Teaching Goal Examples: Retrieved From Http://sitemaker - Umich.edu/ginapchaney/teaching - Goals - Philosophy

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Teaching Goal Examples

Retrieved from http://sitemaker.umich.edu/ginapchaney/teaching_goals___philosophy

 Maintain a safe and supportive learning environment that encourages problem solving, intellectual risk-
taking and achievement.
 Facilitate student-centered, active learning that develops critical, creative and reflective thinking.
 Provide every student with the opportunity to learn in rich and meaningful ways, which support his/her
academic and personal growth.
 Honor diverse learning styles and praise individual accomplishments.
 Facilitate cooperative learning to encourage collaboration and respectful interactions.
 Authenticate instruction to empower students as citizens within the larger community.
 Cultivate high-quality thinking, dialogue, writing, creation and reflection to enable deep understandings.
 Support students in academic and extra-curricular pursuits.
 Immerse myself into a learning community dedicated to the academic and personal growth of its students
and faculty.
 Reflect on my pedagogical practice and continue to develop myself as an educator.

Grundman, H. G. (2006). Communications - Writing a teaching philosophy statement. Notices of the

American Mathematical Society, 53(11), 1329.

 Communicate that mathematics is fun  Enable students to read mathematics

 Improve students’ confidence effectively
 Detect and fill gaps in students’ prior math  Prepare future mathematicians
knowledge  Prepare students for technical careers
 Improve students’ understanding of  Enable students to understand their own
technology thought processes
 Improve students’ writing abilities  Encourage a broader interest in math
 Develop a variety of problem-solving  Ensure that students really understand
strategies concepts
 Increase the students’ mathematical  Teach applications to other fields
knowledge  Establish constructive student attitudes
 Enable and empower students  Facilitate acquisition of life-long learning
 Motivate students to make an effort to learn  Teach logical reasoning
mathematics  Foster a desire to ask mathematics questions
 Enable students to make judgments based on  Foster critical thinking
quantitative information  Foster student discovery of mathematics
 Open doors to other opportunities for  Teach students how to translate back and
students forth between words and “math”
 Model expert problem solving  Teach the beauty of mathematics
 Teach students to work collaboratively  Develop a variety of problem solving
 Reduce math or science anxiety strategies

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