An Analysis of Phrasal Verbs Found in Premise Journal Volume 8 No. 1
An Analysis of Phrasal Verbs Found in Premise Journal Volume 8 No. 1
An Analysis of Phrasal Verbs Found in Premise Journal Volume 8 No. 1
By :
emotions. Without the language, the communication would not run smoothly.
in speech and writing used by people of a particular country or area. The most
international language that is used for communicating with other people in the
This statement shows that in learning English there are many aspects,
one of the aspects is writing. Writing is the way someone expresses ideas and
Academic journals serve as forums for the introduction and presentation for
articles and book reviews. The term academic journal applies to scholarly
publications in all field; this article discusses the aspects common to all
academic field journal. Scientific journals and journals of the quantitative
social sciences vary in form and function from journals of the humanities and
language, a system that governs the way words come together to form
meaning; grammar is also the study of that system, the various theories or
system in a text that include structure, grammatical form and also part of
and it’s particle are written as separate words in the orthography, and the
phrasal verb shares similarities, such as transitivity and irregularity, with the
single word verb which the ‘verb’ part of the phrasal verb resembles and from
The main verb in a clause determines the other clauses elements that can
occur and specifies a meaning relation among those elements. There are three
kinds of verbs, such as lexical verb, auxiliary verb and primary verb. From
those three kinds of verbs, lexical verbs are the most common and often occur
as multi-word units. Many multi word units function like a single verb. These
That is, their meaning cannot be predicted from the meaning of each
McCarthy and O’dell (2007, p. 8), phrasal verbs can be used with object
of adverbial phrasal verb can be before or after the particle, while the object
but they cause problems to most learners. Therefore, among the first words
encountered by learners of English are one- syllable verbs like make, get,
take, get, put and prepositions and adverbs such as in , on, up, down, out,
over. These words are very easy to understand when used in separation,
of phrasal verbs and it is also because phrasal verb formed by verb and
the Premise Journal and the meanings. Many kinds of phrasal verb are used
in the journal. Therefore, the further analysis is about finding out the phrasal
B. Research Focus
This research is focus on analyzing kinds of phrasal verbs found in
Premise journal volume 8 no. 1 and the meaning of those phrasal verbs.
D. Research Objective
The objective of the research is:
1. To find out kinds of phrasal verb that use in Premise Journal Volume 8 No.
2. To find out the meaning of phrasal verbs found in Premise Journal
Volume 8 No. 1 ?
E. Research Benefits
The results of research are expected to provide benefits that is:
The first article is conduct from Lusken Pradesi Malik. Entitle “An
aims to find out the kinds of phrasal verbs encountered in movie “Pride and
Prejudice” and the meanings of those phrasal verbs. The object of this
research was the movie “Pride and Prejudice” 2005 version. This research
was a descriptive study. The researcher found that one verb can have different
The second article is conduct from Ni Putu Surya Eni entitle “The
Analysis of Phrasal Verbs in the Novel “The Hobbit” By J.R.R .Tolkien” this
research is identify the form of phrasal verbs used in novel “The Hobbit” by
J.R.R Tolkien and for analyzing phrasal verbs that found in novel “The
Hobbit”. The data was displayed in a tree diagram, the documentation method
is used for collect the data in this research with recording technique and
qualitative methods used to analyze the data. The result of this study are that
there are four forms of verb phrases in the novel as the source of data in this
study. Tree diagram showing that verbs and adverbs that form verb phrases
phrasal verbs into Indonesian, the method used in this research is descriptive
method. The population of this research is the fourth semester year students
are 35 students used as sample, random sampling is used to get the sample.
categorized good, but the students should practice more in translation so that
verb that found in a text especially novel. This research the researcher analyze
B. Theoretical Review
1. Concept of Writing
Writing is the one of the basic skills of the English language. It is
generally considered one of the most difficult that other skills for foreign
vocabulary and assist other language skills such as reading, listening and
published regularly throughout the year. Journal article are shorter than
books and written about specific topics. Journals present the most recent
research, and journal article are written by expert, for expert. Journal may
adverb. And there are also some of phrasal verbs which are not really
particle constructions which has a single semantic unit. This semantic unit
Phrasal verb is built of verb + an adverb particle and sometime the particle
generally not the direct sum of their part. Most of the phrasal verbs are
formed by a small number of verbs such as, go, get, come, etc. and the
particles. Common particles include in, on, off, up, down, and out. Verb +
adverb. The prepositions and adverbs in the phrasal verb are often called
by particle. The thing that makes the phrasal verb is more interesting and
phrasal verbs really change the meaning of the original verb. There are
the meanings and structures of phrasal verbs, prepositional verbs, and free
According to McCharty and O’Dell (2010) say that phrasal verb are
three words that have completely new meanings and are often difficult to
two or three verb words that have new meanings and sometimes are difficult
to understand.
phrase (e.g. shut up or go away), there are only two possible interpretations.
adverb. If there is a following noun phrase (e.g. find out the meaning), there
prepositional phrase.
takes no object. One common type of multi- word verb is the intransitive
from its verb (Drink quickly up); though particles used as intensifiers or
right on).
Therefore, phrasal verbs are transitive when they take an object, for
object can come between the verb and particle. That mean if the phrasal
verb a separable type then the direct object can be placed between the
The example above put and on can be put together or multiplied, when
the word is separated, the object can be placed between put and on. Other
particles up.
and should not be separated. When separated the words becomes non-
Based on the example above the words deal and with must be put
together. When words are separated the words become non grammatical.
Based on the example above the word ran and particle into must be
A. Research Design
found in journal. Based on the purposes and problems of this research. There
were some steps in analyzing the data in this study. The first step in analyzing
the collected data was identifying and categorizing the forms of phrasal verbs.
The object of this research is the movie Premise journal Vol. 8 No. 1
C. Research Instrument
The instrument of this study is the researches herself. The supporting
1. Observation
2. Construct the research problem
The researcher constructs the research problems and choose the source of the
3. Data transcription
While reading the journal, the researcher transcribed the data which all of the
B. Data Analysis
The researcher use some process to analyze the data, such as:
1. Identifying the data, this is the first step to analyze the data. The
correction mark that has given by researcher in previous step that’s will
3. Calculating the error, after categorize the data researcher calculate the
4. Report the result, after finish all of the steps the researcher can make
Pradesi, Lusken , (2014) An Analysis Of Phrasal Verbs In Movie “Pride And
Prejudice” Tanjungpura University : Pontianak
Eni, Ni Putu (2017) The Analysis of Phrasal Verbs in the Novel “The Hobbit” By
J.R.R. Tolkien Udayana University : Denpasar
Susanto, Feri (2015) An Error Analysis On translating Phrasal Verb Into
Indonesian Made By Fourth Semester Students Of English Department Of
Muhammadiyah University Of Purwokerto Muhammadiyah Unversity of
Purwokerto : Purwokerto