Description & Specification

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Description & Specification

TBW's design for Heat Recovery Steam Generators - HRSGs is based on the technology from
Babcock & Wilcox, USA who are world leaders with more than 100 HRSg installations worldwide.
These HRSGs incorporate the latest advances in thermal technology offering such benefits as
multiple pressure levels and unprecedented reliability. TBW can design and supply HRSGs
behind Gas Turbines ranging from 5MW to 250MW with steam parameters upto 500TPH,
pressures upto 135 kg/cm2g and 5400C temperature. The first choice for captive power and
Salient Features

Flexibility of Design :
TBW can design and manufacture HRSG's suitable for Unfired,
Supplementary fired and Fully fired mode of operations. Multiple pressure
levels with and without integral deaerator design to meet user specific
requirement can be offered.

Proven Product Design

The HRSG offered is based on the Babcock & Wilcox
designs and incorporates operating experience of
millions of operating hours gained by B&W in several
of their world wide installations and our experience
gained in the various HRSG projects executed in

Natural Circulation Design

Natural Circulation Design

This design does not require any external circulating

pumps which results in lower power consumption and
eliminates problems typically associated with high
pressure, high temperature recirculating pumps.
Natural circulation design ensures high reliability and
availability of the unit.

Single Drum Construction

The HRSG design is of single drum construction wherein the steam drum is located outside the
gas path to reduce the thermal stresses. This feature facilitates quicker starts and stops the
HRSG to follow the gas turbine operation.
Fully Welded Construction
All the pressure part tubes are welded to headers thus providing fully welded construction which
permits quicker start-ups and shut downs of the HRSG.
Special Drum Internals
The drum is fitted with special drum internals, which promote circulation, ensures supply of
bubble free "Solid: water back to the down corners and maintains high steam purity (99.99% dry).
This results in stable performance during quick load pickups & reduction load shading, which are
common operational requirements of HRSG.
Gas Tight Internally Insulated Casing
The entire HRSG is enclosed in a gas tight casing. Stiffeners are provided to enhance the rigidity.
The HRSG design is based on the concept of "Cold Casing" using accordion type pre-formed
ceramic wool mattresses. Specially designed studs hold ceramic wool insulation material tightly to
outer casing. The overlapped design of liners covering the insulation minimizes penetration of flue
gases into insulation material. This results in a low outer casing temperature thus minimizing the
thermal expansion of the casing thermal loads on the GTG flange.
Safe Location Of Welds Outside The Gas Path
All header to tube welds are located outside the active path gas thus avoiding direct contact of
welds with high velocity, high temperature flue gases enhancing the safety of all pressure parts
joints. For Superheaters, headers protection is provided to limit design metal temperature.


Tolerant To Economiser Steaming

The last rows of economiser are arranged in a up flow configuration. These rows avoid any
imbalance in water distribution associated with steaming in economiser at lower steam loads. The
water leaving economiser enters in baffled portion of the steam drum and passes through cyclone
separators to further improve water/ steam flow distribution and circulation.
Careful Inlet Duct Design
HRSG performance gets affected drastically by exhaust gas mass distribution, as the gases
coming out of the GT are highly turbulent. A careful design of inlet duct, "Including Angle" of
transition ducting and flow distribution grid are prerequisite for achieving predicted HRSG
performance and prevent overheating of superheated tubes.
Fully Drainable Superheater
The vertical fully drainable superheater design incorporated in HRSG permits complete draining
of superheater tubes and headers. This prevents formation of scales on the inside of superheater,
which may otherwise lead to higher metal wall temperatures and eventually failure of superheater.
Radiation Screening
The first two rows following the burner are constructed out of bare tubes arranged in staggered
pitching. These two rows screen the radiation of flame coming from burner and avoid fin
overheating in subsequent HRSG surface area.
Ease of Maintenance and Accessibility
Access doors are provided in various sections of HRSG to facilitate the inspection and
maintenance of HRSG.

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