GE Solar Modeling-V1-1 PDF
GE Solar Modeling-V1-1 PDF
GE Solar Modeling-V1-1 PDF
Prepared by:
Kara Clark
Nicholas W. Miller
Reigh Walling
Version 1.1
This report was prepared by General Electric International, Inc. (GEII) as an account
of work sponsored by GE Energy business. Neither GE Energy nor GEII, nor any person
acting on behalf of either:
1. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the
use of any information contained in this report, or that the use of any information,
apparatus, method, or process disclosed in the report may not infringe privately
owned rights.
2. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of or for damage resulting from the
use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report.
Copyright©2009 GE Energy. All rights reserved .
Kara Clark
GE Energy
Building 53-302A, One River Road
Schenectady, New York 12345
Phone: (518) 385-5395
Revision History
Version 1.0 – September 9, 2009
Version 1.1 – April 16, 2010
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................1.1
Table of Figures
Figure 2-1. GE Solar Plant Dynamic Model Connectivity. ..................................................2.2
Figure 2-2. Simplified Solar Plant Power Flow Model Examples.........................................2.3
Figure 3-1. Converter Model. ..............................................................................................3.2
Figure 3-2. ZVRT Model Settings and Equipment Specification. ........................................3.4
Figure 3-3. Overall Reactive Power and Electrical Control Model. .....................................3.5
Figure 3-4. Reactive Power Control Model. ........................................................................3.6
Figure 3-5. Q Droop Function Model. .................................................................................3.8
Figure 3-6. Electrical Control Model. ................................................................................3.10
Figure 3-7. Converter Current Limit Model. ....................................................................3.11
Figure 4-1. Test System. ......................................................................................................4.1
Figure 4-2. Solar Plant (Nominal Reactive Capability) Response to Line Fault. ..................4.4
Figure 4-3. Solar Plant (Nominal Reactive Capability) Response to Prolonged Low Voltage
Event. ...........................................................................................................................4.5
Figure 4-4. Solar Plant (Extended Reactive Capability) Response to Prolonged Low Voltage
Event. ...........................................................................................................................4.6
Figure 4-5. Solar Plant (Extended Reactive Capability) Response to Shunt Capacitor
Switching. ....................................................................................................................4.8
Figure 4-6. Solar Plant (Extended Reactive Capability) Operation at Zero Power Output.
Table of Tables
Table 2-1. Single Converter Rating. ....................................................................................2.3
Table 3-1. Zero-Voltage Ride Through (ZVRT) Thresholds and Durations. .......................3.3
Table 3-2. Converter Model Parameters. ............................................................................3.4
Table 3-3. Reactive Power Control Parameters (on Generator MVA Base). .......................3.7
Table 3-4. Q Droop Function Parameters............................................................................3.8
Table 3-5. Electrical Control Parameters. .........................................................................3.11
Table 4-1. Solar Plant Converter Model Data for Simulations. .........................................4.11
Table 4-2. Solar Plant Reactive Power and Electrical Control Model Data. ......................4.12
1 Introduction
GE Energy is developing models of GE solar photovoltaic (PV) plants suitable for use
in system impact studies. This report documents the current recommendations for
dynamic modeling of solar plants that use photovoltaic cell arrays with a full converter
interface to the power system. Throughout this document, such a PV system is simply
referred to as a solar plant. Other types of solar generation, e.g. solar thermal facilities
that use concentrators and steam generators without a full converter interface, should
not be represented with this model. The model structure is based upon the GE full
converter wind turbine generator models.
The model provided is as detailed as is appropriate for bulk power system studies.
It is valuable to put the model limitations in the context of what analysis is required.
Most important, this model is for positive sequence phasor time-domain simulations –
e.g. PSLF or PSS/e. Second, this assumes that the analysis is mainly focused on how
the WTGs react to grid disturbances, e.g. faults, on the transmission system. Details of
the device dynamics have been substantially simplified. Specifically, the very fast
dynamics associated with the control of the converter have been modeled as
algebraic (i.e. instantaneous) approximations of their response. The model is not
intended for use in short circuit studies or electromagnetic transient studies.
This model represents a solar plant with a dedicated feeder to the grid
interconnection. It should not be used to represent distributed generation that is in
compliance with IEEE 1547 and UL 1741.
Trip Signal
Ip (P)
Control Converter
Model Model
Pgen , Qgen
IQ (Q)
Solar Power
34.5 kV
138 kV
34.5 kV
Pgen Collection Bus
IQcmd 1
-1 High Voltage
(efd) 1+ 0.02s
Reactive Current
From s0 Management
LVPL & rrpwr
Low Voltage
IPcmd 1 IPlv Active Current
(ladifd) 1+ 0.02s Management
From s1
1+ 0.02s
V s2
zerox brkpt
(0.40) (0.90)
Low Voltage Power Logic
Table 3-2 includes recommended settings for the converter model. The maximum
allowed ramp rate limit, rrpwr, is 20, and the minimum allowed is 3. The LVPL
breakpoint, brkpt, must be greater than or equal to 0.4, less than or equal to 1.0, and
greater than the zero-crossing, zerox.
-1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
200 ms
Time (seconds)
Vreg Emulation
PFAref Power
(from wind turbine model)
Pelec Pdbr
(to wind turbine model)
(from generator model)
P,Q Priority Flag
Vqd s2
From Q Droop
Function If yes, freeze 2
< Vfrz?
PFAref Qref
(vref) tan (vref) Qord from separate model
Pelec 1 1 (vref)
1+ sTp
s6 0 -1 Qmax
Qord Qcmd
varflg Qmin
The PI gains, Kpv and Kiv, are field adjustable to meet performance objectives and
may be adjusted in the model, if necessary. The values given in the table are rough
upper limits, based on GE simulation and experience. They should be suitable for
systems with a short circuit capacity of 5 or more times the solar plant rating. These
higher gains will give better voltage response to grid voltages disturbances. However,
higher gains result in increased risk of instability – not unlike the way AVR gains can
destabilize conventional synchronous machines. As a system weakens, the effective
closed-loop response gets faster. Thus, selection of higher gains for system
performance must be accompanied by analysis that assures stable operation under all
credible operating conditions – especially the minimum short circuit strength condition.
The parameter, fN, is used to represent wind plants with a reduced number of wind
turbines on-line. For solar plants, this parameter should be set to 1.
The Q Droop function, shown in Figure 3-5, is a relatively slow-acting function that
reduces the effective voltage reference (Vrfq-Vqd) as reactive power changes. This
improves coordination between multiple integral controllers regulating the same point
in the system. By default, the Q Droop function is disabled. It may be enabled by
setting the gain parameter, Kqd, to a non-zero value. Typical data are shown in Table
3-4. There are three options for the reactive power input to this function: reactive
power generated by the WTG, reactive power flow in a user-specified branch, or a
synthesized reactive power. The latter is the reactive power flow in the user-specified
branch plus a secondary term, Xqd*Im2, where Im is the magnitude of the current
flowing in that branch.
Pord Porx . IPcmd
(vsig) (ladifd)
from power flow to converter
initial conditions or model, gewtg
user-written model
+ Pdbr
Pelec - Dynamic Braking Resistor
from converter (elimt)
model, gewtg to dead-end
0 1
Minimum Minimum
ImaxTD ImaxTD2 - IPcmd2
ImaxTD2 - IQcmd2
Minimum Minimum
Ipmx Ipmx