Toward Reservoir Simulation On Geological Grid Models

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Toward reservoir simulation on geological grid


SINTEF ICT, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, P.O. Box 124 Blindern, NO-0314 Oslo, Norway

We present a reservoir simulation scheme that gives accurate resolution of both large-scale and fine-scale flow
patterns. The method uses a mixed multiscale finite-element method (MMsFEM) to solve the pressure equation on a
coarse grid and a streamline-based technique to solve the fluid transport on a fine-scale subgrid. Through this
combination, we aim towards a numerical scheme that facilitates reservoir simulation of large heterogeneous
geomodels without upscaling. We validate the method by applying it to a 3D upscaling benchmark case taken from
the 10th SPE Comparative Solution Project. The numerical results demonstrate that the combination of multiscale
methods and streamlines is a robust and viable alternative to traditional upscaling-based reservoir simulation.

1. Introduction
The size of geomodels used for reservoir description typically exceeds by several orders of
magnitude the capabilities of conventional reservoir simulators. These simulators therefore
employ upscaling techniques that construct coarsened reservoir models with a reduced set of
geophysical parameters. This way the size of the simulation model is reduced so that simulations
can run within an acceptable time frame. Here we propose an alternative strategy, where the key
idea is to use a mixed multiscale finite-element method (MMsFEM) [1] to discretize pressure
and velocities and streamlines to discretize fluid transport. The main objective of the paper is to
present a new numerical methodology that facilitates reservoir simulation of high-resolution
The model for immiscible and incompressible two-phase flow can be derived from the phase
continuity equations

and Darcy’s law that relates the phase velocities to the gradient of the phase pressures

Here denotes porosity; is the saturation of phase ; is a source term representing wells; is
the rock permeability tensor, assumed to be symmetric and uniformly positive definite;
models the reduced permeability experienced by one phase due to the presence of the other; is
the phase viscosity; is the phase density; and is the gravity acceleration vector. Throughout,
we assume that the phases are oil (o) and water (w) and that the two phases together fill the void
space completely so that .
Now define the phase mobility , the total mobility , and the fractional
flow . Furthermore, denote by the capillary pressure, and assume that
there exists an auxiliary function such that . We can then define the
global pressure , and, by summing the continuity equations (1) and using that
, we derive equations for and the total velocity ,

European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery — Cannes, France, 30 August - 2 September 2004

To derive a mass transport equation for, say, the water phase, we need an expression for the
water velocity. By a straightforward manipulation of using (2) we obtain

Finally, neglecting effects from capillary forces and inserting (4) into (1), we obtain

For brevity we hereafter drop the subscript from and let denote water saturation.
In streamline simulation a sequential splitting is used to decouple and solve the coupled
system (3)–(5). First, the initial saturation distribution is used to compute the mobilities in (3)
and the equation is solved for global pressure and total velocity. Then, the total velocity is held
constant as a parameter in (5), while the saturation is advanced in time. This completes one step
of the method. Next, the new saturation values are used to update the mobilities in (3), the
pressure equation is solved again, and so on.
To run simulations on large geomodels we need an accurate and efficient scheme for solving the
pressure equation (3). The MMsFEM introduced by Chen and Hou [5] generates solutions that
are locally mass conserving on the coarse grid and reflect the fine-scale characteristics of the
elliptic coefficients. Aarnes [1] extended the method further and developed a modified variant of
MMsFEM that generates locally mass conservative velocity fields also on the subgrid scale.
Local mass conservation is essential for a streamline method, and in the following we will
therefore use Aarnes’ modified method. Related approaches include the multiscale finite-volume
method by Jenny, Lee and Tchelepi [7], and the variational multiscale methods (see e.g., the
overview by Arbogast [4] and references therein). The streamline method is outlined in Section 2
and the MMsFEM is described in Section 3.

2. A streamline method for two-phase flow simulation

When solving the saturation equation (5) for two-phase flow with a streamline method, the first
step is to use an operator splitting to separate gravity effects from the advective forces. Away
from wells, the split equations corresponding to (5) are


where . Equations (6) and (7) are then solved along one-dimensional
streamlines and gravity lines induced by the velocity fields and , respectively. This operator
splitting is also implemented in the commercial streamline simulators FrontSim and 3DSL.
To describe the concept behind the streamline methodology, assume that is divergence free
and irrotational, and consider the model equation

The corresponding streamlines are the flow-paths traced out by a particle being advected by the
flow field so that the velocity is tangential to the streamline at every point.
Since is divergence free, the streamlines do not cross, and each streamline can be viewed as
an isolated flow system. To transform (8) into a family of one-dimensional equations along
streamlines, we introduce the time-of-flight coordinate , which measures the time it takes

for a passive particle to travel along the streamlines with speed . Thus, along any streamline,
the associated time-of-flight coordinate must satisfy the differential equation

Hence, by tracing the streamlines from cell-to-cell and computing the corresponding cell-
traversal times by integrating the latter equation in (9) along the streamlines, we obtain an
irregular grid in the time-of-flight coordinate for each streamline. Finally, by invoking the
operator identity , the multidimensional equation (8) reduces to a family of one-
dimensional equations along each streamline,

For regular quadrilateral or hexahedral grids, the flow paths can be traced on a cell-by-cell
basis with an analytical method developed by Pollock [9]. Prevost, Edwards and Blunt [10]
showed that Pollock’s method could be extended to give an inexact tracing algorithm on
structured quadrilateral or hexahedral grids with irregular grid-block geometries. However,
further research is needed to assess what kind of impact this tracing error has on the accuracy of
the cell-traversal times, and hence on the streamline simulation scheme.
Summing up, the streamline method for two-phase flow consists of the following steps. First,
the streamlines with respect to (6) are traced on a cell-by-cell basis from injector to producer
with a suitable tracing algorithm. This results in an irregular grid along each streamline
where the size of each grid cell is equal to the traversal time through an underlying grid cell in
physical space. Within each of the underlying grid cells, the initial saturation value is constant.
By picking up these values, one obtains a piecewise initial value function for (6) on the
streamline grid, and one can evolve the saturation along the streamlines with any suitable
numerical scheme. The streamline saturation profile is then projected back onto the original grid
by weighting the contributions from the individual streamlines according to the associated
traversal time through the grid cells. Finally, after this procedure is repeated for all
streamlines, the same method is used to solve (7), but now the gravity lines are initiated in the
top layer of cells and terminated in the bottom layer of cells.

3. A mixed multiscale FEM

Let denote the reservoir domain and let be the outward pointing unit normal on . For
simplicity we assume that no-flow boundary conditions are imposed on . Then the mixed
formulation of (3) reads: Find such that


for all and . Here is the function space

In mixed finite element methods, the approximation space for is spanned by a finite set of base
functions . The base functions for the proposed MMsFEM are defined as
follows: Divide into polyhedral (coarse grid) elements and let be the
(non-degenerate) interface between two coarse grid blocks and . Then, for each interface ,

European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery — Cannes, France, 30 August - 2 September 2004

Figure 1: The x-component of two multiscale base functions associated with an interface outside the
near-well region in a regular quadrilateral grid. The right and left plots correspond to homogeneous and
random coefficients, respectively.

we define a corresponding base function by , where is determined (up to a

constant) by the following “pressure equation”:


and no-flow boundary conditions on . Thus, the associated MMsFEM

approximation space for the total Darcy velocity is .
Figure 1 shows the x-component of two MMsFEM base functions that correspond to an
interface outside the near well region (so that ) in a regular quadrilateral
grid. Note that the base functions that correspond to homogeneous coefficients
coincide with the associated base function for the Raviart-Thomas mixed FEM of lowest order.
In contrast, we see that the base function that corresponds to random coefficients fluctuates
rapidly to reflect the fine scale heterogeneous structures.
Since it is important that all base functions are mass conserving, the subgrid problems must
be solved using a mass conservative method, e.g., a suitable mixed FEM or a finite-volume
method. The particular choice of method depends in part on the local grid structure. For instance,
if we want to discretize the subgrid problems with a finite-volume method, a two-point flux
approximation can be used if is a diagonal tensor and the grid is orthogonal, whereas a multi-
point flux approximation scheme should be used on non-orthogonal grids. Also note that the base
functions will generally be time dependent since they depend on . This
indicates that one has to regenerate the base functions for each time step. However, it is usually
sufficient to regenerate a small portion of the base functions at each time step since the total
mobility only varies significantly in the vicinity of the propagating saturation front (cf. [1]);
similar observations have been made for the multiscale finite-volume method developed by
Jenny et al. [7].
3.1 The approximation space for the pressure
In the original version of the MMsFEM [5], Chen and Hou approximated the pressure using the
piecewise constant approximation space . This was a natural choice since the
approximation spaces for the Darcy velocity and pressure satisfied , a relation
that guarantees stability. However, is changed when the base functions are altered to produce
mass conservative velocity fields, and the relation is therefore not true. Based on this
observation, Aarnes [1] argue that one also needs to modify the approximation space for the
pressure. This can be illustrated by considering a simplified one-dimensional model without
gravity forces.

Thus, let , neglect gravity, and let solve the (not discretized) mixed formulation
(11). The definition of the base functions then implies that the velocity belongs to the
MMsFEM approximation space . To see this, we write , where and is the
subgrid variation that has zero average over all coarse grid blocks , and assume for a
moment that is known a priori and move it to the right hand side. Then, since and
, we find that is the unique pair in which satisfies


From (13) we see that by assuming , we disregard the contribution from the integral
term . Numerical experience shows that neglecting this term can have strong impact on
the accuracy of . This indicates that it is necessary to modify the approximation space for
pressure in the MMsFEM formulation. Moreover, (13) suggests that the approximation space
should be close to the affine space . Unfortunately, it is not necessarily straightforward
to define such an approximation space since is never known a priori. However, if , then
vanishes everywhere except where . Thus, it is sufficient to find a function
that approximates in the well blocks and vanishes elsewhere.
To this end, recall that, by elliptic regularity, the "pressure solutions" are differentiable.
Thus, if we write and define in by

then and

This shows that and that . Finally, we have

Hence, since (13) admits a unique solution (up to a constant), it follows that in one space-
dimension, the block-average pressures is obtained by solving (13) with replaced by . In
other words, if is defined correctly, then and the projection of onto can be computed by
solving (13). We should here add that the coupling between and implies that we cannot move
the integral term to the right hand side. Instead, the integral provides a stronger coupling
between and in the MMsFEM coefficient matrix.
The splitting , where and is defined by (14), does not hold in higher
dimensions, or if gravity forces are present, because we can in general not write as a linear
combination of the multiscale base functions . However, the fact that the base functions
define an appropriate relationship between and the corresponding subgrid pressure imply
that should still give a good approximation to . We therefore propose to seek

Henceforth we will, for brevity, refer to this method simply as MMsFEM.

European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery — Cannes, France, 30 August - 2 September 2004

3.2 Well-model
In reservoir simulation, the well-rate distribution for each well is defined by specifying the
bottom-hole pressure or the total well rate, through the use of a so-called well model. In a simple
Peaceman-type well model the well rate in cell of a well is linearly related to the difference
between the cell pressure and the bottom-hole pressure

Here the well transmissibility is defined by some semi-analytical relation [8]. Hence, if the
bottom hole pressure is given, then is added to the appropriate diagonal entry in the
linear system for the pressure equation, and enters into the corresponding right hand
side component.
If a well is rate-constrained, i.e., if is specified, then the associated bottom hole
pressure is normally treated as an extra free variable, and the expanded linear system is
closed by adding the extra equation

When solving the subgrid problems (12) we use the rate-constrained Peaceman well model. That
is, we assume that the well-rate sum is equal to one. To define a well model for the MMsFEM at
the coarse grid scale, we recall that approximates the subgrid pressure in a well
block . This relation suggests that we can define a multiscale well-model based on the
accumulated well-rates induced by and the (Peaceman type) well-model that is used to
Hence, if we assume that the well-rates are specified by the bottom-hole pressure and define
, then the block transmissibility enters into the linear system as
a diagonal component in the lower right hand block of the MMsFEM coefficient matrix and the
transmissibility weighted sum enters into the right hand side. Finally, the
contribution from , which is defined by (14), will enter into the lower left hand block of the
MMsFEM coefficient matrix.
Rate constrained wells are treated similarly by letting the bottom-hole pressure be an extra
free parameter that is determined by adding an extra equation to the MMsFEM system.

4. Numerical results
In this section we demonstrate that the MMsFEM-streamline approach is a robust and viable
alternative to upscaling-based reservoir simulation schemes by testing it on reservoir models
taken from the second test case in the tenth SPE comparative solution project [6]. The model was
designed to benchmark different upscaling techniques and should therefore serve as a good test
case for our methodology. The reservoir model consists of a Tarbert formation in the top 35
layers and an Upper Ness sequence in the bottom 50 layers. Both formations are characterized by
large permeability variations, 8–12 orders of magnitude, but are qualitatively different, the
Tarbert formation being smoother and hence easier to upscale. We neglect compressibility in our
simulations, but all other parameters are as specified in [6]. A schematic of the well
configuration is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Schematic of the well configuration in the reservoir model in [6]. The reservoir dimensions are
ft., and the model consists of grid cells.

The multiscale-streamline (Ms-SL) methodology was tested on the full 3D model in [2]. The
results presented therein show that Ms-SL produces solutions in close correspondence with a
reference solution obtained by solving the pressure equation on a fine grid. Here we extract two
smaller test cases from the full 3D model consisting of the top 5 layers in the Tarbert formation
and the bottom five layers in the Upper Ness formation and show that the methodology can also
handle structured non-orthogonal grids obtained by perturbing the grid corner points in the
geological model. To be precise, we move each corner point to a random nearby
point with ft., ft., and ft.
Reference solutions are obtained by solving the pressure equation (3) at the subgrid scale
with a multi-point flux-approximation (MPFA) scheme called the O-method [3]. The same
method is used to construct the MMsFEM base functions. For the MMsFEM, we use two coarse
grids consisting of and grid blocks and an upstream weighted finite
volume method is used to evolve the streamline saturation profiles along the streamlines. Finally,
we simulate 2000 days of production (0.73 PVI) and update the velocity field every 100 days.
Figure 3 shows the total water-cut curves for the Tarbert and Upper Ness subsamples. For the
unperturbed cases, the water-cut curves for Ms-SL almost match the reference solution. The lack
of monotonicity arises since the water cut curves represent four producing wells. For the
perturbed grids, the difference is larger. Some of the error can be contributed to inexact tracing
of streamlines in combination with large time steps in the initial phase. However, we believe that
the difference between the curves is mainly due the well model for MMsFEM. In fact, if the
source term is specified so that the well rates for MMsFEM are the same as the well rates for
the reference solution, then the corresponding water-cut curves are almost identical. That the
dominating part of the error can be traced back to the well model is not surprising since the
MMsFEM well-model is the only part of Ms-SL that involves an element of upscaling. Indeed,
Ms-SL involves no tuning of parameters, except for choosing time steps and the coarse grid.

5. Conclusions
We have thus presented a novel method for accurate resolution of both global and local flow
patterns in large heterogeneous geomodels. The approach is based on a combination of a new
multiscale discretization method for the pressure equation and a standard streamline method for
the fluid transport equation. In the multiscale method, the pressure is computed on a coarsened
grid using numerically constructed approximation spaces that incorporate the local
heterogeneities of the elliptic operator on the underlying fine grid. The fluid transport equation is
solved with a streamline method directly on the fine grid using Darcy velocities obtained by
utilizing the subgrid structures in the mixed multiscale FEM base functions. The results show
that the multiscale simulation method gives comparable accuracy to a reference solution that is
obtained by solving the pressure equation at the fine scale, and the same streamline method for
the fluid transport equation. The results therefore supports our claim that multiscale methods
European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery — Cannes, France, 30 August - 2 September 2004

combined with streamlines can give high accuracy, and may become a robust and efficient
alternative to traditional upscaling based reservoir simulation schemes.

Figure 3: Water cut curves after 2000 days of simulation.

The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Research Council of Norway under grants no.
158908/I30 and 152732/V30.

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