The Chassis OC 500 LE: Technical Information
The Chassis OC 500 LE: Technical Information
The Chassis OC 500 LE: Technical Information
Technical information.
Model variant
OC 500 LE C634.422-11 / C634.423-21
OC 500 LE 1830
Chassis length 8,770 mm
Chassis width 2,400 mm
Wheelbase, front axle-drive axle 3,000 mm
Overhang, front 2,570 mm
Overhang, rear 3,200 mm
Angle of approach min./max. 8.4°/8.8°
Angle of departure min./max. 6,9°/7.4°
Tyre size 295/80 R 22.5
Track width, front axle 2,101 mm
Track width, drive axle 1,803 mm
Maximum front axle turning angle, inside/outside wheel (295/80 R 22.5) 47°/37.3°
Frame height above road, front (295/80 R 22.5) 421mm
Frame height above road, rear (295/80 R 22.5) 927 mm
Maximum front axle turning angle, inside/outside wheel (275/70 R 22,5) 51°/39.5°
Frame height above road, front (275/70 R 22.5) 381 mm
Frame height above road, rear (275/70 R 22.5) 887 mm
Weights, max. permissible*
Gross vehicle weight 19,600 kg
Front axle 7,100 kg
Drive axle 12,500 kg
* Depends on model of tyre, speed and country of registration (example is for Spain)
Drive train and technology
Engine OM 936 h (Euro VI)
Output (kW)
– Front axle Mercedes-Benz V04
– Drive axle Mercedes-Benz RO 440
700 1000 1300 1600 1900 2200 2500 2800 Brakes Electro-pneumatic braking system (EBS) with disk brakes
Speed (1 rpm)
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)
Pmax 220 kW at 1,800 rpm (80/1269/EWG) Electronic Stability Program (ESP®)
Mdmax 1,200 Nm at 1,200-1,600 rpm
Standard and special equipment (selected)
Engine encapsulation ●
Chassis OC 500 LE 1830
Acceleration Slip Regulation (ASR) ●
Electro-pneumatic braking system (EBS) with integrated Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) ●
Spare wheel ❍
Provision for installation of trailer coupling, with tail cross-member and 15-pin socket for trailer operation ❍
Tool outfit ❍
Heating/ventilation/air conditioning OC 500 LE 1830
Provision for air-conditioning with refrigerant compressor ❍
Auxiliary heater ❍
AdBlue® tank 45 l ●
Electrical system OC 500 LE 1830
Batteries, 2 x 200 Ah, low maintenance, Super Heavy Duty version ●
Standard data interface for Bus Fleet Management Systems (FMS interface) ❍
Air horn ❍
Tempomat ❍
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS): Another major goal in the development of the new engine Following the mandatory Euro V and voluntary EEV standards
The braking forces acting on the individual wheels are dis- generation beside compliance with Euro VI was economy. for the reduction of pollutant emissions, from 1 January 2014
tributed by the ABS so that even in an emergency braking That primarily means a low fuel consumption. In coach oper- the new Euro VI emission standard will apply for new regis-
situation no wheel is blocked for any length of time and the ations, levels as for Euro V are achieved or even bettered. trations. The aim of this legal measure is a drastic reduction
steering control of the bus is largely maintained. In addition, the developers have concentrated on low main- of pollutants and hence an even more environmentally
tenance costs. As a result, the maintenance intervals for the friendly and more efficient drive technology.
Acceleration Slip Regulation (ASR): OM 470 in coach operations have been extended by up to
The ASR prevents wheelspin when driving away on a slippery 30 %, in comparison with the predecessor engines. The provisions of the new emission standard demand a
surface. It provides no more power than the drive wheels are reduction of 66 % for particulate emissions; in the case
able to transfer to the road surface. Wheelspin by one wheel – Another factor affecting economy is the long life and reliabil- of n itrogen oxide levels, a reduction of 80 % compared
e.g. on an icy roadside – is prevented by metered braking. ity of the engine. To ensure this, the engines have been test- with Euro V must be realised. Earlier Euro standards were
ed worldwide under the toughest conditions. Up to now, the achieved with the following exhaust emission technologies:
BlueEfficiency Power: engines have covered more than 60 million kilometres in en- exhaust gas recirculation or BlueTec® engine technology
In developing the new BlueEfficiency Power engine genera- durance tests on test stands and in the field – never before comprising a highly efficient engine and SCR system with
tion, Mercedes-Benz has broken new ground. The goal was has an engine been so intensively tested. or without a diesel particulate filter.
to develop a new engine that meets the Euro VI standard
and is future-proof without increasing fuel consumption at BlueTec 6®:
a high output. The new exhaust emission standard Euro VI requires a further In order to meet the required Euro VI levels, a complex sys-
drastic lowering of emissions. To meet these requirements, as tem of emission control is necessary for the engines. The
Mercedes-Benz had already done development to meet earli- part of the introduction of BlueEfficiency Power, a completely three proven technologies are now brought together in a
er standards for emission technologies. In order to meet the new generation of engines and exhaust after-treatment sys- matched system optimised for fuel economy.
stringent requirements of the new standard, the following tems with the designation BlueTec® 6 is being launched. With
technologies are now used in combination: this new development, Mercedes-Benz is continuing the tradi-
• Cooled on-demand exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) tion as a pioneer in environmental protection.
• Diesel particulate filter (DPF)
• SCR technology
Coupling new engines and complex after-treatment with Electronic level control: Electronic Stability Program (ESP®):
different drive train combinations and vehicle concepts in Passengers and luggage are not always evenly distributed in In situations where the driving dynamics are critical, ESP®
the construction of buses of different heights and lengths, the vehicle. As a result, the height of the vehicle varies from selectively controls engine output and the braking forces on
necessitates making complex changes in the vehicle body. wheel to wheel. The electronic level control automatically re- each wheel individually. Within the boundaries of the physical
Next to the greatest possible environmental compatibility, gulates the vehicle height at each wheel so that the step laws, finely regulating the braking of the vehicle in this way
the primary aims of the development of the new engine height is always the same. prevents any possible “breakaway“ by the bus. ESP® there-
generation included economic aspects like low lifecycle fore contributes noticeably to a reduction in the tendency
costs. That means first and foremost a low fuel consump- Electro-pneumatic braking system (EBS): to understeer and the risk of skidding during cornering or
tion. In coach operations, this is at the level of Euro V or As a further development of the conventional air brake, evasive manoeuvres.
even lower for the new engine. the electro-pneumatic braking systemoffers numerous
advantages. When braking, the control unit first activates Instrument panel INS2014:
With an eye on saving resources, environmental aspects the retarder. If greater deceleration is required, the control • New TFT colour display
and rising diesel fuel prices worldwide, the Mercedes-Benz unit uses the information in the data network to determine • New design
development engineers have succeeded in achieving a the optimum braking pressure for each axle. The electro- • Improved trip computer functions (since start / since
mile-stone in engine development with the BlueEfficiency pneumatic braking system thus enables much shorter stop- reset)
Power engines. ping distances and significantly less brake disc and lining • Voltmeter
wear. • Automatic dimming
Cataphoretic dip priming (KTL in German): • Language package
Cataphoretic dip priming is an electro-chemical process for
coating the complete body shell in an immersion bath. It is
ideal for painting intricate structures and large numbers of
units. Water-based paint protects the bus so perfectly
against corrosion because the paint coat is applied to every
part of the body. Currently, cataphoretic dip priming is
demonstrably the best protection available against corrosion
in vehicle construction.
Important for you. Important for us. Technical data stored in the vehicle.
Electronic vehicle components (e.g. Airbag Control Unit, Engine Control Unit) contain data storage for vehicle Technical Data, including but not limited to Diagnostic
Trouble Codes in the event of a malfunction, vehicle speed, braking force, or operating conditions of the Restraint System and Driver Assistance Systems in case of an
accident (no audio and no video data recording). This data is either stored volatile, punctual as snapshot e.g. Diagnostic Trouble Codes, over a short period of time (a
few seconds only) e.g. in case of an accident or in aggregated form e.g. for component load evaluation. The data can be read using interfaces connected to the vehicle.
Trained technicians can process and utilize the data to diagnose and repair possible malfunctions. The manufacturer can use the data to analyze and improve vehicle
functions. When requested by the customer, Technical Data can form the basis of additional optional services. In general, data from the vehicle is transferred to the manu-
facturer or a third party only according to legal allowance, or based on a contractual customer consent in accordance with data protection laws. Further information
regarding storage of vehicle Technical Data is provided in the vehicle Owner’s Manual. Mercedes-Benz Buses and Coaches naturally handles customer data confidentially.