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Jamtvedt2003 SR PDF
Jamtvedt2003 SR PDF
This is a reprint of a Cochrane review, prepared and maintained by The Cochrane Collaboration and published in The Cochrane Library
2003, Issue 3
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review)
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
OBJECTIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERING STUDIES FOR THIS REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
SEARCH METHODS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF STUDIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
METHODS OF THE REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
DESCRIPTION OF STUDIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
METHODOLOGICAL QUALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
AUTHORS’ CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
SOURCES OF SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Characteristics of included studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Characteristics of excluded studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
ADDITIONAL TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Table 01. Categories for continuous outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Table 02. Intensity of feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Table 03. Quality of included trials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
ANALYSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Comparison 01. Audit and feedback versus no intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Comparison 02. Short term effects of audit and feedback compared to longer-term effects after feedback stops . . . 77
Comparison 03. Audit and feedback + complementary interventions versus audit and feedback alone . . . . . . 77
Comparison 04. Audit and feedback versus other interventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Comparison 05. Comparisons of different ways of providing audit and feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Comparison 06. Studies in which patients were randomised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Comparison 07. High quality studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
INDEX TERMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
COVER SHEET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
GRAPHS AND OTHER TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Figure 01. Adjusted relative risk versus baseline non-compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Figure 02. Adjusted risk difference versus baseline non-compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Figure 03. Adjusted relative risk versus intervention type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Analysis 01.01. Comparison 01 Audit and feedback versus no intervention, Outcome 01 Dichotomous outcomes . 82
Analysis 01.02. Comparison 01 Audit and feedback versus no intervention, Outcome 02 Continuous outcomes . . 86
Analysis 02.01. Comparison 02 Short term effects of audit and feedback compared to longer-term effects after feedback 89
stops, Outcome 01 All outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Analysis 03.01. Comparison 03 Audit and feedback + complementary interventions versus audit and feedback alone, 89
Outcome 01 All outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Analysis 04.01. Comparison 04 Audit and feedback versus other interventions, Outcome 01 All outcomes . . . . 91
Analysis 05.01. Comparison 05 Comparisons of different ways of providing audit and feedback, Outcome 01 All 91
outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Analysis 06.01. Comparison 06 Studies in which patients were randomised, Outcome 01 All outcomes . . . . . 92
Analysis 07.01. Comparison 07 High quality studies, Outcome 01 Dichotomous outcomes . . . . . . . . . 92
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) i
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and
health care outcomes (Review)
Audit and feedback continues to be widely used as a strategy to improve professional practice. It appears logical that healthcare
professionals would be prompted to modify their practice if given feedback that their clinical practice was inconsistent with that of
their peers or accepted guidelines. Yet, audit and feedback has not been found to be consistently effective.
To assess the effects of audit and feedback on the practice of healthcare professionals and patient outcomes.
Search strategy
We searched the Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Group’s register up to January 2001. This was supplemented
with searches of MEDLINE and reference lists, which did not yield additional relevant studies.
Selection criteria
Randomised trials of audit and feedback (defined as any summary of clinical performance over a specified period of time) that reported
objectively measured professional practice in a healthcare setting or healthcare outcomes.
Data collection and analysis
Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed study quality. Quantitative (meta-regression), visual and qualitative analyses
were undertaken.
Main results
We included 85 studies, 48 of which have been added to the previous version of this review. There were 52 comparisons of dichotomous
outcomes from 47 trials with over 3500 health professionals that compared audit and feedback to no intervention. The adjusted Risk
Differences (RD’s) of non-compliance with desired practice varied from 0.09 (a 9% absolute increase in non-compliance) to 0.71 (a
71% decrease in non-compliance) (median = 0.07, inter-quartile range = 0.02 to 0.11). The one factor that appeared to predict the
effectiveness of audit and feedback across studies was baseline non-compliance with recommended practice.
Authors’ conclusions
Audit and feedback can be effective in improving professional practice. When it is effective, the effects are generally small to moderate.
The absolute effects of audit and feedback are more likely to be larger when baseline adherence to recommended practice is low.
3. Audit and feedback that includes educational meetings (+/- Randomised controlled trials (RCTs).
printed educational materials) compared to no intervention (+/-
printed educational materials). Types of participants
Healthcare professionals responsible for patient care. Studies that
4. Audit and feedback as part of a multifaceted intervention (i.e. included only students were excluded.
combined with reminders, opinion leaders, outreach visits, pa-
tient mediated interventions, local consensus processes or tailor- Types of intervention
ing strategies) compared to no intervention. Audit and feedback: defined as any summary of clinical perfor-
5. Short term effects of audit and feedback compared to longer- mance of health care over a specified period of time. The summary
term effects after feedback stops. may also include recommendations for clinical action. The infor-
mation may be given in a written, electronic or verbal format.
The following comparisons are considered in addressing the sec-
ond question. Types of outcome measures
Objectively measured provider performance in a health care set-
6. Audit and feedback combined with complementary interven-
ting or health care outcomes. Studies that measured knowledge or
tions (reminders, opinion leaders, educational outreach visits, pa-
performance in a test situation only were excluded.
tient mediated interventions, local consensus processes or tailor-
ing strategies) compared to audit and feedback alone.
7. Audit and feedback compared to other interventions (re- SEARCH METHODS FOR
minders, opinion leaders, educational outreach visits, patient me- IDENTIFICATION OF STUDIES
diated interventions, local consensus processes or tailoring strate-
gies) See: methods used in reviews.
8. All comparisons of different ways audit and feedback is done, The review has been updated primarily by using the EPOC
including: register and pending file. We identified all articles in the
Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC)
• Audit and feedback that includes peer comparison versus indi-
register in January 2001 that had been coded as an RCT or
vidual feedback without peer comparison (change in content).
clinical controlled trial (CCT) and as ’audit and feedback’. The
• Audit and feedback from an influential source versus audit and EPOC pending file (studies selected from the EPOC search
feedback from any other source (change in source). (An influen- strategy results and awaiting assessment) was also searched in
tial source in this context is a person who is seen to be credible January 2001 using the terms ’audit’ or ’feedback’. In addition
and trustworthy by the professional). the previous MEDLINE strategy was used to search MEDLINE
from January 1997 to April 2000 and any articles already
• Individual audit and feedback versus group audit and feedback
identified by the EPOC strategy were excluded. This search did
(change in recipient).
not generate any relevant additional articles and therefore was not
• Audit and feedback in a verbal format versus audit and feedback repeated. The reference lists of new articles that were obtained
in a written format (change in format). were reviewed.
• Audit and feedback given once only versus audit and feedback Previous searches built upon earlier reviews (Thomson 1995;
given more frequent (change in frequency) Davis 1995; Oxman 1995; Davis 1992). We searched MEDLINE
from January 1966 to June 1997 without language restrictions.
• Audit and feedback given once only versus audit and feedback
These search terms were used: explode education, professional
over a period of time (change in duration)
(tw), explode quality of health care, chart review: or quality
In addition we have reported all direct comparisons of different assurance (tw), feedback (sh), audit (tw,sh) combined with these
ways of providing audit and feedback that we have identified in methodolological terms: clinical trial (pt), random allocation
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 3
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
(sh), randomised controlled trials (sh), double-blind method primary outcomes or protection against contamination. We
(sh), single-blind method (sh), placebos (sh), all random: (tw). assigned a rating of high protection against bias if the first three
The Research and Development Resource Base in Continuing criteria were scored as done, and there were no important concerns
Medical Education(RDRB/CME) (Davis 1991) was also related to the last three criteria, moderate if one or two criteria were
searched. The reference lists of related systematic reviews and all scored as not clear or not done, and low if more than two criteria
articles obtained were reviewed. were scored as not clear or not done. For cluster randomisation
trials, we rated protection against contamination as done. Further,
An updated search was done in November 2002. Potentially
for these study designs, we rated concealment of allocation as done
relevant studies found with the updated search are included
if all clusters were randomised at one time.
under References to studies awaiting assessment.
We also categorised the intensity of the audit and feedback,
the complexity of the targeted behaviour, and the level of
METHODS OF THE REVIEW baseline compliance. The intensity of the audit and feedback was
categorised based on the following characteristics listed in the
The following methods were used in updating this review: order that we hypothesised would be most important in explaining
differences in the effectiveness of the audit and feedback (with the
Two reviewers (GJ and JY) independently applied inclusion categories listed from ’more intensive’ to ’less intensive’ for each
criteria, assessed the quality of each study, and extracted data for characteristic):
newly identified studies using a revised data-collection form from
the EPOC Group. The same data were also collected from the • the recipient (individual versus group)
studies included in the original version of this review by these
• the format (verbal versus written, or both verbal and written)
two reviewers. The quality of all eligible studies was assessed using
criteria described in the EPOC module (see Group Details) and • the source (a supervisor or senior colleague, versus a
discrepancies were resolved by discussion. ’professionals standards review organisation’ or representative
of the employer or purchaser, versus the investigators)
In light of the results of a recent review of the effects of
continuing education meetings (Thomson O’Brien 2001), which • the frequency of the feedback, categorised as frequent (up to
suggests that interactive educational meetings frequently have weekly), moderate (up to monthly) and infrequent (less than
moderate effects on professional practice, in updating this review monthly)
we considered interactive, small group meetings separately from
• the duration of feedback, categorised as prolonged (one year or
written educational materials and didactic meetings, which have
more), moderate (between one month and one year) and brief
been found to have little or no effect on professional practice
(less than one month)
(Thomson O’Brien 2001;Freemantle 1997; Grimshaw 2001). A
revised definition for educational meetings was applied to all • the content of the feedback (patient information, such as blood
of the studies included in the review: participation of health pressure or test results, compliance with a standard or guideline,
care providers in meetings that included interaction among the or peer comparison; versus information about costs or numbers
participants, whether or not the meetings were outside of the of tests ordered or prescriptions)
participants practice settings.
We also categorised the overall intensity of the audit and feedback
We have used the term tailoring instead of marketing in the by combining the above
update, in keeping with another review (Cheater 1999) and we characteristics as “Intensive” (individual recipients) AND ((verbal
have defined multifaceted interventions as including two or more format) OR (a supervisor
interventions (+/- printed educational materials and educational or senior colleague as the source)) AND (moderate or prolonged
meetings). For multifaceted interventions that included audit and feedback); “Non-intensive” ((group feedback) NOT (from a
feedback two of us (GJ and JY) have independently categorised supervisor or senior colleague)) OR ((individual feedback) AND
the contribution of audit and feedback as a component of the (written format) AND (containing information about costs or
intervention in a subjective manner as a major, moderate or minor numbers of tests without personal incentives)); or “Moderately
component. intensive”(any other combination of characteristics than described
in Intensive or Non-intensive group).
For all of the studies included in the review an overall quality
rating (high, moderate, low protection against bias) was assigned The complexity of the targeted behaviour was categorised in
based on the following criteria: concealment of allocation, blinded a subjective manner independently by two of us (GJ and JY)
or objective assessment of primary outcome(s), and completeness as high, moderate or low. The categories depending upon the
of follow-up (mainly related to follow-up of professionals) and number of behaviours required, the extent to which complex
no important concerns in relation to baseline measures, reliable judgements or skills were necessary, and whether other factors
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 4
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
such as organisational change were required for the behaviour • complexity of the targeted behaviour
to be improved, and also depending on whether there was need
• baseline non-compliance
for change only by the individual/professional (one person) or
communication change or change in systems. Baseline compliance • study quality (high or moderate protection against bias)
with the targeted behaviours was treated as a continuous variable
ranging from zero to 100%, based on the pre-intervention We visually explored heterogeneity by preparing tables, bubble
level of compliance in the audit and feedback group before the plots and box plots (displaying medians, interquartile ranges, and
intervention. ranges) to explore the size of the observed effects in relationship to
each of these variables. The size of the bubble for each comparison
We used the following definitions for interventions other than corresponded to the number of healthcare professionals who
audit and feedback: participated. We also plotted the lines from the weighted regression
Educational materials: distribution of published or printed to aid the visual analysis of the bubble plots.
recommendations for clinical care, including clinical practice Each comparison was characterised relative to the other variables
guidelines, audio-visual materials and electronic publications. in the tables, looking at one potential explanatory variable
Educational meetings: participation of health care providers at a time. We looked for patterns in the distribution of
in conferences, lectures, workshops or traineeships outside the the comparisons, hypothesising that larger effects would be
providers’ practice settings. associated with multifaceted interventions, more intensive audit
and feedback, less complexity of the targeted behaviour, higher
Patient mediated interventions: any intervention aimed at baseline non-compliance, and lower study quality.
changing the performance of health care providers indirectly by
providing information, prompts, or support to the patient. The visual analyses were supplemented with multivariate statistical
analyses. We used weighted meta-regression to examine how the
Reminders: any intervention, manual or computerised, that size of the effect was related to the five potential explanatory
prompts the health care provider to perform a clinical action. variables listed above; weighted according to the number of
Tailoring: use of personal interviewing, group discussion (’focus health care professionals. These analyses were conducted using
groups’), or a survey of targeted providers to identify barriers to generalized linear modelling in SAS (Version 8.2. SAS Institute
change and subsequent design of an intervention that addresses Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Two main analyses were conducted for
identified barriers. comparison 1 (audit and feedback +/- educational meetings or
audit and feedback as part of a multifaceted intervention compared
Local consensus processes: inclusion of participating providers to no intervention): one using the adjusted relative risk as the
in discussion to ensure that they agreed that the chosen clinical measure of effect and one using the adjusted risk difference as the
problem was important and the approach to managing the measure of effect. We also conducted an analysis using the adjusted
problem was appropriate. odds ratios. However, the analyses using the adjusted OR were
Analysis heavily influenced by a single study (Thompson 2000). They did
not provide any additional insights into the relationship between
We only included studies of moderate or high quality in the the five potential explanatory variables that we investigated and
analyses. All outcomes were expressed as non-compliance with the size of the effect, and those results are therefore not reported
desired practice. here.
When several outcomes were reported in one trial we only
Because there were frequently important baseline differences in
extracted results from the primary outcome. If the primary
compliance between intervention and control groups in trials,
outcome was not specified, we calculated the mean effect size for
our primary analyses were based on adjusted estimates of effect,
the outcomes reported in the trial.
where we adjusted for baseline differences in non-compliance. For
Because of missing data and unit of analysis errors for continuous dichotomous outcomes we calculated the adjusted risk difference
outcomes, only dichotomous outcomes were included in the visual and relative risk as follows:
and statistical analyses for comparisons 1-4.
Adjusted risk difference (RD) = the difference in the risk of non-
We considered the following potential sources of heterogeneity to compliance after the intervention minus the difference before
explain variation in the results of the included studies: the intervention. A positive risk difference indicates that non-
compliance was reduced more in the audit and feedback group
• the type of intervention (audit and feedback alone, audit
than in the control group, e.g. adjusted risk difference of 0.09
and feedback with educational meetings, or multifaceted
indicates an absolute improvement in care (reduction in non-
interventions that included audit and feedback)
compliance) of 9%. [(Control non-compliance - Audit and
• the intensity of the audit and feedback feedback non-compliance) after the intervention] - [(Control non-
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 5
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
compliance - Audit and feedback non-compliance) before the care, hypertension, hand washing. For the most part, the com-
intervention]. plexity of the targeted behaviours was homogeneous and rated as
moderate (n= 68), for example ordering of laboratory tests, child
“Adjusted relative risk” (RR) = the ratio of the relative risk of
immunization, compliance with guidelines of various complexity
non-compliance after the intervention over the relative risk before
and screening. In ten studies the complexity of the targeted be-
the intervention. A relative risk less than one indicates that non-
haviour was assessed as low, for example inappropriate prescribing
compliance was reduced more in the audit and feedback group
of antibiotics and influenza vaccination. In seven studies the com-
than in the control group, e.g. adjusted relative risk of 0.8 indicates
plexity of the targeted behaviour was rated as high, for example
a relative improvement in care (reduction in non-compliance) of
provision of caesarean section deliveries and multiple behaviours
that were used to determine overall quality of care.
The results of studies that reported continuous outcomes were
Characteristics of interventions
analysed qualitatively, independently by two reviewers by looking
at the distribution of effects for continuous outcomes relative to Overall intensity of feedback
that of the dichotomous. The size of the effect for continuous
In 14 studies the overall intensity of feedback was rated as non-
outcomes were categorised as large negative, moderate negative,
intensive, in seven studies as intensive. In the remaining 64 studies
small negative, no difference, small positive, moderate positive
the intensity was moderate (Table 02). The interventions used
or large positive independently by two reviewers (GJ and JY)
were highly heterogeneous with respect to their content, format,
corresponding to the risk differences shown in Table 01.
timing and source.
The feedback consisted of different kinds of information (Table
02). In 29 trials, the subjects received compliance scores with cri-
Eighty-five studies met the inclusion criteria. The unit of allocation
teria for care or guidelines, in 20 studies peer-comparison feed-
was the patient in three studies, health professional in 39, practice
back was given, in some studies together with compliance scores.
in 20, institution in six, and in 15 studies the unit of allocation
Feedback was also given as summaries of the numbers or costs of
was “other”, for example health units, departments or pharmacies.
diagnostic tests or prescriptions or as patient-related information
In one study the unit of allocation was not clear. Nine studies had
such as blood pressure recordings or test results.
four arms, 16 studies had three and the remaining 60 had two
arms. Source
Characteristics of setting and professionals For the majority of trials, the source of the feedback was not clear
and we assumed it was the investigators. In 12 studies a supervisor
Fifty-three trials were based in North America (46 in the USA,
or senior colleague was the source and in four trials the source was
seven in Canada), 16 in Europe (nine in United Kingdom, three in
specified as the Professional Standards Review Organisation.
The Netherlands, two in Denmark and one each in Finland, and
Belgium) eight in Australia, two in Thailand and one in Uganda. Recipient
Twenty-five studies took place in hospitals and outpatient clinics,
For most trials (n=60) , the individual was the recipient of the
two in pharmacies (De Almeida Neto 2000; Mayer 1998), one
feedback. In 22 trials feedback was provided to a group and in
in dental practices (Brown 1994) and the remaining studies were
three studies the recipient was not clear.
based in general practice, family medicine or community care. In
most trials the health professionals were physicians. One study Format
involved dentists (Brown 1994), in two studies the providers were
In most trials (n=46) the format was a printed computer report.
nurses (Jones 1996; Moongtui 2000), in two pharmacists (De
Less often (n=23) the feedback was given verbally. In 16 studies
Almeida Neto 2000; Mayer 1998) and five studies involved mixed
both written and verbal feedback were used.
providers (Palmer 1985; Meyer 1991; Smith 1995; Thompson
2000; Winickoff 1985). Timing (frequency and duration)
Targeted behaviours The frequency and duration of the feedback also varied. In 35
trials feedback was given only once. In eight it was given weekly or
There were 20 trials of preventive care, for example screening, vac-
more frequently. In the rest, feedback was repeated less frequently
cinations or prophylaxis for venous thrombosis; nine trials of test
than weekly. Nine studies had a duration of feedback for more
ordering, for example laboratory tests, x-ray; 18 of prescribing and
than one year (prolonged), 35 studies between one year and one
one of reduction in hospital length of stay. The remaining studies
month and the remaining less than a month (brief ) or once only.
were trials of general management of a variety of problems, for
example compliance with guidelines for different conditions, burn Audit and feedback as part of educational meetings
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 6
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
In 22 studies audit and feedback was provided as part of educa- Some studies were identified as duplicates. One study (Veninga
tional meetings. Some meetings were outreach visits. 1999) was a multi-centre study that included results from three
national studies, two of which were published separately.
Audit and feedback as part of a multifaceted intervention
There were 24 studies in which one or more groups received a Comparison 1. Any intervention in which audit and feedback
multifaceted intervention that included audit and feedback as one is a component compared to no intervention (+/- printed ed-
component. Two studies included feedback in two arms: with edu- ucational materials) (Other data tables 1.1 2.3)
cational meetings or as part of a multifaceted intervention (Kafuko
A total of 83 comparisons from 71 studies were included in this
1999; Vinicor 1987). In the 24 studies of multifaceted interven-
comparison. Fifty-two comparisons of dichotomous outcomes
tions the additional interventions included educational meetings,
from 47 trials with a total of over 3500 health professionals were
reminders, patient-mediated interventions, outreach visits, local
included in the primary analyses. Eight of these trials had a low
consensus processes and incentives or different types of support,
risk of bias. The rest had a moderate risk. There was important
such as office systems.
heterogeneity among the results and variation in both the RDs
Outcome measures and RRs across studies.
There was large variation in outcome measures, and some stud- The adjusted relative risk of non-compliance with desired practice
ies reported multiple outcomes, for example studies on compli- (n = 52) varied from 0.31 to 1.20 (median = 0.85, inter-quartile
ance with guidelines for preventive care. Most trials measured out- range = 0.74 to 0.96). None of the variables that we examined
comes on a professional practice level, for example number of pre- (type of intervention, baseline compliance, complexity of the tar-
scriptions or laboratory tests ordered per doctor or compliance geted behaviour, intensity of the audit and feedback, study qual-
with guidelines, or had a mixture of practice or patient outcome ity) helped to explain the variation in relative effects across stud-
measures. Only ten trials reported patient outcomes, for example ies in the statistical analysis (P values for the coefficients ranged
length of stay, control of hypertension or depression. There was a from 0.21 to 0.99), the visual analyses, or the qualitative analyses,
mixture of dichotomous (for example the proportion compliance which included studies with continuous outcomes. The adjusted
with guidelines, the proportion of tests done, and the proportion relative risk appeared to decrease (indicating larger effects) as base-
vaccinated) and continuous outcome measures (for example costs, line non-compliance increased (Coefficient = -0.24, P = 0.21), but
number of laboratory tests, number of prescriptions, length of this relationship was not strong (Figure 01).
The adjusted RDs of non-compliance with desired practice varied
from -0.09 (a 9% absolute increase in non-compliance) to 0.71 (a
METHODOLOGICAL QUALITY 71% decrease in non-compliance) (median = 0.07, inter-quartile
range = 0.02 to 0.11). The absolute effectiveness of multifaceted
See Table 03. Ten (high quality) studies had a low risk of bias. interventions increased as baseline non-compliance increased (co-
Fourteen (low quality) trials had a high risk of bias. The remaining efficient = 0.34, P = 0.03, suggesting that on average across studies
61 studies were of moderate quality. Randomisation was clearly the absolute reduction in non-compliance increased by 3% with
concealed or there was cluster randomisation in 43 trials, and in each 10% increase in baseline non-compliance (Figure 02). None
the rest of the studies the randomisation procedure was not clear. of the other variables that we examined (type of intervention, com-
There was adequate follow-up of health professionals in 50 trials, plexity of the targeted behaviour, intensity of the audit and feed-
inadequate follow-up in seven trials and the remaining 29 trials back, study quality) helped to explain the variation in absolute ef-
this was not clear. Outcomes were assessed blindly in 45 trials, not fects across studies in the statistical analysis, where the P values for
blindly in seven and was not clear in 43 studies. the other coefficients ranged from 0.14 to 0.37, the correspond-
ing visual analyses or the qualitative analyses that included studies
with continuous outcomes.
Three of the studies reported a large effect. One was a multifaceted
We identified 120 new studies that were potentially relevant and intervention aimed at increasing the provision of skin cancer pre-
retrieved these. We located studies mainly using the EPOC reg- ventive advice by pharmacists in the USA (Mayer 1998). The sec-
ister and pending file. Of the 37 studies included in the original ond was audit and feedback + educational meetings (outreach)
review, we excluded two (McPhee 1989; Putnam 1985) because aimed at reducing inappropriate prescriptions of tetracycline for
of insufficient data about the results. Fifty-two of the new stud- upper respiratory infections in the USA (McConnell 1982), and
ies that were retrieved were excluded for the reasons reported in the third one was audit and feedback alone aimed at improving
the excluded studies table. The updated search identified 17 ad- hand wash and glove use among nurses and patient care aids in
ditional studies that are awaiting assessment. Thailand. (Moongtui 2000).
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 7
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
The rest of the studies reported small negative to moderate positive Comparison 3. Audit and feedback with educational meetings
effects. For nine of 52 comparisons for which there were sufficient compared to no intervention (Other data tables 1.2 and 2.2)
data to calculate an adjusted risk difference the adjusted RD was
Twenty-four comparisons from 19 trials were included in this com-
larger than 10%. For 13 comparisons the adjusted RD was close
parison. Twelve comparisons from nine trials had dichotomous
to zero (-5% to 5%). For two comparisons from the same study
outcomes and 12 comparisons from 10 trials had continuous out-
(Mainous 2000) there was an absolute increase in non-compliance
comes. The 12 comparisons that reported dichotomous outcomes
of 9%, using either audit and feedback alone or a multifaceted in-
included over 1000 health professionals from nine studies. The
tervention aimed at reducing antibiotic prescribing rates for upper
studies had a variety of outcome measures. Two studies were of
respiratory infections.
high methodological quality (Hendryx 1998; Lomas 1991). The
The 31 comparisons from 24 studies that reported continuous out- intensity of the feedback was high in two studies (Brown 1994;
comes included over 2900 health professionals. One of these stud- Kim 1999), low in one study (Kafuko 1999) and moderate in the
ies was of high methodological quality (Hendryx 1998). The out- rest. The complexity of the targeted behaviours was low in one
come measures varied. The complexity of the targeted behaviours study (McConnell 1982), high in one (Hendryx 1998), and mod-
was moderate in all of the studies and the intensity of the audit erate in the rest. Baseline compliance ranged from 0% to 73%.
and feedback was moderate for all except for one study with low
The adjusted relative risk of non-compliance with desired practice
intensity (Kafuko 1999) and one study with high intensity (Mar-
ranged from 0.5 to 1.0 (median = 0.89, inter-quartile range =
tin 1980). The type of intervention was audit and feedback alone
0.62 to 0.94). The adjusted risk difference ranged from 0.5%
in 17 comparisons, audit and feedback with educational meetings
to 47% (median = 0.06, inter-quartile range = 0.03 to 0.24).
in 12 comparisons and a multifaceted intervention in two com-
One high quality study reported a large relative improvement in
parisons. The size of the effects was small or none in most of these
compliance with intensive care unit guidelines for processes of care
studies, suggesting small effects than for the dichotomous results.
(Hendryx 1998) (adjusted RR 0.63, adjusted RD 0.15). The other
Comparison 2. Audit and feedback alone compared to no in- high quality study found no effect (unadjusted RR = 1.02) on the
tervention (Other data tables 1.1 and 2.1) proportion of women with a previous caesarean section offered a
trial of labour (Lomas 1991).
Thirty-nine comparisons from 33 trials were included in this com-
parison. Twenty-two comparisons had dichotomous outcomes The 12 comparisons that reported continuous outcomes included
and 17 had continuous outcomes. The 22 comparisons that re- over 800 health professionals from ten studies. One of these stud-
ported dichotomous outcomes included over 1400 health pro- ies was of high methodological quality (Hendryx 1998). The out-
fessionals from 21 studies. The studies had a variety of outcome come measures varied. In one study the intensity of feedback was
measures. One study had a low risk of bias (Hillman 1999), the intensive (Martin 1980), in one low (Kafuko 1999) and in the rest
quality of the rest of the studies was moderate. The intensity of moderately intensive. The complexity of the targeted behaviours
the feedback was low in three comparisons (Hemminiki 1992; was moderate. The size of the effects was small or null in these stud-
McCartney 1997; Schectman 1995) and moderately intensive in ies. The one high quality study had a small positive effect (Hendryx
the rest. The complexity of the targeted behaviours was low in 1998). The multi-centre study of compliance with guidelines for
six studies, high in one (Balas 1998), and moderate in the rest. asthma in four countries (Veninga 1999) found small positive ef-
Baseline non-compliance ranged from 15% to 86%. fects in three countries and no effect in one.
Comparison 4. Audit and feedback as part of a multifaceted
The adjusted relative risk ranged from 0.6 to 1.1 (median = 0.84,
intervention compared to no intervention (Other data tables
inter-quartile range = 0.76 to 1.0). The adjusted risk difference
1.3 and 2.3)
ranged from 4% to 32% (median = 0.07, inter-quartile range =
0.02 to 0.10). The high quality study (Hillman 1999) found a This comparison included audit and feedback combined with ed-
small effect for compliance with guidelines for preventive care in ucational meetings, reminders, the use of opinion leaders, out-
children (adjusted relative risk 0.86, adjusted risk difference of reach visits, patient mediated interventions, local consensus pro-
6%). cesses or tailoring of interventions to address identified barriers to
change. Twenty comparisons from 19 trials were included in this
The 17 comparisons from 13 studies that reported continuous out-
comparison. Eighteen comparisons from 17 studies had dichoto-
comes included over 1900 health professionals. One study (Chas-
mous outcomes and two trials had continuous outcomes.
sin 1986) included 1483 health professionals. None of these stud-
ies were of high methodological quality. The outcome measures The 18 comparisons that reported dichotomous outcomes in-
varied. The complexity of targeted behaviours was moderate in all cluded over 1088 health professionals. The studies had a variety
studies. The size of the effects was small or none in most (n=11) of of outcome measures. Five studies were of high methodological
these studies, suggesting smaller effects than for the dichotomous quality. The intensity of the feedback was low in six studies and
outcomes. moderate in the rest. The complexity of the targeted behaviours
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 8
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
was low in one study (Buffington 1991) and moderate in the rest. 1990; Buffington 1991; Tierney 1986). These studies found no
Baseline compliance ranged from 0% to 57%. additive effect of adding reminders to audit and feedback.
The adjusted relative risk of non-compliance with desired practice One study with four arms compared audit and feedback alone to
ranged from 0.31 to 1.17 (median = 0.85, inter-quartile range = audit and feedback plus patient education materials to improve
0.79 to 0.92). The adjusted risk difference ranged from -9% to antibiotic prescribing for respiratory infections (Mainous 2000).
71% (median = 0.08, inter-quartile range = 0.05 to 0.12). The Adding patient education to audit and feedback had no influence
high quality studies had relative reductions in non-compliance on prescribing.
between 8% and 30%.
Two studies compared audit and feedback to audit and feedback
The two comparisons that reported continuous outcomes came plus incentives (Fairbrother 1999; Hillman 1999). Fairbrother,
from two studies (Kafuko 1999; van der Weijden 1999). Both a moderate quality study, had three arms comparing audit and
studies were of moderate quality. The main outcome measures feedback alone to audit and feedback plus an one-off financial
were the average number of drugs prescribed (Kafuko 1999) and bonus based on up-to-date coverage for four immunisations, and
compliance with guidelines for high cholesterol (van der Weij- audit and feedback plus “enhanced fee for service” (five dollars
den 1999). The intensity of feedback and the complexity of the for each vaccine administered within 30 days of its due date).
targeted behaviours was moderate for both studies. Both studies Rates of immunisation improved significantly from 29% to 54%
found no effect. coverage in the bonus group after eight months. However, the
Comparison 5. Short term effects of audit and feedback com- percentage of immunizations received outside the practice also
pared to longer term effects after feedback stops (Other data increased significantly in this group. The enhanced fee-for-service
table 2.1) and audit and feedback alone groups did not change. There were
only 15 physicians in each group and baseline differences, although
This comparison included 8 trials with 11 comparisons (Cohen this was controlled for in the analysis. The other, a high quality
1982; Buntinx 1993; Fairbrother 1999; Jones 1996; Norton 1985; study (Hillman 1999), showed no effect of adding incentives to
Ruangkanchanastr 93; Smith 1995; Zwar 1999). One study com- audit and feedback to implement guidelines for cancer screening.
prises three comparisons (Ruangkanchanastr 93). The follow-up
period after audit and feedback stopped varied from three weeks to Borgiel (Borgiel 1999) compared audit and feedback alone to audit
14 months. There were mixed results. In the trial by Cohen (Co- and feedback plus outreach visits and a continuing education plan
hen 1982), the control group demonstrated improvement during to improve quality of care. Adding the educational intervention
the three week follow-up period. The authors attributed these re- to audit and feedback did not result in better outcomes.
sults to a co-intervention (an interested team leader) in the control
Two studies compared audit and feedback alone to audit and feed-
group. In the trial by Fairbrother (Fairbrother 1999) both groups
back plus self-study (Dickinson 1981) or self audit (Brady 1988).
showed small improvements during follow-up. One study evalu-
In one of the studies there was no difference between the groups in
ated the effect of withdrawal of feedback on the quality of a hospi-
the proportion of patients with controlled blood pressure (Dick-
tal capillary blood glucose monitoring program (Jones 1996). This
inson 1981). The other study had mixed results with improved
study showed that the improvement in performance was main-
performance related to mammography screening in the self-audit
tained at six months, but deteriorated by 12 months. In the trial
group but no difference in influenza immunisations (Brady 1988).
by Norton (Norton 1985), the experimental group demonstrated
improvement in the management of cystitis but not in vaginitis Meyer (Meyer 1991) compared audit and feedback with peer re-
when assessed 14 months later. Buntinx (Buntinx 1993) and Zwar view and recommendations to audit and feedback alone to im-
(Zwar 1999) showed no improvement short term or at follow-up. prove prescribing. This study had a high risk of bias. It found no
In a study comparing audit and feedback plus educational meet- difference between the two methods.
ings to educational meetings alone to improve the presentation of
screening tests (Smith 1995), communication levels declined to In one high quality study, audit and feedback plus assistance to
baseline levels for both intervention groups at three months fol- develop an office system tailored to increase breast cancer screen-
low-up, but obstetricians and midwives continued to give more ing rates was compared to feedback alone (Kinsinger 1998). The
information to patients. intervention increased indicators of office systems, but had little
impact on breast cancer screening.
Comparison 6. Audit and feedback combined with comple-
mentary interventions compared to audit and feedback alone Comparison 7. Audit and feedback compared to other inter-
(Other data table 3.1) ventions (Other data table 4.1)
Thirteen trials were included in this comparison with various com- Five trials were included is this comparison. Audit and feedback
binations of interventions. Four trials compared audit and feed- was compared to reminders in two studies (Boekeloo 1990; Tier-
back to audit and feedback plus reminders (Baker 1997; Boekeloo ney 1986). In one study with a high risk of bias, the audit and
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 9
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
feedback group performed better than the reminder group in low- In one study that compared group audit and feedback with group
ering cholesterol (Boekeloo 1990). In another moderate quality plus individual feedback there was no difference in prophylaxis for
study the audit and feedback group performed slightly better in venous thromboembolism (Anderson 1994).
delivering preventive services (Tierney 1986).
In one study in which audit and feedback was compared to patient Comparison 9. Studies with patients as unit of allocation
education (Mainous 2000) there was no difference between groups (Other data table 6.1)
in antibiotic prescribing rates.
Smith (Smith 1995) compared audit and feedback plus educa- In three studies the unit of allocation was the patient and the
tional meetings to educational meetings alone to improve the pre- provider received feedback for some patients and not for others
sentation of screening tests by obstetricians and midwives. Knowl- (Belcher 1990; Meyer 1991; Simon 2000). In one study audit and
edge change scores and communication skills improved in both feedback alone was compared to audit and feedback plus care man-
groups, but the two groups did not differ in performance between agement to reduce costs and follow-up visits related to patients
baseline and post-intervention, or between baseline and follow- with depression (Simon 2000). Adding care management resulted
up. in higher costs and did not change follow-up visits. In a four arm
study (Belcher 1990) comparing audit an feedback plus meetings
Lomas (Lomas 1991) compared audit and feedback to local opin- and reminders to audit and feedback plus meetings, reminders and
ion leader education to implement guidelines for the management patient information to audit an feedback plus meetings, reminders
of women with a previous caesarean section in a high quality study. and inviting patients to a health promotion clinic to improve the
The opinion leader group reduced caesarean section rates and im- delivery of preventive services. Adding the invitation to the health
proved the quality of care. The audit and feedback group did not promotion clinic improved prevention rates. No improvements
differ from the control group. were observed in the other groups. Meyer (1991) compared a sin-
gle letter recommending that the number of medications received
Comparison 8. All comparisons of different ways audit and
by patients should be reduced to audit and feedback plus a com-
feedback are done (Other data table 5.1)
pliance index, peer review and recommendations; and to a control
Content group. At four months both intervention groups had significant
reductions in polypharmacy compared to the control group, but
One study compared audit and feedback with and without peer there was no difference between the two intervention groups.
comparison (Wones 1987). No difference was found in perfor-
mance between groups, but the study was underpowered with only
seven residents in each group. High quality studies (Other data table 7.1)
The results of this review do not support or refute the conclusions Implications for practice
of Mugford and colleagues (Mugford 1991) that feedback close
to the time of decision-making and prior agreement of clinicians Audit and feedback can be effective in improving professional
to review their practice are important factors in determining the practice. The effects are generally small to moderate. The absolute
effectiveness of audit and feedback. Nor do they support the con- effects of audit and feedback are more likely to be larger when
clusions of Axt-Adams and colleagues that the variation, extent, baseline adherence to recommended practice is low.
timing, frequency and availability of peer-comparisons explain the
The results of this review do not support the conclusions of pre-
observed variation in the effectiveness of audit and feedback (Axt-
vious reviews that multifaceted interventions are more likely to
Adam 1993). Eight trials with 11 comparisons included a follow-
be effective than single interventions (Grimshaw 2001). This is
up period after audit and feedback stopped. The length of follow-
consistent with the results of another recent review that has inves-
up, targeted behaviours, and the effect on performance varied in
tigated this relationship (Grimshaw 2002).
these trials. It is possible for performance to deteriorate, stay the
same, or improve after feedback stops. This may depend largely The evidence presented here does not support mandatory or un-
on the nature of the targeted behaviour, but there are insufficient evaluated use of audit and feedback. Audit and feedback should
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 12
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
be targeted where it is likely to effect change, particularly when POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF
adherence to recommended practice is low, and its effects should INTEREST
be evaluated. Decisions about whether audit and feedback is likely
to be effective for a particular problem and the design of inter- None known.
ventions using audit and feedback must rely on judgement and
practical considerations.
Implications for research ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The effects of audit and feedback are commonly small to mod-
erate, but may frequently be worthwhile. Studies should be large We would like to thank Dave Davis, Brian Haynes, Nick Free-
enough to detect small effects when these are considered impor- mantle and Emma Harvey for their contributions to an earlier ver-
tant. Sample size calculations should take account of clustering sion of this review, and Julian Higgins for statistical advise. We are
and appropriate analyses should be used to avoid unit of analy- grateful to Cynthia Fraser for conducting searches for this update
sis errors. Before and after measurements can be useful for mon- and for doing such a good job developing the EPOC specialised
itoring, to ensure that desired changes have occurred in practice, register that additional searches were found to be redundant.
but it is difficult to attribute causation based on before-after stud-
ies. They should not be used to evaluate the effects of audit and
feedback since they are likely to be misleading. Baseline measure-
ments should be undertaken both to determine the importance SOURCES OF SUPPORT
of intervening and to adjust for baseline differences when these
are found in randomised trials. Better reporting of study methods, External sources of support
targeted behaviours, characteristics of participants and interven-
tions is needed. Primary outcomes should be clearly specified and • No sources of support supplied
they should be clinically important.
Internal sources of support
In light of the results of a recent review (Grimshaw 2002), it is
possible that educational materials might have small effects on • Norwegian Directorate for Health and Social Welfare NOR-
professional practice. In future updates of this review we will ex- WAY
plore the extent to which audit and feedback combined with ed- • Surgical Outcomes Research Centre, Central Sydney Area
ucational materials might be more effective than audit and feed- Health Service AUSTRALIA
back alone, as well as exploring whether specific differences in how • Needs Assessment & Health Outcome Unit, Central sydney
audit and feedback is done and individual components of study Area Health Service AUSTRALIA
quality might help to explain differences in observed effects. • Hamilton Regional Cancer Centre CANADA
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Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 22
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Participants 646 physicians from 15 short-stay hospitals
Country: USA
Type of targeted behaviour: General management of a problem (prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism)
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. A&F (non-intensive)
2. A&F (moderate)
3. Control
Outcomes Proportion or % of patients receiving prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism
Allocation concealment A
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 23
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Study Balas 1998
Methods Overall quality; MODERATE
Participants 10 community based physicians from 5 dialysis centres
Country: USA
Type of targeted behaviour: General management of a problem (patients with end-stage renal disease)
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. A&F (moderate)
2. Control
Outcomes % patients on CAPD
Allocation concealment A
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 25
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Study Borgiel 1999
Methods Overall quality; MODERATE
Participants 56 family physicians
Country: Canada
Type of targeted behaviour: General management of a problem (four areas)
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. A&F (non-intensive)
2. A&F (moderate) + educational meeting (outreach)
Outcomes Quality of care
Allocation concealment A
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 26
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Study Buffington 1991
Methods Overall quality; MODERATE
Participants 45 physicians from 13 practices
Country: USA
Type of targeted behaviour: Prescribing
(influenza immunisations)
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. Multifacted with A&F (A&F (moderate) + patient mediated interventions + conferences + other)
Contribution of A&F:
2. A&F (moderate)+ conferences + other (visits to office staff to aid data collection + telephone consultation
3. Control
Outcomes % patients influenza vaccinated
Notes Patient mediated=mailed postcard reminder
Allocation concealment A
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 27
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Interventions 1. Multifaceted with A&F (A&F (moderate)+ reminders)
Contribution of A&F:
2. Multifaceted with A&F (A&F (moderate)+ specific advise + reminders)
Contribution of A&F:
3. Reminders
4. Educational materials/control
Outcomes Quality of smears
Allocation concealment B
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 34
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Allocation concealment D
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 37
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Allocation concealment B
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 38
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Study Kafuko 1999
Methods Overall quality; MODERATE
Participants 127 health units from 6 districts in 4 regions
Country: Uganda
Type of targeted behaviour: Prescribing
(rational drug use)
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. A&F (intensive) + written materials + educational meetings
2. Multifacted with A&F
(A&F (intensive) + written materials + educational meetings + support)
Contribution of A&F:
3. Written materials
Outcomes Rational prescribing/average # of drug prescribed
%general cases treated according to guidelines
%malaria treated according to guidelines
Allocation concealment A
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 41
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Study Lobach 1996
Methods Overall quality; MODERATE
Participants 45 primary care physicians
Country: USA
Type of targeted behaviour: General management of a problem (diabetes)
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. A&F (moderate)
2. Control
Outcomes % compliance with diabetes guidelines
Allocation concealment B
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 42
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Outcomes Antibiotic prescribing rates
Allocation concealment B
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 44
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Study Marton 1985b
Methods Overall quality; MODERATE
Participants 57 physicians (‘housestaff ’) from 3 hospitals
Country: USA
Type of targeted behaviour: Test ordering
(laboratory use)
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. A&F (moderate)
2. Written materials
3. A&F + written materials
4. Control
Outcomes Mean number tests per patient visit
Allocation concealment D
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 45
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Allocation concealment A
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 46
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Allocation concealment A
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 47
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Study Norton 1985a
Methods Overall quality; MODERATE
Participants 6 physicians in a teaching unit
Country: Canada
Type of targeted behaviour: Compliance with guidelines (vaginitis and cystitis)
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. A&F (moderate) on cystitis
2. Control (A&F (moderate) on vaginitis)
Outcomes Compliance rate with standards for cystitis
Allocation concealment B
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 48
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Participants 111 internists, 94 paediatricians, 343 residents and 163 non-physicians (mostly nurse practitioners), total =
711, in 16 primary care practices
Country: USA
Type of targeted behaviour: Compliance with guidelines
(preventive services)
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. A&F (moderate) + educational meetings + written materials
2. Control
Outcomes Compliance with guidelines - various
Allocation concealment A
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 49
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Participants 20 primary care practices
Country: USA
Type of targeted behaviour: Compliance with guidelines
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. Multifaceted with A&F
(A&F (non-intensive) + educational meetings (outreach) + incentives + free NRT)
Contribution of A&F:
2. Control
Outcomes Assessed smoking status
smoking advice
Allocation concealment A
Study Ruangkanchanastr 19
Methods Overall quality; MODERATE
Participants 18 physicians in pediatric out-patient hospital
Country: Thailand
Type of targeted behaviour: Tests
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. A&F (intensive) + seminar (didactic?)
2. Control
Outcomes Mean lab tests (paed) per patient
Allocation concealment A
Study Ruangkanchanastr a
Methods Overall quality; MODERATE
Participants 18 physicians in pediatric out-patient hospital
Country: Thailand
Type of targeted behaviour: Tests
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. A&F (intensive) + seminar (didactic?)
2. Control
Outcomes Mean lab tests (paed) pr patient
Allocation concealment A
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 50
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Study Ruangkanchanastr b
Methods Overall quality; MODERATE
Participants 18 physicians in pediatric out-patient hospital
Country: Thailand
Type of targeted behaviour: Tests
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. A&F (intensive) + seminar (didactic?)
2. Control
Outcomes Mean lab tests (paed) per patient
Allocation concealment D
Study Ruangkanchanastr c
Methods Overall quality; MODERATE
Participants 18 physicians in pediatric out-patient hospital
Country: Thailand
Type of targeted behaviour: Tests
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. A&F (intensive) + seminar (didactic?)
2. Control
Outcomes Mean lab tests (paed) per patient
Allocation concealment D
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 51
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Study Sanazaro 1978
Methods Overall quality;
Participants Physicians from 50 hospitals
Country: USA
Type of targeted behaviour: Compliance with guidelines (7 conditions)
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. A&F (moderate) + local consensus + written materials
2. Control
Contribution of A&F:
Outcomes Adherence to treatment criteria
Allocation concealment C
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 52
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Allocation concealment B
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 53
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Study Smith 1998
Methods Overall quality; HIGH
Participants 222 physicians
Country: USA
Type of targeted behaviour: Prescribing
(drug use)
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. A&F (moderate) + written materials
2. Control
Outcomes Information giving
Communication skills
Drug use
Tablets pr prescription
Nb of prescriptions
Allocation concealment B
Outcomes Change in documentation score
Change in documentation score Physical ex
Allocation concealment A
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 55
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Allocation concealment B
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 60
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of included studies (Continued )
Study Wones 1987a
Methods Overall quality; MODERATE
Participants 21 physicians (residents) from unclear number of practices
Country: USA
Type of targeted behaviour: Lab tests
Complexity of targeted behaviour:
Interventions 1. A&F peer (moderate)
2. A&F without peer (moderate)
3. Control
Outcomes Tests per patient-day
Charges per patient-day
Allocation concealment B
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 61
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Allocation concealment B
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 62
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
De Silva 1994 Outcome was based on self-report
Del Mar 1998 Not audit and feedback
Dranitsaris 1995 Not feedback
Everett Insufficient data on results
Furniss 2000 Not feedback
Gask 1991 Outcome was teaching interviewing skills to medical students; feedback did not include audit
Gerbert 1988 Not RCT
Goldberg 1980 Not audit and feedback
Grimshaw 1998 Insufficient data on results
Guadagnoli 2000 No feedback on performance postintervention
Hampshire 1999 Insufficient data on results
Hanlon 1996 Not audit and feedback
Hargraves 1996 Not audit and feedback
Hershey 1988 No appropriate comparison
Hetlevik 1998 Not feedback
Horowitz 1996
Johansen 1997 Not audit and feedback
Johnson 1976 Not audit or summery of performence
Kroenke 1990 Not RCT
Linn 1980 Not audit and feedback
MacCosbe 1985 Not audit and feedback
Mandel 1985 Missing results
Mazzuca 1988 Not audit and feedback
McDonel 1997 Not feedback
McPhee 1989 Insufficient data on result
Munroe 1997 Not RCT
Nattinger 1989 Non-equivalent group design with pre-post measures
North of England1992 Missing results
Ogwal-Okeng 2001 Insufficient data on results
Ottolini 1998 Not audit and feedback
Pearson 2001 Not RCT, not feedback
Putnam 1985 Insufficient data on results
Restuccia 1982 Intervention did not include audit
Rubenstein 1989 Not feedback on performence
Rubenstein 1999 Not feedback
Shaughnessy 1991 Not audit, no summery of performence
Spector 1989 Intervention was a federal survey process
Steele 1989 Randomization broked in study
Szczepura 1994 Missing results
Taylor 1997 Not RCT
The SUPPORT 1995 No feedback on performence
Weingarten 2000
White 1995 Not feedback on performence
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 63
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Characteristics of excluded studies (Continued )
Wing 1987 Not audit and feedback
Wing 1987 (II) Not audit and feedback
Winkens 1997 Insufficient data on results
Small positive 0.05 to 0.10 Hendryx 1998, Quality of intensive care unit care
Study id Recipient Format Source Frequency Length Content intensity
Andersen Group Verbal Not clear Not clear Moderate Information Non-intensive
1994 -1 about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Andersen Individual Both Not clear Not clear Moderate Compliance Moderate
1994 -2 with guideline
Andersen Individual Written A professional Once only Once only Peer Moderate
1996 standard comparison
organisation or
of the
employer or
Baker 1997 Group Written Not clear Not clear ? Once only? Compliance Non-intensive
guideline, peer
Balas 1998 Individual Written Not clear Moderate Moderate Patient Moderate
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 64
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Table 02. Intensity of feedback (Continued )
Study id Recipient Format Source Frequency Length Content intensity
about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Belcher 1990 Group Both Not clear Infrequent Prolonged Not clear Non-intensive
Berman 1998 Individual Written Not clear Frequent Moderate Peer Moderate
about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Boekeloo Individual Written A supervisor Not clear Moderate Compliance Moderate
1990 or senior with guideline
Bonewski Individual Written The Not clear Not clear Patient Moderate
1999 investigators information
Borgiel 1999 Individual Written, A supervisor Once only Brief Compliance Moder-
unclear or senior with guideline, ate,Non-
colleauge +2 information intensive
about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Brady 1988 Group Verbal Not clear Once only Once only Not clear Non-intensive
Brown 1994 Individual Both Not clear Once only Prolonged Peer Intensive
Buffington Group Written Not clear Frequent Moderate Information Moderate
1991 about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Buntinx 1995 Individual Written Not clear Moderate Moderate Peer Moderate
Chassin 1986 Group Written A supervisor Moderate Moderate Information Moderate
or senior about costs,
colleauge numbers
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 65
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Table 02. Intensity of feedback (Continued )
Study id Recipient Format Source Frequency Length Content intensity
of tests
ordered or
Study id Recipient Format Source Frequency Length Content intensity
Hemminiki Group Written A professional Once only Once only Peer Non-intensive
1992 standard comparison
organisation or
of the
employer or
Henderson Individual Written Not clear Frequent Once only Information Moderate
about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Hendryx 1998 Group Both A supervisor Once only Once only Compliance Moderate
or senior with guideline
Hersey 1986 Individual Written Not clear Moderate Moderate Information Moderate
about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Hillman 1999 Group Written Not clear Infrequent Prolonged Compliance Moderate
with guideline
Hillman 1998 Individual Written Not clear Infrequent Prolonged Compliance Moderate
Holm 1990 Individual Written Not clear Once only Once only Peer Moderate
Howe 1996 Individual Written The Once only Once only Compliance Moderate
investigators with guideline
Huw 1999 Individual Written Not clear Infrequent Moderate Peer Moderate
Jones 1996 Individual Not clear Not clear Infrequent Moderate Not clear Moderate
Kafuco 1 Group Both Not clear Once only Once only Peer Non-intensive
Kerry 2000 Individual Written Not clear Once only Once only Information Moderate
about costs,
of tests
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 67
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Table 02. Intensity of feedback (Continued )
Study id Recipient Format Source Frequency Length Content intensity
ordered or
Kerse 1999 Not clear Verbal The Once only Once only Patient Non-intensive
investigators information
Kim 1999 Individual Both Not clear Infrequent Prolonged Compliance Intensive
Kinsinger Group Both The Once only Once only Information Non-intensive
1998 investigators about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Leviton 1999 Group Not clear A supervisor Infrequent Moderate Information Moderate
or senior about costs,
colleauge numbers
of tests
ordered or
Linn Individual Written Not clear Not clear Not clear Compliance Moderate
with guideline
Loback Individual Written Not clear Frequent Moderate Compliance Moderate
with guideline
Lomas 1991 Group Both The Infrequent Moderate Compliance Moderate
investigators with guideline
Mainous 2000 Individual Written Not clear Once only Once only Peer Moderate
about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Manfredi Group Written Not clear Once only Once only Peer Moderate
1998 comparison
Manheim Individual Not clear Not clear Once only Once only Not clear Moderate
Martin 1980 Individual Verbal The Frequent Moderate Compliance Intensive
investigators with guideline
Marton 1985 Individual Written Not clear Moderate Moderate Peer Moderate
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 68
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Table 02. Intensity of feedback (Continued )
Study id Recipient Format Source Frequency Length Content intensity
about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Mayefski 1993 Individual Written The Once only Once only Compliance Moderate
investigators with guideline
Mayer 1998 Group Written Not clear Frequent Moderate Information Moderate
about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Mc Alistor Individual Written Not clear Not clear Not clear Patient Moderate
1986 informa-
Mccartney Group Written Not clear Once only Once only Information Moderate
1997 about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Mcconnel Individual Both A supervisor Once only Once only Compliance Moderate
1982 or senior with guideline
Meyer 1991 Individual Written The Not clear, Not Not clear,Not Patient Moderate both
investigators clear clear information
Moongtui Group Written Not clear Frequent Moderate Compliance Moderate
1999 with guideline
Norton 1985 Individual Not clear Not clear Not clear Not clear Compliance Moderate
Oonnell 1999 Individual Written A supervisor Infrequent Moderate Compliance Moderate
or senior with guideline
Palmer 1985 Group Verbal Not clear Once only Once only Compliance Moderate
with guideline
Raash 2000 Individual Both The Once only Once only Patient infor- Moderate
investigators mation,Peer
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 69
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Table 02. Intensity of feedback (Continued )
Study id Recipient Format Source Frequency Length Content intensity
Reid 1977 Individual Written Not clear Infrequent Moderate Patient infor- Moderate
Roski Group Not clear Not clear Once only Once only Not clear Non-intensive
Ruangkan- Individual Not clear Not clear Frequent Moderate Information Intensive
cabactr about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Rust Individual Written Not clear Moderate Prolonged Peer Moderate
Sanzaro 1978 Individual Not clear Not clear Moderate Compliance Moderate
with guideline
Sandbaek Individual Written Not clear Once only Once only Peer Moderate
1999 comparison
Schectman Individual Written Once only Once only Information Non-intensive
1995 about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Simon 2000 Individual Written Not clear Not clear Moderate Patient Moderate
Sinclair 1982 Not clear Not clear A supervisor Once only Once only Compliance Moderate
or senior with guideline
Smith 1998 Individual Written A professional Once only Once only Peer Moderate
standard comparison,
review information
organisation or about costs,
representative numbers
of the of tests
employer or ordered or
purchaser prescribtions
Smith 1995 Individual Both The Once only Once only Compliance Moderate
investigators with guideline
Socolar 1998 Individual Written The Once only Once only Compliance Moderate
investigators with guideline
Sommers Not clear Verbal Not clear Once only Once only Compliance Moderate
1984 with guideline
Thompson Group Verbal Not clear Infrequent Moderate Not clear Non-intensive
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 70
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Tierney 1986 Individual Written Not clear Moderate Moderate Patient Moderate
with guideline
van der Individual Both Not clear Once only Once only Peer Moderate
Homberg comparison
van der Individual Verbal The Infrequent Moderate Compliance Moderate
Weijden 1999 investigators with guideline
Veninga 1999 Individual Both Not clear Once only Once only Compliance Moderate
with guideline
Vinicor 1987 Individual Both Not clear Once only Moderate Compliance Intensive
with guideline
Ward 1996 Individual Both Not clear Once only Once only Compliance Moderate
with guideline,
about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Wells 2000 Individual Verbal A supervisor Moderate Moderate Not clear Moderate
or senior
Winicoff 1984 Individual Written Not clear Moderate Moderate Peer Moderate
about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Winicoff 1985 Individual Written Not clear Infrequent Prolonged Compliance Moderate
Wienkens Individual Written A supervisor Infrequent Prolonged Compliance Intensive
1995 or senior with guideline
Wones 1987 Individual Written Not clear Moderate Moderate Peer Moderate
about costs,
of tests
ordered or
Zwar 1999 Individual Written The Once only Once only Compliance Moderate
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 71
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Table 02. Intensity of feedback (Continued )
Study id Recipient Format Source Frequency Length Content intensity
investigators with guideline
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 75
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Table 03. Quality of included trials (Continued )
No. of No. of
Outcome title studies participants Statistical method Effect size
No. of No. of
Outcome title studies participants Statistical method Effect size
01 All outcomes Other data No numeric data
Comparison 03. Audit and feedback + complementary interventions versus audit and feedback alone
No. of No. of
Outcome title studies participants Statistical method Effect size
01 All outcomes Other data No numeric data
No. of No. of
Outcome title studies participants Statistical method Effect size
01 All outcomes Other data No numeric data
No. of No. of
Outcome title studies participants Statistical method Effect size
01 All outcomes Other data No numeric data
No. of No. of
Outcome title studies participants Statistical method Effect size
01 All outcomes Other data No numeric data
No. of No. of
Outcome title studies participants Statistical method Effect size
01 Dichotomous outcomes Other data No numeric data
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
Education, Medical, Continuing; Feedback; Health Personnel [standards]; Health Services Research; Medical Audit; ∗ Outcome As-
sessment (Health Care); Physician’s Practice Patterns [∗ standards]; Professional Practice [∗ standards]
MeSH check words
Title Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes
Authors Jamtvedt G, Young JM, Kristoffersen DT, Thomson O’Brien MA, Oxman AD
Contribution of author(s) GJ, JY and ADO prepared the protocol. GJ and JY applied the inclusion criteria, assessed
the quality and extracted the data for the included studies. DTK conducted the quantitative
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 77
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
analyses. GJ, JY, and ADO conducted the qualitative analyses. GJ drafted the manuscript
with input from JY and ADO. DTK and MAO provided comments on the manuscript.
Cynthia Fraser conducted searches for the literature. MAO and ADO prepared the protocol
for the first review and together with Nick Freemantle and Emma Harvey applied the
inclusion criteria, assessed the quality and extracted the data for the included studies for the
first version of this review.
Issue protocol first published 1996/3
Review first published 1998/1
Date of most recent amendment 27 August 2003
Date of most recent 28 May 2003
What’s New Two previous Cochrane reviews have been merged. The total number of included studies
has increased from 37 to 85. The main findings of this review are consistent with the
previous conclusion, that the effectiveness of audit and feedback varies. When it is effective,
it generally has small to moderate effects. The single factor that we identified that predicts
when audit and feedback is most likely to be effective is baseline adherence to recommended
Date new studies sought but Information not supplied by author
none found
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 78
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Figure 01. Adjusted relative risk versus baseline non-compliance
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 79
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Figure 02. Adjusted risk difference versus baseline non-compliance
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 80
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Figure 03. Adjusted relative risk versus intervention type
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 81
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Analysis 01.01. Comparison 01 Audit and feedback versus no intervention, Outcome 01 Dichotomous
Hux 1999 first line 250 0.05 0.87 0.67 moderate moderate moderate
antibiotics 0.03 0.90
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 83
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Audit and feedback + educational meetings versus no intervention
N health RD: RR: Baseline Study Intensity of
Study Outcome professiona Adj/Unadj Adj/Unadj compliance quality A&F Complexity
Brown 1994 recording of 24 0.06 0.91 0.23 moderate high moderate
periodontal 0.03 0.96
De Almeida misuse of 22 0.24 0.73 0.06 moderate moderate moderate
Neto 2000 medication 0.27 0.70
Goldberg compliance 41 0.01 0.99 0.47 moderate moderate moderate
1998 with 0.01 0.99
for manage-
ment of hy-
Hendryx total unclear 0.15 0.63 0.59 high moderate high
1998 processes of 0.10 0.74
Kafuko cases treated 127 0.30 0.60 0.24 moderate low moderate
1999 according to 0.32 0.59
Kim 1999 preventive 48 0.06 0.74 0.73 moderate high moderate
services 0.03 0.83
Lomas 1991 compliance 76 - - - high moderate moderate
with - 0.02 1.02
for man-
agement of
women with
a previous
McConnell did not 33 0.47 0.50 0.0 moderate moderate low
1982 prescribe 0.47 0.50
Veninga Compliance 181 0.06 0.93 0.48 moderate moderate moderate
1999a with 0.03 0.92
for asthma -
Veninga Compliance 204 0.01 0.88 0.46 moderate moderate moderate
1999b with 0.02 0.93
for asthma -
Veninga Compliance 199 0.03 0.94 0.46 moderate moderate moderate
1999c with 0.02 0.97
for asthma -
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 84
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Audit and feedback + educational meetings versus no intervention (Continued )
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 85
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Multifaceted interventions that include audit and feedback versus no intervention (Continued )
Analysis 01.02. Comparison 01 Audit and feedback versus no intervention, Outcome 02 Continuous
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 87
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Audit and feedback + educational meetings versus no intervention
N health Unit of Intensity of A Complexity
Study Outcome professiona analysis err Size of effect Study quality & F of target
Goldberg compliance 41 yes no difference moderate moderate moderate
1998 with
guidelines for
Gullion diastolic 54 yes no difference moderate moderate moderate
1988a blood pressure
group 1 vs 4
Gullion diastolic 55 yes no difference moderate moderate moderate
1988b blood pressure
group 2 vs 4
Gullion diastolic 57 yes no difference moderate moderate moderate
1988c blood pressure
group 3 vs 4
Hendryx quality of unclear yes small positive high moderate high
1998 intensive care
unit care
Kafuko 1999 drugs unclear yes small positive moderate low moderate
Linn BS 1980 deviations 298 yes no difference moderate moderate moderate
algorithm in
burn care
Martin 1980 laboratory 16 yes small positive moderate high moderate
Palmer 1985 various case 711 no small positive moderate moderate moderate
variant scores
Sinclair 1982 overall quality unclear yes moderate moderate moderate moderate
score positive
Smith 1995 information 24 no moderate moderate moderate moderate
giving positive
Zwar 1999 antibiotic 157 no no difference moderate moderate moderate
Analysis 02.01. Comparison 02 Short term effects of audit and feedback compared to longer-term effects
after feedback stops, Outcome 01 All outcomes
All outcomes
N of health Risk diff: RR: Size of Study Intensity Complexity
Study Outcome prof Adj/unadj Adj/unadj effect quality og A&F of behavi
Analysis 03.01. Comparison 03 Audit and feedback + complementary interventions versus audit and
feedback alone, Outcome 01 All outcomes
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 89
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
All outcomes
N health RD; RR; Size of Study Intensity of Complexity
Study Outcome prof adj/unadj adj/unadj effect quality A&F of behavi
Baker 1997 compliance unclear -0.11 1.2 moderate low moderate
with -0.16 1.3
for use of
Boekeloo manage- 29 0.09 0.89 moderate moderate moderate
1990 ment of 0.05 0.93
Borgiel quality of 56 0.01 0.99 moderate moderate moderate
1999 care 0.02 0.98 low
Buffington patients 45 - - moderate moderate low
1991 vaccinated - 0.01 1.03
Dickinson patients unclear 0.05 1.10 moderate moderate moderate
1981 with - 0.09 1.45
Fairbrother immuniza- 61 -0.09 1.16 moderate moderate moderate
1999a tion status - 0.07 1.13
group 1 vs
group 2
Fairbrother immuniza- 61 0.04 0.94 moderate moderate moderate
1999b tion status - 0.10 1.20
group 1 vs
group 3
Hillman compliance 34 -0.05 1.13 high moderate moderate
1999 with -0.01 1.03
guidlines for
child care
Kinsinger breast 58 0.08 0.88 high low moderate
1998 cancer 0.06 0.91
Mainous antibiotic 216 0.01 1.01 moderate moderate moderate
2000 prescribing - 0.06 1.12
Tierney compliance 64 - - moderate moderate moderate
1986 with -0.08 1.11
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 90
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Analysis 04.01. Comparison 04 Audit and feedback versus other interventions, Outcome 01 All outcomes
All outcomes
N health RD; RR; Size of Study Intensity
Study Outcome prof adj/unadj adj/unadj effect quality og A&F Complexity
Boekeloo manage- 29 -0.18 1.26 low moderate moderate
1990 ment of -0.13 1.19
Lomas 1991 compliance 76 - - high moderate moderate
with 0.16
for man-
agement of
women with
a previous
Mainous antibiotics 108 0.01 0.98 moderate moderate moderate
2000 prescribing 0.15 1.12
Smith 1995 perfor- 22 moderate moderate moderate
mence of no
presenting difference
Tierney compliance 65 - - moderate moderate moderate
1986 0.08 1.11
Analysis 05.01. Comparison 05 Comparisons of different ways of providing audit and feedback, Outcome 01
All outcomes
All outcomes
N of health RD; RR; Size of Study Intensity of
Study Outcome prof adj/unadj adj/unadj effect quality A&F Complexity
Gullion diastolic 55 no moderate moderate moderate
1988a blood difference
pressure, 1
vs 2
Kafuko drug unclear 0.28 0.35 moderate low moderate
1999 prescribed 0.06 0.87
Ward 1996 compliance 80 moderate moderate moderate
with small
guidelines positive
Wones laboratory 14 moderate moderate moderate
1987a tests no
Wones laboratory 14 moderate moderate moderate
1987b tests no
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 91
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
All outcomes (Continued )
Analysis 06.01. Comparison 06 Studies in which patients were randomised, Outcome 01 All outcomes
All outcomes
N health RD; RR; Size of Study Intensity of
Study Outcome prof adj/unadj adj/unadj effect quality A&F Complexity
Belcher % patients 1224 small moderate low moderate
1990 on patients positive
preventive unclear # of
services health pro-
Meyer 1991 number of no low moderate moderate
prescrib- difference
Simon 2000 costs, 613 patients no moderate moderate moderate
frequence of difference
Dichotomous outcomes
N of health RD; RR; Baseline Study Intensity of
Study Outcome prof adj/unadj adj/unadj compliance quality A&F Complexity
Hendryx compliance unclear 0.15 0.61 0.59 high moderate high
1998 with 0.10 0.74
care unit
(A&F + ed
Hillman compliance unclear 0.06 0.81 0.54 high moderate moderate
1999 with 0.02 0.93
for child
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 92
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Dichotomous outcomes (Continued )
Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review) 93
Copyright © 2006 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd