Demonstration Lesson Plan in English 3
Demonstration Lesson Plan in English 3
Demonstration Lesson Plan in English 3
January 29, 2016 @ Ayaoan Elementary School
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Phrase Drill
grows mostly usually fair
for his family worry a lot
always worry but lately
come too early patiently explains
2. Review
Read the following situations. Predict the possible ending.
Choose your answer from the given choices.
1. Hanna and her mother went to the fast food chain. They saw delicious foods.
A. They sleep in the fast food chain.
B. They buy and eat some food.
C. They just sit and relax.
2. It was six o’clock in the morning. Janna took a bath. She wore her uniform.
A. She went to school.
B. She fall asleep.
C. She ate dinner.
3. Visitors came to distribute school supplies for the indigent learners.
A. The learners were very sad.
B. The learners were very happy.
C. The learners got mad.
4. Father said, “ Faster James, it’s late already. We still visit your doctor today.”
A. Father and James will go to the market.
B. Father and James will go to the church.
C. Father and James will go for medical check up.
5. Carla received birthday gift from her aunt abroad.
A. She thanked her aunt.
B. She got irritated.
C. She did not mind at all.
B. Developmental Activity
1. Motivation
(Show a video clip of the Banaue Rice Terraces)
Ask: What can you see in the video clip?
What plant do you see at the sides of the mountain?
Who planted the rice? plants?
Does your parent also plant rice?
Is it good to plant rice?
What will happen to us if people will not plant rice?
2. Presentation
(Show a big book to present the story)
What do you see in the cover of the book?
Who are in the picture?
What are they doing?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties
bounty – many
We have a bounty of fruits during the months of March and April.
Many trees and plants bear fruits during this time.
crops – a plant or plant products that are grown by farmers
Crops grow best in fair weather.
The rice plant is an example of a crop.
harvest – to gather or collect
The farmers harvest water melon.
temperature – a measurement that indicates how hot or cold something is.
Place the product at room temperature.
Water boils when it reaches the temperature 100 degrees celcius.
weather- a state of the air and atmosphere at a particular time and place
Weather is unpredictable, it changes from time to time.
El Nino- extreme weather, very long days without rain.
Farmers worry about El nino because their crops will dry and eventually die.
La Nina- extreme weather, too much rainfall that is not the usual amount
There are many rainy days and a lot of rainfall that is not the usual amount, we are
experiencing La Nina.
5. Oil spills and toxic waste pollute the seas, so many fishes die.
Cause: Oil spills and toxic waste pollute the seas
Effect: Many fishes die.
9. Group Activity
Divide the class into two groups.
Let each group read the direction carefully.
10. Generalization
How do we identify the cause and effect in a sentence?
(A cause tells the reason why something happens.
An effect tells the result of an event or idea)
What are the clue words/phrases in identifying the cause? the effect?
(that is why, because, so)
11. Application
Pick your choice using cut-outs.
Read the sentence at the back of each cut-outs. Underline the cause and encircle the effect.
1. Modern factories dispose too much smoke as a result there is too much air pollution.
2. People continue to engage in illegal logging that’s why forest resources have been reduce.
3. Man is destroying the natural habitats of plants and animals, that’s why certain species are
4. There was a plenty of food that’s why the native used to be happy.
5. Phosphate fertilizer was sold abroad so everyone became rich.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the sentences carefully.
Identify the cause and effect.
Underline the cause and encircle the effect.
1. The plants grew robust because the soil is fertile.
2. Tsunami occurred because of earthquake.
3. The rain starts to fall so she is in a hurry to go home.
4. The air is polluted, thus respiratory diseases are widespread.
5. Paul passed the examination because he studied very well.
V. Assignment:
Read the sentences.
Identify the cause and effect.
Underline once the cause and twice the effect.
Dulnuwan, a farmer in Ifugao, grows mostly rice and several other crops. He grows rice for his family to eat.
When the harvest is good, he is able to sell extra rice at the market.
Weather is important to Dulnuwan. Too much rain or a flood can drown his crops . His seeds can even
rot in the wet ground. Too little rain can make his plants dry up and die.
Dulnuwan listens observes the weather and listens to the weather report. He worries about the
temperature because it also affects his crops. Temperature is the measure of how hot or how cold
something is.
After supper, the family sits around their table. Dulnuwan and his wife, Bugan, listen to a radio program
while the children, Aliguyon and Dinaluyan, do their homework.
Dulnuwan explains that knowing the weather is important to farmers. “In some parts of the world, the
temperature drops, making it so cool that crops freeze and die. In other parts of the world, it
gets so hot and so dry that crops burn and die. Here in Ifugao, weather is usually fair and predictable.
But these past year, the rains either come too early or too late. Listening to weather forecasts helps me
predict rain fall and temperature.”
“If weather is just warm enough, it can mean a good year for farmers,” replies Bugan. “It is not too cold nor
too hot; not too wet nor too dry. But lately, Ama worries about extreme weather,” she continues.
“It’s when weather is very different from the usual. It either rains too much or there is no rain at all, making it
too wet or too dry. Temperatures may be too cold or too hot, “Dulnuwan patiently explains to his children.
“Farmers always worry about El Nino and La Nina.” “The news said there is going to be an El Nino,” states