Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Subtopic Objectives
Two types of variable:
Consider a population of 120,000 students in Terengganu. It was found that the mean
height of the student is 148 cm and the variance is 1.5 cm . It also found that the
mean height of 1,500 students in Dungun High School is 152 cm and the variance is
2 cm.
Parameter: Statistics:
i. Population Size, N = 120,000 i. Sample Size, n = 1,500
ii. Mean, = 148 cm ii. Mean, x = 152 cm
iii. Variance, 2 = 1.5 cm iii. Variance, s2 = 2 cm
Sources of data:
i. Primary data – data that is gathered and published for the first time by
the researcher.
Advantages Disadvantages
i. satisfy the research objectives i. very costly
ii. more up to date ii. time consuming
iii. sensitive data is difficult to collect
directly from the respondent
ii. Secondary data – data that is obtained from other sources (not the
researcher) such as from annual report, journal, newspaper, internet etc.
Advantages Disadvantages
iii. can obtained in a large quantity original researchers.
Measurement is simply the act of determining the quantity of values of a variable or
assigning number to a variable.
Level of measurement:
i. Nominal – qualitative as well as categorical
Example: gender (1= Male, 2= Female)
ii. Ordinal – categorical as well as essence of order (arranged in a certain order)
Example: level of education
1. Primary 2. Secondary 3. University 4. Post-graduate
iii. Interval – categorical, has order that can describe ‘how much more or how
much less’ of a characteristic and has the existence of an ‘arbitrary zero point’
Example: level of satisfaction, temperature
iv. Ratio – consist of all the characteristics discussed above plus another
characteristics of ‘absolute (true) zero point’
Example: height of students
Exercise 1:
1. Determine for the following whether you would use descriptive statistics or inferential
statistics for the following information.
a. A trainer wanted to determine the minimum time taken by his swimmers to swim
b. An economist uses a bar chart to illustrate the loss made by an airline company from
1990 - 2000.
c. A few botanists do a research on the relation between durian production and the
usage of cow manure as fertilizer.
d. Psychologists study whether urban students are higher achievers as compared to
suburban students.
e. Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur formed a committee to investigate the relation of
flash floods occurrence and the amount of rubbish in Sungai Gombak and Sungai
Advantages Disadvantages
i. Data collected from all elements. i. Very costly and time consuming.
ii. Data are more complete. ii. Result would be out to date.
Advantages Disadvantages
i. Less costly and required less time. i. Data not collected from all elements.
ii. Result is more up to date. ii. Data are less complete.
1.5 Sampling Techniques
1.5.1 Random Sampling (Probability Sampling) – Every elements in the population has
equal chance to be selected as sample.
Two methods can be used to randomly select n elements, where n is the sample size:
i. Lucky draw method
ii. Random numbers
Example 1:
A group of researcher planned to survey the family backgrounds of all students
studying in UiTMT. Due to time constraint, they decided to survey only 300 students.
By using simple random sampling, discuss how they would select the sample.
Make a list of all the students who studying in UiTMT. Assign each student a unique
number, between 1 until the last students.
Write the numbers on a small slip of paper and deposit all the slips in a box. The first
selection is made by drawing a slip out of the box without looking at it. This process is
repeated until the sample size of 300 is chosen.
Refer to a table of random numbers. Starting at any point in the table read across or
down and notes every number that falls between that numbers. Use the numbers you
have found to pull the names from the list that correspond to the 300 numbers you
found. These 300 students are your sample. OR
Use random number generated by the computer software in order to select the
sample. The person correspond to the numbers produced by the computer will be the
Advantages Disadvantages
i. Every element has equal chance to i. Not suitable for heterogeneous
be selected. population.
1. Identify the population size (N), and sample size (n).
2. Obtained the range k by dividing the population size by the sample size.
Sampling Interval, k
3. Randomly select one element from the first k elements in the list (using SRS).
Suppose the r th element is selected.
4. Lastly sample every kth element in the population begins with the r element
until a sample of size n obtained.
r th, (r+k)th, (r+2k)th, ..., (r+(n-1)k)th
Example 2:
There are 200 elements in the population and a sample of 10 is desired. Discuss how
the sample can be selected by using Systematic Random Sampling.
1. N=200, n=10.
2. Sampling Interval,
3. Randomly select a number between 1 and 20. By using SRS, let say we
select number 2.
Advantages Disadvantages
i. Every element has equal chance to i. More difficult to use.
be selected. ii. In order to get a good sample,
population must be properly arranged.
Example 3:
A group of research planned to survey all workers working in an industrial area. They
are divided as followed. In order to save cost, they are decided to survey only 600 of
the workers. Discuss how the sample can be selected by using stratified random
Malay 2800
Indian 450
Total 4500
To sample each of
the stratums, use
either simple random sampling or systematic random sampling.
Advantages Disadvantages
i. Every element has equal chance to i. More difficult to use.
be selected.
ii.Suitable for categorized population.
d. Cluster Sampling
Applicable for a population that is divided into homogeneous or similar cluster.
Elements in the cluster are heterogeneous.
Example 4:
A group of researchers planned to survey all family in Kuala Besut, living in 50
villages. In order to save cost, they decide to survey only 10 villages. Discuss by
using cluster sampling.
Suppose you divide district Kuala Besut into 50 villages. Then by using simple
random sampling or systematic random sampling, select 10 villages from 50 villages.
Sampled each (all) of the elements in 10 villages.
Advantages Disadvantages
i. Suitable for a population that is i. Difficult to ensure that cluster are
quite large. similar/homogeneous.
ii. Suitable for clustered population.
e. Multi-Stage Sampling
Suitable for a large population. Selection done by stages.
Example 5:
A group of researchers planned to survey the background of all form 5 students in
Terengganu. They decided to use sampling. Discuss.
Let say:
They randomly selected
1. Five districts from 11 districts in Terengganu.
2. 6 schools from each selected district.
3. 25 students from each selected school.
a. Quota Sampling
Suitable to be used if sampling frame not available and in market research.
Example 6:
A group of researcher planned to survey 120 house-owners in Dungun who have
been using Sharp washing machines for more than 2 years. Discuss.
The numbers allocated for each group of respondents is based on the population
statistics. The researcher has the flexibility to choose whomever he wants as long as
the specifications set are met.
b. Convenience Sampling
The researcher has the flexibility to select anybody that they wants or meets until the
required sampled is obtained
c. Judgmental Sampling
The researcher selects a respondent whom he thinks has a certain characteristics
that he wants to study
d. Snowball Sampling
An initial group of respondent is selected usually at random. After being interviewed,
these respondents are asked to identify others who belong to the target population of
Generally there are 6 methods of data collection that can be used in order to
collect the primary data. They are:
i. Personal interview
Researcher talks to the respondent face to face.
Advantages Disadvantages
i. Produce the highest response rate. i. Very costly and time consuming.
ii.Can explain any unclear questions ii. Interviewers must be properly trained.
Advantages Disadvantages
i. Less costly and required less time. i. Appropriate only for population with
ii. Can contact respondents several telephones.
times. ii.Respondents might refuse to
iii. Mailing
A questionnaire is sent to each respondent with a stamped
addressed envelope attached.
Advantages Disadvantages
i. Less costly. i. Response rate very low.
ii.Can be used in any population size. ii.Unsure when the questionnaires shall
come back.
Advantages Disadvantages
i. Data obtained very accurate. i. Very costly and time consuming.
ii. The access of information is not ii. The observer needs to be highly
affected by the respondents. skilled and unbiased
v. Direct Questionnaire
The researcher gives the questionnaire directly to the respondent and waits
for them to complete it.
Electronic e-mail, internet survey and short messaging services
Exercise 2:
1. A researcher wishes to study the career aspirations of students from the Faculty of
Accountancy, which consists of 50 classes. The researcher intends to choose only 10
classes and all the students from these 10 classes will be chosen for the study.
i) State the population for the above study
ii) State the variable for this study. What type of variable is it?
iii) State the sampling technique that is used for this study.