How To Succeed As A Lawyer

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How to succeed as a lawyer

By: Ronald Boyd

More than forty years ago, Attorney Ronald of McKinney, Texas, wrote a letter to his son
offering tips on to be a successful lawyer. When several Texas State Bar officials saw the letter,
they prevailed upon the elder Boyd to allow the Texas Bar Journal to print it. Boyd agreed and it
appeared In the November 1962 issue.

Dear Son,

You are now in your senior year in law school. Maybe a few things I have learned in
thirty years in the law practice will be helpful. Law school is teaching you things
which will be good for your client; the following will be good for you. You cannot have
professional happiness unless you are financially successful.
One of the greatest pleasures in life is achievement. In my judgment, if you will
remember the following twenty-one things, you will have a long, happy, and
successful career.

1. Remember the rule of nine

It works this way: nine people out of ten are good, honest, intelligent, decent, and
fair-minded people. Therefore, if you want to have the odds, nine to one, in your
favor, get on the right side of the issue. In the legal profession, the right side of the
issue is the side that helps society. In other word, don’t injure your fellow man. In the
courtroom the rule of nine works the same way. Nine times out of ten the right side
wins at the courthouse. But, I believe that the lawyers in the smaller country seat
cities engaging in the general practice of civil law are more convinced that the rule of
nine really works than the average city lawyers.

2. Remember, a lawyer’s integrity is of vital concern to the community

If the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker are not honest, this is not a
major catastrophe. But on the other hand, the lawyer plays such a vital role in the
lives of his fellow men that if he is not honest, it is a major catastrophe. Let me give
you some examples of the vital roles a lawyer is called on to play:
a) a few years ago, shortly after noon in July, the door to my private office opened;
there stood a man, a little past middle age. I had represented him for many
years, he was a successful farmer, he was very pale, and was trembling all over
as he said, “I have just made a worst mistake a man can possibly make. I have
killed a man, I knew a second after it was done how terrible it was. For God’s
sake, help me.”
b) About ten years ago, three members of family, two others of whom had just
visited upon them one of the most horrible crimes that had ever occurred in
Texas, came to my office. This family was face-to-face with stark, unnatural
tragedy. The spokesman said, “at a family meeting this morning, we all agreed
that we wanted you as a special prosecutor, to help us see that justice done.”
c) A few weeks ago, an elderly retired farmer, a good, sound citizen, came to the
office bringing with him a smartly and attractively dressed daughter, apparently
about 35 years old. He told me a story of the daughter’s marriage to an
energetic, handsome, well-educated, dynamic young man, how well he was
doing in business, how the family began growing, and then embezzlement, then
divorce, then a new life, then remarriage, then robbery with firearms and
murder, now a death penalty in just a day or so. “we need your help”.
d) Several months ago, on Saturday afternoon, while I was in the office with the
outside doors locked, a telephone call from a middle-aged man I had represent
for years, as well as his father before him, in distressed voice, said” I am
downstairs, your door is locked, but I was just praying that you were in. I must
talk to you” when he arrived, he showed me several daily newspapers that he
had just gotten out of the post office from a distant city. The headline and front-
page articles told a story of a liquor store stickup with the owner being murdered
when he tried to reach for a gun, the capture by police blockade, the laboratory
reports proving conclusively who had fired the shot that killed the owner. His
son, crying like a baby, the man said: “help me. What can I do?”
e) You might be employed by the State Bar of Texas to investigated, brief, file, and
try a fellow lawyer in a disbarment proceeding. This assignment cannot be taken
f) In thirty years of practicing law I have felt that my professional duty required me
to ask a jury to take a man’s life on three different occasions. In two cases, the
jury complied with my request; in the third, the defendant took his own life the
day he was sentenced for life. Under these conditions the only reward life
provides is a clear conscience. No profession can be more vital than one which
makes such requirements on its members. Therefore, the integrity of its
members is certainly of major concern to society.

3. Remember, always be nice to people regardless of their social status, educational

level, or financial rating.

a. That boy who is now “jerking soda” at the drugstore, twenty-five years from
now might be president of the Investment Bankers Association of America and
calling you about an important matter in New York.
b. That boy who is now picking up scrap metal in the alleys and selling it to get
spending money, twenty years hence might be employing you to examine titles
to ranch lands he is buying in other states.
c. That boy who on graduation from high school, said,” I am not going to college
because I already have all the education I need,” might many years hence, by
being elected chairman of the board on directors of a major manufacturing
concern, prove the truth of his statement.
d. Some successful people in business can neither read nor write.

4. Remember, in practice of law under a democratic form of government there are

no secrets.
Therefore, don’t ever be party to anything, don’t put anything in a letter, don’t say
anything in conference or on the telephone that you would mind (except for your
client’s interest) seeing on the front page of a newspaper, on TV, or hearing from
witness stand, or on the radio.

5. Remember, the best way to disarm your enemies is to do what is just under the

It absolutely drives them crazy. Often it will throw them into such confusion that they
become helpless. Ordinarily their “double-dealing” will “backfire” if you don’t resort
to the same tactics.

6. Remember, no people have ever developed a better method for setting disputes
among men than our judicial system.

It was developed by legal profession, and it has been through fire millions of times;
although not perfect, it is still the best there is. The jury is the heart of the system.
Always defend the system. When you lose lawsuit. Don’t try to tear the courthouse

7. Remember, the important thing, so far as getting legal business is concerned, is

what your homefolks think about you.

Everything on earth connect to your town and then your block. How high you go in
your profession depends on who employs you. The important employment I have had
in many different matters which has necessitated my being out of the state much of
the time can be traced back to someone very close to home. So it is what your
neighbors say about you that counts.

8. Remember, no profession makes it possible for its members to enjoy a longer

professional life than law.
So long as a lawyer lives he can practice law. So long as he keeps his health and mind
he can do it successfully. Our neighbor, the late senator, demonstrated this fact; he
practiced law for seventy years.

9. Remember, there is no ceiling on success in the legal profession.

The only limits on the amount of success you can achieve are your time and energy.
And the thought that will give strength to finish when the hour gets late and going
gets rough is that, irrespective of how it might look to others, you know you are
fighting according to the accepted rules of the game.

10.Remember, the end does not justify the means.

Two wrongs do not make a right. It is better to lose than not to fight according to the
rules. It is extremely easy for a young lawyer to violate these rules. If you have a
growing family to support on a meager income, there is strong temptation to become
lax on your professional morals. Many times it might appear necessary to “fudge” a
little. You will profit financially if you don’t do it. The magnitude of responsibility
entrusted to you is in direct proportion to the confidence people have in you. No one
can destroy the confidence of other people in you, except you. Integrity is key;
therefore, you must not only be honest, but also you must maintain the appearance of

11.Remember, to be a good lawyer you must first be a good man.

Your sole ambition should be to a good husband, a good father, a good neighbor, a
good citizen, and a good lawyer. If you achieve this, you will have achieved all the
success there is. The pressure of life. In the space age it is very easy for a young man
to get the idea that he must be a dynamic individual, he must break all records, he
must set the world on fire. If he gets this idea, he starts life eith a handicap. The
papers are full of such cases at this time.

12.Remember, don’t ever put your interest in the fee ahead of your interest in the

Your future depends more on the manner in which you handle the case than on the
amount of the fee you collect.

13.Remember, the primary purpose of the legal profession is to find, recognize,

interpret, and preserve the truth.

The quicker you can learn the truth about any situation, the better off you will be.
After you learn it, don’t join issue against it.

14.Remember, your clients subconsciously make you guardian of their morals.

As inconspicuously as possible you should assume this responsibility. If you do, and
discharge it properly, it will help you built a good law practice:
a. Many years ago a client who lived in nearby city name to the office and said, “
that case you are representing me in, I got to thinking that property represents
90 percent of my life’s work. If you lose that case, I am ruined. A man told me if
I would go to so and so and pay him $ 10.000,- then my property would be
reappraised at high figure and I could settle without a "trial. I have about
decided to do it that way. What do you think?” I told him in my opinion he would
be making the greatest mistake, he had ever made that he had always been
honest and I couldn’t see any reason for him to change this late in life. He
reluctantly agreed. A few months later, he was well pleased with the outcome of
this case, and told me many times that I kept him from ruining a happy and
successful life. He consulted me on every important matter for balance of his
b. A few years ago, about mid-morning, I got a call from a local citizen who has
then in a distant city. He made an appointment as soon as he could drive. That
afternoon, when he arrived, he explained that he had been low bidder on a big
construction contract, that the second bidder had approached him on
proposition that if he did not qualify, the second bidder would be awarded the
contract, then he would let him do the work and they would split the difference
in two bids. He wanted me to write a contract that would bind both parties.
After explaining why no lawyer could write that contract without committing a
felony, he decide to qualify and perform, which he did. He and is entire family
have been my clients since then

15.Remember, the courtroom is where the showdown comes.

This where the lawyer must “put up or shut up.” This is arena in which you must meet
your adversary. There is a large segment of this profession who avoid the courtroom
in every possible manner. This is a mistake. Of course, the courtroom is strictly the
last resort, but I never ha any luck in handling matters in negotiation until I got the
situation in good shape for the courtroom. If you have a good case and are well
prepared, nine times out of ten you don’t have to try it. If you are not well prepared,
you will either lose the case or coerce your client into unfair settlement. Trial work is
essential for the general practitioner; until you have a fair estimate of what you can
aor can’t do at the courthouse, you have no true standard by which to measure your
case. The trial lawyer is to the legal profession what the surgeon is to the medical
profession. An office who never goes into the courtroom never knows whether he is
rendering the right kind of service to his clients. To be a good “trial lawyer” you must
know why, where, when, and how people “tick”. The highest compliment that can be
paid a lawyer is to say, “ he is a good trial lawyer.”

16.Remember, there is no sure way to bind men together and keep them bound by
any written instrument
The only thing that binds men together is the fact that under all circumstances most
men, without knowing what the other will do, will reach for golden rope of justice,
truth, decency, and fairness, and thereby bind themselves to every other person who
grasps the same rope. This is the only combine that will endure.

17.Remember to live for your fiftieth birthday

Soon after I graduated and opened my office, one of the service clubs had as guest
speaker an evangelist who was holding a revival in a big tent on the trade lot. In his
talk, he said: “I don’t care what your life’s work is; if you are a young man just
beginning, I am going to tell you what to expect from life. If from now until your
fiftieth birthday you will make every decision in your business or profession in such a
way as you think helps society, from your fiftieth birthday on, for the balance of your
life, the pleasure you get from your life’s work will double every twelve months. On
the other hand, if your decisions are against society, your disappointments and your
miseries will double every twelve months.” I am now three years past my fiftieth
birthday. I believe the man was right.

18.Remember, money loses most of its importance when you get sufficient food,
clothing and shelter for you and your family.

At this point, with most people, the pleasure diminishes as the amount increases.
People who have nothing but money have very little.

19.Remember that the happiest man on earth is the man who has to work for a living.

20.Remember that many of your thrills, excitement, unusual experiences, etc., will
come in peculiar fashion and at unexpected times.
a. A call from an undertaker saying the funeral has started, that he is calling for
one of the mourners who asked that you not accept employment from anyone
else until he could get to your office after the funeral.
b. While walking to the office just at sun-up during the middle of a long, vicious
trial, on coming to an intersection, seeing a man standing in the middle of the
walk, with no other human being in sight, who three days before said he was
going to whip you, on account of your role in the trial.
c. The woman who drove twenty miles, rushed into your office, and said, “ I just
heard you died of a heart attack. Thank God it wasn’t true.”
d. On driving up to filling station, the owner, whom you don’t remember ever
having seen before, saying to a child: Honey, go get your mother; this man
talked us out of getting a divorce many years ago. We both want to thank him.”
e. Clients who send more than their fee, and say you didn’t charge them enough
(this doesn’t happen often, but it gives you a thrill when it does).
f. Thank you letters from distant heirs that you have never met.
g. People coming to your office as new client, whom you have previously sued.

21.Remember that the people who stay hitched the longest usually fare the best.

I believe you have the ability to succeed in medicine, engineering, business, or almost
anything you might want to undertake, but you don’t have time. To become
thoroughly qualified, to establish yourself, and to succeed in any line requires an
entire lifetime. So the people who chart a course early in life and stay with it are
usually the ones who enjoy the greatest success. In the legal profession this same
principle applies to location. Many times each month, people come to my office as a
result of some association with them or other members of the family several years
ago. If you don’t stay put in one spot, you lose this advantage.

I believe that after you have practiced law for thirty years, you too, will know that
law is the greatest profession there is.

Your Father

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