Accenture Academy: Proven, Cost-Effective Learning Solutions For A More Versatile Workforce and A More Agile Organization
Accenture Academy: Proven, Cost-Effective Learning Solutions For A More Versatile Workforce and A More Agile Organization
Accenture Academy: Proven, Cost-Effective Learning Solutions For A More Versatile Workforce and A More Agile Organization
Meeting today’s complex Accenture Academy meets the needs organizations
workforce and organizational
performance challenges have for broader, diverse and more integrated
employee skills sets—a portfolio of skills and knowledge
For many corporate executives, the
attraction, development and retention of
to create a more versatile workforce and a more agile
talent is a top business priority, given the organization in general.
importance of the workforce to serving
customers, spurring innovation and
driving competitive advantage. Yet many Integrated learning for a more mix of skills with a broad base of business
essential skills remain in short supply and versatile workforce management curriculums—general
new employees often take too long to business acumen, planning, partnering
reach competency. What’s different about Accenture and more.
Academy? We meet the needs
At the same time, the demands of a organizations have for broader and We can also develop a custom learning
rapidly changing business environment more integrated employee skill sets–a solution for other functions, workforces,
require that workers become more portfolio of skills and knowledge to create groups or topics. Clients have worked
versatile. That means augmenting and sustain a more versatile workforce. with Accenture to develop integrated,
the knowledge they have within their And that helps to create a more agile custom learning environments in a range
primary function with specialty skills organization in general. of areas including sales, quality control,
and other, broader business management risk management, engineering, HR,
capabilities. The speed of business also How do we do it? We offer extensive, change management and leadership.
requires helping employees quickly proven curriculums in core functional
acquire different skill sets to meet areas including supply chain and finance, What’s the result of Accenture
changing business needs. tailored to the needs of your organization Academy’s integrated approach? A
and its people. But to deliver on the workforce effectively “cross-trained”
Many in-house learning departments promise of a more engaged and versatile to be able to meet the rapidly changing
struggle to meet such challenges. And workforce, we integrate those curriculums needs of your business—to better serve
most off-the-shelf learning offerings can on an individualized basis with a variety customers, drive organizational efficiencies
touch only a portion of the overall need. of specialty skills in areas such as and improve productivity, and even
analytics, process excellence, project translate new ideas into tomorrow’s
Accenture Academy is a powerful way management, risk management and revenue-generating innovations.
to meet the complex learning and sustainability. And then we support that
performance needs of your most critical
workforces. Currently in use by more
than 100 clients, Accenture Academy has The integrated training approach of Accenture Academy
already served the learning needs of more
than 80,000 users in 140 countries. helps employees become more versatile. Like elite
athletes who use a cross-training approach, they
develop the speed and focus to deliver in the short
term, and the flexibility and stamina for the long run.
Relevant and timely learning With Accenture Academy you get just the learning you
Accenture Academy offers access to more require at the appropriate scale, with spending focused
than 1,000 online courses, assembled on real needs and opportunities.
in building-block fashion to tailor a
curriculum to your organization’s needs
based on a detailed assessment of current web articles and white papers. We Learning based on an assessment
skills and skill gaps. The curriculum and its support formal learning with a broad of your real needs
courses are targeted at specific job roles range of informal learning and through
and competencies, keeping the learning social media, creating opportunities for Just as successful athletes require
relevant to timely performance needs. interaction with experienced peers within effective training plans and good
Accenture Academy learning content and outside of your organization. coaching to help them improve over time,
is kept up to date using the knowledge employees need ongoing guidance to
and real-world experience of industry keep their skills fresh and focused. With
specialists. Our learning programs benefit Innovative technologies and Accenture Academy, our curriculums
from the knowledge and experiences of approaches provide that guidance because they
Accenture’s learning consulting practice, are based on up-to-date functional
helping to shape Accenture Academy Our learning management system is the competency models and job frameworks.
content based on what’s working in platform from which users of Accenture
the real world. Academy access their learning—a At the same time, an Accenture Academy
cloud-based system currently in use solution is tailored for your organization,
by more than 100 clients. This hosted your people and your strategic goals.
Interactive and engaging delivery infrastructure enables rapid That means assessing your organization’s
scalability while reducing your costs current skills inventory, analyzing the
Accenture Academy provides a blended, for delivering and maintaining the gap between where your people are and
interactive and highly engaging learning learning environment. A robust learning where they need to be from a training
environment. To address each individual’s management system in its own right, it perspective, and then matching learning
personal learning style and performance can also be seamlessly connected to your plans to those needs.
needs, we have developed a range of corporate training platform.
learning formats—online self-study, live How do we do it? Our experienced
webinars, scenario- and case-based As an advanced learning service, Accenture learning consultants, leveraging
learning, and other resources including Academy continuously drives learning an advanced and proprietary skills
innovation through our approaches and assessment asset, can inventory the skills
technologies. We now offer expanded and and capabilities of individuals, groups
integrated content libraries, a scalable or departments, based on the relevant
skills assessment tool, a new high-fidelity competency model. That means you
course architecture, additional informal get just the learning you require at the
learning capabilities, and post-assessment appropriate scale, with spending focused
exams to test learners’ knowledge and on real needs and opportunities.
performance behaviors.
More than better training— A diversified global healthcare company Accenture: A global learning
better business results collaborated with Accenture Academy to leader
launch a customized training program
The benefits of Accenture Academy are to instill in the company’s workforce the Accenture is an industry leader in
measured in terms of how quickly it broad set of skills needed to maintain delivering advanced learning solutions
can close employee skills gaps, as well market leadership. that are scalable and flexible, harnessing
as how the learning approach leads to innovative technologies and learning
improved organizational performance. Our approaches in a way that is also
clients around the world are achieving Improving business performance standardized and cost-effective. With
measurable results in both areas: A large consumer goods company thousands of deeply-skilled learning, HR
selected Accenture Academy to deliver and talent management professionals,
the learning components of a broader and a global development and delivery
Closing skills gaps procurement transformation program network of more than 50 centers across
A multinational oil and gas company that helped the organization identify the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia
selected Accenture Academy for its significant cost savings. Pacific, we deliver comprehensive, end-
ability to deliver high-quality training on to-end learning solutions that help our
demand, regardless of where an employee A large financial leasing organization clients drive improvements in business
is located around the world. engaged Accenture Academy as part of a performance.
larger workforce transformation program
A global packaging company saw closure that helped employees identify more than Accenture Academy also leverages the
of its skills gaps by 28 percent in the $100 million in savings. research and insights of the Accenture
first year of using Accenture Academy, Management Consulting practice.
and leaders attribute their investments in A major heavy-equipment manufacturer Drawing on the extensive experience of
talent to helping them meet and exceed developed a blended learning program our 17,000 management consultants
their business goals, even in times of with Accenture that made a significant globally, Accenture Management
economic turmoil. impact on business results and Consulting helps clients identify and
contributed to a transformation of the deliver value with pace, certainty and
company’s global workforce in support of strategic agility.
the long-term corporate vision.
According to the 2012 Accenture Skills Gap Study, which surveyed more than 1,000 employed and
unemployed US workers, although 55 percent of employees say they feel pressure to acquire additional
skills, less than a quarter report they’re getting the support they need from their organizations.
Only 21 percent of respondents reported developing new skills in the past five years through formal
training programs offered by their companies.
Executives and employees alike are saying, “There must be a better way to acquire relevant skills.”
With Accenture Academy, there is.
Creating a more productive and The Accenture Academy supply when integrated with the functional
agile workforce: The integrated chain curriculum offers hundreds perspective, can help employees adapt
approach of Accenture Academy of courses covering supply chain more readily to new challenges and
fundamentals, product innovation and opportunities.
At Accenture Academy, we know how lifecycle management, supply chain
to help your most important workforces planning, sourcing and procurement,
perform at higher levels and deliver manufacturing, logistics, and customer Business management skills
business value more consistently and and service management. We also integrate into the curriculum
predictably. The key is in our multilayered relevant business management skills
approach to learning and curriculum Our finance curriculum covers a in areas including business acumen,
design. Our curriculum helps to create broad spectrum of content in finance professional skills, integrated business
a more versatile workforce by integrating fundamentals, finance process and planning, and business partnering and
three types of skill sets (see Figure): operations, performance management stakeholder management.
and several specialty finance areas. With
this approach, consistent knowledge What’s the benefit of this more
Core functional skills and processes can be delivered across an comprehensive and integrated approach?
At the foundation, we provide your organization’s locations. It helps employees become more versatile.
employees with timely, relevant and Like elite athletes who cross-train, they
engaging learning experiences that can develop the speed and focus to deliver
keep them at the forefront of the functions Specialty skills in the short term, and the flexibility and
and processes at the heart of their jobs— Based on an assessment of your stamina for the long run. That’s what
supply chain, finance and more. organization’s industry environment and helps your entire organization to be more
performance needs, we integrate core agile in the marketplace.
functional skills with relevant specialty
skills: analytics and business intelligence,
risk management, process excellence,
sustainability, project and program
management, and innovation. Such skills,
Specialty Skills
Functional Skills
Custom learning environments “When we compared the available training resources,
Some organizations also look to
Accenture to create a custom learning nothing came close to the value offered by Accenture
program for other functions, workforces, Academy. We knew Accenture would provide our
groups or topics. With our custom
learning option, your organization works people with a very broad range of content, all of
with our Accenture Academy team as which would reflect global best practices and would
well as professionals from the Accenture
Talent & Organization group to plan and be available on a convenient and flexible basis.”
scope a learning solution to your unique
needs and goals. We then leverage our Jaime Ochoa, Director of supply chain for Latin America, SABMiller
established hosted delivery environment
to roll out a custom learning solution fast
and cost-effectively.
At Accenture Academy we employ a variety of learning approaches using different formats and media—
from instructor-led training to web-based learning to online resources to social media and much more.
These experiences are integrated into what we call a “learning chain”—a tailored series of reinforcing
learning events from formal courses to short videos to real-time web events to articles to social media
interaction and more—to support better retention of knowledge and improved performance over time.
learning event
learning event
learning event
learning event
Accenture Academy:
Established track record—measurable results
Currently in use by more than 100 Up-skilling the finance workforce. Enhancing sales skills. An international
clients around the globe, Accenture Accenture helped a global high-tech provider of office equipment selected
Academy has already served the learning and consumer products company create Accenture to develop a custom sales
needs of more than 80,000 active users. a training solution that increased the academy, which helped the company
Following are examples of how Accenture competencies of their finance workforce in move ahead of the competition in
Academy is helping our clients achieve a rapidly changing business environment. customer satisfaction.
measurable improvements in workforce
and business performance: Developing suppliers’ capabilities.
Improving workforce performance A Fortune 100 retailer partnered with
Improving supply chain maturity. Accenture Academy to develop a
Enhancing training At a large international brewing company, certification program to build the skills
and skills development overall supply chain management of the company’s suppliers, which also
Creating consistent skills in a global maturity has more than doubled since improved relationships with suppliers.
workforce. A medical technology company implementation of an academy, leading In addition, the program has improved
invested in Accenture Academy to create to improvements in terms of inventory on-shelf product availability and overall
more consistency in its global workforce’s management and working capital. profitability for the company.
understanding of key business processes.
Driving more efficient operations.
Up-skilling in developing countries. An international manufacturer of durable Attracting, developing
A large, international chemicals company consumer goods involved Accenture and retaining top talent
selected Accenture Academy for the Academy to develop a custom, blended Boosting employee morale and
up-skilling of its employees in developing learning program that resulted in retention. A public healthcare
countries. multimillion dollar annual savings. organization, facing the challenge
of dealing with difficult economic
Achieving sustainability certification. Boosting productivity. A leading conditions, decided to invest in Accenture
A multinational pharmaceutical company telecommunications and information Academy, which resulted in improved
asked Accenture Academy to develop and services company has partnered with development opportunities and a positive
implement a certification program to Accenture to implement an academy impact on morale of the staff, among
instill and expand sustainability principles that has contributed to a more than 54 other benefits.
that promote environmental citizenship, percent increase in productivity in their
social responsibility and business growth. field work force. Building technical competencies.
A leading chip manufacturer embarked
Increasing speed to competency. on a partnership with Accenture Academy
A European bank implemented a multi- Improving customer to support the development of technical
year learning solution with Accenture and supplier relations competencies, and enhance efforts to
to speed staff time to competency and Improving customer loyalty. A large attract and retain talent.
improve the consistency of employee skills. international chemicals company selected
Accenture Academy to up-skill its Equipping the workforce for growth.
employees, helping the company to triple A large fertilizer manufacturer selected
its annual productivity savings in two Accenture Academy to help equip its
years and increase its customer loyalty procurement organization with the talent
scores by 15 percent. and tools necessary to be a significant
contributor to the enterprise’s pursuit of
high performance.
The Accenture Difference
Accenture is an acknowledged innovator Outcome-driven and agile. Our Anytime access to learning. Our
in enterprise learning and has business, curriculums are designed to help our extensive online learning curriculum
industry, training and technology skills clients achieve measurable business is available on demand, 24/7—offering
unmatched in the marketplace. Accenture outcomes, and our learning professionals flexible access to learning for our clients
Academy offers the following distinctive help organizations keep learning plans around the globe. In addition, Accenture
advantages to organizations: aligned with changing strategies and Academy supports learning around the
business goals. globe through built-in translations in
An integrated, cross-functional many of its courses.
approach. We realize that truly Award-winning course design.
breakthrough workforce performance Accenture Academy creates engaging A proven infrastructure. Our patented
depends on employees who have an and highly interactive learning learning environment is based on a highly
integrated portfolio of knowledge and experiences through the use of advanced flexible and scalable software-as-a-
skills. Our learning approach integrates technologies. Accenture Academy was service (SaaS) model. All of our learning
an employee’s core functional needs honored at the “eLearning DemoFest” in solutions leverage the Accenture Academy
with other specialty areas and a broader the category of “Best Soft Skills Course.” delivery infrastructure including the
foundation of business management skills. The awards program is part of the platform, an automated competency and
prestigious international industry annual course mapping function, help desk, and
Learning services tailored your needs. event, DevLearn Conference and Expo. In administration services. This approach
Tired of a “one size fits all” approach addition, Accenture Academy was one reduces your costs for hosting and
to your organization’s learning needs? of the winners of the Articulate Guru maintaining the learning environment.
Accenture conducts an inventory of your Awards.
people’s actual skills and capabilities Industrialized, scalable, flexible. Our
matched against what your organization Informed by specialists. Our engaging industrialized and flexible architecture
needs to execute strategy. The result: curriculums are continuously refreshed enables our clients to adapt the learning
Just the learning programs you need—not with new content from academic and delivery platform to their specific needs.
more, not less. industry specialists, as well as leading
practices Accenture has developed from With broad consulting, outsourcing and
Relevant and competency-based. working with our clients around the world. technology experience, Accenture can
We deliver content tightly aligned help your organization drive measurable
to functional- and industry-based Just-in-time learning. Accenture improvements in workforce and business
competency models and job frameworks Academy supports your organization’s performance—continuously, with pace,
so that your learning programs meet real timely learning needs through live certainty and agility.
and relevant performance needs. Our webinars discussing the latest trends and
“cross-training” methodology means that developments, as well as frequent new
multiple learning experiences in relevant research papers, web articles and blogs.
areas build upon and reinforce each other.
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