Google Slides

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Google Slides is an online presentation app that allows you to show off

your work in a visual way. You can create and edit presentations, share your
presentation with other collaborators, import .pptx, .ppt and .pps files and
convert them to Google presentations, download your presentations as .pptx
and .pdf. You can also download a selected slide as .svg, .png and .jpeg. And
you can also download the presentation as .txt file. Lastly, you can insert
images and videos into your presentation and publish and embed your
presentations in a website. The interface of Google Slides are as follows:
Upon creating a new presentation, you will be asked to choose a theme.
Simply press cancel and you will be taken to the presentation itself.
The image below is labeled with letters indicating parts of the presentation
A. Open Google Drive - Opens Google Drive in a New Tab. Found on
Upper Left of Presentation.

Place your mouse over the Image of Letter A, notice how it changes from the
image on the left to the image on the right. Clicking it will open a new tab to
Google Drive Main Page.

B. Presentation Name - Name of the Presentation currently open. Found

on upper left part of the presentation.
By default, the name of a newly created presentation is called Untitled
Presentation for the reason that it has not been named. Clicking on this will
allow you to change the name via a pop-up window called Rename
document, appearing and asking to enter a new name for it. Clicking
on OK will change the name and Cancel will keep the current name of the

When choosing a name, choose a name that is not offensive nor vulgar in any

C. Menu Bar - Contains most tools used in the presentation. Found on the
upper part of the presentation, just below the presentation name.

The menu bar contains 10 different menus each with its own drop-down
menus. These menus contain all of the tools that we can hope to use in
Google Slide.

D. Toolbar - Contains tools that allow one to edit elements in the

presentation. Found on upper part of the presentation, just below Menu bar.
There are two types of Toolbar, the Standard toolbar and the Formatting
toolbar. The Formatting toolbar changes depending on the selected element.

Standard Toolbar

Formatting Toolbar

E. Present Button - Switches to Presentation Mode. Found on the Upper

Right of the Presentation.

Clicking on the Present button will switch from Edit mode to Present
mode wherein everything you have put in the presentation will be shown in a
slide show for audience viewing.

F. Comment Button - Allows you and your collaborators to view existing

comments and also add comments on a slide or element in the presentation
for others to see. Found on the upper right part of the presentation, to the
right of the Present button.
This button allows for a comment to be placed in the presentation like a note
to help keep track of thoughts or suggestions. It also allows for all comments
in the presentation to be viewed and who wrote and replied to the comment.

G. Share Button - Allows you to share your presentation to other people if

you know their email address. Found on the upper right part of the
presentation, to the right of the Comment button.

The share button allows you to give other people access to our presentation
and the ability to edit, comment or just view our works.

H. Username - Displays the name of the user currently logged in the

Google Drive. Found on the upper right part of the presentation, just above
the Comment and Share buttons.

The username tells you whose account is currently signed in. Some people
may forget to log off their accounts and looking at the user name will tell
exactly who owns the account that was left logged in.

I. Slides Pane - Displays the number of slides in the presentation and the
outlook of each slide. Found on the left side of the presentation and it also
occupies the entire left space.
The slides pane allows us to see how many slides the presentation has and the
contents of the slide. It also shows us the order of the slides when it is

J. Slide Pane - Space allotted by the presentation for you to use. It is found
on the center of the presentation and has the biggest space allotment.
The workspace is your own personal space that you can use. Anything you
put in the white space will be seen when you present your presentations. You
can put texts, images and even videos to your presentation workspace.

SLIDES Pane and SLIDE Pane are two different parts. Remember not to
mix them up.

K. Speaker Notes - Space allotted on the presentation for speakers to use as

a note reader that can be found just below the Slide pane. This part is not seen
by the audience during presentation.

On the bottom of the screen you will see a space where you can add some
texts and with a heading “Click to Add Notes”. This space is where you can
write speaker notes that will help you during presentation time.
Importing slides is an easy way to reuse slides from an existing presentation
(if you'd like to transfer slides from the old version to the new version of
Google presentations, for example).

Once you've chosen to create a new Google presentation, you will be asked to
pick a theme. Click first on the Slide size drop down menu and
clickStandard 4:3, there are also other options like Widescreen
16:9 andWidescreen 16:10. Since you will be using a customized theme
for your portfolio, click on Import theme.
Click on Upload then click on Select file from your computer to be
able to access the files from your computer.

Look for the theme that you have downloaded or created, click it then

Remember that whenever you import a theme, it will be imported in the

presentation that you created and will be imported in a separate file located in
your drive as well. So make sure to delete the uploaded presentation in your
If ever you have already chosen a theme and would want to change it and
import another set of slides, just click on Insert ► Import slides and do
the whole process of importing slides again.

A line is a basic element of art, referring to a continuous mark made on a
surface by a moving point. A line is made up of points and a shape is made
up of lines. There are a lot of things that you can do with lines in Google
Drive applications like for design and flowcharts. To add a line in Google
Slides, click on the Line tool in the toolbar.
Then create a line in your workspace br clicking and dragging the left mouse
click until you have achieved your desired length.

While your line is selected, you can change the Line color by clicking on
theLine color drop down menu in the toolbar then selecting the color that
you want. You can also choose to use a Custom color when the color that you
want is not in the available colors.

For example, the line color is changed to Magenta.

While your line is selected, you can change the Line weight by clicking on
theLine weight drop down menu in the toolbar then selecting the size that
you want. The sizes range from 1px to 24px.

This is what happens when the line weight is changed to 24px.

While your line is selected, you can change the Line dash by clicking on
theLine dash drop down menu in the toolbar then selecting the style that
you want.
This is what happens when the line dash is changed to dotted.

While your line is selected, you can change the arrowhead start and
arrowhead end of your line by clicking on the arrowhead
start and arrowhead enddrop down menu from the toolbar.

There are 10 choices for arrowheads: none, notched arrow, filled arrow, filled
circle, filled square, filled diamond, hollow arrow, hollow circle, hollow
square and hollow diamond.
In the example, the line’s arrowhead start was changed to notched arrow and
its arrowhead end was changed to filled circle.

There are also other types of line that you can create in Google Slides. The
different types of line are Line, Arrow, Curve, Polyline, Arc and Scribble. To
choose a type of line, click on the Select line drop down menu in the
toolbar. The different line types differ in their purpose and process of creating
a line.
Creating a Line was already discussed. Creating an Arrow is the same as
creating a line. The only difference is that the default arrowhead end of an
arrow is a Filled Arrow. To create a Curve, click on the Curve line then
create a line in the working area just like how you would create a line. Then
click on another point and you would notice that a curve line will form from
the last point to the current point. Move your mouse to adjust the way you
want your curve line to look. Click to another point if you want to add
another curve. Double-click the left mouse click to finish the curve line.

You can also connect the last point to the first point of the line to create a
shape. You can also double-click the line to adjust the points which are the
purple points.
To create a Polyline, click on the Polyline then create a line in the working
area just like how you would create a line. Then click on another point and
you would notice that another line will form from the last point to the current
point. Move your mouse to adjust the way you want your line to look. Click
to another point if you want to add another line. Double-click the left mouse
click to finish the polyline. You can also connect the last point to the first
point to create a shape and double-click the line/shape to adjust the points.

To create an Arc, click on the Arc then create a line in the working area just
like how you would create a line. Then you will notice that the line would
disappear. Move your mouse and you will see that an arc will form. Adjust
the arc depending on how close you want the start point to the end point of
your arc to be.
Click on the left mouse click once you’re satisfied with the arc and your line
will form.

Slides are useful for presentations. In here you can add text, images, videos
and many more that could help you in your presentation. There are 5 ways to
insert a blank slide in your Google Slide presentation:

 Go to Insert ► New slide

 Go to Slide ► New Slide

 Click on the + button directly above the slides pane

 Click on Ctrl+M which is the shortcut key in adding slides
 Click on a slide and click on Enter on your keyboard. A slide will be added
under the slide that you have selected.

There are 4 ways to delete a slide in your Google Slide presentation:
 Go to Edit ► Delete

 Go to Slide ► Delete slide

 Right-click on the slide that you want to delete on the Slides pane then
choose Delete slide

 Click on the slide that you want to delete on the Slides pane then click
onDelete on your keyboard.

In the default themes in Google Slides, there are a total of 6 layouts namely:
Title Slide, Title and Body, Title and Two Columns, Title Only, Caption and
Blank. To choose a layout, click on the Layout drop down menu located in
the toolbar then choose from the available layouts. You can choose a
different layout per slide. The layout may change if you are using a
customized theme.
The Title Slide layout is called as such because it is commonly used for the
Title slide of most presentations. The title slide layout contains the title and
subtitle text box.

The Title and Body layout is used for slides which contains mostly text. As
seen in the screenshot, the title text box is located on the top of the slide
while the body text box occupies the rest of the space in the slide.
The Title and Two Columns layout is used for slides which contains mostly
text just like the Title and Body layout. This is best for comparison or
describing two different subjects. As seen in the screenshot, the title text box
is located on the top of the slide while the body text boxes occupy the rest of
the space in the slide divided evenly.

The Title Only layout is used for slides which contains minimal to no text.
This layout can be used in slides which includes all other elements like
images, shapes, videos, etc. As seen in the screenshot, the title text box is
located on the top of the slide while the the rest of the space in the slide is

The Caption layout is used for slides which contains minimal to no text.
Caption means a title or brief explanation appended to an article, illustration,
cartoon, or poster. As seen in the screenshot, the caption text box is located
on the bottom of the slide while the rest of the space in the slide is empty.

The Blank layout does not contain anything, as seen in the screenshot. This is
used for a very flexible content.
A portfolio is used to plan, organize and document education, work samples
and skills. The main focus of the portfolio is to showcase a person’s skills
and talents through his works. Basically, texts cannot fully capture these.
Texts could only go as far as describing the skills and talents of the person
but images provide a better illustration of these.

Links are used in a Google Slide presentation to link one slide to another
slide in the same presentation. So before you can insert a link to another
slide, you must at least have 2 slides. You can use any object for linking. To
insert a link, click on an object then go to Insert ► Link or use the shortcut
key Ctrl+K.

A drop down will appear below the object. Click on the slide where you want
to be taken when you click the link and click Apply.
When you click on that object again, it should appear like this:

Links are useful in a presentation when you need to go to a different

sequence of slides. The most common way of going through a presentation is
numerical, meaning the flow of presenting the slides will be from slide 1 up
to the last slide. Using links, you can skip slides and go to whichever slide
you want in the presentation.

If ever you want to change where the link takes you, just click on Change.
Click on x to be able to choose another slide.

Then choose another slide where you want to be taken when the link is
clicked. Don’t forget to click Apply.

If you want to remove the link on a certain object, click the object then
Remember that when you copy an object that contains a link to another slide
in the same Google Slide presentation, it would not lose its link and would
still be linked to the slide it was formerly linked to. Similarly, when you copy
an object that contains a link to another Google Slide presentation, it would
still have a link but it would be linked in a deleted slide. You will see
something like this:

It is linked in a deleted slide because since the slide it was formerly linked to
is in another Google Slide presentation, that slide does not exist in the other
Google Slide presentation. Thus, copying it in another slide would mean it is
linked in a deleted slide.

A proposal document is often being accompanied by a proposal presentation.

While a document is sufficient for the boss to review the proposed project, a
proposal presentation is done in front of the boss himself and if he has
questions then it can be easily answered by the one who will present. This
way, approval for the project will be easier and faster.
Page setup in Google presentation mainly modifies the size of the slides. To
modify the page setup, click on File ► Page setup.

A smaller window will appear. Click on the slide size drop down menu then
choose from the available sizes. There are 4 types of page setup which
are:Standard 4:3, Widescreen 16:9, Widescreen 16:10 and Custom.
If you chose the Custom option, you will be taken to another screen where
you will input the size of your slides. The measurements are available
ininches, centimeters, points and pixels.

Once you’re done with setting the slide size, click on OK.

The master for a theme serves two purposes. Placeholders on the master
contain the defaults for text styles used throughout your presentation. The
background and any other shapes on the master slide make up the default
background for all slides, regardless of their layout. If you have a company
logo that you want to appear on every slide in your presentation, put it on the
master. To go to the master slide view, click on View ► Master.

After which, you will be taken to the master slide view. In here you will find
the different slide layouts including the master slide. You can change the text
formatting, add images and other things that you want to be constantly seen
in your slide. After you’re finished, click on the X button on the upper right
part of the screen and you will be taken back to the slide view.

Shapes can also be added and formatted in Google presentations. There are 4
types of shapes that can be
added: shapes, arrows, callouts andequations. To add a shape, click on
the Shapes tool ► Shapes/Arrows/Callouts/Equation then choose
from the available shapes.

Animations are helpful way to make your slides look more dynamic. They’re
also a great way to reveal text or objects on a slide one step at a time. For
example, you could have five bullet points of text, and reveal them one-by-
one on the slide with each click. To add an animation to an object, click on
the object then click on Insert ► Animation.

The Animation pane will appear on the right side of the screen. You can
choose from the Animation Type, Start Condition and Animation
Speed. Click on Play to preview the animation on the object. To add
another animation, click on an object then click on Add animation.

A. Animation Type - allows you to modify how you would like your shape
to appear on the animation
B. Start Condition - allows you to modify the timing of your animation
C. Animation Speed - allows you to modify the pace of your animation

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