Eating Anxiety PDF
Eating Anxiety PDF
Eating Anxiety PDF
This booklet is part of a series that has been written by Clinical Child
Psychologists from the Child and Family Psychology Service. Many
parents and carers experience some concerns about their children and
at times look outside of their family for extra advice or suggestions.
This booklet has been written to help you understand your child’s
eating/feeding difficulties. You can use this booklet as a guide to help
understand and change your child’s eating habits. Choose the ideas
that fit for your family. We hope that it will add some ideas to the
things that you are already doing and help make your mealtimes better.
After the first year, children are actually programmed to refuse or spit
out foods. This is because children generally become more mobile at this
time and so are able to find and pick up foods without an adult’s help.
The instinct to spit out food protects your child from eating harmful or
poisonous foods that they might have picked up on their travels!
Mealtimes are different for every family – your child’s eating habits are
only a problem if:-
This booklet has some simple ideas to help you understand your child’s
eating problems and make some changes.
The first step is to identify the problem. Keep a diary for at least a
week. Record what happens over the 24 hours of each day.
Your child might be fussy about the range of foods that they will eat and
may not want to try new foods. Children can sometimes dislike certain
textures, tastes or smells. Keep a note of foods accepted or rejected to
see if there is a pattern. It may simply be a ‘food fad’ which can affect
all children.
Fussy eating doesn’t always mean that your child is underweight or that
your child is unhealthy. Your child could be a very fussy eater and still
take in enough calories and nutrition to be healthy and grow.
Food phobias
Phobias are fears that lead a person to avoid the thing they fear.
Phobias involving food are common, especially in school aged children.
A food phobia can occur on its own or as part of a more general anxiety
There are different sorts of food phobias. Some children have a fear of
being sick when they eat. Some children worry that food is bad or
harmful in some way. Another common phobia is a fear about choking
or not being able to swallow.
Some children have a physical problem that makes it difficult for them
to eat. If this is the case, you may notice your child has difficulty
sucking, chewing, or biting. You may notice your child is sick or chokes
during meals, or suffers from pain or constipation. Your GP can help if
you think your child has a physical problem that makes it difficult for
them to eat.
There can be a mismatch between what you would like your child to eat,
and what your child actually needs to eat.
Your child may have a small appetite. This means that your child only
eats very small amounts of food at mealtimes. All children have
different appetites. Your child may eat less than other children of their
age group and still take in enough calories and vitamins to be healthy
and grow. Your GP, health visitor, or school health nurse will be able to
tell you how much food your child needs as well as what range of foods
they need for a balanced diet.
Not liking the feeling of cutlery in their mouth. For example, metal
knives and forks are more likely to be disliked.
Some children like to see the food presented on the plates in a certain
order and don’t like their food being mashed together.
Think about the following questions to give yourself some clues about
what you could do differently at mealtimes.
What could you and others do instead of giving attention to your child
when he or she doesn’t eat?
Is your child under a lot of pressure to eat – this can increase anxiety
and therefore reduce appetite.
Parent(s) can feel guilty and blame themselves for their child’s eating
Be difficulties.
good to yourself and stay calm!
Try to concentrate on what you can do now and in the
future. Do not blame yourself for things you think you should have
Parent(s) can feelinguilty
done differently and blame themselves for their child’s eating
the past.
difficulties. Try to concentrate on what you can do now and in the
future. Do not
Make sure blame
that yourself
all the adults for things
in your you think
child’s you should
life support your have
done differently
approach in the past.
to mealtimes. If you disagree with your partner’s
approach, discuss it at a time when your child is not there.
Make sure that all the adults in your child’s life support your approach
to mealtimes.
How If you
do you feel at disagree
mealtimes? with your
If youpartner’s approach,
are feeling discuss
stressed or it
at a time
worried when
your your
child maychild is up
pick noton
this. Look after yourself so that you
are then able to help your child feel relaxed and confident around
Encourage your child to try new foods from your plate. Children learn
to eat new foods by tasting them first. They like to ‘copy’ adults and
other children. Offer your child new foods but don’t force them.
Allow them to spit food out again if they don’t like it. You can always
try again another time. Introduce new foods slowly and in small
quantities. Even if they don’t try the food, seeing food can help it
become more familiar.
Avoid combining praise with put downs. Try not to remind your child
of past failures.
Never try to force your child to eat. This may make your child more
worried about mealtimes.
When offering your child a new food, they may need to try it as many
as 17 times before they like it. Remember that there are some tastes
that adults have to get used to – Many adults don’t like coffee, olives,
or alcohol the first time they taste it! It is only after tasting it several
times that we learn to like it.
Don’t try to coax or bribe your child to eat. When the meal is over you
can reward your child for the things they have done well. Don’t punish
your child for not eating – this only makes mealtimes stressful for
Get your child involved in preparing, cooking and tasting the food
before it is served at the table.
Only give your child an amount of food that they are likely to be
able to eat – you can always give more if they want some.
Cut out sugary foods and drinks – these tend to fill children up
but don’t contain much goodness.
Limit snacks during the day so your child does not feel full up
before mealtimes.
Who will support you whilst you are making these changes?
When making a plan to help change your child’s eating habits include
anyone who helps care for your child. This may be your partner,
grandparents or even your health visitor for example. When you are
making a plan to help change your child’s eating habits, it is important
that everyone who cares for your child during mealtimes is taking the
same approach. Try not to make lots of changes all at once as this
could be very confusing for your child.
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