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Gastrointestinal Imaging
Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis:
The Abdominal Cocoon
Manphool Singhal, MD
Satheesh Krishna, MD1 Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) is a rare but serious condi-
Anupam Lal, MD tion that results in (a) encapsulation of bowel within a thickened
Sabarish Narayanasamy, MD fibrocollagenous peritoneal membrane and (b) recurrent episodes
Amanjit Bal, MD of bowel obstruction. Although described by various names in the
Thakur D.Yadav, MS literature, the preferred term is encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis be-
Rakesh Kochhar, MD cause it best describes the morphologic and histologic changes in
Saroj K. Sinha, MD this disorder. The etiology of EPS is multifactorial, with a wide vari-
Niranjan Khandelwal, MD ety of implicated predisposing factors that disrupt the normal phys-
Adnan M. Sheikh, MD iologic function of the peritoneal membrane—prime among these
factors being long-term peritoneal dialysis and bacterial peritoneal
Abbreviations: EPS = encapsulating peritoneal
sclerosis, H-E = hematoxylin-eosin
infections, especially tuberculosis. The clinical features of EPS are
usually nonspecific, and knowledge of the radiologic features is
RadioGraphics 2019; 39:0000–0000
necessary to make a specific diagnosis. The findings on radiographs
https://doi.org/10.1148/rg.2019180108 are usually normal. Images from small-bowel follow-through stud-
Content Codes: ies show the bowel loops conglomerated in a concertina-like fashion
From the Departments of Radiology (M.S.,
with a serpentine arrangement in a fixed U-shaped configuration.
A.L., N.K.), Histopathology (A.B.), General US demonstrates a “cauliflower” appearance of bowel with a nar-
Surgery (T.D.Y.), and Gastroenterology (R.K., row base, as well as a “trilaminar” appearance depicted especially
S.K.S.), PGIMER, Chandigarh, India; and the
Abdominal Imaging Section, Department of with use of high-resolution US probes. CT is the imaging modality
Medical Imaging, The Ottawa Hospital, Uni- of choice and allows identification of the thickened contrast materi-
versity of Ottawa, 1053 Carling Ave, Ottawa,
ON, Canada, K1Y 4E9 (S.K., S.N., A.M.S.). al–enhanced abnormal peritoneal membrane and the encapsulated
Presented as an education exhibit at the 2017 clumped bowel loops. In addition, CT can potentially help identify
RSNA Annual Meeting. Received March 23,
2018; revision requested May 22 and received
the cause of EPS (omental granuloma in tuberculosis), as well as
June 21; accepted June 26. For this journal- the complications of EPS (bowel obstruction). Conservative medi-
based SA-CME activity, the authors, editor, cal treatment and surgical therapy early in the course of EPS have
and reviewers have disclosed no relevant rela-
tionships. Address correspondence to S.K. been used for management of the condition. The purpose of this
(e-mail: satheeshkrishna.jeyaraj@utoronto.ca). article is to review the nomenclature and etiopathogenesis of EPS,
Current address: Joint Department of Medical describe the multimodality imaging appearances of EPS, including
Imaging, University Health Network, Mount
Sinai Hospital, and Women’s College Hospital,
differentiating its features from those of other conditions mimicking
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. EPS, and give an overview of management options.
RSNA, 2018 Online DICOM image stacks are available for this article.
RSNA, 2018 • radiographics.rsna.org
SA-CME Learning Objectives
After completing this journal-based SA-CME
activity, participants will be able to:
■■Discuss the nomenclature and etio-
pathogenesis of encapsulating peritoneal
sclerosis (EPS). Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) is a potentially life-threat-
■■Identifythe multimodality imaging ap- ening condition that causes fibrocollagenous cocoonlike encap-
pearance and complications of EPS. sulation of the bowel. EPS occurs in response to a wide variety of
the differential considerations inciting factors and in various other clinical conditions spanning
and management of EPS. the entire domain of medicine. Although traditionally described
See rsna.org/learning-center-rg. as rare, EPS has been a growing concern, especially in relation to
peritoneal dialysis. Although little is understood about the patho-
physiology of this condition, and even less is understood about how
to prevent or cure EPS, advances in imaging have allowed us to
routinely make a reliable preoperative diagnosis. In this article, the
various aspects that a radiologist must know regarding the etio-
pathogenesis of EPS are highlighted. Also, the imaging appearances
of EPS with various modalities are discussed in detail. Knowledge
2 January-February 2019 radiographics.rsna.org

in its reference to an inflammatory component,

Teaching Points which is frequently absent in this condition. The
■■ The term encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis is considered to be term encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis is considered
the most appropriate term to describe fibrocollagenous peri-
toneal envelopment of the bowel, because this term more
to be the most appropriate term to describe fibro-
accurately correlates with the morphologic changes in this collagenous peritoneal envelopment of the bowel,
condition; and this term is the preferred term that is used because this term more accurately correlates with
throughout this article. the morphologic changes in this condition (10);
■■ EPS is a well-recognized complication of continuous ambula- and this term is the preferred term that is used
tory peritoneal dialysis. The inciting factor for EPS in this set- throughout this article.
ting is the bioincompatibility of the dialysis fluid.
■■ The ileal loops appear conglomerated in a concertina-like Causes
fashion named because of the resemblance to the bellows of
the musical instrument of the same name. A serpentine ar-
Causes of this enigmatic condition can be
rangement of dilated small-bowel loops in a fixed U-shaped broadly divided into primary (or idiopathic)
configuration is characteristic. causes and secondary causes. Secondary causes
■■ The “trilaminar” membrane appearance at US has been de- are usually considered as either associated with
scribed as characteristic of EPS. The three laminae in this US peritoneal dialysis or not associated with perito-
trilaminar appearance, from superficial to deep, are formed by neal dialysis.
(a) a superficial hyperechoic membrane, (b) a middle hypo­
echoic layer of the bowel wall, and (c) a deep hyperechoic
layer of bowel gas and/or bowel contents. Peritoneal Dialysis
■■ In EPS, the peritoneum is thickened, with marked continuous
EPS is a well-recognized complication of con-
enhancement. tinuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (Fig 1).
The inciting factor for EPS in this setting is
the bioincompatibility of the dialysis fluid. The
overall prevalence of EPS in patients undergo-
of the imaging findings and a high index of ing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis is
suspicion can help in the early diagnosis of EPS approximately 0.7% (11). The propensity to de-
and in early intervention for management of velop EPS is in direct proportion to the duration
EPS, which currently offers the only hope for a of treatment, with the prevalence increasing to
better outcome. 19.4% in patients receiving therapy with continu-
ous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis for more than
Terminology 8 years (11). Although the exact cause and the
Considerable ambiguity exists in the terminology etiopathogenesis of EPS in the setting of peri-
and nomenclature of EPS. The first report of this toneal dialysis are still unknown, multiple pos-
condition came from Owtschinnikow (1) in 1907, sible contributing factors have been implicated,
and he named it “peritonitis chronica fibrosa including the duration of peritoneal dialysis,
incapsulata.” Henceforth, it has been indis- recurrent episodes of bacterial peritonitis, use of
criminately and interchangeably called by various a glucose-based dialysate or hypertonic solution
names: peritoneal fibrosis, peritoneal sclerosis, (12), use of an acetate dialysis solution (13), the
sclerotic thickening of the peritoneal membrane presence of endotoxin from bacterial filters (14),
(2), sclerosing peritonitis (3), sclerosing obstruc- plasticizers (15), and use of chlorhexidine (16).
tive peritonitis (4), encapsulating peritonitis Most of these possible contributing factors have
(5), chronic encapsulating fibrous peritonitis been recognized and have been discontinued
(6), calcific peritonitis (7), or, most commonly, from routine usage during continuous ambula-
sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis (8). Foo et al tory peritoneal dialysis. A genetic propensity to
(9) used the term abdominal cocoon to describe a develop EPS after exposure to any one of the
primary or idiopathic form of this condition that etiologic factors has also been considered.
they noted in adolescent girls from tropical or
subtropical countries. However, the condition has Tuberculosis
been recognized to occur in various geographi- Tuberculosis as a cause of EPS is well docu-
cally and ethnically diverse locations, as well as mented in the literature (17–20). However, it
occurring secondary to a multitude of causes; is unclear if tuberculosis triggers peritoneal
and the term abdominal cocoon is currently used sclerosis directly or if the cocoon formation is a
synonymously with “sclerosing encapsulating rare fibroadhesive form of tuberculous peritoni-
peritonitis.” Although the most commonly used tis (Fig 2).
term in the literature in recent years is scleros- The histopathologic findings in patients with
ing encapsulating peritonitis, the popularity of the EPS (interstitial fibrin deposition and fibroblast
term does not necessarily validate its continued swelling, loss of the mesothelial layer, and the
use, because the term is marred by its inaccuracy presence of immunohistochemical markers for
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 1 Singhal et al  3

Figure 1.  EPS in a 43-year-old woman undergoing therapy with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. (a) Axial contrast
material–enhanced CT image shows a thick soft-tissue mantle of EPS encasing the bowel loops (arrows). (A full DICOM image
stack is available online.) (b, c) Coronal contrast-enhanced CT images (b obtained more anteriorly than c) show a thick soft-
tissue mantle of EPS encasing the bowel loops (arrows) and the characteristic pattern of arrangement of the small-bowel loops
(arrowheads on c). (d) Sagittal contrast-enhanced CT image again shows a thick soft-tissue mantle of EPS encasing the bowel
loops (white arrows). Note also the atrophic kidney (black arrow) in this patient with end-stage renal disease.

peritoneal fibroblast activation and prolifera- EPS. Conservative management generally fails,
tion) are expected to be different from those in likely owing to the higher incidence of interbowel
patients with tuberculous peritonitis (epithelioid adhesions and fibrosis in tuberculosis, in addition
giant cell granulomas, caseous necrosis with to the fibrocollagenous cocoon. Surgery entails
or without acid-fast bacilli) (21). Both of these a higher rate of iatrogenic complications after
histopathologic features have been documented attempted adhesiolysis of these interbowel adhe-
in the literature (17,22). However, a definite sions (22). Caseating lymph nodes and serosal
difference exists in the clinical manifestations tubercles are also seen at surgery, and postopera-
of a tubercular EPS, compared with those of tive administration of antituberculous therapy is
EPS owing to other causes, a difference that has warranted. The rate of recurrence of intestinal
a bearing on the clinical management as well. symptoms after surgery is also higher in patients
Clinically, the incidence of acute small-bowel with tubercular EPS than in those with EPS that
obstruction is higher in patients with tubercular is due to other causes.
4 January-February 2019 radiographics.rsna.org

Causes of and Associations with EPS

  Primary (idiopathic)
Related to peritoneal dialysis
Unrelated to peritoneal dialysis
  Surgery or surgical shunts
Laparotomy for carcinoma or benign disor-
ders (23)
Abdominal lavage with povidone iodine (24)
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt (25)
LeVeen peritoneovenous shunt (26)
Bacterial peritonitis (27), including tubercular
Figure 2.  EPS secondary to intra-abdominal tuberculosis in a peritonitis
54-year-old man. Axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows the
characteristic abdominal cocoon (black arrows) with the en-
Meconium peritonitis (28)
cased bowel loops and fluid. Note the omental thickening with  Malignancies
omental nodules (white arrow). The findings at histopathologic Intra-abdominal–gastric (29), pancreatic
examination helped confirm caseating tubercular granulomas.
(30), renal (31), and midgut neuroendo-
crine (32)
Pelvic (ovarian) (33,34)
EPS has been reported in association with or
Other: lymphoma (35,36)
as a consequence of a multitude of other condi-
tions (Table) (23–52). Despite the myriad causes,   Diseases of the female reproductive tract
the inciting event of EPS is not known in a num- Luteinized thecoma of the ovary (37)
ber of patients. Endometriosis (38)
Adenomyosis, leiomyoma (39)
Idiopathic or Primary Causes Teratoma (40)
The initial observation that most cases of EPS   Administration of β-blockers (41,42)
occur in adolescent girls led to the hypothesis   Cirrhosis (43)
that EPS was secondary to subclinical peritonitis   Bowel perforation (44)
that was caused by a viral infection superimposed   Autoimmune disease (systemic lupus
on retrograde menstruation (9). Poor perineal   erythematosus) (45)
hygiene leading to retrograde subclinical bacte-   Peritoneal sarcoidosis (46)
rial infection was also considered. However, the   Familial Mediterranean fever (47)
findings in later reports of idiopathic EPS in young   After organ transplantation
premenarchal female patients (53), as well as in
Liver (48)
male patients (54,55), along with the fact that
viral or bacterial markers could not be consistently
Intestine (50)
demonstrated, have reduced the credibility of this
assumption (Fig 3). Ethnic or geographic predis-   Intraperitoneal drug administration (51)
position could have also played a role, because   Radiation enteritis (52)
many case reports were from the tropics or Asia. Note.—Numbers within parentheses are reference
Dietary factors such as improperly cooked fish citations.
have also been implicated (56).

Two distinct and opposing hypotheses exist toneal dialysis. EPS, on the other hand, is rare
with regard to the pathogenesis of EPS. Accord- and manifests with marked fibrosis with some
ing to the European school of thought, “simple component of inflammation. In addition to the
sclerosis” and EPS are two different conditions association with peritoneal dialysis, the develop-
and distinct entities (57,58). Simple sclerosis ment of EPS needs a “second hit” by triggering
occurs in virtually all patients who undergo factors (chemicals, toxins, infectious agents, etc).
peritoneal dialysis, causing moderate fibrosis An element of probable genetic susceptibility also
without inflammation; and simple sclerosis can exists, because only small numbers of the ex-
be reliably replicated in animal models of peri- posed population actually go on to develop EPS.
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 1 Singhal et al  5

Figure 3.  Idiopathic EPS in a 43-year-old man. Axial contrast-enhanced CT images (a obtained lower than b) show the characteristic
clumped appearance of bowel loops within a thin cocoon (arrows). No obvious cause was found at surgery or at histopathologic
examination. No risk factors or associations could be identified clinically. EPS was hence deemed to be idiopathic.

Simple sclerosis is virtually asymptomatic, but a Findings at Imaging

50% mortality rate for EPS has been reported in
a few series (59). Radiographic Findings
On the other hand, the Japanese school of Abdominal radiographs are usually normal in
thought considers simple sclerosis and EPS to patients with EPS, with a normal bowel gas pat-
be the two extremes of the same disease that is tern. Calcification, which is a frequent finding in
caused by peritoneal irritation (60). the setting of peritoneal dialysis, may be depicted
Whatever the inciting agent, the end result is on radiographs (Fig 4). Because the obstruction
transformation of fibrocytes by the transforming is usually subacute, dramatic dilatation of bowel
growth factor β (TGF-β). This transformation loops or air-fluid levels are not usually depicted.
triggers collagen production that leads to forma- Colonic and rectal gas is usually seen. However,
tion of the encapsulating sheet of fibrotic mem- tubercular EPS has a propensity to cause acute
brane that hampers intestinal motility (61). obstruction. In such cases, dilated bowel loops,
air-fluid levels, and an absence of colonic and
Clinical Manifestations rectal gas may be seen. Air under the diaphragm
Yip and Lee (62) described four cardinal fea- from perforation is rare.
tures of the abdominal cocoon: (a) occurrence in
young women, (b) subacute obstruction with no Barium Study Findings
clear cause, (c) previous similar episodes that had Barium studies were commonly used in the past
resolved spontaneously, and (d) the presence of a for evaluation of recurrent episodes of spontane-
palpable abdominal mass with pain. However, we ously resolving subacute intestinal obstruction,
now know that primary and secondary forms of which is common in this condition. Mild dilata-
EPS exist, and EPS has been reported in a wide tion of the ileal loops may be seen. However, usu-
range of ages, with the youngest patient being a ally, no well-defined transition point is noted. The
2-day-old neonate (28) and the oldest patient be- ileal loops appear conglomerated in a concertina-
ing an 82-year-old man (63). like fashion named because of the resemblance
The presenting signs and symptoms of EPS to the bellows of the musical instrument of the
are usually vague and nonlocalizing. The patient same name (Fig 5). A serpentine arrangement
usually presents with vomiting, abdominal pain of dilated small-bowel loops in a fixed U-shaped
or heaviness, and other features of subacute configuration is characteristic (64). This cluster
intestinal obstruction. Usually, patients have of loops appears rigid and fixed. They cannot be
had prior episodes with similar symptoms that separated by applying pressure on the abdomi-
have resolved spontaneously. Malnutrition may nal wall with a spatula. Kinking and tethering of
occur owing to recurrent episodes. Clinically, bowel loops may be noted in cases with excessive
the abdomen is soft at palpation. A soft non- interbowel adhesions. Usually, some motility dis-
tender mass may be palpable in the central part turbance exists, which is appreciated at real-time
of the abdomen, which actually represents the fluoroscopy. Varying degrees of obstruction and
clumped-up bowel loops. hypermobility of a few loops are seen. Overall
6 January-February 2019 radiographics.rsna.org

Figure 4.  EPS in a 26-year-old man after lung transplantation (same patient as shown in Fig 10). (a) Anteroposterior
radiograph shows calcifications in the right flank (white arrows) and a nonspecific pattern of small-bowel loops (black
arrows) clustering in the mid portion of the abdomen. (b) Axial contrast-enhanced CT image helps confirm the thick-
ened enhancing peritoneal membrane (black arrows), a finding that is in keeping with EPS. The membrane is calcified
(white arrows) on its anterior aspect. (A full DICOM image stack is available online.)

Figure 5.  EPS in a 22-year-old man. (a, b) Anteroposterior small-bowel follow-

through images obtained at earlier (a) and later (b) barium studies show the
characteristic rigid cluster of bowel loops arranged in a concertina-like fashion
(arrows). (c) Axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows the thickened peritoneal
membrane (arrows) of EPS. (d) Drawing shows a model of a concertina, with
the arrangement of the instrument’s bellows resembling the arrangement of the
bowel loops in EPS.

intestinal transit is delayed. However, the colon

is eventually opacified, because the obstruction is
usually not complete.

US Findings cauliflower arrangement cannot be disturbed by

US shows clumping of small-bowel loops in the applying probe pressure or trying to disperse the
center of the abdomen. The bowel loops may bowel loops, because the loops are fixed (Fig 6).
show thickening or may be hyperechoic. However, The “trilaminar” membrane appearance at
the vascularity at color Doppler flow imaging is US has been described as characteristic of EPS
usually preserved. A characteristic arrangement of (66,67). The three laminae in this US trilaminar
loops in a concertina-like fashion with a narrow appearance (Fig 7), from superficial to deep, are
base posteriorly is highly suggestive of EPS. Thus, formed by (a) a superficial hyperechoic mem-
the overall appearance resembles that of a cauli- brane, (b) a middle hypoechoic layer of the bowel
flower (65). This appearance is best demonstrated wall, and (c) a deep hyperechoic layer of bowel
when there is moderate coexistent ascites. This gas and/or bowel contents. This US trilaminar
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 1 Singhal et al  7

Figure 6.  EPS in a 39-year-old man. (a) US image obtained with a curvilinear transducer shows the characteristic central clumping
of small-bowel loops with a narrow base resembling a cauliflower (arrows). (b) US image obtained after applying probe pressure
shows that this arrangement could not be altered by applying probe pressure (arrows). (c, d) High-resolution US images obtained to
the right (c) and left (d) of the cocoon with a linear transducer show the encasing thickened peritoneal membrane (arrows). (e) US
image shows that additional septa or hyperechoic strands (arrows) are also depicted in the ascitic fluid.

appearance in fact merely represents peritoneal tions. Although the membrane itself is usually not
thickening or formation of a membrane over the amenable to biopsy, US can aid in the biopsy of
bowel surface. This US trilaminar sign should not associated omental nodules in tubercular EPS or
be confused with the CT trilaminar sign, in which in mimics such as peritoneal carcinomatosis.
a hypoattenuating layer of submucosal edema One shortcoming of using US for the diagnosis
is sandwiched between enhancing mucosal and of EPS is that all of the findings are best dem-
muscular-serosal layers on either side. This CT tri- onstrated only in the presence of mild to moder-
laminar sign has been described in various diseases ate ascites. Although the incidence of ascites in
such as Crohn disease, intestinal ischemia, radia- patients with EPS is not known, some amount of
tion enteritis, and graft versus host disease. peritoneal fluid is usually seen in settings such as
The membrane encapsulating the bowel loops peritoneal dialysis or tuberculosis.
may be directly depicted, especially with a high-
resolution high-frequency linear US probe, as a CT Findings
hypoechoic structure stretched over the anterior Currently, CT has become the mainstay for diagno-
surface of the bowel loops. Adhesions to the sis of EPS. Although nonenhanced CT may depict
anterior or posterior abdominal wall may be seen. calcification slightly better, routine portal venous
Intraperitoneal hyperechoic strands are often phase CT after intravenous administration of con-
depicted. Disturbances in peristalsis are common. trast material is usually sufficient to give adequate
Peristalsis may be reduced in a few of the bowel information. Administration of positive oral contrast
loops, with hyperperistalsis in the others. Locu- material may help in better bowel delineation.
lated fluid collections can be demonstrated, and With thin isotropic voxels and multiplanar ref-
the degree of internal septation can be ascertained. ormation, it has now become possible to routinely
Guided aspiration can be helpful in the analysis depict the encapsulating membrane. The normal
of peritoneal fluid. US is better than CT for the peritoneum is a thin, smooth, barely perceptible
evaluation and management of loculated collec- structure with discontinuous enhancement. In
8 January-February 2019 radiographics.rsna.org

Figure 7.  US trilaminar sign in a patient with EPS, compared with the CT trilaminar sign in a different patient. (a–c) EPS in
a 43-year-old man. (a) Axial CT image shows the characteristic clumped appearance of the bowel loops (arrows). However,
the thickened peritoneal membrane is not well depicted. (b) US image obtained with a 5-MHz curvilinear transducer shows
the characteristic cauliflower arrangement of the bowel loops (arrows). (c) US image obtained with a high-frequency linear
transducer perpendicular to the membrane, with exclusion of anisotropy, shows the characteristic US trilaminar appearance
(arrowheads) of EPS. (d) CT trilaminar sign: Axial CT image of a different patient with enteritis shows the CT trilaminar sign (ar-
row), which needs to be distinguished from the US trilaminar sign depicted on c.

EPS, the peritoneum is thickened, with marked important to the surgical team, as well as the anes-
continuous enhancement. Assessment of peritoneal thesia team, because the surgery is expected to be
thickening is usually subjective, and no optimum difficult and prolonged. Such interbowel adhesions
threshold has been described, although in our are usually common in EPS with a tuberculous
experience, a thickness greater than 2 mm ap- cause, in which case additional findings such as
pears to be a reasonable cutoff. The small-bowel omental caking, mesenteric and retroperitoneal
loops appear congregated toward the center of necrotic lymph nodes, and serosal tubercles may
the abdominal cavity and are encased by a mantle be identified at CT (Fig 2).
that demonstrates soft-tissue attenuation. In our Calcification, if any, either on the membrane
personal experience, we find volume-rendered CT or the lymph nodes, can be reliably depicted with
images depicting the intraintestinal positive oral CT. The calcification usually manifests on the
contrast material to be useful in identifying the visceral surface of the bowel, although calcifica-
altered bowel configuration (Fig 8). tion of the parietal peritoneum has also been
In addition to the altered position and place- described. The calcification can be focal, dif-
ment of the bowel in the abdomen, CT also helps fuse with a fine linear pattern, or extensive and
depict changes in the contour and caliber of the conglomerate (68). Ascites, especially interbowel
bowel. Bowel thickening may or may not be dem- ascites, is common in EPS, and loculated fluid
onstrated. A few of the bowel loops may appear di- collections can be demonstrated and quantified.
lated or prominent. Usually, no obvious transition CT can be used to identify complications of
point is seen. Angulation, kinking, and tethering EPS such as bowel gangrene (lack of normal
of the bowel loops indicate extensive interbowel bowel enhancement) and bowel perforation
adhesions, which portend a poor prognosis. This (pneumoperitoneum, oral contrast material
information about interbowel adhesions is also extravasation). These complications are relatively
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 1 Singhal et al  9

Figure 8.  EPS in a 32-year-old man. (a, b) Axial (a) and coronal (b) contrast-enhanced CT images obtained after
administration of oral contrast material show the EPS encasing the small-bowel loops (arrows). (c) Volume-ren-
dered three-dimensional CT image in the anteroposterior orientation obtained after administration of oral contrast
material allows better appreciation of the clumped nature of the small-bowel loops (arrows) .

rare because the thickened peritoneal membrane (because the patient is already receiving therapy
encapsulates and compresses the bowel from the with dialysis) and concerns about radiation
exterior, with preservation of the central vascular exposure. Often, a combination of modalities is
pedicle (as opposed to mimics such as internal used to raise suspicion regarding EPS and to ar-
hernia, in which the pedicle is twisted, leading rive at the diagnosis before surgery (Fig 9).
to early ischemia). CT can reliably depict these
complications when they occur and can help MRI Findings
determine management. Owing to its excellent MRI shows features similar to those depicted
depiction of the anatomic abnormality and the at CT, with demonstration of the thickened
complications, contrast-enhanced CT is regarded membrane and bowel abnormalities (71,72)
as the modality of choice in the imaging of EPS. (Fig 10). Normal peritoneal enhancement is
Although scoring systems that are based on less than or equal to that of the liver. Abnormal
CT findings have been proposed (69,70), they enhancement greater than that of the liver is
are more useful as academic tools to assess better depicted with the high contrast conspicu-
interobserver variation and cannot be used in ity of MRI but is not easily appreciable at CT
prognostication, because the CT scores do not (73). Cine sequences at MRI that demonstrate
correlate with the outcome. Parameters used for peristalsis can potentially help to better differen-
scoring include peritoneal thickening, bowel wall tiate the bowel wall from the peritoneal mem-
thickening, calcification, and tethering. brane. MRI has, however, been infrequently
Benefits from CT usually outweigh potential used because of its low availability and the cost
concerns of contrast agent–induced nephropathy constraints, along with a reluctance to use MRI
10 January-February 2019 radiographics.rsna.org

Figure 9.  Features of subacute bowel obstruction in a 36-year-old woman with intermittent abdominal pain (same patient as shown
in Fig 11). (a) Anteroposterior radiograph shows nonspecific clumping of small-bowel loops (arrows) without bowel dilatation.
(b, c) Small-bowel follow-through images obtained earlier (b) and later (c) from a barium study show a clustered serpentine arrange-
ment of bowel loops in a fixed U-shaped configuration (arrows). (d, e) Transverse (d) and longitudinal  (e) US images obtained with
a high-frequency transducer raise suspicion for a possible thickened peritoneal membrane (arrows). However, owing to the absence
of ascites, this possibility is suboptimally assessed. (f, g) Coronal (f) and sagittal (g) CT images show the thickened membrane of EPS,
with encasement of mildly dilated small-bowel loops (arrows).

for bowel imaging owing to respiratory artifacts. PET Findings

The lack of radiation exposure, along with the Although the uptake of fluorine 18 fluorodeoxy­
refinement of enterographic techniques, makes glucose (FDG) at PET may demonstrate EPS in
MRI an attractive option. Caution may be war- the inflammatory phase or help diagnose acute
ranted in the use of contrast-enhanced MRI in peritonitis (74), PET does not have an appreciable
the setting of renal insufficiency. advantage in the diagnosis of EPS, compared with
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 1 Singhal et al  11

Figure 10.  EPS in a 26-year-old man with vague abdominal symptoms who was receiving therapy with long-term dialysis
(same patient as shown in Fig 4). (a–c) Coronal balanced steady-state precession MR image (a), axial single-shot fast spin-echo
MR image (b), and axial gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted gradient-echo MR image (c) show clustered small-bowel loops
and the encasing thickened peritoneal membrane (arrows). (d) Axial contrast-enhanced CT image obtained after administra-
tion of oral contrast material helps confirm these findings of EPS (arrows).

the other modalities, especially because active in- and is usually diagnosed during unrelated sur-
flammation is frequently absent in this condition. gery or radiologic examinations.
Peritoneal carcinomatosis (Fig 13a) can dem-
Intraoperative Findings onstrate thickening and abnormal enhancement
At surgery, the usually thin translucent-appearing of the peritoneum, findings mimicking EPS.
peritoneum appears whitish, opaque, and thick- However, it is generally easy to differentiate the
ened. The peritoneum may have a “tanned” or two conditions, because the thickening in perito-
“leathery” appearance (Fig 11). This abnormal neal carcinomatosis is nodular (compared with
peritoneum encases or encapsulates the small- a smooth thickening in EPS), with associated
bowel loops. The findings at histopathologic nodules in the omentum, the pouch of Douglas,
examination reveal fibrous tissue with or without and the serosal surfaces, with or without lymph-
mononuclear inflammatory cells. Patients with adenopathy. Evidence of a primary malignancy
tubercular EPS can potentially have epithelioid (ovarian, gastric, etc) may also be depicted.
giant cell granulomas, which can give a clue to Internal hernias (Fig 13b) may demonstrate
the cause of the EPS (Fig 12). abnormal clustering of bowel loops that may
mimic the centrally displaced bowel loop pattern
Differential Diagnosis of EPS. However, it is usually possible to dif-
Congenital peritoneal encapsulation is a benign ferentiate the two conditions at CT because of
condition characterized by a thin accessory peri- the absence of the soft-tissue mantle in internal
toneal membrane surrounding the small bowel hernias as well as the relatively fixed anatomic
(75). This condition is, however, asymptomatic regions in which they occur. Complications such
12 January-February 2019 radiographics.rsna.org

Figure 11.  EPS in a 36-year-old woman (same patient as shown in Fig 9). (a) Axial contrast-enhanced CT im-
age obtained after administration of intravenous and oral contrast materials shows the classic features of EPS
(arrows). (b) Intraoperative photograph shows a characteristic thickened peritoneum with a tanned, leathery
appearance. (c) High-power photomicrograph shows the fibrocollagenous membrane with fibrin deposition and
a mild inflammatory infiltrate. (Hematoxylin-eosin [H-E] stain; original magnification, 100.) Inset: Low-power
photomicrograph shows the same findings. (H-E stain; original magnification, 40.)

as ischemia are more common with internal achieved when surgery was performed early in
hernias owing to the compromise of the vascular the course of EPS (76), likely owing to the ease of
pedicle, as discussed previously. membrane resection, fewer interbowel adhesions,
and fewer iatrogenic complications.
Conservative Management
Surgery A shift in management protocols has occurred re-
Traditionally, most patients with EPS were treated cently, with attempts at conservative management,
surgically, because the diagnosis was usually made because routine preoperative diagnosis is now pos-
only intraoperatively when the patient underwent sible. Patients without overt signs of obstruction
surgery for recurrent unexplained episodes of or ischemia can be given a trial of conservative
obstruction (Fig 14). In addition to dissection management. Complete reversal of the membrane
of the abdominal cocoon, extensive interbowel formation may even occur with conservative
adhesiolysis may be needed for symptom relief. therapy (77). Cessation of peritoneal dialysis and a
Bowel resection is resorted to only in the case of shift to hemodialysis and total parenteral nutrition
nonviability of the bowel. However, owing to the are usually the mainstay of conservative therapy in
increased propensity for complications such as patients with peritoneal dialysis–associated EPS.
fistulas, abscesses, sepsis, and recurrence, limited Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitor
surgeries have been tried, such as multiple releas- therapy and therapy with immunosuppressants
ing incisions in the membrane without attempting (corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, azathioprine,
complete dissection. The best results have been and mycophenolate mofetil) have been found to
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 1 Singhal et al  13

Figure 12.  Tubercular EPS in a 23-year-old woman with known tuberculosis. (a, b) Coronal (a) and axial (b)
contrast-enhanced CT images show the characteristic features of EPS: the cocoon with fluid and the serpen-
tine appearance of the bowel loops (white arrows), with omental thickening and nodularity (black arrows on
b). (c) Intraoperative photograph shows a characteristic thickened peritoneum with fibrinous exudates on the
surface. (d) Low-power photomicrograph shows fibrocollagenous tissue with a mixed inflammatory infiltrate
including eosinophils, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. (H-E stain; original magnification, 100.) Inset: High-
power photomicrograph shows a well-formed epithelioid cell granuloma with giant cells. (H-E stain; original
magnification, 400.)

be efficacious, especially in cases without inflam- ered life threatening, because it has a high fatality
mation (78). Recently, tamoxifen therapy has also rate. Best outcomes have been reported for pa-
been used with some success (79). tients in whom early surgery has been performed.
Thus, early diagnosis is of paramount importance.
Prognosis A high index of suspicion and a familiarity with
Despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, EPS, the multimodality radiologic findings enable early
when symptomatic, has a high mortality rate that diagnosis, which could markedly affect patient
has been reported to vary between 4% and 82% outcome.
(80,81). On average, the mortality rate is about
35%; and in more than 60% of patients with more References
severe disease, death occurs within 4 months of 1. Owtschinnikow PJ. Peritonitis chronica fibrosa incapsulata.
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3. Brown P, Baddeley H, Read AE, Davies JD, McGarry J.
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of proposed causes. This condition is still consid- blocking drug (practolol). Lancet 1974;2(7895):1477–1481.
14 January-February 2019 radiographics.rsna.org

Figure 13.  Mimics of EPS in two different patients. (a) Axial CT image of a 61-year-old woman with known peritoneal car-
cinomatosis secondary to an ovarian malignancy shows a characteristic centrally clustered arrangement of small-bowel loops
in a cauliflower-like pattern (arrows). Confluent omental caking is demonstrated, a finding in keeping with carcinomatosis,
but no thickened enhancing peritoneal membrane is depicted encasing the small-bowel loops, which would be seen in EPS.
(b) Axial CT image of a 63-year-old woman with a nonobstructed left paraduodenal hernia (internal hernia) shows a charac-
teristic clustered arrangement of small-bowel loops (arrows) in a paramidline location posterior to the inferior mesenteric vein.
No thickened enhancing peritoneal membrane encases the small-bowel loops, which would be seen in EPS. The findings at
surgery helped confirm the internal hernia.

Figure 14.  EPS in a 35-year-old woman with bowel obstruction. (a) Axial CT image shows dilated bowel
loops with fluid levels in keeping with obstruction (arrows). (b) Volume-rendered three-dimensional CT
image in the anteroposterior orientation better shows the clumped pattern of the bowel loops (arrows).
(c) Sagittal reformatted CT image better shows the thickened peritoneal membrane enveloping the
bowel loops, resulting in small-bowel obstruction with dilated bowel loops (arrows) and fluid levels.
(d) Coronal reformatted CT image also shows the thickened peritoneal membrane enveloping the bowel
loops, resulting in small-bowel obstruction with dilated bowel loops (arrows) and fluid levels.
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 1 Singhal et al  15

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