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GE Energy Connections

Grid Solutions

MiCOM P40 Agile

P14D, P14N & P94V

Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing
Hardware version: A
Software version: 61
Publication reference: P40Agile-PX-EN-9
P40 Agile PIXIT


1.1 Contents of this document 3

P40Agile-PX-EN-9 1
PIXIT P40 Agile

2 P40Agile-PX-EN-9
P40 Agile PIXIT

This document specifies the protocol implementation extra information for testing (PIXIT) of the IEC
61850 interface in the P14N, P14D and P94V with firmware version 61. Together with the PICS and
the MICS the PIXIT forms the basis for a conformance test according to IEC 61850-10. The PIXIT
entries contain information which is not available in the PICS, MICS, TICS documents or SCL file.

1.1 Contents of this document

Each chapter specifies the PIXIT for each applicable ACSI service model as structured in
IEC 61850-10. The “Ed” column indicates if the entry is applicable for IEC 61850 Edition 1 and/or
Edition 2.

P40Agile-PX-EN-9 3
PIXIT P40 Agile


ID ED Description Value / Clarification
Maximum number of clients that can set-up
As1 1 16
an association simultaneously
The default interval for TCP_KEEPALIVE messages transmitted by the relay is five (5)
TCP_KEEPALIVE value. The recommended
As2 1, 2 The TCP_KEEPALIVE messages are transmitted for a fixed period of approximately 75
range is 1..20s.
seconds following the last received keep-alive response, after which time the client
association will be dropped.
The time-out period for aborted sockets is approximately sixty (60) seconds. For the
As3 1, 2 Lost connection detection time duration of this time-out period the socket resources are unavailable for new client
association requests. A total of 100 sockets are available.
As4 - Is authentication supported N
Transport selector Y
Session selector Y
What association parameters are necessary
As5 1, 2 Presentation selector Y
for successful association
AP Title N
AE Qualifier N
Transport selector 0001
Session selector 0001
If association parameters are necessary for
As6 1, 2 Presentation selector 00000001
association, describe the correct values e.g.
AP Title na
AE Qualifier na
What is the maximum and minimum MMS Max MMS PDU size 16,384 bytes
As7 1, 2
PDU size Min MMS PDU size 400 bytes
The typical start up time of basic Ethernet services, following an interruption to the
What is the maximum startup time after a
As8 1, 2 power supply is approximately 25 seconds. Full IEC 61850 services are available after
power supply interrupt
an approximate start up time of 50 seconds.
Does this device function only as test
As9 1, 2 (test equipment need not have a non- N
volatile configuration; but it cannot be part of
the substation automation system)
<additional items>

4 P40Agile-PX-EN-9
P40 Agile PIXIT


ID ED Description Value / Clarification
Y Good
N Invalid
N Reserved
N Questionable
N Overflow
N OutofRange
N BadReference
Which analogue value (MX) quality bits are N Oscillatory
Sr1 1, 2
supported (can be set by server) N Failure
N OldData
N Inconsistent
N Inaccurate
N Process
N Substituted
N Test
N OperatorBlocked
Y Good
N Invalid
N Reserved
N Questionable
N BadReference
N Oscillatory
Which status value (ST) quality bits are supported N Failure
Sr2 1, 2
(can be set by server) N OldData
N Inconsistent
N Inaccurate
N Process
N Substituted
N Test
N OperatorBlocked
What is the maximum number of data values in
Sr3 Deprecated
one GetDataValues request
What is the maximum number of data values in
Sr4 Deprecated
one SetDataValues request
On Y
[On-]Blocked Y
Sr5 1 Which Mode values are supported
Test Y
Test/Blocked Y
Off Y

1 IEC 61850-6:2009 clause 9.5.6 states that if only a subrange of the enumeration value set is supported, this shall be indicated within an
ICD file by an enumeration type, where the unsupported values are missing

P40Agile-PX-EN-9 5
PIXIT P40 Agile

ID ED Description Value / Clarification

MiCOM Px40 IEDs do not have a built in range-limit for measurements, but
deadbands are specified as a percentage change based on such a range. To
resolve this, each measurement provides a range configuration in the data model
where a minimum and maximum value can be set.
1 <additional items> Deadbands will be configured based on a percentage change of the applied
measurement range. A deadband setting of zero (0) forces the measurement to
follow the instantaneous value (i.e. deadbanding is disabled).
For complex measurement types supporting both magnitude and angle, the
deadband will only apply to the magnitude element.
The CDC definition BCR_PRIV includes a Data Attribute actVal whose type is
INT128, according to the Standard, whereas on MMS level it is INT32 (refer Tissue
1 <additional items>
580). According to SCL the type is INT32 and according to the Data Definition in
MMS the type returned for actVal is INT32.

6 P40Agile-PX-EN-9
P40 Agile PIXIT


ID Ed Description Value / Clarification
What is the maximum number of data elements in one data Not constrained by configuration parameter. Depends on available
Ds1 1
set (compare ICD setting) memory.
How many persistent data sets can be created by one or
Ds2 1 None
more clients (this number includes predefined datasets)
How many non-persistent data sets can be created by one
Ds3 1 None
or more clients
1 <additional items> Maximum quantity of data sets is 100.
<additional items> Dynamic data sets not supported.

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PIXIT P40 Agile


ID Ed Description Value / Clarification
What is the number of supported setting groups for each
Sg1 1 4
logical device
What is the effect of when and how the non-volatile
Sg2 1,2 None. ConfirmEditSGValues not supported.
storage is updated (compare IEC 61850-8-1 $16.2.4)
Sg3 1 Can multiple clients edit the same setting group na
What happens if the association is lost while editing a
Sg4 1 na
setting group
Sg5 1 Is EditSG value 0 allowed? na
When ResvTms is not present how long is an edit setting
Sg6 2 na
group locked
<additional items>

8 P40Agile-PX-EN-9
P40 Agile PIXIT


ID Ed Description Value / Clarification
integrity Y
data change Y
The supported trigger conditions are
Rp1 1 quality change N
(compare PICS)
data update N
general interrogation Y
sequence-number Y
report-time-stamp Y
reason-for-inclusion Y
data-set-name Y
Rp2 1 The supported optional fields are data-reference Y
buffer-overflow N
entryID N
conf-rev Y
segmentation Y
Rp3 1,2 Can the server send segmented reports Y
Mechanism on second internal data change notification of the same analogue
Rp4 1,2 Send report immediately
data value within buffer period (Compare IEC 61850-7-2 $
Each URCB is visible to one client only.
Rp5 1 Multi client URCB approach (compare IEC 61850-7-2: 2003 $14.2.1)

Rp6 - What is the format of EntryID Deprecated

Rp7 1,2 What is the buffer size for each BRCB or how many reports can be buffered 50000 bytes
Rp8 - Pre-configured RCB attributes that are dynamic, compare SCL report settings Deprecated
May the reported data set contain:
- structured data objects? Y
Rp9 1
- data attributes? Y

What is the scan cycle for binary events? 10 milliseconds

Rp10 1,2
Is this fixed, configurable Fixed.
Rp11 1 Does the device support to pre-assign a RCB to a specific client in the SCL N
After restart of the server is the value of ConfRev restored from
Rp12 2 n/a
the original configuration or retained prior to restart
Scan cycle applies to all Data Objects and Data
1 <additional items> Attributes within the dataset assigned to the BRCB
and URCB.
Supports a quantity of eight (8) BRCB and (16)
1 <additional items>
All Report Control Blocks are located within the
1 <additional items>
System\LLN0 Logical Node.

P40Agile-PX-EN-9 9
PIXIT P40 Agile


ID Ed Description Value / Clarification
Gp1 1,2 Can the test (Ed1) / simulation (Ed2) flag in the published GOOSE be set Y
Gp2 1 What is the behaviour when the GOOSE publish configuration is incorrect DUT will not send GOOSE
Gp3 1,2 Published FCD supported common data classes are Arrays are [not] supported
1000 milliseconds with TAL = 2010
What is the slow retransmission time
Gp4 1,2 Configured by ‘Maximum Cycle Time’ parameter (‘IED
Is it fixed or configurable
1) 0 milliseconds with TAL = 32
2) 11 milliseconds with TAL = 32
3) 11 milliseconds with TAL = 36
What is the fastest retransmission time 4) 13 milliseconds with TAL = 42
Gp5 1,2
Is it fixed or configurable 5) 16 milliseconds with TAL = 56
6) 23 milliseconds with TAL = 78
Configured by ‘Minimum Cycle Time’ and ‘Increment’
parameters (‘IED Configurator’)
Gp6 - Can the GOOSE publish be turned on / off by using SetGoCBValues(GoEna)

Gp7 1,2 What is the initial GOOSE sqNum after restart sqNum = 1
May the GOOSE data set contain:
Gp8 1 - structured data objects (FCD) Y
- timestamp data attributes Y
There is also a separate ‘Publisher Present’ signal
within Programmable Scheme Logic, indicating the
publisher state for each Virtual Input. This, in
<additional items> combination with the ‘GOOSE IED Absent’ alarm,
allows for GOOSE scheme problems to be easily
diagnosed and dealt with automatically within scheme

10 P40Agile-PX-EN-9
P40 Agile PIXIT


ID Ed Description Value / Clarification
Y destination MAC address
N gocbRef
What elements of a subscribed GOOSE header are checked to decide the Y timeAllowedtoLive
message is valid and the allData values are accepted? If yes, describe the Y datSet
conditions. Y goID
Gs1 1,2 Notes: N t
the VLAN tag may be removed by a ethernet switch and shall not be checked N stNum
the simulation flag shall always be checked (Ed2) N sqNum
the ndsCom shall always be checked (Ed2) N simulation / test
Y confRev
N ndsCom
Y numDatSetEntries
a) message does not arrive prior to TAL.
When is a subscribed GOOSE marked as lost
TAL = (2 * (ReceivedTAL) + (‘Minimum Cycle Time’
Gs2 1,2 (TAL = time allowed to live value from the last received GOOSE message)
A ‘GOOSE IED Absent’ alarm is raised by the IED.
If one subscribed message is not received or is
What is the behaviour when one or more subscribed GOOSE messages isn’t syntactically incorrect, it is ignored. (If the next
Gs3 1,2
received or syntactically incorrect (missing GOOSE) message is also not received or is syntactically
incorrect, the TAL will be exceeded.)
Gs4 1,2 What is the behaviour when a subscribed GOOSE message is out-of-order It is processed as if it were in order.
Gs5 1,2 What is the behaviour when a subscribed GOOSE message is duplicated It is processed as if it were in order.
Y, with the VLAN tag
Gs6 1 Does the device subscribe to GOOSE messages with/without the VLAN tag
Y, without the VLAN tag
May the GOOSE data set contain:
Gs7 1 - structured data objects (FCD) Y
- timestamp data attributes Y
Gs8 1,2 Subscribed FCD supported common data classes are Arrays are [not] supported
Are subscribed GOOSE with test=T (Ed1) / simulation=T (Ed2) accepted in
Gs9 1,2 Y
test/simulation mode
No count limitation. User can configure dataset
members up to maximum limit GOOSE packet can
Gs10 1,2 Max number of dataset members
hold. The capacity of Goose Packet is indicated in IED

P40Agile-PX-EN-9 11
PIXIT P40 Agile

ID Ed Description Value / Clarification

The data received in a GOOSE message is only
processed when a change in status
number (stNum), taken from the GOOSE message
header, is detected. No validation checks are made to
ensure the data has changed inline with the stNum
increment and it is accepted and processed as per the
normal procedure given above.
The data is transferred onto Boolean Virtual Inputs
(made available in the Programmable Scheme Logic)
when the data subscription parameters are met:
Virtual Input state = True / On, when the received data
1 <additional items> value matches the Virtual Input’s target value in
accordance with its comparison operator.
Virtual Input state = False / Off, when the received data
value does not match the Virtual Input’ target value in
accordance with its comparison operator.
The following comparison operators are supported:
GOOSE data value EQUALS target value
GOOSE data value IS NOT EQUAL TO target value
GOOSE data value IS LESS THAN target value
GOOSE data value IS GREATER THAN target value
GOOSE data value is PASSED THROUGH without
comparison (only applicable for binary data elements).
The assignment of data values processed in received
GOOSE messages is only transferred to Virtual Inputs
if the quality of the data is acceptable.
If the item being decoded is of a Common Data Class
type (e.g. SPS) then an assignment to a quality value is
automatically made (as it also forms part of the
Common Data Class value).
1 <additional items>
For basic data types, assignment to a quality value is
A value is classed as being bad quality if any of the
quality flags, that are configured by the user in the ‘IED
Configurator’, is asserted in the received quality value.
If no quality flags have been configured, the value is
always classed as good.
Quantity of Virtual Inputs is product dependant – refer
1 <additional items>
to GosGGIO1 in MICS.
For the following conditions, a Virtual Input’s value will
be forced to its configured default value:
The publishing device is absent (e.g. no GOOSE
messages are received).
The received GOOSE message does not pass the
1 <additional items> validation criteria.
The received GOOSE message has the Test flag set.
The received GOOSE message has the NdsCom flag
The default value is configured in the ‘IED

12 P40Agile-PX-EN-9
P40 Agile PIXIT


ID Ed Description Value / Clarification
What control models are supported
Ct1 1 Deprecated
(compare PICS)
Ct2 1,2 Is the control model fixed, configurable and/or dynamic Configurable
Ct3 - Is TimeActivatedOperate supported (compare PICS or SCL) Deprecated
Ct4 1,2 Is “operate-many” supported (compare sboClass) N
Will the DUT activate the control output when the test attribute is set in the
DUT ignores the test value and execute the command as
Ct5 1 SelectWithValue and/or Operate request (when N test procedure Ctl2 is
What are the conditions for the time (T) attribute in the SelectWithValue
Ct6 - Deprecated
and/or Operate request
Ct7 - Is pulse configuration supported (compare pulseConfig) Deprecated
What is the behaviour of the DUT when the check conditions are set N synchrocheck
N interlock-check
Ct8 1 DUT validates check conditions for consistency across
select/operate requests.
Synchrocheck is not supported. Interlocking is not
Is this behaviour fixed, configurable, online changeable supported.
Y Unknown
Y Not-supported
Y Blocked-by-switching-hierarchy
Y Select-failed
Y Invalid-position
Y Position-reached
Y Parameter-change-in-execution
N Step-limit
N Blocked-by-Mode
N Blocked-by-process
Y Blocked-by-interlocking
N Blocked-by-synchrocheck
Y Command-already-in-execution
N Blocked-by-health
Y 1-of-n-control
Ct9 1,2 Which additional cause diagnosis are supported N Abortion-by-cancel
N Time-limit-over
N Abortion-by-trip
Y Object-not-selected
Edition 2 specific values: NA
Y/N Object-already-selected
N No-access-authority
Y/N Ended-with-overshoot
Y/N Abortion-due-to-deviation
Y/N Abortion-by-communication-loss
Y/N Blocked-by-command
Y/N None
Y/N Inconsistent-parameters
Y/N Locked-by-other-client
1. Send an invalid orCat value
2. Select control object twice
3. Select an operating control object
Ct10 1,2 How to force a “test-not-ok” respond with SelectWithValue request
4. Send a SelectWithValue with a value the same as the
current Data Objects stVal
Note: This list is not exhaustive.

P40Agile-PX-EN-9 13
PIXIT P40 Agile

ID Ed Description Value / Clarification

Select request only returns ReadResponse+ with:
The selected control object name for a successful
Ct11 1,2 How to force a “test-not-ok” respond with Select request
An empty/null string for a failed select request
1. Select more than 1 control object (fail on control
uniqueness checks)
2. Send an invalid orCat value
3. Attempt to operate an already operating control object
4. Select control object from Client A, operate same
control object from Client B.
Ct12 1,2 How to force a “test-not-ok” respond with Operate request 5. For SBO/SBOw, do not select the control object prior to
sending the operate request
6. For SBO/SBOw, ensure data in operate request is
different to that sent in the select request
7. Send an operate request with a value the same as the
current Data Objects stVal
Note: This list is not exhaustive.
Y bay-control
Y station-control
Y remote-control
Y automatic-bay
Y automatic-station
Ct13 1,2 Which origin categories are supported / accepted Y automatic-remote
Y maintenance
Y process
Internally the IED supports: Process
From external clients: All categories supported (the IED
simply records the given category as long as it is within
the valid range).
Ct14 1,2 What happens if the orCat value is not supported or invalid IED returns AddCause ‘Not-supported’.
DOns: N
SBOns: N
Does the IED accept a SelectWithValue / Operate with the same control
value as the current status value DOes: N
Ct15 1,2 SBOes: N
Is this behaviour configurable Configurable N
AddCause = ‘Position-reached’ with MMS AccessResult =
DOns: N
Does the IED accept a select/operate on the same control object from 2 SBOns: N
Ct16 1
different clients at the same time DOes: N
SBOes: N
Does the IED accept a Select/SelectWithValue from the same client when SBOns: N
Ct17 1
the control object is already selected (Tissue #334) SBOes: N
Is for SBOes the internal validation performed during the SelectWithValue
Ct18 1,2 SelectWithValue and Operate
and/or Operate step
Can a control operation be blocked by Mod=Off or [On-]Blocked (Compare
Ct19 - Deprecated
Y for CB control only. The Local mode check is done on
Ct20 1,2 Does the IED support local / remote operation
Operate only for SBO controls.
Does the IED send an InformationReport with LastApplError as part of the SBOns: Y
Ct21 1,2
Operate response- for control with normal security DOns: Y
Ct22 2 How to force a “parameter-change-in-execution”

14 P40Agile-PX-EN-9
P40 Agile PIXIT

ID Ed Description Value / Clarification

Supports 1 SBOns/SBOes control object be selected at
Ct23 1,2 How many SBOns/SBOes control objects be selected at the same time?
the same time
DOes: Y
Ct24 1,2 Does the DUT support any operate timeout > 0
SBOes: Y
When CDC=DPC is supported, is it possible to have DPC (Controllable Y
Ct25 1,2
Double Point) go to the intermediate state? (00)
The IED will not accept a select request from the same
client when the control object is already selected. This
1 <additional items>
applies to both SBO control with normal security and SBO
control with enhanced security. (Tissue 334)
SBOns: If the client has already successfully selected the
control and a second select request is issued, the IED will
1 <additional items> return a null string which indicates a Select Response-.
The failure to select the control does not affect its initial
state (i.e. the control remains in a selected state).
SBOes: If the client has already successfully selected the
control and a second select request is issued, the IED will
return the following:
SelectWithValue Response- with data access error
LastApplError.Error = “Operator Test Not OK”
1 <additional items> LastApplError.AddCause = “Command-already-in-
The failure to select the control does not affect its initial
state (i.e. the control remains in a selected state).
Attempts to operate an SBO control with enhanced
security will only be successful if the control number in
the operate request matches the control number of the
successful select request.

P40Agile-PX-EN-9 15
PIXIT P40 Agile


ID Ed Description Value / Clarification
N LeapSecondsKnown
Tm1 1 What time quality bits are supported (may be set by the IED) N ClockFailure
Y ClockNotSynchronized
Describe the behaviour when the time server(s) ceases to respond If no configured external SNTP server responds within 5
Tm2 1,2
What is the time server lost detection time seconds, the ‘ClockNotSynchronized’ bit will be set to 1.
Tm3 1,2 How long does it take to take over the new time from time server 5-10 seconds
Tm4 1,2 When is the time quality bit “ClockFailure” set Never set
The ‘Clock not synchronized’ bit at power-up has a
default status of not synchronized (set to 1). When the
clock becomes synchronized, the bit will be reset to 0.
Tm5 1,2 When is the time quality bit “Clock not Synchronized” set All available time synchronization sources will affect the
‘Clock not synchronized’ bit.
These time sources include SNTP and, where applicable,
Tm6 - Is the timestamp of a binary event adjusted to the configured scan cycle Deprecated
Tm7 1 Does the device support time zone and daylight saving Y
Y Leap indicator not equal to 3
Y Mode is equal to SERVER
N OriginateTimestamp is equal to value sent by
the SNTP client as Transmit Timestamp
Tm8 1,2 Which attributes of the SNTP response packet are validated
N RX/TX timestamp fields are checked for
Y SNTP version 3 and/or 4
Y other (describe)
Do the COMTRADE files have local time or UTC time and is this Local
Tm9 1,2
configurable Not Configurable
<additional items>

16 P40Agile-PX-EN-9
P40 Agile PIXIT


ID Ed Description Value / Clarification
Device Root/
What is structure of files and directories dr_unextracted/
Ft1 1
Where are the COMTRADE files stored {IEDNAME}Measurements/
Are comtrade files zipped and what files are included in each zip file {IEDNAME}Records/
Files (*.cfg and *.dat) according to the COMTRADE
standard, ASCII format.
Ft2 1,2 Directory names are separated from the file name by The use of “\” directory separator will return a positive
result to the file transfer MMS service requests but with
no data elements (directory or filenames).
Ft3 1 The maximum file name size including path (recommended 64 chars) 44 chars
Ft4 1,2 Are directory/file name case sensitive Case sensitive
Ft5 1,2 Maximum file size for SetFile Not restricted (approx 10 MB)
Is the requested file path included in the MMS fileDirectory respond file N
Ft6 1
name (Ed2: always complete path)
Yes, wild cards are: *
Ft7 1 Is the wild char supported MMS fileDirectory request
*.cfg and
Y same file
Ft8 1,2 Is it allowed that 2 clients get a file at the same time
Y different files
Disturbance record filenames are a based around the
following fixed format giving a
maximum filename length of twenty eight (28) characters:
yyyy = The year, e.g. 2006
mm = The month, e.g. 03 (for March)
1 <additional items> dd = The day of month, e.g. 15th
HH = Hours in 24hr format, e.g. 12
MM = Minutes, e.g. 59
SS = Seconds, e.g. 59
xxx = milliseconds, e.g. 999
r = A literal ‘r’ character
NNN = Disturbance record number, e.g. 001
* = The file type, either cfg or dat

P40Agile-PX-EN-9 17
PIXIT P40 Agile

ID Ed Description Value / Clarification

If automatic extraction of Disturbance Records is
required, the file operations must be performed on the
‘dr_unextracted’ directory. This directory contains
disturbance records that have not been downloaded from
the IED by a client. A record is classed as downloaded (or
1 <additional items> extracted) when the *.dat file has been transferred.
Once extracted, disturbance records are automatically
removed from this directory. However, it should be noted
that these records are still available from the
‘COMTRADE’ and ‘dr’ directories.

18 P40Agile-PX-EN-9
Imagination at work

Grid Solutions
St Leonards Building
Redhill Business Park
Stafford, ST16 1WT, UK
+44 (0) 1785 250 070

© 2017 General Electric. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only.
No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project.
This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice.
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