Christmas Traditions in The UK

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Christmas traditions in the UK

It is cold, wet, and foggy in England at Christmastime. The

Englishmen decorate their homes with different Christmas
decorations and hang a mistletoe. Throughout the holidays,
carolers go from house to house singing Christmas songs. People
give the carolers treats, such as little pies filled with nuts and
dried fruits. The day before Christmas is very busy for families in
England. They wrap presents, bake cookies, and hang stockings
over the fireplace. Then everyone gathers around the tree as
someone tells the favorite story, "A Christmas Carol."
After hearing their favorite Christmas story, children write a letter
to Father Christmas with their wishes. They toss their letter into
the fire so their wishes can go up the chimney. After the children
fall asleep on Christmas Eve, Father Christmas comes to visit. He
wears a long, red robe, carries a sack of toys, and arrives on his
sleigh pulled by reindeer. He fills the children's stockings with
candies and small toys.
On Christmas Day, everyone sits down to the midday feast and
finds a colorful Christmas cracker beside their dinner plate. A
Christmas cracker is a paper-covered tube. When the end tabs
are pulled, there is a loud crack. Out spills a paper hat to wear at
dinner, small trinkets, and a riddle to read aloud to everyone at
the table.
The family enjoys a feast of turkey or roast beef, Yorkshire
pudding and other English treats. After dinner, the family gathers
in the living room to listen to the Queen of England deliver a
message over radio and television. At teatime in the late
afternoon, the beautifully decorated Christmas cake is served.
The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day. Long ago, people
filled church boxes with donations for the poor. Then on
December 26, the boxes were distributed. Now people often use
this day to give small gifts of money to the mail carrier, news
vendor, and others who have helped them during the year.

Christmas traditions in the USA

Christmas in the USA is very similar to the one in UK. People celebrate
Christmas Day in many ways. In the days or even weeks before
Christmas Day, many people decorate their homes and gardens with
lights, Christmas trees and much more. The traditional Christmas dinner
usually features either roasted turkey with stuffing (sometimes called
dressing), ham, or roast beef and Yorkshire puddings. Potatoes, squash,
roasted vegetables and cranberry sauce are served along
with tonics and sherries. A variety of sweet pastry and egg
nog sprinkled with cinnamon and nutmeg are served in the United
States. Certain dishes such as casseroles and desserts are prepared with
a family recipe (usually kept a secret. Sometimes, families also partake
in a religious tradition, such as the consumption of a Christmas wafer in
Christian families of European ancestry. Fruits, nuts, cheeses and
chocolates are enjoyed as snacks. Children write a letter to Santa Claus
and they leave cookies and milk for him. They receive a lot of gifts from
their parents and other relatives and the mythical figure Santa Claus.
Many Sunday schools, churches and communities organize special
events. These can include decorating the neighborhood or a shopping
mall, putting up a Christmas tree and planning a Nativity display,
concert or performance. A lot of plays and songs have a aspect of
Christmas as a theme. Some groups arrange meals, shelter or charitable
projects for people without a home or with very little money.

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