SBM Tool

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

1. In place is a Development Plan  Approved/Accepted  Approved/Accepted  Approved /Accepted SIP &
(e.g. SIP) developed SIP/Development plan SIP/Dev’t Plan Enhanced Dev’t Plan
collaboratively by the - with the following - with the following - with the following
stakeholders of the school and documents: documents: documents:
community.  Letter of Invitation of  MOA/MOU by the  Invitation of the
Note: All suggested MOVs or the school to some school and stakeholders to other
artifacts herein indicated can community community stakeholders and the
encompass other components stakeholders stakeholders (as school for the
and thereby considered as re: formulation of parties) re: enhancement of the
proof of performance SIP/Dev’t Plan formulation of SIP/Dev’t Plan
achievement for schools.  ACR with pictorials SIP/Dev’t Plan  Program of activities,
Or  Program of activities minutes of workshop &
 Any other document proving and minutes of ACR (with pictorials)
that SIP was developed through workshop or ACR Or
the leadership of the school (with pictorials)  Any other document proving that
and such was participated in by Or there was enhancement of
some community stakeholders  Any other document proving SIP/Dev’t Plan & such activity was

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

that SIP/Dev’t Plan was led by the community & technical

developed through the assistance was provided by the
shared leadership of the school
school and the community
2. The development plan (e.g. SIP) is  Improved /Adjusted SIP/Dev’t  Improved /Adjusted  Improved /Adjusted SIP/Dev’t
regularly reviewed by the school Plan SIP/Dev’t Plan Plan
community to keep it up responsive and - With the following -with the following -with the following documents:
relevant to emerging needs, challenges documents: documents:  Invitation of community
and opportunities.  Letter of invitation of the  MOA/MOU by the stakeholders re: regular
school to the stakeholders school & the review & improvement of
re: Review & Improvement community the Dev’t Plan
of the Dev’t Plan stakeholders (as  ACR (with pictorials)
 ACR (with pictorials) parties) re: Or
Or Partnering for  Any other document
 Any other documents continual review & (printed/electronic) proving that
(printed/electronic) proving improvement of the the community stakeholders led
that the Dev’t Plan was Dev’t Plan to the regular review &
reviewed and improved  ACR (with pictorials) improvement process & the
through the leadership of the Or school facilitated the process
school  Any other document
(printed/electronic) proving
that the school and the
community stakeholders
worked as full partners
which led to the continual
review & improvement of
the Dev’t Plan
3. The school is organized by a clear  School developed  Organizational structures w/ Any of the ff:
structure and work arrangement that Organizational Structures of TORs/identified roles and  Minutes of Meetings/ACR

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

promote shared leadership and teaching and non-teaching responsibilities bearing  Resolutions/MOAs/MOUs
governance and define the roles and personnel and stakeholders names of community and  Programs/Matrices/Pictorials
responsibilities of the stakeholders. (SBM, SPT, SGC, PTA, Alumni, school stakeholders as part (Reflecting names of community
etc.) of the definition and and school stakeholders
 School Memo formulation of the leading/initiating the formation
 Letter of invitation organizational structure of organizational structure with
 Designation defined roles and responsibilities)
letter/Appointment signed by
the School Head
 Screenshots of communications
(e.g. alumni, etc.)

4. A leadership network facilitates Any of the ff:  State of the School Address Any of the ff:
communication between and among  Transparency board (SOSA) showing SIP/AIP  Mid –Year (October) and Year-end
school and community leaders for  Suggestion box Implementation Plan and School Report Card (March)
informed decision-making and solving  Log sheets/log books progress on SIP signed by the SDS
of school-community wide-learning  or any information network implementation, reported to  School Paper showing Year End
problems. (MIS/SIS/s, etc.) established the Brgy. Officials or SARCs widely disseminated to
functionally in school Municipal Executives stakeholders
reflecting easy disclosure of  On line accounts or any
information about decisions functional/operational school
to learning and communication program showing
administrative problems. regular and easy access to school
5. A long term program is in operation Any of the ff:  Training Implementation  ACR on Training and
that addresses the training and  Summary Report of Training Plan of on-going Development Activities
development needs of school and Needs Analysis (TNA) based Professional Training and  School Memo
community leaders. from the RPMS Development Development Program  Minutes of Meeting
Plan- Part 3 of IPCRF based from TNA /shown in  Pictures

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

 List of trainings attended by the SIP shared to  Attendance

teaching and non-teaching community leaders.  Short Narratives
personnel as indicated in the  Complete Project
updated PDS Proposal
 Any document which would
prove that there is likewise a
program for community
1. The curriculum provides for  Established Assessment System  School Supervisory Plan  Improved learning outcomes
the development needs of all with results (Phil-IRI, numeracy (monthly) (Achievement Rate, Promotion
types of learners in the test, Multiple Intelligences  Monthly Supervisory Report Rate, Failure Rate)
school community Assessment Result, Academic  ACR/Narrative Report of  Log Book/Record Sheet/ showing
Note: All suggested MOVs or Performance Chart, Summative INSETs conducted names of visitors benchmarked
artifacts herein indicated can Assessment etc.)  ACR and copy of program for school’s initiated
encompass other  Learners’ profile (student tracking periodic recognition (e.g. programs/projects
components and thereby system) quarterly convocation/ year-  School’s Best Practices
considered as proof of  Support Materials (IM’s, end recognition rites) Accomplishment Report
performance achievement  Competency Based Budget of  Conducted Research  Research Outcomes
for schools. Lessons, Lesson Exemplars)
 Any Program/Project to address
learning deficits/performance
discrepancies e.g. RRE/Reading
Program Intervention Materials
and ADM Modules
 Research Proposal
2. The implemented curriculum is  Compilation of local literature  M & E/Supervisory Report  Log Book/Record Sheet showing
localized to make it more meaningful  Sample Lessons showing its on localized curriculum names of visitors who

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

to the learners and applicable to life utilization  Adjusted localized benchmarked good or best
in the community  Lesson Plans showing the curriculum practices of school’s localized
integration of local literature/use  Sample performance curriculum
of community as laboratory for outputs that could be  Accomplishment Report on the
learning utilized to improve School’s Best Practices in
 ACR on the crafting of localized community life (e.g. solid Localizing the Curriculum
curriculum guidelines duly signed waste management, tree  Any document/s of school’s
by school community planting/ linis bayan activity, initiated project that uses the
 Copies of localized/ etc. initiated by school community as a learning
contextualized IMs/LMs/CGs per laboratory (e.g. school-
Learning Area community livelihood projects)
 List of trainings conducted on  Evidences of improved
localization/contextualization of performance
3. A representative group of school Minutes of meeting or any document  Developed/reproduced/ Any of the following:
and community stakeholders develop as MOV that the content and method procured learning materials  Activity Completion Report or any
the methods and materials for used in teaching were assessed by that could be used to report re: school initiated activity
developing creative thinking & any of the ff. team: reinforce strengths and participated in by the community
problem solving  PTA address weaknesses utilizing the school’s learning
 School Governing Council applicable in the school, resources (human & materials)
(SGC) home and community (e.g. with positive impact to the
 School Planning Team (SPT) individualized learning community
 School M&E Team modules for students, home  Write-up or any document of an
study manuals for parents existing functional/operational
and community learning community-based learning action
centers) cell
4. The learning systems are regularly  Procedure on the conduct of  Minutes of meeting of the M  Result on the regular conduct of
and collaboratively monitored by the Monitoring Evaluation & Plan & E team before the conduct School Monitoring Evaluation and
community using appropriate tools to Adjustment (SMEPA) using the of School Monitoring, Plan Adjustment (SMEPA) signed

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

ensure the holistic growth and AIP checklist Evaluation & Plan by the SDS (SMEA reports)
development of the learners and the  Schedule on the conduct of Adjustment (SMEPA)
community SMEPA
5. Appropriate assessment tools for The assessment tools are reviewed by The assessment tools are School Assessment results are used to
teaching and learning are the school and assessment results are reviewed by the school develop learning programs that are
continuously reviewed and improved, shared with school stakeholders. community and results are suited to community, and customized
and assessment results are shared with community to each learner’s context, results of
contextualized to the learner and Evidence: stakeholders. which are used for collaborative
local situation and the attainment of  Competency based Test materials Evidence: decision-making
relevant life skills. duly checked/ approved by the Evidence:
School Head  ACR on the conduct of
 Any document of a
(e.g. Table of Specifications, activity relative to sharing of
Periodic Test Questions, Test/ assessment results with
community based initiated
Item Analysis, Item Bank, other school’s stakeholders (e.g.
programs and/ or projects (e.g.
test materials, etc.) quarterly RECOGNITION/
Community Learning Centers)
issuance of Pupil/Student
conceptualized to address the
Report Card, issuance of
learning deficits/discrepancies of
NAT and NCAE results to
the learners based from the
school assessment results
6. Learning managers and facilitators  List of Children’s Rights and  Barangay Dev. Plan/  At least 70% of all of the 7
(teachers, administrators and Responsibilities (in Filipino or Municipal Investment Plan domains of the Child Friendly
community members) nurture values vernacular) strategically showing supports to School System (CFSS) tool are
and environments that are protective placed/posted in a very education which are satisfied.
of all children and demonstrate conspicuous place anchored on child/ learner-  ACCESS compliant school plans
behaviors consistent to the  School policies which spell out centered principles of (AIP/SIP)
organization’s Vision, Mission and the rights of children education  School and community record of
Goals.  ACR/ Minutes of Meeting on the  Four As (Activity, Analysis, activities showing concern to
conduct of activity relevant to Abstraction and Application) children
learner-centered, right-based, based lesson plans using/

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

and inclusive principles of integrating Gender and

education /A Child & Development principles in
 Community-Centered Education the key behaviour
Systems (ACCESs) indicator/value aim
7. Methods and resources are learner  Learning Competency Directory  Utilization of LCDs are  Any document of a functional
and community-friendly, enjoyable, (LCD) per subject posted in the shared with the parents for school program to produce
safe, inclusive, accessible and aimed classroom (It is anchored on the them to guide the learning learners who are accountable for
at developing self-directed learners. budget of lesson per subject activities of their children their learning e.g. modular
Learners are equipped with essential which reflects the competencies through Focused Group instruction, peer tutoring and/or
knowledge, skills, and values to covered in every grading period, Discussion (FGD) Youth Peer Education
assume responsibility and date of delivery, topics to be
accountability for their own learning. discussed, activities/ exercises to
be used, book title and page
 Learner’s PORTFOLIO

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

1. Roles and responsibilities of  School has an organized team that Presence of the ff: Presence of the ff:
accountable person/s and defines the roles and  Minutes of meeting/ FGD  School Handbook
collective body/ies are clearly responsibilities of the following:  ACR  Memorandum of Agreement/
defined and agreed upon by - PTA, SGC, School’s Finance  Result of Focused Group Covenant/Contract
community stakeholders Team Discussion (FGD) showing (Duly signed by stakeholders to
Note: All suggested MOVs or - PGO/SGO involvement of signify their accountabilities and
artifacts herein indicated can - SIP Teams stakeholders in clarifying responsibilities in managing and
encompass other components - Grievance Committee and defining their specific supporting education)
and thereby considered as - Other Committees roles and functions
proof of performance  List of roles and responsibilities through a flow chart
achievement for schools.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
- PTA Presence of the ff: - Presence of the ff:
- SGC - Minutes of meeting School Handbook
- SIP Team - Result of Focused MOA (duly signed by
- Grievance Committee - Group Discussion (FGD) stakeholders)
- School Finance Team - Involvement of Other Documents:
- List of Roles & responsibilities stakeholders - School organizational chart
(pictorials) - Profile of teachers &
- PTA bulletin board in

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

- Conflict Management Report
2. Achievement of goals is recognized  System on School Monitoring  System on School  Accomplishment reports/MOA
based on a collaboratively developed Evaluation & Plan Adjustment Monitoring Evaluation & duly signed by stakeholders
performance accountability system; (SMEPA) Plan Adjustment (SMEPA)  Institutionalized recognition
gaps are addressed through appropriate - Structure is established and & incentive system
action. - Procedure regularly conducted - Programs/memos on school-
- Tools/instrument - SMEPA Results both based recognition/awards
quantitative & - List of stakeholder awardees
qualitative (internal & external)
- Feedback from
stakeholders (through
suggestion box, text
brigade, forum/
 State of the School Address (SOSA)  Barangay Officials  Record of School Personnel,
 School Organizational Chart  Alumni Association Learners and Stakeholders
 Performance Accountability  C.I. Team Participation
System  SBM TEAM  School-led organization
 Rewards and incentives system Records or  Meeting
 PTA/SGC Assembly Proofs/evidence- clearly  Attendance
 PTA Initiated Project defined accountability &  Signed Agreement
 School Report Card (SRC) shared governance  Oath of Office
(role/responsibility)  Policy formulation
Additional Supporting documents such  Resolutions/Amendment
 Narrative Report with pictures
3. The accountability system is owned  Any school’s initiated  ACR/accomplishment  Any report of an activity

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

by the community and is continuously accountability assessment Report/Minutes of conducted for the review and
enhanced to ensure that management framework with structure & Meeting duly signed by enhancement of the school
structures and mechanisms are implementing guidelines (as part the stakeholders who initiated assessment system-it’s
responsive to the emerging learning of the school handbook) participated in the crafting processes, TORs of members
needs and demands of the community  Communication letter of the accountability and the tools
 Pictorials assessment framework.  Adjusted assessment system
 Attendance Sheet  Any document showing  Resolution for any adjustments
 Minutes of meetings containing that the system is that will be collaboratively
the suggestions for improvement operational approved by the stakeholders
or the like
 Accountability, records,
transparency, board, F.S.
 SOBA by Brgy. Chairman during
Christmas Gathering or
Graduation Program
 SOSA by the School Head during
Graduation Program
 SRC-School Report Card
 PTA Project proposal
 Brigada Eskwela reports
 ASP-Quarterly Reports
 Monitoring and Evaluation tool for
program & projects
4. Accountability assessment criteria School-Based Accountability School-Based Accountability School-Based Accountability
and tools, feedback mechanisms, and Assessment Framework Assessment Framework Assessment Framework
information collection and validation -Structure -Structure -Structure
techniques and processes are inclusive -Processes -Processes -Processes
and collaboratively developed and -Tools -Tools -Tools

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

agreed upon. With the following documents: With the following With the following documents:
 Invitation letter to documents:  Any document showing the
stakeholders  Quarterly continuous and collaborative
 Minutes in the articulation of accomplished/utilized review and enhancement of
the Accountability Assessment accountability accountability system;
Framework assessment tools (SHs, processes, mechanism and
 School-Based Accountability T’s, Pupils, Parents, tools
Assessment System developed External Stakeholders)

 Or any document
proving the
engagement in the
development and
operation of the
assessment system

A. Documents Showing:
1. Organization of the School
Accountability and Assessment Body
(to monitor and evaluate school
systems and processes on C.I.)

2. Addressing Gaps on Learning

2.1 School Forms
2.2 School-Initiated Programs (C.I)
2.3 School M&E
2.4 Awards System

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

3. Organization of SGC-CI
3.1 SEC registration
3.2 SGC Commitment Form
3.3 CI Action Plan/Implementation
3.4 CI Accomplishment Report
3.5 M&E Tool-CI
3.6 Transparency Board
- Letter of invitation to
stakeholders on the
development and
implementation of M&E and
reporting processes on resource
- Attendance Sheet
- SMEPA structure with TOR
- ACR on the development and
implementation of M&E and
reporting process and resource
- Quarterly/Annually SMEPA
- School Community Stakeholders
implementation report on the
M&E & reporting system for
- Pictorials
- Suggestion Box
- Survey Questionnaire
- Financial statement of

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

generated fund
- Copy of minutes of the meeting

5. Participatory assessment of  Quarterly Report on School  Integrated SMEA results  SMEA served as basis for:
performance is done regularly with the Monitoring Evaluation & to: - Adjusted SIP/AIP
community. Assessment results and Adjustment - SIP/AIP -Adjusted Monitoring &
lessons learned serve a basis for - Technical Assistance Evaluation System
feedback, technical assistance, Plan -Adjusted Technical
recognition and plan adjustment. Assistance Plan
1. Electronic Management
Information System
2. School policies, rules and
regulations, memoranda & orders
3. Student/Pupils Handbook
4. Annual Report
5. Academic & co-curricular
activities reports
6. Transparency Board
7. Programs & Projects (PAPs)
8. DepEd Orders, Memoranda,
Policies and Guidelines
9. Instructional Materials
10. Teachers made LMs/IMs
11. School Property Inventory

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

12. Schools Initiated Program

and Projects
13. National Gardening Program
1. Regular resource inventory is  MOOE – utilization per  Timely submission of  Evidence of pledges of
collaboratively undertaken by cash program liquidation reports support from external
learning managers, learning  Proper liquidation  Invitation to stakeholders:
facilitators, and community submitted monthly trainings/orientation/ - PTA
stakeholders as basis for
 Minutes of the regular planning conference - LGU
resource allocation and
meetings (with by NGO’s, LGU’s and - Barangays
attendance sheet) GA’s - Alumni
attended by:  Copies of plans and - NGO
- School board programs with DepEd - Foundations
- Alumni concerns integrated  ACR for resource
- PTA from NGO’s, LGU’s and generation activities:
- NGO GA’s - Brigada Eskwela
- School Finance  Minutes of the - Other
Committee meetings conducted programs/projects/
 Proposals for activities regularly with activities
and projects prepared, stakeholders to  Updated report on
submitted, and approved generate and sustain disbursement of resources
by donors, funding support for DepEd generated according to
agencies for programs, projects, intended purpose (e.g.
needed/relevant school activities popularity contests,
projects/activities pledges, etc.)
 SOB, WFP  Updated inventory of

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

 -Inventory of Equipment projects completed

 -learning  Completed projects utilized
materials/devices by the school for the
purpose (intended
beneficiaries and more)
2. A regular dialogue for planning  Timely issuance of memo  Proof of support that  Rendering of monthly/bi-
and resource programming, and concerned DepEd amount has been monthly/quarterly/
that is accessible and inclusive, personnel and invitation generated and Semestral/annual
continuously engage to external stakeholders/ deposited in banks consultative conference
stakeholders and support
GA’s for regular with finance/management
implementation of community
conferences team, stakeholders,
education plans.
 Regular posting of funding agencies and
financial donors
statements/financial  Updated status report of
report rendered to resources generated and
stakeholders during the disbursement for the
conference intended purpose
 Journals of  Updated financial
Accomplishment, statement posted on the
Achievements & Initiated transparency board
Projects done  Sustained resource
generation to support the
school SIP implementation
3. In place is a community-developed  Copy of the disbursement  Letter of invitation for
resource management system that voucher of the fund the school head to  SRC showing the significant
drives appropriate behaviours of the allocated for the school attend budgeting and decrease in the number of
stakeholders to ensure judicious, with photocopied cheque planning coming from non-serviceable/repairable

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

appropriate, and effective use of the barangay school facilities

resources. council/municipal  Write-up on school
office/provincial community developed
office/NGOs resource management
 Records of PTA Annual system
Progress Report and  ACR on Bigada Eskwela and
Financial Report other activities supported
 Records of PPA by the barangay /municipal/
supported by the provincial/NGOs etc.
 Records of contributions
and proceeds from
stakeholders/ Deeds of
Donation & Deeds of

4. Regular monitoring, evaluation, and  Letter of invitation to  ACR on the  School Community
reporting processes of resource stakeholders on the development and stakeholders implementation
management are collaboratively development and implementation of report on the M & E and
developed and implemented by the implementation of monitoring, evaluation, reporting system for resource
learning managers, facilitators and monitoring, evaluation, and and reporting processes management
community stakeholders. reporting processes on on resource
resource management management
 With proof of attendance
i.e. certificate of
appearance/travel order,
attendance sheet

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External Quality Form SBM-Form 1

Name of Office:
SGOD-School Management Monitoring &

5. There is a system that manages the  Organized Resource  Delivery Receipts  Any document that would
network and linkages which strengthen Generation Committee  Feasibility study / prove the presence of a
and sustain partnerships for improving with corresponding TORs Project Proposal sustained income
resource management.  Social Mobilization and  Feasibility generating project/activity
networking system study/Project- lead by the stakeholders
 Social Media Proposal  Impact Evaluation
accounts/Email/website (Partnerships)  Innovation re:
 Resolutions/SEF letter of Improving Partnership

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