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Name: ____________________________________ Date: ______________________
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Who was the President of the 1987 Constitutional Commission?
a. Ambrosio B. Padilla b. Cecilia Munoz Palma c. Napoleon G. Rama d. Ahmad Domocao Alonto

2. The Philippines is largely a Catholic nation. Is the separation of Church and State enshrined in the 1987 Constition?
a. Yes b. No

3. What is regarded by the State as a "primary social economic force?"

a. Education b. trade c. labor d. commerce

4. According to Article III, Section 15 of the Constitution, the writ of habeas corpus may be suspended in times of
rebellion or what?
a. invasion b. terrorism c. martial law d. war

5. The Lower Chamber of the Congress of the Philippines is known by what name?
a. Senate b. House of Representatives c. National Assembly d. Congressional Lower Chamber

6. A member of either house of Congress may be expelled by their fellow Members. For a Member to be expelled, how
much of the total number of Members of a house must concur with the expulsion?
a. two-thirds b. majority c. three-fourths d. nine-tenths

7. If a President wishes to veto a bill, he/she must communicate it within a certain span of time, otherwise the bill will
become a law. How long is this span of time?
a. 30 days b. 60 days c. 3 weeks d.48 days

8. In the event that both the President and Vice President are removed from office, who will act as President in the
a. Speaker of the House of Representatives c. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
b. Executive Secretary of the Cabinet d. President of the Senate

9. One of the functions of the government is to enter into treaties and agreements with the governments of other states.
However, such agreements will only be valid and effective when the concurrence of a specific government entity has
been given. Name this government entity.
a. Department of Foreign Affairs b. Senate c. Supreme Court d. Cabinet

10. How many Associate Justices comprise the Supreme Court?

1. 15 b. 14 c. 12 d. 19

For nos. 11-25, match column A and B

____ 11. Article 1 a. Bill of Rights
____ 12. Article 2 b. National Territory
____ 13. Article 3 c. Suffrage
____ 14. Article 4 d. Declaration of Principles and State Policies
____ 15. Article 5 e. Citizenship

____ 16. Article 6 a. Legislative Department
____ 17. Article 7 b. Local Government
____ 18. Article 8 c. Judicial Department
____ 19. Article 9 d. Executive Department
____ 20. Article 10 e. Constitutional Commissions

____ 21. Article 11 a. The Family
____ 22. Article 12 b. Social Justice and Human Rights
____ 23. Article 13 c. Accountability of Public Officers
____ 24. Article 14 d. National Economy and Patrimony
____ 25. Article 15 e. Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports

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