Importing Slide Files / SSR Analysis
Importing Slide Files / SSR Analysis
Importing Slide Files / SSR Analysis
This tutorial will provide an overview of Slide file import and the Shear
Strength Reduction method in Phase2, and then demonstrate the
procedure with an example.
Topics Covered
To import a Slide data file (.sli file), there are two possible methods:
1. You can use the File > Import > Import Slide File option.
2. Or you can use the File > Open option and set the Files of Type to
Slide File Format (*.sli), as shown below.
After selecting the Slide data file that you wish to import, you will see a
dialog with options pertaining to how you wish to import the file.
In general, you will simply press OK, but there might be instances where
you wish to modify boundaries, customize the mesh, or not start by
running a Shear Strength Reduction (SSR) analysis to determine the
factor of safety of your slope. In which case, you can use this dialog to
customize how the Slide file is imported.
After the import, you might see a warning dialog such as:
Some of the advantages of the SSR method include: 1) you do not have to
define a failure surface or search for a minimum failure surface, how the
slope fails is a result of the SSR method 2) equations of equilibrium are
all satisfied, 3) strains and displacements in the soil and/or rock can be
calculated, 4) strains, displacements, axial force and moment
distributions in support can be calculated 5) progressive failure can be
Files written with a version of Slide prior to 5.0 are not supported but
may read correctly depending on what you are trying to model.
Phase2 supports the definition of pore pressures using piezometric lines,
Ru, water pressure grids, and integrated steady-state groundwater
seepage analysis. The properties and settings for all these techniques are
properly read from the Slide file during import.
The Slide external boundary and material boundaries are all read into
Phase2. The water table is read into Phase2 but since Phase2 does not
support a specific water table entity, it is converted to a piezometric line
with id equal to 1. Piezometric lines are read directly into Phase2. Water
pressure grids are read into Phase2. Tension crack polylines are NOT
read into Phase2.
Tension Cracks
The explicit modeling of a tension crack region is not directly supported
in Phase2 since no facilities exist in the finite-element method for a zero
strength material with possible hydrostatic forces applied to the surface
of a tension crack. Consequently, how one models a tension crack zone
using a finite-element analysis is open to debate. One method that has
been used successfully (see Verification#27 in the Phase2 Slope Stability
Verification manual), is to represent the soil in the tension crack region
as a distributed load applied to the soil underlying the tension crack zone.
This works well for dry tension cracks but water filled tension cracks is
another issue.
Material Properties
The following Slide material models are supported: 1) Mohr-Coulomb, 2)
Undrained (Constant), 3) Undrained F(datum), 4) Infinite Strength, 5)
Shear-Normal Function, 6) Hoek-Brown, 7) Generalized Hoek-Brown, 8)
Power Curve.
The Anisotropic Strength and Anisotropic Function set the material type
to Mohr-Coulomb and set the strength as being the minimum of the
different directions. Anisotropy in strength is not supported in Phase2.
Active and passive force application methods for Slide support models
have no meaning in a Phase2 finite-element analysis, and are therefore
ignored. An equivalent behavior can be defined by setting a Pre-
Tensioning force in the Phase2 bolts.
Slide support models that are imported into Phase2 are: 1) End
Anchored, 2) Geotextiles, 3) Grouted Tieback, 4) Soil Nail.
Slide Grouted Tiebacks and Soil Nails are both converted to Phase2
tieback bolts. The only difference between the two is the grouted length.
Soil Nails have 100% grouted length. The Phase2 tieback peak tensile
capacity is taken as the minimum of the Slide plate capacity and tensile
capacity. The residual capacity is set to zero. The bolt spacing is read
from the support spacing in the Slide file. In the case of tiebacks, the
grouted length is properly read. For both Slide soil nails and grouted
tiebacks, the bond strength is properly read.
Slide Grouted Tiebacks with friction are not properly read into Phase2.
They are read as Phase2 tieback bolts but no bond capacity is defined.
The user must either define an equivalent bond capacity to the frictional
characteristics, thus accounting for the depth of the anchor, or use
structural interface elements instead. In the case of structural interface
elements, the debonded length of the bolt should be given different
material properties than the bonded length. In particular, the debonded
length should be given joint stiffness properties (normal and shear) equal
to zero. You will require a vertex on the structural interface to separate
the bonded from the debonded length.
Mesh Generation
The complete finite-element mesh is automatically created during the
import of the Slide file. No user intervention is required. The mesh, by
default, will contain approximately 800 uniformly distributed 6 noded
triangular elements.
Boundary Conditions
The import facility automatically determines the top, bottom and sides of
the external boundary used in the Slide model. The boundary conditions
applied to these surfaces are: 1) the top boundary (ground surface) is free
to move in the x and y directions, 2) the sides are fixed in the x and y
directions (pinned), 3) the bottom surface is fixed in the x and y directions
(pinned). The following image shows a typical mesh and boundary
conditions after import of a Slide model.
This system of element loading (the combination of initial stress and body
force) is defined in the material properties dialog by defining the Initial
Element Loading as being Field Stress & Body Force. Initial Element
Loading is one of the more complicated concepts in Phase2 and it is
highly recommended for people who do not understand it, to review the
online help on the subject.
Since the initial stress and body force does not define an equilibrium
state for a slope (or any non-horizontal ground surface), the material
within the slope will deform under the influence of its own self weight
and initial stress. In general, the material will deform horizontally away
from the slope surface since the initial horizontal stresses are not in
equilibrium. The final vertical stress distribution within the slope will be
a gravitational stress distribution while the horizontal stress will be due
to some unloading and redistribution of stress due to the poisson effect.
By default, all materials are given a poisson ratio of 0.4. If you know your
material’s poisson ratio, you may change the default value inside the
Phase2 material properties dialog.
Ponded Water
In Phase2, ponded water is replaced by an equivalent distributed load
(pressure) normal to the submerged portion of the external boundary. The
distributed load, which varies according to the submerged topology, is
defined using a series of “Ponded Water” loads which are oriented normal
to the external boundary. When importing a Slide file with ponded water,
Phase2 will automatically replace the ponded water by these ponded
water distributed loads.
We will now give a quick demonstration of the Import Slide File option,
and the Shear Strength Reduction method in Phase2.
• Note that the filename (in Phase2) now has a .FEZ filename
extension. This is the filename extension used for Phase2 files.
2. Then the Phase2 stress analysis will be run, which will include
the pore pressures from the groundwater seepage analysis (also
very quick for this file).
3. You will notice that the Stage tabs at the bottom of the screen
indicate “SRF: (value)”. Each tab corresponds to ONE iteration of
the SSR analysis, using the indicated value of Strength Reduction
This graph summarizes the essential results of the SSR analysis. The
Strength Reduction Factor is plotted against the Maximum Displacement
(at any point in the model). The critical Strength Reduction Factor
corresponds to the point at which the Maximum Displacement shows a
sudden increase (i.e. the model becomes unstable).
5. You will see the slip circle/surface from Slide Interpret, imported
into Phase2 Interpret. NOTE: the surface is imported as a
Polyline Drawing Tool entity.
If you carry out these steps for the current example model, you will see
the following:
That concludes this tutorial, for more examples of the Shear Strength
Reduction method, see the Phase2 Slope Stability Verification manual,
and the accompanying example files, which are installed with the Phase2