Of Steel: Design Latticed Structures
Of Steel: Design Latticed Structures
Of Steel: Design Latticed Structures
American Society of Civil Engineers
Transmission Structures
ASCE 10-97
This standard provides requirements for the design of guyed
and self-supporting latticed steel electricaltransmission struc-
tures. They are applicable for hot-rolledand cold-formed steel
shapes. Analysis techniques are outlined for the geometrical
configurations presently in use. Procedures for the design of
individualmembers reflect extensive experience and test data
on steels with yield points up to 65 ksi. Connection design
procedures allow the en ineer to match connection capability
to the most suitable en3 and edge distances for detailing. If
full-scale structure testing is required, proceduresare outlined
to assist in obtainin critical information. Design procedures
cover structural steefrnembersa d connections used in foun-
dations. The commentary provides supporting background
In April 1980, the Board of Direction approved ANSUASCE 9-91 listed with ASCE 3-91
ASCE Rules for Standards Committees to govern the ASCE 10-97 Design of Latticed Steel Transmission
writing and maintenance of standards developed by Structures
the Society. All such standards are developed by a ANSVASCE 11-90 Guideline for Structural Condi-
consensus standards process managed by the Man- tion Assessment of Existing Buildings
agement Group F (MGF), Codes and Standards. The ANSVASCE 12-91 Guideline for the Design of
consensus process includes balloting by the balanced Urban Subsurface Drainage
standards committee made up of Society members ASCE 13-93 Standard Guidelines for Installation of
and nonmembers, balloting by the membership of Urban Subsurface Drainage
ASCE as a whole, and balloting by the public. All ASCE 14-93 Standard Guidelines for Operation and
standards are updated or reaffirmed by the same pro- Maintenance of Urban Subsurface Drainage
cess at intervals not exceeding 5 years. ANSVASCE 15-93 Standard Practice for Direct
The following Standards have been issued. Design of Buried Precast Concrete Pipe Using
Standard Installations (SIDD)
ASCE 16-95 Standard for Load and Resistance
ANSVASCE 1-82 N-725 Guideline for Design and Factor Design (LRFD) of Engineered Wood
Analysis of Nuclear Safety Related Earth Construction
Structures ASCE 17-96 Air-Supported Structures
ANSUASCE 2-91 Measurement of Oxygen Transfer ASCE 18-96 Standard Guidelines for In-Process
in Clean Water Oxygen Transfer Testing
ANSVASCE 3-91 Standard for the Structural Design ASCE 19-96 Structural Applications of Steel Cables
of Composite Slabs and ANSVASCE 9-91 Stan- for Buildings
dard Practice for the Construction and Inspection ASCE 20-96 Standard Guidelines for the Design and
of Composite Slabs Installation of Pile Foundations
ANSE 4-86 Seismic Analysis of Safety-Related ASCE 2 1-96 Automated People Mover Standards-
Nuclear Structures Part 1
Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures ASCE 21-98 Automated People Mover Standards-
(AC1530-99/ASCE5-99/S402-99) and Specifi- Part 2
cations for Masonry Structures (AC1530.1-99/ ASCE 22-97 Independent Project Peer Review
ASCE6-99iTh4S602-99) ASCE 23-97 Specification for Structural Steel Beams
ANSVASCE 7-98 Minimum Design Loads for Build- with Web Openings
ings and Other Structures ASCE 24-98 Flood Resistant Design and
ANSVASCE 8-9ûStandard Specification for the De- Construction
sign of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Structural ASCE 25-97 Earthquake-Actuated Automatic Gas
Members Shut-Off Devices
In 1971, the American Society of Civil Engineers appreciated. The first edition of ANSUASCE 10 was
(ASCE) published the Guide for Design of Steel approved by ANSI on December 9, 1991.
Transmission Towers, Manuals, und Reports on Engi- In 1992 the committee began considering revi-
neering Pructice-Nu. 52. Manual 52 has been used sions to the first edition. At that time it was deter-
extensively in the United States and abroad as the mined that the Standard had not been in use long
basis for design specifications. In 1984, an ASCE enough to warrant substantial changes to the design
task committee was established for updating Manual requirements; however, it was decided that all rele-
52 to reflect new design procedures, availability of vant illustrations and examples from previous edi-
new shapes and materials, changes in loading criteria, tions of Manual 52 required for the proper imple-
and results of new test data. The second edition was mentation of the standard would be incorporated into
published in 1988. In 1986, it was proposed that this revision.
ASCE form a committee to develop a standard. The This Standard was prepared through the consen-
committee was established in 1987 and was chaired sus standards process by balloting in compliance with
by Gene M. Wilhoite. The second edition of Manual procedures of ASCE’s Management Group F on
52 served as a resource in developing this Standard, Codes and Standards. Those individuals who serve
although some of the formulas and examples differ on the Design of Steel Transmission Towers Stan-
slightly from those in the Manual. The previous work dards Committee are:
of the ASCE task committee on Manual 52 is greatly
The Committee thanks Ms. Rhonda L. Raty for her secretarial support and patience during the development and
revision of this Standard.
........................................................... 111
FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................................... v
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS..................................................................................................................... vii
1.3 Definitions .................. ............................................................................................ 1
5.2 Fabrication.................................................................................................................. 17
5.2.1 Material ....................................................................................................... 17
5.2.2 Specifications................................................................................................ 17
5.2.3 Shop Operations ............................................................................................ 17
5.2.4 Piece Marks .................................................................................................. 18
5.2.5 Welding........................................................................................................ 18
. .
5.2.6 Galvanizing .................................................................................................. 18
. .
5.2.7 Shipping....................................................................................................... 18
c2.0 Loading. Geometry. and Analysis ............................................................................................... 25
C2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 25
C2.2 Loads ......................................................................................................................... 25
C2.3 Geometric Configurations.............................................................................................. 25
C2.4 Methods of Analysis .................................................................................................... 26
C3.0 Design of Members.................................................................................................................. 30
C3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 30
C3.2 Material ..................................................................................................................... 31
c3.3 Minimum Sizing.......................................................................................................... 31
c3.4 Slenderness Ratios ....................................................................................................... 31
c3.5 Properties of Sections................................................................................................... 31
C3.6 Design Compression..................................................................................................... 31
c3.7 Compression Members: Angles ...................................................................................... 31
C3.7.3 Determination of Fa ....................................................................................... 32
C3.7.4 Effective Lengths........................................................................................... 32
C3.7.4.4 Unsupported Length with Varying Forces .......................................... 32
C3.8 Compression Members: Symmetrical Lipped Angles ......................................................... 34
c3.9 Compression Members Not Covered in Sections 3.7 and 3.8 .............................................. 34
C3.9.2 Maximum wlt Ratio ....................................................................................... 34
C3.9.3 Effective Widths of Elements in Compression .................................................... 34
C3.9.8 Nonsymmetric Cross-Sections.......................................................................... 34
C3.10 Tension Members......................................................................................................... 36
C3.10.5 Guys............................................................................................................ 36
C3.12 Axial Compression and Bending .................................................................................... 36
C3.13 Axial Tension and Bending ........................................................................................... 36
C3.14 Beams........................................................................................................................ 36
C3.14.4 I, Channel, and Cruciform Sections .................................................................. 36
C3.14.6 Singly Symmetric I and T Sections................................................................... 37
C3.14.7 Other Singly Symmetric Open Sections............................................................. 37
C3.14.8 Equal Leg Angles .......................................................................................... 37
C3.15 Design Shear............................................................................................................... 37
C3.15.1 Beam Webs................................................................................................... 37
References ......................................................................................................................................... 48
Index ................................................................................................................................................. 70
1.2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS CoLd-Rolled, and Steel Sheet, Cold-Rolled, High-
Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability.
The following standards are referred to in the
body of this document.
American Welding Society Standard:
American Society for Testing and Materials
AWS DI -1-96 Structural Welding Code Steel.
(ASTM) Standards:
A6lA6M REV A-96 Standard Specifcation for
General Requirements for Rolled Steel Plates,
Shapes, Sheet Piling, and Bars for Structural Use. 1.3 DEFINITIONS
A36tA36M REV E-96 Standard Specifications
for Structural Steel. Block shear: a combination of shear and tensile
A l 23 REV A-89 Standard Specification for Zinc failure through the end connection of a member
(Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel caused by high bolt forces acting on the material;
Products. also called rupture.
A143-74 Standard Practice for Safeguarding Deformed bars: steel bars meeting the require-
Against Embnttlement of Hot-Dip Galvanized Struc- ments of AC1 3 18 for reinforcing bars.
tural Steel Products und Procedure for Detecting Design-factored load: unfactored load multiplied
Ernbrittlement. by a specified load factor to establish the design load
A153lA153M-95 Standard Specijkation for Zinc on a structure.
Coating (Hot-Dip)on Iron and Steel Hardware. Downthrust: the downward vertical component
A2421A242M REV A-93 Standard Specifîcation of the loads on a foundation.
for High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel. Leg member: a primary member that serves as
A394-93 Standard Specijication for Zinc-Coated the main comer support member of a structure;
Steel Transmission Tower Bolts, Zinc-Coated and sometimes called a post member.
Bare. Line security: criteria established to prevent a
A529lA529M-94 Standard Spec$cation for progressive (cascade) failure of structures.
High-Strength Carbon-Manganese Steel of Structural Load factor: a multiplier used with the assumed
Quality. loading condition, or unfactored load, to establish the
A563-94 Standard Specijication for Carbon and design-factored load.
Alloy Steel Nuts. Primary members: tension or compression
A563M-93 Standard Specifcation for Carbon members that carry the loads on the structure to the
and Alloy Steel Nuts (Metric). foundation.
A570/A510M-95 Standard Specifcation for Redundant members: members that reduce the
Steel, Sheet and Strip, Carbon, Hot-Rolled Structural unbraced length of primary members by providing
Quality. intermediate support.