Rocks, Soil and Minerals Worksheet-1

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Rocks, Soil and Minerals Worksheet-1

1. Rocks are made up of:

(A) Sand (B) Soil (C) Minerals

2. I am a sedimentary rock. I am black in colour. I am rich in carbon. I am mainly used as a fuel. Who am

(A) Conglomerate (B) Sandstone (C) Coal

3. Which of the following igneous rock is formed by slow cooling of lava?

(A) Granite (B) Pumice (C) Obsidian

4. Which of the following is a sedimentary rock?

(A) Granite (B) Limestone (C) Marble

5. Which of the following mineral/s is/are present in limestone?

(A) Quartz (B) Iron (C) Calcium

6. The loss of the topsoil by wind or water will cause:

(A) Soil erosion (B) Flood (C) Weathering

7. The monument in the given picture is situated in Kolkata, West Bengal. It is made up of which of the
following type of rocks?

(A) White sandstone (B) White Makrana marbles (C) Polished granite

Multiple Choice Questions (with more than one option):

8. Mark the igneous rock/s.

(A) Granite (B) Sandstone (C) Pumice (D) Obsidian (E) Conglomerate

9. Which of the following rock/s is/are used to make floors?

(A) Marble (B) Obsidian (C) Slate (D) Pumice (E) Granite

10. True/False:

a. All the minerals are made up of rocks.

b. Silica is used to make glasses.
c. Igneous rocks are formed by cooling and solidification of magma or lava.
d. Obsidian is used as a building material.
e. Rock salt is an igneous rock.
f. Diamond is the hardest mineral.
g. The energy produced from uranium is known as uranium energy.
h. Plants obtain all the necessary nutrients from bedrock.
i. Topsoil is infertile.
11. Mark the odd one out on the basis of types of rock.

i) Granite ii) Gneiss iii) Pumice

Fill in the blanks:

12. Rocks formed as a result of cooling and solidification of lava are known as _____ rocks. 13. ____ is
the uppermost layer of the soil that contains humus.

Multiple-Choice Question:

1. Our earth is made up of:

(A) Plastic (B) Rocks (C) Paper

2. The floor tiles of Nita’s house are made up of igneous rock. It is very hard and it is formed by the slow
cooling of lava. Identify this igneous rock.

(A) Pumice (B) Granite (C) Obsidian

3. Which of the following igneous rock is formed by quick cooling of lava?

(A) Pumice (B) Granite (C) Obsidian

4. The monument in the given figure is made up of:

(A) Sandstone (B) Conglomerate (C) Shale

5. Which of the following statement is incorrect for coal?

(A) It is one of the important sources of fuel

(B) It is used in construction

(C) It is used for electricity production

6. ____ is a dark-coloured organic substance made up of dead remains of plants and animals.

(A) Sand (B) Humus (C) Pesticides

7. The monument in the given picture is situated in Jaipur, Rajasthan. It is made up of:

(A) Conglomerate (B) Granite (C) Sandstone

Multiple Choice Questions (with more than one option):

8. Mark the mineral/s that are present in igneous rock/s.

(A) Mica (B) Copper (C) Feldspar (D) Silver (E) Magnesium

9. Mark the metal/s used to make ornaments and jewellery.

(A) Gold (B) Iron (C) Silver (D) Diamond (E) Platinum
10. True/False:

a. All the rocks are of the same colour.

b. Rocks are usually hard.
c. Sedimentary rocks are formed by cooling and solidification of magma or lava.
d. Granite is used as a building material.
e. Rock salt is a sedimentary rock.
f. The metamorphic rock contains fossils.
g. Topsoil contains fine particles of sand and clay.
h. The energy produced from uranium is known as nuclear energy.
i. The removal of the subsoil by the action of wind and water is called soil erosion.

11. Mark the odd one out on the basis of types of rock.

(i) Marble (ii) Shale (iii) Limestone

Fill in the blanks:

12. Rocks formed as a result of deposition of rock particles washed down from mountains are known as
______ rocks.

13. ____ is the middle layer of the soil that contains broken pieces of rock.

Multiple-Choice Question:

1. Almost 95% of the Earth’s crust is made up of:

(A) Sedimentary rocks (B) Metamorphic rocks (C) Igneous rocks

2. I am an igneous rock. People use me at homes and beauty salons to remove the excess and dry skin at
the bottom of the foot. I am porous and very light in weight. Who am I?

(A) Obsidian (B) Granite (C) Pumice

3. _____ is the igneous rock that is formed from the frothy lava with lots of air in it.

(A) Pumice (B) Obsidian (C) Granite

4. Sedimentary rocks cover _____ of the earth’s surface.

(A) One-fourth (B) Two-fourth (C) Three-fourth

5. The process of physical or chemical break down of rocks and minerals into tiny particles to form soil is
known as

(A) Erosion (B) Forecast (C) Weathering

6. Fungi and bacteria mostly grow in:

(A) Topsoil (B) Subsoil (C) Bedrock

7. The monument in the given picture is situated in Amritsar, Punjab. It is made up of:

(A) Conglomerate (B) Shale (C) Marble

8. Mark the sedimentary rock/s.

(A) Sandstone (B) Pumice (C) Conglomerate (D) Granite (E) Shale

9. True/False:

a. Mantle is the uppermost layer of the earth.

b. Quartz is used to make pencil leads.
c. Rocks are categorized on the basis of the way of their formation.
d. Pumice is formed by quick cooling of lava.
e. Obsidian is used to make jewellery and ornaments.
f. Shale is a sedimentary rock that is made up of solidified clay.
g. Metamorphic rocks are formed due to the physical changes only.
h. The subsoil contains fine particles of sand and clay.
i. Plants obtain all the necessary nutrients from topsoil.
j. Human beings are directly dependent on the soil.
10. Mark the odd one out on the basis of types of rock.

i) Quartzite ii) Slate iii) Quartz

Fill in the blanks:

11. The uppermost layer of the Earth is known as _____.

12. Rocks that have changed their form over a time period are known as _____ rocks.

13. ____ is the bottom layer of the soil that contains large pieces of rock.

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