We exam- books, completed preliminary copies of the code
ined the degree and form of imbalance in the por- sheets, and noted questions or problems with the
Gender Role Stereotyping of Parents in Children’s Books 147

instrument. The research group then met to make With our coding procedure, we collected ra-
further changes in the instrument and to assemble tio data on the number of occurrences of each of
an “annotated” version of the instrument with details the measured items per book, such as the number
on the counting procedure as explained below. Next of scenes in Toby Speed’s (2000) Brave Potatoes in
the faculty members and students each rated another which a mother was pictured but not a father. We
set of six books, came together again, and compared translated some of these ratio data into nominal data
their ratings. Further changes were made to the in- on whether each book included parents at all, any
strument, and additions and amendments were made mothers, any fathers, any mother-only scenes, and
to the annotated version. The items were clarified any father-only scenes. The remainder of the sample
over five iterations of this process until each of the is made up of ratio data, and the analyses involving
readers coded sample books consistently. All of the averages and t-tests were performed using only the
items for each book were then coded by the same two ratio data.
female students.

Instrument Contents
The coders recorded the same response for over
The coding instrument contained 43 items 98% of the data points over the entire sample of
about the physical presence, actions, emotions, and books. We calculated weighted kappa coefficients
mentions of mothers and fathers. Responses were to test the null hypothesis that the observed level
counts of occurrences per book, initially recorded of agreement could be the result of random guess-
as tic-marks and then summed. Items 1–4 ad- ing.3 Straightforward items, such as the number of
dressed mother–son, mother–daughter, father–son, scenes with a mother but not a father, were rated with
and father–daughter pairings. One or more offspring the highest level of consistency, κ = .81, Z = 19.67,
of the same sex with one parent counted as one p < .0001 (one-tailed). Most of the disagreement lay
pair. Items 5–7 were counts of pictures with just the among items that can be subjective, such as the num-
mother, just the father, or both parents. These counts ber of times a mother expressed happiness, κ = .72,
were not contingent on the presence of a child in Z = 16.92, p < .0001 (one-tailed). In each case, the
the scene. Items 8–13 concerned mentions of moth- null hypothesis was rejected at the .0001 level of sig-
ers and fathers by female children, male children, or nificance. When the coders’ responses did differ, the
anyone else. Multiple references to the same par- responses were averaged.
ent within a single sentence were counted as one
Items 14–27 were for the parental nurturing be- Appearances and Mentions
haviors of touching (by hand), carrying, hugging,
kissing, making other types of physical contact with, The first hypothesis concerned the number of
talking to, and feeding. For each of these items, the physical appearances and mentions of mothers and
counts were separated between interactions with ba- fathers. Of the 200 books studied, 139 included
bies and interactions with older children. The actions parental figures. In support of the hypothesis that
could appear in pictures or be described in text; a fathers would be under-represented, mothers ap-
single action that was both pictured and described peared in 128 of the books (64%), and fathers
was only counted once. Touching as part of more in- appeared in 95 books (47.5%). One hundred of
volved contact, such as carrying or hugging, was only the books (50%) contained mother-only scenes,
counted as the more involved action. Items 28–43 and 55 books (27.5%) contained father-only scenes.
dealt with each type of parent’s mentions of money, Sixty-four books (32%) had mother-only scenes but
expressions of happiness and sadness, crying (a sub- no father-only scenes, and 19 books (9.5%) had
set of expressions of sadness), expressions of anger, father-only scenes but no mother-only scenes, χ2
yelling (a subset of expressing anger), disciplining or 3Akappa coefficient is positive when the observed level of agree-
scolding, and being disobeyed. The emotions could
ment exceeds the expected level of agreement from random
be expressed in direct quotes, descriptions, or facial guessing, and a kappa coefficient equals 1.00 when there is perfect
expressions. Multiple expressions of emotion within agreement. Unlike a simple kappa coefficient, a weighted kappa
the same scene were counted separately. coefficient takes the magnitude of disagreement into account.
148 Anderson and Hamilton

Table I. Mean Number of Appearances and Mentions per Book with Parents
as Characters
Mother Father t-Value
Appears 6.15 (9.16) 3.30 (5.06) 3.27∗∗∗
Appears without spouse 4.59 (9.19) 1.74 (3.99) 3.27∗∗∗
Appears with son 1.32 (3.26) 0.69 (2.63) 1.75∗
Appears with daughter 1.93 (7.27) 0.40 (1.14) 2.43∗∗
Appears with son or daughter 3.25 (7.74) 1.09 (3.07) 2.99∗∗
Mentioned by female child 0.67 (2.73) 0.22 (1.63) 2.23∗
Mentioned by male child 0.30 (1.86) 0.17 (0.91) 0.76
Mentioned by any child 0.97 (3.30) 0.39 (1.84) 2.20∗
Mentioned by anyone 7.87 (10.31) 5.70 (11.13) 1.62

Notes. Standard deviations are in parentheses. The t-value is from a paired, one-
tailed Student’s t-test.
∗ p < .05. ∗∗ p < .01. ∗∗∗ p < .001.

(1, N = 83) = 24.40, p < .001 (a chi-square test is p < .001 (one-tailed). Older children were nurtured
available here because the two variables are mutu- more than twice as often by mothers (M = 2.32,
ally exclusive). Both a mother and a father appeared SD = 3.43) as by fathers (M = 1.09, SD = 2.45),
in 76 books (38%), and 20 books (10%) always in- t(138) = 3.63, p < .001 (one-tailed). With the excep-
cluded both parents together. tion of hugging babies and carrying older children,
As our data included the specific number of oc- mothers in these books performed every measured
currences of each measured item within each book, nurturing behavior at least twice as often as fathers,
the primary analytical tool was a series of paired Stu- and the differences were significant at the .05 level or
dent’s t-tests for differences in the sample means. below on the basis of paired, one-tailed Student’s t-
The books that included parents contained more tests. In support of the hypothesis that fathers would
scenes with a mother figure (M = 6.15, SD = 9.16) be relatively hands-off parents, there was no ac-
than with a father figure (M = 3.30, SD = 5.06), tion that fathers performed significantly more often
t(138) = 3.27, p < .001 (one-tailed). Children in the than mothers, and fathers were never seen kissing or
books made more than twice as many mentions of feeding babies. Seee Table II for statistics on each
mothers (M = 0.97, SD = 3.30) as of fathers (M = measured type of nurturing behavior per book with
0.39, SD = 1.84), t(138) = 2.20, p = .01 (one-tailed). parents as characters.
And mothers were more common than fathers in
each of the seven other measured types of appear- Emotions, Discipline, Money, and Obedience
ance and mention. See Table I for statistics on the
number of scenes with each type of parent and The findings support the hypotheses that moth-
parent–child pairing, and on mentions of each type ers would more often cry and be happy, but not
of parent, per book with parents as characters.4 the hypotheses that fathers would more often disci-
pline children and express anger.5 In the 139 books
Nurturing Behavior with parents as characters, mothers expressed emo-
tion more often (M = 2.58, SD = 4.39) than fathers
The results confirm the hypothesis that moth- (M = 1.47, SD = 2.96), t(138) = 2.55, p = .01 (one-
ers would be portrayed more often than fathers as tailed). Mothers yelled more than five times as often
affectionate nurturers. Babies were nurtured almost (M = 0.13, SD = 1.16) as fathers (M = 0.02, SD =
10 times as often by mothers (M = 0.77, SD = 2.18) 0.10), t(138) = 1.06, p = 0.15, although there was only
as by fathers (M = 0.08, SD = 0.39), t(138) = 3.78, a small amount of yelling overall, and the gender dif-
ference was not statistically significant. There were
no significant differences in the frequency with which
4 Anyof the means in the table can be multiplied by 139/200 to de-
termine the mean among all of the books, including those without
parents. Two-factor analyses of variance indicated no significant
interaction between parent’s gender and child’s gender in terms 5 Patterns of means were similar when we examed only the books
of appearances or mentions. that included scenes with the type of parent in question.
Gender Role Stereotyping of Parents in Children’s Books 149

Table II. Mean Number of Nurturing Actions per Book with Parents as Characters
Recipient is baby Recipient is older child
Action by parent Mother Father t-Value Mother Father t-Value
Touch 0.07 (0.35) 0.01 (0.07) 1.99∗ 0.56 (1.21) 0.24 (0.58) 3.05∗∗
Carry 0.50 (1.62) 0.06 (0.30) 3.29∗∗∗ 0.25 (0.68) 0.27 (1.03) −0.20
Hug 0.01 (0.06) 0.00 (0.04) 0.58 0.14 (0.37) 0.07 (0.28) 2.38∗∗
Kiss 0.03 (0.18) 0.00 (0.00) 1.90∗ 0.07 (0.28) 0.01 (0.10) 2.40∗∗
Other contact 0.04 (0.22) 0.00 (0.00) 2.30∗ 0.25 (.074) 0.11 (0.36) 1.95∗
Talk 0.065 (0.37) 0.004 (0.04) 1.96∗ 0.93 (1.97) 0.37 (0.94) 3.19∗∗∗
Feed 0.05 (0.24) 0.00 (0.00) 2.52∗∗ 0.12 (0.33) 0.03 (0.23) 2.68∗∗
Any nurturing 0.77 (2.18) 0.08 (0.39) 3.78∗∗∗ 2.32 (3.43) 1.09 (2.45) 3.63∗∗∗

Notes. Standard deviations are in parentheses. The t-value is from a paired,one-tailed Student’s t-test.
∗ p < .05. ∗∗ p < .01. ∗∗∗ p < .001.

mothers and fathers expressed sadness, mentioned ferences in aggression and anger, Hamilton (2001)
money, or were disobeyed. See Table III for statis- concluded that the stereotype and general ten-
tics on expressions of emotion, acts of discipline and dency is for women to be less aggressive than men,
disobedience, and mentions of money per book with but that the difference depends on the ages, set-
parents as characters. tings, and measures involved. Fischer and MosQuera
(2001), among others, suggested that women may
suppress expressions of anger for fear of reprisal
DISCUSSION and the violation of cultural expectations. In the
typical children’s book context of mothers working
The results strongly support our general hy- with young children, reprisal and cultural expecta-
potheses of imbalanced representation and stereo- tions may be of less concern than in a work envi-
typical parental portrayals. Fathers were significantly ronment, and our findings may reflect the relative
under-represented, and they were presented as unaf- safety of anger expression by women in the familial
fectionate and as indolent in terms of feeding, carry- setting.
ing babies, and talking with children. Mothers made Blankenhorn (1995, p. 68) called fatherless fam-
most of the contact with children, did most of the ilies America’s “most urgent social problem,” and he
feeding, and expressed emotion more often than did held “cultural scripts,” including children’s books, at
fathers. No behavior we coded was exhibited by least partially responsible. Raag and Rackliff (1998)
fathers significantly more often than by mothers. presented evidence that, although fathers are under-
Contrary to our hypotheses, mothers disci- represented in parenting studies relative to mothers,
plined children and expressed anger more often than fathers play an important role in the gender social-
fathers did. In a summary of research on gender dif- ization of their children. Pleck (1981), Lamb (1986),
and Silverstein (1996) cited evidence of men’s abil-
Table III. Mean Number of Expressions of Emotion, Acts of ity to succeed as caregivers, and suggested that a re-
Discipline and Disobedience, and Mentions of Money per Book definition of fathering that emphasized the nurturing
with Parents as Characters role as well as the providing role would make mas-
Action Mother Father t-Value culinity less oppressive for men and women alike.
Expresses happiness 1.92 (3.61) 1.13 (2.77) 2.23∗ The wide range of successful parenting models, in-
Expresses sadness 0.15 (0.40) 0.18 (0.97) −0.33 cluding single fathers, single mothers, and same-sex
Cries 0.08 (0.30) 0.025 (0.17) 2.06∗ parents, makes clear the flexibility of the paternal
Expresses anger 0.30 (1.29) 0.11 (0.41) 1.74∗ and maternal roles, which should not be confined to
Yells in anger 0.13 (1.16) 0.02 (0.10) 1.06
narrow stereotypes. In 2002, there were an estimated
Any emotion 2.58 (4.39) 1.47 (2.98) 2.55∗∗
Child disobeys 0.06 (0.27) 0.05 (0.22) 0.78 2,000,000 single fathers in the U.S. and 105,000 mar-
Disciplines/scolds 0.24 (1.23) 0.04 (0.16) 1.88∗ ried fathers who stayed at home to care for their chil-
Mentions money 0.01 (0.13) 0.02 (0.14) −0.22 dren while the mothers worked (U.S. Census Bureau,
Notes. Standard deviations are in parentheses. The t-value is from
a paired,one-tailed Student’s t-test. Fathers appeared in only 47% of the books
∗ p < .05. ∗∗ p < .01. ∗∗∗ p < .001. sampled, and they appeared in about one-half as
150 Anderson and Hamilton

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