Teacher's Notes For "Au Zoo de Vincennes": M'appelle
Teacher's Notes For "Au Zoo de Vincennes": M'appelle
Teacher's Notes For "Au Zoo de Vincennes": M'appelle
These videos are aimed to support and stimulate young language learners
by exemplifying pronunciation in French allowing learners to match the
written and spoken word. They also aim to support practitioners by
offering a platform that can lead to wider learning opportunities. The
teacher’s notes give a possible way of exploiting the video resource but
are in no way prescriptive.
Topic area:
This video introduces learners to zoo animals and descriptions using colour
and animal body parts.
By the end of this video learners should be able to:
• read and understand the key points from the story.
• respond verbally and non-verbally to simple questions about the story
• make connections between the vocabulary they know for zoo animals
and those words in French.
• label different animals and body parts in French.
Additionally, learners should have learned about and researched other zoo
Key vocabulary
un crocodile a crocodile
un flamand rose a pink flamingo
un hippopotame a hippopotamus
un kangourou a kangaroo
un tigre a tiger
un zèbre a zebra
une girafe a giraffe
A disparu has disappeared
Je cherche I’m looking for..
Tu as vu? Have you seen?
C’est quel animal? Which animal is it?
Il est comment? What does it look like
Il a … It has…
Les cornes horns
Le cou neck
Les pattes paws
Les plumes feathers
La queue tail
Les rayures stripes
Les taches patches
Les écailles scales
Une poche a pouch (or pocket)
Zut Oh dear
La tête head
Gris grey
Marron brown
Rose pink
Jaune yellow
Au Zoo de Vincennes
1. Introduce the topic by talking about zoos and the kinds of
animals they might find there.
2. Play the video, identifying the characters – Angus, sa
maman, son papa.
3. “Un animal a disparu !” Working with the children, use
the cognate to see if they can work it out
4. Introduce the new character “Dédé le detective” - ” Bonjour Dédé ”
5. Depending on learners’ stage and ability, listen again to the vocabulary
and encourage them to repeat what they hear. Can they work out
what “je cherche” “tu as vu “ etc means ? This could be used in other
contexts, such as “Tu as vu mon crayon?” “Je cherche un crayon” as a
“Go fetch” game around the class, for example.
6. As they move on to identifying the animal from the outline, reinforce
“les pattes”, “la queue” “la tête.” Learners may already know some of
these words from previous activities.
7. Use mime or gesture to make clear unknown vocabulary such as un
grand cou/ il a des plumes/ 4 quatre grandes pattes/ des rayures/ des
taches marron et jaunes/ une poche/deux petites cornes
8. Talk about the pink flamingo, what kind of animal it is/ why it is pink/
where it lives etc.
9. By the end of the story, the children should be able to guess the
animal that is missing.
As appropriate, re-visit the video script to repeat and reinforce new and known
vocabulary. The video uses a variety of forms of familiar phrases e.g.
Comment tu t’appelles? Tu t’appelles comment?
Edinburgh Zoo