Teaching Goal Examples: Retrieved From Http://sitemaker - Umich.edu/ginapchaney/teaching - Goals - Philosophy
Teaching Goal Examples: Retrieved From Http://sitemaker - Umich.edu/ginapchaney/teaching - Goals - Philosophy
Teaching Goal Examples: Retrieved From Http://sitemaker - Umich.edu/ginapchaney/teaching - Goals - Philosophy
Maintain a safe and supportive learning environment that encourages problem solving, intellectual risk-
taking and achievement.
Facilitate student-centered, active learning that develops critical, creative and reflective thinking.
Provide every student with the opportunity to learn in rich and meaningful ways, which support his/her
academic and personal growth.
Honor diverse learning styles and praise individual accomplishments.
Facilitate cooperative learning to encourage collaboration and respectful interactions.
Authenticate instruction to empower students as citizens within the larger community.
Cultivate high-quality thinking, dialogue, writing, creation and reflection to enable deep understandings.
Support students in academic and extra-curricular pursuits.
Immerse myself into a learning community dedicated to the academic and personal growth of its students
and faculty.
Reflect on my pedagogical practice and continue to develop myself as an educator.