The Extent To Which Our Concepts Determine Our Conclusions

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The Extent to which our Concepts determine our Conclusions





The Extent to which our Concepts determine our Conclusions

Epistemology is a particular study of philosophy that studies knowledge and the process

of how people know something, acquire knowledge and settle on a valid conclusion. Individuals

use the principles of reasoning to come up with a logical conclusion. In the entire process of

finding data, making and analyzing opinions, finding out the facts and evidence and finally

making the judgment are all established on the concepts modified by people to fit themselves.

Concepts are fundamental factors for the principles of any dispute. People utilize these concepts

to develop understanding or determine conclusions centered on the rationales of reasoning and

rules of interpretations.1 The conclusion is the end of a course on philosophy and rational. The

conclusions people make on any incident are the direct significance of their conceptions.

Individual view the world as they want to understand it not as it is. All human beings possess this

kind of trait. When people categorize anything as necessary or otherwise, they estimate their

preconceptions. Opinions vary because every human being has different thoughts and

understandings concerning life. It depends on chance. It may be different for two individuals of

the same racial group. In the logical misconception known as presuming the conclusion, the

assumption is largely reliant on the first concepts and expectations. Concepts are like conditions

for rational expression, where the explanation of that expression would result in the conclusion.
Largely, the conceptions determine the number of probable conclusions.
Concept formation is a procedure where people attempt to be logical to their

environment.3 Concepts are acquired through intuitive understanding. Individuals recognize from

the doctrines of reasoning that for every dispute to be sensible, its evidence and conclusion must

be factual. Evidence are nothing but made up of perceptions. A typical assumption has a subject

Norman, Thomas L. Risk analysis and security countermeasure selection. (Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2010), 77.
Ibid., 77
Jennex, Murray E. Dynamic models for knowledge-driven organizations. (Hershey, PA: Information Science
Reference. 2013), 286

and its properties, which are concepts. When the conceptions are blemished, then the evidences

will be faulty too.4 One has to be careful not to be a bias. With good evaluation, it is possible to

get it correct. As long as people are not one sided, they will not be bias and bias is also a

conception. Professionally one has to support the side that have their group link. Situational

cognizance can go wrong because of mistaken perception. Everybody count on evidence,

awareness, own degree of intellect and some luck to form temporary conceptions.
Perception is a conception that is established for learning, training and understanding.

Perception is one's reality, what they believe is true is the fact that they will base their ideas on.

There is no complete truth and no absolute realism, but all that one believes it to be. Learning is

not just a routine of doing things or school education. However, it is what people get from

family, from friends, the public, religion, and from all they learned. People have unique concepts

because of their backgrounds. Our reality is shaped by the perceptions we have.5 Without any

awareness, people do not have dreams, and they are in a state of deep coma or deep sleep.

Everybody should note that perception is a combination of all three elements (, emotional,

psychological and physical) of our fundamental relation to the world. Whatever one speculates,

conceives, and intellectualizes, the percept determines their reality as it shapes the realism of all

spiritually knowledgeable individuals. The truth of every person is diverse.

Our concepts influence our different conclusions. Groupthink inspires people thus they

formulate comparable beliefs and settle similar conclusion.6 Some examples include heaven,

evolution, superstition, and hell. Conscience can be expressed eventually although not everybody

will accept right or wrong and can continue with no decision. Some individuals fear to make

significant decisions. In changing circumstances, such as political affairs, situational awareness

acts as the most important role. A sport such as boxing, soccer or battle need quick decision;

Norman, Thomas L. Risk analysis and security countermeasure selection., 77
Ibid., 77
Jennex, Murray E. Dynamic models for knowledge-driven organizations, 286

therefore, they reckon on too much exercise and knowledge more instead of making an opinion.

Investment, war, or relationships need mulling. Religion and beliefs can take much time to

decide so concepts can significantly vary.7 Irrespective of how different the things that need a

decision, people depend on their concept/opinion.

One of the problems that conceptions can have is dissimilar intellect and reference.8 For

example, Kepler states in the law of planetary motion, that the distance of any two planets from

the sun determines how first they orbit around the sun. From this principle, we can conclude that

since The Earth is near the Sun than Jupiter, it orbits faster around the Sun than Jupiter. The

concepts that are used include Jupiter, the Sun, Earth, distance and Kepler’s law. Therefore, what

if any of the concepts are flawed and that Jupiter is not a planet but an animal. Alternatively, that

the Sun does not exist anymore? Will this change the argument or the above conclusion? To

answer this, since the arguments were based on principles of reasoning, it will remain valid so

long as both the evidence and conclusion are right. However, the conclusion will be false that

will result in incorrect knowledge.

The second problem is that conceptions frequently change.9 This can be demonstrated

through a social dimension like marriage. Marriage is a union between man and wife. When two

people a man and a woman decide to wed, we can conclude that they married. Now, the classical

sense of marriage is that they are formally united. The conception of marriage is gradually

changing in some western societies, which is due to the alteration in the social construct. From

the above example, what if the wife is not a woman but a man and both of them live in the

United States. According to the conventional conception of marriage, the conclusion will not be

correct. However, consistent with the modern concept of marriage, the conclusion is valid.

Norman, Thomas L. Risk analysis and security countermeasure selection., 78
Jennex, Murray E. Dynamic models for knowledge-driven organizations, 286
Feist, Gregory J., and Michael E. Gorman. Handbook of the psychology of science. (New York : Springer
Pub. Company, LLC, 2013), 203

Hence, from this example, we can say that conception plays a crucial role in determining the

conclusion people make and in acquiring right knowledge.

One form of knowledge is procedural knowledge, occasionally referred to as know-how;

for instance, someone can learn how to drive a car from one city to another.10 Another form of

knowledge is familiarity; for example, one can know a department officer or one can recognize

New York. Philosophers classically do not concentrate on either of the two forms of knowledge,

however, rather they prefer concentrating on propositional understanding. Propositional

knowledge involves understanding concerning various matters: scientific understanding,

geographical, scientific information, self-understanding, and knowledge regarding any field of

study. One objective of philosophy is to influence the standards of education so that people can

identify the things that need to be known and those that should be avoided. Put differently, the

Philosophical study comprises of the study of meta-philosophy, what people can learn about

knowledge itself.
Knowledge is a form of belief. When one lacks the understanding of a particular issue, he

or she cannot have knowledge of it.11 Opinions that a person has never thought about are not

among his or her feelings, and therefore, cannot be incorporated in his body of understanding.

Knowledge, then, needs belief. Evidently, not all ideas represent knowledge. Faith is essential

but not enough for one's understanding. People are occasionally wrong in what they believe; in

other words, despite the fact some of our beliefs are correct, others are mistaken. As people

attempt to get knowledge, then, they are trying to increase their mentality of right ideas.

Therefore, knowledge needs a realistic view. Nevertheless, this does not serve to get the nature

of understanding. The same way knowledge needs positively realizing the aim of factual

understanding, it also expects attainment on the creation of that feeling. Not every factual belief

Feist, Gregory J., and Michael E. Gorman. Handbook of the psychology of science, 203.
Jennex, Murray E. Dynamic models for knowledge-driven organizations, 286

form knowledge; only correct ideas attained in the proper manner make up knowledge. However,

the necessity that knowledge encompasses reasoning does not automatically mean that

knowledge needs complete certainty.12 Humans are imperfect beings, and imperfection is the

aspect that it is probable to have knowledge with false belief. One should note that due to luck, a

belief can be baseless yet right, and because of human unreliability, a belief can be acceptable

nonetheless false. Reality and validation are two absolute terms of ideas. The concept that belief

is true does not mean it is acceptable but relies on how the knowledge was attained.
Another bigger concern is knowledge acquisition. If a person has an extremely held set of

beliefs, then their discrete belief system will change different practices and mitigate against

being neutral and open-minded. For instance, the Jains trusts that plants and animals including

humankind contain living souls. Every soul must be treated with respect and equal value. Jains

customarily wear face masks for them not to unintentionally eat insects. Consequently, in their

customs, they have a unique perspective on eating meat than other cultures. Their belief system

will deeply affect what different understanding they admit. Just like other cultures, the new

knowledge must align with what they believe. From this example, we can conclude that human

beings are the same, but people only accept things that comply with the knowledge they already

have. New facts are taken only when they align with the plan we have formulated in our lives

either through personal understanding or through education.

Knowledge shapes our reality in different ways. First is through belief. When people did

not understand how the world operated they concluded that they are God’s actions resulting in

things like ritual killing and slavery. Therefore, through knowledge, our perception of the world

has changed.13 We have improved on how to interact and treat one another and our values have

positively changed. The more we continue to understand how the world works the more

Feist, Gregory J., and Michael E. Gorman. Handbook of the psychology of science, 203.
Jennex, Murray E. Dynamic models for knowledge-driven organizations, 286.

empathic we become. As people continue to learn and accept new knowledge, their lives also

become better.
Secondly, technology is another way through which knowledge determine our reality. The

experience that we continue to gain in the world makes us utilize the understanding that we have

to improve our evolution.14 For example, through medical technology, doctors can save lives.

The more knowledge the doctors gain in the medical field, the more they save people's lives,

cure diseases and even perform complicated operations. Through mechanical technology,

engineers can build very comfortable buildings, infrastructure, and airplanes, rockets among

In conclusion, concepts significantly determine the conclusion that people reach.

Concepts are fundamental factors that influence any argument. People utilize these concepts to

develop understanding or establish conclusions centered on the rationales of reasoning and rules

of interpretations. The conclusions people make on any incident are the direct significance of

their conceptions. The knowledge that people attain shapes their understanding of the world and

their conclusions.

Ibid., 286.


Feist, Gregory J., and Michael E. Gorman. Handbook of the psychology of science. New York :

Springer Pub. Company, LLC, 2013. Print

Jennex, Murray E. Dynamic models for knowledge-driven organizations. Hershey, PA:

Information Science Reference. 2013.

Norman, Thomas L. Risk analysis and security countermeasure selection. Boca Raton: CRC

Press. 2010. Print.

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