Control of A SVC For Power Factor Correction: Dominik Szabol, Michal Regul'a2, Roman Bodnar3 and Juraj Altu
Control of A SVC For Power Factor Correction: Dominik Szabol, Michal Regul'a2, Roman Bodnar3 and Juraj Altu
Control of A SVC For Power Factor Correction: Dominik Szabol, Michal Regul'a2, Roman Bodnar3 and Juraj Altu
Abstract-The question of voltage quality is rapidly increasing. • secure interconnections between neighboring utilities.
New technologies are introduced and we are facing many new The main disadvantage of using FACTS is a very high
power quality requirements. Flexible alternating current startup cost of these devices and economic requirements.
transmission systems (FACTS) are modern devices in power
FACTS controllers are able to control one or several key
transmission and grid stability. The paper deals with the
parameters in power transmission, such as current, voltage,
modelling of a static var compensator (SVC). For this purpose
active and reactive power, frequency or phase angle.
Matlab/Simulink was used. SVC is designed for the
implementation in a three-phase 22 kV power line model. Several Reference [5] divides FACTS into four basic types - series
simulations and tests have been performed in order to examine connected, shunt connected, combined series-series and
the function of the proposed control algorithm and SVC system combined series-shunt controllers.
as a whole. The series controller can be a variable impedance, such as
capacitor or reactor, or a power electronics based variable
Keywords- FACTS, SVC, power factor, voltage quality. voltage source. In general, all series controllers inject voltage
in series with line. They are able to compensate voltage sags
I. INTRODUCTION or swells and eliminate harmonic distortion as well. These are
static synchronous series controller (SSSC), thyristor
At the present, with the increasing demand for the electrical controlled series capacitor (TCSC) or dynamic voltage restorer
energy and rapidly growing number of new production (DVR).
technologies, the voltage quality requirements are becoming As in the case of series controllers, the shunt controllers
stricter. In order to evaluate the level of the power quality, may be a variable impedance, variable source, or a
STN EN 50160 standard was introduced, which stipulates the combination of these. In principle, all shunt controllers inject
limits for voltage quality [1]. current into the system at the point of connection. These are
A. Voltage quality in power system thyristor controlled reactor (TCR), static synchronous
controller (STATCOM) or static var compensator (SVC).
The most severe power quality problems are voltage sags Combined series-shunt controllers are the most flexible
and interruption, harmonics and flickers and low power factor FACTS devices. They are able to regulate and affect many
[2]. Failures due to such disturbances cause a huge impact on different parameters at the same time. One of these devices is
production cost. Especially, modern industrial equipment is unified power flow controller (UPFC).
more susceptible to power quality problems.
Reference [2] defines power quality problems as follows:
computers or other electronics damage, lights dim and flickers,
loss of synchronization of processing equipment, motors or Electrical devices, such as transformers, motors or
other process equipment malfunctions, transformers and cables converters, need magnetizing power or current to work
overheating, problems with power factor correction properly. This power is not transformed to heat but oscillates
equipment, noise interference to telecommunication lines and between the load and the source and it is called reactive
many more. power. The power factor (PF) cos <p is defined as a ratio
Companies are often forced to save its facilities on their between active power P and apparent power S as follows:
own. One of the options for power quality and system stability
improvement is to introduce FACTS devices [3]. cos <p = PIS (I)
Project: This paper has been supported by the Educational grant agency
(KEGA) Nr: 030ZU-4/2014: The innovation of technology and education
methods oriented to area of intelligent control of power distribution
networks (Smart Grids).
� isvc(Olt,a)
� ic(Olt)
is firing angle u. Thus, low power factor can be corrected in a 150 var, single-phase reactive power is QlfSVC = ± 50 var, coil
real-time manner with just a little time delay. Power unit inductance L = 1.54 H and capacitance C = 3.29 IlF. Firing
consists of three power circuits in delta-connection. Each pulses are synchronized with the supply voltage.
single-phase branch contains a thyristor valve, capacitors and
inductors (as it is in Fig. 3). The power unit is controlled by
firing pulses generator (FPO) which generates firing pulses for
the thyristors depending on the value of G.
Fig. 4 shows principal block diagram of the proposed
automatic control algorithm. There is a load connected at the
end of the line and it consumes active power P and reactive
power QL. The compensating power of SVC is Qsvc. Variables
P and Q are actual values of active and reactive power
respectively, that are drawn from the grid.
In general, the control unit regulates the compensating
reactive power of SVC (Qsvc) automatically by three PID
regulators and it contains five basic stages:
l. Firstly, the actual active P and reactive power Q in phases Fig. 5. SVC simulation model in Simulink
are calculated by means of instantaneous voltage u and current
i values.
2. Secondly, a reference reactive power Qref is computed
from a desired power factor cos <prefand actual active power P.
3. Q is compared with Qref and the error llQ continues to PID
4. PID regulates the deviation between the actual reactive
power and the desired value in order to reduce the difference
to zero. It is done by alternating the firing angles u of the
5. At last, a firing-pulses generator (FPO) is needed. This
unit generates the switching pulses (SP) to trigger the
Fig. 6. Power unit in Simulink: three-phase delta connection of FC-TCRs
thyristors on.
COS q>before B. Results
COS q>afier
The primary function of a SVC is to control reactive power
of a load with a low power factor. Fig. 7 illustrates time course
of three-phase active (Pd and reactive (Qd power of a load
and reactive power (Qs) that is drawn from the source. SVC is
I set to compensate all the reactive power in every single phase
I (cos <Pref = I). It means, there should be only active power
COS CP"f Q"f : flowing from the source side.
:J::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.��.g-�L ____ ���J
300 �------�--'
Fig. 4. Proposed control algorithm of SVC in Simulink PCW]
Q [var]
A. S VC model
starts to compensate reactive vars so that after a short instant third harmonic and its multiples are eliminated and do not
(140 ms) the reactive power flowing from the source is none. enter the grid. Therefore, total harmonic distortion of the
The load is fed by SVC solely (only reactive power). At the currents in the power line is reduced rapidly THDi < 5 % and
time 0.2 s, the load parametres changed (PL = 255 W, QL = 65 thus the line voltages remain fairy intact.
var) and the compensator regulated its compensating power in
such a way that no reactive power is drawn from the grid. V. CONCLUSION
Again, the load changed at 0.5 s (PL = 110 W, QL = 40 var)
and SVC reacted correspondingly. At 0.7 s, the load was To sum up, SVC belongs to shunt connected FACTS
disconnected from the grid and the controller adjusted the controllers. Its primary purpose is to compensate low power
compensating power Qsvc to zero. factor of loads, to control the reactive power and to improve
Fig. 8 illustrates another test. There is a compensation of voltage quality at the point of connection.
power factor in each phase independently. In this case, the In this paper, the description of designing and modelling of
load is constant, but asymmetric: PA = 90 W, QA = 40 var, PB a static var compensator is presented. The SVC model is
= 70 W, QB = 40 var, Pc = 65 W, Qc = 45 var. At the start, designed for implementation in a three-phase 22 kV power
reference power factors values were set to 0.95; 0.9 and 0.8. line model. The proper function of the proposed control
SVC managed to adjust its compensating power in such way, technique was verified by simulation calculation and tests in
that power factors at the load side became desired. At 0.5 s Simulink. The results proved the theoretical assumptions and
reference PF were changed to be 0.9 and SVC reacted as well. the SVC system operates correctly. It is able to compensate a
Lastly, at 1 s reference PF changed again and PF were set to low power factor (both lagging and leading) in each phase
different new values (0.8; 0.85; 0.9). independently and automatically within a very short time
period (depending on the type of load and system conditions).
In the future, the created model can be extended by various
0.95 improvements and utilities and it can be used for
demonstration of the basic operation principle of FACTS
controllers, power factor correction or for science and
... educational purposes.
.8 0.85