Board Review
Board Review
Board Review
844) 3 early 3 late findings audio/impedance in otosclerosis? 849) Complications of stapedectomy 854) 8 viruses involved in SNHL
MMMCDXXI) Early findings MMMCDXL) Preoperative
MMMCDLIX) CMV (most common cause of congenital MMMCDLXXXV) 15-20% of patients experience MMMDIV) Earmuffs: more effective protectors,
viral deafness) persistent SNHL reduces noise by 30-40dB, works best in 500-
MMMCDLX) Mumps (most common cause of acquired MMMCDLXXXVI) Incidence varies with strain: 1000Hz range
unilateral SNHL) Pneumococcus 31%, N. meningitides 11%, H. MMMDV) Must be worn at all times; removal even
MMMCDLXI) Rubella influenzae 6% for short periods severely reduces their effective
MMMCDLXII) HSV I & II cumulative attenuation capability (eg. 30dB effective
MMMCDLXIII) Varicella 859) Why do all noise induced HL have 4000 Hz notch? attenuation reduced to 13-15dB if earmuffs removed
MMMCDLXIV) Variola (smallpox) MMMCDLXXXVII) 4000Hz is the natural for 5% of an 8 hour day)
MMMCDLXV) EBV resonance frequency of external canal
MMMCDLXVI) Polio MMMCDLXXXVIII) 3000Hz as natural resonance 864) Pathologies in non-organ specific AIED
MMMCDLXVII)Influenza frequency of external canal but routine audio only MMMDVI) Polyarteritis nodosa
MMMCDLXVIII) Adenovirus tests 4000Hz MMMDVII) Cogan’s syndrome
MMMCDLXIX) Measles (rubeola): Warthin-Finkleday MMMCDLXXXIX) Hair cells at the basal turn are MMMDVIII) Wegener’s granulomatosis
cells (multinucleated giant cells) most susceptible to oxidative stress MMMDIX) Behcet’s syndrome
MMMCDLXX) Hepatitis MMMCDXC) Greatest sensitivity of human ear is to MMMDX) Relapsing polychondritis
frequencies between 1-5kHz, protective effect of MMMDXI) Systemic lupus erythematosis
855) Neonatal CMV infection and SNHL acoustic reflex is <2kHz MMMDXII) Rheumatoid arthritis
MMMCDLXXI) Most common cause of viral congenital MMMCDXCI) Intermittent loud sounds are more
deafness protective for the lower frequencies 865) Antigen specific tests for AIED
MMMCDLXXII)Unusual for CMV infection acquired after MMMDXIII) Lymphocyte transformation test (LTT)
birth to cause hearing loss 860) Describe the TTS and PTS i) Targets type II collagen, predictive value 70%,
MMMCDLXXIII) 1% of all children born; 95% MMMCDXCII) Temporary threshold shift sensitivity 70-80% & specificity 93% in
clinically silent infection, 1-5% symptomatic with CID i) From exposures to moderately intense sounds detecting organ specific AIED
MMMCDLXXIV) Cytomegalic inclusion disease ii) Elevated thresholds, esp. 3-6kHz, with tinnitus, MMMDXIV) Lymphocyte migration inhibition test
i) Hemolytic anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, loudness recruitment, diplacusis (LMIT)
jaundice, purpura, intracerebral calcifications & iii) Recovery occurs over minutes, hours & days i) Sensitivity & specificity of test results
microcephaly MMMCDXCIII) Permanent threshold shift questionable
ii) 30-65% of surviving neonates will have severe, i) Permanent cochlear damage, specifically to the MMMDXV) Western blot testing
symmetric SNHL mostly in high frequencies OHCs i) Detection of autoantibodies against inner-ear
MMMCDLXXV) Asymptomatic CMV infection ii) Two main causes antigen epitope with a 68kD molecular weight;
i) Remainder of CMV infected children; 8-15% (1) Acoustic trauma: single, short lasting possibly best evidence of organ-specific AIED
will have mild-moderate SNHL exposure to a very intense sound; causes ii) 68kD antigen either a heat shock protein (HSP-
MMMCDLXXVI) Treatment: acyclovir, sudden, painful loss of hearing 70) or an antigen bound to it
gangcyclovir used; no real clinical improvements (2) NIHL: chronic exposure to more moderate
seen sound levels 866) Describe the characteristics of Cogan’s syndrome
MMMDXVI) Interstitial keratitis (90% of patients with
856) Differential of false positive heterophil antibody test for 861) Symptoms of NIHL typical syndrome; atypical syndrome patients have
infectious mononucleosis (B RASH2) MMMCDXCIV) SNHL (bilateral) scleritis, episcleritis, papilledema, retinal
MMMCDLXXVII) Brucella MMMCDXCV) Tinnitus detachment)
MMMCDLXXVIII) Rheumatoid arthritis MMMCDXCVI) Recruitment MMMDXVII) Meniere-like hearing loss: peak shaped
MMMCDLXXIX) Serum sickness MMMCDXCVII) Diplacusis initially, but bilateral and progressive and can
MMMCDLXXX) Hodgkin’s lymphoma MMMCDXCVIII) Distortion become profound
MMMCDLXXXI) Hepatitis MMMCDXCIX) Nonauditory (anxiety, etc.) MMMDXVIII) Vestibular symptoms: sudden true vertigo,
ataxia, vegetative symptoms
857) What are the components of the classical rubella triad 862) AAO-HNS hearing handicap MMMDXIX) Systemic inflammatory involvement: heart
MMMCDLXXXII) Classic triad MMMD) Assumptions and lungs involved in typical form, more systemic
i) Deafness: SNHL typically in a cookiebite i) Hearing loss does not begin handicapping until involvement seen in atypical form
configuration the PTA HTL at 0.5, 1, 2, 3 kHz exceeds 25dB MMMDXX) Patients typically have URTI within 7-10
ii) Cataracts (also glaucoma, microphthalmia) ii) Handicap grows at rate of 1.5% per dB of HL days of initial onset
iii) Heart defects (PDA, pulmonary artery stenosis) beyond 25dB MMMDXXI) Untreated may lead to profound SNHL
MMMCDLXXXIII) Expanded syndrome includes iii) Unilateral deafness only a mild handicap, two and loss of vestibular function
microcephaly, mental retardation, ears should not be equally weighted MMMDXXII) Therapy: corticosteroids (systemic &
hepatosplenomegaly at birth, thrombocytopenia, MMMDI) Monoaural impairment topical), cyclophosphamide
radiolucencies in the long bones, interstitial i) MI = 1.5(PTA – 25)
pneumonitis, encephalitis, low birth weight MMMDII) Hearing handicap 867) Therapy for AIED
i) HH = [5(MIbetter) – (MIworse)]/6 MMMDXXIII) Steroids: prednisone 60mg po qd for 4
858) SNHL postmeningitis weeks
MMMCDLXXXIV) Responsible for ~33% of all 863) General advice on hearing protection MMMDXXIV) Add MTX 7.5-20mg po qweekly with folic
hearing deficits acquired after birth MMMDIII) Earplugs: reduce noise by 15-30dB, work acid for people who relapse during steroid taper
best in 2-5kHz range
MMMDXXV) Add cyclophosphamide 1-2mg/kg/d for 871) Differential diagnosis of a soft tissue mass overlying the MMMDLXXIII) If unilateral, work up same as asymmetric
nonresponders to steroids and methotrexate promontory HL
MMMDXLVIII) Glomus tympanicum MMMDLXXIV) Management strategy for tinnitus
868) List the sites of action for the following ototoxic drugs MMMDXLIX) Congenital cholesteatoma i) Stop caffeine, stop smoking
MMMDXXVI) Aminoglycosides MMMDL) Schwannoma ii) Discontinue drugs, especially aspirin
i) Affects OHCs from base to apex MMMDLI) Adenoma iii) Needs: emotional support, realistic
ii) Effects usually irreversible MMMDLII) Aberrant carotid artery understanding of tinnitus, attitude to pursue
iii) Streptomycin & gentamycin more MMMDLIII) Persistent stapedial artery helpful activities, battery of tactics & strategies
vestibulotoxic; tinnitus common MMMDLIV) High riding jugular bulb (defined so if iv) Tell the patient: tinnitus is real, has a physical
iv) Neomycin, amikacin, kanamycin, tobramycin superior limit above the floor of the IAC) basis; may be permanent, reaction to tinnitus
more cochleotoxic not tinnitus itself creates a problem, reaction is
MMMDXXVII) Macrolides 872) Course of an abberant internal carotid artery manageable & can be modified
i) Erythromycin, azithromycin MMMDLV) Cervical portion of ICA fails to develop v) Surgery: when associated with a condition
ii) Reversible flat SNHL, thought to affect strial MMMDLVI) Inferior tympanic artery enters ME through (otosclerosis, Meniere’s, acoustic neuroma,
function but no definite mechanism known inferior tympanic canaliculus, joins caroticotympanic glomus), tinnitus improves in ~50%; auditory
MMMDXXVIII) Vancomycin artery and forms horizontal petrous portion of the nerve section specifically for tinnitus will make
i) Ototoxicity disputed, no firm mechanism ICA it worse in 50%
MMMDXXIX) Cisplatin MMMDLVII) Commonly associated with persistent MMMDLXXV) Prognosis
i) Bilateral symmetric high frequency SNHL & stapedial artery i) 25% better
tinnitus, usually permanent loss ii) 50% slight improvement
ii) Affects OHC’s at basal turn, degeneration of 873) Paraauditory/objective causes of tinnitus iii) 25% unchanged
stria and ganglion cells also noted; possibly MMMDLVIII) Vascular
due to oxygen free radicals i) Aberrant carotid 876) Residual inhibition phenomenon
MMMDXXX) Loop diuretics ii) High riding jugular bulb MMMDLXXVI) Tinnitus will subside for periods after
i) Reversible (furosemide) or permanent MMMDLIX) AVM’s masking exposure
(ethacrynic acid) cochleotoxicity, with tinnitus i) Congenital causes
and vertigo (1) Occipital artery to transverse sinus 877) MRI characteristics of CPA and petrous apex tumors
ii) Affects stria vascularis by altering potassium (2) Internal carotid to vertebral vessels MMMDLXXVII) Vestibular schwannoma: T1
ion transport, alters endocochleal potential (3) Middle meningeal to greater superficial iso/hypointense, T2 iso/hypointense, strong Gad
MMMDXXXI) Antiinflammatories petrosal artery enhancement
i) Aspirin, NSAIDs, quinine ii) Acquired MMMDLXXVIII) Meningioma: T1
ii) All cause reversible high frequency tinnitus and (1) Paraganglioma iso/hypointense, T2 variable, moderate Gad
mild-moderate flat/high frequency hearing loss (2) Carotid-cavernous sinus fistula enhancement
iii) OHC main site of toxicity, salicylates can also (posttraumatic, spontaneous, or Ehlers- MMMDLXXIX) Epidermoid: T1 hypointense, T2
affect cochlear blood flow Danlos syndrome) iso/hyperintense, nonenhancing on Gadolinium
MMMDLX) Venous abnormalities MMMDLXXX) Paraganglioma: salt & pepper mixture of
869) Name 6 preexisting conditions which increase i) Hypertension (venous hum) intensities on T1 & T2, strong Gad enhancement
susceptibility to ototoxicity ii) Dehiscent jugular bulb MMMDLXXXI) Cholesterol granuloma: Hyperintense on
MMMDXXXII) Renal failure iii) Transverse sinus obstruction T1 & T2
MMMDXXXIII) Liver failure MMMDLXI) Muscle contraction tinnitus MMMDLXXXII) Arachnoid cyst: appear as well defined
MMMDXXXIV) Immunocompromise i) Palatal myoclonus: associated with MS, CVA, rounded cyst, low intensity on T1, high intensity on
MMMDXXXV) Advanced age intracranial neoplasms, psychogenic T2 (same as CSF density)
MMMDXXXVI) Prior ototoxicity MMMDLXXXIII) Dermoid/lipoma: T1
MMMDXXXVII)Concurrent use of other known ototoxic 874) Etiologies of subjective tinnitus hyperintense, T2 hyopintense, Gad nonenhancing
agents MMMDLXII) Otologic: SNHL, NIHL, Meniere’s MMMDLXXXIV) Chordoma & chondrosarcoma:
MMMDXXXVIII) Preexisting SNHL MMMDLXIII) Metabolic: hyperthyroidism, T1 isointense, T2 hyperintense, strong Gad
MMMDXXXIX) Collagen vascular disorders hypothyroidism, hyperlipidemia, decreased zinc, enhancement
870) Indications of high risk in patients taking ototoxic meds MMMDLXIV) Neurologic: skull trauma, whiplash, MS, 878) What IAC lesions light up with gadolinium?
MMMDXL) Impaired renal function meningitis MMMDLXXXV) Acoustic neuromas
MMMDXLI) Elevated peak and trough drug levels MMMDLXV) Drugs MMMDLXXXVI) Facial nerve neuromas
MMMDXLII) Preexisting SNHL MMMDLXVI) Dental: TMJ disorders MMMDLXXXVII) Petrous bone metastasis
MMMDXLIII) More than one ototoxic drug administered; MMMDLXVII) Psychiatric: depression, anxiety MMMDLXXXVIII) Inflammatory nerve lsions
previous history of ototoxic drug MMMDLXXXIX) AVM’s
MMMDXLIV) Treatment course >14 days 875) Evaluation & management of tinnitus, prognosis MMMDXC) Vascular loops
MMMDXLV) Cochlear or vestibular symptoms MMMDLXVIII) Audiometry
MMMDXLVI) Advanced age (>65 years) MMMDLXIX) Thyroid function tests 879) Differences between vagal schwannoma and carotid body
MMMDXLVII) Coadministration of loop diuretics & MMMDLXX) Cholesterol tests tumor on angio
aminoglycosides MMMDLXXI) BP check MMMDXCI) Schwannoma will push vessels anterior &
MMMDXCII) Carotid body tumor will splay ECA and MMMDCIII) Main indication is for paragangliomas of MMMDCXVI) Neuroendocrine origin, nonchromaffin
ICA apart (Lyre sign) the temporal bone refers to no staining from chromium containing
MMMDXCIII) Filling effect from vessel ingrowth seen in MMMDCIV) Fisch A approach provides access to stains
carotid body tumors jugular bulb, vertical petrous carotid, posterior MMMDCXVII) Cell types
infratemporal fossa i) Chief cells: granule storing
880) Assessment of cerebral blood flow in skull base surgery i) Neck dissection to expose CN IX-XII, ICA, IJV ii) Satellite cells: Schwann-like cells
MMMDXCIV) Unselected ICA interruption: 26% rate of ii) Wide field mastoidectomy: removal of mastoid iii) Zelballen pattern – chief cell clusters enclosed
cerebral infarction tip, entire EAC, middle ear contents in fibrous septa & supporting cells within
MMMDXCV) 4 vessel arteriography with venous phase iii) Identification of CN VII, removal from canal and vascular network
MMMDXCVI) Functional cerebral blood flow evaluation anterior translocation
i) 50ml/100g/min normal CBF; <20ml/100g/min iv) Exposure of posterior and middle cranial fossa 887) Most common sites of paraganglioma occurrence
produces failure of brain function dura for intracranial extension MMMDCXVIII) Carotid body (65%)
ii) Indications: en bloc resection requiring ICA v) Removal of disease MMMDCXIX) Jugulotympanic
resection; tumor encases ICA on imaging; vi) Obliteration of cavity with abdominal fat, rotated MMMDCXX) Intravagal
contour irregularities of ICA on angio temporalis muscle, tensor fascia lata flap MMMDCXXI) Laryngeal
iii) Xenon-CBF study: 15 minute balloon occlusion vii) Layered closure and compression dressing MMMDCXXII) Nasal
(1) Group I: No CBF side difference application MMMDCXXIII) Nasopharyngeal
(2) Group II: mild symmetric CBF decrease MMMDCV) Fisch B approach provides access to MMMDCXXIV) Orbital
(3) Group III (10-15%): marked decrease in petrous apex, clivus, superior infratemporal fossa
CBF (<30ml/100g/min) MMMDCVI) Fisch C approach provides access to 888) Paraganglioma pearls
(4) Group IV (5%): neurologic deficit, CBF nasopharynx, peritubal space, rostral clivus, MMMDCXXV) 5-10% of patients have multiple lesions
<20ml/100g/min parasellar area, pterygopalatine fossa, MMMDCXXVI) 1-3% active secretors
iv) Preop permanent balloon occlusion for groups I anterosuperior infratemporal fossa MMMDCXXVII) 10% familial, with multiple
& II lesions in 26%
v) Prophylactic or intraoperative revascularization 884) Describe the major types of jugular foramen syndromes MMMDCXXVIII) Malignant in 3-5%, clinically will
for group III, or for groups I & II if patient young MMMDCVII) Vernet syndrome: CN IX, X, XI palsies; have signs of invasion of surrounding structures &
or if contralateral disease present due to jugular foramen neoplasm (most commonly distant metastasis
vi) No surgery, or prophylactic revascularization for lymphadenopathy of Krause’s nodes) MMMDCXXIX) Symptoms in secretors: flushing,
group IV patients MMMDCVIII) Collet-Sicard syndrome: CN IX, X, XI, XII diarrhea, palpitations, headache, hypertension,
palsies; most commonly due to extradural tumor of perspiration, orthostasis
881) What is the anastamotic vein of Labbe? posterior fossa or retroparotid space MMMDCXXX) Clinical signs
MMMDXCVII) Drains the temporal lobe, communicates MMMDCIX) Villaret syndrome: CN IX, X, XI, XII i) Brown’s sign: seen in glomus typmanicum
the superficial middle cerebral vein with the palsies, sympathetic chain involvement leads to tumors; a reddish blush seen behind an intact
transverse sinus medial to superior petrosal sinus Horner’s; suggests lesion distal to jugular foramen, tympanic membrane which blanches upon
MMMDXCVIII) Occlusion will cause temporal lobe edema usually retrostyloid area introducing pneumatic pressure that exceeds
MMMDCX) Hughlings-Jackson: CN X, XI, XII palsies the systolic BP
882) Surgical approaches to the lateral temporal bone MMMDCXI) Tapia syndrome: Lesion in neck (usually ii) Aquino’s sign: seen in paragangliomas,
MMMDXCIX) Sleeve resection traumatic) involving CN X & XII below level of inferior pulsation of paraganglioma decreases with
i) Removes cartilaginous EAC & some or all of ganglion of X (vocal palsy seen, palate intact) carotid artery compression
the bony canal wall skin circumferentially MMMDCXII) Schmidt syndrome (vagal-accessory): CN MMMDCXXXI) Tests: serum catecholamines, urine VMA,
without bone removal; for malignancies X & XI; lesion of nucleus ambiguous & bulbar spinal metanephrines, 5-HIAA; treated with α & ß blockade
localized to the cartilaginous EAC nuclei of accessory; paralysis of soft palate, pharynx MMMDCXXXII) Radiography: CT shows
MMMDC) Lateral temporal bone resection & larynx, flaccid weakness & atrophy of irregular destruction of jugular foramen & temporal
i) Removes en bloc the entire osseous & SCM/trapezius bone; MRI shows salt & pepper mix on T1 & T2
cartilaginous EAC with the tympanic MMMDCXXXIII) Treatment primarily surgical
membrane; for malignancies localized to 885) Management of air embolism during surgery MMMDCXXXIV) Radiotherapy indicated for high
osseous EAC with no encroachment on medial MMMDCXIII) Usually through diploic veins in skull into risk patients, incompletely excised or recurrent
mesotympanum jugular system & sigmoid sinus lesions, bilateral lesions, metastases
MMMDCI) Subtotal temporal bone resection MMMDCXIV) 30cc of air will cause signs & symptoms:
i) For en bloc resection of the medial surfaces of hypotension, churning precordial sounds 889) What is the Glasscock-Jackson classification for glomus
the mesotympanum, leaves air cells of petrous MMMDCXV) Management tympanicum?
apex & portions of bony labyrinth; for tumors i) Pack surgical wound with wet sponges MMMDCXXXV) Type I: small mass limited to
involving the middle ear ii) Trendelenburg prevents further leaks the promontory
MMMDCII) Total temporal bone resection iii) Left lateral decubitus position traps air in right MMMDCXXXVI) Type II: mass completely filling
i) For en bloc resection of the temporal bone, heart and prevents lung embolism middle ear space
including petrous apex & sigmoid sinus iv) Wait until patient stabilizes (air absorbed) or MMMDCXXXVII) Type III: Tumor filling middle
aspirate air via venous catheter ear and extending to mastoid
883) Primary indication for a Fisch A approach? 7 steps in v) Fix source of air leak MMMDCXXXVIII) Type IV: Tumor filling middle
order of procedure ear, extending to mastoid, or through TM to fill EAC;
886) 2 cell types present in normal paraganglia may also extend anterior to ICA
vi) Chondrosarcoma MMMDCLXVIII) Not hearing preserving
890) What is the Glasscock-Jackson classification for glomus vii) Giant cell tumor MMMDCLXIX) Trigeminal neuropathy
jugulare? MMMDCLVI) Petrous apex lesions MMMDCLXX) Postradiation scarring makes salvage
MMMDCXXXIX) Type I: Tumor involves jugular i) Cholesterol granuloma (20x more frequent than surgery more difficult
bulb, middle ear, and mastoid epidermoids in the petrous apex)
MMMDCXL) Type II: Tumor extends under IAC, may ii) Epidermoid 898) Name 3 common approaches with advantages &
have intracranial involvement iii) Asymmetric pneumatization disadvantages for acoustic neuroma excision
MMMDCXLI) Type III: Tumor extends into petrous apex; iv) Retained mucus/mucocele MMMDCLXXI) Translabyrinthine
may have intracranial extension v) Petrous ICA aneurysm i) Advantages: safest approach for CN VII
MMMDCXLII) Type IV: Tumor extending beyond petrous MMMDCLVII) Intraaxial tumors function preservation; direct approach to IAC;
apex into clivus or infratemporal fossa; may have i) Hemangioblastoma wide exposure not limited by tumor size;
intracranial involvement ii) Medulloblastoma minimal cerebellar retraction
iii) Brainstem glioma (most common pediatric CPA ii) Disadvantanges: total hearing eradication
891) Surgical approaches for gloumus jugulare & tympanicum lesion) MMMDCLXXII)Middle fossa
MMMDCXLIII) Tympanicum iv) Malignant choroids plexus papilloma & i) Adv: CN VIII nerve preservation possible; ideal
i) Type I: endaural resection ependymomas for small intracanalicular tumors
ii) Type II, III, IV: extended facial recess approach ii) Dis: contraindicated if >1cm extension into
MMMDCXLIV) Jugulare: Fisch type A infratemporal fossa 895) Pearls for working up acoustic neuromas CPA; increased risk to CN VII cf. TL approach,
approach MMMDCLVIII) Things to remember requires significant temporal lobe retraction
MMMDCXLV) Efficacy of preoperative embolization i) Originate at schwann cell-glial junction MMMDCLXXIII) Retrosigmoid
disputed (Obersteiner-Redlich zone) i) Adv: excellent for hearing preservation; useful
MMMDCLIX) Clinical for tumors <2cm with limited IAC involvement
892) Radiotherapy and paragangliomas i) Hitselberger’s sign: numbness of EAC from ii) Dis: contraindicated if tumor extends to fundus;
MMMDCXLVI) Chief cells unaffected, but causes compression of sensory branches of facial increased risk to CN VII cf. TL approach; 10%
obliterative endarteritis of tumor vessels, controls nerve postoperative headaches; need for cerebellar
rate of tumor growth in 90% MMMDCLX) Audiometrics retraction
MMMDCXLVII) Overall, not the management of choice, i) PTA: 65% will have HFSNHL; 5% have normal
can reduce tumor mass; useful for management of hearing; 10% of patients with AN present with 899) Name other approaches used for approaching skull base
recurrences & unresectable lesions SSNHL lesions requiring drainage or sectioning
ii) SDS: scores not proportional to PTA MMMDCLXXIV) Retrolabyrinthine
893) Anatomy of internal acoustic canal suspicious; rollover present i) Main indication is vestibular nerve section, can
MMMDCXLVIII) Anterior superior: facial nerve iii) Stapedial reflex: 88% will have absent reflex or be used for resection of selected arachnoid
MMMDCXLIX) Posterior superior: superior vestibular positive reflex decay cysts, meningiomas, metastatic CPA lesions;
nerve MMMDCLXI) Electrophysiologic tests minimal cerebellar retraction; hearing
MMMDCL) Posterior inferior: inferior vestibular nerve i) ABR: ILDV >0.2msec in 40-60%, absent preservation
MMMDCLI) Anterior inferior: cochlear nerve waveforms in 20-30%, wave I only wave MMMDCLXXV) Transcochlear
MMMDCLII) Bill’s bar (crista verticalis): superior ridge present 10-20%, normal ABR in 10-15% i) Extension of translabyrinthine approach,
MMMDCLIII) Falciform crest (crista falciformis): divides (1) 18-30% false positive rate for small removal of cochlea & displacement of facial
upper and lower halves intracanalicular tumors nerve for access to petrous tip and clivus
MMMDCLXII) Vestibular testing MMMDCLXXVI) Transotic
894) What is the differential diagnosis of a posterior fossa i) ENG abnormal in 70-90%, usually unilateral i) Similar to transcochlear, but facial nerve is
lesion? weakness; tumors arising from inferior skeletonized and left in the fallopian canal
MMMDCLIV) Common CPA lesions vestibular nerve will be missed MMMDCLXXVII) Extended middle fossa
i) Acoustic neuroma (78-80%, most common i) Extended by removal of petrous ridge and
adult lesion) 896) Management strategy for acoustic neuroma posterior aspects of temporal bone up to
ii) Meningioma (3%, 2nd most common adult MMMDCLXIII) Observation: 3 categories of growth labyrinth
lesion) i) Slow/no growth (40%): <0.2cm per year
iii) Epidermoid (2.5%, 3rd most common adult ii) Limited growth: ~0.2cm per year 900) Approaches for skull base lesions requiring drainage
lesion) iii) More rapid growth: ~1cm per year MMMDCLXXVIII) Translabyrinthine: most direct
iv) Nonacoustic neuroma (facial schwannoma MMMDCLXIV) Surgery route if hearing and vestibular function are absent
most common, 1%) i) Criteria for hearing preservation: 30dB PTA, MMMDCLXXIX) Middle fossa approach: permits
v) Paraganglioma 70% SDS, <2cm extension into CPA hearing preservation but requires increased temporal
vi) Arachnoid cyst ii) Complications: SNHL, CN VII palsy, lobe retraction, no readily available space for
vii) Hemangioma hemorrhage, meningitis, air embolism, CSF drainage or aeration
MMMDCLV) Uncommon CPA lesions leak, cerebellar ataxia, headache MMMDCLXXX) Infralabyrinthine: after
i) Metastatic malignant tumor mastoidectomy, sigmoid sinus decompressed & air
ii) Lipoma 897) Stereotactic radiosurgery: limitations cell tracts followed into petrous apex; might be
iii) Dermoid MMMDCLXV) Tumor is not excised, stops tumor growth impossible with a high jugular bulb
iv) Teratoma MMMDCLXVI) Delayed facial weakness MMMDCLXXXI) Transcanal infracochlear: air
v) Chordoma MMMDCLXVII)Only small tumors can be radiated cell tract between IJV and ICA is followed into apex,
permits dependent drainage, but requires EAC MMMDCCXI) Inflammation and hemorrhage,
transection which heals over prolonged period, also subsequent breakdown of RBC’s & foreign body
requires exposure of petrous carotid artery reaction to cholesterol crystals
MMMDCCXII) Incites more inflammation and a vicious
901) 6 histological types of meningioma circle
MMMDCLXXXII) Meningotheliomatous (most
common) 907) Skull base lesions associated with facial twitching/tics
MMMDCLXXXIII) Transitional MMMDCCXIII) Epidermoid
MMMDCLXXXIV) Psammomatous MMMDCCXIV) Facial nerve schwannoma
MMMDCLXXXV) Fibroblastic MMMDCCXV) Facial nerve hemangioma
MMMDCLXXXVI) Angioblastic
MMMDCLXXXVII) Malignant 908) Surgical approaches to the anterior cranial fossa
MMMDCCXVI) Anterior craniofacial resection: bifrontal
902) In order, what sites do meningiomas commonly occur? craniotomy combined with a transfacial exposure of
MMMDCLXXXVIII) Parasagittal nasal cavity, ethmoid, maxillary & orbital areas
MMMDCLXXXIX) Falx MMMDCCXVII) Basal subfrontal approach:
MMMDCXC) Convexity similar to craniofacial approach; less extensive
MMMDCXCI) Olfactory groove transfacial exposure; target area is sphenoid & clivus
MMMDCXCII) Tuberculum sellae
MMMDCXCIII) Sphenoid ridge 909) Surgical approaches to the middle cranial fossa
MMMDCXCIV) CPA (petrous face) MMMDCCXVIII) Central compartment (line
MMMDCXCV) Tentorium through medial pterygoid plate and occipital condyle
MMMDCXCVI) Lateral ventricle on both sides)
MMMDCXCVII) Clivus i) Transseptal sphenoid
ii) Transethmoidal sphenoid
903) Pearls of meningioma management iii) Lateral rhinotomy
MMMDCXCVIII) Arise from cap cells around iv) Transantral
tips of arachnoid villi v) Midfacial degloving
MMMDCXCIX) Histology: lobulated groups of cells vi) LeFort I osteotomy
reminiscent of normal arachnoid granulations; vii) Transpalatal
psammoma bodies often present viii) Transoral
MMMDCC) Hyperostosis of surrounding bone in 25% ix) Mandibulotomy
x) Extended maxillotomy
904) Radiographic differences between meningiomas and xi) Midfacial split
acoustic neuromas xii) Infratemporal fossa
MMMDCCI) Meningiomas more dense & homogenous xiii) Facial translocation
MMMDCCII) Meningiomas cause more hyperostosis of MMMDCCXIX) Lateral compartment
surrounding bone i) Transtemporal: lateral, mainly extradural;
MMMDCCIII) Meningiomas sessile, broad base, not anterior limit is intrapetrous ICA; adjuncts used
centric over IAC in combination with other MCF approaches
MMMDCCIV) Dural tail can be present ii) Infratemporal
iii) Transfacial: facial translocation
905) Temporal bone epidermoids iv) Intracranial: temporal craniotomy
MMMDCCV) 1% of all intracranial tumors, 3-4% of CPA
910) Describe chordoma
MMMDCCVI) Four anatomic groups: middle ear,
MMMDCCXX) Rare slow growing skull base malignancy
perigeniculate, petrous apex (most common),
derived from notochord remnant
cerebellopontine angle
MMMDCCXXI) Histology: physaliferous cells (soap
MMMDCCVII) Entrapped epithelial rests; slow growing,
bubble appearance)
infiltrative & expanding, local inflammatory reaction
MMMDCCXXII) Treatment: surgery,
MMMDCCVIII) Symptoms: imbalance & hearing loss;
radiotherapy for incomplete excision; 20% 5 year
facial weakness & spasm; trigeminal numbness &
pain; very gradual onset
MMMDCCIX) Complete excision nearly impossible, 30%
1109) Red flag for cosmo patients 1115) Pathognomic for Graves orbitopathy on PE 1124) Indications for open rhinoplasty
MMMMDLXVIII) Cleft lip nose deformity 1129) Definition of Vestibular Neuritis MMMMDCV) To record a wave I
MMMMDLXIX) Severe tip asymmetry MMMMDLXXXVI) Acute, peripheral and unilateral
MMMMDLXX) Marked overprojection vestibular disorder not associated with hearing loss 1137) Normal interear latency difference for ABR waves
MMMMDLXXI) Significant underprojection MMMMDLXXXVII) Typically occurs in middle age MMMMDCVI) 0.4 ms
MMMMDLXXII) Eccentric anatomy MMMMDLXXXVIII) Single episode of severe
MMMMDLXXIII) Difficult tip revisions prolonged vertigo 1138) Abnormal SP/AP ratios
MMMMDLXXIV) Teaching MMMMDLXXXIX) Decreased caloric response in MMMMDCVII) More than 50% for EAC probe
affected ear MMMMDCVIII) More than 40% tympanic mb
1125) Tip projection I) preservation and II) enhancement MMMMDXC) Complete resolution of symptoms within 6 MMMMDCIX) More than 30% for transtympanic
MMMMDLXXV) Preservation – maintain tip months
support mechanisms 1139) Spontaneous OAE absence
i) Complete strip (as compared to incomplete) 1130) Define dB SPL, dB HL, dB SL MMMMDCX) Normal variant
ii) Avoid septal transfixion incision MMMMDXCI) dB – 10log (output intensity/reference MMMMDCXI) More than a 25 dB hearing loss
MMMMDLXXVI) Enchancement intensity)
i) Cartilage strut placed below or between the MMMMDXCII) SPL – sound pressure level: actual 1140) OAE come from …
medial crura amount of sound pressure (eg 6.5 dB SPL at MMMMDCXII) Outer Hair cells
ii) Strut can be combined with plumping grafts 1000Hz)
(greater strut platform) MMMMDXCIII) HL – hearing level: accounts for human 1141) TEOAE are found when hearing is better than…
iii) Suturing of medial crura together, with ear having different sensitivities at different MMMMDCXIII) 35dB, but not effective for evaluating
resection of intercrural soft tissue frequencies. (eg 6.5 dB SPL at 1000Hz, 45 dB SPL higher frequency hearing loss
iv) Tip onlay grafts for a 125 Hz, and both of these are 0 dB HL)
v) Transdomal suturing MMMMDXCIV)SL – sensation level: intensity of the 1142) DPOAE are found when hearing is better than…
vi) Interrupted strip: lateral crural recruitment stimulus in decibels above an individual’s hearing MMMMDCXIV)50 dB, and are effective up to 6000 Hz
vii) Illusionary threshold. (a person has a hearing loss of 30 dB HL
(1) Plumping grafts and if a test is to be given at 40 dB SL, then this 1143) What are central auditory processing disorders 4
(2) Reduction of cartilaginous dorsum would translate to 70 dB HL) categories
MMMMDCXV) Decoding - impairment of breakdown of
1126) Increasing tip rotation techniques 1131) Define SRT, Word recognition score auditory processing at the phonemic level.
MMMMDLXXVII) Volume reduction of alar MMMMDXCV) SRT - the softest intensity level at which a MMMMDCXVI)Tolerance fading memory - poor auditory
cartilages with complete strip or incomplete strip patient can correctly repeat 50% of the words memory or difficulty understanding speech under
(more pronounced with incomplete. Can control (spondees) adverse conditions
complete strip resection with base up triangle MMMMDXCVI)Word recognition score – phonems MMMMDCXVII) Integration - difficulty
resection laterally). If using complete strip, use presented at 30 dB above threshold integrating auditory information with other functions,
adjuctive procedures to augment. such as visual and nonverbal aspects of speech
MMMMDLXXVIII) Illusionary 1132) EAC volume normals MMMMDCXVIII) Organization - reversals and
i) Cartilage grafts in the infratip lobule, columella, MMMMDXCVII) Children: 0.5ml – 1ml sequencing errors
nasolabial angle (plumping grafts) MMMMDXCVIII) Adults 0.6ml -2ml
MMMMDLXXIX) Adjuctive 1144) Diagnostic criteria of Sjogrens
i) Shortening of caudal septum 1133) Type A vs Type C tympanogram peak division MMMMDCXIX)Dry eyes more than 3/12 or recurrent or
ii) Shortening of caudal upper lateral cartilage (Baileys) persistent swelling of salivary glands
iii) Septal shortening with high transfixion incision MMMMDXCIX)-100 mmH2O MMMMDCXX) Dry mouth more than 3/12
iv) Reduction of convex caudal medial crura MMMMDCXXI)Schrimer test (< 5mm in 5 min)
v) Resection of membranous columellar skin 1134) Stapes reflex threshold MMMMDCXXII) More than 50 lymphocytes in 4
vi) Minor MMMMDC) Up to 50-55 dbHL – normal stapes reflex mm2 of glandular tissue
(1) Resection of excess vestibular skin threshold MMMMDCXXIII) Abnormal salivary scintigraphy,
(2) Proper taping MMMMDCI) 50-80 dbHL – elevated stapes reflex abnormal parotid sialography, or unstimulated flow of
(3) Cutting of depressor septi muscle threshold <1.5 mL in 15min
MMMMDCII) Greater than 80 db HL – likely no reflex MMMMDCXXIV) Presence of anti Ro(SS-A) or
1127) Four stages of Supparative Labyrinthitis MMMMDCIII) I-III represent cochlear hearing losses, for anti La(SS-B) antibodies, RF+, or ANA+
MMMMDLXXX) Serous or irritative phase VIII nerve losses (despite the degree of loss, there is
MMMMDLXXXI) Acute or purulent stage likely an absent reflex). Also VIII losses are 1145) Relapsing polychondritis criteria
MMMMDLXXXII) Fiberous or latent stage associated with reflex decay. MMMMDCXXV) Defined features of the disease
MMMMDLXXXIII) Osseous stage include
1135) Stapes reflex threshold – pure tones vs broadband i) recurrent chondritis of the auricles,
1128) Most common cause of bacterial meningitis, and noise ii) nonerosive inflammatory polyarthritis,
incidence of hearing loss MMMMDCIV) Broadband noise has 20-25 dB lower iii) chondritis of the nasal cartilages,
MMMMDLXXXIV) S. pneumo (H.flu prevous to thresholds compared to pure tones. This difference iv) ocular inflammation,
Hib vaccine) lessens as hearing worsens. v) chondritis of laryngeal or tracheal cartilage, and
MMMMDLXXXV) 10-20% vi) cochlear (SNHL or tinnitus) or vestibular
1136) Main goal of ABR damage (vertigo).
MMMMDCXXVI) Diagnosis requires three of MMMMDCLV) Spindle-Pleomorphic MMMMDCLXXVII) Combined orbital floor and
these features in the absence of histologic MMMMDCLVI) Adenoid Squamous medial wall defects with soft tissue displacement
confirmation, two of these features with response to noted radiologically on CT scans
steroids or dapsone, or any one of these features 1154) Histologic risk factors for aggressive behavior in MMMMDCLXXVIII) Radiological evidence of a
with histologic confirmation. SCC fracture or comminution of the body of the zygoma
MMMMDCLVII) Undifferentiated histologic itself as determined by CT
1146) Polyarteritis nodosa head and neck features pattern, MMMMDCLXXIX) Physical or radiological
MMMMDCXXVII) Bilateral SSNHL or vestiblar MMMMDCLVIII) Depth into and beyond the evidence of exopthalmos or orbital content
dysfunction subcutaneous fat, impingement caused by displaced periorbital
MMMMDCXXVIII) CN palsy (VII most common) MMMMDCLIX) perineural invasion, and fractures.
MMMMDCLX) lymphatic invasion
1147) Churg-Strauss 1159) What are the 4 R’s of radiation therapy?
MMMMDCXXIX) Seen in patients with known 1155) Merkels Cell carcinoma characteristics MMMMDCLXXX) Theraputic advantage gained
asthma or allergic rhinitis MMMMDCLXI) High recurrence rate, high lymphatic met by one of the 4 following mechanisms
MMMMDCXXX) Vasculitis includes… rate i) Repair of cellular damage
i) systemic small-vessel vasculitis, MMMMDCLXII) Poorly differentiated histiology (1) Sublethal exposure of normal tissue
ii) extravascular granulomas and MMMMDCLXIII) Requires post op XRT after (reason for fractionation)
iii) hypereosinophilia. wide resection ii) Reoxygenation of the tumor
MMMMDCLXIV) Need to treat lymphatics (1) Another reason for fractionation
1148) Hallmark pathologic lesion of Wegeners iii) Redistribution within the cell cycle
MMMMDCXXXI) Necrotizing granulomatous 1156) Indications for XRT in cutaneous malignancy (1) S phase (DNA synthesis) is most
vasculitis MMMMDCLXV) Advanced tumors (invade bone, susceptible, vs G2 phase delay
muscle, cartilage, and nerve) (radioresistant)
1149) Kawasaki’s disease MMMMDCLXVI) Merkels\ cell (2) Rapdily dividing cells more susceptible
MMMMDCXXXII) fever, MMMMDCLXVII) Larger SCCa (>2 cm), (3) Another reason for fractionation
MMMMDCXXXIII) conjunctivitis, MMMMDCLXVIII) recurrent tumors iv) Repopulation of tumor cells
MMMMDCXXXIV) red dry lips, MMMMDCLXIX) Marjolin’s ulcer (1) Determines length of course
MMMMDCXXXV) erythema of the oral mucosa, MMMMDCLXX) To the neck: Multiple positive (2) Reason for accelerated treatment
MMMMDCXXXVI) polymorphous truncal rash, nodes, extracapsular spread and lymphovascular schedules
MMMMDCXXXVII) desquamation of the fingers invasion. (3) Reason against treatment delay,
and toes, and protracted couse of XRT, split course of
MMMMDCXXXVIII) cervical lymphadenopathy. 1157) Name the three vertical and four horizontial XRT
buttresses of the midface
1150) Define nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome MMMMDCLXXI) Vertical 1160) Typical radiation dose
(Gorlin's syndrome) i) Nasomaxillary MMMMDCLXXXI) 1.8 – 2.0 Gy given 5x/week for
MMMMDCXXXIX) rare autosomal dominant ii) Zygomaticomaxillary 6-8 weeks
condition iii) Pterygomaxillary
MMMMDCXL) multiple basal cell carcinomas, MMMMDCLXXII) Horizontial 1161) Toxic dose to serous cells of salivary glands
MMMMDCXLI) pitting of the palms and the soles of the i) Frontal bar MMMMDCLXXXII) 35 Gy in 3.5 weeks
feet, ii) Infraorbital rim
MMMMDCXLII) jaw cysts, iii) Zygomatic arch 1162) Toxic CNS doses
MMMMDCXLIII) spine and rib anomalies, iv) Palate/Alveolus MMMMDCLXXXIII) Myelopathy – 30Gy in 25
MMMMDCXLIV) calcification of the falx cerebri, fractions
and 1158) Indications for orbital exploration with MMMMDCLXXXIV) Transverse myelitis – 50-60Gy
MMMMDCXLV) cataracts. zygomaticomaxillary fractures MMMMDCLXXXV) Somnolence syndrome
MMMMDCLXXIII) 1) Persistent diplopia which MMMMDCLXXXVI) Brain necrosis – 65-70 Gy
1151) Basal cell carcinoma clinical subtypes failed to improve in 7 or more days, positive forced
MMMMDCXLVI) Nodular duction testing, and radiologic evidence of 1163) Dose limiting for intensity and total dose
MMMMDCXLVII) Pigmented perimuscular tissue entrapment MMMMDCLXXXVII) Intensity – acute toxicity –
MMMMDCXLVIII) Superficial MMMMDCLXXIV) Cosmetically significant and mucositis
MMMMDCXLIX) Morpheaform clinically apparent enopthalmos associated with MMMMDCLXXXVIII) Total dose – late toxicity – soft
radiological findings tissue fibrosis
1152) Basal cell carcinoma histiological subtypes (SCAK) MMMMDCLXXV) Radiological evidence of
MMMMDCL) Solid significant comminution and/or displacement of the 1164) 3 neural systems of nose
MMMMDCLII) Adenoid MMMMDCLXXVI) Radiological evidence of MMMMDCXC) CN V
MMMMDCLIII) Keratotic significant displacement or comminution of greater MMMMDCXCI) CN 0 (nervus terminalis)
than 50% of the orbital floor with herniation of soft
1153) Histiologic subtypes of SCC tissue into the maxillary sinus 1165) Olfactory neuroepithelium histology
MMMMDCLIV) Verrucous
MMMMDCXCII) Pseudostratified columnar MMMMDCCXIX) Antibodies to Thryoid MMMMDCCXLIV) Chronic nasal obstruction with
epithelium peroxidase (key enzyme in organification) or rhinorrhea or recurrent sinusitis,
thyroglobulin TBG (therefore can measure anti-TPO MMMMDCCXLV) recurrent otitis media with
1166) Six distinct cells seen in Neuroepithelium or anti-TBG) effusion,
MMMMDCXCIII) Bipolar sensory receptor MMMMDCCXLVI) recurrent and chronic
neurons 1176) NIH guidelines for parathyroidectomy (1991) adenoiditis,
MMMMDCXCIV) Microvillar cells MMMMDCCXX) Serum calcium > 12mg/dl MMMMDCCXLVII) speech and swallowing
MMMMDCXCV) Supporting cells MMMMDCCXXI) Hypercalciuria > 400 mg/day abnormalities
MMMMDCXCVI) Globose basal cells MMMMDCCXXII) Classic presentation with renal MMMMDCCXLVIII) suspected neoplasia.
MMMMDCXCVII) Horizontial basal cells stones, osteitis fibrosa, or neuromuscular disease MMMMDCCXLIX) children older than 4
MMMMDCXCVIII) Cells lining Bowmans glands MMMMDCCXXIII) Cortical bone loss greater than experiencing recurrent otitis media have shown to
2 standard deviations below the mean benefit from adenoidectomy with the second set of
1167) Classification of olfactory problems MMMMDCCXXIV) Reduced creatinine clearance tympanostomy tubes
MMMMDCXCIX) Conductive MMMMDCCXXV) age less than 50. MMMMDCCL) chronic otitis media with effusion, initial
MMMMDCC) Sensorineural impairment tympanostomy tube placement without
MMMMDCCI) Central impairment 1177) Surgical Strategies to increase support for dental adenoidectomy is associated with a higher rate of
prosthesis repeat surgeries.
1168) Most common vascular malformation causing MMMMDCCXXVI) Remove tooth and cut through
tracheal compression with stidor a socket 1183) Absolute indications for tonsillectomy
MMMMDCCII) Double aortic arch MMMMDCCXXVII) Preserve anatomy MMMMDCCLI)severe dysphagia,
i) mandible – Alveolus, retromolar pad, buccal MMMMDCCLII) failure to thrive,
1169) 7 steps in thyroid metabolism shelf MMMMDCCLIII) cor pulmonale.
MMMMDCCIII) Uptake of Iodine by thyroid ii) maxilla - tuberosity, alveolus, hard palate
MMMMDCCIV) Coupling of Iodine to MMMMDCCXXVIII) preservation of strip of mucosa 1184) Relative indications for tonsillitis
Thryroglobulin (organification) MMMMDCCXXIX) avoid true hemimaxillectomy (ie MMMMDCCLIV) recurrent acute tonsillitis,
MMMMDCCV) Storage of MIT/DIT in follicular space save medial and lateral incisor) – tripod effect MMMMDCCLV) chronic tonsillitis,
MMMMDCCVI) Re-absorption of MIT/DIT MMMMDCCXXX) skin grafting of cheek flap, and MMMMDCCLVI) obstructive sleep apnea,
MMMMDCCVII) Formation of T3 and T4 form areas of the obturator contact MMMMDCCLVII) peritonsillar abscess,
MIT/DIT MMMMDCCXXXI) skin grafting of the maxillary MMMMDCCLVIII) suspected neoplasia
MMMMDCCVIII) Release of T3 and T4 into sinus MMMMDCCLIX) halitosis
serum MMMMDCCXXXII) resection of inferior turbinate
MMMMDCCIX) Breakdown of T3 and T4 to 1185) Indications for twenty-three hour inpatient monitoring
release Iodine 1178) Classification of obturators include the following:
MMMMDCCXXXIII) Surgical MMMMDCCLX) Age younger than 3.
1170) Percentage of thyroid hormone as T4 MMMMDCCXXXIV) Postsurgical MMMMDCCLXI) Those with obstructive sleep
MMMMDCCX) 98% MMMMDCCXXXV) Definitive apnea or craniofacial syndromes involving the
1171) Homostatic control of thyroid function (hypothalamus 1179) Symptoms typical of tonsillitis (2 or more for dx) MMMMDCCLXII) Systemic disorders which
and pituitary) and more metabolically active thyroid MMMMDCCXXXVI) fever greater than 38.5, would put the patient at increased perioperative risk.
hormone MMMMDCCXXXVII) positive GABHS culture, MMMMDCCLXIII) Poor socioeconomic situation
MMMMDCCXI) T3 MMMMDCCXXXVIII) tender cervical MMMMDCCLXIV) Situation which would limit the
lymphadenopathy > 2cm, patient’s ability to return quickly to the hospital.
1172) Wolff-Chiakoff effect MMMMDCCXXXIX) erythematous or exudative MMMMDCCLXV) When the procedure is done
MMMMDCCXII) Large iodine load causes tonsils for a peritonsillar abscess.
transient inhibition of thyroid hormone production MMMMDCCLXVI) Those experiencing vomiting or
MMMMDCCXIII) Autoimmune thyroiditis may go 1180) Adult PSG results (3 categories) hemorrhage.
hypothyroid due to this effect MMMMDCCXL) Obstructive Sleep Apnea is
diagnosed as an RDI >5, SpO2 <90%. 1186) Most common cause of chronic benign pediatric
1173) Jod-Basedow phenomenon MMMMDCCXLI) Upper airway resistance lymphadenopathy, and easiest way to diagnose,
MMMMDCCXIV) Large iodine load in overactive syndrome is diagnosed as a RDI <5, and SpO2 treatmennt
states such as Grave’s or multinodular goiter >90%, MMMMDCCLXVII) Cat Scratch Disease
induces hyperthyroidism MMMMDCCXLII) Primary snoring when RDI <1 MMMMDCCLXVIII) Serologic testing
and SpO2 >90%. MMMMDCCLXIX) Azithromycin (or self limiting)
1174) Classification of hypothyroidism MMMMDCCLXX) Avoid I+D (draining tract)
MMMMDCCXV) Primary (gland) 1181) Only absolute indication for adenoidectomy
MMMMDCCXVI) Secondary (pituitary) MMMMDCCXLIII) airway obstruction with 1187) Condition in immunocomprimized patients with B.
MMMMDCCXVII) Tertiary (Hypothalamus) secondary cardiopulmonary complications and henselae infection
MMMMDCCXVIII) Peripheral resistence failure to thrive MMMMDCCLXXI) Bacillary angiomatosis
1296) Classification of Congential Aural Atresia 1302) Describe the typical facial n course abnormalities 1312) Options for lower lid reconstruction
MMMMMCXXII) Group I atresia is characterized seen in Aural atresia MMMMMCLXII) Primary closure (30% loss in
by a small EAC, hypoplastic temporal bone and MMMMMCXXXIX) More anterolateral than usual young and 45% loss in elderly)
tympanic membrane (TM), a normal or small middle MMMMMCXL) angle at the second genu is about 60 MMMMMCLXIII) Lateral Cantholysis
ear cleft and normal or mildly deformed ossicles. degrees vs 90-120 normally, MMMMMCLXIV) Tenzel rotational flap
MMMMMCXXIII) Group II includes those cases MMMMMCXLI)nerve moves more lateral as it crosses MMMMMCLXV) Hughes procedure
with an absent EAC, an atretic plate, a small middle middle ear. (nerve may be lateral to middle ear MMMMMCLXVI) Free tarsal grafts
ear space and fixed and malformed ossicles. encased in atretic bone at position of round window MMMMMCLXVII) Mustarde (cheek rotational) flap
MMMMMCXXIV) Group III is characterized by an
absent EAC, a severely contracted or absent middle 1303) blood supply to tympanic membrane 1313) Options for upper lid reconstruction
ear space, and absent or severely malformed MMMMMCXLII) Lateral surface – deep auricular MMMMMCLXVIII) Primary closure
ossicles. art MMMMMCLXIX) Lateral cantholysis
MMMMMCXLIII) Medial surface – anterior MMMMMCLXX) Tenzel flap
1297) Major and Minor classification of aural atresia tympanic artery MMMMMCLXXI) Sliding tarso-conjunctival flap
MMMMMCXXV) The minor category is MMMMMCXLIV) Both from Imax MMMMMCLXXII) Posterior lamellar graft with
characterized by normal mastoid pneumatization, myocutaneous flap
normal oval window, reasonable oval window-facial 1304) Dividing line between the pars flaccida and tensa MMMMMCLXXIII) Cutler-Beard (bridge) flap
nerve relationship and a normal inner ear. MMMMMCXLV) Anterior and posterior mallear MMMMMCLXXIV) Pedicled flap from lower lid
MMMMMCXXVI) The major category is folds
comprised of cases with poor pneumatization, 1314) normal of subglottic diameter (at level of cricoid) at
abnormal or absent oval window, abnormal course of 1305) Number of dB gained by middle ear mechanism birth:
the horizontal facial nerve and inner ear anomalies MMMMMCXLVI) 25dB MMMMMCLXXV) 4.5 – 5.5 mm
1298) Jahrsdoerfer classification of aural atresia. 1306) Small perforations selectively reduce which 1315) Diagnosis of subglottic stenosis:
MMMMMCXXVII) score (up to 10) based upon frequencies MMMMMCLXXVI) less than or equal to 4mm full
findings of high-resolution CT scans of the temporal MMMMMCXLVII) Lower increasingly more term 3.5 mm premature
bone. affected
MMMMMCXXVIII) 1 point - open oval window, 1316) Biped epiglottis – what other test required
width of the middle ear cleft, facial nerve course, 1307) New perforation of TM – how long wait until repair Thyroid function
malleus-incus complex, mastoid pneumatization, MMMMMCXLVIII) 3 months
incudostapedial continuity, round window patency 1317) Classification of laryngeal (saccule) cysts
and auricle appearance – 1308) Classification of tympanoplasty MMMMMCLXXVII) Superior (extending into
MMMMMCXXIX) 2 points - presence of a stapes. MMMMMCXLIX) Type I – myringoplasty (no ventricle) and
MMMMMCXXX) Less than or equal 5 – not ossicular reconstruction) MMMMMCLXXVIII) posterior (extending into the AE
surgical candidates. 8 or better – 80% success MMMMMCL) Type II – malleus eroded, grafted on to folds and false cord)
malleus remnant or incus
MMMMMCLI) Type III – myringostapedopexy or PORP 1318) Ddx of congenital supraglottic abnormalities
MMMMMCLXXIX) Laryngomalacia, 1324) Standard of care for subglottic hemangioma, and MMMMMCCXXVI) exposure of cartilage during
MMMMMCLXXX) Hemangioma, other treatment options laser excision leading to chondritis,
MMMMMCLXXXI) lymphatic malformation, MMMMMCCII) Standard of care = Tracheostomy and MMMMMCCXXVII) severe bacterial infection,
MMMMMCLXXXII) Laryngocele, wait for involution MMMMMCCXXVIII) posterior inlet scarring with
MMMMMCLXXXIII) Saccular cyst, MMMMMCCIII)Medical – steroids (intralesional or arytenoid fixation,
MMMMMCLXXXIV) anomalous cuneiform cartilage, systemic) MMMMMCCXXIX) combined laryngeal or tracheal
MMMMMCLXXXV) Bifed epiglottis, MMMMMCCIV) Cryotherapy stenosis or
MMMMMCLXXXVI) supraglottic web MMMMMCCV) Sclerosing therapy MMMMMCCXXX) vertical scar length >1cm.
MMMMMCCVI) Radiation therapy
1319) Techniques for improving airway in bilateral vocal (brachytherapy or external beam) 1332) Indications for anterior cricoid split
cord paralysis: MMMMMCCVII) CO2 or KTP laser procedure MMMMMCCXXXI) extubation failure on two
MMMMMCLXXXVII) CO2 laser cordotomy MMMMMCCVIII) Open procedure (resection) occasions or more due to laryngeal pathology,
MMMMMCLXXXVIII) open arytenoidectomy, MMMMMCCXXXII) weight >1500g,
MMMMMCLXXXIX) artenoidpexy, 1325) Define Pallister-Hall syndrome MMMMMCCXXXIII) no assisted ventilation for 10
MMMMMCXC) arytenoid separation with cartilage grafting MMMMMCCIX) Hypothalamus abnormalities days prior to evaluation,
MMMMMCXCI) laser arytenoidectomy and MMMMMCCX) polydactly MMMMMCCXXXIV) O2 requirements <30%,
cordectomy MMMMMCCXI) laryngeal (clefts or biped MMMMMCCXXXV) no CHF for one month prior to
MMMMMCXCII) laryngeal reanimation epiglottis) evaluation,
techniques (phrenic to RLN, phrenic to PCA, or MMMMMCCXXXVI) no acute respiratory tract
omohyoid muscle pedicle) 1326) Best imaging study for laryngeal cleft infection,
MMMMMCCXII) Ba swallow MMMMMCCXXXVII) no antihypertensive
1320) Classification of glottic webs medications ten days prior to evaluation
MMMMMCXCIII) Type I – less than 35% of 1327) Classification of laryngeal clefts
glottic opening, true cords visable, little or no MMMMMCCXIII) type I clefts as a supraglottic, 1333) How much distraction of the cricoid is required for a
subglottic extension, airway not a problem, mildly interarytenoid clefts. cartilage graft to be placed in the anterior split
abnormal cry MMMMMCCXIV) Type II clefts are a partial MMMMMCCXXXVIII) 3mm
MMMMMCXCIV) Type II - anterior webbing cricoid cleft.
involving 35-50% of glottis, thickened web that MMMMMCCXV) Type III clefts are a complete 1334) Indications for Laryngofissure with division of
extends into subglottis, cricoid normal, airway a cricoid cleft with or without extension into the posterior cricoid lamina
problem only with URTI or post intubation, weak esophagus and MMMMMCCXXXIX) patients with posterior
voice MMMMMCCXVI) type IV cleft are full subglottic stenosis,
MMMMMCXCV) Type III – 50-75% obstruction, laryngotrachealesophageal clefts. MMMMMCCXL) posterior glottic stenosis that
thick web with vocal cords not visable, cricoid extends to the glottis,
abnormalites, marked airway and voice problems 1328) Age 1 and recurrent croup – what investigation MMMMMCCXLI) complete or circumferential
MMMMMCXCVI) Type IV – 75-90%, web thick MMMMMCCXVII) Endoscopy – R/O subglottic stenosis, or
and vocal cords not visible, immediate airway stenosis MMMMMCCXLII) if there is significant cricoid
management needed at birth deformity
1329) McCaffrey system classifies laryngotracheal
1321) Treatment of glottic webs stenosis 1335) Indication for two step procedure with LTR:
MMMMMCXCVII) Type I – divide with laser/cold MMMMMCCXVIII) stage I lesions are confined to MMMMMCCXLIII) severe stenosis,
at age 3-4 the subglottis or trachea and are less than 1cm long, MMMMMCCXLIV) history of reactive airway, or
MMMMMCXCVIII) Type II – incise along one cord MMMMMCCXIX) stage II lesions are isolated to MMMMMCCXLV) poor pulmonary function,
then serial dilations or incise along other cord two the subglottis and are greater then 1 cm long, MMMMMCCXLVI) institutions with inadequate
weeks later. If keel required, trach needed MMMMMCCXX) stage III are subglottic/tracheal intensive care facilities
MMMMMCXCIX) Type III/IV – trach, corrective lesions not involving the glottis, and
procedure at age 3-4… laryngotomy, with keel MMMMMCCXXI) stage IV lesions involve the 1336) Define tubercles of Zuckerkandl
incison or LTR glottis MMMMMCCXLVII) posterior extensions of each
thyroid lobe
1322) CHOAS – how diagnosed and findings 1330) Which has worse symptoms and prognosis:
MMMMMCC) Ultrasound findings in utero for diagnosis Congenital or aquired Subglottic stenosis 1337) Advantages of free flap
i) Large echogenic lungs MMMMMCCXXII) Aquired, Congenital tends to MMMMMCCXLVIII) Two team approach
ii) flattened diaphrams improve with growth of the child MMMMMCCXLIX) Improved vascularity and
iii) Dilated airways below the level of the upper wound healing
airway obstruction 1331) Failure of endoscopic techniques are associated MMMMMCCL) Low rate of resorption
iv) fetal ascites with… MMMMMCCLI) Defect size of little
MMMMMCCXXIII) previous attempts at consequence
1323) EXIT procedure endoscopic repair, MMMMMCCLII) Potential for sensory and motor
MMMMMCCI) Ex-utero intrapartum delivery MMMMMCCXXIV) circumferential scarring, innervation
MMMMMCCXXV) loss of cartilaginous support, MMMMMCCLIII) Permits use of osseointegrated
MMMMMCCLIV) Two team approach MMMMMCCLXXIII) Associated with sinusitis and iii) Gad – intense lesion (but less than AN)
MMMMMCCLV) Improved vascularity and bronchiectasis MMMMMCCLXXXVIII) General features
wound healing MMMMMCCLXXIV) Patients with KO (vs i) Obtuse angles to temporal bone
MMMMMCCLVI) Low rate of resorption Cholesteatoma) are ii) Dural tail present (50-75%)
MMMMMCCLVII) Defect size of little i) Younger iii) May herniated into MCF (50%)
consequence ii) Less or no draining ear iv) May show calcification (25%)
MMMMMCCLVIII) Potential for sensory and motor iii) More generalized in position (compared to v) Pial blood vessels with flow voids
innervation Choles. which is just localized to lateral to vi) No widening of porus acousticus
MMMMMCCLIX) Permits use of osseointegrated annulus)
implants iv) Widens EAC (but doesn’t destroy bone) 1349) Radiographic features of epidermoid
1338) End to side anastamosis – maximum angle of 1344) Most common feeding vessels of paragangliomas i) Hypodense to CSF
anastamotic vessels MMMMMCCLXXV) Ascending pharyngeal (most MMMMMCCXC) MRI
MMMMMCCLX) Less than 60 degrees common) i) T1 – isointense to CSF (dark –low signal
MMMMMCCLXXVI) Postauricular intensity)
MMMMMCCLXXVII) Occipitial ii) T2- isointense to CSF (“v. bright”)
MMMMMCCLXXVIII) Imax iii) FLAIR – heterogeneous with hyperintense foci
MMMMMCCLXXIX) Ipsi or contra ICA iv) CISS, diffusion weighted
1339) Techniques for vessels mismatch 1345) MRI – labyrinthine enhancement before and after i) May dumbbell into MCF or contralateral cistern
MMMMMCCLXI) Less than 2:1 – uneven stiches contrast ii) Cauliflower surface appearance
end to end, dilation MMMMMCCLXXX) Before – blood (ie trauma) iii) Similar to arachnoid cyst (CISS, DW useful)
MMMMMCCLXII) 2:1 – 3:1 – beveled or spulation MMMMMCCLXXXI) After – inflammation (ie iv) T1 being low signal intensity differentiates from
(max angle of beveling is 30 degrees) labyrinthitis) cholesterol granuloma in petrous apex lesions
MMMMMCCLXIII) More than 3:1 – end to side
1346) Most useful imaging for treatment progress of MOE 1350) Radiographic features of Arachnoid Cyst
1340) Greatest period of flap failure and most common site MMMMMCCLXXXII) Iridium 111 WBC scan or MMMMMCCXCII) CT
MMMMMCCLXIV) 15-20 post anastamosis, then SPECT scan i) Isointense to CSF
the first 3 days MMMMMCCXCIII) MRI
MMMMMCCLXV) Venous anastamosis 1347) Radiographic features of Acoustic Neuroma i) T1 and T2– isointense to CSF homogeneous
1341) No re-flow phenonmenon i) Non contrast: usually isodense to brain, MMMMMCCXCIV) General
MMMMMCCLXVI) Failure to establish re-perfusion calcifications and central necrosis rare. Larger i) Smooth surface
of blood supply after blood vessel repair to an lesions central necrosis
ischemic organ is known as the no-reflow ii) Contrast: 90% of non treated and not large 1351) Radiographic findings of Cholesterol granuloma
phenomenon tumors enhance homogenously MMMMMCCXCV) CT – soft tissue mass
MMMMMCCLXVII) Occurs after 12 hours MMMMMCCLXXXIV) MRI MMMMMCCXCVI) MRI T1 and T2 – both intense,
MMMMMCCLXVIII) Ischemia-induced no-reflow i) T1 – isointense to brain, hyperintense to CSF may show central hypointensity
phenomenon is caused by endothelial injury, cellular ii) T2 – hyperintense to brain, iso/hypointense to
swelling, intravascular (platelet) aggregation, and the CSF 1352) List 5 dysplasias affecting the temporal bone
leakage of intravascular fluid into the interstitial iii) Gad – intense enhancement on T1 MMMMMCCXCVII) Fibrous dysplasia
space MMMMMCCLXXXV) General features MMMMMCCXCVIII) Pagets disease
MMMMMCCLXIX) Severity of this effect is i) Centered on porus acousticus MMMMMCCXCIX) Hyperparathyroidism
correlated with ischemia time ii) Acute angles to temporal bone MMMMMCCC)Osteogenesis imperfecti
iii) Homogeneous enhancement MMMMMCCCI) McCune-Albright Syndrome
1342) Exostosis vs Osteomas iv) No dural tail
MMMMMCCLXX) Exostosis… v) Rare calcifications 1353) Most common primary lesion of petrous apex
i) More common vi) Enlarged IAC (>2 mm compared to MMMMMCCCII) Cholesterol granuloma
ii) Found in medial portion of the canal contralateral side)
iii) Found along tympanomastoid suture line and vii) Rare extension anteriorly and superiorly 1354) Classification of microtia
tympanosquamous suture line viii) Almost never dumbbell into MCF MMMMMCCCIII) Grade 1 – pinna with all
iv) Multiple in number subunits present but misshapen
v) Sessile, broad base 1348) Radiographic features of Meningoma MMMMMCCCIV) Grade II – anatomic subunits
vi) Associated with cold water exposure MMMMMCCLXXXVI) CT either deficient or absent
MMMMMCCLXXI) Osteoma…the opposite i) Isodense to brain, may see calcifications MMMMMCCCV) Grade III – “peanut ear”
MMMMMCCLXXII) Radiographically…both show MMMMMCCLXXXVII) MRI (nubbin of cartilage in the superior remnant and
an intact cortex i) T1 – isointense to brain, not homogeneous with inferior lobule) or anotia
central hypointensity if larger
1343) Keratitis Obturans – seen with which conditions and ii) T2 – hyperintense to brain, and hypointense to 1355) Describe the Brent technique of microtia repair
contrast to Cholesteatoma CSF
MMMMMCCCVI) Stage 1 – auricular framework (c) Anterior and Posterior Cricoid split
fabrication with rib cartilage 1361) Most important factor for ETT as causing SGS, and (with cartilage graft)
MMMMMCCCVII) Stage 2 - Lobule transposition list others (d) Four quadrant LTR
MMMMMCCCVIII) Stage 3 - Auricular framework MMMMMCCCXXI) Duration intubation (2) Segmental resection (Cricotracheal
elevation MMMMMCCCXXII) Other include resection)
MMMMMCCCIX) Stage 4 - Tragus reconstruction i) Size of ETT (a) Primary
1356) Describe the Nagata technique of microtia repair ii) Movement of ETT (b) Salvage
MMMMMCCCX) Stage 1 - Fabrication of the iii) Traumatic intubation (c) Extended CTR (CTR with expansion
auricular framework, tragus reconstruction and iv) Number of reintubations procedure, arytenoid lateralization or
lobule transposition v) Presence of an infection while intubated arytenoidectomy)
MMMMMCCCXI) Stage 2 – Framework elevation
1362) Ddx of laryngotracheal stenosis 1364) Contraindications to airway surgery
1357) Indication for prosthetic reconstruction MMMMMCCCXXIII) Congenital MMMMMCCCXXX) Absolute
MMMMMCCCXII) Failed autogenous i) Tracheomalacia i) Tracheotomy dependent (aspiration, severe
reconstruction ii) Laryngomalacia BPD)
MMMMMCCCXIII) Significant soft tissue/skeleton iii) VC paralysis ii) Severe GER refractive to surgical and medical
hypoplasia iv) Laryngeal cleft therapy
MMMMMCCCXIV) Low hairline v) Congenital cysts iii) Unable for GA
MMMMMCCCXV) Aquired total or subtotal defect vi) Extrinsic compression for congenital lesion MMMMMCCCXXXI) Relative
usually in adults (1) Vascular compression i) Diabetes
(a) Innominate artery ii) Steroid use
1358) Classification of Subglottic stenosis (b) Right sided aortic arch iii) Cardiac, renal or pulmonary disease
MMMMMCCCXVI) Congenital SGS (c) Aberrant left pulmonary artery
i) Membranous (2) Mass 1365) Risk factors for failure of Endoscopic procedure
ii) Cartilaginous (a) Teratoma MMMMMCCCXXXII) previous attempts at
(1) Cricoid cartilage deformity (b) Lymphatic malformation endoscopic repair,
(a) Small cricoid (c) Hemangioma MMMMMCCCXXXIII) circumferential scarring,
(b) Elliptical cricoid MMMMMCCCXXIV) Infectious/inflammatory MMMMMCCCXXXIV) loss of cartilaginous support,
(c) Large anterior lamina i) Croup MMMMMCCCXXXV) exposure of cartilage during
(d) Large posterior lamina ii) Retropharyngeal abscess laser excision leading to chondritis,
(e) Generalized thickening iii) GER MMMMMCCCXXXVI) severe bacterial infection,
(f) Submucous cleft iv) Tracheitis MMMMMCCCXXXVII) posterior inlet scarring with
(2) Trapped first ring MMMMMCCCXXV) Neoplastic arytenoid fixation,
MMMMMCCCXVII) Aquired SGS i) Subglottic hemangioma MMMMMCCCXXXVIII) combined laryngeal or tracheal
i) Intubation ii) RRP stenosis or
ii) Laryngeal Trauma MMMMMCCCXXVI) Traumatic MMMMMCCCXXXIX) vertical scar length >1cm
(1) Previous airway surgery i) External compression
(a) High tracheostomy ii) Foreign body 1366) Indications for Anterior cricoid split
(b) Cricothryoidotomy MMMMMCCCXL) extubation failure on two
(c) Prior respiratory papillomatosis 1363) Treatment of SGS occasions or more due to laryngeal pathology, w
(d) Prior laser surgery for hemangioma MMMMMCCCXXVII) Medical (Reflux) MMMMMCCCXLI) eight >1500g,
(2) Accidential MMMMMCCCXXVIII) Observation MMMMMCCCXLII) no assisted ventilation for 10
(a) Inhalational i) Grade I and mild Grade II with minimal days prior to evaluation,
(b) trauma symptoms and reliable follow up (repeat bronch MMMMMCCCXLIII) O2 requirements <30%,
iii) Autoimmune q3-6 months) MMMMMCCCXLIV) no CHF for one month prior to
iv) Infection ii) Especially usuful for congenital evaluation,
v) GER MMMMMCCCXXIX) Surgical MMMMMCCCXLV) no acute respiratory tract
vi) Inflammatory disease i) Tracheostomy infection,
(1) Wegeners ii) Endoscopic MMMMMCCCXLVI) no antihypertensive
(2) Sarcoidosis (1) Dilation medications ten days prior to evaluation
(3) SLE (2) Laser
vii) Neoplasm iii) Open procedure (laryngotracheoplasty, 1367) Ideal ET tube size for adult and child
MMMMMCCCXVIII) Idiopathic SGS Laryngotracheal reconstruction) MMMMMCCCXLVII) Adult: cuff leak at 20-25 cm
(1) Expansion procedure (one stage or with water
1359) Definition of Congenital SGS (vs Aquired SGS) trach and stent) MMMMMCCCXLVIII) Child: cuff leak at 20cm water
MMMMMCCCXIX) No hx of ETT or laryngeal (a) Anterior cricoid split (with or without
trauma cartilage graft) 1368) Safe length of time for intubation in adults and
(b) Posterior cricoid split (with or without children
1360) Most common cause of aquired SGS cartilage graft) MMMMMCCCXLIX) Adults: 5-10 days
MMMMMCCCXX) ETT (90%) MMMMMCCCL) Children: ? Up to 50 days
iv) Temporal fascia sling repair of ectropion
1369) How long to wait if recovery potential of VII before v) Tarsorrhaphy
reanimation and what is maximum length of time post vi) Formal brow lift
injury for restoration of neural input. (1) Direct incision
MMMMMCCCLI) 1 year for recovery (2) Mid forehead incision
MMMMMCCCLII) 3 years is max length (3) Pretricheal incision
vii) Rhytidectomy with SMAS placation
1370) Rank best procedures for outcome of facial nerve viii) Lower lip wedge resection with transposition of
reanimation orbicularis oris
MMMMMCCCLIII) Best: One which restores ix) Botox injection for synkinesis or hypertonia
neural input (ie distal facial nerve available)
MMMMMCCCLIV) 2nd: Replace nonfunctional 1374) Indications for muscle transfer techniques
facial neuromuscular units (regional or free muscle MMMMMCCCLXVII) long-standing paralysis (greater
transfer) than 3-4 years) with a small chance of recovery
MMMMMCCCLV) 3rd: Statically resuspend facial using nerve grafting procedures,
tissues MMMMMCCCLXVIII) lack of intact facial
neuromuscular units due to fibrosis, a
MMMMMCCCLXIX) trophy or congenital absence
1371) Functional defects of facial nerve paralysis and
MMMMMCCCLVI) Lagopthalmos and ectropion MMMMMCCCLXX) patient contraindications to
MMMMMCCCLVII) Oral incompetence nerve crossover techniques
MMMMMCCCLVIII) Nasal obstruction
MMMMMCCCLIX) Mastication difficulties 1375) Treatment algorithm for facial nerve paralysis
MMMMMCCCLX) Articulation difficulties reamination
MMMMMCCCLXXI) Duration since facial n injury
1372) Goals of surgery i) Greater than 3 years
MMMMMCCCLXI) Functional (1) Healthy patient
i) Eye protection (a) Regional/free muscle transfer
ii) Oral competence (2) Unhealthy patient, poor prognosis
MMMMMCCCLXII) Cosmo (a) Static resuspension
i) Symmetry ii) Less than 3 years
ii) Volitional facial expressions (1) Unhealthy patient, poor prognosis
(a) Static resuspension
1373) Classification of facial N rehabilitation procedures (2) Healthy patient, good prognosis
MMMMMCCCLXIII) Restore neural input (Dynamic) (a) Facial N present, and disease free
i) Direct reanastamosis (i) No
ii) Cable graft 1. regional/free muscle
iii) Nerve cross over technique (XI, XII) transfer
iv) Cross facial Nerve grafting technique (ii) Yes
MMMMMCCCLXIV) Replace nonfunctional facial 1. proximal n available
muscles (dynamic) a. Yes
i) Regional i. End-to end
(1) Temporalis anastamosis or
(2) Masseter interposition
ii) Microvascular (with facial nerve crossover) graft
(1) Extensor digitorum brevis b. No
(2) Gracilis i. Cross over or
(3) Lat dorsi cross facial
(4) Pec major graft
MMMMMCCCLXV) Static resuspension facial
i) Elevation of oral commissure
ii) Elevation of ptotic brow
iii) Materials include tensa fascia lata, goretex, or
MMMMMCCCLXVI) Specific defects
i) Gold weight implant
ii) Palpebral spring
iii) Wedge resection and lateral canthopexy (for