PMBOK Process Groups by Knowledge Area
PMBOK Process Groups by Knowledge Area
PMBOK Process Groups by Knowledge Area
Project Develop Project Charter Develop Project Management Plan Direct and Manage Project Work Monitor and Control Project Work Close Project or Phase
Integration Manage Project Knowledge Perform Integrated Change Control
Plan Scope Management Validate Scope
Project Collect Requirements Control Scope
Scope Define Scope
Management Create WBS
Plan Schedule Management Control Schedule
Project Define Activities
Schedule Sequence Activities
Management Estimate Activity Durations
Develop Schedule
Project Plan Cost Management Control Costs
Cost Estimate Costs
Management Determine Budget
Project Plan Quality Management Manage Quality Control Quality
Project Plan Resource Management Acquire Resources Control Resources
Resource Estimate Activity Resources Develop Team
Management Manage Team
Project Plan Communications Management Manage Communications Monitor Communications
Plan Risk Management Implement Risk Responses Monitor Risks
Project Identify Risks
Risk Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
Management Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
Plan Risk Responses
Project Plan Procurement Management Conduct Procurements Control Procurements
Project 13.1 Identify Stakeholders Plan Stakeholder Engagement Manage Stakeholder Engagement Monitor Stakeholder Engagement
Process Groups and Knowledge Areas
49 Processes organized into 5 Process Groups & 10 Knowledge Areas
10 Knowledge Areas
5 Process Groups
1. Integration Management (7)
1. Initiation (2)
2. Scope Management (6)
2. Planning (24)
3. Schedule Management (6)
3. Execution (10)
4. Cost Management (4)
4. Monitor & Control (12)
5. Project Quality(3) Management
5. Closing (1)
6. Resources Management (6)
7. Communications Management (3)
8. Risk Management (7)
9. Procurement Management (3)
10. Stakeholder Management (4)
Project Management Process Groups
Initiating - The project is authorized.
Planning - Project objectives are determined, as well as
how to reach those objectives with the given
Executing - The project is executed utilizing acquired
Monitoring & Controlling - Project Performance is
monitored and measured to ensure the project plan is
being implemented to design specifications and
Closing - The project and its various phases are
brought to a formal end.
13% of the questions on the exam
2 Processes: Develop Project Charter & Identify
Identifying Needs of the project
Creating a Feasibility Study
Creating a Product Description
Creating a Project Charter
Project charters authorize. When you think of the project
charter, think authority for the project manager
The First Step
The Most Important Step
The Alpha Step
24% of the questions on the exam Creating a Scope Statement
24 Processes: Develop PM Plan ▪ Plan Recruiting the Project Team
Scope Management ▪ Collect
Requirements ▪ Define Scope ▪ Create Creating the Work Breakdown Structure
WBS ▪ Plan Schedule Management ▪ Completing Risk Assessment
Define Activities ▪ Sequence Activities ▪
Est. Activity Durations ▪ Develop Schedule Creating the Network Diagram
▪ Plan Cost Management ▪ Est. Cost ▪ Completing Estimates
Determine Budget ▪ Plan Quality ▪ Plan
Resource Management ▪ Est. Activity Creating the Project Schedule
Resources ▪ Plan Communications Completing the Project Budget
Management ▪ Plan Risk Management ▪
Id Risks ▪ Perform Qualitative Risk Creating a Quality Management Plan
Analysis ▪ Perform Quant. Risk Analysis ▪
Plan Risk Responses ▪ Plan Procurement Completing Stakeholder Analysis
Management ▪ Plan Stakeholder Creating a Communications Plan
Completing the Project Plan
31% of the questions on the exam
10 Processes: Direct and Manage Project Work ▪ Manage Project Knowledge ▪
Manage Quality▪ Acquire Resources▪ Develop Team ▪ Manage Team ▪ Manage
Communications ▪ Implement Risk Responses ▪ Conduct Procurements ▪
Manage Stakeholder Engagement
Authorizing the Project Work
Beginning Vendor Solicitation
Determining Vendor Source
Quality Assurance
Ensuring Team Development
Start working
Shovel in the ground
Opening the can of paint
Monitoring and Controlling Processes
25% of the questions on the exam
12 Processes: Monitor and Control Project Work ▪ Preform Integrated Change
Control ▪ Control Scope ▪ Validate Scope ▪ Control Schedule ▪ Control Cost ▪
Control Quality ▪ Control Resources ▪ Monitor Comminution ▪ Monitor Risk ▪
Control Procurements ▪ Monitor Stakeholder Engagement
Ensuring Quality Control
Providing Scope Verification
Implementing Scope Change Control
Managing Cost Control
Enforcing Schedule Control
Monitoring Risk Response
Ensuring Performance Reporting
Getting the deliverables verified and accepted
Double checking project work
Closing Process
7% of the questions on the exam
1 Process: Close Project or Phase
Closing Vendor Contracts
Closing Administrative Duties
Transition the deliverables to the sponsors or customers
Updating and Archiving Project Records
Lessons Learned