Tlulilv: For Polytetrafluoroethylene Molded Basic
Tlulilv: For Polytetrafluoroethylene Molded Basic
Tlulilv: For Polytetrafluoroethylene Molded Basic
Designation: D 3294-03
-Tat t l'
This specilication is under the iurisdiction oI ASTM Conrmittee D20 on
Plastics and is the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee I)20.15 on Thenroplastic
Materials (Section D20. I 5.12), Annuul Book d ASTL4 Starulcs'ds. Vol 08.02.
Current edition approved April 10. 2003. Published .lune 2003. Originally 'Srundard.v, Vol 08,03.
'tlttnual Book ol ASTill
approved in I974. Last previotts edition approved in I997 as D 3291 - 97 " ,4nnual Book o/ ASTM Stundards, Vol 03.03.
2 TAvailable from ASTM lnternationai, i00 [lan' Ilarbor Drive, C700, West
Arntual Book oJ AST'lvt Srandards, Vol 10,02.
,4nnual Book of ASTM Skndards, Vol 08 01, Conshohocken, PA 19428.
as follows:
tl 3000 225 500 2.14 to 2.19 Not required
ASTM lnlemational
mens is not stated in the test method, single determination shall
See the ASTlvl Form arul Stlle Manual Available lrom lf more than single determinations and separate
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.fiJp o32e4-03
TABLE 3 Nominal Thickness and Tolerances for PTFE Sheets molded basic shape does not absorb water, the maintenance of
Thickness Tolerance Thickness Tolerance Thickness Tolerance constant humidity during testing is not important.
lnch Inch lnch Inch lnch Inch
Qo<kvctl C hr.dnr!! {5 ro 5O
5l!.(-ru{c dlc
(hJid. dlm.nrlonr fs dl. v! lhc tant at ttc(lmtnl
0lr to b! rhr!.ntd on outtld! cdga qnty (.t inorn in A-A)
sI 22ta.2S ltO
Po55ib(.lhi(kncti.5:1.5 :0.1
0.8 :0,15
0.5 :0.1
Ttrl t9a(lncn
,($Jp o32e4-03
13.2.4 Alternative Specinlers-When the shape of the paper wiping tissues wet with a suitable Remove the
sarnple does not permit making the dumbbell as specified in excess cleaner and permit the surface to dry for at least 5 min.
13.2.1 prepare specimens by tuming a 0.8-mm [iz:z -in.] 13.5.4 Deposit a film of penetrantlo on the entire surface of
thick-walled tube from the shape, and cutting dumbbells fiorn the molding and allow tcl stand for 5 min. Il the penetrant
the tube wall in a direction perpendicular to the applied appears to dry prematurely, rewet the surface with penetrant
molding pressure, that is, with the long axis of the dumbbell and allow to clry for I min longer. Then, remove the penetrant
parallel to the circumference of the tube. Lathe-ttrrn the tube in by wiping with a tissue and scrub the entire surf'ace thoroughly
such a manner that the specimen is taken from the centel of the with tissues wet with clcaner.
original wall thickness. In the case of a rod, remove the outer 13.5.5 When dry. inspect entire surface for indication of
I .6 mm llAa in.f, before finish tuming the outer diameter of the discoloration caused by the penetrant. Retained areas of
tube. Turn both inside and outside surfbces with a fine lathe penetrant that appear cloudy or hazy indicate porosify. Occa-
feed and sharp tools to permit the smoothest possible finish. sional superficial flaws in PTFE sheet or moldings shall not be
13.2.5 Cut sheets 1.6 mm [%a in.] or under in thickness, five interpreted as porosity.
micro-specimens with the steel rule die and the dimensions 13.5.6 Precision and Blas-The precision and bias for this
shown in Fig. I using a hydraulic or mechanical press. penetrant-die test will be determined.
Machine sheets thicker than I .6 mrn ltAd in.l and thinner than 13.6 D im ens io nal St abil itv-Deterrnine the thennal di men-
15.9 mm [% in.] to a thickness of 1.6 + 0.25 mm l%e t 0.010 sional change of each lot of material using the method in
in.] and five specimens from these reduced portions. From 13.6.1- 13.6.10.
sheets 15.9 mm [% in.] and over in thickness, a slice somewhat 13.6.1 Scope-The test for dimensional stability is specific
thicker than L6 mmltAo in.] shall be cut {iom one edge but not to determine the amounl of change of dimension when the
less than 12.7 mm ft/z in.] distance from that edge and both molding is heated.
faces machined to a thickness of 1.6 + 0.25 mm [7re + 0.010 13.6.2 Signifc:ance qnd L/se-The significance of this test is
in.l. In all cases of specimens reduced to 1.6 mm [%o in.] by to indicate if the molding has been adequately stress relieved.
machining, tool marks shall be removed by light sanding in a 13.6.3 Measure the entire molding to the nearest 0.025 mm
longitudinal direction. [0.001 in.] in directions of length, width, and depth of sheets
13.3 Dielectric Strength-Determine the dielectric strength and blocks, length and diameter of cylinders, and length,
in accordance with l'est Method D 149 using five specimens diameter, and wall thickness of tubes.
and the shorl-time test under oil, except as ftrlltlws: 13.6.4 Mark the points of original measurement so that
13.3.lrWhen 25.4 mm [1 in.] specimens are used, the measurement after heating and cooling is made at the same
electrodes shall be 63.5 mm lt/+ in.l in diameter, with edges points.
rounded'po a 0.8 mm ft/tz in.l radius. 13.6.5 Place the molded shape or sheet in a heating chamber
13.3.2 lf the size of the moiding does not permit 25.4 mm Il at a temperature of 290 '+ 3"C [554 -1- 5.4"F], The heating
in.l wide specimens, 12.7 mm lt/t -in.l discs or strips 0.5 :l medium is either oil or air.
0.05 mm [0.020 +- 0.002 in.] thick shall be used with 1.6-mm 13.6.6 Hold the specimen at this temperature for a time
llAe -in.l diameter electrodes with rounded edges. period equivalent to 2 h/6.350 rrun [0.25 in.], but not less than
13.3.3 The specimen tnust extend sufficiently far beyond the 2 h, then lower the temperature at a rate not exceeding 30'C
electrode edge so that a ffash-over does not occur. 154"F]/h until room temperature is reached.
13.4 SpeciJic Gravi4,-g"termine the specific gravity on 13.6.7 Again rneasure the specimen at the sanle points to the
two specimens in accordance with Method A of Test Methocis nearest 0.025 rnrn [0.001 in.].
D 1g2.Add two clrops of a wetting agent (liquid dctcrgent.)e tt> 13.6.8 Altematively, mark portions of the molding and
the water in order to reduce the surlace tension and insure measurc the distances between the marks to the nearest 0.025
compiete wetting of the sample. nm [0.001 in.] in the respective directions.
13.5 Porctsitv-Detennine the porosily of Type I sheet or 13.6.9 Calculate the change in dimensions by the following
molded shape by the penetrant test. equation and average the results separately for the changes
13.5.1 Scope-The test for porosity is to determine that the made in each direction.
molding has received adequate pressure and ternperature D=(Ln_L)/t.ixt00
13.5.2 Signifcance and [Jse-The significance of this test where:
for porosity is to indicate if the molding has becn prtlperly D : dimensional change, 7o .
(Nonmandatorv Information)
Xl .1 Dimensional Stabil16.'-Basic shapes molded fronl unifbrm throughout and varies with the size. No amount of
PTFE as normally processed will contain intemal stresses. The annealing will insure complete stability in the final product.
magnirude of these stresses will vary with the thickness. These The best dimensional stabiliry in a finished product can only be
stresses will result in dirnensional changes when parts cut accornplished by carrying out a stress-relief procedtlre on a
therefrom are heated or machined. Annealing the shapes may finished part after all cutting operations are complete. For close
relieve some clf the stresses and distorl the surface and flatness tolerances on a finished part, the best procedure is to fabricate
of the shapes. However, this stless-relief treatment is only to approximate ditnensions, stress lelieve and then finish to
partially effective . The magnitude of the residual stresses is not specified dimensions.