Merits and Demerits of Tree Crop Combinations: C. J. Itnal Former Director of Research, UAS, Dharwad
Merits and Demerits of Tree Crop Combinations: C. J. Itnal Former Director of Research, UAS, Dharwad
Merits and Demerits of Tree Crop Combinations: C. J. Itnal Former Director of Research, UAS, Dharwad
Former Director of Research, UAS, Dharwad
A proverb in India says, “Farming without tree culture is incomplete”. There has been a practice of
growing one or the other tree species with agricultural crop for multipurpose uses. Farmers from time
immemorial are in the habit of planting various economic tree species on the field bunds, corners of
field or sporadically or zonally or sequentially for fuel, fodder, fruits, fertilizers (manure), finance and
timber. A rigorous selection has been imposed by the farmers in the past as regards to their suitability
in respect of supplementary / complimentary efforts or competitive nature. The goal was to realies
higher economic returns from these combinations. Along with tree-crop combinations some drought
tolerant grass species were also introduced with an objective of arresting soil loss, enhancing soil
moisture and to harvest fodder for the cattle. In olden days each village had its own Gauthana (grazing
area) which is fast disappearing and pressure is being built (on forest areas as cattle graze in the forest.
As a result, forests are getting degraded and the ecosystem is being disturbed coupled with this kind
interference, man in his zest to cultivate more and more area to produce required food, fodder, fuel
etc. is causing further degradation. The increased and continuous deforestation has resulted in serious
scarcity of fuel for the rural households. Consequently village women have to trek long distances
under harsh conditions for final collection. All most half to three fourth day is spent by human in the
collection of fuel every day. It is sheer waste of human resources.
Concomitantly the practices of burning crop residues and other organic wastes are increasing
to meet out the daily needs of fuel for cooking, heating water and other purposes. This has resulted in
the non-availability of organic matter to cultivable land considering the various faces of the problems,
therefore, and absolute need to incorporate one or other tree species along with cultivated crops,
which may help to meet the human, animal and land needs.
Agro-climatic conditions and the possible systems are indicated below.
In the words of alternative land system, the above approaches could be grouped into following
agroforestry system.
a) Agri-silvi system
b) Agri-Horti system
c) Agri-Pastoral system
d) Agri-Silvi pastoral system
e) Agri- Silvi- Horti. System
f) Agri –Horti- pastural system
g) Agri –Horti- silvi- pastoral system
These above combinations may be with or without animal component and agricultural crops
are the major component. Alternatively if a system emphasizes on fodder, fuel etc. these
became the major component and the field crops are subsidiary components. A list of suitable
agro system in different phase of the country is indicated in Table 1.
Upcoming Pawlonia Sp.
Populus deltoids (Poplar)
Cold Arid Existing Juriperus macropoders
Hippophone rhamnoides
(seabuck thorn)
Ephidra geradiana
Hyoscyarurs niger
Capparis spinosa
Rosa arbhiana
Rheum mooncorfiaun
Recent Poplar
Table 2 Provides a series of trees suited for agriculture field and field boundaries for the different
conditions in India.
J&K, HP Willow
Populus deltoides (Poplar)
Bambusa arundinacea
Similarly, combination of horticulture species with trees is presented in Table-3.
Table 3: Silviculture systems
System Location Tree(s)
4. Postoral- silvi system
This kind of alternate land use system consists of grazing grasses, with tree component and may differ
on the basis of agro-climatic regions such examples are indicated in table 4.
Table 4: The pastoral- silvi systems that would sustain based on rainfall.
Alley cropping
Food crops are grown in alleys formed by hedgerow or by the shrubs in arable lands. It also known as
hedgerow intercropping. These hedgerows are pruned at certain height, preferably at 30-.45 cm from
the ground level as frequently as possible so that these hedgerows do not shade the companion crop
and also do not compete with arable crops. The leaf material harvested from the hedgerows is either
utilized as a fodder for the mulch animals or as a mulch material between the crop rows in seeder to
check the soil moisture evaporation.
1. Provides green fodder even during the lean period of the year
2. Yields high total biomass production pee unit area than arable crops alone.
3. Efficient use of off-season precipitation in the absence of arable crops.
4. Creates additional employment opportunities during off season and
5. Serves as a barricade to surface runoff, resulting in soil and water conservation
Based on the objectives, there are three types of alley cropping:
In very shallow soils where arable cropping is not possible, system of growing Subabul for
timber purpose and agave for fibre as resulted in better economic returns compared to sole arable
crop. This system is called as TIM – FIB System.
Trees are not common and uniform for the entire country. The adaptation of trees where is based on
agro-ecological conditions and also the purpose for which they are grown. The multipurpose trees
have considerable usages such as fodder, fuel, finance, fruits, timber, gum, medicine and manure. The
leaf litter falling on the ground adds large quantity of organic matter, which gets connected into
humus after decomposition, which alternately helps to build the organic content of the soils. The trees
are also used as natural drains to ameliorate the water logged soils eg. Eucalyptus has the capacity of
draining considerable amount of water which acts as natural drainage.
Trees help to improve the soils through various processes. They provide huge biomass, atmospheric
nitrogen, protect against water and wind erosions, addition of plant nutrient enriches the soil improves
the physical soil conditions and also biological activities. The Table 5 provides the most potential
beneficial efforts of trees in soils.
Catalytic processes Physical processes Improvement of physical pro-
(indirect influences) perties (water holding capacity
permeability drainage etc) at the
microsite as well as at water-
shed (macrosite)
Table-6: Microbial population (surface soil) under MPTS in arid sandy soil.
Dryland farmers are reluctant to grow trees in cultivated field mainly for the region that tree
adversely effect the crop by way of their extensive and exhaustive rooting habitat, shading and also
allelopathy certain toxic substance are revised from the leaf litter falling on the ground which may
some times improve the germination of seeds. The roots compete for moisture with that of agricultural
crop. This is quite evident from a study undulated in black soils of Bellary and Bijapur.
Table-7: Grain yield of safflower as influenced by the border effect of different tree species at the end
of 10th year.
9) Economic benefits
Benefit cost ratio (BCR) and pay back period (PBP) after 12 years