Preparation For Ielts Test

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Preparation for

I am Waad Haliem – Systems Audit Specialist – MTN Sudan
I am here to share my humble IELTS experience with you 
You can find me on Twitter at @WaadHaliem

Workshop Outlines

▰ IELTS Overview (What & Why)

▰ IELTS Sections (Questions, Techniques, Tips &Tricks)
▰ Studying Material
▰ Q&A


“ IELTS - The International English
Language Testing System (IELTS)
measures the language proficiency of people who want to study or work
where English is used as a language of communication. It uses a nine-
band scale to clearly identify levels of proficiency, from non-user (band
score 1) through to expert (band score 9).

Reasons Why we need IELTS

Useful Recognized Good Training Two Options

Having successfully taken an Worldwide By taking the IELTS test, you´ll You can choose between IELTS
IELTS test, you are able to apply to already be applying your English Academic or IELTS General
IELTS is accepted as evidence of Training, depending on your
study at many international knowledge as if you were in an
English language proficiency by personal goals and the type of
schools, universities, everyday situation with English
over 9,000 organizations in more institution to which you want to
employers, immigration authorities native speakers.
than 135 countries show your results
and professional bodies,

Accurate Required British & American Available

The IELTS examiners ensure an When a university, company or In terms of spelling, grammar and Available in Sudan, at least.
accurate assessment by applying official body requests the IELTS test choice of words, IELTS covers
strict criteria to each test, which as a requirement for any application both British English and American
means that the result will precisely process, a minimum score that you English.
reflect your English language level. should have obtained to apply is
also commonly requested.
Academic Vs. General Training

Academic General Training

is designed for people planning to study is for those who are going to English
in higher education or those seeking speaking countries for secondary
professional registration. It assesses education, work experience or training
whether you are ready to begin studying programs. It is also a requirement for
or training in an environment where migration to Australia, Canada, New
English is the language used. Zealand and the UK. The test focuses
on basic survival skills in broad social
and workplace contexts.


Let’s start !

About Listening Section

Listening Questions Types

This question type requires candidates to make connections between different pieces of information.
Questions of this nature provide candidates with a set of choices, which must then be paired with items
from a numbered list.
▰Map/Plan/Diagram Labeling
These questions involve graphical representations of the topics being discussed in the recordings.
Candidates will be shown an image, such as a map of a city or the diagram for a piece of machinery.
Certain elements will be left off of the graphic, and candidates must fill them in.

Listening Questions Types

▰Table/Form/Note/Summary/Flow-Chart Completion
The completion part of the Listening section requires candidates to finish incomplete outlines related to
the recordings. Possible outlines include:
• Tables: These will organize the key data in a recording according to well-defined categories, such as
time, place, price, etc.
• Forms: Examinees will be given a form containing details about the recording. For example, they
might be given a shipping agency's quotation form and asked to fill in the dimensions and destination
of a package, among other information.
• Flow-Charts: These diagrams show the order in which a process moves from one stage to the next.

Listening Questions Types

▰Sentence Completion
Questions in this category are composed of several sentences with important words and phrases
omitted. Candidates will need to plug these gaps using content from the recordings.
As with the other completion tasks, candidates can only use a certain number of words and will be
penalized for writing too much.
Unlike the previous question types that provide potential answers or text with gaps to fill in, this section
requires candidates to create their own responses. Candidates will be asked questions related to the
recordings, and will need to answer it in their own words.


Trap #1 Trap #2 Trap #3

Unexpected trun Generalization Explicit answer
You might hear the You might hear a
speaker starting to say speaker gives a list of “this course is a must for all
one thing and then, things then say them first year students, except
suddenly, continuing to all in one! foreign students”
something completely
Q:All the first year students
must take this course (T/F)?

Small Tips

Tip #1 Tip #2 Tip #3

Check the Grammar Check your spelling Copy your answrs smartly
If the answer you gave Practice to the spelling You have 10 MINUTES to
is grammatically tasks (names & compy your answers, give
incorrect – it CAN NOT numbers) each question’s instruction a
be the right one! last look!


 The listening section is ………. Questions in

………… parts.
 In the IELTS listening you’ll only hear one
accent (T/F)
 The record will be played twice (T/F)
 There’s no difference between the
acadamic and general training modules in
the listening part (T/F)
Let’s start !

About Reading Section

Reading Questions Types

▰Multiple Choice
This question type presents candidates with a question and multiple answers, and candidates must
choose the correct answer. These questions may involve sentence completion or any number of other
formats. The questions in this section are presented in the same order as they appear in the text. For
example, the 5th question can be found in the text before the 6th question.
▰Identifying Information
These questions ask test-takers to determine if provided statements agree with the content of the text.
Answer choices include not given, true, and false. Candidates should be aware of the difference between
false, which means the statement is not true, and not given, which means the information cannot be
found in the text.

Reading Questions Types

▰Identifying the Writer's Viewpoint

▰This section is similar to the previous, with the difference being that the statements here refer to the
author's opinions and beliefs and whether the provided statements accurately reflect them. Answer
choices include no, yes, and not given. Candidates should understand the difference between no, which
means the statement does not align with the author's beliefs, and not given, which means that the
statement neither agrees nor disagrees with the author's assertion.
▰Matching Information
▰This task requires candidates to find connections between provided answers and passages from the
text. Possible information can include examples, particular details, summaries, and explanations.

Reading Questions Types

▰Matching Headings
With this type of question, candidates will receive a list of headings that make reference to the principle
idea of excerpts or passages from the text. Candidates will then need to match these ideas to the correct
paragraphs found in the original text.
▰Matching Features
These questions require candidates to link individual ideas or statements to the corresponding options.
For instance, candidates may need to match various events to certain historical periods, or a series of
accomplishments to the person responsible for them.

Reading Questions Types

▰Sentence Completion
Questions of this nature ask students to complete unfinished sentences using words from the original
text. Examiners will clearly tell test-takers the exact amount of words they can use (only one word, no
more than three, etc.)
▰Summary, Note, Table/Flow-Chart Completion
These questions provide candidates with a summary of a passage, and students must complete it using
content from the text. In most cases, the summary will be for a particular section of the text as opposed
to the entire thing.
Unlike other types of questions, these answers may not be provided in chronological order.


Trap #1 Trap #2 Trap #3

Time,Time,Time! Don’t READ, Scan! Not copying your answers
In the listening test it The biggest mistake
was managed for you. you could make is to You won’t be given any time
But here you need to start the test by to copy your answers in the
manage it carefully by reading the whole answer sheet!
yourself. (15-20-25 passage.

Small Tips

Tip #1 Tip #2 Tip #3

Classify The Check your spelling Copy your answrs smartly
Practice to the spelling You have 10 MINUTES to
Is it ordered? tasks (names & compy your answers, give
numbers) each question’s instruction a
last look!

Questions Classification

Ordered Questions Unordered Questions

Multiple choice Matching Headings

True/False/ Not Given (Identifying information) Matching Features

Yes/No/ Not Given (Identifying the Writer's All types of fill the gap
Viewpoint) (Sentence/Summary/Note/Table Completion)
When come with options

Short Answer questions

All types of fill the gap

(Sentence/Summary/Note/Table Completion)
When come without options

 The reading section is ………. Questions in …………

 You’ll be given 10 minutes at the end of the
reading test to copy your answers on the
answer sheet (T/F)
 You’ll be notified about the time each ...........
 What’s the MAIN difference between the
reading section in academic and general
training modules? 26
Let’s start !

About Writing Section

Writing Task - 1

▰Writing Task -1 || Report

The task here is to describe a graph in a report. This report in intended for university lecturer, so the
language you use should be FORMAL!
▰Types of graphs :
• Single line graph
• Double line graph
• Bar graph
• Pie Chart
• Table
• Diagram/Process 29
Writing Task - 1

Writing Task – 1 || Structure

▰Writing Task -1 || Report Structure

1- Introduction  Paraphrasing + Describe the diagram
2- Overview  Key Features (without details)
3- Body – A  Key Features with details
4- Body – B Rest of the information

Writing Task - 2

▰Writing Task -2 || Essay

It requires you to write at least 250 words. You will be presented with a topic and will be tested on your
ability to respond by giving and justifying an opinion, discussing the topic, summarizing details, outlining
problems, identifying possible solutions and supporting what you write with reasons, arguments and
relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Writing Task - 2

Types of Questions:
 To what extend you agree or disagree
Ex. Some people think that scientists experimenting with animals in a laboratory is the only way we can
guarantee new products will be safe for human use. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
 Discuss both views with your opinion (or without)
Ex. Some people say children no longer need to develop handwriting skills. Others believe that
handwriting is still important. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
 Give advantages & disadvantages
Ex. In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move to regional areas
outside the big cities. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages? 33
Writing Task - 2

 Causes – Problem Solving

Ex. Crime rates tend to be higher in cities than in smaller towns. Explain some possible reasons for this
problem and suggest some solutions.

 Two Questions
Ex. To some people studying the past has little value in the modern world. Why do you think it is
important to do so? What will be the effect if children are not taught history?

Writing Task – 2 || Structure

▰Writing Task -2 || Essay Structure

How Many Parts you’ll
Question Opinion-tic? Paragraphs
Agree or Disagree

Discuss both views & give your opinion

Give advantages & disadvantages

Causes – Problem Solving

Two Questions

Writing Task – 2 || Structure

▰Writing Task -2 || Essay Structure

How Many Parts you’ll
Question Opinion-tic? Paragraphs
Agree or Disagree Yes One 4

Discuss both views & give your opinion Yes Three 4

Give advantages & disadvantages NO Two 4

Causes – Problem Solving NO Two 4

Two Questions Depends!! Two 4

Writing Task – 2 || Paragraphs

Question Introduction Body - A Body - B Conclusion

Paraphrasing +
2-3 reasons why you agree + the last
State Your Opinion Conclude + Restate
Agree or Disagree 2 sentences Why you You Might
(Agree OR your opinion
Disagree (Per paragraph)
Paraphrasing + The Discuss the view Discuss the
Discuss both views & Conclude + Restate
argument + State you support 2-3 opposite view +
give your opinion your opinion
your opinion reasons 2-3 reasons
Paraphrasing + 2-3 Conclude + Adv.
2 -3 Advantages
Advantages & stating that this Disadvantages Outweigh the
(OR 2-3
disadvantages issue had adv. And (OR 2-3 disadv. OR vise
disadv. Advantages) versa

Writing Task – 2 || Paragraphs

Question Introduction Body - A Body - B Conclusion

Causes Suggest/Propose
Causes – Problem
Paraphrasing (Reasons of the solutions for the Conclude
Problem problem
Conclude + Find the
Answer First Answer Second
Two Questions Paraphrasing relation between the
Question Questions
two questions

Writing Assessment Criteria

▰Task Achievement (for Task 1), Task Response (for Task 2)

Words count, clear overview, address parts of the task
▰Coherence and Cohesion.
Paragraphing, Logical development of ideas, linking devices, use referencing clearly and appropriately.
▰Lexical Resource.
Use wide range of vocabulary, use of uncommon words, spelling
▰Grammatical Range and Accuracy.
Use wide range of structure, punctuation

Small Tips

Tip #1 Tip #2 Tip #3 Tip #4

BRAINSTORMING! Manage your time Use Pencil PRACTICE!
Use small time to So you’ll be able to By reading the model
brainstorm & organize Don’t spent too much correct yourself! answers!
your ideas! time in task 1!
Don’t waste your time
counting words.


 Task 1 requires you to write not less than ………..

Words while task 2 ……….. Words.
 You can write a conclusion in task 1 (T/F)
 You’ll be notified about the time each ...........
 You can write your opinion in all types of
questions in task 2 (T/F)

Let’s start !

About Speaking Section

Speaking Parts

▰ Part 1: Introduction & Interview

▰The first part of the Speaking component is conducted in an interview style. The examiner will introduce
him or herself to the student and then ask a few general questions. These questions are read from a
script to ensure reliability. Topics can include, work, home life, interests, and family. The purpose of the
interview is to ensure that candidates can give opinions and answer questions about common
occurrences and everyday life in the English language.
▰The number of questions varies from year to year, but this section should last about four or five

Speaking Parts

▰Part 2: Long Turn

▰In this section, candidates will be given a card that explains information on a particular topic. The card
includes important talking points and commands the candidate to discuss an aspect of the topic on the
card. Students in this section will be graded based on their ability to discuss a particular idea at length.
Special attention should be given to organization and coherence of ideas.
▰The total time for this section is between three and four minutes. Candidates will have one minute to
prepare a response and then must speak for one-two minutes about the topic.

Speaking Parts

▰ Part 3: Discussion
▰If the first section can be likened to an interview, this part of the Speaking assessment can be classified
as a conversation.
▰This section is the least clearly defined, as the content is mostly defined by the interactions between the
examiner and candidate. Building off of the topic discussed in Part 2, the examiner and candidate spend
Part 3 discussing and debating more abstract ideas. In this section, students are assessed on their ability
to express opinions and develop arguments.
▰This portion of the exam last four or five minutes. The number of questions is entirely dependent on the

Fluency & coherence

Lexical resource

Grammatical accuracy


Scoring the Speaking section

▰Fluency and coherence: This criteria refers to a candidate's ability to speak at a normal and continuous
pace. Not only should candidates be able to speak at an average rate, but they must also be able to sustain
this pace over time. Sentences also need to flow logically and use devices such as pronouns and connectors
in an appropriate manner.
▰Lexical resource: This domain simply refers to the range and depth of a candidate's vocabulary. Candidates
might receive high marks for using a variety of words. Their ability to find their way around unknown words by
using other words will also be of importance.
▰Grammatical accuracy & range: The Speaking portion emphasizes the importance of proper grammar, as
students are graded on their mastery of sentence structure, subordinate clauses, and sentence length.
Candidates could lose points for grammatical errors.
▰Pronunciation: Candidates are not expected to be native speakers with no accent, but their pronunciation
must nevertheless be clear and easily understood. Candidates could lose points if the examiner cannot
understand them or must strain to understand them. 48
Small Tips

Tip #1 Tip #2 Tip #3 Tip #4

ELABORATE! Speak Simply Make it sounds Hear yourself

Answer each question Don’t use big words if Record your answers
with at least 2 you’re not sure how to So you’ll be able to and review your
sentences use them! correct yourself! repeating mistakes.


 The examiner will assess your accent

 You can use small Arabic use like
 The examiner will stop you when you
exceed the the time (T/F)

Practice the only key to success!

My Studying Materials

▰ Cambridge Books:

▰Collins for IELTS:
▰Target Band 7:
▰IELTS band 9 vocabulary secrets:
▰BBC podcasts:
▰ Speak regularly + Review your writing

Other Valuable Studying Materials

▰ Online Courses:
• Future Learn:
• Future Learn:
• Edx:

▰ Blogs & websites

• IELTS simon:
• IELTS buddy:
• IELTs essentials:
• IELTS advantage: 53
Other Valuable Studying Materials

▰ YouTube Channels
• IELTS official:
• IELTS Self Preparation The Best! :
• British Council IELTS:
• English Everyone:

Any questions?


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