Class Officer Handbook
Class Officer Handbook
Class Officer Handbook
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Resources for Information and Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Class Organization
Class Membership and Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Class Officers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Class Communications
Class Websites and Social Networking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Alumnae Information Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Privacy of Alumnae Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Class and Reunion Mailings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Congratulations on your election or reelection as a class officer. Your time and effort given on behalf of your class are
invaluable. Alumnae are the most important resource of the Alumnae Association and the College. Thank you for
your contribution.
This Class Officer Handbook provides guidance and suggestions on how the class leadership team can develop and
efficiently reach out to the class. It will provide you with the information most often requested by volunteers.
Thank you for volunteering for your class and for Mount Holyoke College!
The Alumnae Association’s website contains a wealth of information including news and
events; career networking opportunities; class, club, committee volunteer, and staff contacts; awards and fellowships
listings; and an online directory of alumnae. The Association also has a presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter,
and other social media.
To access the Association’s online directory of alumnae, a security ID is required to register; it is the number
located above the addressee’s name on Alumnae Quarterly address labels. Alumnae may also email ais@mtholyoke.
edu to request their IDs.
The Association’s online volunteer microsite is the source for class and
club volunteer resources, including handbooks and training materials, communications and data request forms, and
financial reporting information.
Information about upcoming reunions, including registration, schedules, and attendee lists can be found at http://
As a class officer, your primary contact at the Alumnae Association is the director of classes and reunions, who can
be reached at or by calling 413-538-2652.
For general questions about the Alumnae Association and its programs and services, call 413-538-2300 or email
The Alumnae Association’s Classes and Reunion Committee is composed of alumnae who have firsthand leadership
experience with their respective classes as a class officer and/or reunion volunteer. Members understand the
opportunities and challenges facing class officers and serve as a liaison to the class leadership team and work on
behalf of the class. They also assist the Alumnae Association in training new class officers and reunion planners.
Committee members will contact class presidents regularly and receive copies of class letters and broadcast emails
(electronic mailings sent to an entire class) from the Alumnae Association. They are available to respond to requests
for information, class procedures, or best practices from class officers.
A current list of committee members and their assigned classes can be found online at http://alumnae.mtholyoke.
The Alumnae Association’s class organization includes individual undergraduate classes as well as special
alumnae groups.
Cl ass M emb er s h i p a n d O r g a n i z a t i o n
Each class includes graduates and nongraduates who attended the College for at least one year. It also may include
those who attended the College for less than one year and who have made written application in accordance with
the 1991 Alumnae Association Bylaws, Article II, Section 1.
Frances Perkins Scholars (FPs) are their own class group. They may also choose to stay in touch with the class with
which they graduated (to do this, they should notify AIS at 413-538-2303). FP reunions are scheduled every four
years. Members may also attend Reunion with the class with which they graduated.
Classes draw up their governing bylaws and vote during their senior year to become legal subgroups of the Alumnae
Association. This designation carries with it certain tax exemptions and mailing privileges for the lifetime of the
alumnae class. Classes that have this designation must complete and submit a financial report to the Alumnae
Association each year. The Alumnae Association staff and the members of the Classes and Reunion Committee
are available to help classes set up procedures to meet these commitments, answer questions, provide file copies of
bylaws, etc.
Cl ass O fficers
Class officers are elected for five-year terms serving from one reunion until the next (except the Frances Perkins
Class, which elects officers for a four-year term, and graduating seniors, who serve until their two-year reunion).
Class officer responsibilities include working to maintain strong relationships with other class officers, as well as with
classmates. Active involvement leads to strong class organization, spirit, communication, and connections with the
College and Alumnae Association.
• President
• Vice President
• Reunion Chair(s) (or Vice President/Reunion Chair)
• Treasurer
• Communications/Web Coordinator
• Scribe
• Secretary (or Secretary/Scribe)
• Head Class Agent (in consultation with the Advancement Office)
• Three Nominating Committee Members
Once a year, the Alumnae Association and the Office of Advancement bring reunion planners together for a
volunteer conference. Typically, this training occurs in late September.
Reu n i on P lan n e r s
The volunteer conference for Reunion planners outlines the procedures, budgets, and activities for reunions.
Attendees are briefed on the timetables and critical tasks/steps needed to make reunions successful and are
challenged to think creatively about their vision for their class reunion.
The Alumnae Association reimburses the costs for the class president and reunion chair (or co-chairs) to attend.
Classes may use their treasuries to assist attendees with expenses not covered by the Alumnae Association. Non
reimbursed attendees may be able to consider their expenses as contributions to the Alumnae Association or to
Mount Holyoke and should consult their tax advisors to determine if they are eligible for a deduction.
Class leaders should stay in contact with their classmates regularly, not just during reunion planning. A well-
thought-out five-year plan can increase class participation in events, especially in nonreunion years, and broaden the
base of alumnae volunteers.
The class five-year plan should identify goals and the action steps needed to implement them, ranging from how and
when the board will communicate with classmates (at a minimum, at least once a year via the class newsletter) to
what events it will organize. The plan should take into account class traditions, class board meetings or conference
calls, and, of course, include planning for its next reunion.
At the beginning of their terms of office, class officers should create and begin to implement their Five-Year Plan,
with the support and suggestions of other class volunteers. The development of the plan begins at the New Class
Officer Training Workshop, held on campus in the fall during the first year of a newly elected class board member’s
tenure. After this mandatory training, the Alumnae Association staff and Classes and Reunion Committee members
can assist class officers further by discussing their ideas and proposed initiatives during in-person campus meetings
or by holding teleconferences.
A copy of your class plan should also be submitted to the director of classes and reunions and to your class liaison on
the Classes and Reunion Committee so that they can assist you in accessing Association resources to help you meet
your goals.
• At least one class letter or email per year
• Website updates on new information of interest to the class
• Annual board meeting or conference call (more frequent meetings or calls may be needed during
reunion years)
• Recruiting of additional class volunteers as necessary for reunion or other class initiatives
See pages 29–35 for several templates of how to develop and implement a five-year plan. These templates provide
convenient ways to visualize what the class is planning for each year, but officers should use whatever format works
best for their purposes.
Cl ass N ewslet t e r s
Class communications can be cowritten with another member of the class board. They are an opportunity to
share personal perspectives on the College and news of classmates. At the beginning of the year, the class president
determines when she will send out the letter to all class members.
The Alumnae Association recommends that the class president subscribe to the student publication The Mount
Holyoke News or read it online at for information about current campus events. She
may want to add class news that does not appear in the Quarterly.
Class officers should take the following steps to organize the task:
• Order a class list in birth-date order from Alumnae Information Services at
volunteers/resources/information-request-form. It will list each class member’s current name, undergraduate
name, address, and month/day of birth.
• If the class is large (300 or more), split up the class list (possibly by months) and delegate portions to all
class officers.
• Ensure there is follow-up on the task since the entire class should receive the cards.
To access the information, call the College Archives (413-538-2013), explain what files the class wants to examine,
and make an appointment to research the materials.
M in i-Reu n i on s
Mini-reunions increase the number of face-to-face interactions between reunions and strengthen the bonds among
classmates. They can include: a local meeting at a classmate’s home for tea, a dinner gathering in a central city, a
group tour in another country, or a return to campus to attend classes.
Cl ass P ro du ct s
Classes that are interested in supplementing their class treasury should consider selling a class product. Some
guidelines and items to consider:
• Check with the director of classes and reunions to avoid conflicts with products that other classes or clubs
may already be selling and to ensure that there are no copyright issues with Mount Holyoke’s logo or name.
• Check with applicable state agencies regarding the class tax-exempt status for purchasing and selling goods.
Sales-tax-exempt determinations are made on a state-by-state basis. A class federal tax exemption does not
automatically exempt it from paying sales tax on purchases or from the requirement to collect and remit
sales tax on products sold.
• Determine whether the class has a volunteer willing to dedicate time to the project.
• Decide whether the class product will be shipped directly from the manufacturer, or if someone will stock
and maintain inventory in their home.
• It is the class treasurer’s responsibility to track the profits collected for the class product.
• Request logos.
• Have a class volunteer sell the product at Reunion. The Association can offer table space in Mary Woolley
Hall during Reunion registration for this purpose. To arrange this, contact the director of classes and
• Sell it at class events.
• Post it on the Alumnae Association website, a free advertising option for the class. For examples, see http:// If you would like your product listed, complete this
online request form:
Prior to establishing a class website, class officers should consider the following questions:
Websites require ongoing attention and maintenance, since viewers expect the pages to be updated regularly. “Stale”
sites, with the same information month after month, will turn away viewers.
If class officers determine that their class would benefit from a website and have a communications coordinator to
keep it current, they should contact the director of classes and reunions to determine next steps.
Social networking is a great way to keep your club, class, or group members engaged and to promote activities and
events. If you have a class or club website, remember to post links to your social networking sites so that members
know to join. For more information on how to leverage social media for your class and to list your group with the
Alumnae Association, see
Al u mn ae I n fo r m a t i o n S e r v i c e s ( A I S )
The AIS staff maintains biographical information on more than 34,000 living alumnae. The bylaws of the Alumnae
Association define alumnae as “all former students who have completed a certificate program or who have completed
two transcripted semesters in a degree program, and any other former student who makes written application to the
Alumnae Association.”
Class officers can request the following information from AIS online at
resources/information-request-form or by calling 413-538-2303.
• Standard Class List: This printout lists all class members (including members who have identified your
class as their primary or secondary class affiliation, unless you specify primary only) who are active on our
computer system (class members who are coded as deceased, “lost,” or “no mail” will not print on list) with
current name, undergraduate name, class, home address, telephone number, and email. The list can be run in
undergraduate name, current name, or zip-code order. It can be formatted to print two or three columns
per page.
• Volunteer List: Lists class members who are currently serving and/or have previously served the Alumnae
Association or the College in a volunteer capacity (e.g., class and club officers, Alumnae Association board
or committee members, Advancement or Admissions volunteers, etc.). This list might be helpful to the class
Nominating Committee. (Note: Past volunteer history available only on the pdf/hardcopy options.)
• Class Mailing Labels: Self-adhesive mailing labels addressed to class members can be requested in zip code,
current name, or undergraduate name order.
• Employment List: Employment lists can be ordered by region or vocation. The region list includes all
alumnae living within a specified region (i.e., Northwest, New England, New York City) and includes
current name, undergraduate name, class, email, address, telephone number, and the alumna’s current
employment. The vocation list indicates alumnae employed in a certain field (e.g., banking, law, real estate)
and includes current name, undergraduate name, class, email, address, telephone number, and the alumna’s
current employment. Both lists can be run in zip code, current name, or class order. (Note: Employment
lists contain the following information: position, company name and division, and the date employed.)
Pr i v acy o f Alu m n a e I n f o r m a t i o n
Officers should keep in mind the Alumnae Association’s confidentiality policy as they request information on
classmates. The Alumnae Association takes great care to protect the privacy of Mount Holyoke alumnae. Its policy is
to give out the address of an alumna only to another alumna or to College offices and departments. The Association
gives out information only for Mount Holyoke-related purposes, never for commercial purposes. It does, however,
offer to forward correspondence it receives from individuals not affiliated with the College to alumnae. In cases of
emergency, a staff person will get the caller’s phone number and contact the alumna.
Cl ass an d Reun i o n Ma i l i n g s
Each class president is expected to send a letter to the class at least once annually. During a reunion cycle, the reunion
chair and/or class president sends out a fall (November) and winter (March) letter mailing. A postreunion letter sent in
the summer following Reunion is written by the outgoing class president with the help of the reunion scribe.
B R OA D C A S T E M A I L (“ E B L A S T S ”)
Broadcast email is cost-effective, timely, and preferred by the majority of alumnae. The Alumnae Association will
send email on behalf of your class or club at no cost.
A print mailing—typically a newsletter or postcard is effective for those without email addresses on file. The
Association offers one free print mailing per fiscal year to each class or club to those classates with no email address
on file. Classes and clubs may send additional mailings but will be billed for processing and postage.
Free Mailings
• The Association offers one free print mailing per fiscal year ( July 1–June 30) to those classates with no email
address on file.
• Please allow eight business days to process your mailing.
• Print mailings go only to members of your club or class. If you are including other clubs or classes in your
request, you will be billed the cost of mailing to the other constituents.
• Class letters may be only one double-sided page in length and will be printed with black ink only, on white paper.
Paid Mailings
• The class or club letter is sent via first-class mail.
• Please be mindful of length when composing a newsletter. We recommend no more than two double-sided
• Please allow eight business days to process your mailing.
• Please note any special requests in the “Special Instructions” field at the end of the form.
• Classes will be charged for paper and printing; envelope, postage, and labor fees vary with each mailing.
The class treasury should be used to cover expenses associated with operating class business and to offset class-
sponsored activities. It is the responsibility of the class president along with the class board to collect dues, raise
funds, and use these funds for the benefit of the entire class.
Exp en se Reim b u r s e m e n t
During the course of their term, class officers will incur expenses connected with class communication and projects.
The class treasury should reimburse the officers after receiving supporting documentation and receipts for expenses.
If expenses are significant, officers should notify the treasurer in advance of sending the receipts. Reimbursement
requests should be submitted immediately after an expense is incurred.
Ge n eral Gu i de l i n e s
Examples of Class Activities covered by the class treasury: annual class letters, reunions, mini-reunions, special class
projects, birthday cards, memorials. In general, the treasury
Most classes try to keep $5,000 in their treasuries. This amount should allow the class to send mailings, at least one
per year, and to participate in other activities promoting class affinity, such as birthday-card mailings, memorials, etc.
Reunion classes should carefully evaluate their plans at their 20th and 45th reunions in order to prepare for the 25th
and 50th “milestone” reunions. These two reunions are the most well attended and usually have extra class projects,
mini-reunions, and reunion books associated with them, so they tend to be more expensive. It is better to plan for
them in advance instead of charging a large fee for the reunions themselves.
The name of the bank and the account number must be filed with the Alumnae Association. The class president and
treasurer are required cosignatories on the class accounts. Classes should use their Employee Identification Number
(EIN) on their bank account in order to avoid tax liability on dividends or interest. Contact alumnaeassociation@ for the EIN.
The treasurer may also open a savings account for the class or invest class money in a Certificate of Deposit. Both of
these investments are guaranteed. No class money may be invested in the stock market or any other at-risk financial
entity. The treasurer and president have fiduciary responsibility for all the class funds.
Be sure to complete transactions on your class bank account at least once per year. Banking rules have tightened and
inactive accounts will beclosed and funds go to the government.
The treasury covers all of the coordinator’s expenses (including postage costs and phone charges). The treasury
should be reimbursed through revenues generated by the event. Any excess monies may be returned to attendees or
contributed to the treasury after the event.
For more information on mini-reunions, see the Mini-Reunion Handbook, available on the Association website at
Reu n i on s
Reunion charges cover housing and meals, parade accessories, signs, Alumnae Association administration, student
workers, parade bands, entertainment, publications, class dinner expenses (food, service, flowers, decorations, guests’
dinners, social hour), etc.
The treasury can be used to cover such things that are generally available to or for the benefit of the class, such as the
cost of publishing the class reunion booklet, reunion mailings, reunion scholarships, etc.
For more information on reunions, see the Reunion Planning Handbook, available on the Association website at
Co n du cti n g a F i n a n c i a l R e v i e w o f t h e Cl a ss Tr e a sur y
At least once every five years, the class president should ensure that the class financial records are reviewed by
another class officer who is not a signatory to the class account. The reviewing officer should:
• Ascertain that the beginning and ending account book balances agree with bank statement balances and
that any differences can be reconciled.
• Review the detailed listing of receipts: a) test them for reasonableness (e.g., if records indicate that 100 class
members paid dues and that dues were $25, then receipts from dues should total $2,500); and b) ascertain
that the receipts were assigned to the appropriate categories.
• Review the disbursement records (check register and documentation): a) ascertain that the class president
did approve, in writing, all bills paid; b) ascertain that the disbursements were assigned to the appropriate
categories; and c) test for reasonableness (e.g., if 100 class members were registered for Reunion, the number
of reunion “souvenirs” paid for by the class should be approximately 100).
• In general, the review should focus on the more significant transactions. Depending on the volume of
transactions, amounts, and the length of time since the last review, the review of receipts and disbursements
may be made on a test basis (i.e., select large and unusual items rather than look at every receipt and
• In most instances, the review should be made within a reasonable time following a reunion: long enough
after most of the significant bills have been paid, yet soon enough after so that any questions can be
answered easily. Ideally, this should be done prior to turning the books over to the new treasurer.
The class should investigate setting up a PayPal account for the easiest payment method. Checks are the next type of
easiest payment method. Cash, of course, is acceptable, but receipts should be issued for any cash payments.
It is appropriate to request dues any time during the year; however, it is best to avoid the times around the Mount
Holyoke Fund Appeals and right before a class reunion when the Mount Holyoke Fund Appeals are strong and
classmates are paying for the cost of returning to reunion.
In tro du cti on
Volunteers are trusted by alumnae to protect personal information that may be supplied while undertaking
Association-related volunteer activities. “Personal information” is defined under Massachusetts law as “first name
and last name or first initial and last name in combination with any one or more of the following data elements
that relate to such resident: a) Social Security number; b) driver’s license number or state-issued identification card
number; or c) financial account number, or credit or debit card number, with or without any required security code,
access code, personal identification number, or password, that would permit access to a resident’s financial account;
provided, however, that “Personal information” shall not include information that is lawfully obtained from publicly
available information, or from federal, state or local government records lawfully made available to the general
public.” The security and confidentiality of this information is extremely important. Access is granted to volunteers
only on a need-to-know basis.
Volunteers who have access to personal information should abide by these guidelines. It is the responsibility of class
and club officers, as well as other volunteers organizing events that may call for the use of personal information, to
identify: a) whether they potentially may obtain personal information; and b) if so, those volunteers within their
organization who have or may have access to that personal information. Any such volunteer identified by the class
officers or volunteer leader is required to comply with best practices in dealing with this information, and to sign an
Agreement to Comply form. For more information and a sample form, see
financial-information/identity-theft-prevention under the resources tab.
All violations or suspected violations of information security policies should be reported to the class or club
president or treasurer or to the volunteer leader. If the violation includes either the president or treasurer, the report
must also be made to the vice president. Noncompliance can be cause for disciplinary action up to and including
removal of position, criminal, and/or civil penalties.
In ci den t-Resp o n s e Pl a n
• If a compromise is suspected, alert the class president or treasurer.
• The president or treasurer will conduct an initial investigation.
• If compromise of information is confirmed, the class officers will begin informing parties that may be
affected. If the violation involves credit-card account numbers, the president and treasurer will:
o Contain and limit the extent of the exposure by shutting down any systems or processes involved.
o Alert necessary parties (e.g., alumnae, coworkers, merchant bank or other applicable vendors, and
law enforcement).
o The class president will conduct a post-incident review of events and actions taken, if any, to make
changes in business practices relating to protection of personal information.
Below are a few suggestions that will help classes protect information obtained during the collection of fees, dues,
and other revenues. Volunteers must take all reasonable precautions to assure that personal information is not
disclosed to unauthorized persons.
Cr ed it card tra n s a c t i o n s :
• Use a third party vendor that is compliant with credit card privacy regulations (e.g., PayPal, CyberSource).
• For large events (more than 100 attendees and/or registration fees more than $100 per attendee), the
Association may be able to provide you with assistance upon request.
At the end of a volunteer’s term or specific assignment, all information to which access has been granted as a result of
the position must be returned or destroyed as applicable. Personal information must never be used for a volunteer’s
own purposes, nor is the volunteer at liberty to provide this information to third parties without the express written
consent of the individual whose information will be released.
Sel ecti n g C an d i d a t e s
The Nominating Committee should search for qualified candidates to fill the following positions. Descriptions of
each are available in the appendix or online at
• President
• Vice President
• Reunion Chair(s) (or Vice President/Reunion Chair)
• Treasurer
• Communications/Web Coordinator
• Scribe
• Secretary (or Secretary/Scribe)
• Head Class Agent (in consultation with the Advancement Office)
• Three Nominating Committee Members
Class officers should be selected carefully, since they will be responsible for leading the class for the next five years
and initiating and maintaining contacts among classmates, the Alumnae Association, and the College. Enthusiasm,
diligence, and ingenuity are assets for all officers.
Committee members must read and become familiar with all information mailed or emailed to them from the
Alumnae Association and provide information to classmates on the selection and election process. See “Electronic
Voting Guidelines” on page 20 for more details.
So u rces to I d e n t i f y Pr o s p e c t i v e Ca n d i da te s
• Order a class list with the volunteer history and/or work history of classmates from the Association’s
website at
• Mail the entire class and asking for volunteers or nominations of classmates to be considered.
• Post a call for nominations on the class website or social media.
The outgoing president is responsible for turning in the final voted slate to the Alumnae Association before leaving
campus on reunion weekend. This ensures that class records will be accurate.
In teri m Ap p oin t m e n t s
The Nominating Committee should stay up to date with classmates in case a change is needed in the roster of
officers because of nonparticipation or resignation. The president must solicit the advice of the Nominating
Committee in making the necessary interim appointments.
Some classes may want to explore using electronic voting to elect class officers, so that classmates who are not able
to attend Reunion can participate in the class election. Classes should first review their bylaws to determine if
electronic voting is allowable. If the class rules appear to bar electronic voting, the class board must first seek to
update the bylaws.
Pr o p osed By l a w s L a n g u a g e
To be inserted in the Sample Class Bylaws:
B. Elections may also be held by electronic vote to enable members who cannot be present at the reunion meeting to
participate in class decisions. If electronic voting is used, a deadline for voting will be announced when the ballot is
released and the quorum requirements for “Meetings by Mail” in Article VI, Section 2 will apply. The board will work to
ensure the integrity of electronic voting by using a system that limits each member of the Class of xxxx to a single vote.
Suggested Revision
Article VI: Meetings, Section 2
“Meetings by Mail.” Questions initiated by the Executive Committee may be voted on by mail and/or electronically.
The number of ballots returned within the time indicated on the ballot will constitute a quorum.
2. The election should be set up using a website or program that will limit the ability of class members to vote
multiple times. For example, Survey Monkey can be set to place a cookie on user’s computers, which will recognize if
the user has already voted and bar an additional vote from being placed by the same person.
3. When creating the ballot, space should be allocated for classmates to write in additional candidates, to function as
an electronic version of a floor nomination in a regular class meeting. If a write-in candidate receives the most votes
at the end of the election period, the Nominating Committee should check with the alumna prior to declaring the
election results to confirm that she will accept the position. If the alumna does not agree, the candidate with the next
highest vote tally should be declared the winner.
4. Notice of the online election should be sent to all classmates. If members of the class do not have active email
addresses on file with the Alumnae Association, written notice should be sent by the class board to those classmates.
Written notice will be funded by the class treasury.
5. A voting location should be designated in the class reunion dorm to provide reunion attendees with the
opportunity to vote in the election if they have not done so already.
6. Election results should be announced at the class meeting during reunion weekend.
The Nominating Committee for your Mount Holyoke College Class of xxxx is pleased to present
the slate of candidates for your next Class Board. These very capable classmates have agreed to a five-
year term of service to our class [dates of term] beginning July 1. You can find a copy of the bylaws
and profiles of the officer nominees on the class website [give url].
Although we hope to see all of you in South Hadley for Reunion, we understand that not everyone
may be able to make it. Traditionally, the slate of candidates for the Class Board has been approved
at Reunion. We have decided to give all of our classmates the opportunity to vote on the slate
electronically before the reunion occurs. Please take advantage of this option, regardless of whether
you are able to attend Reunion. We will also have a computer available on campus on the first night
of Reunion for those who have not yet voted.
To vote, you can click on the link at the bottom of this email. Voting will be open [choose date]
through midnight (EDT), Friday, [date of Reunion].
Pr esi den t
The class president is the link between her class, the Alumnae Association, and the College. She must lead with
enthusiasm, energy, and commitment. Every president has her own personal style for addressing these duties and
responsibilities, such as writing letters, sending emails, making personal visits, or calling classmates.
The president:
• Makes sure that new officers know their duties and that all pertinent records have been turned over to them from
previous officers; encourages newly elected classmates in their work and helps them to be effective officers
• Leads the development and implementation of a five-year plan of action for the class (see “Creating a
Five-Year Plan” on page 7 for more details)
• Maintains regular contact with her class board and makes decisions about the direction of class activities
• Works with the communications coordinator on the class outreach and communications plan
• Is an integral part of the class reunion planning (see below for more details)
• Writes at least one class letter per year (see “Class and Reunion Communications” on page 11)
• Calls at least one meeting of the class board each year (via face-to-face meetings or conference calls)
• Approves all bills for payment by the treasurer
• Informs the Alumnae Association of all class appointments and keeps track of class honoraries (if your
class has honoraries, see Reunion Planning Handbook [
planning] for more information)
• Works with the head class agent and the Advancement Office as needed and can be a part of fundraising
meetings; helps foster a positive environment for fundraising
• Solicits the advice of the class Nominating Committee in making interim appointments necessitated by
resignation or nonparticipation of elected officers
• Writes condolence letters (for sample sympathy letters, contact the director of classes and reunions
In regard to Reunion, the president:
Specific duties for this office may include: chairing Reunion, organizing mini-reunions, being a contact with Mount
Holyoke class “sisters” or “granddaughters” and/or with class honoraries, promoting mini-reunions and class
activities, or class outreach. The vice president may also be asked to share the responsibility of writing a class letter.
Reu n i on C h air ( s )
See also the Reunion Planning Handbook at
• Organizes all aspects of the class’s reunion, with input from the class president and the assistance of her
reunion committee.
• Attends the Reunion Planning Workshop 8 months prior to Reunion.
• Appoints the various committee chairs, outlines their duties and responsibilities, consults with them
frequently, follows up on plans, and makes deadlines clear.
• Serves as the primary contact with the Alumnae Association. (If there are co-chairs, one person is selected as
a designated “primary” contact.) Both co-chairs will receive all communications.
• Keeps in touch with the Alumnae Association staff member who works directly with reunions. Forwards
questions and communications from the committee to the Association.
• Writes or co-writes two reunion class letters—due in October and January—and sends all pieces of the
mailing in one batch to the Alumnae Association.
• Keeps class president informed of progress, problems, and mailings.
• Develops the reunion budget by collecting estimates of reunion expenses from various reunion committee
chairs and working with the class treasurer.
• Authorizes expenditures related to Reunion and gives bills to class treasurer for payment.
• Completes and returns all forms provided by the Alumnae Association.
Secretary an d / o r S c r i b e
The secretary/scribe position may be combined or split, depending on the class. Each portion of the position is
described below.
The secretary:
• Is responsible for preserving class records, keeping minutes of board and class meetings, and retaining the
meeting minutes book
• Supervises the collection and storage of all permanent class records and memorabilia, except for the records
kept by the scribe, class agent, and treasurer; the College Archives (413-538-2013) can provide advice on
keeping permanent records of the class
• Assists members of the executive committee with the preparation of letters and publications
• Occasionally assists the president and reunion chair, as requested, in preparing a letter to the class after
Reunion (a special reunion scribe may be appointed instead)
The scribe:
• Is responsible for gathering, verifying, and preparing class news items, which are forwarded to the Mount
Holyoke Alumnae Quarterly class notes editor four times a year (the scribes’ guide, available at http:// or from the Alumnae Quarterly office
[413-538-2301], provides instructions for preparing class notes
• Maintains a file that contains correspondence received for class notes from a class member and news about
• Coordinates with the president and communications coordinator to solicit updates on classmates’ activities
• Informs Alumnae Information Services ( of address changes for class members; AIS will
then confirm changes with the alumna if there are any questions
• Notifies the Alumnae Information Services of the death of any class member and arranges for the
publication of a tribute (news of a death must be verified by a dated newspaper clipping or a letter from a
near relative; a personal tribute by a classmate who knew the deceased is desirable, but the scribe may wish
to contact a family member for a tribute, or write one herself )
• May appoint regional assistants, who relay news from each region
The treasurer:
• Establishes and maintains a bank account in the following name: Class of _______, Mount Holyoke
College, _________________________, Treasurer. The name of the bank and the account number must
be filed with the Alumnae Association. The class president and treasurer are required cosignatories on the
class accounts. (Note: Use of the class Employee Identification Number [EIN] on the bank account is
recommended in order to avoid tax liability on dividends or interest. Contact the Alumnae Association
for the number.) The treasurer should select a bank account after she identifies the options available, the
associated fees, etc.
• Completes and submits an Annual Financial Report (Form C) provided by the Alumnae Association by
July 31 each year
• Collects dues authorized by the class; a minimum of $35 for every five-year period is recommended,
although many classes ask $35–$75 for a five-year period
• Records and promptly deposits all receipts
• Promptly pays all bills that have been approved by the class president; such approval may be indicated in
writing or by email and attached to the paid bill and filed
• Reconciles bank statements on a monthly basis
• Sends financial reports to the class president at least every six months; the format of such reports should
parallel that of the Annual Financial Report (Form C), e.g., Beginning balance ( July 1); Receipts, by
category; Disbursements, by category; Ending balance ( June 30)
• Attends class board meetings or provides written accounting reports
• Transfers the treasury and records to the new class treasurer by September 15 following Reunion
• Schedules a meeting either in person or over the phone with the new treasurer to update her on the state of
the class treasury
• Has the books reviewed by another class officer or someone appointed by the president at least once every
five years (see “General Guidelines for Class Treasuries” on page 13 for information on how to conduct this
financial review)
In regard to Reunion, the treasurer:
• Arranges (in consultation with the president and reunion chair[s]) to have sufficient reserve funds on hand
preceding reunion, so that bills may be paid promptly.
• Deposits all checks for class fees and pays all Reunion bills
• Brings the class checkbook to Reunion. Many reunion volunteers expect reimbursement at the event. If the
treasurer is unable to attend Reunion, she should send the class checkbook to the class president so that the
president may write any necessary checks. (The class president should be a cosigner on the account.)
Note: The two treasurers (outgoing and incoming) will overlap in treasurer responsibilities for a few months until all
the current accounts are settled. The incoming treasurer will need to open a new account or provide new signature
cards for the class treasury during that overlap time. Once the outgoing treasurer has settled the reunion accounting,
and the incoming treasurer has opened a new account, the outgoing treasurer sends the new treasurer a bank check
closing her current account. She would also send her all the class treasury books and records (and complete the
transfer of responsibilities) to the incoming treasurer.
The treasurer must maintain records according to the Alumnae Association’s fiscal year ( July 1–June 30) and include
detailed listings of receipts and expenditures, bank statements, backup documentation that may be necessary to
substantiate amounts received and disbursed (e.g., dues notices, reunion fee schedules, invoices). She should record
all transactions in sufficient detail in order to easily complete the Annual Financial Report (Form C) submitted to
the Alumnae Association.
In general, class financial records must be retained for seven years following the end of the fiscal year to which the
records pertain, per IRS rules. After that time, the records can be destroyed in accordance with IRS guidelines,
which are available at The treasurer should retain summary information,
including year-end account balances and annual receipts and expenditures by major category (e.g., copies of the
Annual Financial Report Form C).
The communications/Web coordinator:
• Works with other class officers to communicate upcoming events to class members
• Attends class board meetings
• Communicates regularly with class members to ensure accuracy of information
• Works with the Alumnae Association staff to ensure the class website and other social media are linked
through the Alumnae Association’s website
• Posts regular updates to the class social media/website to ensure the presentation of recent pictures and
• Attends Reunion
• The ability to create and/or maintain a class website or social media site
• Strong computer and internet skills, to allow website to function across all platforms and browsers and/or a
strong understanding of appropriate social media for class communication
• Basic skills in photography and photo editing
• A willingness to communicate with classmates to ensure information is accurate and up to date
• An interest in Web page design and creativity for content of a website or social media site
• The ability to work as a team with other class officers and the Alumnae Association staff
• A desire to increase participation and communication between class members
Cl ass N omi n at i n g Co m m i t t e e
The class Nominating Committee consists of five members: three elected by the membership at Reunion and two
appointed by the president, who also appoints one of the five members as chair. It is strongly recommended that one
of the three elected members be chosen as chair.
The Nominating Committee selects candidates for elective class officers and submits an official slate for class
elections. The only additional nominations that can be considered for any given office are those made from the floor
at the time of the election at the class meeting.
Consent of the nominee must first be obtained. Before Nominating Committee members begin their work, they
should familiarize themselves with the job descriptions of the offices to be filled.
The Nominating Committee chair is responsible for contacting all the committee members, making assignments
of positions to be filled, setting up a timeline, and making sure the slate is ready for distribution to the class prior to
Reunion. The chair should set up a conference call no later than early fall of the reunion cycle to start the process.
He ad C lass Age n t
This officer reports directly to advancement office staff. Questions or concerns regarding any of the duties listed
should be directed to the appropriate Advancement staff liaison.
The head class agent is responsible for her class target contribution to the Mount Holyoke Fund each year. She is a
motivator and manager of a team of Cornerstone callers and class agents or reunion gift callers who work under her.
In addition to her other duties, she appoints a planned giving chair in consultation with the Advancement Office
after the 20th reunion. Selection of the Head Class Agent is made in conjunction with the class liaison in the Office
of Advancement.
In general, the job of head class agent requires the following qualities:
The advancement office has a detailed schedule that provides a more specific overview of the duties involved; call
413-538-2032 for a copy.
The head class agent should contact the advancement office directly for detailed information. Members of the
reunion gift team include: the class president, the head class agent, class agents, and Cornerstone callers.
Ot h er Lead ers h i p O p p o r t u n i t i e s
The Alumnae Association eagerly seeks class volunteers interested in leadership roles in other aspects of the
organization. Any alumna interested in serving on the board of directors and/or its committees should send
her name to the Nominating Committee or to the executive director of the Alumnae Association. Many of the
committees are involved in policy and program creation. Current committees include: finance, classes and reunions,
nominating, clubs, communications, and volunteer stewardship. More information can be found at http://alumnae.
S N A P S H OT O F F I VE -Y E A R G OA L S ( S A M P L E )
C L A S S O F __________
Year One • Plan to attend New Class Officer Training Sunday morning of Reunion Weekend
• Encourage classmates to keep up interest and involvement in this postreunion year
• Ensure that transition from former class board is complete, including the transfer of
the treasury
• Celebrate and communicate highlights of the past reunion
• Plan a mini-reunion with a goal of 30 classmates in attendance
• Review Mount Holyoke Fund giving results and encourage more participation
• Create class website
Year Three • Continue to encourage new participation in the Mount Holyoke Fund
• Reach out to inactive classmates to generate broader volunteer base
• Plan a mini reunion
Discuss/plan mini-reunions X X
• Discuss procedures to
select slate
Complete selection of
candidates for new class board X
by February 1