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Applied Energy 247 (2019) 237–253

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Bioethanol from corn stover – Global warming footprint of alternative T

Yan Zhaoa, Anders Damgaardb, Yingjie Xua, Shan Liua, Thomas H. Christensenb,

School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby 2800, Denmark


• Global warming potential of bioe-

thanol technologies from corn stover
Global warming potential of bioethanol technologies from corn stover was determined by LCA enhanced with
parametrized statistics and probability approaches.
was determined.
• Life cycle assessment was performed
on eight technologies with para-
metrized approach.
• Statistics and probability analysis
were applied to reveal uncertainty and
• Key parameters and best alternatives
were identified from global warming


Keywords: Bioethanol from residual corn stover could contribute to lowering CO2 loads within the transport sector, if used
Bioethanol as an amendment to gasoline. We modelled by life cycle assessment and Monte Carlo simulation seven different
Corn stover technological configurations for producing bioethanol from corn stover based on consistent mass flows and
Life cycle assessment estimated ethanol production extracted from 141 datasets of reasonable quality. By parametrizing key processes
Global warming potential
and determining their statistical distribution based on actual data, we were able to estimate the Global Warming
Probability distribution
Uncertainty analysis
Potential (GWPs) for all the alternative technologies on a system level. Most of the individual cases showed a net
saving in GWP when the savings obtained from recovering energy from anaerobic digestion of the liquid residues
and incineration of the solid residues were included. The net savings could in some cases be as high as
900 ∼ 1200 kg CO2-eq/t dry corn stover solids. If the residues were not subject to energy recovery, the pro-
duction of bioethanol and use in gasoline would be a net load to global warming in more than 50% of the
technological configurations. The “best-practice”, defined as the top 15% cumulative probability with respect to
GWP, suggests that technologies based on steam explosion and ammonia-based pretreatment appear statistically
the most promising and could contribute, with residue energy recovery, to GWP savings of 850–1050 kg CO2-eq/
t dry corn stover solids and produce in the range 178–216 kg of bioethanol. This paper provides insights into the
key parameters for bioethanol production from corn stover and suggests areas for further research.

Abbreviations: PT, pretreatment; HL, hydrolysis; FT, fermentation; PS, pretreatment severity; SL, solid loading; TS, total solid; LCI, life cycle inventory; LCA, life
cycle assessment; GWP, global warming potential

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Zhao), (T.H. Christensen).
Received 20 December 2018; Received in revised form 18 March 2019; Accepted 9 April 2019
Available online 16 April 2019
0306-2619/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Zhao, et al. Applied Energy 247 (2019) 237–253

1. Introduction The many varying parameters observed in the bioconversion processes

result in high levels of uncertainty regarding overall global warming
In the quest to reduce the fossil component of transport fuel, potential. Incorporating quantification of uncertainty in the LCA and
amending bioethanol to gasoline (typically 5–15%) has been introduced decision making can quantitatively address the risks of failure in
in many countries, for example in the USA, Brazil and India [1–3]. technology selection and policy setting [26].
Producing ethanol through the bioconversion of lignocellulosic residues Estimating the uncertainty of the global warming impact for a
has proven feasible and is considered one of the most environmentally technology producing bioethanol is a prerequisite for comparison of
attractive approaches available, in particular with regard to savings in technologies, and has been done in some relevant cases [27,28]. Spatari
global warming impact within the transport sector [4,5]. However, the et al. evaluated key uncertainties of environmental impacts of two
significant content of cellulosic compounds in the lignocellulosic feed- bioconversion technologies involving acid pretreatment and ammonia
stock is not converted easily to ethanol, and in recent years, much re- fibre explosion [29]. Recent work has also studied the uncertainty in
search and development has been reported on improving the efficiency greenhouse gas footprint of cellulosic biofuel production using ionic
of bioethanol production from lignocellulosic residues [6–8]. In parti- liquid pretreatment [30]. Monte Carlo simulation is an acknowledged
cular, the bioconversion of corn stover has been a point of focus, be- methodology to investigate the uncertainty of the results and has been
cause this residue is available in large quantities and at low cost. applied in assessing greenhouse gas emissions from biotechnologies
Concern over corn stover removal argued that some must be left on the involving polymer and ethanol production [31–33]. However, these
field to sustain the humic content of the soil and maintain soil pro- studies mainly used uniform or triangular distributions [33] due to the
ductivity [9] and there may also be constraints in supply and its dis- limited data for constructing statistical distributions, or assigned var-
tribution [10,11]. In spite of this, corn stover has both economic and iations (e.g. ± 10%) [30] for parameters in the absence of empirical
environmental potential for the production of bioethanol as an data. While prior literatures focused on characterizing uncertainties
amendment to gasoline and thereby a substitute for fossil fuel [2,12]. related to specific inputs in the cellulosic ethanol supply chain [34,35],
Given the complex lignocellulosic structure in corn stover, pre- many assuming specific technological configurations for bioethanol
treatment is an important step in releasing cellulose from the restriction production, a general comparison of technologies for producing bioe-
of hemicellulose and lignin, prior to hydrolysis, fermentation, and the thanol based on consistent and transparent statistical data representing
final purification stages. In a recent review [13] by the current authors, the full variation observed across all studies available within a tech-
which included 474 published papers (see Section A1 in the nology is not possible to find in the existing literature.
Supplementary Information) reporting 561 datasets on the bioconver- Therefore, despite that many relevant papers already have been
sion of corn stover into bioethanol, we concluded that the majority of published, the current literature leaves a very scattered and incomplete
relevant publications focused on pretreatment processes, while very picture on which technology for cellulosic bioethanol production is
few of the published papers addressed the full technology covering most successful in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The knowledge
pretreatment, hydrolysis, ethanol-fermentation, and distillation [13]. gap is mainly attributed to the following reasons: (1) Diversity and
The review identified from the most consistent and complete datasets complexity in relevant technological and scientific studies: the aims,
(141 out of 561 datasets), based on the pretreatment approach, eight methods and data forms of existing studies vary significantly making
different technological configurations for producing bioethanol from technological comparison difficult. (2) Variation in process parameters
corn stover. The best technological configurations produced 19–22% within and across the relevant technologies: the conclusions from ex-
ethanol (dry weight), while the technological configuration with the isting LCA studies with few datasets are strongly dependent on the se-
lowest efficiency produced only 11% ethanol [13]. Besides bioethanol lection of the specific processes or parameters, and thus lack uni-
production, it was observed in the review that all technological con- versality in technological comparison. (3) Lack of strong statistical and
figurations produced large flows of solid and liquid residues, ac- consistent data bases for technological comparison: consistent and
counting for 55–75% of the carbon in the corn stover. The review also transparent statistical data are not available for a general comparison of
revealed within each technological configuration highly varying effi- bioethanol technologies from the existing literature.
ciencies within each process step, suggesting a potential for optimizing To identify the most sustainable technologies for bioethanol pro-
these individual process steps as well as overall ethanol production duction from corn stover from a global warming perspective, this work
[13]. Considering the aim of reducing global warming impacts by for the first time employed statistical data from 141 recently published
substituting fossil fuel with bioethanol, the balancing of the ethanol – but often incomplete – datasets of reasonable quality, to perform a
production and the overall carbon footprint of the technology is crucial. fully transparent and systematic LCA, enhanced with estimates of the
The processing of residues, which is addressed rarely in the reported global uncertainties. Parametrization of all key processes within and
studies, may also strongly affect the overall global warming footprint of across technologies allowed us to normalize the large amount of studies
bioethanol technology, particularly if the residue is also used for energy uniformly within and across all the technologies and to perform un-
recovery. certainty propagation on a system level allowing for robust comparison
To understand and compare the environmental performance of of the alternative technologies with respect to global warming poten-
bioethanol technologies and strategies, many studies have conducted tial. This has to our knowledge not been done before and we believe this
life cycle assessment (LCA) on different systems with specific focuses, assessment can identify the most sustainable technological processes
including cropping system [14], feedstock supply [15], soil sustain- and identify where further research and development are needed. The
ability [9,16] and vehicle energy efficiency [17]. On a technological solid statistical approach, probability information and novel findings of
level, although some LCA studies have addressed the conversion of corn universal significance can thus highly contribute to the state-of-art
stover to ethanol including biotechnological, chemical and thermo- knowledge of the bioethanol technologies based on corn stover.
chemical processes [18–21], the literature is not conclusive as to which
technologies look most promising from a global warming perspective. 2. Approach and methods
This is primarily due to the research focus and limited statistical re-
presentativeness of the data included in different studies: Not all This section describes the eight technological configurations for
technological approaches to producing bioethanol have been included producing bioethanol from corn stover and defines the characteristic
[18,22], often only few cases or datasets have been used for each of the technological parameters allowing us to model all flows through the full
technologies involved [23,24]; and in many cases the individual data- production configuration, from corn stover to marketable ethanol, in-
sets were not covering the full technology from pretreatment to the cluding the treatment of solid and liquid residues. The life cycle as-
ethanol product and data had been borrowed from other studies [25]. sessment approach used to quantify the global warming impact is

Y. Zhao, et al. Applied Energy 247 (2019) 237–253

Table 1
Parameters used in modeling the eight process configurations for the bioconversion of corn stover into ethanol.
Classification Parameter Unit Description Unification basis

Raw material composition GPP_RM %TS Glucan proportion in raw As reported, OOP_RM is normalized from
materials other composition parameters
XPP_RM %TS Xylan proportion in raw materials
LPP_RM %TS Lignin proportion in raw materials
APP_RM %TS Ash proportion in raw materials
OPP_RM %TS Other proportion in raw materials
Solid loading SL_PT %wt Total solid content in PT* As reported or calculated from water
SL_PW %wt Total solid content in post-wash contents or concentrations
SL_HL %wt Total solid content in HL*
SL_FT %wt Total solid content in FT*
Conversion coefficient GEF_PT % Glucan yield to solid phase in PT As reported or calculated from substance
GEF_HL % Glucose yield to liquid phase in HL conversion in each process and mass
GEF_FT % Ethanol yield from glucose in FT balance, where necessary
XEF_PT % Xylan yield to solid phase in PT
XEF_HL % Xylose yield to liquid phase in HL
XEF_FT % Ethanol yield from xylose in FT
LEF_PT % Lignin yield to solid phase in PT
Operational condition T_PT °C Reaction temperature in PT As reported
MS_PT rpm Mixing speed in PT
MS_HL rpm Mixing speed in HL
MS_FT rpm Mixing speed in FT
RT_PT h Reaction time in PT
RT_HL h Reaction time in HL
RT_FT h Reaction time in FT
PS Pretreatment severity
Material consumption CC_PT kg/kg Chemical consumption in PT As reported or calculated from reported
CR_PT % Chemical recovery ratio in PT information
BA_HL kg/kg Enzyme consumption in HL
Energy consumption EC_PT kWh/kg Electricity consumption in PT Calculated from operational conditions**
HC_PT MJ/kg Heat consumption in PT
EC_HL kWh/kg Electricity consumption in HL
HC_HL MJ/kg Heat consumption in HL
EC_FT kWh/kg Electricity consumption in FT
HR_PT MJ/kg Heat recovery in PT

* PT, HL, and FT stand for pretreatment, hydrolysis, and fermentation, respectively.
** Detailed calculation methods can be found in Supplementary Information.

described as well, including a systematic assessment of the robustness contribute to the global warming footprint of the technology. With this
of our results. approach we also avoid the choice of residue handling actually af-
fecting the overall results, except what is induced by the previous
2.1. Technological configurations process steps, as they define the quantity and composition of the re-
A technological configuration refers to a combination of processes The eight biotechnological configurations are defined according to
that addresses all steps needed in treating and converting corn stover to the pretreatment step described by Zhao et al. [13]; the parentheses
ethanol. Key steps in ethanol production are pretreatment, hydrolysis, show how many datasets were available within each technological
fermentation, and purification, often as separate processes but some- configuration:
times combined. While a large range of pretreatment processes exists,
hydrolysis, fermentation, and purification show much lower diversity. • S1-Acid (27 datasets from references [36–60]): Primarily dilute
Within the individual practices, variations may appear, for example in sulfuric acid pretreatment, occasionally hydrochloric acid and or-
solid loading, retention time, temperature, and chemicals used. ganic acid pretreatment. Pretreated corn stover is subjected to en-
Pretreatment is a determining step in the bioconversion of corn zymatic hydrolysis and then fermentation after washing with water.
stover to ethanol, because it strongly affects the availability of sub- • S2-Alkaline (19 datasets from references [50,58,61–76]): Primarily
strates for the enzymatic hydrolysis and determines the quantity and sodium hydroxide pretreatment, occasionally calcium hydroxide
composition of side streams and residues not routed to the ethanol- and calcium carbonate pretreatment. Pretreated corn stover is sub-
producing reactor but treated by other means. Through data quality jected to enzymatic hydrolysis and then fermentation after washing
evaluation (see Zhao et al. [13]), 141 datasets with high completeness with water.
and consistency were selected from the reported 561 datasets in 474 • S3-Solvent-based (14 datasets from references
published papers and classified into eight technological configurations [38,42,43,45,49,77–85]): Ionic liquid (IL) and/or organic solvent
determined by the pretreatment technology. The technological steps (OS) pretreatment. Pretreated corn stover is subjected to enzymatic
following pretreatment were all the same, although actual flows and hydrolysis and then fermentation after solvent separation and
parameter values vary, as observed in the literature [13]. All techno- washing with water or sometimes without washing.
logical configurations enhance hydrolysis through enzyme addition, • S4-Steam explosion (17 datasets from references [86–102]): Pri-
and the fermentation applies yeast or bacteria. We chose in the LCA marily steam explosion without a catalyst, and in one case acid is
model (inspired by the USA National Renewable Energy Laboratory used as the catalyst. Pretreated corn stover is subjected to enzymatic
[36]) for all eight technological configurations to route the liquid re- hydrolysis and then fermentation after washing with water.
sidues to anaerobic digestion and the solid residue to incineration. Both • S5-Liquid hot water (11 datasets from references [55,78,103–111]):
of these technologies have the potential to recover energy and thus to Compressed hot water or hydrothermal pretreatment without a

Y. Zhao, et al. Applied Energy 247 (2019) 237–253

catalyst. Pretreated corn stover is subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis related datasets according to the approach described by Bisinella et al.
and then fermentation after washing with water. [153], including normal (ND), lognormal (LD), uniform (UD), and tri-
• S6-Ammonia-based (27 datasets from references angular (TD) distributions (details in Section A8.1 of Supplementary
[43,45,49,58,59,84,112–129]): Primarily ammonia fiber expansion, Information). These specific distributions were applicable to most of the
occasionally low-moisture anhydrous ammonia and ammonia re- parameter distributions and implemented in the Monte Carlo method in
cycle percolation pretreatment. Pretreated corn stover is subjected the EASETECH LCA model [154] (see Section 2.5). The cumulative
to enzymatic hydrolysis and then fermentation after ammonia re- distribution of extracted data and fitting curves is shown in Section
moval or sometimes washing with water. A8.1 of Supplementary Information. A Pearson’s χ2 test was applied to
• S7-Fungi (11 datasets from references [73,130–139]): Various test the goodness of fit of the distributions by means of the statistical
fungal species used for pretreatment. Pretreated corn stover is sub- software Minitab 17.1. Specifically, the probability distributions of
jected to enzymatic hydrolysis and then fermentation directly with parameters describing the pretreatment and hydrolysis processes were
two cases of washing with water. estimated for each technological configuration, while the probability
• S8-Combi (15 datasets from references [117,118,140–152]): Var- distribution of parameters describing fermentation was estimated
ious combinations of physical, chemical, and thermochemical pre- across all technological configurations, since fermentation showed no
treatment. Pretreated corn stover is subjected to enzymatic hydro- generic differences across the technological configurations.
lysis and then fermentation after washing with water. Technological configuration S8, which is a mix of different tech-
nologies using multistep processes with different characteristic para-
2.2. Key process parameters and data meters, did not provide data useful for estimating probability dis-
tributions and thus could not be subject to Monte Carlo simulation.
In order to compare the eight technological configurations we need The corn stover composition used was the same for all seven tech-
consistent descriptions of the flows (mass, solids, key substrates, water) nological configurations and defined as the average of 133 datasets
through the technological system and accounts of the energy that it containing information about the corn stover composition. The average
takes to drive these flows through the system. This is done by modeling corn stover composition in terms of TS was: Glucan 36.2% ± 3.2%,
all the technological configurations with a set of parameters applying to xylan 22.7% ± 4.2%, lignin 18.5% ± 3.7%, ash 5.0% ± 2.7%, and
all configurations, as we described in a previous paper [13]; see others 17.6% ± 7.9%. Chemical properties and the basis of composi-
Table 1. In each technological process, the actual parameter values tion calculation can be found in Section A9.1 of Supplementary
synthesized from the 141 datasets vary between technological config- Information.
urations as well as within each technological configuration. Since de-
tails on electricity and heat consumption in the individual processes 2.3. Defining the model system
were reported rarely in the literature, data for energy consumption for
fragmenting, mixing, heating, and distillation were calculated system- Our aim was to assess the global warming aspects of the eight
atically as dependent parameters from the operational conditions, in- identified different technological configurations for producing ethanol
cluding mixing speed, solid loading, and temperature, as well as specific from corn stover while realizing that residues and side streams could
heat capacities of materials, as described in Sections A2.2 to A2.6 of also contribute significantly to the overall CO2 account of a technology.
Supplementary Information. Thus, the functional unit of the assessment was defined as the “bior-
efinery of 1 t (tonne, 1000 kg dry matter) of corn stover, with bioe-
2.2.1. Literature datasets thanol as the major product”. We assumed that the corn stover would
In the first part of this paper, we modeled the global warming im- be available and have no environmental rucksack in terms of global
pact of each dataset identified within the eight technological config- warming, as it is a waste material with no current use. We did not in-
urations, by applying the individual data for each parameter in Table 1. clude any alternative use of the corn stover, soil carbon loss or indirect
In total, we modeled 141 datasets, and the source data are available in land use changes due to the use of the corn stover, but if known and the
the excel file of Supplementary Information. Data completeness was CO2 account is quantitative, then it is possible to combine this with the
calculated for each individual dataset as the number of reported para- results presented in this paper.
meters relative to the total number of parameters (see Table 1). In The system boundary includes the collection, transportation, and
consideration of the similarity of the processes within the same tech- mechanical preparation of the corn stover, all the major processes of
nological configuration, missing data needed for the flow modeling bioethanol production, including use of water, chemicals, enzymes, and
were substituted by median values of all the other existing data of the energy (Fig. 1), the treatment of solid and liquid residues, including
same parameter within the same technological configuration. The corn water, heat, and power recovery from incineration and anaerobic di-
stover composition used was the one reported for the individual data- gestion, as well as the downstream use of the recovered ethanol. Given
sets. that different technologies produce different amounts of bioethanol
from the same amount of corn stover, we applied system expansion
2.2.2. Monte Carlo simulations following key LCA principles, meaning that we subtracted the alter-
In the second part of this paper, we used Monte Carlo simulations to native products that are avoided when energy and materials are pro-
quantify the robustness of the modeling of seven of the eight techno- duced [155]. For comparison, net impacts of the technological alter-
logical configurations. For this purpose the data previously reported by natives were calculated by subtracting the impacts of gasoline
the authors [13], regarding the distribution of process parameters, were production and combustion, as well as the impacts of any other pro-
used. From a macroscopic and statistical point of view no important ducts and energy produced. We assume that bioethanol substitutes for
operational parameters were significantly correlated to the yields of gasoline according to energy content, as specified in Section A3.2 of
bioethanol [13], though this is normally true in microscopic and spe- Supplementary Information. All impacts related to facility construction
cific lab studies. This allowed us to treat all the parameters in- were excluded due to lack of information. The scenarios modeled are
dependently in the Monte Carlo simulation. Since 98% of the datasets identical to the technological configurations presented earlier with the
identified in our previous work were from laboratory-scale studies ap- addition of upstream processes, liquid and solid residue handling, and
plying batch reactors and only 6 pilot-scale datasets were among the downstream processes.
141 selected datasets [13], scale was not assigned as a key parameter in To complete the necessary information for the LCAs, which were
our analysis due to lack of statistical significance. A specific probability rarely reported in the literature, some of the processes were defined
distribution of each parameter was adopted on the basis of all the commonly for all configurations as listed below, while the other

Y. Zhao, et al. Applied Energy 247 (2019) 237–253

Fig. 1. System boundary for the biorefinery of corn stover to produce bioethanol.

settings, including fuel substitution and enzyme consumption, can be chemicals, heat, electricity, and fuel production, were selected from
found in Sections A3.2 and A4 of Supplementary Information. Ecoinvent (allocation at the point of substitution) [158], which has
been acknowledged as an authoritative, consistent, and transparent LCI
• Fuel consumption in collection and transportation was set at 0.006 L database. Global datasets were used where possible, since the study
diesel/kg (TS) corn stover (see Section A3.1 in Supplementary does not apply to any specific region. LCI data for one external process
Information); emissions from fuel combustion in collection and named “Combustion of bioethanol in car” were obtained from the
transportation were conservatively estimated according to the Euro GREET database [159], which was developed to evaluate the energy
3 European Emission Standard. and emission impacts of new transportation fuels. In particular, the
• Electricity for mechanical preparation was set at 0.14 kWh/kg (TS) GWP of the substituted gasoline was 0.086 kg CO2-eq/MJ according to
corn stover (see Section A2.1 in Supplementary Information). the selected external process from Ecoinvent. The selected datasets are
• In the anaerobic digestion of liquid residues, the recovery effi- specified in Sections A6.1 and A6.2 of Supplementary Information.
ciencies for heat and electricity were set at 46% and 39% of energy These datasets are identical for all the scenarios where used, including
content of the produced biogas, respectively, and a biogas loss of 1% the use of heat and electricity. The exception is the datasets for which
was assumed (see Section A5.1 in Supplementary Information). uncertainty analysis was carried out as presented in Section 3.5.
• In the incineration of solid residues, the recovery efficiencies for
heat and electricity were set at 75.7% and 18.4%, respectively, on 2.5. Robustness analysis with statistical and probability approaches
the basis of lower heating values of the solid residue (see Section
A5.2 in Supplementary Information). We assessed the robustness of the modeling results through un-
certainty propagation (Monte Carlo), discernibility analysis, global
2.4. Modeling tool and databases sensitivity analysis, and scenario variation.
Uncertainty describes the overall variation of the result for each
Flow modeling and life cycle assessment modeling with respect to scenario, subject to the uncertainty of the parameters, and is obtained
climate change were done with EASETECH, a specialized LCA model by systematically propagating the uncertainties of input parameters
developed according to ISO 14040 standards [156] and allowing for [26]. A Monte Carlo method is implemented in EASETECH to randomly
process modeling and statistical assessment [154]. The LCA was done as sample values within each parameter distribution, in order to calculate
an attributional LCA with system expansion. the results of each scenario, here based on 10,000 samplings. The ob-
The impact on global warming potential (GWP, also known as the tained results were used further to calculate for each scenario prob-
climate change or CO2 footprint) is expressed in CO2-equivalent (eq) for ability properties such as expectation value and mode, as well as to
all the relevant greenhouse gases, such as CO2, CH4, N2O, and CFCs, construct a frequency histogram and to compute a probability dis-
according to the IPCC 2013 method for climate change in 100 years’ tribution within a 95% confidence level.
time [157]. Typically, we consider CO2 from corn stover as neutral Discernibility focuses on the difference between two scenarios and
(0 kg CO2-eq/kg biogenic CO2), while emitted CO2 from fossil fuels is expresses statistically how frequently one scenario is better than an-
ascribed a value of 1 kg CO2-eq/kg fossil CO2 and avoided fossil CO2 a other when both scenarios are subject simultaneously to the same
value of −1 kg CO2-eq/kg CO2; methane emitted (as loss during the variations in common parameters [153]. The discernibility analysis is
anaerobic digestion) is ascribed a value of 28.5 kg CO2-eq/kg CO2. performed as part of the Monte Carlo simulation.
The life cycle inventory (LCI) data for external processes, including Sensitivity describes how the results of a scenario vary as a

Y. Zhao, et al. Applied Energy 247 (2019) 237–253

consequence of a change in specific input parameters, and it is ex- studies on industrial enzyme production [160] as well as enzyme con-
pressed via the sensitivity ratio (SR) calculated for each parameter in sumption in bioethanol production [161,162]. The specific contribu-
each scenario, as shown in Eq. (1) [153]. tions of input materials and energy are shown in Fig. A3, Section A7.2
of Supplementary Information. The processes of collection and trans-
initial result port, mechanical preparation, fermentation, and disposal of residues
SRi =
( parameter
initial parameter i) (1)
after energy recovery showed only insignificant contributions to GWP.
Additionally, GWP caused by water consumption was marginal, due to
where i = 1, 2, ···, n are tested parameters in the model (Table 1, Section the low GWP of the water supply and the fact that we assumed a high
2.2). To perform the sensitivity analysis for each process configuration, level of water recycling, although hardly any datasets specifically ad-
the expectation values calculated from the distribution of each para- dressed this aspect. The savings in GWP from substituting gasoline with
meter were used as the basic values of the tested parameters. During the bioethanol were significant but often of the same size as the GWP load
analysis, one parameter individually was increased and decreased by from producing the bioethanol in the first instance. However, efficient
1%, in order to stay within a pseudo-linear range while keeping all the energy recovery from incinerating the solid residues, and the efficient
other parameters fixed at their basic values. utilization of the gas generated by anaerobically digesting liquid re-
The global sensitivity analysis (also known as global importance sidues, generated additional savings in GWP. Without ensuring efficient
energy recovery from handling the residues, more than half of all the
analysis), which includes an analysis of the fundamental connections
between the sensitivity and the uncertainty of individual parameters, datasets reported added a net load to global warming and as such did
not contribute to reducing the global impact from transport fuel, even
was applied to present the contribution of each independent parameter
to the variance of results, as described in the Section A10.2 of though the produced bioethanol would substitute for fossil-based ga-
soline. Many datasets showed that the savings in global warming from
Supplementary Information.
Scenario variation describes how the results of a scenario vary residue energy recovery were of the same size as those obtained from
substituting fossil fuel (in this case gasoline) with bioethanol. The
subject to changes in boundary conditions or imports/exports over the
boundary, for example if the energy used or substituted is of a different electricity credits were also reported in other studies with different
contributions to GWP savings [27,33]. It is worth noting that only
kind than first assumed. We maintained the assumption that ethanol
substitutes for gasoline based on energy content, but we also varied the 15–25% of the carbon in the corn stover ends up in the ethanol, and this
contributes half of the savings measured as CO2-equivalents. Further
kind of electricity and heat used as well as the kind of electricity and
heat substituted by the same sources of energy generated by anaerobic details on the relative contributions, depending on the technological
configurations, are given in Section A7.2 of Supplementary
digestion and incineration.
Table 2 presents for each technological configuration the ethanol
3. Results and discussion production per 1000 kg of dry corn stover as well as net value GWP in
terms of average and standard deviation per tonne of corn stover and
Based on the extracted datasets, five levels of assessment were per liter of bioethanol produced. The GWP per MJ fuel produced is
performed to reveal and compare the performance of different process shown in the right column of Table 2.
configurations for biorefinery with bioethanol production, i.e. the case- Referring to the GWP per tonne of corn stover solids treated, Table 2
specific global warming potentials (GWPs) of the configurations, the reveals that the data reported in the literature on average suggest that
distribution and uncertainty of the GWP, the global sensitivity of the the technological configurations S3 (solvent-based pretreatment) and
key parameters, the “best-practice” analysis of the configurations, and S7 (fungi pretreatment) are not very attractive from a global warming
scenario variations with different energy mixes. The results provide a point of view, since the average values are positive or only slightly
comprehensive understanding of a state-of-art biorefinery producing negative. The very high standard deviation observed might suggest that
bioethanol, from the perspective of an LCA. some of the reported experiments were not successful; actually, the
datasets for S3 and S7 showed very high variations.
3.1. Global warming potentials of eight technological configurations The technological configuration S4 (steam explosion pretreatment)
yielded on average the highest savings in global warming, at around
The GWPs calculated per tonne of corn stover solids are shown for 700 kg CO2-eq/t TS, but it should be noted that this technology is not
each of the 141 datasets in Fig. 2, grouped within the eight technolo- among those producing the highest amount of ethanol. Combining both
gical configurations (reference numbers shown at the bottom of each the GWP of converting the corn stover and the amount of bioethanol
figure accord with those in the reference list). Fig. 2 shows the loads produced, S2 (alkaline pretreatment) and S6 (ammonia-based pre-
and savings according to the main contributions for each dataset as well treatment) on average are the most attractive.
as the data completeness of each dataset. As mentioned earlier, missing The technological configuration S3 produces high amounts of
data of the individual datasets were supplemented with median values ethanol by using solvents during pretreatment. The solvent recovery
of all the other existing data of the same parameter within the same ratios were 88% ± 8% and the addition of new solvent was found to be
technological configuration. The figures are organized in ascending net a major contributor to GWP. The solvents included tetrahydrofuran
GWP order; the more negative values, the more savings are obtained (THF), ethylenediamine (EDA), 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate
and the better the technology is with respect to global warming. ([C2mim][OAc]), methyl isobutyl ketone (4-methyl-2-pentanone),
Fig. 2 illustrates clearly that large variations are found within each acetone, and even ethanol, and their production is a major contribution
of the technological configurations, within each of which a range of to GWP (2.2–6.7 kg CO2-eq/kg of solvent) according to the database in
1000 kg CO2-eq/t TS can be found, suggesting that not all reported Ecoinvent (version 3.3) (see Section A6.3 in the Supplementary
datasets represent the successful implementation of the technology, Information). In line with our additional results from the Monte Carlo
although ethanol was indeed produced. Some of the extreme cases are simulations, only an extremely high recovery of solvent (> 97%) could
explained in Section A7.1 of Supplementary Information. Most of the make this technology attractive from a global warming point of view
technological configurations showed net savings (negative values) and (see Section 3.4 and Section A11.2 of Supplementary Information).
thus contributed to savings in global warming impact terms. The loads The technological configuration S8 also produced high amounts of
to global warming were due mainly to the energy and chemicals used in ethanol but limited savings in GWP, due to a relatively high load to GWP
pretreatment and the energy and enzymes used in hydrolysis. The sig- originating from pretreatment, which can be attributed to the complexity
nificant contribution of enzyme to GWPs has been confirmed by special of multi-step pretreatment that consumes more energy and chemicals.

Y. Zhao, et al. Applied Energy 247 (2019) 237–253

Data completeness (%)

a) 81 73 88 73 77 73 65 69 96 46 73 92 73 77 73 69 92 73 92 81 69 73 81 77 81 85 62


CO2 equivalent (kg CO2-eq/t)





Ref. No.
Data completeness (%)
b) 65 96 81 81 81 54 50 85 92 73 58 65 81 73 100 81 69 65 81

CO2 equivalent (kg CO2-eq/t)






Ref. No.
Data completeness (%)
c) 81 88 73 81 77 85 77 65 92 88 69 73 69 69

2 5 3 3 4 0 9 9 73 65 41 45
309 312 483 590 610 732 744 920 148 172 252 254
Out-of-range values of net GWP and net GWP without energy from residues
CO2 equivalent (kg CO2-eq/t)

Ref. No. 77 80/81 43 38 83 45 49 42 78 85 82 84

1200 1768 1937 3473 4597 4638 5953 6049 7962 13692 15878 23866 24291

2198 2531 3956 5285 5257 6513 6620 8539 14384 16473 24265 24758





Ref. No.

Fig. 2. Global warming potentials of eight technological configurations for producing bioethanol from corn stover, based on individual datasets reported in the
literature. (a) S1-Acid (27 cases), (b) S2-Alkaline (19 cases), (c) S3-Solvent-based (14 cases), (d) S4-Steam explosion (17 cases), (e) S5-Liquid hot water (11 cases), (f)
S6-Ammonia-based (27 cases), (g) S7-Fungi (11 cases), (h) S8-Combi (15 cases) (Pies and blue numbers on top of the figures indicate the data completeness of each
case; red underlined numbers on the top are the maximum values of the bars hitting the border; tables in (c), (g), and (h) list the out-of-range values of net GWP and
net GWP without energy from residues).

Y. Zhao, et al. Applied Energy 247 (2019) 237–253

Data completeness (%)

d) 62 81 100 81 85 77 77 77 88 81 88 100 81 88 81 81 81


CO2 equivalent (kg CO2-eq/t)





Ref. No.
Data completeness (%)
e) 69 88 88 69 77 73 69 81 88 81 69

CO2 equivalent (kg CO2-eq/t)






Ref. No.
Data completeness (%)
f) 85 88 100 65 100 69 62 62 88 92 81 77 73 77 81 92 73 81 96 81 96 62 69 69 69 77 69

CO2 equivalent (kg CO2-eq/t)






Ref. No.

Fig. 2. (continued)

The GWP per liter of bioethanol produced or per MJ fuel produced footprint of producing the corn stover [26,32,33]. The contribution
(excluding the savings from the substituted gasoline) reveals that the from the feedstock production was not included in the current study
technological configurations S3 (solvent-based pretreatment), S7 since we focused on comparing the technologies for converting corn
(fungi-pretreatment) and S8 (combi-pretreatment) are less attractive stover to bioethanol. However, in general S1 (acid pretreatment) and S4
from a GWP perspective, since they in average all exceed the GWP of (steam explosion pretreatment) seemed to be lower than reported by
gasoline, which is 0.086 kg CO2-eq/MJ conservatively calculated from others while S2 (alkaline pretreatment), S5 (liquid hot water pretreat-
the corresponding process in Ecoinvent and is 0.093 kg CO2-eq/MJ in ment) and S6 (ammonia-based pretreatment) fell within the reported
the regulatory impact analysis by United States Environmental range. As mentioned earlier S3 (solvent-based pretreatment), S7 (fungi
Protection Agency (US EPA) [163]. Bioethanol has previously been pretreatment) and S8 (combi pretreatment) had much higher GWP.
estimated to have a GWP of 0.010–0.060 kg CO2-eq/MJ including the Concluding on the data presented in Table 2 may be a little difficult

Y. Zhao, et al. Applied Energy 247 (2019) 237–253

Data completeness (%)

g) 69 92 50 77 69 73 96 77 92 69 77

Out-of-range values of net GWP and net GWP without energy from residues

CO2 equivalent (kg CO2-eq/t)

Ref. No. 134
1200 3910





Ref. No.
Data completeness (%)
h) 88 77 85 62 88 77 81 69 73 65 73 96 88 69 69

9 7 5
199 221 291
Out-of-range values of net GWP and net GWP without energy from residues
CO2 equivalent (kg CO2-eq/t)

Ref. No. 140

1200 1530






Ref. No.
Transport and Fragmentation Water consumption and recycling
Pretreatment Enzymatic hydrolysis
Fermentation Distillation
Solid waste disposal Gasoline substitution with bioethanol
Solid residue treatment with energy recovery Liquid residue treatment with energy recovery
Net GWP Net GWP without energy from residues

Fig. 2. (continued)

as to which technology is most promising from a GWP point of view, large GWP savings from the residue treatment: the less bioethanol
except that the technologies S3 (solvent-based pretreatment), S7 (fungi produced, the more residue to be utilized, and this corresponds to a
pretreatment) and S8 (combi pretreatment) are not recommendable large saving as the numerator value (GWP without gasoline substitu-
according to the currently available general data. The difficulty in tion) and a small denominator value (amount of bioethanol produced),
concluding is associated with the fact that we assumed efficient utili- yielding a high ratio of GWP saved per fuel unit produced. Actually, the
zation of the residues by incineration and anaerobic digestion and thus ratio indicates that the less bioethanol production the better the GWP

Table 2
Ethanol production and GWP values (average plus/minus standard deviation) for eight technological configurations per 1 tonne TS of corn stover, per 1 L of
bioethanol produced and per MJ of bioethanol produced.
Configuration Ethanol production CO2-eq/t TS of corn stover (kg CO2-eq/t TS of corn stover (kg CO2-eq/L bioethanol CO2-eq/MJ bioethanol produced (kg
(kg/t TS) CO2-eq/t TS) CO2-eq/t TS) produced (kg CO2-eq/L) CO2-eq/MJ)
Incl. gasoline substitution Excl. gasoline substitution Excl. gasoline substitution Excl. gasoline substitution

S1 145 ± 36 −597 ± 221 −29 ± 217 −0.3 ± 1.4 −0.01 ± 0.06

S2 201 ± 45 −581 ± 269 203 ± 193 0.9 ± 1.1 0.036 ± 0.047
S3 192 ± 33 8055 ± 7970 8805 ± 7981 37 ± 34 1.6 ± 1.4
S4 166 ± 28 −714 ± 246 −65 ± 309 −0.5 ± 1.4 −0.020 ± 0.058
S5 166 ± 41 −282 ± 526 367 ± 594 1.4 ± 2.7 0.059 ± 0.117
S6 218 ± 47 −598 ± 400 252 ± 365 0.9 ± 1.6 0.039 ± 0.070
S7 109 ± 25 −71 ± 1275 356 ± 1233 3.6 ± 11.9 0.15 ± 0.51
S8 180 ± 49 −378 ± 552 711 ± 588 3.1 ± 2.5 0.13 ± 0.11

Y. Zhao, et al. Applied Energy 247 (2019) 237–253

footprint. However, this violates the aim of producing bioethanol as a distributions with high variations. The technological configurations
transport fuel substitute. In assessing which technology is most attrac- were compared pair-wise via discernibility analysis, the results for
tive we must pay attention to the amount of bioethanol produced as which are shown in detail in Supplementary Information. In general, no
well as to the overall GWP footprint of the technology. technological configuration is absolutely better than another, but S3
(solvent-based), with its very flat cumulative distribution, is unlikely
3.2. Probability analysis of global warming potentials with Monte Carlo ever to yield lower GWP than the other alternatives barring any major
simulations technological breakthroughs.

The large variations observed in GWP within each technological 3.3. Global sensitivity analysis
configuration, and the fact also that the parameters varied across the
technological configurations, as reported previously [13], inspired us to Besides the optimization of ethanol production, the GWP will be
develop GWP probability distributions for the seven technological close to identical for all technological configurations if the pretreatment
configurations via Monte Carlo simulations. As mentioned earlier, the and hydrolysis processes are optimized and do not use excessive
technological configuration S8 is not included here because the multi- amounts of chemicals, enzymes, or energy, and if the solid and liquid
process pretreatment with different characteristic parameters could not residues are subject to rational energy recovery. To identify the most
be represented by simple distributions and any statistical learnings from important variable parameters for improving the various technological
the analysis could not in a meaningful way be related back to the configurations, global sensitivity analysis (or known as global im-
technological processes involved, and thus would have no value tech- portance analysis), which includes the analysis of the fundamental
nologically. connections between the sensitivity and uncertainty of individual
Using average corn stover composition and the probability dis- parameters [153], was performed (see Section 2.5).
tribution of all process parameters within each of the seven technolo-
gical configurations (see Section 2.2), 10,000 Monte Carlo simulations 3.3.1. Sensitivity ratios and parameter variations
were run for each technological configuration of mass flows (including Highly sensitive parameters were identified by choosing those with
the routing of solid residues to incineration, and liquid residues to a sensitivity ratio above 0.4; this means that a parameter that changes
anaerobic digestion), and the GWP was determined for each simulation. by 1% will positively or negatively affect the result by 0.4% or higher.
Since the technological configurations differed primarily in pretreat- Among all the 21 dependent parameters, glucose and ethanol yields in
ment and hydrolysis, the sampling of parameters in the fermentation hydrolysis and fermentation, respectively, (GEF_HL and GEF_FT) are
processes was maintained the same for all seven technological config- the most sensitive in most configurations in terms of a positive re-
urations. The average mass flows are shown in Section A9.2 of lationship to GWP savings (the higher the yields, the more savings). By
Supplementary Information, including the flows of total solids and contrast, enzyme consumption in hydrolysis (BA_HL) is the most sen-
water, the input of chemicals and enzymes, as well as the routing of sitive parameter with a negative relationship with savings in most
liquid and solid residues. The probability distributions of the GWP are configurations, including S1, S2, S4, S5, and S7, and it is also crucial in
illustrated in Fig. 3, including the fitted log normal distribution func- S3 and S6.
tions, which proved useful at a 95% confidence level. Fig. 3 also il- Besides the common sensitive parameters, the most sensitive are
lustrates the expectation values and the mode (the value presenting the different for different configurations, due to the property of each
highest probability in distribution). technological alternative. Specifically, S5 and S4 are considered energy-
The GWP results for the seven technological configurations pre- sensitive, S7 is xylose-sensitive, while S3 and S6 are chemical-sensitive.
sented in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 are not fully identical, even though they S1 shows the properties of both energy-sensitive and chemical-sensitive
developed from the same 141 datasets reported in the literature. The configurations, and S2 falls in between the chemical-sensitive and xy-
difference is seen in that the GWP in Fig. 2 illustrates results calculated lose-sensitive configurations. The results of the sensitivity ratios and
for specific datasets on corn stover composition and experimental relevant details are shown in Fig. A14, Section A10.1 of Supplementary
performance, whereas Fig. 3 presents simulations based on one corn Information.
stover composition (average), using sampling from distributions for Based on the fitting of parameter distribution, the variations of each
each process parameter within each technological configuration, to parameter can be calculated to present their dispersion degrees, as
compare the alternatives from a universal perspective. The outcomes of shown in Section A8.2 of Supplementary Information. Comparing the
the 10,000 simulations for each technological configuration appeared variances of each input parameter across the configurations, the higher
log normal distributed, and the characteristic values in terms of the the variance, the more uncertain the parameter, whereas the lower the
expectation value and the mode were related to the log normal dis- variance, the more narrowly the parameter varies. The variances of
tribution—in contrast to the average and the standard deviation shown each parameter are used further for calculating the contribution to the
in Table 2. We note that results for all technological configurations are overall variance of results, in order to identify global importance.
close in the two figures in terms of GWP, except for S5 (liquid hot water
pretreatment) and S7 (fungi pretreatment). However, these two tech- 3.3.2. Global parameter sensitivity
nological configurations were also the ones with the fewest observa- According to the approach described in Section A10.2 of
tions and the highest variations, thereby exhibiting the widest and most Supplementary Information, the results of the global sensitivity analysis
uncertain parameter distributions. We believe that the results in terms are shown in Table 3. Given the similar property of the processes in
of probability distributions based on Monte Carlo simulations (Fig. 3) each scenario, operational parameters, including temperatures, time,
are more generally reliable than the results of specific cases (Fig. 2), and mixing speed, contribute marginally to the variance in overall
because average values obtained from Fig. 2 are subject to the ap- GWP. Only a few parameters in each scenario that combine high sen-
pearance of outliers not necessarily represented according to their sitivity to the results and high uncertainty of input data contribute
probability. This issue is marginal when 10,000 simulations are in- significantly in this regard. Though different important parameters
cluded. were obtained in different scenarios, some common conclusions can be
The results from the Monte Carlo simulations suggest that S4 (steam drawn as follows. Parameters including enzyme consumption, chemical
explosion) and S6 (ammonia-based) statistically have the greatest recovery and solid loadings show relatively high importance, due to
probability of yielding the highest savings in GWP when corn stover is their sensitivity and the diversity of related processes. For example,
converted to bioethanol. The GWP distributions are relatively narrow enzyme consumption in hydrolysis (BA_HL) is a common and important
for S4, S1, S2, and S7, while S3, S5, and S6 show broad GWP parameter in almost all the scenarios, due to its high sensitivity and

Y. Zhao, et al. Applied Energy 247 (2019) 237–253

a) 12 b) 12

M = -622

E = -462
M = -649

E = -473
10 10
Probability (%)

Probability (%)
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
-1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500
CO 2 equivalent (kg CO 2-eq/t) CO 2 equivalent (kg CO 2-eq/t)
c) 12 d) 12
E = 7265
M = -473

M = -756

E = -661
10 10
Probability (%)

Probability (%)
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500
CO2 equivalent (kg CO 2-eq/t) CO2 equivalent (kg CO 2-eq/t)
e) 12 f) 12
M = -350

M = -624

E = -374

10 10
Probability (%)

Probability (%)

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
-1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500
CO2 equivalent (kg CO 2-eq/t) CO2 equivalent (kg CO 2-eq/t)
M = -625

E = -416

Probability (%)

-1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500
CO2 equivalent (kg CO 2-eq/t)
Fig. 3. Global warming potentials of seven technological configurations for producing bioethanol from corn stover, based on Monte Carlo simulations. (a) S1-Acid,
(b) S2-Alkaline, (c) S3-Solvent-based, (d) S4-Steam explosion, (e) S5-Liquid hot water, (f) S6-Ammonia-based, (g) S7-Fungi (E and M stand for expectation value and
mode, respectively. Please note the X-axis of c) S3 is different from the others).

Y. Zhao, et al. Applied Energy 247 (2019) 237–253

Table 3 can provide guidance for improving reliability, transparency, and

Uncertainty contribution analysis of all parameters for all technological con- credibility of environmental assessments [165] and thus for prioritizing
figurations (%) (top four most important parameters in each configuration are research by focusing on the really important parameters.
Parameter S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 3.4. “Best-practice” analysis for each configuration

SL_PT 3.57 0.27 0.00 11.08 3.29 0.04 0.00

Fig. 4 illustrates the cumulative probabilities of all of the techno-
SL_PW 0.02 0.17 0.00 0.02 1.48 0.00 0.00
SL_HL 0.83 0.61 0.00 45.56 1.38 0.01 0.02
logical configurations. It is evident that all of the configurations except
SL_FT 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.00 0.00 for S3 and S5 have probabilities over 80% to contribute savings in GWP
GEF_PT 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.50 (GWP values being negative). It is also notable that many technological
GEF_HL 5.17 3.44 0.00 1.31 1.37 0.03 0.09 configurations cannot reach the benchmark value calculated from the
GEF_FT 1.58 1.18 0.00 2.50 0.59 0.03 0.09
NREL study [36] of −907 kg CO2-eq/t TS. Statistically less than 15% of
XEF_PT 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.10
XEF_HL 0.39 0.78 0.00 0.33 0.02 0.02 0.06 S4 (steam explosion pretreatment) and S6 (ammonia-based pretreat-
XEF_FT 0.16 1.40 0.00 0.71 0.09 0.03 0.07 ment), as well as only a very small fraction (< 1%) of S3 (solvent-based
LEF_PT 0.60 0.40 0.00 12.77 0.30 1.04 0.01 pretreatment), S1 (acid pretreatment) and S2 (alkaline pretreatment),
T_PT 0.02 0.17 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00
can meet the benchmark. It should be noted that the cumulative curve
MS_PT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MS_HL 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00
for S3 deviates significantly from the others, and with 80% probability
MS_FT 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.00 S3 constitutes no saving in GWP. Discernibility analysis was performed
RT_PT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 to compare statistically the uncertain results of the technological con-
RT_HL 0.25 0.02 0.00 1.33 0.01 0.01 0.00 figurations, as shown in Section A11.1 of Supplementary Information.
RT_FT 0.07 0.08 0.00 0.13 0.03 0.00 0.01
According to the results of the Monte Carlo simulations, all of the 20%
CC_PT 37.15 14.78 31.15 0.65 0.00 1.08 0.00
CC_HL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 samples in S3 showing savings in GWP have very high solvent recovery
CR_PT 0.00 0.00 68.85 0.00 0.00 92.89 0.00 ratios (96.9% ± 3.8%); see Section A11.2 of Supplementary
BA_HL 49.59 76.56 0.00 22.31 91.34 4.80 99.05 Information.
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Fig. 4 also illustrates the GWP of the “best-practice” cases with the
top 15% cumulative probability that is considered to represent poten-
tial targets for improving the technologies of each configuration. When
variance, contributing 99% and 91% to the GWP uncertainty of S7 and only considering the “best-practice” cases, S4 and S6 also seem more
S5, respectively. Olofsson et al. also reported the high sensitivity of promising in terms of relatively high ethanol production
enzyme production and utilization on LCA results of ethanol production (178 ± 44 kg/t TS and 216 ± 46 kg/t TS, respectively), followed by
from wood chips [164]. Chemical consumption in pretreatment is quite S1, S2, and S7, while S5 and S3 appear less favorable, though they can
important to S1, S2, and S3, while chemical recovery is of a good deal also achieve savings in relation to GWP.
of concern in S3 and S6; the former is attributed to high sensitivity with The “best-practice” parameters (identified by the Monte Carlo si-
relatively small variance and the latter is ascribed to both sensitivity mulation) show many similarities within and across the technological
and variance. Moreover, the parameters of solid loadings in pretreat- configurations. Table 4 shows for the “best practice” of each techno-
ment and hydrolysis are also major contributors to the variances in the logical configuration the average values with standard deviation of the
results in some configurations, especially in the energy-sensitive ones most important parameters in comparison with those for all samples. It
like S4, due to the high levels of sensitivity and variance. These results is evident that the “best-practice” parameters values that deviate the

Fig. 4. Cumulative probability of the global warming potentials of Configurations S1-S7.

Y. Zhao, et al. Applied Energy 247 (2019) 237–253

Table 4
Values of important parameters assigned to “best practice” compared with overall average values.
Configuration Parameter (average plus/minus standard deviation)

S1 BA_HL (kg/kg) CC_PT (kg/kg) GEF_HL (%) SL_PT (%)

Best 15% 1.7 × 10−2 ± 1.0 × 10−2 4.8 × 10−2 ± 3.3 × 10−2 84.1 ± 10.0 28.4 ± 24.0
Overall 3.8 × 10−2 ± 3.9 × 10−2 1.1 × 10−1 ± 1.4 × 10−1 77.7 ± 18.5 21.7 ± 23.0

S2 BA_HL (kg/kg) CC_PT (kg/kg) GEF_HL (%) XEF_FT (%)

Best 15% 1.7 × 10−2 ± 1.0 × 10−2 8.1 × 10−2 ± 3.6 × 10−2 85.6 ± 9.7 71.2 ± 24.4
Overall 4.5 × 10−2 ± 5.5 × 10−2 1.3 × 10−1 ± 0.9 × 10−1 80.0 ± 18.8 64.1 ± 36.1

S3 CR_PT (%) CC_PT (kg/kg) BA_HL (kg/kg)

Best 15% 97.2 ± 3.2 4.3 ± 4.5 1.7 × 10−2 ± 1.8 × 10−2
Overall 78.4 ± 63.6 16.4 ± 26.4 2.3 × 10−2 ± 3.6 × 10−2

S4 SL_HL (%) BA_HL (kg/kg) LEF_PT (%) SL_PT

Best 15% 9.6 ± 6.3 1.6 × 10−2 ± 1.1 × 10−2 58.4 ± 114.0 50.7 ± 79.7
Overall 16.2 ± 25.6 2.9 × 10−2 ± 2.1 × 10−2 84.7 ± 75.8 29.1 ± 41.4

S5 BA_HL (kg/kg) SL_PT (%) SL_PW (%) SL_HL (%)

Best 15% 2.7 × 10−2 ± 1.4 × 10−2 7.1 ± 1.8 3.1 ± 11.6 5.9 ± 5.3
Overall 7.2 × 10−2 ± 8.8 × 10−2 6.0 ± 2.3 2.3 ± 10.1 5.6 ± 9.2

S6 CR_PT (%) BA_HL (kg/kg) CC_PT (kg/kg) LEF_PT (%)

Best 15% 98.7 ± 2.3 1.9 × 10−2 ± 2.1 × 10−2 2.1 ± 1.3 11.9 ± 188.0
Overall 91.0 ± 31.7 6.2 × 10−2 ± 8.9 × 10−2 2.3 ± 1.3 57.4 ± 144.8

S7 BA_HL (kg/kg) GEF_PT (%) XEF_PT (%) GEF_FT (%)

Best 15% 0.9 × 10−2 ± 0.7 × 10−2 91.4 ± 6.2 69.5 ± 13.5 89.2 ± 9.6
Overall 7.0 × 10−2 ± 16.5 × 10−2 82.0 ± 23.9 60.1 ± 22.6 85.8 ± 15.5

most from the average parameter values are the same as those identi- the technological configurations also changed from a global warming
fied by the global sensitivity analysis in Section 3.3. Specifically, en- perspective, due to the different sensitivities of the energy mix in dif-
zyme consumption was lowered on average to 1.7 × 10−2 kg/kg TS in ferent configurations. This implies that the energy background is so
most “best-practice” configurations and was much lower than for the crucial that it may affect the technological selection by affecting the
global average. To achieve the “best practice” in technological config- GWP related to energy recovery from the residues. Those countries and
urations S3 and S6, solvent and ammonia recovery ratios have to be regions already with quite clean energy mixes may favor technologies
increased to 97.2% and 98.7%, respectively. Technological configura- that produce high amounts of bioethanol, whereas those still in tran-
tion S4 requires lower solid loading in hydrolysis but higher in pre- sition from non-clean energy mixes should give preference to technol-
treatment, together with a reduction in enzyme consumption. However, ogies with high overall GWP savings.
S4 seems to have limited room for improvement in GWP, given the low
sensitivity ratios of all parameters (Fig. A14d in the Supplementary 4. Conclusions
Information). Moreover, less lignin-to-solid feeding to hydrolysis, lower
chemical consumption, and higher solid loading in pretreatment seem Aiming to identify the most sustainable technologies for bioethanol
necessary to achieve better GWP performance in the corresponding production from corn stover from a global warming perspective, a
configurations. This information indicates the difficulty in achieving systematic life cycle assessment, enhanced with statistics and prob-
“best practice” in each configuration and at the same time the direction ability approaches, was performed on seven alternative technological
for further process optimization within a technological configuration. configurations. The global warming potential (GWP) results indicate
that most technological configurations generally contribute to savings
3.5. Scenario uncertainty analysis with different background energy mixes in global warming impacts, due to substituting gasoline with bioethanol
and recovering energy from residue treatment. The energy and che-
Given that America and China are the leading corn—and thus corn micals used in pretreatment, together with the energy and enzymes
stover—producers in the world, a scenario uncertainty analysis was used in hydrolysis, are major contributors to the GWP loads. Large
performed to reveal the impacts of differences in the energy used in the variations were observed in the GWP of each technological configura-
two countries. Fig. 5 compares the GWP results for scenarios involving tion, because the parameters reported in the literature varied sig-
American (USA), Chinese (CHN), and default (DF) energy mixes for nificantly. Based on the probability distribution of all process para-
electricity and heat (see Section A6.2 of Supplementary Information) meters in each configuration, Monte Carlo simulations of the mass flows
for technological configurations S1, S2, S4, S6, and S7, which were and GWP savings suggest that bioethanol production from corn stover,
identified above as the most promising configurations. When the energy via steam explosion and ammonia-based pretreatment, statistically has
mix used in an LCA is shifted to that of USA and CHN, these config- the greatest probability of yielding the highest savings in GWP, but no
urations can produce more savings for the GWP, because the energy technological configuration is absolutely better than another alter-
recovered from the anaerobic digestion and incineration of the residues native.
now substitutes for more fossil-dominated energy. This indicates that From global sensitivity analysis, only a few parameters in each
energy recovery from the residues plays a more important role in the scenario were found to contribute to the variance in the overall GWP
entire system when aligned with the USA and CHN energy mixes. result. In general, enzyme consumption in hydrolysis is the most im-
Furthermore, in the USA and CHN energy mix scenarios, the histograms portant parameter in nearly all of the technological configurations and
become flatter than for the DF energy mix, presenting higher variances contributes significantly as a load to the net GWP. Additionally, the
in terms of the GWP results. This is attributed to the variance amplifi- consumption and recovery of chemicals in pretreatment are quite im-
cation of the greater weight of energy substitution, especially for en- portant to the GWPs of technologies using acid, solvent-, and ammonia-
ergy-sensitive configurations like S4 and S1. based pretreatment. The “best-practice” cases with top 15% cumulative
When the background energy mix was changed, the favorability of probability among the 10,000 Monte Carlo simulations indicate that

Y. Zhao, et al. Applied Energy 247 (2019) 237–253

Fig. 5. Scenario uncertainty for global warming potentials with average American (USA) and Chinese (CHN) energy mixes compared to the default (DF) energy mix.
(a) S1-Acid, (b) S2-Alkaline, (c) S4-Steam explosion, (d) S6-Ammonia-based, (e) S7-Fungi.

technological configurations with steam explosion and ammonia-based Conflicts of interest

pretreatment are the most promising from a global warming perspec-
tive. Savings as high as 850 ∼ 1050 kg CO2-eq/t TS of corn stover could The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
be obtained, but only if energy was recovered from the liquid and solid
residues. The “best-practice” cases indicate that further research should
focus on enzyme and chemical consumption, enhancing chemical re- Acknowledgements
covery, and optimizing the conversion coefficients in pretreatment and
hydrolysis. The robustness of the GWP results was supported by the This work was supported financially by the National Natural Science
statistical assessment, but it is worth noting that the energy background Foundation of China (No. 51578071) and the China Scholar Council
is so crucial that it may affect the technological selection by affecting (201606045038). The authors would also like to express their sincere
the GWP related to energy performance. These results profile the most gratitude to Dr. Valentina Bisinella and Dr. Davide Tonini, Department
sustainable processes for producing bioethanol from a global warming of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, for
perspective and highlight where further research and development are their helpful advice on the research ideas and approaches.

Y. Zhao, et al. Applied Energy 247 (2019) 237–253

Appendix A. Supplementary material [25] Trivedi P, Malina R, Barrett SRH. Environmental and economic tradeoffs of using
corn stover for liquid fuels and power production. Energy Environ Sci
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