Irda Forms - Ia / Ib / Ic

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IRDA forms - IA / IB / IC


Version 1.0, Apr 2015

(With a Life Insurer OR General Insurer OR Health Insurer) for the FIRST TIME.

Name of the Insurer S B I G E N E R A L I N S U R A N C E
Please paste self attested
C O M P A N Y L I M I T E D passport size
coloured photograph
Dear Sirs,
I request that Appointment to act as an insurance agent of your organisation may be granted to me.
I hereby declare that particulars given below are true and that the APPOINTMENT for which I apply will
be used only by myself for soliciting or procuring insurance business for your Insurance Organisation.

1) Name F I R S T N A M E M I D D L E N A M E S U R N A M E

2) Title Mr. Mrs. Miss.

3) Father's / F I R S T N A M E M I D D L E N A M E S U R N A M E
Husband's Name
4) Full Address

Pin Code

Phone No. Mobile No.

E-mail ID

5) Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y (Please attach proof of Age)

6) Educational Qualifications. (Tick the right Box) (Attach self-attested certificate)

Class X Class XII Graduate Post Graduate Others

7) PAN CARD Number (Please attach self-attested copy of the PAN CARD)

8) Particulars of pass in pre-recruitment test conducted by the Insurance Institute of India or any Examination Body:
Name of Examination Body:
Candidate's Name:
Candidate's Number:
Centre of Examination
Name of the Exam passed
Date of Passing D D M M Y Y Y Y

9) I declare that
a) I have not been found to be of unsound mind by a court of competent jurisdiction;
b) I have not been found guilty of criminal misappropriation or criminal breach of trust or cheating or forgery or an abetment of
or attempt to commit any such offence by a court of competent jurisdiction;
c) I have not been found guilty of or to have knowingly participated in or connived at any fraud, dishonestly or mis-representation
against an insurer or an insured.
d) I have not violated the Code of Conduct specified under Clause 7 of the IRDAI (Appointment of Insurance agents)
Guidelines, 2015.
Place: Date: D D M M Y Y Y Y
Signature of Applicant
a) The application should be filled in, as far as possible, in Hindi language or English language.
b) Any correction or alteration made in any answer to the questions in the application should be initialled by the applicant.
c) An applicant must be at least 18 years of age on the date of the application. If required the applicant shall furnish proof of age.
Version 1.0, Apr 2015

d) An applicant shall furnish the proof of pass in the Insurance examination conducted by the Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai or an examination body
approved by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, along with the application.
e) The following documents should be attached with the application (a) Age Proof (b) Educational Qualifications (c) Proof of pass in the agency examination
as mentioned above (d) Copy of PAN Card (e) Address proof to the satisfaction of the insurer (I) Cessation Certificate if any, that IS held by the Agent
1. The applicant should be provided with an acknowledgment for the receipt of the Agency Application form
2. The details in the application form should be verified with the data available with the insurer and the application form with due authentication should be forwarded to the
insurer with whom the applicant is seeking Agency within 15 days of the receipt of the application form from the applicant. A copy of the forwarding letter should be sent
to the applicant for his records.
3. The designated official of the Insurer should ensure that under no circumstances, there is a delay in forwarding the application form to the concerned insurer.
4. The applicant shall ascertain from the Insurer to whom he has submitted the Agency Application form on the status of the Agency application submitted by him.

Name of Insurance Agent F I R S T N A M E M I D D L E N A M E S U R N A M E


Name of the Insurer Agency code Number Date of Appointment Date of cessation of Reason for cessa1ion of agency
as agent Agency

Note If Agency is currently in-force with an Insurer mention "INFORCE" in the column Date of cessation of Agency


Life Insurer
General Insurer
Health Insurer
Other Mono-Line Insurer
** Mention name of the Insurer in the Box above

i) No person shall act as an insurance agent for more than one life insurer, one general insurer, one health insurer and one of each of other mono-line insurers
ii) Any person who acts as an insurance agent in contravention of the provisions of this Act, shall be liable to a penalty which may extend to ten thousand
iii) Attach Separate Application Form for each of the Insurance Organisation with whom you seek to obtain Appointment and submit all the Application Form
to your current insurer only.

Version 1.0, Apr 2015

SBI General Insurance Company Limited
IRDA Reg. No. 144 dated 15/12/2009 | CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546
Call (Toll Free)
1800 22 1111 | 1800 102 1111
Profile Form (KYC)

Please paste passport size

coloured photograph
and sign across.

Applicant's Name Mr. Ms. Mrs. Others Gender Male Female

(As appearing in S U R N A M E M I D D L E N A M E F I R S T N A M E
supporting documents )
Father's Name

Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y Nationality

Permanent Account No.

(PAN Mandatory)


Address for correspondence House No. Street

Town District

State Pin Code

Telephone No.

Proof of address to be provided by Applicant. Please submit ANY ONE of the following valid documents & tick (a
) against the document attached.

Latest Telephone Bill Latest Electricity Bill Passport Driving License Latest Bank Passbook Latest Bank Account Statement

Latest Demat Account statement Voter Identity Card Ration Card Registered Lease / Sale Agreement of Residence


1. Gross Annual Income Details Please tick (a


Upto Rs. 5,00,000 Rs. 5,00,001 to Rs. 25,00,000 Rs. 25,00,001 to Rs. 1,00,00,000 Rs. 1,00,00,001 to Rs. 5,00,00,000

Rs. 5,00,00,001 and above

2. Occupation Details Please tick (a

) any one

Private Sector Service Public Sector / Government Service Business Professional Agriculturist Retired

Housewife Student Others (Please specify)_______________________________

I hereby confirm that I have read and understand the terms and conditions. I agree to abide by terms and condition, rules and regulation and any other
statutory requirements applicable. I hereby agree to provide any additional information / documentation that may be required.
Version 1.0, Apr 2015


D D M M Y Y Y Y Signature of Applicant

Corporate & Registered Office: ‘Natraj’, 101, 201 & 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri - Kurla Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai 400069
Insurance is the subject matter of the solicitation. | SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General Insurance Co. Ltd. under license.

Date :

SBI General Insurance Company Ltd.
101-201-301, Natraj Building,
Junction of Western Express Highway,
Andheri Kurla Road,
Andheri (East).
Mumbai 400069

Dear Sir / Madam,

I request you to kindly credit commission amount directly to my account as per the bank
details given below.

Agent Name :

IRDA License No :

SBI GI Branch Name :

Bank A/c Holder Name :

Bank Name :

Bank Branch Name :

Bank Account No :

IFSC Code :

We are enclosing Cancelled Cheque along with this Mandate form.

Thanking You,

(Agent Name & Signature)
Version 1.0, Apr 2015


These terms and conditions apply to and regulate the viii. “Insurance Product” means any plan of
rights and obligations of the Insurance Agent (as insurance, which is offered by SBI General
defined herein below). These terms and conditions Insurance Company Limited.
shall be in addition to terms prescribed in IRDA ix. “Confidential Information” means, in
Guidelines / Regulations and any other terms as relation to the Company and its
stipulated by SBI General Insurance Company policyholders, information which is not
Limited. publically known but which relates to the
company’s policyholders, employees,
1. DEFINITIONS: Insurance Agents, products, operations,
trade secrets, copy rights and similar rights
Unless the context otherwise requires etc. “IRDA Act” means the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority Act,
i. “Act” means the Insurance Act, 1938 and 1999(41 of 1999) including modifications,
includes any amendment thereto or amendments or re enactments thereof, as in
enactment thereunder ; force from time to time.
ii. “Applicable Law” means one or more x. “IRDA Regulations” means the regulations
provisions of the Act, the insurance Rules, made by the IRDA in exercise of its powers
the IRDA Act and the IRDA Regulations under the Act and the IRDA Act including
including modifications, amendments or re- modifications, amendments or re-enactments
enactments thereof, and the guidelines, thereof, as in force from time to time.
directives ,notifications and orders issued by xi. “Terms” refer to terms and conditions herein
the IRDA as in force from time to time. in connection with the appointment of the
iii. “Applicant” means a person who has applied Insurance Agent.
to SBI General Insurance Company Limited
for being appointed as an Insurance Agent. 2. CODE OF CONDUCT:
iv. “SBI General Insurance Company Limited”
refers to SBI General Insurance Company Every person who is appointed as Insurance Agent
Limited having its registered office at its by the Company shall adhere to the model code of
Corporate and Registered office at "Natraj", conduct as specified below:-
101, 201 & 301, Junction of Andheri-Kurla
Road & Western Express Highway, Andheri I. THE INSURANCE AGENT SHALL,
(East), Mumbai - 400 069 (a) identify himself/herself and SBI General
v. “Insurance Agent” means the Applicant who Insurance Company Limited, of whom
is appointed as an insurance agent of SBI he is an insurance agent to all the
General Insurance Company Limited And prospects;
designated as a Insurance Advisor. (b) At all times show the agency identity
vi. “Authority” or the “IRDA” means the card to the prospect, and disclose
Insurance Regulatory and Development Agency Appointment Letter to the
Authority constituted under section 3 of the prospect on demand ;
IRDA Act 1999; (c) disseminate the requisite information in
vii. “Company” means SBI General Insurance respect of insurance products offered for
Company Limited; sale by company and take into account
the needs of the prospect while
recommending a specific insurance (l) The Insurance Agent is not authorized
plan; and shall not be entitled anytime to
(d) disclose the scales of commission in collect premium from the
respect of the insurance product offered policyholders in cash and shall be
for sale, if asked by the prospect; under obligation to disclose the prospect
(e) indicate the premium to be charged by / policyholder that the payment towards
the Company for the insurance product premium charges shall be accepted by
offered for sale; the Company by way of crossed cheques
(f) explain to the prospect the nature of or demand drafts only. The Insurance
information required in the Proposal Agent further shall inform and
Form by Company , and also the encourage the policyholder to write
importance of disclosure of material his/her policy number and phone
information in the purchase of an number on the back side of the
insurance contract and shall never instrument paying the premium charges.
persuade or encourage any prospect not
to divulge or disclose any information (m) render necessary assistance to the
which is relevant to the Company for policyholders or claimants or
the purpose of underwriting beneficiaries in complying with the
(g) bring to the notice of the Company requirements for settlement of claims by
every fact about the prospect relevant to the company ;
insurance underwriting, including any
adverse habits or income inconsistency (n) where the Insurance Agent represent
of the prospect, in the form of a report more than one insurer offering same line
(called “Insurance Agent’s Confidential of products (Ex. Health Products), he
Report”) along with every proposal /she should dispassionately advice the
submitted to the Company , and any prospect on the products of all insurers
material fact that may adversely affect whom he/she is representing and the
the underwriting decision of the product best suited to the specific needs
company as regards acceptance of the of the prospect
proposal, by making all reasonable
enquiries about the prospect; (o) The Insurance Agent shall maintain
(h) obtain requisite documents at the time of strict confidentiality of the information
filing the Proposal Form with the received from any prospect and / or the
Company; and other documents Company in the course of business.
subsequently asked for by the Company
for completion of the proposal; (i) The Insurance Agent, shall not use
(i) inform promptly the prospect about the the Confidential Information other
acceptance or rejection of the proposal than for the purposes of its business
by Company ; with the Company, and shall
(j) advise every individual policyholder to disclose it only to its officers,
effect nomination or assignment or directors, or employees with a
change of address or exercise of options, specific need to know. The
as the case may be, and offer necessary Insurance Agent shall not disclose,
assistance in this behalf, wherever publish or otherwise reveal any of
necessary; the Confidential Information
(k) The Insurance Agent may receive received from the Company and/or
Cheques or Demand Drafts in favour of the prospect to any other party
“SBI General Insurance Co Ltd” from whatsoever except with the specific
the policyholders towards payment of prior written authorization of the
premium. However, in such a situation, Company.
he will ensure that the cheques received
are not back dated and the cheque/
The Confidential Information
demand draft are deposited with the
Company within 24 hours of receipt of furnished in tangible form shall not
the same excluding bank holidays.
be duplicated by the Insurance documents submitted to the company
for acceptance of the proposal;
Agent except in the course of
(d) behave in a discourteous manner with
business. Upon the request of the the prospect;
(e) interfere with any proposal introduced
Company, the Insurance Agent shall
by any other insurance agent;
return all Confidential Information (f) offer different rates, advantages, terms
and conditions other than those offered
received in written or tangible form,
by Company ;
including copies, or reproductions (g) demand or receive a share of claim
proceeds from the beneficiary under an
or other media containing such
insurance contract or offer any rebate
Confidential Information, within ten which is prohibited under Section.41 of
the Act.;
(10) days of such request. At the
(h) force , persuade or induce a policyholder
Disclosure’s option, any documents to terminate any existing policy and to
effect a new proposal from him within
or other media developed by the
three years from the date of such
Insurance Agent containing termination of the earlier policy ;
(i) become or remain a director of any
Confidential Information shall be
insurance company;
destroyed by the Insurance Agent. (j) resort to multilevel marketing for
soliciting and procuring insurance
The Insurance Agent shall provide a
policies and/or induct any
written certificate to SBI prospect/policyholder to join a
multilevel marketing scheme.
General/Company regarding
(k) apply for fresh agency appointment to
destruction within ten (10) days act as an insurance agent, if his agency
appointment was earlier cancelled by the
designated official, and a period of five
(ii) The Insurance Agent shall have no years has elapsed from the date of such
obligation under this with respect to cancellation.
Confidential Information which is or
becomes publicly available; is III. THE INSURANCE AGENT SHALL:
rightfully received by the Insurance
Agent without obligations of With a view to conserve the insurance
confidentiality; or is developed by business already procured through him,
the Insurance Agent. make every attempt to ensure remittance of
the premiums by the policyholders within
the stipulated time, by giving notice to the
policyholder orally and in writing;


(a) solicit or procure insurance business
without being appointed to act as such Every Insurance Agent shall, during the
by the Company; conduct of his agency business, adhere to
(b) induce or persuade any prospect to omit the provisions of the Insurance Regulatory
any material information in the Proposal and Development Authority (Insurance
Form; Advertisements and Disclosure)
(c) induce the prospect to submit wrong Regulations, 2000. (“Advertisement
information in the proposal form or Regulations”)
In accordance with the Advertisement
Regulations, the Insurance Agent is required 6. PAYMENT OF COMPENSATION AND
to obtain prior approval in writing, of the REMUNERATION:
Company for issue of any advertisement.
However in the following cases such prior 6.1 Compensation and remuneration for the due
written approval is not required: performance of obligations in accordance
with these Terms shall be paid to the
a. Advertisements developed by the Insurance Agent at such rates for different
Company and provided to the levels as may be notified by SBI General
Insurance Agents; Insurance Company Limited to the
b. Generic advertisements limited to Insurance Agent from time to time, but
information like the name, logo, within the limits as laid down by Authority,
address, and phone numbers etc of subject to deduction of applicable taxes
Insurance Agent; and under the law in force from time to time in
c. Advertisements that consist only of respect of policies effected through the
simple and correct statements Insurance Agent;. The Insurance Agent
describing the availability of lines of shall provide his income tax PAN number,
insurance, references of experience, or if acquired subsequently, immediately
service and qualifications; but after the same has been so acquired to SBI
making no reference to specific General Insurance Company Limited. In the
policies, benefits, costs or the event of failure to provide PAN number,
Company. SBI General Insurance Company Limited
will be entitled to block the payments of the
Insurance Agent.
4. OTHER INSURANCE AGENCIES: 6.2 SBI General Insurance Company Limited
shall be entitled to deduct the service tax (or
In accordance with the Insurance Regulatory any similar tax, in lieu of or in addition to
and Development Authority (Licensing of service tax), including any cess, surcharge or
Insurance Agents) Regulations, 2000, an similar tax thereon at the applicable rates,
insurance agent can act on behalf of only from the commissions or any other amounts
one general insurance company at one time. payable to the Insurance Agent. However,
Hence the Insurance Agent shall not become in best commercial interests and solely in its
the agent of any other Company. discretion SBI General Insurance Company
Limited may decide to recover only a part of
COMMISSIONS: 6.3 SBI General Insurance Company Limited
shall be entitled to revise (upwards or
The Insurance Agent shall be entitled to receive downwards) the rates of commission, as in
Commission on the premium generated by the force from time to time, by notice in writing
Insurance Agent as per the norms of IRDA and the to the Insurance Agent.
rates of Commission for different levels will be 6.4 SBI General Insurance Company Limited
informed to the Insurance Agent separately from shall be entitled to specify (and revise)
time to time. While ensuring that the existing differential commission rates for different
business continues, the Insurance Agent is also Insurance products based on various
required to bring in minimum new business for the parameters including new business
Company which will entitle the Insurance Agent. premiums, renewal premiums, business done
by the Insurance Agent etc.
The minimum business to be procured by the 6.5 In case of any excess or wrong payment of
Insurance Agent shall be 6 policies per 6 calendar commission or any amount to the Insurance
months or as may be determined and communicated Agent or any commission becomes
by the Company in writing from time to time. recoverable or receivable from the Insurance
Agent for any reason whatsoever, SBI
General Insurance Company Limited shall
be entitled to adjust such amounts (which lives or property in India, any rebate of
have been paid in excess or erroneously or the whole or part commission payable or
have to be received/recovered back for any any rebate of the premium shown on the
reason whatsoever) in the subsequent policy nor shall any person taking out or
payment(s) to the Insurance Agent. renewing or continuing a policy accept
Alternatively, or where no amounts are due any rebate except such rebate as may be
to the Insurance Agent, SBI General allowed in accordance with the
Insurance Company Limited will require the published prospectuses or tables of the
Insurance Agent to repay or refund forthwith Company .
such amounts, and thereafter the Insurance
Agent shall repay the amount within 15 days (2) Any person making default in complying
after the receipt of any communication from with the provisions of this Section shall
SBI General Insurance Company Limited in be punishable with fine, which may
that regard extend to five hundred Rupees.”


OF DEATH: Under the Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority (Obligations of
In the event of death of the Insurance Agent, Insurers to Rural or Social Sectors)
the commission payable to him shall to be Regulations, 2000, the Company is required
payable to his nominees, if any, or to his to procure a minimum business from both
legal heirs as the commission would have the Rural and Social sectors. In view of this,
been paid to the Agent if he were alive. the Insurance Agent may be required by SBI
General Insurance Company Limited from
8. PAYMENT OF COMMISSION IN CASE time to time to procure certain minimum
OF TERMINATION: business from these sectors.

Where the agency contract has been 11. COMPLIANCE WITH ANTI MONEY
terminated for reasons other than fraud, no LAUNDERING NORMS.
commission shall be paid to the terminated
The Insurance Agent shall strictly adhere to the
Agent on renewal premium. However, in
Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002,
case a fraud has been perpetrated Rules framed thereon and the Anti Money
by the Agent for sale of Policy, the Laundering (‘AML’) guidelines as prescribed
Commission shall be recovered by by IRDA and any modifications thereto and
employ adequate Know Your Customer
the Company as per procedure as (‘KYC’) standards.
available under the law.
The Insurance Agent shall in accordance with
9. PROHIBITION OF REBATE: the KYC procedures set by the Company shall
ensure the following:
Every agent shall observe and adhere to the • Customer Acceptance Procedures;
provisions of Section 41 of the Insurance • Customer Identification Procedures;
Act, 1938 reproduced hereunder and also • Monitoring of Transactions; and
bring the same to the notice of the prospect: • Risk Management

The Insurance Agent shall, in the event of

“Section 41 finding any adverse change on the standing,
(1) No person shall allow or offer to allow integrity or reputation of the
either directly or indirectly, as an customer/policyholder, immediately inform the
inducement to any person to take out or company. In the event the Insurance Agent fails
renew or continue, an insurance in to comply with this provision and/or exposes the
respect of any kind of risk relating to company to AML related risks, the company
shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement Agents, and the Company may recover from
and report the matter to IRDA for further action. him the Appointment Letter and the Identity
The Company shall on its part impose checks Card issued earlier along with all other
and controls to ensure that these procedures are documents, literatures, booklets, tables etc. that
being adhered to. It shall be obligatory on the belong to the Company. The disqualifications
part of Insurance Agent to implement the issued mentioned in Sub-section (3) of Section 42 of
guidelines. the Act are:

a. That the person is a minor;

b. That he is found to be of unsound mind
12. NO AUTHORITY TO COLLECT by a Court of competent jurisdiction;
MONEYS: c. That he is found guilty of criminal
misappropriation or criminal breach of
The Insurance Agent is not authorized to trust or cheating or forgery or an
collect any money/premium in cash from the abatement of or attempt to commit any
prospects and/ or policyholders under any such offence by a court of competent
circumstances and any premium collected jurisdiction;
otherwise than in cash shall be deposited
with the Company as stipulated by Section Provided that where at least five years
64 V B of the Act. have elapsed since the completion of the
sentence imposed on any person in
13. NO AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT RISKS: respect of any such offence, the
Authority shall ordinarily declare in
respect of such person that his
The Insurance Agents are not authorized to
conviction shall cease to operate as a
accept any risk for or on behalf of the
disqualification under this clause.
Company. The Insurance Agent is not
required to disclose this to the prospect.
d. That in the course of any judicial
proceeding relating to any policy of
insurance or the winding up of an
insurance company or in the course of
The Insurance Agent is not authorized to an investigation of the affairs of the
issue any type of receipt whether on his own company , it has been found that he has
behalf or on the Company’s behalf to any been guilty of or has knowingly
person, in respect of monies collected by participated in or connived at any fraud,
them. Insurance Agent is not authorized to dishonesty or misrepresentation against
issue any cover note confirming acceptance the company or the insured;
of risk.
e. That he does not possess the requisite
15. GROUP INSURANCE BUSINESS: qualification and practical training for a
period not exceeding12 months, as may
Unless specifically permitted, the Insurance be specified by the Regulations, made
Agent is not authorized to procure Group by the Authority in this behalf;
Insurance business for the Company.
f. That he has not passed such examination
16. DISQUALIFICATION OF AGENT: as may be specified by the Regulations
made by the Authority in this behalf;
An appointment of Insurance Agent may be
cancelled or suspended if the Insurance Agent, Provided that a person who had been
suffers at any time during the currency of the issued a license under Section 41(1) or
license, from any of the disqualification’s 64UM(1) of the Act shall not be
mentioned in sub-section (3) of Section 42 of required to possess the requisite
the Act or/ and for the reason mentioned in qualification, practical training and pass
Guidelines on Appointment of Insurance such examination as required by clauses
(e) and (f);
compliance with Applicable Laws
g That he violates the code of conduct as and shall indemnify and keep
may be specified by the indemnified SBI General Insurance
Regulations/Guidelines made by the Company Limited from all actions,
Authority. proceedings,claims,losses, damages,
costs and expenses which may be
h. That he is a spouse, dependent child or brought against or suffered or
dependent step child of an employee of SBI incurred by SBI General Insurance
General/ Company, whether residing with Company Limited in connection
such employee or not. The Company shall with any failure by the Insurance
disclose such termination to IRDAI for the Agent in complying with Applicable
purpose of updating its Black Listed Agents Laws.
and any other such records. 17.5 The indemnities as aforesaid shall
continue notwithstanding the
termination of the relationship
17. INDEMNITY between SBI General Insurance
Company Limited and the Insurance
17.1 The Insurance Agent hereby agrees Agent
that he shall indemnify, defend and
hold harmless SBI General
Insurance Company Limited from 18. OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE IRDA
and against any and all liability, any (PROTECTION OF POLICYHOLDERS’
other loss that may occur, arising INTERESTS) REGULATIONS, 2002:
from or relating to the breach, non-
performance or inadequate The following are the points to be noted and
performance by the Insurance Agent adhered to by the Insurance Agent:
of any of his obligations under these
Terms or from the acts, errors, 1 Regulation 3(2) - An insurer or its
representations, misrepresentations, agent or other intermediary shall provide
misconduct or negligence of the all material information in respect of a
Insurance Agent in the performance proposed cover to the prospect to enable
of his obligations under these terms. the prospect to decide on the best cover
17.2 Under no circumstances shall SBI that would be in his or her interest.
General Insurance Company
Limited be liable to the Insurance 2Regulation 3(3) - Where the prospect
Agent for any indirect, incidental, depends upon the advice of the insurer
consequential, special or exemplary or his agent or an insurance
damages in connection with these intermediary, such a person must advise
terms. the prospect dispassionately
17.3 The Insurance Agent shall keep SBI
General Insurance Company 3Regulation 3(5) - In the process of
Limited at all times against, and sale, the insurer or its agent or any
hold harmless from all actions, intermediary shall act according to the
proceedings, claims, losses, code of conduct prescribed by:
damages costs, interests (both i) the Authority
before and after judgement) and ii) the Councils that have been
expenses which may be brought established under
against or suffered or incurred by section 64C of the Act
SBI General Insurance Company and
Limited in enforcing SBI General iii) the recognized professional body or
Insurance Company Limited’s rights association of which the agent or
under or in connection with these intermediary or insurance
Terms. intermediary is a member.
17.4 The Insurance Agent shall solely be
responsible for ensuring full
4Regulation 4(6) - Proposals shall be aforesaid, a renewal or re-issue of license shall
processed by the insurer with speed and not automatically revive agency with the
efficiency and all decisions thereof shall Company and the applicant shall have to
be communicated by it in writing within submit a fresh application. In such an event re-
a reasonable period not exceeding 15 appointment shall be at the discretion of the
days from receipt of proposals by the Company.
insurer .

In order to assist the Company to adhere 20. DIRECTORSHIPS:

to the time limit of 15 days prescribed in
this regulation, the insurance agent is As stipulated by the Applicable Law, the
required to ensure that all Insurance Agents of the Company are not
communications received by him in entitled to become or remain a director of any
writing from the customer is delivered Insurance Company.
to the Company within 24 hours of

The Insurance Agent shall fully understand the
requirements of the prospect and then suggest
5. Regulation 11(4) - Any breaches of
a suitable product. The Insurance Agent shall
the obligations cast on an insurer or
not induce any prospect into accepting any
insurance agent or insurance
product which the prospect did not need, only
intermediary in terms of these
for the generation of business. In the event of
regulations may enable the Authority to
the prospect rejecting the policy for the reason
initiate action against each or all of
that the product was not what he had required,
them, jointly or severally, under the Act
such sale shall be treated as a miss-sale and
and/or the Insurance Regulatory and
the Company reserves the right to recover the
Development Authority Act, 1999.
cost incurred by the Company on account of
6. Regulation 8(2) : The Insurance
such sale From any amount due and payable to
Agent shall assist the Company and
the Insurance Agent and also charge back the
provide all the required
commission paid to him in respect of such
information/documents from the
claimant in case some additional
information/documents are required in
the process of admissibility of claim or
settlement of the claim.
The Company shall also be entitled at any
time to terminate your agency, without thereby
19. VALIDITY OF LICENCE: being liable for any compensation or damages,
if in its sole opinion,
The appointment as the Insurance Agent is
(a) The performance of the Insurance Agent
subject to your continuing to hold a valid
has not been satisfactory; or
Appointment Letter and Identity Card at all
times. If the appointment is
(b) The Insurance Agent has acted in breach
cancelled/suspended or Insurance Agent wish
of the code of conduct or any of the
to surrender his agency , the appointment as
terms and conditions of appointment; or
Insurance Agent shall stand automatically
terminated with effect from the date of
(c) Any information furnished by the
cancellation or with effect from the date of
Insurance Agent in relation to his
Cessation Certificate issued by Insurer, as the
appointment as such is false; or
case may be.
(d) The Insurance Agent has acted in a
The Insurance Agent understands and agrees
fraudulent manner and continuing him
that once an appointment stand terminated as
as Insurance Agent shall be prejudicial This appointment shall be subject to
to the interest of the Company. jurisdiction of Courts at Mumbai. To signify
his / her acceptance of the terms and
conditions as detailed above, the Applicant
23. TERMINATION is required to sign the original of the Terms
and Conditions and return the same to the
Notwithstanding anything herein before Company.
contained either party may terminate the
agency by giving a notice of one month to 24. DECLARATIONS
the other party without assigning any reason
thereto. The Insurance Agent hereby confirms that
Any notice to be served hereunder shall be he has received a copy of the circular no.
sufficiently served on the Company, if IRDA/CAD/GDL/AGN/016/02/2011(guidel
served by Registered Post at its said ines pertaining to individual Agent) and
Registered Office or any other address as have understood the content and obligations
may be intimated by the Company to the as mentioned in the guidelines.
Insurance Agent in writing, and shall be
deemed to have been sufficiently served on
the Insurance Agent if sent to him by
Registered Post at his address last noted in
his records by the Company. Signature :

Upon termination of agency the terminated Name :

Insurance Agent shall forthwith surrender
the Identity Card and Appointment Letter as Address :
well as all other manuals, tables, rate books,
literatures, product guides etc. of the Date :
Company that are in there possession, to the
Company. .The Insurance Agent shall be In the presence of Witness:
entitled to receive commission on the
business brought in by the Insurance Agent Signature :
prior to termination of the agency.
Name :
In the event of the agency being terminated
within a period of 24 months from the date Address :
of appointment, the Company shall be
entitled to claim the entire costs incurred on
the Insurance Agent for training from any
amounts due and payable to him and in the
event of there being no such amounts or
such amounts being in adequate, to recover
the same through legal proceedings as the
Company may be advised. The Company
reserves the right to determine the extent of
costs incurred as aforesaid.

Notwithstanding anything contained in this

agreement any request by the Agent for
issuing Cessation Certificate for transfer
from SBI General/Company to any other
Insurer shall be subject to IRDA guidelines
and circulars issued in this regard from time
to time.

This Deed of Indemnity is executed on this_______ day __________2015, at

____________by Shri / Smt._________________________________________
_________________________, S/w/d/o,_______________________________

R/o__________________________________(herein after referred to as the

“Agent”) in favour of SBI General Insurance Co Ltd , ( herein after referred to
as the “ Company”) having its registered office at Natraj, 101, 201 & 301,
Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri-Kurla Road, Andheri(East),

The Agent is an Insurance Agent appointed by the Company to represent the

Company [as per terms and conditions of appointment mentioned in the
Application Form / Appointment Letter signed by the Agent and Company
respectively] and the Agent is obliged to follow the best Sales Practices and
Code of Conduct prescribed from time to time while representing the Company.
The Agent hereby indemnifies and keeps indemnified the Company, its
Directors, Officers, Employees against any loss or penalty incurred by the
Company on account of violation of Code of Conduct, Terms and Conditions of
appointment and/or violation of ethical sales practices as prescribed by the
Company/IRDAI from time to time.


Signature of Agent:



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