Patel Vedant Lalitkumar PDF
Patel Vedant Lalitkumar PDF
Patel Vedant Lalitkumar PDF
Vedant Lalitkumar“Patel
(Enrollment”No: 170280720022)
Guided By
Prof. C.D. Patel
Assistant Professor Applied Mechanics Department
L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad
A Thesis submitted to
Gujarat Technological University
in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for
The Degree of Master of Engineering in Structural Engineering
May - 2018
Place: Ahmedabad
( ) ( )
Completion of this dissertation was possible with the support of several people. I
would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of them.
I would like to thank my guide Prof. C. D. Patel for his valuable support,
motivation and all the help that I needed to carry out the present work.
I am thankful to Mr. Jay J Patel (Structural Designer), for his generous help to me
by providing set of documents and improve my understanding towards behavior of bridge
and support to learn Midas civil which facilitated my dissertation work.
I would like to express my special thanks to Mr. A. R. Gandhi, Prof. and Head of
Applied Mechanics Department. I found his always ready to motivate and appreciate our
work throughout my study.
I would like to express my special thanks to Mr. Dhruv Patel and Mr Jay K Patel
for providing work station and help to make my work easier.
I extend my sincere thanks to all my friends and colleagues and the staff of Applied
Mechanics Department for their timely help and encouragement for this work.
I would like to thank my Parents and other Family members and all those who are
involved directly or indirectly in completion of the Dissertation work.
It was just not possible to carry out such a work without blessings and immense
love from Almighty. I sincerely thank God for his mercy and support for not letting me
down at any point of time.
Vedant L. Patel
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 20
2.2 Codal Provision .......................................................................................................... 37
5. Results and Summary of Findings ............................................................................... 59
6. References .................................................................................................................... 87
List of Figure
Figure 1-1 Failure of metallic bearing Surajbari Bridge (old) Kutch ................................. 21
Figure 1-2 Transverse movement of deck in Surajbari Bridge (New) in Kutch ................. 22
Figure 1-3 Expansion joint damaged due to excessive movement of Surajbari Bridge
(new) in Kutch 22
Figure 1-4 Padshahi Bagh (J.K.) damaged pier cap, bearing, and superstructure due to
terrorist attack ...................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 1-5 Displacement of Elastomeric Bearing in Darfield (NZ) during Earthquake ..... 23
Figure 4-1Tendon property .................................................................................................. 48
Figure 4-11 Typical Precast RCC/PSC Girder made integral with single row of Steel H-Pile
.............................................................................................................................................. 58
Figure 5-1Comparison of dead load bending moment at mid span in girder for integral and
bearing bridge for 25m span ................................................................................................ 59
Figure 5-2Comparision of live load bending moment at mid span and support in girder for
70R Vehicle.......................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 5-3Comparision of live load bending moment at mid span and support in girder for
70R Vehicle for 25m span length ........................................................................................ 60
Figure 5-4Comparison of bending moment in girder for positive temperature gradient ..... 60
Figure 5-5 Comparison of bending moment in girder under reverse temperature gradient 61
Figure 5-7Comparison of bending moment in girder under longitudinal earthquake in zone
IV and zone V ...................................................................................................................... 62
Figure 5-9 Comparison of bending moment in pier under reverse temperature gradient .... 63
Figure 5-10 Comparison of bending moment in pier under positive temperature gradient . 63
Figure 5-11 Comparison of bending moment in pier under braking load ........................... 64
Figure 5-12 Comparison of bending moment in pier under longitudinal earthquake for zone
IV and zone V ...................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 5-13 Comparison of bending moment in pier under lateral earthquake for zone IV
and zone V ........................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 5-14 Comparison of bending moment in pile under longitudinal earthquake for zone
IV and zone V ...................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 5-15 Comparison of bending moment in pile under lateral earthquake for zone IV
and zone V ........................................................................................................................... 66
Figure 5-16 Comparison of girder deflection under live load for 25m span length ............ 66
Figure 5-17Comparison of dead load bending moment at mid span of girder for integral
and bearing bridge for 35m span length............................................................................... 67
Figure 5-18Comparison of live load bending moment at girder mid span and support for
70R Vehicle for 35mspan length ......................................................................................... 67
Figure 5-19Comparison of live load bending moment at girder mid span and support for
class A Vehicle for 35m span length ................................................................................... 68
Figure 5-20 Comparison of girder maximum moment under positive temperature difference
for 35m span length.............................................................................................................. 68
Figure 5-21 Comparison of girder maximum moment under reverse temperature difference
for 35m span length.............................................................................................................. 69
Figure 5-22 Comparison of girder maximum moment under braking load due to live load
for 35m span length.............................................................................................................. 69
Figure 5-23 Comparison of girder maximum moment under longitudinal earthquake zone
VI and zone V for 35m span length ..................................................................................... 70
Figure 5-24 Comparison of girder maximum moment under lateral earthquake zone VI and
zone V for 35m span length ................................................................................................. 70
Figure 5-25 Comparison of pier maximum moment under reverse temperature gradient for
35m span length ................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 5-26 Comparison of pier maximum moment under positive temperature gradient for
35m span length ................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 5-27 Comparison of pier maximum moment under braking load due to live load for
35m span length ................................................................................................................... 72
Figure 5-28 Comparison of pier maximum moment under longitudinal earthquake for 35m
span length ........................................................................................................................... 72
Figure 5-29 Comparison of pier maximum moment under lateral earthquake for 35m span
length .................................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 5-30 Comparison of pile maximum moment under longitudinal earthquake for 35m
span length ........................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 5-31 Comparison of pile maximum moment under lateral earthquake for 35m span
length .................................................................................................................................... 74
Figure 5-32 Deflection of girder under live load for different vehicle type for 35m span
length .................................................................................................................................... 74
Figure 5-33 Comparison of girder mid span moment under live load of 70R in integral and
bearing bridge for 25m and 35m span length ...................................................................... 75
Figure 5-34 Comparison of girder moment at support under live load of 70R in integral and
bearing bridge for 25m and 35m span length ...................................................................... 75
Figure 5-35 Comparison of pier moment in integral bridge under longitudinal earthquake
zone VI for 25m and 35m span length ................................................................................. 76
Figure 5-36 Comparison of pier moment in integral bridge under longitudinal earthquake
zone V for 25m and 35m span length .................................................................................. 76
Figure 5-37 Comparison of pier moment in integral bridge under lateral earthquake zone
VI for 25m and 35m span length ......................................................................................... 77
Figure 5-38 Comparison of pier moment in integral bridge under lateral earthquake zone V
for 25m and 35m span length ............................................................................................... 77
Figure 5-39 Comparison of girder moment in integral bridge under positive temperature
difference for 25m and 35m span length ............................................................................. 78
Figure 5-40 Comparison of girder moment in integral bridge under reverse temperature
difference for 25m and 35m span length ............................................................................. 78
Figure 5-41 Comparison of girder moment in integral bridge under longitudinal earthquake
zone VI for 25m and 35m span length ................................................................................. 79
Figure 5-42 Comparison of girder moment in integral bridge under longitudinal earthquake
zone V for 25m and 35m span length .................................................................................. 79
Figure 5-43 Comparison of girder moment in integral bridge under lateral earthquake zone
VI for 25m and 35m span length ......................................................................................... 80
Figure 5-44 Comparison of girder moment in integral bridge under lateral earthquake zone
V for 25m and 35m span length ........................................................................................... 80
Figure 5-45 Total Cost(Rs. in Lakh) comparison of integral bridge and bearing bridge for
35m span length ................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 5-46 Percentage variation in total cost(Rs. in Lakh) of integral bridge and bearing
bridge ................................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 5-47 Total Cost(Rs. in Lakh) comparison of integral bridge and bearing bridge for
25m span length ................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 5-48 Total Cost(Rs. in Lakh) comparison of integral bridge for 25m span length and
35m span length ................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 7-1 Design check of PSC girder for flexure strength .............................................. 89
Figure 7-2 Design check of PSC girder for shear and torsion ............................................ 90
List of Table
Table 4-2 Construction stage details for activation and deactivation of support condition . 54
Table 5-1 Total cost (Rs. in Lakh) of Integral bridge and Bearing bridge for 25m span
length .................................................................................................................................... 85
Table 5-2 Total cost (Rs. in Lakh) of Integral bridge and Bearing bridge for 35m span
length .................................................................................................................................... 85
Integral Bridges are joint less bridges in which the deck is continuous and monolithic with
abutment walls and superstructure and substructure connection is monolithic. Bearing type
bridge observed unseating of deck during earthquake, replacement of bearing and
expansion joint resulting in high maintenance cost. Due to continuity in the bridge integral
bridges are less expensive, possess aesthetically pleasing appearance, increase riding
quality & low maintenance cost. To overcome the problem of bearing bridge Integral
bridge has been proposed. Literature review related to integral bridge and bearing bridge
has been done and presented. To understand the behaviour in different loading condition,
comparative study carried out for Integral bridges and bridge with bearing. For present
study two lane bridge with span length of 25m and 35m considered. Post tensioned I girder
at 2.5 m centre to centre is considered. For parametric study 2 span, 4 span, 6 span and 8
span bridge for both type of bridge is considered. Analysis of this models has been done
using Midas Civil as a computational tool. Integral bridges are economical as compare to
bearing bridge and maintenance is also very less. During earthquake event pier in integral
bridge experience half force compare to bearing bridge. After study of all model
comparative results has been provided in present study.
For many centuries bridges were built without expansion joint and bearing. But in
20th century as the engineering and analysis became more sophisticated there has been the
inclusion of joints and bearings in the design of bridges. An increasingly analytical
approach to bridge design in recent years has resulted in the construction of new highway
bridges that use complicated expansion joints and sliding bearings to accommodate design
thermal effects and horizontal displacements. In the current practice of bridge construction
there has been the inclusion of the joints, to decrease the span of the bridge and bearing to
transfer the load of superstructure to the substructure. We refer this sort of bridges as
“Bearing Bridges or Jointed Bridge”. Here the fore-mentioned inclusion has drawbacks
from both aesthetical and functional point of view. The distress caused by these elements
viz. joints and bearings, is the major cause of concern noticed in the bridges constructed
over last fifty years.
Despite of having the above mentioned drawbacks bearing bridges are popular in
India due to ease in their design and construction. On the other hand, “Integral Bridges” are
the bridges without any joint and bearings. This eliminates the causes of distress that were
observed in bearing type bridges. This results in the improvement of the bridges both
aesthetically and functionally.
The further introduction on both type of bridges is briefed in this chapter. Also this
chapter will deal with the need of study, scope of the study as well as the objective for
which the study will be carried out.
In this type of bridge bearings and expansion joints are provided . The expansion
joints and bearing are considered to be the weakest links of bearing bridges. However, they
are provided to accommodate design thermal effects and horizontal displacements.
Expansion joint are provided to serve the purpose of accommodation of the thermal and
volume change movements without allowing leakage of water through it. Unfortunately,
these jointed bridges are exhibiting deterioration of beam end, pedestal and piers. This
deterioration is predominately caused by flow through the bridge joints, of deck drainage
waters contaminated with the deicing chemical. This damages both, structural member and
bearings. Therefore bearing needs replacement periodically which is result in high
maintenance costs. Once the bearings are damaged are difficult to replace or repair and we
have to provide space for the placing of jack which is required to uplift the deck for
replacement of bearing. This repair and replacement of bearings involves costs and time.
Nationwide, rehabilitation costs for damaged bridge joints and substructures run into
millions of dollars annually. To overcome this, integral bridges are alternative to a cost-
effective alternative and are becoming increasingly popular.
Need for jointless bridge arises because of certain shortcomings of bearing bridges
mention below.
Bearings and expansion joints prove expensive matter to install, maintain, repair
and replace. Installation of bearings and joints is time consuming.
The run-off water leakage through expansion joints causes corrosion problems at
the girder ends, bearings and further to substructure system.
The failure of joints reduces the riding quality.
Elastomeric bearing can split or rupture due to unanticipated movements, or can
move from its original position.
Figure 1-3 Expansion joint damaged due to excessive movement of Surajbari Bridge (new) in Kutch
Figure 1-4 Padshahi Bagh (J.K.) damaged pier cap, bearing, and superstructure due to terrorist attack
An Integral Bridge (IB) is a structure where there are no bearings over the
abutments and no expansion joints in the superstructure. lB’s are characterized by
monolithic connection between the superstructure and the substructure (piers and
abutments), unlike the traditional bridge construction, where the superstructure is supported
on bearings and transfers all the forces to substructure and foundation through bearings.
Provision of expansion joints and bearings in traditional bridges allows movement and
rotation of the bridge deck, without transferring any force to abutment or pier and
foundation due to thermal, creep, shrinkage induced movements. In case of lB’s, the deck
Vedant L. Patel/M.E. Dissertation/L.D.C.E./2017-2019 23
carries the movement of deck to the abutment as well as to the backfill soil behind the
abutment; The approach slab between the bridge end and the pavements accommodate the
necessary movements.Apart from the fully integral solutions without expansion joints or
bearings, it is also possible to have structural solution, where only the expansion joints at
Abutments are omitted, but the bearings are provided. The back-wall portion of the
substructure is directly connected with the superstructure in such case and the
superstructure, back-wall and approach slab moves together ‘towards’ and ‘away’ from the
backfill during the thermal expansion and contraction. Such solutions, known as ‘Semi
lntegral Bridges’(SlB’s), are often appropriate particularly for the rehabilitation of bridges.
Integral abutment bridges have been built throughout the United States since the
1930s and become more common, especially for bridges with short and continuous spans.
An integral abutment bridge is designed without the use of expansion joints in the bridge
deck. This requires the bridge and abutment to be designed so that the developed loads
during expansion and contraction will be resisted. This joint-less bridge allow for lower
installation and maintenance costs by avoiding costly bearings and the inevitable
maintenance they require. This design philosophy has evolved since its introduction in the
United States and has improved through the individual experience of various states in
constructing these integral bridges. Current integral construction originated in 1930; when
Professor Hardy Cross presented a method for analysis of integral type structures following
a publication on distributing fixed end moments for continuous frames. Based on Cross’s
methods, bridge design began moving toward continuous construction. The Ohio Highway
Department, now Ohio Department of Transportation (DOT), was one of the first
department to embrace the use of continuous construction. Ohio DOT have over 70 years
of experience in continuous construction. In conjunction with their practice of continuous
construction, the Ohio DOT was the first state to routinely eliminate deck joints at
abutments. This configuration implemented the use of flexible piles as abutment supports
instead of movable deck joints and was designated as an integral abutment. Eighty seven
percent (26 of 30) of responding transportation departments in USA indicated that they
were using continuous construction for short and moderate length bridges. Gradual design
changes in the Ohio DOT and other state agencies allowed for longer integral abutment
bridges based upon the positive maintenance performance. The Tennessee DOT currently
is regarded as the leader in continuous integral abutment bridge construction, building a
continuous bridge in 1980 with a length of 2,700 feet center to center of the abutment
bearings. Continuous integral abutment bridges with concrete substructure members
ranging from 500 to 800 feet long have also been constructed in Kansas, California,
Colorado, and Tennessee. The main goal of an integral abutment bridge is to eliminate the
expansion joints and bearings completely. Eliminating bearings decreases installation costs
and the long-term maintenance costs that have been found to be associated with
conventional bridges.
An Integral Bridge is a structure where there are no bearing over the abutment and
expansion joint in the superstructure. Integral Bridge are characterized by monolithic
connection between the superstructure and substructure.
Currently in United kingdom, the bridges with span length less than 60m and skew
not exceeding 30 degree are generally required to be continuous over intermediate piers
and integral at abutment. The thermally induced cyclic movement at each abutment is
restricted to + 20 mm in case of Integral bridges as per the British Advisory Notes.
In Japan, the first integral bridge was built in 1996.Generally the integral bridge
length in japan is restricted to 30 m.
The length of the structure depends upon the climatic condition, range of
temperature variation – both seasonal and daily, material of the structure, geometry of the
structure, sub soil conditions and pier height.
The integral bridges are sensitive to daily and seasonal temperature and humidity.
Lesser the variation lesser are the induced stresses in the bridges. Thus integral concept is
more suitable in the regions with lesser variation in temperatures.
The multiple degrees of redundancy in the structure helps in minimizing the risk of
failure of the structure. Hence integral bridge concept in suitable in the high seismic zone.
Vedant L. Patel/M.E. Dissertation/L.D.C.E./2017-2019 27
Single row of Steel ‘H’ piles are commonly considered as the best foundation
practice in integral bridges, in many countries, including USA, UK, Ireland. Single row of
pile allows the abutment stem to translate into and out of the soil as it provides maximum
ductility and fiexibility in cyclic bending. Piles may be oriented with bending to occur
about the strong or weak axis (relative stiffness between abutment and piles is so large that
piles attract little moment regardless of orientation. For large movements, pile can be
installed in permanent steel casings. The steel casing in such cases shall be designed to
have the same design life as that of the bridge and an appropriate sacrificial corrosion
thickness should be allowed for in the pile section.
piles in foundation can be used in IBs provided the piles can absorb the thermally induced
high bending stresses, which may be caused due to increased stiffness of the foundation
system in such cases.
Sleeves around the piles are used by UK, Sweden to prevent soil from restraining
the free bending of the piles during superstructure translation. The pile theoretically
distributes any longitudinal translation along a greater length of freestanding pile. Result in
reducing the moment induced in the pile.
Spread footing, by their very nature, restrain the rotation of the abutment stem and
therefore attracts larger forces in the base, in case of IBs. However depending upon the
length and geometry of the IB, spread footings can also be used.
For an integral structure, it is preferable that the spans are symmetrically placed and
the adjacent pier stiffness does not differ substantially (say by more than 25 percent).
Though curvature and skew can be accommodated, it would be desirable to avoid large
skew (say, more than 30°) and high degree of curvature (Say R<100 m).
Bridges with tall piers are ideally suitable for integral bridges. The frame action greatly
helps to reduce the lateral loads being transferred to the foundation. Preferably abutment
heights on either side shall be the same. Difference in abutment height will cause
unbalanced lateral loads resulting in side sway, which should be considered in the design
by balancing the earth pressure which is consistent with the direction of sway, at the
abutments. This procedure is a complex, iterative process and should be avoided.
Integral Bridges, for all their simplicity in construction, are complicated structural
systems. To analyze a given structure, the designer has not to design for primary loads
(dead, live, wind, etc.) only but must also accurately account for secondary loads (creep.
shrinkage, settlement, temperature effects, etc.). To additionally complicate the analysis,
the response of a structure to a given set of external forces is very dependent on the soil-
structure interaction, geometry, configuration, materials and construction details of the
individual system.
The studies have been done for the analysis and design of integral bridge. The literature
reviewed for the study is as follows.
[1] Mairéad Ní Choine, Alan J. O’Connor & Jamie E. Padgett."Comparison between the
Seismic Performance of Integral and Jointed Concrete Bridges",Journal of Earthquak
Engineering,ASCE, 19:1,2015,172-191.
Mairéad Ní Choine[1] et al develop fragility curves for two bridge one is integral
and second is bearing bridge to draw comparisons between two design options. For both
the integral and jointed bridge a group of 3-span pre-stressed concrete bridges were
modeled. He chooses two different bridge lengths and three different column height. Three-
dimensional model of the bridges were developed and analyzed using the Open SEES finite
element platform. A same approach was used to model integral bridge with the exception
that for the integral case, the abutment springs are connected directly to the deck and the
column bents are connected directly to the deck with help of rigid links. For this study, a
probabilistic fragility analysis was conducted for each bridge to account for uncertainties
inherent in the structural modeling and ground motion realizations.
It was concluded that the integral bridges were stiffer than the jointed bridges. For
this comparison, it was assumed that bridge is located in Los Angeles, California. The PGA
corresponding to a 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years is found to be 0.97 g. It can be
seen that the jointed bridge is significantly more vulnerable due to seismic damage than the
integral bridge. Moderate damage is 60% greater than the probability of the integral bridge
exceeding moderate damage. For slight damage, it shows that the columns and abutments
in the active direction dominate the system fragility of the integral bridge. For the jointed
bridge, Fragility at the slight damage state the elastomeric bearings completely dominate.
The columns dominate the integral system fragility with the elastomeric bearings
dominating the jointed bridge fragility. Integral bridge type performs consistently better
over the range of bridge lengths and columns heights considered.
Literature Review
[2] Justin Vander Werff,; and Sri Sritharan,."Girder Load Distribution for Seismic Design
of Integral Bridges",Journal of Bridge Engineering,ASCE,2015
Justin Vander Werff [2] et al studies four test models of large scale bridge and
compares the results with grillage model. One test unit modeled a bridge with a four-girder
pre-stressed concrete super structure using precast bulb-tee girders. This test unit is referred
as the precast bulbtee model. The next two test units were based on bridges with four steel
girder. These units were referred as the steel pier cap models. A five-girder pre stressed
concrete super structure including an inverted-tee bent cap test unit investigated by
CALTRANS. This unit is referred to as the inverted-tee bent cap model. Current seismic
design practice allows little or no lateral seismic load to be distributed beyond the girders
immediately adjacent to the column in integral bridge girder-to-cap beam connections. The,
Increased girder depth, unnecessarily high seismic mass, and increased construction cost
due to current practice which leads to excessive girder-to-cap connection reinforcement.
Current practice and recommendations limit the transfer of column seismic over-
strength moment expected during horizontal seismic action in longitudinal direction to the
girders in the superstructure immediately adjacent to the column. It is observed that load
distributions from large-scale test the girders that are not adjacent to the column also resist
a significant amount of the column moment. Overestimation of the seismic load to the
girders adjacent to the column by as much as 60%.
Murat Dicleli [3]et al present an analytical approach which was used for predicting
the length limits for integral bridges built on cohesive soils which was based on the low
cycle fatigue performance of the steel H-piles and flexural strength of the abutments under
cyclic thermal loading. For, H-pile considering their local buckling instability large
inelastic deformations is calculated. To determine the maximum cyclic deformations
damage model was used that such piles can sustain. Then nonlinear static pushover
analyses of integral bridges subjected to cyclic thermal variations were performed. To
determine the maximum length limits of integral bridges built on cohesive soils equations
were derived by using the analyses results.
Height of the abutment, Stiffness of the deck, orientation of the piles and properties
as well as stiffness of the cohesive soils affects the maximum length of integral bridges.
This study considered only symmetrical integral bridges with no skew. He preferred
orientation of the pile for bending about the weak axis. He also recommends Concrete
bridges are more suited for integral bridge construction as they are less sensitive to
temperature variations. It is found that the maximum length limits for concrete integral
bridges range from 130 to 290 m and that for steel integral bridges ranges from 95 to 210
[4] Brent M. Phares,; Adam S. Faris; Lowell Greimann,; and Dean Bierwagen."Integral
Bridge Abutment to Approach Slab Connection", Journal of Bridge Engineering,ASCE,
Vol. 18, No. 2, February 1, 2013.
Brent M. Phares [4] et al study the performance of two approach slabs one is cast-
in-place slab and second is a precast panel slab integrally connected to two parallel bridges.
The bump at the end of the bridge can be eliminated by integral connection. Behavior and
performance is studied by the structure monitoring system.
Author did not observe any distress and relative movement at connection of
approach slab and bridge. The integral approach slab which is connected to bridge did not
cause any damage to the bridges. In precast and cast-in-place slabs there is no significant
differences measured.
[5] Shehab Mourad and Sami W. Tabsh."Deck Slab Stresses In Integral Abutment Bridges.
"Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, Vol.4,2 May1999,125-130.
Shehab Mourad [5] et al study the deck slab stresses in case of integral bridge and
compare with stresses associated with jointed bridge. The finite-element method was used
for analyze two bridge different type structures with different numbers of beams, beam
spacing, and supporting piles. Transverse and longitudinal slab stresses in the deck slab
were measured in positive and negative bending moment regions near and away from the
integral abutment. The slab stresses were compared between integral bridge and
conventional bridges. The integral abutment bridges distribute the loads in the deck slab
more uniformly than conventional bridge.
In the transverse direction of the slab 25 – 50% reduction in maximum stress were
observed in the integral bridges than conventional bridges. The reduction of 10-30% in the
maximum positive moment in the slab observed. The transverse stresses were less in case
of integral bridge than simply supported bridge due to truck locations that maximize
negative bending moment in the deck slab. For the two bridges observed in this study, the
20 – 70% of reduction in the maximum negative moment in the slab. 1 – 15% of reduction
in the maximum longitudinal stress at the top.
[6] Scott A. Civjan; Christine Bonczar; Sergio F. Breña; Jason DeJong; and Daniel
Crovo"Integral Abutment Bridge Behavior: Parametric Analysis of a Massachusetts
Bridge" Journal of Bridge Engineering,ASCE, Vol 1,No 1,January 1 2007,pg 64-70.
[7] Alan G. Bloodworth; Ming Xu; James R. Banks; and Chris R. I. Clayton."Predicting
the Earth Pressure on Integral Bridge Abutments", Journal of Bridge Engineering,ASCE,
Vol. 17, No. 2, March 1, 2012.
Alan G. Bloodworth[7] et al ,Samples of stiff clay and sand were tested in the
triaxial apparatus under stress paths that are typical behind an integral abutment. Distinct
behaviour was observed for the two soils, with stiff clay showing relatively little build up
Vedant L. Patel/M.E. Dissertation/L.D.C.E./2017-2019 34
Literature Review
of lateral stress with cycles, whereas sand stresses continued to increase, exceeding at-rest
pressure and approaching full passive pressures.
[8] Jonathan Kunin and Sreenivas Alampalli."integral abutment bridges: current practice
in united states and canada",journal of performance of constructed facilities,asce, 14, 2000,
Jonathan Kunin [8] et al A comparative study was done across North America, for
design and construction of both substructure and superstructure of integral bridge. Integral
abutment bridges become more popular for bridge owner as economical alternatives to
bridges with bearing and expansion joints. New York started building integral bridges since
the late 1970s. In all, 39 states and Canadian provinces responded, from them 8 who said
they had no experience with integral bridges. Design practices and assumptions for limits
of thermal movement, soil pressure, pile design vary among responding agencies. These
decisions were based on their past experience. Integral bridge performance included minor
cracking, drainage at abutments, and settlement of approach slabs. The only state Arizona
with a negative opinion, having built 50 bridges. The longest precast-concrete-girder bridge
of 358.4 m length built in Tennessee. The longest steel-girder and cast-in-place concrete
bridges were both built in Colorado, measuring 318.4 m and 290.4 m respectively.
Most of states practices skew of integral bridges to less than 30 degree, but two
agencies set no skew limits. About half the designers report no distress related to thermal
movement. Kansas observed shrinkage issue for pre-stressed bridges and advises engineers
to account for this in future construction. Six agencies were use combination of active and
passive soil pressures. Two agencies did not consider any soil pressure within the certain
abutment size limits, and three did not consider earth pressure at all in their design. About
75% indicate that they distribute loads uniformly to the piles.
[9] WooSeok Kim, Jeffrey A. Laman," Integral abutment bridge response under thermal
loading", Engineering Structures,Elsevier,vol 32,6 january 2010,pg.1495-1508.
WooSeok Kim [9] et al gives integral abutment bridge response prediction models
were given from the parametric study. In study they considered five parameters Bridge
length, Thermal, Backfill height, Expansion coefficient, Backfill stiffness and Pile soil
Vedant L. Patel/M.E. Dissertation/L.D.C.E./2017-2019 35
Literature Review
stiffness. Five parameters were evaluated at three distinct magnitudes to cover the normal
range of bridge construction. The parametric study revealed that significantly influence the
IAB response was influence by the thermal expansion coefficient, bridge length and pile
soil stiffness. Backfill height and backfill stiffness had not significant influence. The girder
axial force, pile lateral force, girder moment, pile moment significantly influenced by
magnitude of thermal expansion coefficient.
response recorded for 30 months. One bridge was straight while the other had a 15 degree
skew. One bridge is Middlesex Bridge which was straight bridge with a 43m span and
10.2m width. Second bridge was East Montpelier Bridge which has 15 degree skew with
span length of 37 meter and width of 14.2 meter. Author observed that during the hottest
day the pile deformation remained relatively unchanged in the first year while the abutment
rotation varied to accommodate short-term bridge expansion and contraction. However, for
both hot and cold days the ambient temperature at the time of readings was not an accurate
predictor of superstructure expansion and contraction due to the time lag for the bridge
materials to respond to ambient thermal conditions. Abutment and pile deformation plots
highlight maximum displacements at the top of piles that are often only 1/3 to 1/2 of the
values at the top of the abutment. Maximum pile moments correspond to concentrated
curvature at the pile–abutment interface which did not correspond to peak temperatures.
Design for full passive pressure appears to be overly conservative for these single span
structures. In case of straight integral bridge is very consistent while in case of 15 degree
skew bridge experience highly variable backfill pressure.
Section 1 introduce about integral bridge; advantages and disadvantages and current
practices in various country of the world of the same.
Section 2 to 4 is about scope of code; definitions and planning consideration for the
construction of integral bridge.
Section 6 is talking about loads and load combination. It says the effect of
temperature difference, shrinkage and creep should be considered as per IRC: 112 and
IRC: 6.Load combination shall be considered as per IRC: 6.
Section 7 gives criteria for method of analysis , As per this section for reinforced or
prestressed concrete structure guidelines of IRC:112 shall be followed. It also gives in
which circumstances soil structure interaction analysis shall be done.
Section 8 contains criteria for design and detailing of Girder design, Abutment
design, Foundation design, and Bridge approach system.
In India very little research done in the area of integral construction. Majority of
research were done for bridge with Steel H-piles .No codal provision from IRC about detail
design of integral bridge. No data available for comparison of Integral Bridge with Bearing
type bridge.
In India, limited data is available to study the comparison between integral and
bearing bridge systems, hence it restricts the probability of adopting a particular system in
certain condition. The suitability of Integral Bridges in Indian condition from functional
and economical point of view is required to be assessed. For a developing country like
India the maintenance cost of structure should be minimum. This forms the need to carry
out the comparative study between bearing and integral bridge systems.
of Integral Bridges and Bearing Bridges under temperature variation, different seismic
zone, time dependent loading and various loadings as per IRC:6.
• Modelling of Two lane Bearing type bridge & Integral type bridge.
• Cost comparison.
Book: Krishna Raju N. Design Of Bridges; 4th Edn ; Oxford And IBH Publishing ,New
Design RCC Tee beam girder bridge to suit the following data.In book problem is solved
by courbon method.
Sr No Description % Deviation
1 D.L Bending Moment* 1218 1226 +0.65
* Unit of Bending moment -kNm ; Unit of Shear Force - kN ; C/B -Cross Bea
Geometric parameters
Thickness of slab 220 mm
Width of bridge 8m
Carriageway width 7.5 m
No of Longitudinal Girder 3
C/C Spacing of Girder 2.5m
Diameter of Pier 1.5m
Height of Pier 5m
Diaphragm section 1.98*2.25 m
Pier cap thickness 1.5m
Diameter of Pile 1m
No of Pile 4
Thickness of Pilecap 1.5 m
Depth of Pile 30 m
Size of Pile cap 4.3*4.3 m
IRC Vehicle 70R and ClassA
Concrete grade of Girder and M45
Concrete grade of remaining M40
Modal provisions
Grade of Reinforcement Fe500
Thickness of Wearing coat 65 mm
The girders are provided with 5 cables of 16 T 13 type high tensile strength which
conforming the Code of practice for Uncoated stress relieved strands : IS 14268 -
1995.Diameter of duct is 85mm.Cables are stressed after the 28 days of the casting of
girder.Prestress force of 223 Ton is applied from both the side. Anchorage slip of 6mm at
both the side is allowed.
4.3 Loadings
To apply dynamic loading response spectrum analysis has been carried out.For
dynamic loading response reduction factor(R) is different for integral bridge and bearing
bridge. Response reduction factor is depend on ductility of structure.But here to investigate
and compare the behavior under dynamic load we should apply same amount of load.
Because of this reason same response reduction factor is applied in integral bridge as well
as bearing bridge.
To study purpose bridge kept as two lane bridge with clear carriageway of 7.5m.
For two lane bridge live load is applied as per IRC:6. As per code for two lane bridge one
70R vehicle or two class A vehicle at appropriate distance as per codal provision is applied.
Super imposed dead load includes load of crash barrier and surfacing. SIDL load
are applied as shown below
Braking load is applied as per IRC-6 provision. Load is applied at the height 1.2m
above the final road level.
4.3.6 Connection
Rigid link is used to connect pier and pier cap. To connect girder with pier cap
elastic link of 10E7 kN/m is used.
Construction stage analysis has been done for integral and bearing bridge. Construction
stage analysis is essential for integral bridge. Construction method leads to analysis
method.In construction first girders are casted in casting yard and then it is placed on the
bridge with the help of crane. initially girders are on their temporary support and it is
under simply support. After that slab and common diaphragm is casted to connect girder
with diaphragm to integrate the girders.In this case girders is transformed from their
temporary support to fixed support with appropriate stiffness.
Construction stage -1
In this case substructure is casted which include pile, pilecap, pier, piercap. Support
condition for pile is fixed support. Pile is modelled up to the fixity length.
Construction stage -2
In this case girders are casted and placed on the pier cap with temporary support.
Construction stage -3
In this case slab and diaphragm is activated and girder temporary support are
deactivated and transformed to permanent support.
Construction stage -4
This case is long term case with 10000 days to calculate long term prestress loss.
Span 3 Girder O O O O
Span 4 Girder O O O O
Diaphragm O O O
Substructure O O O O O
Cross beam O O O
Table 4-4 Construction stage details for activation and deactivation of support condition
Temporary support O O X
Substructure support O O O O O
Surfacing O O O
Pre-Stress 1 O O O O
Pre-Stress 2 O O O O
Pre-Stress 3 O O O O
Pre-Stress 4 O O O O
*Where CS mean construction stage ; A means activate in that particular stage ; T means
total activation at the end of that particular stage.
Codal Provision:
Construction consideration
For an integral structure, it is preferable that the spans are symmetrically placed and
the adjacent pier stiffness does not differ substantially (say by more than 25 percent).
Though curvature and skew can be accommodated, it would be desirable to avoid large
skew (say. more than 30°) and high degree of curvature (Say R<100 m).
Bridges with tall piers are ideally suitable for integral bridges. The frame action
greatly helps to reduce the lateral loads being transferred to the foundation. Preferably
abutment height5 on either side shall be the same. A difference in abutment height will
cause unbalanced lateral loads resulting in side sway, which should be considered in the
design by balancing the earth pressure which is consistent with the direction of sway, at the
abutments. This procedure is a complex, iterative process and should be avoided.
The abutments and the wing walls shall be constructed met to seating level
In case precast / prefabricated girders are used, they shall be placed on a support
that allows rotation and deflection of girders due to self-weight of the deck. A 20
mm thick natural rubber sheet is generally provided to accommodate rotation of
The deck and the portion of the abutment above bearing seat elevation shall be cast
integrally with the girders.
There is a possibility that during construction, the superstructure will be subject to
thermal movements when the freshly placed concrete of the abutment diaphragm is
not fully set. This can be a serious concern with steel beam bridges that are more
responsive to rapid changes in ambient temperatures. As such, casting of the
closing pour of the abutment should be timed such that the initial set of the
abutment diaphragm concrete occurs when the superstructure is at a relatively
constant temperature. As bridge temperatures are dissimilar to ambient air
temperatures, casting after midnight or in the very early hours of the morning is
In the case of steel girder bridges, their thermal movements are modified after
casting the concrete deck slab. Therefore the best results can be achieved by casting
the closing abutment joint after the deck slab has been cast, and preferably whilst
the deck slab is cooled with water spraying or flooding, which is also beneficial for
The construction of deck and abutment to the seating level shall be in sequence so
that the structure becomes integral, with no residual stress. This may require careful
consideration of concrete-pouring sequence and sometimes even the use of a
retarder. The ends of the deck and the abutments shall be placed last unless setting
of concrete can be retarded sufficiently to allow the placement from one end to the
other in a single pour.
The stability and the integrity of the structure shall be maintained at all stages of
Backfill shall not be placed behind the abutment until the concrete deck has attained
75% of its specified strength. Backfill shall be placed simultaneously behind both
abutments, keeping the height of backfill appropriately same. At no time the
difference in height of backfill shall be greater than 500 mm. The sequence of
placement of backfill shall be taken into account in design.
Girder Design
Figure 4-11 Typical Precast RCC/PSC Girder made integral with single row of Steel H-Pile
5.1 Results Structural responses for all the bridge model are computed by Midas civil
software. Structural responses include base shear, moment , displacement results in
graphical form are as follow
250 280 290 280 290 280 290 280 290
Integral Bridge
0 Bearing Bridge
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 280 280 280 280
Bearing Bridge 290 290 290 290
No of Span (Each of 25m)
Figure 5-1Comparison of dead load bending moment at mid span in girder for integral and bearing
bridge for 25m span
250 297 297 297 297
150 199 204 204 204
176 179 178 177
50 0 0 0 0
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge Mid Span 199 204 204 204
Braering Bridge Mid span 297 297 297 297
Integral Bridge at support 176 179 178 177
Braering Bridge at support 0 0 0 0
No of Span (Each of 25m)
Figure 5-2Comparision of live load bending moment at mid span and support in girder for 70R Vehicle
Summary of finding
0 0 0 0
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge Mid Span 157 158 162 161
Bearing Bridge Mid span 202 202.5 203 201
Integral Bridge at support 199 197 196 196
Bearing Bridge at support 0 0 0 0
No of Span (Each of 25m)
Figure 5-3Comparision of live load bending moment at mid span and support in girder for 70R
Vehicle for 25m span length
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 141 148 159 162
Bearing Bridge 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22
No of Span (Each of 25m)
Bending Moment (ton.m)
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 44 45.02 46.82 48.96
Bearing Bridge 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65
No of Span (Each of 25m)
Figure 5-5 Comparison of bending moment in girder under reverse temperature gradient
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 29 32 33 34.47
Bearing Bridge 44.87 44.87 44.87 44.87
No of Span (Each of 25m)
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
Integral Bridge zone IV 127.92 141 147 155.9
Bearing Bridge Zone IV 27.93 27.93 27.93 27.93
Integral Bridge Zone V 191 211 219 233.99
Bearing Bridge Zone V 41.9 41.9 41.9 41.9
No of Span (Each of 25m)
Figure 5-7Comparison of bending moment in girder under longitudinal earthquake in zone IV and
zone V
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
Integral Bridge zone IV 69.13 93 87.92 82.42
Bearing Bridge Zone IV 49.26 49.26 49.26 49.26
Integral Bridge Zone V 103.7 139 131.4 123.62
Bearing Bridge Zone V 73.88 73.88 73.88 73.88
No of Span (Each of 25m)
Figure 5-8Comparison of bending moment in girder under lateral earthquake in zone IV and zone V
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 27 48 67.8 85.6
Bearing Bridge 13 13 13 13
No of Span (Each of 25m)
Figure 5-9 Comparison of bending moment in pier under reverse temperature gradient
Bending Moment (ton.m)
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 61 96 130 158.05
Bearing Bridge 4 4 4 4
No of Span (Each of 25m)
Figure 5-10 Comparison of bending moment in pier under positive temperature gradient
Bending Moment (ton.m)
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 41 44 46.4 44.98
Bearing Bridge 127 127 127 127
No of Span (Each of 25m)
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
Integral Bridge zone IV 352 381 396 405
Bearing Bridge Zone IV 675 675 675 675
Integral Bridge Zone V 528 572 595 607
Bearing Bridge Zone V 1013 1013 1013 1013
No of Span (Each of 25m)
Figure 5-12 Comparison of bending moment in pier under longitudinal earthquake for zone IV and
zone V
Figure 5-13 Comparison of bending moment in pier under lateral earthquake for zone IV and zone V
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
Integral Bridge zone IV 166 180 186.85 190.24
Bearing Bridge Zone IV 137.27 137.27 137.27 137.27
Integral Bridge Zone V 250 271 280 285.35
Bearing Bridge Zone V 205 205 205 205
No of Span (Each of 25m)
Figure 5-14 Comparison of bending moment in pile under longitudinal earthquake for zone IV and
zone V
Figure 5-15 Comparison of bending moment in pile under lateral earthquake for zone IV and zone V
70R Class A
Integral Bridge 5.24 3.83
Bearing Bridge 7.16 5.31
Vehicle Type
Figure 5-16 Comparison of girder deflection under live load for 25m span length
Bending Moment (ton.m)
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 522 522 522 522
Bearing Bridge 522 522 522 522
No of Span (Each of 35m)
Figure 5-17Comparison of dead load bending moment at mid span of girder for integral and bearing
bridge for 35m span length
526 526 526 526
294 321 294 321 294 321 294 321
0 0 0 0
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge Mid Span 294 294 294 294
Braering Bridge Mid span 526 526 526 526
Integral Bridge at support 321 321 321 321
Braering Bridge at support 0 0 0 0
No of Span (Each of 35m)
Figure 5-18Comparison of live load bending moment at girder mid span and support for 70R Vehicle
for 35mspan length
Figure 5-19Comparison of live load bending moment at girder mid span and support for class A
Vehicle for 35m span length
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 72 74 78 81
Bearing Bridge 0.05 0.22 0.22 0.22
No of Span (Each of 35m)
Figure 5-20 Comparison of girder maximum moment under positive temperature difference for 35m
span length
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 66 69 72 75
Bearing Bridge 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19
No of Span (Each of 35m)
Figure 5-21 Comparison of girder maximum moment under reverse temperature difference for 35m
span length
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 28 31 31 33
Bearing Bridge 40 40 40 40
No of Span (Each of 35m)
Figure 5-22 Comparison of girder maximum moment under braking load due to live load for 35m span
Figure 5-23 Comparison of girder maximum moment under longitudinal earthquake zone VI and zone
V for 35m span length
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
Integral Bridge zone IV 101 95 80 78
Bearing Bridge Zone IV 69 69 69 69
Integral Bridge Zone V 152 143 153 158
Bearing Bridge Zone V 123 123 123 123
No of Span (Each of 35m)
Figure 5-24 Comparison of girder maximum moment under lateral earthquake zone VI and zone V for
35m span length
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 27 39 53.4 68.9
Bearing Bridge 2 2 2 2
No of Span (Each of 35m)
Figure 5-25 Comparison of pier maximum moment under reverse temperature gradient for 35m span
Bending Moment (ton.m)
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 39 55 71 85
Bearing Bridge 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
No of Span (Each of 35m)
Figure 5-26 Comparison of pier maximum moment under positive temperature gradient for 35m span
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 47 55 59 61
Bearing Bridge 165 165 165 165
No of Span (Each of 35m)
Figure 5-27 Comparison of pier maximum moment under braking load due to live load for 35m span
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
Integral Bridge zone IV 427 460 480 491
Bearing Bridge Zone IV 767 767 767 767
Integral Bridge Zone V 640 691 721 737
Bearing Bridge Zone V 1151 1151 1151 1151
No of Span (Each of 35m)
Figure 5-28 Comparison of pier maximum moment under longitudinal earthquake for 35m span length
Figure 5-29 Comparison of pier maximum moment under lateral earthquake for 35m span length
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
Integral Bridge zone IV 195 213 221 226
Bearing Bridge Zone IV 148 148 148 148
Integral Bridge Zone V 293 319 332 339
Bearing Bridge Zone V 221 221 221 221
No of Span (Each of 35m)
Figure 5-30 Comparison of pile maximum moment under longitudinal earthquake for 35m span length
Figure 5-31 Comparison of pile maximum moment under lateral earthquake for 35m span length
70R Class A
Integral Bridge 10.45 8.66
Bearing Bridge 18.4 13.77
Vehicle Type
Figure 5-32 Deflection of girder under live load for different vehicle type for 35m span length
Bending Moment (ton.m)
25 m 35 m
Integral bridge 204 294
Bearing bridge 297 526
Span length
Figure 5-33 Comparison of girder mid span moment under live load of 70R in integral and bearing
bridge for 25m and 35m span length
Bending Moment (ton.m)
25 m 35 m
Integral bridge 179 321
Bearing bridge 0 0
Span length
Figure 5-34 Comparison of girder moment at support under live load of 70R in integral and bearing
bridge for 25m and 35m span length
Bending Moment (ton.m)
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
25 m span length 352 381 396 405
35 m span length 427 460 480 491
No of Span
Figure 5-35 Comparison of pier moment in integral bridge under longitudinal earthquake zone VI for
25m and 35m span length
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
25 m span length 528 572 595 607
35 m span length 640 691 721 737
No of Span
Figure 5-36 Comparison of pier moment in integral bridge under longitudinal earthquake zone V for
25m and 35m span length
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
25 m span length 716 815 860 854
35 m span length 849 948 949 902
No of Span
Figure 5-37 Comparison of pier moment in integral bridge under lateral earthquake zone VI for 25m
and 35m span length
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
25 m span length 1074 1222 1291 1281
35 m span length 1274 1422 1424 1353
No of Span
Figure 5-38 Comparison of pier moment in integral bridge under lateral earthquake zone V for 25m
and 35m span length
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
25 m span length 25 39 51 80
35 m span length 72 74 78 81
No of Span
Figure 5-39 Comparison of girder moment in integral bridge under positive temperature difference for
25m and 35m span length
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
25 m span length 17 27 38 85
35 m span length 27 39.5 53.4 68.9
No of Span
Figure 5-40 Comparison of girder moment in integral bridge under reverse temperature difference for
25m and 35m span length
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
25 m span length 127 141 147 155
35 m span length 145 163 170 174
No of Span
Figure 5-41 Comparison of girder moment in integral bridge under longitudinal earthquake zone VI
for 25m and 35m span length
Bending Moment (ton.m)
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
25 m span length 191 211 219 233
35 m span length 218 245 256 261
No of Span
Figure 5-42 Comparison of girder moment in integral bridge under longitudinal earthquake zone V for
25m and 35m span length
Bending Moment (ton.m)
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
25 m span length 69 93 87 82
35 m span length 101 95 80 78
No of Span
Figure 5-43 Comparison of girder moment in integral bridge under lateral earthquake zone VI for 25m
and 35m span length
2 span 4 span 6 span 8 span
25 m span length 103 139 131 123
35 m span length 152 143 153 158
No of Span
Figure 5-44 Comparison of girder moment in integral bridge under lateral earthquake zone V for 25m
and 35m span length
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 160.07 285.02 409.98 534.39
Bearing Bridge 173.66 311.72 449.79 587.31
No of span(Each of 35m)
Figure 5-45 Total Cost(Rs. in Lakh) comparison of integral bridge and bearing bridge for 35m span
600.00 9.7
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
Integral Bridge 160.07 285.02 409.98 534.39
Bearing Bridge 173.66 311.72 449.79 587.31
No of span(Each of 35m)
Figure 5-46 Percentage variation in total cost(Rs. in Lakh) of integral bridge and bearing bridge
Figure 5-47 Total Cost(Rs. in Lakh) comparison of integral bridge and bearing bridge for 25m span
2 Span 4 Span 6 Span 8 Span
25m span length 144.41 253.72 363.02 438.77
35m span length 160.07 285.02 409.98 534.39
No of span for Integral bridge
Figure 5-48 Total Cost(Rs. in Lakh) comparison of integral bridge for 25m span length and 35m span
5.2 Conclusion
After analysis we know integral bridge attract higher forces expect earthquake
force. On the other hand Bearing bridge are allows movement in temperature variation and
experience higher earthquake load. All over for design of bridges section in both cases
(Integral and Bearing) design forces are nearly same. After load combination variation of
forces is about 10-15%.
Therefore, Size of concrete section can be kept same in both cases and percentage
of steel is nearly same amount. In amount of concrete and steel there is no major change
between integral bridge and bearing bridge due to same section size. There is no significant
difference in cost due to quantity of concrete and steel. But the major change in costing is
due to cost of bearing and expansion joints as in Integral Bridge bearing and expansion
joints are eliminated. Price of bearing is very high.
cost of integral bridge is 8-10% lesser than bearing bridge. Maintenance cost of bearing
bridge is much higher because bearing needs replacement at least twice or thrice in total
design life depends on surrounding environment condition. Cost of Integral bridge and
Bearing bridge is mention in below table.
Table 5-1 Total cost (Rs. in Lakh) of Integral bridge and Bearing bridge for 25m span length
Table 5-2 Total cost (Rs. in Lakh) of Integral bridge and Bearing bridge for 35m span length
Initial construction cost and maintenance cost of Integral Bridge is less compare to
bearing bridge.
Integral bridges perform better under seismic induced forces due to the fixity and
restraints at the abutment. The multiple degree of redundancy in the structure helps
to minimize the risk of failure of the structure. Therefore in high seismic zone,
integral bridges are preferred.
Bridge which is curved in plan shall be integral bridge to overcome the uplift
pressure in bearing.
Integral bridge shall be constructed up to length of 300m. After that expansion joint
can be provided.
Integral bridge may be more convenient with box girder and voided slab type deck.
To Retrofitting of existing multi-span bridges from simple to continuous span. This
type of integral conversion practice started with Wisconsin and Massachusetts in
the 1960.As per Texas DOT ; Remove concrete as necessary from slab and add
negative moment steel at the level of existing top. Deck steel is sufficient to resist
transverse cracking. Generally reconstruct with regular concrete to original grade.
Future Scope
Study can be done with different deck system like Voided slab, Box girder.
Study can be done with inclusion of settlement of support.
Instead of straight alignment curved bridge and skew bridge alignment shall be
Study can be done with soil structure interaction instead of fixity in pile.
In the present study, Concrete design of integral bridge and bearing bridge are
designed for 2span to 8 span with each of 25m span length and 35m span length in seismic
zone IV & V. Prestress post-tensioned girder and other reinforced sections are designed in
Midas civil 2019 as per IRC-112:2011. Preview of design is as follow.
Figure A-2 Design check of PSC girder for shear and torsion
Compliance Report
1. Cost comparison of Integral Bridge and Jointed Bridge has been done.