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This Is to cenlfy that Mr. I Ms. ,k?,/t.«. ... &0:.IR:f. ... £/i,,.,11.f".f..~r..( .........
Slo o r Olo,5;./WJ?~.M.t.{ ..../l/;.H.?.(~(.(:. Is a student enrolled
in the depanment of ..Ctfn71f«/.t:r. ..<:k:,.w.r,1u:__fl .. f.7JP
,1-t the Institute/
College . . Cz.I.T.//; ..8/JM.-./?.?.{r:f::atf21J. for the program 11!1 per the
3 The sludent 1s 1n the pre-fi nal year ot . •. .. . (ME/ M Tech/ Dual Degree/ Integrated
M.E .I M Tech) .
4 Oura11on ot the program which lhe sludent Is studying :...1) /(i . Yea1 s
5. The student 1s pursuing the undergraduate progrnrn on latdral entry. 1. n Yes 2. vi N o
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Signature of the Ca11d1dale w1lh date -< ' '
~ - Wlthou1 a lgnature o f the HHtl o f th e Depa r1me 111J111alllute & aeat , the t utlflt ate la not v ■ lld .