MGMT110 Assessment 2 and 3 Rubric Student Version FINAL

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Assessment 2 and 3 Essay Question:

What are the challenges reflecting in the assigned case (Midwestern Health System (MHS) & Cisco) and how should the Manager resolve these using key management

The General Manager has provided each candidate with a confidential document written by a consultant (the case study) and, as each remaining candidate is studying
business at university, s/he is very keen that the essay explains the management challenges by identifying key concepts from your MGMT110 Introduction to
Management lectures and using academic resources – such as the textbook and journal articles - to justify your response.

Assessment 2 and 3 learning tasks:

The case study raises a number of management challenges for this assessment you are required to: 1) Identify and explain two significant management challenges
presented in the case study. 2) Link the management challenges in the case study to relevant management concepts as discussed in the lectures and the textbook (Clegg
et al. 2011). 3) Outline how you would attempt to resolve the case study’s management challenges and justify your strategies using academic literature (the textbook
and other reliable sources including books or journals).

Differentiation between Assessment 2 and 3 (and the marking rubric):

Elements of the assessment Assessment 2 Assessment 3
( 10 marks) (30 marks)
Identify and explain the management challenges Identify and briefly explain the management challenges Identify and explain via discussion the management
presented in the case study. presented in the case study. (2) challenges presented in the case study. (6)
Link the management challenges in the case study to Link the management challenge to the relevant Link the management challenges to the relevant
relevant management concepts as discussed in the management concept by presenting a brief, logical, management concept by drawing out relevant
lectures and the textbook (Clegg et al. 2011). overview of how the elements of the management contextual points from the case study and relating
challenge relate to a management concept using a these to relevant management concepts via the
limited number of reliable academic literature sources, creation of an argument / justification using multiple
such as the textbook. (4) academic literature sources as supporting evidence. (12)
Outline how you would attempt to resolve the case Demonstrate an understanding of a ‘theory-based Demonstrate use of a ‘theory-based approach’ to
study’s management challenges and justify your approach’ to addressing a management challenge by addressing a management challenges via the creation
strategies using academic literature (the textbook and using limited academic literature sources to shape an of an argument / justification that raises valid
other reliable sources including books or journals). argument / justification of strategies to potentially suggestions based on information derived from
resolve management challenges in the case study. (4) multiple academic literature sources. (12)
Assessment 2: Rubric


ASSESSMENT ELEMENT Excellent Good Average Fail
Identify and explain the management
challenges presented in the case study.

Link the management challenges in the

case study to relevant management
concepts as discussed in the lectures
and the textbook (Clegg et al. 2011).
Outline how you would attempt to
resolve the case study’s management
challenges and justify your strategies
using academic literature (the textbook
and other reliable sources including
books or journals).
Demonstrate the ability to develop an
outline of a logical argument

Correctness of writing, grammar,

punctuation etc.

Demonstrate the ability to undertake

proper academic in-text and end-of-
text referencing
Demonstrate the ability to follow
Faculty of Business assessment style
guidelines for essays.
Assessment 3: Rubric


Excellent Good Average Fail
Identify and explain the management challenges presented in the case

Link the management challenges in the case study to relevant

management concepts as discussed in the lectures and
the textbook (Clegg et al. 2011).

Outline how you would attempt to resolve the case study’s management
challenges and justify your strategies using academic literature (the
textbook and other reliable sources including books or journals).

Demonstrate the ability to develop an outline of a logical argument

into a developed essay argument.

Correctness of writing, grammar, punctuation etc.

Demonstrate the ability to undertake proper academic in-text and end-

of-text referencing.

Demonstrate the ability to follow Faculty of Business assessment style

guidelines for essays.

Demonstrate the ability to incorporate feedback into the development

of future work.

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