English 7 OHSP LM Final
English 7 OHSP LM Final
English 7 OHSP LM Final
B. For each of the following sentences, choose the correct answer from the
given options.
C. Choose the correct verb that agrees with the subject in each sentence.
Underline the correct answer.
Task 1. Skimming
Below is a reading text that we will discuss. Follow the directions and
answer the question that follows.
Are you done? Very well, now let’s proceed to the next task.
1. Proverbs expressing a general attitude towards life and the laws that
govern life
Our proverbs are not only witty expressions. They are also our cultural
treasures. As we continue to use them in various spoken or written forms and
as we explore ways of representing them in graphic, musical, or dramatic
modes, we facilitate their preservation. And through these, we strengthen our
identity as a people.
An antonym is a word that shows the opposite meaning of another
word. For example, the word young is the opposite of the word old.
Therefore young and old are antonyms.
A synonym is a word that means exactly the same as, or very nearly the
same as, another word in the same language. For example, "close" is a
synonym of "shut".
Task 1. Enrichment
1. peaceful-calm 6. brave-courageous
2. bend-straighten 7. declare-affirm
3. accept-decline 8. dreary-cheerful
4. wrong-erroneous 9. preserve-maintain
5. common-rare 10. deep-shallow
Now in the next activities, we will see how well you can read creatively a
passage. Practice reading the following passages.
There is much to learn from our folk literature. One important insight
from the sayings and stories of our ancestors is the relationship of human
beings and nature. Many myths and legends show how natural forces influence
or are influenced by human actions. The powerfulness of these forces is
commonly seen in creation stories. Across the archipelago, we will find creation
stories that highlight gods and goddesses controlling or working with natural
forces. These stories have become part of our indigenous knowledge.
In recent years, we have seen many books and films influenced by folk
beliefs, sayings and stories. They highlight fairies, mythical creatures, and
events in which they interact with human beings. They are treated with great
respect to the point of fear. Oftentimes, such creatures provide human beings
with supernatural powers. Human beings, on the other hand, use such gifts to
perform heroic acts. However, there are those who end up using powers for
evil. These creatures have also been depicted in paintings, dances and drama.
Were you able to apply what the text asks? Did you know that what you
have done is the application of volume, enunciation and phrasing & pacing?
For you to better understand these terms, let me give you the meaning.
1. Did volume, enunciation, and phrasing & pacing influence the understanding
of the message? Defend your answer in at least five sentences.
2. What must the speaker do if he/she has a bigger audience and when there
are disturbances? Explain your answer in at least five sentences.
Now that you have learned all about volume and enunciation, let’s
proceed to listening a taped dialogue between an elderly and a student. As you
listen twice to a short dialogue, write your observations and notes under the
appropriate columns.
Well done! To sum up the tasks in this part, here are the features of
oral language that are very useful in the conversations.
very conversational
allows being indirect
follows cues in taking turns
a dynamic transfer of information
includes some cultural expressions
allows shifts in meaning due to changes in sound-related features
retractable (one can immediately apologize for a mistake or offer
highly subjective
We use there is/was for singular noun and there are/were for plural noun.
Sometimes a word or phrase comes between the subject and the verb.
Ignore that word or phrase when locating the subject and verb, making
sure the verb agrees with the subject.
Write two sentences that observe the subject-verb agreement for each
of the cases listed.
Case Sentence
A number 1.
The number 1.
There is 1.
There are 1.
Intervening phrase 1.
A. Identify the sound of every word from the given choices. Write the symbol
of the sound on the space provided after each word.
3. The gods nor the goddess play favorite among the humans.
Let’s see how well you know the different ethnic groups in our country
by determining who our fellow Filipinos are and where they reside in our
country. Match items in columns A, B, and C.
Read quietly the short article below to locate information that will
help you determine whether you will agree or disagree to the
following statements.
4. The strength of the Filipino culture lies in the resiliency of its people
who overcame the colonizers’ oppressive rule.
The sounds of the vowel and consonant are very critical because there
is a chance that you will be misunderstood so, producing the sounds correctly
is very important.
Below are words, phrases and sentences from the selection. Practice
reading these for you to be more familiar with these sounds. Are you ready?
Then, get started.
Set A: Words
[I] [i]
bit unique
kinship east
basic appearance
archipelago camaraderie
Philippines fifteen
Set B: Phrases
1. a little bit of all the cultures
2. spirit of kinship
3. East meets West
4. Chinese and Spanish
5. people of the Philippines
Set C: Sentences
1. The Filipino character is actually a little bit of all the cultures put together
5. The history of American rule and contact with merchants and traders
culminated in a unique blend of East and West, both in the appearance
and culture of the people of the Filipinos.
Were you able to pronounce well the highlighted words? Very good.
Now answer the following tasks to improve your skill.
Job well done! we can now proceed to our next topic which is about the
tone of voice. Let’s define tone.
Going back to the text entitled The People of the Philippines, a tone
and part of the paragraph will be assigned to you. You will read aloud the
paragraph. The tone will be guessed by another student/s. Use the given scale
and chart below to examine one’s performance.
Alright, everyone was able to read very well the paragraph with the
assigned tone. Now, answer the following questions to help you note the
importance of tone.
Did you now realize the importance of tone in expressing the message?
Does it affect the message?
This time you are about to study sentences to identify the verbs that
agree with their subjects. In your previous lessons, you have already learned
some rules on subject-verb agreement. Here are other rules to guide you better.
4. Indefinite Pronouns
Indefinite pronouns are words which replace nouns. They can be
singular or plural, depending on how they are used in a sentence.
Singular indefinite pronouns take a singular verb; plural indefinite
pronouns take a plural verb. Here are some guidelines to follow:
Indefinite pronouns
Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.
1. In the text entitled, The People of the Philippines, one of the traits inherited
by Filipinos is having close family relations, how vital is the role of a father
and a mother in keeping the family close? Elaborate your answer in at least
5 sentences.
You once again surpassed this module’s challenges!
You are now becoming a better learner!
Are you interested to learn the Panayan version of how our world was
created? How about the verb tense consistency? I know you can’t wait much
longer, so let’s go friend!
1. It is a tale circulated orally among people or folk, especially one forming part
of the oral tradition of the common people.
a. fable c. legend
b. folktale d. myth
3. It is a literary device which can be defined as a concise and brief story about
animals and that is intended to provide a lesson.
a. fable c. legend
b. folktale d. myth
PROject proJECT
CONtent conTENT
COMbat comBAT
CONduct conDUCT
CONvert conVERT
DEfect deFECT
DEsert deSERT
OBject obJECT
PREsent preSENT
REcord reCORD
UPdate upDATE
B. Use the right stress to pronounce the following two- and three-
syllable words.
NAtion eMOtion
MOtion eRUPtion
LOtion soLUtion
POtion conDItion
NOtion comPLExion
Sentence Purpose/Feeling
D. Study how the poem below should be read dramatically. Observe the
appropriate stress and intonation.
by Langston Hughes
Misery is when
your very best friend
calls you a name
she really didn’t mean
to call you at all.
Misery is when
you call your
very best friend
a name you didn‘t mean
to call her, either.
From the words inside the box, choose the one that appropriately
substitutes for the underlined words/expressions. Write your answers on a one
fourth sheet of paper.
Immediately after his return from the trip, he called this act to her attention
saying that it was ungodly of her to be jealous, there being no other creature
living in the world except the two of them. This reproach was resented by
Alunsina, and a quarrel between them followed.
I know you enjoyed reading the story of Tungkung Langit and Alunsina.
Below are the most significant events in the story. Arrange the sentences in
correct order.
B. It is related that Tungkung Langit fell in love with Alunsina and, after so
many years of courtship, they got married.
C. For months, Tungkung Langit lived in utter desolation. He could not find
Alunsina, try hard as he would.
D. Immediately after his return from the trip, he called this act to her
attention saying that it was ungodly of her to be jealous, there being no
other creature living in the world except the two of them.
E. Tungkung Langit told his wife that he would be away from home for
sometime to put an end to the chaotic disturbances in the flow of time
and in the position of things.
F. From the depth of this formless void, there appeared two gods, —
Tungkung Langit and Alunsina.
G. He made a big basin of water below the sky so that he can see the image
of his wife, if she were just somewhere in the regions above.
H. Tungkung Langit lost his temper. In his rage, he divested his wife of
powers and drove her away.
I. The jealous Alunsina, sent the sea breeze to spy on Tungkung Langit.
Can you tell the difference between and among a myth, a legend, and a
folktale? Let me give you brief details on these concepts through a chart.
Principal Sample
Form Usual Length Topics Depicted
Characters Titles
Fable is short, and has It is fiction in the It often uses The young Crab and
Fable no more than two or sense that it did not animals as the His Mother
three characters. really happen. main characters. The Lion and the
The Lion, the Ass, and
the Fox
Legend can be It has at least a bit Legend includes The Legend of Mt.
Legend written as prose of historical truth. It a historical Kanlaon
(regular writing) or usually includes HUMAN hero. The Legend of the
poetry. beliefs and ideas of a Pineapple
culture. The Legend of
The Legend of
Plot is It is a tale or legend Ang Aso at ang Uwak
Folktale generally shorter originating and Abaheda Filipina
and simpler than in traditional among a Cinderella
other genres of people or folk, How the First Head
literature. especially one was Taken
forming part of the
oral tradition of the
common people.
Often longer than It is a traditional or Why Do the Moon and
Myth other traditional legendary story, Stars Appear Only at
stories, especially in usually concerning Night?
their original forms. some beings or heroes Why does a Rainbow
or events, with or Appear after the
without a Drizzle? Why does the
determinable basis of Philippine have 7000
fact or a natural Islands?
especially one that is
concerned with deities
or demigods and
explains some
practices, rites, or
phenomena of nature.
Based on what you discovered and learned from the chart, compare and
contrast details about fable, legend, folktale and myth. Write your answer in two
(2) paragraphs with five (5) sentences for each paragraph. Be guided by the
rubrics below.
The explanation covers all The explanation covers at The explanation covers at
of the similarities/ least 4 similarities/ least 2 similarities/
differences and the differences and the differences and the
connections of the concepts. connections of the concepts. connections of the concepts.
To sum up the concepts that you have learned for this module, reflect
and answer the following questions.
1. How would you define a myth using the information you have gathered?
Does the story How the World Was Created (Panayan) qualify as a
myth? Why or why not?
Good job! You have completed the targeted tasks for this module. The
next part of this lesson will be about tense consistency and the rules on subject-
verb agreement. Join me as we continue this module. Let’s go!
Hello there! I know you are very eager to continue this module. So let’s
get started!
2. When Alunsina walks inside the palace in the sky, Tungkung Langit will
3. Several people in Panay pass by and talk about the myth, yet never
question its tragic end.
What do you notice on the verbs used in each sentence? Does it have
the consistency? If you’re having a hard time analyzing, let me define first the
verb tense consistency. Then, we’ll go back to the sentences later, ok?
Let’s take a closer look in this sentence. Focus on the verbs that
are written in bold font.
Mark finished his essay, tidies his room, and went out for
Finished and went are in past tense, but tidies is in present tense.
Mark finished his essay, tidied his room, and went out for
Mark finished his essay and went out for supper, and now he is
tidying his room.
Paragraph 1
1. The wide island of Panay was originally inhabited by Negritos or locally
called Ati tribe. 2Their disappearance is due to an innocent agreement
they made with the sultan of Borneo back in 1250 to give up their land in
exchange of a hat and gold necklace. 3Early in the 13th century,
Marikudo, a native chieftain, sold the coastal shores and lowlands to 10
Bornean Datus who escape from the repression of Sri Vishayan Empire.
4One of them named Paiburong received the area Irong-Irong, which is
now called Iloilo City, meaning nose-like, as its wide river mouth in the
narrow Guimaras Strait appears like a snout. 5The island lived peacefully
until the arrival of Juan Miguel de Legazpi in 1566 that discovered and
developed more towns.
Below is a box where you will organize the important details that you
noted from the program.
B. Below are the events from the program you just watched. Arrange them
in proper sequence.
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
Now, you will ask these questions to your classmate. Then, your
classmate will also ask questions that he/she formulated.
That’s right! While you are taking a break, let me ask you this: Do you
know that TV programs are also categorized into different types? Below are
some of the basic genres of TV Programs;
Newscasts, newsbreaks, and headlines.
Programs reporting on local, regional, national, and
international events. Such programs may include
weather reports, sportscasts, community news, and
other related features or segments contained within
"News Programs."
Programs of live or live-to-tape sports events and
competitions including coverage of professional and
amateur tournaments. The category also includes
programs reviewing and analyzing professional or
amateur competitive sports events/teams (i.e. pre-
and post-game shows, magazine shows, scripted
sports, call-in and talk shows, etc.).
Game shows
Programs featuring games of skill and
chance as well as quizzes.
What genre of TV program does the Kapuso Mo: Jessica Soho belong? Explain
your answer.
Way to go! You have brilliantly surpassed another module for this
subject. It’s time to proceed to the next lesson.
Write all the ideas that you associate with the word “sky”. Write
your answers around the drawing. Draw lines to connect them
to the cloud.
It’s so easy right? Now, please read the story that follows and find out
why our sky is so high.
In the early days, when the sky was still low, two brothers named Ingat
and Daskol lived with their parents on earth.
As their names indicate, Ingat was careful in everything he did and was
therefore his father‘s right hand man. He was always helping with the work in
the field and his parents were very pleased with him.
On the other hand, Daskol did his work sloppily. In the absence of a
daughter in the family, the house work came to be Daskol‘s responsibility. He
fetched water, cleaned the house, and did the cooking. He also did the
pounding of the palay that his father and Ingat harvested. Even in pounding,
Daskol lived up to his name. Half of the grain he pounded scattered and fell to
the ground. Being naturally lazy and impatient, he did not like the work of
pounding rice.
One day, Daskol had to pound a greater quantity of palay than usual.
He was irritated because every time he raised the pestle higher, and every time
it hit the sky, the sky would be raised. In his hurry, Daskol did not notice that
the sky was rising. When he finished pounding the rice, he looked up and
discovered that the sky had risen and it is where it is today.
In the olden days, the only people on earth were a man and a woman.
One day, they ate venison which the man had brought home from hunting. But
because the bones were very big and they wanted to eat the marrow, they
thought of pounding the bones. The woman removed her comb and necklace
and hung them on the low sky. But whenever she pounded, she would hit the
sky. So she requested the sky to rise higher. It thundered and the sky rose
higher. Still the pestle hit the sky. So the woman again asked the sky to go
higher. It thundered and the sky rose higher. Still the pestle hit the sky. So the
woman again asked the sky to go higher. Again it thundered and the sky rose
as high as could be. When the woman remembered what she had hung, it was
too late. They became the moon and the stars.
In the olden days the sky was so low---so low that it could be reached
by a stick of ordinary length. The people in those days said that God had
created the sky in such a way that he could hear his people when they called
to him. In turn, God could send his blessings to earth as soon as men needed
them. Because of this close connection between God and his subjects, the
people were provided for, and they did not need to work.
Whenever they wanted to eat, they could simply call God. Before their
request was made, almost, the food would be on the table; but after the
expulsion of Adam and Eve, God made men work for their own living. With this
change in their condition came the custom of holding feasts, when the men
would rest from their labors.
One day one of the chiefs, Abing by name, held a feast. Many people
came to enjoy it. A sayao, or native war-dance, was given in honor of the men
belonging to the chief, and it was acted by men brandishing spears. While
acting, one of the actors, who was drunk, tried to show his skill, but he forgot
that the sky was so low. When he darted his spear, he happened to pierce the
sky, and one of the gods was wounded. This angered God the Father: so he
raised the sky as we have it today far from the earth.
Review the lives of the characters before and after the sky rose. List
down your observations inside the arrows.
1. The woman removed her comb and necklace and hung them on the
low sky.
2. He was irritated because every time he raised the pestle higher, and
every time it hit the sky, the sky would be raised.
3. Because of this close connection between God and his subjects, the
people were provided for, and they did not need to work.
4. The woman removed her comb and necklace and hung them on the
low sky.
5. Ingat was careful in everything he did and was therefore his father‘s
right hand man.
Try to analyze the connection of the two words in every sentence. Did
you find it? Read the discussion below and find out if you are correct.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
A pronoun is a word used to stand for (or take the place of) a noun.
A word can refer to an earlier noun or pronoun in the sentence.
It is already clear to you that a pronoun must always agree with the
noun that it replaces.
Task 5.1. Write the correct pronoun that agrees with the antecedent in the
following sentences3. Choose from options provided in the parentheses.
1. Visitors can expect to get __________ (his, hers, its, their) money’s worth
in Samal.
2. Year-round fiestas allow a tourist to celebrate to __________ (his, hers, its,
theirs) heart’s content.
3. Guests should prepare __________ (his, hers, its, their) bikes for Samal‘s
vast rugged terrain.
4. Samal‘s shore is lined with coconuts, white sand, and cozy cottages.
__________ (his, hers, its, theirs) resorts offer the best venue to view the
5. The island offers great choices of unspoiled beaches, while __________
(his, hers, its, theirs) unspoiled underground caverns can be best explored
by foot.
Putting Bato (White Rock) is a popular tourist spot on Samal island. (1)
__________ is known not only for its beauty but for its mystery as well. (2)
_________ has puzzled both natives and visitors alike. A story was once told.
Two friends went up to explore the Puting Bato at eight in the morning.
But, (3) __________ were not able to return home. Six native island dwellers
waited for them to descend from the mountain.(4) __________ patiently waited
for the safe return of the climbers.
Hours had passed, but the hikers were still nowhere in sight. The eldest
of the natives frowned with concern. Though (5) __________ had expected this
to happen, the incident confirmed one thing. The supernatural beings spirits
known to inhabit this particular island peak have taken (6) __________ victims
After six years, the two were seen again descending from the mountain.
(8) __________ amazingly bore no signs of aging or physical changes brought
after six years of absence.
The natives still patiently waited for a sign. (9) __________ were worried
but hopeful. If the lost pair won't appear, (10) __________ would scale the
mountain to search for the hikers. If still unfound, __________ will see the
hikers again, six years from now.
Were you able to write the important details? Great! Now, you will read
your answer aloud based on how I read the words.
This time, I will read the text again. Then, evaluate your own answer.
Use what you have learned from the discussion and listening activity on
sentence stress and intonation. Observe the rhythm rule guidelines in reading
the text below. Practice reading this text5 at home, in front of friends or family
members, or in the presence of a mentor who can guide you. Remember to
follow the discussed guidelines as you practice. Be ready to present this to me.
The historical traces of the name of this developing island town came to
surface from information gathered through investigations and personal
interviews with some native chieftains on how the place got its name. Based on
unrecorded history, the place was sparsely populated by few farming natives
called Isamals who first settled the coastal areas of the island. There were no
known surveyed roads then except for a few trails and pathways criss-crossing
the lowland areas. Thick forest and green land still covered the island's virgin
Great! I see no reason now not to continue with our activity. Come on!
Slang words that are not considered part of the standard vocabulary of
a language and that are used very informally in speech especially by a
particular group of people
Study the examples below and give three more pairs to complete the
table. You may use a dictionary for this task.
You already know the different formality levels in speaking. At this point,
we will move on to writing. One of the most common forms of writing is an
essay. Perhaps, you are already familiar with this. Let me show you the basic
structure of an essay.
This structure is popular because it ensures that the main points of the
essay are very clear and well supported. The introduction gives the point.
The body gives support for this overall point. The conclusion restates the
overall point.
The body of the essay is divided into paragraphs. The aim in these
paragraphs is to clearly support your essay's thesis statement.
Make sure also that your paragraphs are sequenced logically so that the
reader can easily follow your line of thought throughout the essay. This often
involves starting paragraphs with logical connectors:
This reminds your reader of the overall point/purpose of the essay and
ties the essay together.
The conclusion is another good opportunity to tie the essay together and
make it clear that you have supported your point well.
You are now equipped with skills in writing a paragraph. For this task,
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Accuracy of The retelling The retelling The retelling The retelling
Retelling includes all includes all includes all does not
major points major points major points in include major
and 1-2
and several the points in the
significant details in the myth/legend. myth/legend.
details in the myth/ legend.
myth/ legend.
Sequence The retelling The retelling The retelling The retelling
captures the captures the captures the of the
myth/legend in myth/legend myth/legend myth/legend
In correct with several
correct is out of
sequence with omissions, but
sequence with maintains sequence.
2-3 omissions.
all important sequence of
parts. those told.
Setting Lots of vivid, Some vivid, The reader can The reader
descriptive descriptive figure out when has trouble
words are used words are used and where the telling
myth/legend when and
to tell the to tell the
takes place, but where the
reader when reader when there isn't much myth/legend
and where the and where the detail (e.g.,
takes place.
myth/ legend myth/ legend once upon a
takes place. takes place. time in a land
far, far away).
That’s all for now! In the next part of the module, you will learn about
simple and compound sentences and the steps in writing a paragraph.
There you are! Are you now ready to conquer the challenges for this
module? Then come on!
―Any long trip begins with a first step. To raise consciousness is the
first step to protect our damaged ozone layer. You should be responsible. Do
simple ways to save our ozone layer. This will reduce levels of pollution and
money. Consider the following tips.
The text above presents tips to protect the ozone layer. The concise
presentation of information makes the tips easy to understand and remember.
The structure of the sentences also aids you in remembering the message.
This is because the message is presented using simple sentences.
Notice that the sentences used are simple sentences. But when can we
really say that a sentence is a simple sentence?
Simple Sentence
Judy {runs}.
Judy and her dog {run on the beach every morning}.
Compound Sentence
and ᵜ for
but ᵜ nor
so ᵜ yet
4. Mindanao was depicted as a troubled land in the epic, and this depiction
seems true even to this age.
5. The people of Mindanao initially fought the monsters, but the monsters were
just too powerful for them to overcome.
6. Sulayman‘s revival is seen as proof of his supernatural heritage.
7. Epic heroes often have supernatural abilities, but they too have
8. The heroes in this epic simply wanted to help people in distress.
9. Indarapatra‘s marriage to the headman‘s daughter explains how his people
came to Mindanao.
10. Many of us see epics as fiction, yet reading an epic often reveals a lot of
truths about the people who created them.
B. Study the sentences below. Fill in the blank with appropriate coordinating
1. The four monsters came out of nowhere, ____ they began to attack the
people of Mindanao.
3. The Philippines during this time did not have a central government, ____
nor did it have a national force.
5. Sulayman managed to kill the giant bird, ____ the bird‘s wing managed
to crush him in the process.
the topic
supporting information
Next write a supporting sentence for each point. Use facts or examples
to support your points.
Well done! You have conquered all the challenges for this module.
I hope you realize how well you are becoming.
Revisiting My Past
Watch and listen to your teacher carefully. Observe the gestures that
he/she will do and the concept that comes with it. Then, complete the table
as you do this.
Everyone in the land of Barogan feared the deep dark woods. The
people were afraid not only of savage animals that lived there but of
fierce monsters and giants that walked around the forest as well.
There were also stories about creatures that could change their
appearance to deceive people. One of these was a serpent that could
change into a lady. It had enchanted many of those who explored the
woods. Some of them were turned into stone while the others were put
to sleep forever.
3 One day, a man with extraordinary strength went into the forest in
3. Baltog carried the Tandayag and hung it on a talisay tree in front of his
house in Tondol. The people celebrated when they learned of the victory
of their king Baltog. The clans of Panicuason and Asog came over to
marvel at the monstrous wild boar in Ibalon.
4. At that time the hero Handiong came with a band of warriors to the land
of Ibalon. Handiong and his men had to fight thousands of battles, and
face many dangers to defeat the monsters. They first fought the one-
eyed giants in the land of Ponon. They fought without rest for ten months
until all the oneeyed giants were killed.
5. They went to the lair of the giant flying fishes called Tiburon which had
slimy, scaly, and hardy flesh and sawlike teeth that could crush rocks.
Handiong and his men did not stop until they vanquished every Tiburon.
6. They tamed the fierce tamaraws. They drove away the giant Sarimaw
which was larger than an elephant and very fierce. They used their
spears and arrows to kill all the crocodiles which were bigger than boats.
The savage monkeys were frightened and hid when they saw the rivers
and swamps of Ibalon turn red with blood.
8. All by himself, Handiong looked for Oriol in the heart of the forest. He
followed the beautiful voice and was almost enchanted by it in his
pursuit. It is said that Oriol admired Handiong‘s bravery and gallantry.
Thus, the serpent taught the hero how to conquer the monsters until
peace came to the whole Ibalon.
10. But there came the big flood freed by Unos, with earthquakes and the
eruption of the volcanoes of Hantik, Kolasi, and Isarog. Rivers dried up
and the seas receded. The earth parted, mountains sank, and many
towns in Ibalon were destroyed.
11. Then appeared the giant Rabot, half-man half-beast, with terrible
12. Bantong, Handiong‘s good friend, was ordered to kill the new monster
in Ibalon. He took with him a thousand warriors to attack Rabot‘s den.
Bantong used his wisdom against Rabot. He did not attack the giant‘s
den right away but instead observed Rabot‘s ways. He saw many rocks
around the den. They were people turned into rock by Rabot.
13. He also learned that Rabot loved to sleep. When Rabot slept very
soundly, Bantong was able to go near him. The giant died with a single
stab by the brave and wise Bantong. Ibalon was at peace once more.
On a half sheet of paper, make a report card for each hero. Using the
given guide, grade how well each one saved Ibalon. Remark on the heroism of
each and choose the most heroic among them. You may refer to your answers
in the previous task (Task 1, “I Know It!”) to help you do this. Be ready to
explain your answers to your classmates.
A – Outstanding
B – Excellent
C – Satisfactory
D – Needs Improvement
Name of Hero Grade
Other Traits
Idiomatic expressions
(phrasal verbs)
Care for To show likeness or fondness
Carry out To do, to practice
Go on To continue
Take part To participate
Take pity To show compassion or kindness for
Win over To gain support
Meanings Sentences
a. Take this cotton, clean it, and make out of it a dress for yourself.
Idiomatic Meaning
Catch on To understand
Look over To examine
Hand in To submit
Pick out To choose
Cope with To adapt
Read the following text. Fill in the table to show the similarities and
differences between this text and “Ibalon” in terms of topic, setting,
purpose, intended audience, and relevance today. Do this on a half sheet
of paper.
3. What are OFWs made of? They are made of determination, courage,
a risk-taking attitude, a heart of gold, and other qualities that make them
everyday heroes to a lot of people. They go beyond their call of duty to
help their families, to help their country and sometimes people in need,
even if it means putting themselves in danger.
Intended audience
Relevance today
Read the following idioms and their meanings. With a partner, use
each idiom in a sentence. Then identify to whom you will say it and in what
situation. Do this on one half sheet of paper.
1. distinguish between and among the functions of verbal cues such as:
repetition, contradiction, substitution, complementation, and
2 use the right oral language conventions when inquiring about,
summarizing, or reacting to what has been listened to, read, or
3 identify the characteristics of the epic as a literary form;
4 use information presented in a narrative poem in inferring, evaluating,
and expressing critical ideas;
5 compare and contrast the verse and prose versions of a narrative
Listen carefully to the short text to be played / read to you and be able to
identify still another type of hero.
Now complete the following statement to identify and describe another type
of hero.
Arrive at the meaning of the italicized word by noting the difference or the
similarity among the words in the set.
2. Sharks, whales, and dolphins are all large ocean and sea creatures.
Sharks are most dangerous to man because they are
Study the following sets of words and their common prefix then guess the
meaning of the italicized words.
1Eugenio, Damiana L. (2007). Philippine Folk Literature Series, Vol. 1. Quezon City: UP Press,
pp. 55-57.
Complete the grid below for you to learn more about the characters and
their story through their actions. Be guided by the given example.
Don Juan and his wife Namongan lived in Nalbuan, now part of La Union
in the northern part of the Philippines. They had a son named Lam-ang. Before
Lam-ang was born, Don Juan went to the mountains in order to punish a group
of their Igorot enemies. While he was away, his son Lam-ang was born. It took
four people to help Namongan give birth. As soon as the baby boy popped out,
he spoke and asked that he be given the name Lam-ang. He also chose his
godparents and asked where his father was.
2 http://tagaloglang.com/Philippine-Literature/Filipino-Epics/biag-ni-lam-ang-buod.html
It was a tradition to have a newly married man swim in the river for the
rarang fish. Unfortunately, Lam-ang dove straight into the mouth of the water
monster Berkakan. Ines had Marcos get his bones, which she covered with a
piece of cloth. His rooster crowed and his dog barked and slowly the bones
started to move. Back alive, Lam-ang and his wife lived happily ever after with
his white rooster and gray dog.
_____ 1b. Where did they live? b. No, the dog didn‘t express
Lam-ang‘s love for Ines.
_____ 2a. Why did Don Juan go to the mountains? c. Don Juan and Namongan
_____ 3a. Were Don Juan‘s enemies forgiven e. to punish their Igorot enemies
by Lam-ang?
_____ 3b. Were all the enemies killed? f. The enemies were not forgiven.
_____ 4a. Did the dog express Lam-ang‘s g. The dog didn‘t cause the
love for Ines? nearby house to fall.
_____ 4b. Did it cause the nearby house to fall? h. No, they weren’t all killed.
j. Nalbuan
1a. __________________________________________________________
1b. __________________________________________________________
2a. __________________________________________________________
2b. __________________________________________________________
3a. __________________________________________________________
3b. __________________________________________________________
4a. __________________________________________________________
4b. __________________________________________________________
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
Re-read the Bicol epic (Ibalon) and compare it with the Iloko epic (The
Story of Lam-Ang) on the basis of the following:
You must be familiar with the use of the modules because you have
worked on several modules already. We hope you have learned from them and
developed your skills as you performed the activities contained in the modules.
This lesson allows you to begin your journey into understanding yourself
which will hopefully lead you to mastering yourself. You must aim to:
2. explain why your views about yourself may be different from how
others view you;
3. narrate an incident in your life which is similar to the one found in the
Encircle the letter of the option which is synonymous to the underlined word
in the sentence.
5. My sister shrieked and the strip of white sheet flew off like an
unhanded hawk.
Study the following sentences. Choose the determiner that will best
complete each sentence.
For this activity, you will need a piece of paper, and some tape. Write your
name at the center of this paper. It is advisable to encircle your name. Once
your teacher has finished giving you instructions, you are to move around the
classroom, look for your classmates, and write only one word on each of their
respective papers. That word must be an adjective which you think best
describes your classmate. After five minutes, take the piece of paper from your
back and look at how your classmates described you. Now compare the
descriptions that your classmates wrote for you with those you wrote for
yourself. How similar are they? How different are they?
Are you done comparing your classmate descriptions with that of your own
description? Now let’s proceed to the next task.
Before reading the story below, check your understanding of the following
underlined words.
2. The vendor, hoping to finish selling his goods before noon, ambled
toward the group of clueless tourists.
a. crawled c. jumped
b. danced d. walked
4. While Jonathan escaped the accident with just a scratch on his arm,
his car was badly mangled.
a. destroyed c. returned
b. scratched d. spared
6. The mayor denounced the kidnapping of the eight year old year, and
vowed that he would do everything in his power to get the girl back
and punish the kidnappers to the fullest extent of the law.
a. condemned c. encouraged
b. commented d. liked
7. Kyla‘s lips started to quiver when she heard that her daughter had
been kidnapped.
a. close c. shrink
b. open d. tremble
8. The prima ballerina snickered when she saw her main rival
stumbling over the new dance steps.
a. coughed c. frowned
b. commented d. laughed
When I saw my sister, Delia, beating my dog with a stick, I felt hate heave
like a caged, angry beast in my chest. Out in the sun, the hair of my sister
glinted like metal and, in her brown dress, she looked like a sheathed dagger.
Biryuk hugged the earth and screamed but I could not bound forward nor cry
out to my sister. She had a weak heart and she must not be surprised. So I held
myself, my throat swelled, and I felt hate rear and plunge in its cage of ribs.
I was thirteen when my father first took me hunting. All through the
summer of that year, I had tramped alone and unarmed the fields and forest
around our farm. Then one afternoon in late July my father told me I could use
his shotgun.
I pushed the safety lever of the rifle off and sighted along the barrel. The
saddle of the stock felt greasy on my cheek. The gun was heavy and my arm
muscles twitched. My mouth was dry; I felt vaguely sick. I wanted to sit down.
Father had told me that hunters always spat for luck before firing. I spat
and I saw the breeze bend the ragged, glassy threads of spittle toward the birds.
That‘s good,” Father said.
Suddenly, a small dog yelping shrilly came tearing across the brooding
plain of grass and small trees. It raced across the plain in long slewy swoops,
on outraged shanks that disappeared and flashed alternately in the light of the
“Not bad,” my father said grinning. “Three birds with one tube.” I went
to the brush to get the birds. The dog ambled after me. He found the birds for
me. The breast of one of the birds was torn. The bird had fallen on a spot where
the earth was worn bare, and its blood was spread like a tiny, red rag. The dog
scraped the blood with his tongue. I picked up the birds and its warm, mangled
flesh clung to the palm of my hand.
“You‘re keen,” I said to the dog. “Here. Come here.” I offered him my
bloody palm. He came to me and licked my palm clean.
I gave the birds to my father. “May I keep him, Father?” I said pointing to
the dog. He put the birds in a leather bag which he carried strapped around his
Father looked at me a minute and then said: “Well, I‘m not sure.
That dog belongs to somebody.” “May I keep him until his owner comes
for him?” I pursued.
“He‘d make a good pointer,” Father remarked. “But I would not like my
son to be accused of dog-stealing.”
“Oh, no!” I said quickly. “I shall return him when the owner comes to
claim him.”
“All right,” he said, “I hope that dog makes a hunter out of you.”
Biryuk and I became fast friends. Every afternoon after school we went
to the field to chase quails or to the bank of the river which was fenced by tall,
blade-sharp reeds to flush snipes. Father was away most of the time but when
he was home he hunted with us.
Biryuk scampered off and my sister flung the stick at him. Then she
turned about and she saw me.
“I don‘t want to see that dog again in the house,” she said coldly. “That
dog destroyed my slippers again. I‘ll tell Berto to kill that dog if I see it around
again.” She clutched one side of my face with her hot, moist hand and shoved
My sister was the meanest creature I knew. She was eight when I was
born, the day my mother died. Although we continued to live in the same house,
she had gone, it seemed, to another country from where she looked at me with
increasing annoyance and contempt.
One of my first solid memories was of standing before a grass hut. Its
dirt floor was covered with white banana stalks, and there was a small box filled
with crushed and dismembered flowers in one corner. A doll was cradled in the
box. It was my sister‘s playhouse and I remembered she told me to keep out of
it. She was not around so I went in. The fresh banana hides were cold under
my feet. The interior of the hut was rife with the sour smell of damp dead grass.
Against the flowers, the doll looked incredibly heavy. I picked it up. It was slight
but it had hard, unflexing limbs. I tried to bend one of the legs and it snapped. I
stared with horror at the hollow tube that was the leg of the doll. Then I saw my
sister coming. I hid the leg under one of the banana pelts. She was running and
I knew she was furious. The walls of the hut suddenly constricted me. I felt sick
with a nameless pain. My sister snatched the doll from me and when she saw
the torn leg she gasped. She pushed me hard and I crashed against the wall of
the hut. The flimsy wall collapsed over me. I heard my sister screaming; she
denounced me in a high, wild voice and my body ached with fear. She seized
one of the saplings that held up the hut and hit me again and again until the
flesh of my back and thighs sang with pain. Then suddenly my sister moaned;
she stiffened, the sapling fell from her hand and quietly, as though a sling were
lowering her, she sank to the ground. Her eyes were wild as scud and on the
edges of her lips, drawn tight over her teeth, quivered a wide lace of froth. I ran
to the house yelling for Father.
She came back from the hospital in the city, pale and quiet and mean,
drained, it seemed, of all emotions, she moved and acted with the keen,
perversity and deceptive dullness of a sheathed knife, concealing in her body
that awful power for inspiring fear and pain and hate, not always with its drawn
blade but only with its fearful shape, defined by the sheath as her meanness
was defined by her body.
Nothing I did ever pleased her. She destroyed willfully anything I liked.
At first, I took it as a process of adaptation, a step of adjustment; I snatched
and crushed every seed of anger she planted in me, but later on I realized that
it had become a habit with her. I did not say anything when she told Berto to kill
my monkey because it snickered at her one morning, while she was brushing
her teeth. I did not say anything when she told Father that she did not like my
pigeon house because it stank and I had to give away my pigeons and Berto
had to chop the house into kindling wood. I learned how to hold myself because
I knew we had to put up with her whims to keep her calm and quiet. But when
she dumped my butterflies into a waste can and burned them in the backyard,
I realized that she was spiting me.
I ran after Biryuk. He had fled to the brambles. I ran after him, bugling
his name. I found him under a low, shriveled bush. I called him and he only
whimpered. Then I saw that one of his eyes was bleeding. I sat on the ground
and looked closer. The eye had been pierced. The stick of my sister had
stabbed the eye of my dog. I was stunned. For a long time I sat motionless,
staring at Biryuk. Then I felt hate crouch; its paws dug hard into the floor of its
cage; it bunched muscles tensed; it held itself for a minute and then it sprang
and the door of the cage crashed open and hate clawed wildly my brain. I
screamed. Biryuk, frightened, yelped and fled, rattling the dead bush that
sheltered him. I did not run after him.
His head was drenched with sweat. He brushed away the sweat and hair
from his eyes and said to me: “I‘ve got something for you.”
He dropped his ax and walked into the woodshed. I followed him. Berto
went to a corner of the shed. I saw a jute sack spread on the ground. Berto
stopped and picked up the sack.
“Look,” he said.
“I found him under the stack I chopped.” Berto smiled happily; he looked
at me with his muddy eyes.
I stiffened. “Did it, really?” I said trying to control my rising voice. Berto
was still grinning and I felt hot all over.
“I didn‘t expect to find any centipede here,” he said. “It nearly bit me.
Who wouldn‘t get shocked?” He bent and picked up a piece of wood.
“This wood was here,” he said and put down the block. “Then I picked it
up, like this. And this centipede was coiled here. Right here. I nearly touched it
with my hand. What do you think you would feel?”
I did not answer. I squatted to look at the reptile. Its antennae quivered
searching the tense afternoon air. I picked up a sliver of wood and prodded the
centipede. It uncoiled viciously. Its pinchers slashed at the tiny spear.
“Yes,” Berto said. “I did not kill him because I knew you would like it.”
“That‘s bigger than the one you found last year, isn‘t it?”
I stuck the sliver into the carapace of the centipede. It went through the
flesh under the red armor; a whitish liquid oozed out. Then I made sure it was
dead by brushing its antennae. The centipede did not move. I wrapped it in a
My sister was enthroned in a large chair in the porch of the house. Her
back was turned away from the door; she sat facing the window. She was
embroidering a strip of white cloth. I went near, I stood behind her chair. She
was not aware of my presence. I unwrapped the centipede. I threw it on her
My sister shrieked and the strip of white sheet flew off like an unhanded
hawk. She shot up from her chair, turned around and she saw me but she
collapsed again to her chair clutching her breast, doubled up with pain. The
centipede had fallen to the floor.
“You did it,” she gasped. “You tried to kill me. You’ve health… life… you
tried…” Her voice dragged off into a pain-stricken moan.
My sister did not move. I held the centipede before her like a hunter
displaying the tail of a deer, save that the centipede felt thorny in my hand.
The next activity will enrich your vocabulary. Try to distinguish the
difference between literal and figurative.
Locate information in the selection to complete the table below. Make sure
you can defend your answers.
How Eddie Viewed How Eddie Viewed How Eddie’s Sister How Eddie’s Sister
His Sister Himself Viewed Him Viewed Herself
Once you have finished with the table above, answer the following
questions in your notebook. Be prepared. Your teacher will check your
1. Do you think Eddie‘s actions at the end of the story were justified?
Why or why not?
2. Had you been in the same situation, would you have done what Eddie
did? Why or why not?
4. Point out the individual differences of Eddie and her sister. Explain.
The environment is important to our lives.
A man should be true to his words.
An endangered animal is protected by law.
There are four demonstrative determiners in English and they are: this,
that, these and those
Those are my properties. (Demonstrative used as a pronoun, subject
of the verb are)
Those properties are mine. (Demonstrative used as a determiner
modifying the noun properties.)
Possessive pronouns can stand alone and are not followed by nouns.
Possessive determiners, on the other hand, are followed by nouns.
He knows more people than his wife.
Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
A. Study the following sentences. Choose the determiner that will best
complete each sentence.
1. ____ stolen cart was returned to the farmer the following day by the
policemen.(an, the, their)
4. Liza tried to retrieve _____ cap, but she was afraid to climb the tree.
(this, her, their)
5. Mr. Reyes told the restless crowd that everyone had to wait for ____
hour for the guest speaker. (a, an, the)
6. My father gave me ____ watch before I left for Manila. (these, this, an)
7. The branch manager told his staff to make sure that _____ important
documents should be sent to the main office by the end of the day. (a,
an, the)
10. The teacher gave the students an exam after a few of them challenged
her lecture. ____ a behavior was unacceptable to the teacher. (what,
such, theirs)
3. As punishment for their offense, the students were told to make sure
that a school was always clean.
4. Because Mario couldn‘t find his wallet, he borrowed money from his
8. Marjorie decided to leave her house when she saw several rat
colonies in her kitchen.
Once you are done with the grid, you may be asked by your teacher to
share your anecdote with your classmates. Write it in story form using
appropriate determiners. You may change the names of the persons involved.
Valuing My Family
This lesson makes you realize that family members wherever they may
be still form the core of our personhood. As you appreciate more your family,
you must be able to:
2. determine the order of significant events in the text that you listened to
Give three examples of materials that you can locate in the library.
5. ___________________________________
6. ___________________________________
7. ___________________________________
Now that you have an idea of what this lesson is all about, get ready with
your initial tasks.
How do you and your family remember a dead loved one? Can you
share your experiences? In this activity we will find out how Mr. Angeles
remembered his dead children.
1. Listen for the cue when you are to read your part.
2. Listen to the details that tell about how Mr. Angeles remembered his
dead children.
The Mats
by Francisco Arcellana
1 For the Angeles family, Mr. Angeles'; homecoming from his periodic
inspection trips was always an occasion for celebration. But his homecoming--
from a trip to the South--was fated to be more memorable than, say, of the
He had written from Mariveles: "I have just met a marvelous matweaver--
a real artist--and I shall have a surprise for you. I asked him to weave a
sleeping-mat for every one of the family. He is using many different colors and
for each mat the dominant color is that of our respective birthstones. I am sure
that the children will be very pleased. I know you will be. I can hardly wait to
show them to you."
Nana Emilia read the letter that morning, and again and again every time
she had a chance to leave the kitchen. In the evening when all the children
were home from school she asked her oldest son, José, to read the letter at
dinner table. The children became very much excited about the mats, and
talked about them until late into the night. This she wrote her husband when
she labored over a reply to him. For days after that, mats continued to be the
chief topic of conversation among the children.
Finally, from Lopez, Mr. Angeles wrote again: "I am taking the Bicol
Express tomorrow. I have the mats with me, and they are beautiful. God willing,
I shall be home to join you at dinner."
2 The letter was read aloud during the noon meal. Talk about the mats
flared up again like wildfire.
"I like the feel of mats," Antonio, the third child, said. "I like the smell of
new mats."
"Oh, but these mats are different," interposed Susanna, the fifth child.
"They have our names woven into them, and in our ascribed colors, too."
The children knew what they were talking about: they knew just what a
decorative mat was like; it was not anything new or strange in their experience.
That was why they were so excited about the matter. They had such a mat in
the house, one they seldom used, a mat older than any one of them.
You will now reread the selection and be ready for discussion regarding
Total Recall and Check Point.
3. How were the last three mats different from the rest?
5. If you were a member of Angeles family, can you cite an example how
your parents treated you?
1. Read the following sentences and take note of the underlined phrases.
d. The separate letters, spelling out the names of the dead among
them, did not seem glow or shine with a festive sheen as did the
other living names.
Simile is a figure of speech that uses the word like or as to describe someone
or something else that is similar.
3. Compare and contrast the following people with objects. Use as and
like in your sentences. Be imaginative.
a. Your best friend
b. Your favorite artist
c. A political figure
d. A modern hero
e. You
2. Below are different sources of information, Group them into two. The first
two items are done for you.
a. Assume that you are Mr. Angeles. Make a travelogue about your
trips in the Philippines. (A travelogue is a piece of writing about
someone’s experiences while travelling.)
1. identify terms that express local color and use them to better
understand a text;
Encircle the letter of the option which is synonymous to the underlined word
in the sentence.
Let’s start the module by using your wild imagination and drawing skill
in the given activity.
Task 1. Password
2. Find out if these considerations are also observed by Noel and his family.
Well you’ve done the given activities properly. Let us now proceed to
the listening activity.
1. Listen as your classmates read the dialogue between Baldo and his
You’re done with the task. Be ready now for the reading
selection. So as you read, find out how Maria pass through the test
of Leon’s family.
Task 1. Checkmate
3. What was the reaction of the father regarding the woman? Cite details.
4. What was the relationship of the woman to Manong Leon? Say the lines
that indicate the relationship.
5. Find out the whole story behind the dialogue. Read “How My Brother
Leon Brought Home a Wife” by Manuel Arguilla.
Now that you have already an idea about the selection. You may now
continue exploring the whole story by reading the next part of it.
"You are Baldo," she said and placed her hand lightly on my
shoulder. Her nails were long, but they were not painted. She was
fragrant like a morning when papayas are in bloom. And a small dimple
appeared momently high on her right cheek. "And this is Labang of
whom I have heard so much." She held the wrist of one hand with the
other and looked at Labang, and Labang never stopped chewing his
cud. He swallowed and brought up to his mouth more cud and the sound
of his insides was like a drum.
My brother Leon put down the two trunks on the grassy side of the
road. He paid Ca Celin twice the usual fare from the station to the edge
of Nagrebcan. Then he was standing beside us, and she turned to him
eagerly. I watched Ca Celin, where he stood in front of his horse, and
he ran his fingers through its forelock and could not keep his eyes away
from her.
"Maria---" my brother Leon said.
He did not say Maring. He did not say Mayang. I knew then that he
had always called her Maria and that to us all she would be Maria; and
in my mind I said 'Maria' and it was a beautiful name.
"Yes, Noel."
Now where did she get that name? I pondered the matter quietly to
myself, thinking Father might not like it. But it was only the name of my
brother Leon said backward and it sounded much better that way.
"There is Nagrebcan, Maria," my brother Leon said, gesturing
widely toward the west.
She moved close to him and slipped her arm through his. And after
a while she said quietly.
"You love Nagrebcan, don't you, Noel?"
Ca Celin drove away hi-yi-ing to his horse loudly. At the bend of the
camino real where the big duhat tree grew, he rattled the handle of his
braided rattan whip against the spokes of the wheel.
The sun was in our eyes, for it was dipping into the bright sea. The
sky was wide and deep and very blue above us: but along the saw-tooth
rim of the Katayaghan hills to the southwest flamed huge masses of
clouds. Before us the fields swam in a golden haze through which floated
big purple and red and yellow bubbles when I looked at the sinking sun.
Labang's white coat, which I had washed and brushed that morning with
coconut husk, glistened like beaten cotton under the lamplight and his
horns appeared tipped with fire.
"Hitch him to the cart, Baldo," my brother Leon said, laughing, and
she laughed with him a big uncertainly, and I saw that he had put his
arm around her shoulders.
"Why does he make that sound?" she asked. "I have never heard
the like of it."
"There is not another like it," my brother Leon said. "I have yet to
hear another bull call like Labang. In all the world there is no other bull
like him."
She was smiling at him, and I stopped in the act of tying the sinta
across Labang's neck to the opposite end of the yoke, because her teeth
were very white, her eyes were so full of laughter, and there was the
small dimple high up on her right cheek.
"If you continue to talk about him like that, either I shall fall in love
with him or become greatly jealous."
My brother Leon laughed and she laughed and they looked at each
other and it seemed to me there was a world of laughter between them
and in them.
I climbed into the cart over the wheel and Labang would have
bolted, for he was always like that, but I kept a firm hold on his rope. He
was restless and would not stand still, so that my brother Leon had to
say "Labang" several times. When he was quiet again, my brother Leon
lifted the trunks into the cart, placing the smaller on top.
She looked down once at her high-heeled shoes, then she gave
her left hand to my brother Leon, placed a foot on the hub of the wheel,
and in one breath she had swung up into the cart. Oh, the fragrance of
her. But Labang was fairly dancing with impatience and it was all I could
do to keep him from running away.
"Give me the rope, Baldo," my brother Leon said. "Maria, sit down
on the hay and hold on to anything." Then he put a foot on the left shaft
and that instand labang leaped forward. My brother Leon laughed as he
drew himself up to the top of the side of the cart and made the slack of
the rope hiss above the back of labang. The wind whistled against my
cheeks and the rattling of the wheels on the pebbly road echoed in my
I did not say anything but tickled with my fingers the rump of
Labang; and away we went---back to where I had unhitched and waited
for them. The sun had sunk and down from the wooded sides of the
Katayaghan hills shadows were stealing into the fields. High up
overhead the sky burned with many slow fires.
When I sent Labang down the deep cut that would take us to the
dry bed of the Waig which could be used as a path to our place during
the dry season, my brother Leon laid a hand on my shoulder and said
His hand was heavy on my shoulder, but I did not look at him or
utter a word until we were on the rocky bottom of the Waig.
"Baldo, you fool, answer me before I lay the rope of Labang on you.
Why do you follow the Waig instead of the camino real?"
Swiftly, his hand fell away from my shoulder and he reached for the
rope of Labang. Then my brother Leon laughed, and he sat back, and
laughing still, he said:
"And I suppose Father also told you to hitch Labang to the cart and
meet us with him instead of with Castano and the calesa."
I looked back and they were sitting side by side, leaning against
the trunks, hands clasped across knees. Seemingly, but a man's height
above the tops of the steep banks of the Wait, hung the stars. But in the
deep gorge the shadows had fallen heavily, and even the white of
"Look, Noel, yonder is our star!" Deep surprise and gladness were
in her voice. Very low in the west, almost touching the ragged edge of
the bank, was the star, the biggest and brightest in the sky.
"I have been looking at it," my brother Leon said. "Do you
remember how I would tell you that when you want to see stars you must
come to Nagrebcan?"
"Yes, Noel," she said. "Look at it," she murmured, half to herself.
"It is so many times bigger and brighter than it was at Ermita beach."
She laughed then and they laughed together and she took my
brother Leon's hand and put it against her face.
I stopped Labang, climbed down, and lighted the lantern that hung
from the cart between the wheels.
"Good boy, Baldo," my brother Leon said as I climbed back into the
cart, and my heart sant.
Now the shadows took fright and did not crowd so near. Clumps of
andadasi and arrais flashed into view and quickly disappeared as we
passed by. Ahead, the elongated shadow of Labang bobbled up and
down and swayed drunkenly from side to side, for the lantern rocked
jerkily with the cart.
"Ask Baldo," my brother Leon said, "we have been neglecting him."
I did not say anything more because I did not know what to make
of the tone of her voice as she said her last words. All the laughter
seemed to have gone out of her. I waited for my brother Leon to say
something, but he was not saying anything. Suddenly he broke out into
song and the song was 'Sky Sown with Stars'---the same that he and
Father sang when we cut hay in the fields at night before he went away
to study. He must have taught her the song because she joined him, and
her voice flowed into his like a gentle stream meeting a stronger one.
And each time the wheels encountered a big rock, her voice would catch
in her throat, but my brother Leon would sing on, until, laughing softly,
she would join him again.
Then we were climbing out into the fields, and through the spokes
of the wheels the light of the lantern mocked the shadows. Labang
quickened his steps. The jolting became more frequent and painful as
we crossed the low dikes.
"But it is so very wide here," she said. The light of the stars broke
and scattered the darkness so that one could see far on every side,
though indistinctly.
"You miss the houses, and the cars, and the people and the noise,
don't you?" My brother Leon stopped singing.
"Yes, Maria."
I stopped labang on the road before our house and would have
gotten down but my brother Leon took the rope and told me to stay in
the cart. He turned Labang into the open gate and we dashed into our
yard. I thought we would crash into the camachile tree, but my brother
Leon reined in Labang in time. There was light downstairs in the kitchen,
and Mother stood in the doorway, and I could see her smiling shyly. My
brother Leon was helping Maria over the wheel. The first words that fell
from his lips after he had kissed Mother's hand were:
I did not hear anything more because I had to go back to the cart
to unhitch Labang. But I hardly tied him under the barn when I heard
Father calling me. I met my brother Leon going to bring up the trunks.
As I passed through the kitchen, there were Mother and my sister Aurelia
and Maria and it seemed to me they were crying, all of them.
"Was she afraid of Labang?" My father had not raised his voice, but
the room seemed to resound with it. And again I saw her eyes on the
long curving horns and the arm of my brother Leon around her
He was silent again. I could hear the low voices of Mother and my
sister Aurelia downstairs. There was also the voice of my brother Leon,
and I thought that Father's voice must have been like it when Father was
young. He had laid the roll of tobacco on the windowsill once more. I
watched the smoke waver faintly upward from the lighted end and vanish
slowly into the night outside.
The door opened and my brother Leon and Maria came in.
I told him that Labang was resting yet under the barn.
I looked at Maria and she was lovely. She was tall. Beside my
brother Leon, she was tall and very still. Then I went out, and in the
darkened hall the fragrance of her was like a morning when papayas are
in bloom.
2. Is Maria a typical city woman? Illustrate her based on what Baldo had
seen from their first meeting to their arrival at home.
3. Will Maria a good wife for Leon? Justify your agreement or disagreement
by citing lines/details/events in the story.
Trace their journey into a form of three-five frame comic strip showing
how Maria successfully undergone the test of Baldo’s family.
1. Complete the following phrases. Get your answers from the selection.
Example: white is to good as black is to evil .Do this in your notebook.
c. cars and noise are to city as clean air, free of dust and smoke is
3. Look for a scenic spot in the Philippines. Study it and write descriptive
sentences using analogy. Bring the scenic spot that you used in doing
this activity when you report in the school.
After completing the writing activity, you will now have the
grammar lesson on noun complementation.
Study the sentences and find out the relationship between the bold and
italicized words.
4. How did your decision affect your relationship with these people?
You also have reached the final part of this lesson and widened
awareness about our past .You have done a terrific job, so keep it going
as you discover the power of love in the next module.
Loving is Giving
Are you eager to get started? As you do the following activities, pay
attention to the skills that can help you study and learn more about that
loving is also giving.
Encircle the letter of the option which is synonymous to the underlined word in
the sentence.
2. The story speaks of love and sacrifice. What is the verb used in the
a. love b. sacrifice c. speaks d. story
3. He buried out into the night. What is the verb used in the sentence?
a. buried b. he c. night d. out
This will be done during face to face encounter with the facilitator.
Do you love singing or do you love listening to a song? You will now
listen to a love song which I think you are already familiar with. Enjoy listening
and be ready to share your insights.
Here I am
Alone and I don't understand
Exactly how it all began
The dream just walked away
I'm holding on
When all but the passion's gone
And so it goes
That we have both learned how to grow
[ Ly
And from the start
Maybe we were tryin' too hard
It's crazy coz it's breakin' our heart
Things can fall apart but I know,
That I don't want you to goricom:
Oh it's just too much
Takin' all the whole world all by myself
But it's not enough Unless I stop trusting somebody else,
Somebody else
And love again
1. What was the message of the persona in the song? Write T (True) if you
agree with the statement and F (False) if you disagree. Write your answer in
your notebook.
_____ 1. The persona in the song expresses the pain of letting go.
_____ 2.The persona, too, has let go of the relationship.
_____ 3. The persona is aware of how things will go in the end.
_____ 4. The persona and the beloved have grown by letting go.
_____ 5. The persona is ready to love again.
2. Express your opinion why sometimes people who love each other have to say
goodbye. You can take lines from the song to support your views. Write your
views in three-five sentences.
After doing the listening activity, you will now proceed to the reading activity.
1. Read the story Wedding Dance by Amador Daguio
2. Note down important details about the selection.
The sound of the gangsas beat through the walls of the dark house like
muffled roars of falling waters. The woman who had moved with a start when
the sliding door opened had been hearing the gangsas for she did not know
how long. There was a sudden rush of fire in her. She gave no sign that she
heard Awiyao, but continued to sit unmoving in the darkness.
4But Awiyao knew that she heard him and his heart pitied her. He
crawled on all fours to the middle of the room; he knew exactly where the stove
was. With bare fingers he stirred the covered smoldering embers, and blew into
the stove. When the coals began to glow, Awiyao put pieces of pine on them,
then full round logs as his arms. The room brightened.
5"Why don't you go out," he said, "and join the dancing women?" He felt
a pang inside him, because what he said was really not the right thing to say
and because the woman did not stir. "You should join the dancers," he said,
"as if--as if nothing had happened." He looked at the woman huddled in a corner
of the room, leaning against the wall. The stove fire played with strange moving
shadows and lights upon her face. She was partly sullen, but her sullenness
was not because of anger or hate.
"Go out--go out and dance. If you really don't hate me for this
separation, go out and dance. One of the men will see you dance well; he will
like your dancing; he will marry you. Who knows but that, with him, you will be
luckier than you were with me."
7"I don't want any man," she said sharply. "I don't want any other man."
is not my fault," he said, feeling relieved. "You cannot blame me; I
have been a good husband to you."
11"Neither can you blame me," she said. She seemed about to cry.
12"No, you have been very good to me. You have been a good wife. I
have nothing to say against you." He set some of the burning wood in place.
"It's only that a man must have a child. Seven harvests is just too long to wait.
Yes, we have waited too long. We should have another chance before it is too
late for both of us."
13This time the woman stirred, stretched her right leg out and bent her
left leg in. She wound the blanket more snugly around herself.
know that I have done my best," she said. "I have prayed to
Kabunyan much. I have sacrificed many chickens in my prayers."
"Yes, I know."
15"You remember how angry you were once when you came home from
your work in the terrace because I butchered one of our pigs without your
permission? I did it to appease Kabunyan, because, like you, I wanted to have
a child. But what could I do?"
16"Kabunyan does not see fit for us to have a child," he said. He stirred
the fire. The spark rose through the crackles of the flames. The smoke and soot
went up the ceiling.
19Awiyao went to the corner where Lumnay sat, paused before her,
looked at her bronzed and sturdy face, then turned to where the jars of water
"I came home," he said. "Because I did not find you among the dancers.
Of course, I am not forcing you to come, if you don't want to join my wedding
ceremony. I came to tell you that Madulimay, although I am marrying her, can
never become as good as you are. She is not as strong in planting beans, not
as fast in cleaning water jars, not as good keeping a house clean. You are one
of the best wives in the whole village."
"That has not done me any good, has it?" She said. She looked at him
lovingly. She almost seemed to smile.
He put the coconut cup aside on the floor and came closer to her. He
held her face between his hands and looked longingly at her beauty. But her
eyes looked away.
Never again would he hold her face. The next day she would not be his
anymore. She would go back to her parents. He let go of her face, and she bent
to the floor again and looked at her fingers as they tugged softly at the split
bamboo floor.
23"This house is yours," he said. "I built it for you. Make it your own, live
in it as long as you wish. I will build another house for Madulimay."
"I have no need for a house," she said slowly. "I'll go to my own house.
My parents are old. They will need help in the planting of the beans, in the
pounding of the rice."
24"Iwill give you the field that I dug out of the mountains during the first
year of our marriage," he said. "You know I did it for you. You helped me to
make it for the two of us."
He looked at her, then turned away, and became silent. They were silent
for a time.
25"Goback to the dance," she said finally. "It is not right for you to be
here. They will wonder where you are, and Madulimay will not feel good. Go
back to the dance."
would feel better if you could come, and dance---for the last time.
The gangsas are playing."
"I know it," she said. "I will pray that Kabunyan will bless you and
She bit her lips now, then shook her head wildly, and sobbed.
She thought of the seven harvests that had passed, the high hopes they
had in the beginning of their new life, the day he took her away from her parents
across the roaring river, on the other side of the mountain, the trip up the trail
which they had to climb, the steep canyon which they had to cross. The waters
boiled in her mind in forms of white and jade and roaring silver; the waters tolled
and growled, resounded in thunderous echoes through the walls of the stiff
cliffs; they were far away now from somewhere on the tops of the other ranges,
and they had looked carefully at the buttresses of rocks they had to step on---
a slip would have meant death.
They both drank of the water then rested on the other bank before they
made the final climb to the other side of the mountain.
She looked at his face with the fire playing upon his features---hard and
strong, and kind. He had a sense of lightness in his way of saying things which
often made her and the village people laugh. How proud she had been of his
humor. The muscles where taut and firm, bronze and compact in their hold
upon his skull---how frank his bright eyes were. She looked at his body the
carved out of the mountains five fields for her; his wide and supple torso heaved
as if a slab of shining lumber were heaving; his arms and legs flowed down in
fluent muscles--he was strong and for that she had lost him.
32She flung herself upon his knees and clung to them. "Awiyao, Awiyao,
my husband," she cried. "I did everything to have a child," she said passionately
in a hoarse whisper. "Look at me," she cried. "Look at my body. Then it was full
of promise. It could dance; it could work fast in the fields; it could climb the
mountains fast. Even now it is firm, full. But, Awiyao, I am useless. I must die."
will not be right to die," he said, gathering her in his arms. Her whole
warm naked naked breast quivered against his own; she clung now to his neck,
and her hand lay upon his right shoulder; her hair flowed down in cascades of
gleaming darkness.
34"I don't care about the fields," she said. "I don't care about the house.
I don't care for anything but you. I'll have no other man."
"Then you hate me," he said. "If you die it means you hate me. You do
not want me to have a child. You do not want my name to live on in our tribe."
I do not try a second time," he explained, "it means I'll die. Nobody
will get the fields I have carved out of the mountains; nobody will come after
you fail--if you fail this second time--" she said thoughtfully. The
voice was a shudder. "No--no, I don't want you to fail."
"If I fail," he said, "I'll come back to you. Then both of us will die
together. Both of us will vanish from the life of our tribe."
39The gongs thundered through the walls of their house, sonorous and
keep my beads," she said. "Awiyao, let me keep my beads," she
half whispered.
"You will keep the beads. They come from far-off times. My grandmother
said they come from up North, from the slant-eyed people across the sea. You
keep them,
Lumnay. They are worth twenty fields."
"I'll keep them because they stand for the love you have for me," she
said. "I love you. I love you and have nothing to give."
41She took herself away from him, for a voice was calling out to him
from outside. "Awiyao! Awiyao! O Awiyao! They are looking for you at the
45"Awiyao," she said, and her eyes seemed to smile in the light. "The
beads!" He turned back and walked to the farthest corner of their room, to the
trunk where they kept their worldly possession---his battle-ax and his spear
points, her betel nut box and her beads. He dug out from the darkness the
beads which had been given to him by his grandmother to give to Lumnay on
the beads on, and tied them in place. The white and jade and deep orange
obsidians shone in the firelight. She suddenly clung to him, clung to his neck
as if she would never let him go.
"Awiyao! Awiyao, it is hard!" She gasped, and she closed her eyes and
buried her face in his neck.
The call for him from the outside repeated; her grip loosened, and he
buried out into the night.
Lumnay sat for some time in the darkness. Then she went to the door
and opened it. The moonlight struck her face; the moonlight spilled itself on the
whole village.
She could hear the throbbing of the gangsas coming to her through the
caverns of the other houses. She knew that all the houses were empty that the
whole tribe was at the dance. Only she was absent. And yet was she not the
best dancer of the village? Did she not have the most lightness and grace?
Could she not, alone among all women, dance like a bird tripping for grains on
the ground, beautifully timed to the beat of the gangsas? Did not the men praise
her supple body, and the women envy the way she stretched her hands like the
wings of the mountain eagle now and then as she danced? How long ago did
"It is not right. It is not right!" she cried. "How does she know? How
can anybody know? It is not right," she said.
51Suddenly she found courage. She would go to the dance. She would
go to the chief of the village, to the elders, to tell them it was not right. Awiyao
was hers; nobody could take him away from her. Let her be the first woman to
complain, to denounce the unwritten rule that a man may take another woman.
She would tell Awiyao to come back to her. He surely would relent. Was not
their love as strong as the river?
52She made for the other side of the village where the dancing was.
There was a flaming glow over the whole place; a great bonfire was burning.
The gangsas clamored more loudly now, and it seemed they were calling to
her. She was near at last. She could see the dancers clearly now. The man
leaped lightly with their gangsas as they circled the dancing women decked in
feast garments and beads, tripping on the ground like graceful birds, following
their men. Her heart warmed to the flaming call of the dance; strange heat in
her blood welled up, and she started to run. But the gleaming brightness of the
bonfire commanded her to stop. Did anybody see her approach? She stopped.
What if somebody had seen her coming? The flames of the bonfire leaped in
countless sparks which spread and rose like yellow points and died out in the
night. The blaze reached out to her like a spreading radiance. She did not have
the courage to break into the wedding feast.
Lumnay walked away from the dancing ground, away from the village.
She thought of the new clearing of beans which Awiyao and she had started to
make only four moons before. She followed the trail above the village.
When she came to the mountain stream she crossed it carefully. Nobody
held her hand, and the stream water was very cold. The trail went up again,
and she was in the moonlight shadows among the trees and shrubs. Slowly
she climbed the mountain.
When Lumnay reached the clearing, she could see from where she
stood the blazing bonfire at the edge of the village, where the wedding was.
She could hear the far-off clamor of the gongs, still rich in their sonorousness,
echoing from mountain to mountain. The sound did not mock her; they seemed
to call far to her, to speak to her in the language of unspeaking love. She felt
the pull of their gratitude for her sacrifice. Her heartbeat began to sound to her
like many gangsas.
56Lumnay though of Awiyao as the Awiyao she had known long ago-- a
strong, muscular boy carrying his heavy loads of fuel logs down the mountains
The mountain clearing was cold in the freezing moonlight. The wind
began to stir the leaves of the bean plants. Lumnay looked for a big rock on
which to sit down. The bean plants now surrounded her, and she was lost
among them.
59A few more weeks, a few more months, a few more harvests---what
did it matter? She would be holding the bean flowers, soft in the texture, silken
almost, but moist where the dew got into them, silver to look at, silver on the
light blue, blooming whiteness, when the morning comes. The stretching of the
bean pods full length from the hearts of the wilting petals would go on.
60Lumnay's fingers moved a long, long time among the growing bean
It happens often when your teacher asks you if you understood the
discussion then you would reply, “Yes, Sir,” or “Yes, Ma‘am,” when you really
are not so sure you understood. Or when your friend tells you how good the
film was and you would say, “I agree,” yet the expression in your face is so flat.
_____ 1. “Of course, I am not forcing you to come, if you don't want to join
my wedding ceremony.” (Awiyao, Paragraph 20)
______ 2. “I have no need for a house… I have no use for any field.”
(Lumnay, Paragraphs 23 & 24)
______ 3. "I will pray that Kabunyan will bless you and Madulimay." She bit
her lips now, then shook her head wildly, and sobbed.
(Lumnay, Paragraphs 27 & 28)
Based from your answers, how do you define irony? Give at least
three examples.
Keep going…
you know already what is an irony…
That’s good!
_____ 1. The story says aloud that a man who loves unconditionally
should give up his or her happiness for the beloved.
_____ 2. The title speaks of the dance that happened in the wedding of
Awiyao and Madulimay.
_____ 3. Awiyao and Lumnay still confessed their love for each other in
the midst of their separation.
_____ 7. The tribe‘s convention and practice on raising a family bore much
burden to Awiyao and Lumnay.
1. An object;
2. A verb structure; or,
3. An expression that has information about the object (of the verb).
So what are these forms or features which may follow the main verb
in the sentence?
1. Verbs followed by one object: the direct object (DO) or the indirect
object (IO).
a. Awiyao asked Lumnay.
b. Awiyao asked a question.
Tragic love stories happen when people who are so much in love don‘t
end up together. Know about them as you identify the verb feature pattern.
Choose from the patterns below. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the one-half sheet of paper.
2. Ghost (1990)
______ a. Molly and Sam looked like the perfect couple with a
love everyone would dream about.
______ b. Molly has the love of her life taken away from her all
too soon.
3. Titanic (1997)
______ a. It was the ship of dreams and Rose met Jack Dawson.
______ b. Rose never told anyone about Jack until telling her story
of the Titanic.
If you were to imagine Awiyao and Lumnay in a dance, how would you
classify their dance? Was it a dance of love or a dance of
disappointment? Why?
Express your side in three-five sentences with the use of verb complement
Creating Changes
Are you eager to get started? As you do the following activities, pay
attention to the skills that can help you study and learn more about
creating chances.
3. He tried to say sorry for what he has done. The underline phrase is
an example of
a. clause c. prepositional phrase
b. noun complement d. verb complement
Now that you have an idea of what this lesson is all about, let’s get started.
I’d like some. I’d like some. I’d like some. I’d like some.
What is it like to eat in somebody else‘s house? Are there things you
do or you should not do at a dinner table? Is it polite to eat everything on your
plate or in your dish? Is it polite to eat with your hands? Make a survey!
My Classmates‘/Friends’/Neighbors’
Questions Response Responses Signature
1 2 3 4 5
1. Is it
polite to eat
with your
Look for the oxymoronic expressions from the statements below. Then
specify the meaning of the expression based from the given context. Write
your answer on a one-fourth sheet of paper.
1. small crowd :
2. ill health :
3. clearly misunderstood:
How do you find the activity? Easy? Let’s move on to the reading
activity. Find out why pandesal called The Bread of Salt.
2. As you read, do not forget to pause at stop points and respond to the
quick queries. Write your answer in your notebook.
The bread of salt! How did it get
that name? From where did its flavor Do you have any idea what
come, through what secret action of flour bread is the character-narrator
and yeast? At the risk of being jostled
talking about?
from the counter by early buyers, I would
push my way into the shop so that I might
watch the men who, stripped to the waist,
worked their long flat wooden spades in
and out of the glowing maw of the oven.
Why did the
bread come nut-brown and the size of my little fist? And why did it have a pair
of lips convulsed into a painful frown? In the half light of the street, and hurrying,
the paper bag pressed to my chest, I felt my curiosity a little gratified by the
oven-fresh warmth of the bread I was proudly bringing home for breakfast.
3Well I knew how Grandmother would not mind if I nibbled away at one
piece; perhaps, I might even eat two, to be charged later against my share at
the table. But that would be betraying a trust; and so, indeed, I kept my
purchase intact. To guard it from harm, I watched my steps and avoided the
dark street corners.
4For my reward, I had only to look in the direction of the sea wall and the
fifty yards or so of riverbed beyond it, where an old Spaniard's house stood. At
low tide, when the bed was dry and the rocks glinted with broken bottles, the
stone fence of the Spaniard's compound set off the house as if it were a castle.
Sunrise brought a wash of silver upon the roofs of the laundry and garden
sheds which had been built low and close to the fence. On dull mornings the
light dripped from the bamboo screen which covered the veranda and hung
some four or five yards from the ground. Unless it was August, when the damp,
northeast monsoon had to be kept away from the rooms, three servants raised
It was in his service, as a
With whom is the character- coconut plantation overseer, that
narrator living? Grandfather had spent the last thirty
years of his life. Grandmother had
been widowed three years now. I
often wondered whether I was being
depended upon to spend the years
ahead in the service of this great
One day I learned that Aida, a classmate in high school, was the old
Spaniard's niece. All my doubts disappeared. It was as if, before his death,
Grandfather had spoken to me about her, concealing the seriousness of the
matter by putting it over as a joke. If now I kept true to the virtues, she would
step out of her bedroom ostensibly to say Good Morning to her uncle. Her real
purpose, I knew, was to reveal thus her assent to my desire.
6On quiet mornings I imagined the patter of her shoes upon the wooden
veranda floor as a further sign, and I would hurry off to school, taking the route
she had fixed for me past the post office, the town plaza and the church, the
health center east of the plaza, and at last the school grounds. I asked myself
whether I would try to walk with her and decided it would be the height of
rudeness. Enough that in her blue skirt and white middy she would be half a
block ahead and, from that distance, perhaps throw a glance in my direction,
to bestow upon my heart a deserved and abundant blessing. I believed it was
but right that, in some such way as this, her mission in my life was disguised.
Her name, I was to learn many years later, was a convenient mnemonic
for the qualities to which argument might aspire. But in those days it was a
living voice. "Oh that you might be worthy of uttering me," it said. And how I
endeavored to build my body so that I might live long to honor her. With every
victory at singles at the handball court the game was then the craze at school
-- I could feel my body glow in the sun as though it had instantly been cast in
bronze. I guarded my mind and
did not let my wits go astray. In class
From this point of the narrative, I would not allow a lesson to pass
would you say that this is going to unmastered. Our English teacher
be a love story? could put no question before us that
did not have a ready answer in my
head. One day he read Robert Louis
Stevenson's The Sire de Maletroit's
Door, and we were so enthralled that
8Itwas perhaps on my violin that her name wrought such a tender spell.
Maestro Antonino remarked the dexterity of my stubby fingers. Quickly I raced
through Alard-until I had all but committed two thirds of the book to memory.
My short, brown arm learned at last to draw the bow with grace. Sometimes,
when practising my scales in the early evening, I wondered if the sea wind
carrying the straggling notes across the pebbled river did not transform them
into Schubert's "Serenade."
9At last Mr. Custodio, who was in charge of our school orchestra, became
aware of my progress. He moved me from second to first violin. During the
Thanksgiving Day program he bade me render a number, complete with
pizzicati and harmonics.
10"Another Vallejo! Our own Albert Spalding!" I heard from the front row.
12"You must join my band," he said. "Look, we'll have many engagements
soon. It’ll be vacation time."
13Pete pressed my arm. He had for some time now been asking me to join
the Minviluz Orchestra, his private band. All I had been able to tell him was that
I had my schoolwork to mind. He was twenty-two. I was perhaps too young to
be going around with him. He earned his school fees and supported his mother
hiring out his band at least three or four times a month. He now said:
My head began to whirl. On the stage, in front of us, the principal had
begun a speech about America. Nothing he could say about the Pilgrim Fathers
and the American custom of feasting on turkey seemed interesting. I thought
of the money I would earn. For several days now I had but one wish, to buy a
box of linen stationery. At night when the house was quiet I would fill the sheets
with words that would tell Aida how much I adored her. One of these mornings,
perhaps before school closed for the holidays, I would borrow her algebra book
and there, upon a good pageful of equations, there I would slip my message,
tenderly pressing the leaves of the book. She would perhaps never write back.
16That night I dreamed I had returned from a tour of the world's music
centers; the newspapers of Manila had been generous with praise. I saw my
picture on the cover of a magazine. A writer had described how, many years
ago, I used to trudge the streets of Buenavista with my violin in a battered
black cardboard case. In New York, he reported, a millionaire had offered me
a Stradivarius violin, with a card that bore the inscription: "In admiration of a
genius your own people must surely be proud of." I dreamed I spent a weekend
at the millionaire's country house by the Hudson. A young girl in a blue skirt
and white middy clapped her lily-white hands and, her voice trembling, cried
What people now observed at home was the diligence with which I
attended to my violin lessons. My aunt, who had come from the farm to join her
children for the holidays, brought with her a maidservant, and to the poor girl
was given the chore of taking the money to the baker's for rolls and pan de sal.
I realized at once that it would be no longer becoming on my part to make these
morning trips to the baker's. I could not thank my aunt enough.
22It was about an as alto the next Sunday which the Buenavista Women's
Club wished to give Don Esteban's daughters, Josefina and Alicia, who were
arriving on the morning steamer from Manila. The spinsters were much loved
by the ladies. Years ago, when they were younger, these ladies studied
solfeggio with Josefina and the piano and harp with Alicia. As Pete told me all
this, his lips ash-gray from practicing all morning on his trombone, I saw in my
mind the sisters in their silk dresses, shuffling off to church for the evening
benediction. They were very devout, and the Buenavista ladies admired that. I
had almost forgotten that they were twins and, despite their age, often dressed
alike. In low-bosomed voile bodices and white summer hats, I remembered, the
pair had attended Grandfather's funeral, at old Don Esteban's behest. I
wondered how successful they had been in Manila during the past three years
in the matter of finding suitable husbands.
23"This party will be a complete surprise," Pete said, looking around the
porch as ifto swear me to secrecy. "They've hired our band."
"Merry Christmas," I said in English, as a hairbrush and a powder case
emerged from the fancy wrapping. It seemed to me rather apt that such gifts
went to her. Already several girls were gathered around Aida. Their eyes
glowed with envy, it seemed to me, for those fair cheeks and the bobbed dark-
brown hair which lineage had denied them.
26I was too dumbstruck by my own meanness to hear exactly what Aida
said in answer to my greeting. But I recovered shortly and asked:
"Will you be away during the vacation?"
And now it would be nothing of the kind, really. The women's club
matrons would hustle about, disguising their scurrying around for cakes and
candies as for some baptismal party or other. In the end, the Rivas sisters
would outdo them. Boxes of meringues, bonbons, ladyfingers, and cinnamon
buns that only the Swiss bakers in Manila could make were perhaps coming on
the boat with them. I imagined a table glimmering with long-stemmed punch
glasses; enthroned in that array would be a huge brick-red bowl of gleaming
china with golden flowers around the brim. The local matrons, however hard
they tried, however sincere their efforts, were bound to fail in their aspiration to
rise to the level of Don Esteban's daughters. Perhaps, I thought, Aida knew all
this. And that I should share in a foreknowledge of the matrons' hopes was a
matter beyond love. Aida and I could laugh together with the gods.
30The overture shuffled along to its climax while five men in white shirts
bore huge boxes of goods into the house. I recognized one of the bakers in
spite of the uniform. A chorus of confused greetings, and the women trooped
into the house; and before we had settled in the sala to play "A Basket of
Roses," the heavy damask curtains at the far end of the room were drawn and
a long table richly spread was revealed under the chandeliers. I remembered
that, in our haste to be on hand for the asalto, Pete and I had discouraged the
members of the band from taking their suppers.
31"You've done us a great honor!" Josefina, the more buxom of the twins,
greeted the ladies. "Oh, but you have not allowed us to take you by surprise!"
the ladies demurred in a chorus.
33Alicia played on the harp and then, in answer to the deafening applause,
she offered an encore. Josefina sang afterward. Her voice, though a little
husky, fetched enormous sighs. For her encore, she gave "The Last Rose of
Summer"; and the song brought back snatches of the years gone by. Memories
of solfeggio lessons eddied about us, as if there were rustling leaves scattered
all over the hall. Don Esteban appeared. Earlier, he had greeted the crowd
handsomely, twisting his mustache to hide a natural shyness before talkative
women. He stayed long enough to listen to the harp again, whispering in his
Was the character-narrator midnight, the merrymaking
enjoying the festivity in lagged. We played while the party
the household of Don Esteban? gathered around the great table at the
Do you think he wants to be a part end of the sala. My mind traveled
of the world of Aida? across the seas to the distant cities I
Was he enjoying the music or the had dreamed about. The sisters
company of people? sailed among the ladies like two great
white liners amid a fleet of tugboats in
a bay. Someone had thoughtfully
remembered-and at last
Pete Saez signaled to us to put our instruments away. We walked in single file
across the hall, led by one of the barefoot servants.
"If you wait a little while till they've gone, I'll wrap up a big package for
you," she added.
I walked away to the nearest door, praying that the damask curtains might
hide me in my shame. The door gave on to the veranda, where once my love
had trod on sunbeams. Outside it was dark, and a faint wind was singing in the
41With the napkin balled up in my hand, I flung out my arm to scatter the
egg-yolk things in the dark. I waited for the soft sound of their fall on the garden-
shed roof. Instead, I heard a spatter in the rising night-tide beyond the stone
fence. Farther away glimmered the light from Grandmother's window, calling
42But the party broke up at one or thereabouts. We walked away
me home.
with our instruments after the matrons were done with their interminable good-
byes. Then, to the tune of "Joy to the World," we pulled the Progreso Street
shopkeepers out of their beds. The Chinese merchants were especially
generous. When Pete divided our collection under a street lamp, there was
already a little glow of daybreak.
43He What do you think
walked with me part of the way home. We
stopped at the baker's when I told him that I wanted to was the character-
buy with my own money some bread to eat on the way narrator’s feeling
to Grandmother's house at the edge of the sea wall. He at the moment?
laughed, thinking it strange that I should be hungry. We Was this the
found ourselves alone at the counter; and we watched ending that
the bakery assistants at work until our bodies grew you expected?
warm from the oven across the door. It was not quite Why? Why not?
five, and the bread was not yet ready.
Set A
a. act naturally
b. awfully good
c. terribly pleased
d. even odds
e. alone together
_______ 2. The character-narrator cannot decide what to pick from the buffet
table –with all the _________________of all the dishes he never
imagined before.
_______ 4. The beauty of the ladies in the house of Don Esteban was
____________ which goes with their display of charm and talent.
_______ 5. The walk home was a _________________ with his thoughts just
frozen, his lips closed, by the road--no one moved, nothing
unheard, all this stillness from the time Aida caught him in-the –
In the first example, the infinitive from verb complement expresses the
reason for the action, while the –ing form verb complement refers to what
a. to go
1. The character-narrator remembered b. going
a. playing
2. The band just went on b. to play ________________.
4. After Aida saw what the character-narrator just did, she really can‘t
help a. to say
b. saying _______________.
a.to attend
b.attending ________________.
5. The character-narrator regrets
Write down important human experiences that you may draw out from
the story. Include the moral of the story. The very first step that you should take
is to write a topic sentence. Then, narrow your topic by writing supporting
sentences. Don’t forget also to write your concluding sentence.
You also have reached the final part of this lesson and created new
challenges. You have done an awesome job, so keep going as you recognize
the beauty of nature in the next module.
This lesson helps you realize that our lives and our world is rocked by
challenges from time to time. We must learn to cope with these
challenges, so we can emerge as stronger and wiser individuals. You must
aim to:
Task 1. Bottled up
In your notebook, write the meaning of the following
idioms that use the word, bottle. You may use a
1. bottled-up emotions
2. bottle something up
3. hit the bottle
4. cork high and bottle deep
5. the genie if out of the bottle
Great! you did it again. You can now proceed to the reading selection
and find out why the story entitled that way.
The truth was, Mr. Libre felt sorry for his wife. He was very careful to
hide it from her, of course, but day by day, through the years, as he saw her
watching the shriveled half-black baby in the bottle, he felt more and more sorry
for her. She would touch the bottle gently, once in a while, and run her hands
fondly over the cold glass; inside, the stiff, skinless body of a four-inch boy now
dead for five years, would bob up and down in the green alcohol. And then
sometimes, slowly, to herself, she would smile.
Mr. Libre‘s wife was a plain woman with high cheekbones and a sad
mouth, who was only twenty-nine years old but whose eyes were no longer
young. Mr. Libre himself was thirty-three but graying hair and some thick corded
veins on his hands made him look older. He was a small man and thin, and
long hours of bending over receipts had given him a stooped posture and made
him appear even smaller and thinner.
He was married when he was twenty-two and just out of high school.
He had been alone in the city for four months when he met her. She understood
his dialect and they got along well together. At first he wanted to go on to college
but when he thought it over again, he felt that it wasn‘t fair. That would be asking
too much from his wife.
They moved into a rented room which the owner said was the ground
floor of a two-story building, but it was just a room actually, with thick cardboard
walls to divide it into smaller rooms. They planned to move out after a few years
because they thought the room would be too small for the children to come,
and they hoped to have many children. But five years passed before they had
their first child, and when it was only four months in the womb, it was
prematurely born.
It was a boy but it didn‘t even look like a baby. It had eyes and ears and
arms and its skinless body had been formed, but it was only four inches long
and looked cold and raw as though it was just a piece of peeled flesh that never
had life at all. Mr. Libre felt it to the nurses but his wife asked to keep it and take
it home with her; he didn‘t know why, until the doctor told him that his wife knew
that she could never have any more children. After that neither of them talked
about it much and they slipped back to the routine of everyday living. Still he
took it on himself to try to make it easier for her through the days.
One afternoon in the last busy week of January, Mr. Libre was looking
over some old files in the Recorder‘s cubicle when all of a sudden he
remembered that on that day the baby in the bottle was five years and seven
months old. He thought no more about it but kept it in the back of his mind to
tell his wife that night; she wanted to hear him talk about the baby. He went on
checking the old files but when he was almost finished, his eyes hurt again and
he had to go back to his desk.
He did not rest his eyes long because there were many late receipts that
he had to go through and he went back to work on them. But after a few minutes
he grew restless with the papers and he wanted to go over to the window and
get a breath of air. But the window was across the room and the assistant
manager was talking to a typist only two or three feet away. He tried to sit still
on his high chair. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath and continued to
line up the figures on the record sheet but his fingers shook and the pencil point
broke under his hand. He grew annoyed with himself for being upset over a
little thing like that. He was sure his wife was not having an easy day either.
During the first few months and on to the end of that first year, the bottle
had seemed too small for the baby. It looked as though it needed a glass jar
with a lid instead of that bottle with a wide mouth; it floated limply on the surface
and slumped against the glass sides. But after a while the alcohol seeped
through it and hardened it, and it sank stiffly to the bottom. Then little by little it
blackened and shriveled up and it would neither float nor sink but bobbed up
and down in its green world of alcohol and glass. And then the bottle didn‘t
seem too small for the baby anymore because now the baby‘s shrunken body
was completely confined. The bottle fully contained it.
Mr. Libre fully noticed too that his wife had changed. In the beginning
she was no different at all, although at times she did not fall into brooding. Then
slowly for no apparent reason she grew quiet and kept to herself, and that was
when the baby in the bottle took a strange hold on her. He tried to understand
her and be patient with her. She did not want to be the way she was, he told
himself, to live in a small cramped world of her own, to look at the baby, make
up daydreams about it all day, to want to touch it, hold it in her hands. She
could not help any of it, he knew, and he did not stop her, and day by day he
got used to her being that way. But still he felt sorry for her.
It was almost five-twenty when Mr. Libre got up, locked his papers under
his desk and shuffled out of the office. Almost everyone had gone by then
except some of the typists and a secretary doing overtime. He did not look at
them as he went out. He left quietly and alone.
Out in the street he hoped the crowd would not hold him up for long.
Heavy traffic snarled the afternoon rush and cars and buses and people on the
sidewalks hardly moved at all. On the pedestrian lanes as he waited for the go
signal, it became stickily hot; no wind stirred the inert air, thick with gasoline
exhaust fumes. But Mr. Libre did not mind the heat. As he crossed the street
he clenched and unclenched his fists and he tried to walk as fast as the crowd
would let him. He was getting impatient. He wished he were home that very
He pushed the old narrow door of their room open and sat down on the
first chair he saw. He felt very tired btu the chair was hard and rigid and it did
not help him any; it arched his back. His shoulders felt heavy and he was
breathing hard but did not rest long. His wife was in the other room. He stood
up and stretched behind the cardboard wall.
His wife sat on a cat staring at the baby in the bottle. She sat in half-
darkness a few feet away from the table where the bottle was. From where he
stood he could see sharply the hollows of her eyes and thin bloodless lips. Her
face was totally without expression. Hew hands were on her lap and she sat
unmoving but when he came in and she saw him, she turned slowly to him and
her face broke out in a clumsy uncertain smile. It was a slow half-silly smile that
twisted the corners of her mouth upwards and nothing else; her eyes remained
sad and empty. He has never seen her that way before. He was afraid she did
not recognize him.
He could not look at her directly. For a moment he felt it was cruel to
watch her. Instead he turned to the baby in the bottle. The tiny half-black thing
was drifting and circling as always in the green alcohol. But now he saw that
the bottle and the alcohol and the long years had gnawed it and little by little
the baby was shredding and peeling off its flesh. The bottle and the alcohol and
the long years had choked and shrunk it and now were eating it up. All the time,
Mr. Libre felt helplessly hollow inside; he turned his head and shut his
eyes tightly. He forced a smile until his jaw hurt because although he felt no
pain in his eyes now, he wanted to make sure he could hold back the tears.
Present your answers in a table similar to the one below. Copy this table
on a sheet of paper. Be ready to present your output to the class.
1. What are the instances when Mr. Libre or Mrs. Libre smiled?
(Column 1)
2. What are the instances when Mr. Libre or Mrs. Libre cried?
(Column 2)
3. What are the reasons behind the smiling or crying of the couple?
(Column 3)
Review the story and your output for Task 6 (Predicting Population
Trends) and give 1-2 instances that present a paradox and 1-2 cases of
irony. Then, create or cite an oxymoron that can describe any of the
instances you gave. Write your answers on a sheet of paper.
Get a dictionary and look up the meaning of the word, kernel. Listen
as your teacher discuss the nature of kernel sentences. Keep in mind the
definition below.
Exercise 9.1
Read the text below. Identify whether the numbered sentences are
kernels by writing K (kernel) and NK (not kernel) for every item. Transform
those you have marked ‗NK‘ into kernel sentences. Write your answers on
a sheet of paper.
Exercise 9.2
Read the given text. Some sentences here are kernels and some are
not. Identify any five sentences that could be rewritten as kernels. Copy
these five sentences on a sheet of paper and give their corresponding kernel
transformations. You could use context clues in giving kernel equivalents.
Listen to your loved one. A grieving person may need to tell his or
her story again and again as part of the grieving process. The most
important thing you can offer someone who is grieving is your ability to listen
without judgment.
Exercise 9.3
Teener‘s Guide to :
Coping with heartbreaks
Coping with the death of a loved one
Coping with depression
That was really a great job. You have successfully made your part in
doing the activity.
Write a letter to Mr. Libre or Mrs. Libre. What would you want to tell
him or her?
30 - content
10 - use of kernel sentences
10 – appropriate use of language
50 points
What have you learned from the topics presented in this lesson? Copy
the statement below in your notebook. Complete this statement in relation
to what you have learned about 1) the experience of Mr. and Mrs. Libre, 2)
dealing with a loss, and 3) controlling populations. Give at least one
completed statement for each topic.
Recognizing Beauty
Our land and culture is beautiful and we are the first ones who should
recognize this. The Philippines has been known to mesmerize foreigners
with the enthralling beauty of places that some of us do not even notice.
This acquaints you with another aspect that adds to the beauty of our land
and culture. For this lesson, you must aim to:
Here we are again. Are you ready? Let’s try this one.
Collocates are words that go together. The items of the pair are
bound to each other because of association of ideas. A classic example of
a pair is black and white. Supply the missing item to complete the collocate
pairs below. Write your answers on a sheet of paper.
_______________and butter
Rhythm and __________
Beauty and ___________
1. serene 6. pave
2. ethereal 7. behest
3. effulgent 8. din
4. crestling 9. Olympia
5. lambent 10. presage
Listen to the teacher while she reads the poem with background music. As
you listen, take down notes to help you answer the following questions.
Write your answer in your notebook.
1. How is Manila bay described?
2. What details in the poem help you visualize the place?
3. What feelings are evoke in the description?
4. What does the speaker feel as he recollects?
5. What other aspect of Manila bay is presented?
6. To what event could the poem be referring?
7. What does historical association imply about Manila bay? What does
the speaker feel about this association?
8. How does the poem end?
9. What feelings are evoked by the conclusion?
Which among the examples above are hyperboles and litotes? Do the
tasks below. Present your output on a sheet of paper.
2. Formulate three catchy and interesting lines that promote the beauty
of Manila Bay. Each line should use a different hyperbole.
1. Manila Bay is considered the finest harbor in the far east where the
famous "Battle of Manila Bay" was fought.
2. The Bay is also known as a stopover for the Galleon Trade which
lasted for 244 years.
3. The first Filipinos were Indo-Malaya migrants who established their first
settlements along the bay and a nearby river (now the Pasig River).
4. They named the place “Maynila” or “may nila” which means “there is
nila here”
5. Nila is a water plant that thrived in the area.
Exercise 2.2
Identify five embedded clauses in the text5 below. Write these on a
sheet of paper.
5 Philippines Board
The most popular segment of the bay is that part in Manila where
Fort Santiago, the old Spanish fort, still stands. Along the bay is a row of
important and historic tourist destinations and commercial areas, which
include the walled-city of Intramuros, the Cultural Center of the Philippines,
Star City, Coconut Palace, the United States Embassy, Manila Yacht Club,
the Philippine Senate, and Manila Ocean Park.
Along this 2-km walk are coconut trees, foliage, and park benches.
Just a decade ago, this part of the bay was unlighted, unpaved, and was a
popular hangout spot for thieves, substance-users and pimps. Today, it is
well-lighted with a row of huge kaleidoscopic lamp posts. At nights, it is
never without sightseers and lovers taking a romantic stroll. Another
relatively new attraction along the bay is the SM Mall of Asia (MOA). Further
south of Roxas Boulevard and near the coastal road to Cavite stands the
third-largest mall in the world. On its Open Concert Grounds along the bay,
MOA had hosts a number of international events, which include international
fireworks competitions and concerts by Alicia Keys, David Archuleta and
Justin Bieber.
You also have reached the final part of this lesson and learned the
beauty of nature. You have done an excellent job, so keep going as you
recognize the importance of love in the next module.
Those I Love
This lesson shows you that as you continue your journey toward
discovering your identity, it is inevitable that you will end up loving other
people. To be a complete human being, one has to experience love and its
many mysteries. In this lesson, you must aim to:
Choose the option that best approximates the underlined word in each
1. After being chased by the cat, the mouse finally escaped through a
slit in the wall.
a. large gap b. narrow opening c. wide space
2. When the wind became chilly, the woman pulled the shawl tightly
against her shoulders.
a. dress b. garment c. hat
4. The woman was told by the doctor to scale down her fat intake as
she was nearing obesity.
a. decrease b. increase c. maintain
5. When the police was sent in to scatter the protesters, what followed
was utter chaos.
a. no b. partial c. total
1. All that I love The persona attempts to reduce the people she
I fold over once loves into terms, words, or objects which she can
And once again understand.
2. All that I love?
Why, yes, but for the
and for all time, both.
3. It‘s utter sublimation
A feat, this heart‘s control
4. Moment to moment
to scale all love down
to a cupped hand’s size
5. Till seashells are broken
From God‘s own bright
6. And life and love are real
Things you can run and
Breathless hand over
To the merest child.
Paragraph 1:
When Rebecca reached school, the gate was locked. Due to her
rumbling stomach, she ________ began shouting for the guards to let
her in. ________, a guard showed up at the gate and told her to go
home. Rebecca had, ________, forgotten that today was a Saturday.
_________, the canteen was closed and even going inside the campus
would not do her any good. ________, Rebecca began walking away
from the school, her hunger continued.
B. Circle the letter of the transition word that will best complete each
4. The hospital owner announced that the hospital‘s nurses would now
have to work twelve hours for six days every week. _______, many
nurses resigned in protest.
a. as a result c. so that
b. likewise d. yet
8. The government has announced that all cars older than five years
will now be declared road hazards starting 2012. ______, car
owners who refuse to change their cars will be saddled with new
car taxes.
a. as well as c. in the same way
b. In addition d. now
9. Individual projects must be handed in by the deadline, ______ they
will receive substantial deductions.
a. as a result c. on the other hand
10. ________ people from all around the world scolded Justin, he still
manages to rake in a lot of money whenever he holds a concert
a. also c. eventhough
b. because d. nevertheless
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
When I Struggle
This lesson allows you to examine the reasons why we fight. You
must aim to:
3. The Filipino-American
4. World War II
Why You
1 If you want to know what we are
who inhabit forest, mountain, rivershore,
who harness beast, living steel, martial music
(that classless language of the heart),
who celebrate labour,
wisdom of the mind, peace of the blood;
8 If you want to know what we are,
observe the bloody club smashing heads,
the bayonet penetrating hallowed breasts,
giving no mercy;
watch the bullet crashing upon armorless citizens;
look at the tear-gas choking the weakened lung.
11 We are the sufferers who suffer for natural love of man for man,
who commemorate the humanities of every man;
we are the toilers who toil to make the starved earth
a place of abundance who transform
abundance into deathless fragrance.
2. The constant air bombardment of the capital was the military‘s way
of enervating the opposition.
a. weakening b. strengthening c. embracing
5. Carlo went down on his knees and declared his imperishable love
to Carlita.
a. old b. lasting c. temporary
6. The day after the fire, the police released Lee‘s picture to the
public. Lee, who was wanted for arson, was now considered
a. popular b. famous c. unknown
8. Angela‘s lustrous hair was the reason for her newfound celebrity.
a. dry b. dull c. shiny
Word cline is a way of building vocabulary by looking at words that all fit
into a particular category and arranging them in graduating intensity.
You have reached the final part of this lesson. You have done an
awesome job.
Read more at http://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-hyperbole-for-