NPCC Newsletter Nov 2018

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1973 - 2018


CEO’s Message 01
Eng. Ahmed Salem Al Dhaheri
Year of Zayed 02

NPCC’s Shareholder, CCC 04 Welcome to another edition of NPCC’s newsletter!

Recent Projects Awards 06 Firstly, I want to thank our board members, for their support and guidance; and employees for their
commitment and dedication to the company, which has resulted in yet another successful year for NPCC.
Facts & Figures 10 Last year we developed our new strategy and we have been working on growing our engineering and
offshore capabilities, exploring new sectors like deep water and renewables, building our capabilities in
NPCC & Saudi Aramco 12 onshore sector, and growing our market share in our core markets.
We are part of Long Term Agreement (LTA) with Saudi Aramco and this has kept us busy. So far we have
My Offshore Journey 14 won 10 projects from Saudi Aramco, and we are looking at setting up a fabrication yard in KSA. In addition,
we have had a healthy stream of work from ADNOC, we recently won Bu Haseer Project and are executing
ANEWA 16 Super Complex for ADNOC Offshore at Umm Lulu 2, a huge project of which we are immensely proud to be
part of. We have a healthy share in the Indian market too and these projects have helped us in maintaining
our position.
Pipe Coating Yard 18
Another area we are focusing on is Innovation. When you look at the many different innovation solutions
Innovation Facts & Figures 20 we have applied over the last year on different projects, the results were really massive. From small ideas
to really sophisticated ones, they all have had a huge impact on operations and reduced our costs by AED
210 million.
Exhibitions & Events 22
We recently won prestigious Gold Medal from RoSPA after winning 5 consecutive Golden Awards. We have
Clients and Visitors 28 an excellent HSE record and are on a continuous journey towards 100% HSE. We have a new HSE slogan,
“We Work Safely, We Live Well” to encourage people to always assess any activity carried out and to be
aware of possible consequences. This year we also achieved a new record, 40 Million Man-Hours without
Sponsorships 30
HSE incident for Umm Lulu 2.

Health, Safety & Environment 34 We are also working on increasing our Emiratisation levels. Today, we have 308 Emirati employees, as we
had set a target in 2017 of doubling this number to 550 by 2021. Of course, for this to succeed, we need
to have the right career development programmes. We need to have all the management and leadership
NPCC Life 38
involved in these plans.

Corporate Social Responsibility 48 We are working on improving our internal communications using Social Media, CEO Messages, Town Hall
Meetings, and even this newsletter. We are also introducing more activities for our employees, like our
Inspiraton Hub, Tawasul, Hayakum, Family Day Out and many more to engage staff members.

Facts About The Late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan

His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, said "Zayed will be always
YEAR OF ZAYED with us. His memory is immortalized in our souls and hearts with his great
work, and he will be present among us and with us forever and ever."

Born into the Bani Yas
tribe in Abu Dhabi

Appointed as the ruler’s
representative in Abu Dhabi’s
Eastern Region

Becomes the ruler
of Abu Dhabi

Becomes the president of the
newly formed
United Arab Emirates

Man of Environment
and Development

Passes away after ruling
the UAE for more than
three decades

Actual Sales Last Five Years by Segment

30% 14%
CCC Heavy Civil Roads &

25% Infrastructure,
Treatment Plants
& Networks

21% 6%
Industrial Oil & Gas
& Process Plants Pipelines

One of the main concepts behind CCC’s family structured company is having
a personal relationship with the work as well as the clients. CCC values the
human touch in all aspects of their approach as it facilitates a unique and well-
cared for result. CCC‘s strength emanates from its distinct culture, strong and
close relationships with its clients, its employees’ competence and loyalty, its
NPCC is jointly owned by CCC & SENAAT. CCC, in partnership with ADNOC, created entrepreneurial and flexible management capability, its focus on quality and
NPCC in 1973, and ADNOC’s equity was later transferred to SENAAT. safety, and its commercial acumen. CCC’s family values and traditions contribute
to its long term and successful operations.
CCC was formed in 1952 and predominately a construction company, providing
project management, engineering, procurement and construction services to the CCC is a responsible corporate citizen and ensures that business values and
industry. behavior are aligned to balance between developing CCC’s business and improving
the quality of life of the workforce, their families, the local communities and society
It is currently ranked 19th in the Engineering News-Record (ENR) at large.
list of Top International Contractors and employs approximately
130,000 people. It has a unique family culture of values and traditions Its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives include programs related to
which embody trust, loyalty and hard work. CCC family members are Environment, Human Resources, Workforce and Labor Relations, Community
loyal to the company, and many of them have dedicated their entire Involvement, Ethics and Anti-Corruption. It is also a member of the United Nations
careers to the company. Global Compact (UNGC), the UN Global Compact Local Network – Hellas, the Global
Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, TB & Malaria, Disaster Resource Network (DRN),
the Emirates Environmental Group – CSR Network, among many others.

Bu Haseer Full Field Development Project From ADNOC Offshore

19 KM
Subsea 1
Composite WHT

3 KM 19 KM
of 12 inch of 8 inch
Pipelines Pipelines

This project will increase the peak production from the Bu Haseer field from 8 KBD in the
EPS Phase to 16 KBD and will also provide water injection facilities for reservoir pressure
maintenance. The FFD phase project scope will include an additional offshore wellhead
tower (WHT-BH2), tie-in modifications on the existing wellhead tower (WHT-BH1),
interconnecting 12” pipeline and composite subsea cable between the two wellhead
towers, a new separator, scrubber and custody metering facilities at Das Island, 10” water
injection pipelines, fibre optic cables and tie-ins to the existing SARB facilities at Zirku

Dalma Gas Development Project for 4 Jackets From ADNOC Offshore


This contract includes Procurement, Fabrication, Load Out, Transportation, Installation

and Commissioning of 4 Wellhead Tower Jackets for Dalma Gas Development Project.

Five Simultaneous Projects From Saudi Aramco Desalter Trains From Kuwait Oil Company

12 Platforms
Deck Modules This project is a significant breakthrough for NPCC as its first major EPC project of this
(PDMs) scale in Kuwait. The Project aims to sustain production of 1.7 MMBOPD in South East
Kuwait. Each new Desalter train shall have two (2) stage desalting units and the minimum

output capacity of 50,000 STBOPD of dry crude oil.
Major process units shall consist of Desalter Feed Pumps, Desalter Feed / Treated Crude
Heat Exchangers, Desalter Feed Heaters (Indirect Fired) Dehydration and Desalter Units,
Wash Water Pumps, Wash Water Oily Water heat exchangers, Recycle brine pumps,
Desalter relief knockout drums, Dedicated drain sump vessels, Fuel gas knockout drums

81.9 KM 51.4 KM and Chemicals injection systems.

of Cables of Pipelines
Ratna, R–Series Contract From Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)

Saudi Aramco awarded NPCC 5 simultaneous projects as part of Offshore Long Term
Agreement (LTA).

-The first project, for 10 Jackets, requires NPCC to engineer, procure, fabricate, transport
and install in Abu Safah, Safaniyah, Marjan & Lawhah fields in KSA, at water depths ranging
from 18m to 60m.
5 Segments
Submarine Pipelines
141 KM
-The second project, for 9 Jackets, requires NPCC to engineer, procure, fabricate, transport
and install in Zuluf field in KSA, water depths ranging from 38m to 46m.

-The third project for 8 Jackets and 8 Decks, requires NPCC to engineer, procure, fabricate,
Well Head Platforms
Approximate Weight of 5
transport and install in Safaniyah.
17,000 MT Subsea Composite Cables
-The fourth project, 4 Jackets and 4 Decks requires NPCC to engineer, procure, fabricate,
transport, hook-up and Pre-commissioning work of 4 Offshore Platforms (SSS Wellhead
63 KM
Decks) install also in Safaniyah with the associated 4 Subsea Pipelines, 3 Submarine Cables
and Downstream Tie-ins. Scope of work involves Survey, Design, Engineering, Procurement, Fabrication, Load Out,
Transportation, Installation and Commissioning of 5 new unmanned Wellhead Platforms
-The last project , Production Deck Modules requires NPCC to engineer, procure, fabricate
(R12-B, R13-A, R9-A, R10-A (Riser-cum-WHP) & R-7A), 9 segments of pipeline with total
and install in Safaniyah & Berri oilfield with the associated Pipeline & Cables.
length of 141 KMs of various sizes, 5 segments of subsea composite cables with total
length of 63 KMs, and modifications at 2 existing platforms. One of the new unmanned
platforms has high H2S content requiring suitable facilities for scavenging H2S.



by 2021



Mr. Hisham Awda

Vice President - Gulf Projects

The history of collaboration between NPCC and Saudi Aramco goes back to 1975,
modifications to Berri Capping Structure and so far we have executed more than
35 projects.

The relationship was solidified in 2016 when NPCC signed a Long Term Agreement

Long Term Agreement

The LTA was signed in 2016 and so far we have won 10 projects from Saudi Aramco.

Under the terms of the LTA, NPCC is able to bid for a number of jobs and there are
7 on hand at the moment. NPCC is bidding on the Marjan redevelopment project,
a massive 7 billion US Dollar redevelopment sub-divided into 4 packages.

When working with Saudi Aramco under the terms of the LTA, there are certain
challenges. One of these is meeting Saudization requirements (employing local
talent – currently targeting 19% of the work-force) and the second is meeting the
«In-Kingdom Total Value Add (IKTVA) Program», which is designed to make sure
that all works contain local content.

Personal and Professional Journey

Mr. Zayed Ali

Vice President - Offshore Operations

I graduated as a Civil Engineer in 2001, and After two years, I was assigned to handle the
then joined the Offshore Department of NPCC. NOD Base which is principally the base of the
Being one of the few offshore construction Offshore Department from where various
companies worldwide, working at NPCC was offshore vessels receive support with material,
a very attractive opportunity to me as a fresh supplies and fabricated installation aids to
graduate. One of the other main reasons I ensure uninterrupted operations. Working for
decided to join the organization is the number almost three years in NOD really added value
of Emiratis working in this industry which was to my experience and knowledge of a range of
very limited at that time. equipment, and indeed helped me strengthen
my resources management skills.

I initially started as a Field Engineer overseeing Although I was very young, I was promoted
the physical execution of various construction in 2008 to become the Head of Offshore
activities offshore; not only locally in UAE, but Department which is a very critical and
also in other countries like India, Iran, Qatar and responsible role within the organization,
Saudi Arabia. basically due to the fact that it looks after the
entire NPCC owned and chartered fleet units.

After gaining sufficient practical experience After more than 16 years working for NPCC, the
offshore, I was assigned as an Operation experience and knowledge that I have gained
Engineer to handle the preparatory work are really unique and worth the sacrifices I
of various projects and supervise the field had to make to ensure that the work is done
engineers, ensuring that projects are executed professionally and up to standard. A big thank
on time, within budget and to the utmost you to my family who suffered a lot during my
satisfaction of the clients, fulfilling the corporate journey but supported me the best they could.
objectives of NPCC.

NPCC's Engineering Center in Hyderabad

NPCC has been associated with the Indian Oil operations to develop optimal engineering
& Gas Industry for over three decades. It has solutions in terms of both functionality and
two Engineering companies in India, NPCC constructability, the global spread of the
Engineering Pvt Limited (NEL) in Mumbai and Engineering companies offers access to
ANEWA in Hyderabad. technology and cost-effective resources. The
existing combined staff strength of these
ANEWA is the youngest member of NPCC Engineering Centers is in excess of 1300, which
Engineering family, and was acquired in 2015 includes Engineering Centres in Abu Dhabi, UAE;
with the goal to provide world class, cost Mumbai and Hyderabad, India and La Ciotat,
efficient, engineering services to clients. It has a France.
staff strength of over 450 employees.

Recently ANEWA has opened its new 40,000 NPCC is in the process of establishing a section
Sq Ft office at Hi-Tech City in Hyderabad. The within engineering exclusively dedicated
new office is fully equipped with modern to Concept Development and Front End
facilities and equipment and in a prime location. Engineering Design (FEED). This will offer NPCC
It was inaugurated by State Cabinet Minister an opportunity to interface with the customers
for Finance & Planning, Mr Etela Rajender, right in the beginning of the project planning,
which also coincided with the “Abu Dhabi Week understand their requirements better and also
in India”, an investment platform aimed at provide an opportunity to propose optimal
strengthening the business relations between solutions based on NPCC's experience across
UAE and India. the value chain accumulated over years.

ANEWA works independently and also lends Today, NPCC is capable of offering a full
support to our Centre of Engineering Excellence range of Engineering Services from concept
in Abu Dhabi. While the Engineering center in to commissioning, for both green field and
Abu Dhabi offers a unique strategic advantage brown field, covering onshore and offshore
of seamless interface with construction and developments.

Eng. Ahmed Al Dhaheri Mr. Etela Rajender Telangana

CEO of NPCC Finance Minister in the presence of
Eng. Aqeel A. Madhi, Vice Chairman & MD


NPCC’s latest fabrication yard is
located in ICAD-IV, adjacent to
Musaffah, in Abu Dhabi. This ICAD
yard, along with the main Musaffah
Yard, makes NPCC the largest
fabrication yard operator in the
MENA Region, covering an area of
1.3 million square meters.

The NPCC Pipe Coating Yard was

established in 1978 to serve the
Offshore Pipe Laying Operation.
Back then, the anticorrosion coating
system was limited to Coat and Wrap
Technology. NPCC has now expanded
the yard by acquiring two state-of-
the-art technology 3LPO coating
plants to become one of the largest coating B. Concrete Weight Coating (CWC).
contractors in the Middle East. In 2016, NPCC A fully automated plant: the process is executed
relocated its Pipe Coating facility to the new with a mix of iron ore, cement and water using
ICAD Yard and now the coating plant occupies steel wire mesh and reinforcement. This
an area of 312,000 m2, including covered and application covers pipes ranging from 4” to 48”
open storage areas for iron ore, bare pipes, outer diameter. Facilities for anode installation
coated pipes and coating material. The plant is are available.
divided into the following major sections:

A. Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating (FBE)/Two- C. Internal Pipe Coating.

Three Layer Side Extruded Polyethylene/ A fully automated machine blasts the internal
Polypropylene Coating (FBE/PE or PP). surface of the pipe with Shot/Grit. NPCC
processes pipes ranging from 18” to 48”
Plant No.1 with a possibility of extending the range to
In 1994, NPCC installed the 1st Plant for Fusion cover 4” to 48” if required, and then applying
Bonded Epoxy, polyethylene or polypropylene liquid epoxy utilizing semi-auto equipment.
coating covering pipes ranging from 3” to 52” NPCC has also recently participated in an
outer diameter. International Pipe Coating Conference in Abu
Plant No. 2 Dhabi where it gave a presentation on “Offshore
In 2014, NPCC installed a 2nd Plant for Fusion Pipe Coating and Pipe Laying“.
Bonded Epoxy, polyethylene or polypropylene
coating covering pipes ranging from 3” to 48”
outer diameter.


National Day

EXHIBITIONS & NPCC organized an event to celebrate UAE National Day. The event was attended

by management and employees.

Yard HSE Day Tawdheef 2018

NPCC celebrated its annual Yard HSE Day recognizing projects and personnel for
their excellent HSE performance. Tawdheef is the region’s leading recruitment exhibition focusing on Emiratization,
Employment, and Career Development. NPCC participated in the exhibition to
attract new Emirati talents.

International Pipeline Coating Conference

NPCC particapated in the International Pipeline Coating Conference at Sofitel Abu
Dhabi. NPCC gave a keynote speech and presented a case study titled “Design
Drives for Concrete Weight Coating.”

Innovation Launch Innovation Gallery Opening

Innovation is one of NPCC’s new strategic objectives from 2017-2021. NPCC
aims to promote a culture of innovation through competitions, exhibitions and
other activities. These activities include participation in UAE Innovation Month
and the creation of NPCC Innovation Week, which was full of innovative activities
and during which an awards ceremony was held to celebrate the best Innovative
suggestions and the top 10 innovations which were put into practice.

Innovation Awards Ceremony

NPCC Innovation Awards Ceremony, attended by SENAAT, ADNOC and Saudi

Aramco to recognize innovative projects and suggestions.


CLIENTS NPCC received delegations from Saudi Aramco. The first was led by Mr. Ahmed Al-
Saadi, Sr. VP, Technical Services.

A second delegation was led by Mr. Abdulaziz AbdulKarim, VP for Procurement

and Supply Chain Management.

Al Yasat Petroleum - Abu Dhabi National Oil Company

NPCC received delegations from Al Yasat Petroleum management led by its CEO
Ms. Tayba Al Hashmi.


SPONSORSHIPS NPCC proudly participated as a partner at ABLF 2018, under the patronage of His
Highness Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan.

Abu Dhabi University Abu Dhabi Vocational Education and Training Institute (ADVETI)

Abu Dhabi University (ADU) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding, MoU, NPCC recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding, MoU, with ADVETI which
with the National Petroleum ConstructIon Company, to provide sponsorships, aimed to develop a partnership to support, and provide work, professional training
work placements, and recruitment opportunitIes for their Emirati students. and development for UAE national students.

University of Sharjah Etisalat

University of Sharjah has signed a Memorandum of Understanding, MoU, to NPCC signed a Memorandum of Understanding, MoU, with H. E. Sultan Mohamed
provide sponsorships, work placements, and recruitment opportunities for their Al Dhaheri, General Manager of Etisalat at GITEX for a strategic partnership to
Emirati students. jointly manage ICT and Digital projects.

Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is incidents, a percentage which comes in line
always at the forefront of NPCC’s core values. with ADNOC’s objectives.
The company is committed to conducting its
HEALTH, SAFETY AND business activities in a manner that ensures the This year the company introduced a new HSE
health and safety of all employees and protects tagline: “We Work Safely, We Live Well” to
ENVIRONMENT against any incidents, injuries and work related
encourage people to further enhance HSE
performance and create an HSE driven culture.

This is a key component of NPCC’s corporate The campaign was launched with posters
culture and the company’s belief in creating a which were displayed in different places in the
safe working environment for all its employees, company as a reminder.
delivering excellent HSE performance.

The company is keen to continuously improve This campaign was followed by a Heat Stress
its HSE programs and has set a target of 0% Campaign during the summer.

During Ramadan, another campaign was launched to familiarize employees with National Petroleum Construction Company Handed RoSPA Gold Medal
safer HSE practices.
(5 Consecutive Golds) Award For Health & Safety Practices

National Petroleum Construction Company commitment and dedicated efforts towards

(NPCC), was handed a prestigious award in implementing safe work culture and practicing
Etiquette Tips For Non-fasting Personnel In The UAE Driving recognition of its practices and achievements in 100% HSE.”
Ramadan is an opportunity for all to avoid negative behaviors and practice
helping its staff/customers/clients/contractors
get home safely at the end of the working day. Julia Small, RoSPA’s head of qualifications,
All employees are expected to respect UAE laws and regulations. However this is self-discipline. Let us apply self-discipline to our driving habits as well. With the
just a reminder about some do’s and don’ts for non-fasting personnel in the UAE: change in sleep cycle coupled with fasting, ability to remain alert is severely
compromised. This can cause problems and judgement impairment while driving.
No eating, drinking or smoking in public : Do not eat, drink or smoke in public places
including transportation during fasting hours. Please use these tips extensively during Ramadan and stay focused on the road: awards and events, said: “The RoSPA Awards
No revealing clothes: All employees should follow Company dress code and should
refrain from wearing revealing clothing out of respect to those observing Ramadan.
Plan ahead and set aside consistent and adequate time for sleep.

Avoid traveling at peak traffic time, there is an increased risk of encountering

NPCC has achieved a Gold Medal (5 consecutive are the most highly-respected in the health
Workplace etiquette: While non-fasting staff are permitted to eat and drink behind
closed doors, they should avoid doing so in front of those observing fasting.
reckless drivers who speed.

Watch out for fatigued drivers on the road, some are habitual of using caffeine or
Golds) in the internationally-renowned RoSPA and safety arena, with almost 2,000 entrants
Scheduling food and entertainment: Be flexible with your food and entertainment
plans. Avoid unnecessary travel within an hour of sunset, as traffic will be heavy and
nicotine, and without these substances they might become less focused.

Drive with a companion and alternate driving whenever possible. Take a break and
Health and Safety Awards, the longest-running every year, and allows organisations to improve
industry awards scheme in the UK. excellence in the workplace, demonstrating
accident rates peak.
pull over if you become tired.

Don’t drive immediately after having breakfast; fatigue will impair your ability to
drive safely.

Arrive safely by obeying the rules of the road.

a commitment to the wellbeing of not only
The RoSPA Awards scheme, which receives employees but all those who interact with it.”
entries from organisations around the world,
recognises achievement in health and safety The majority of awards are non-competitive and
management systems, including practices such mark achievement at merit, bronze, silver and
as leadership and workforce involvement. gold levels. Gold medals, president’s awards,
orders of distinction and the Patron’s Award are
Eng. Ahmed Al Dhaheri, CEO of NPCC said “We presented to organisations sustaining the high
are extremely proud of winning the RoSPA standards of the gold level over consecutive
Gold medal after winning five consecutive years.
RoSPA Gold Awards. It is in recognition of our
Take Care Of Yourself During Ramadan Heat Stress And Ramadan
Health and safety challenges intensify during Ramadan. Work-related risks may
increase due to lack of concentration and sleep. During the holy month of Ramadan we have to take care of the fasting fellow
Fasting can cause temporary low blood sugar and dehydration. When fasting,
people feel tired, irritable, faint or lightheaded, loss of concentration and Managers / supervisors should take care of their workers and observe early signs
headaches. and symptoms of heat related illnesses.
Follow these tips to avoid any complications: If anybody is observed with the early signs of heat related illness he should seek
Allow enough rest and break time and where possible, schedule strenuous work medical attention immediately.
activities for the cooler part of the day.
The following tips to be considered while working during Ramadan and Hot
Consult a doctor if there are any health concerns that could be affected by fasting. Season :
Start Iftar (Breaking fast meal) with dates, a cup of soup, unsweetened juice and a
small salad. Revisions to shift patterns for fasting workers.

Limit fried foods and foods high in fat, salt and spices, especially at Suhoor. Awareness briefings shall be done for all workers before Ramadan begins.
Limit caffeine and simple sugars and eat fresh fruits and dates instead. Scheduling critical tasks for early mornings when, even if fasting, concentration
levels are at their highest.
Aim to drink 8 to 10 cups of water between Iftar and Suhoor meals.
Sleeping around 8 hours each night is ideal for optimum performance, health and Provision of additional shaded / cooled rest areas.
safety. This is difficult during Ramadan but aim to achieve this amount as much as Implement shorter work / increased rest cycles.
Non-fasting personnel should take sufficient water in designated /closed areas to
Work with your team/crew and help each other when feeling tired.
avoid potential heat related illness.
Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity each day.
Non-fasting personnel should keep a good and healthy lifestyle during Ramadan by
keeping timely drinking, eating and exercising.

These campaigns have successfully raised the profile of HSE across the organization
and so far NPCC has achieved 40 Million Safe Man Hours for the Umm Lulu Project,
which is an excellent achievement.
Eng. Ahmed Al Dhaheri, NPCC's CEO, receiving the RoSPA Gold Medal Award


Hayakum is a bi-annual Emirati event for NPCC’s Emirati Management & Staff
specially formulated to exchange views and gather ideas and suggestions.

NPCC Iftaar Ramadan Suhoor

Eng. Aqeel A. Madhi, Vice Chairman & MD, with Eng. Ahmed Al Dhaheri, NPCC's NPCC hosted a Ramadan Suhoor for Company’s Board Members, Management
CEO, joined staff for an Iftaar night in NPCC Complex. and Employees at Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi.


NPCC organized Tawasul meetings with UAE Nationals from each department, to
exchange views, gather ideas and suggestions for the benefit of employees.

NPCC Youth Circle Family Day Out

NPCC held Youth Circle in the presence of NPCC’s CEO Eng. Ahmed Al Dhaheri and NPCC organized a family day out for its employees and their families, which was
senior management. The Circle gave some of our youngest and most talented attended by NPCC management and staff.
employees a chance to discuss the opportunities that the youth can exploit in the
company’s 2018 objectives.

International Happiness Day

NPCC celebrated International Happiness Day, which was attended by NPCC

management and staff.

Sports (Tournaments) Learning & Development Workshops and Trainings

NPCC organizes regular learning and development sessions for staff to upgrade
and refresh their knowledge and skills.

1st place – NPCC Cricket Team winning Abu Dhabi Cricket Council Sandy League
2017-2018 tournament organized by Abu Dhabi Cricket Council
Inner Happiness Workshop

Leadership in Action

NPCC Staff Tournament – Supply Department winning Football Trophy

Emirati Women's Day 2018
NPCC organized Emirati Women's Gathering to discuss issues and ways to enhance
their performance on Emirati Women's Day.

NPCC Staff participated in ADIPEC Golf Day


Townhall Meeting Sheikh Zayed Heritage Festival Visit

NPCC organized townhall meetings for NPCC’s staff to share performance NPCC employees from NPCC’s Youth Programme visited Sheikh Zayed Heritage
formulated and the direction for the year ahead, which is attended by NPCC Vice Festival, sponsored by SENAAT, to learn more about the heritage of the UAE and
Chairman & MD and its CEO. the life of the Father of the Nation.

Inspiration Hub 88th Saudi Arabia National Day

Inspiration Hub sessions inspire and influence NPCC management and employee’s
NPCC celebrated the 88th Saudi Arabia National Day with the Saudi Aramco Team.
behavior and motivates them to improve and become more efficient.

Meer Ramadan

CORPORATE SOCIAL NPCC repeated Meer Ramadan Initiative in coordination with Emirates Red
Crescent – Abu Dhabi. As part of the initiative the team organized a field trip to
RESPONSIBILITY provide care and attention to the underprivileged people & families.

Kaswat Al Eid

In coordination with Emirates Red Crescent - Abu Dhabi, NPCC CSR team repeated
Kaswat Al Eid initiative this year and visited orphans and gifted them with Eid

We Are All Police Blood Donation

As part of the “We Are All Police” initiative, NPCC senior management and staff Demonstrating NPCC ongoing commitment to CSR, the company organised a
took part in an introductory session to learn how we can all contribute to a safer successful blood drive donation with around 200 volunteers to support health
community through the program. centres in the UAE.

Future Rehabilitation Center / Charity Souq Lulu Island Seabed Cleaning Campaign
In celebration of the UAE’s National Day, NPCC organized a Charity Souq, an NPCC's Employees participated in the Seabed Cleaning Initiative in line with NPCC's
initiative carried out in accordance with the Year of Giving. All the proceeds were ongoing CSR efforts. The initiative aims to clean Lulu Island to contribute in the
donated to the Future Rehabilitation Center, a special needs center based in Abu protection of our nation's environment.
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