On The Initial-Boundary Value Problem For The Linearized Boussinesq Equation
On The Initial-Boundary Value Problem For The Linearized Boussinesq Equation
On The Initial-Boundary Value Problem For The Linearized Boussinesq Equation
Boussinesq Equation
This work is concerned with the initial-boundary value problem for the
Boussinesq equation. By employing the unified transform method of Fokas,
novel solution formulae for the linearized “good” Boussinesq equation on the
half-line with various initial and boundary conditions are obtained. Moreover,
these solution formulae are numerically illustrated in the case of concrete
data. Finally, Boussinesq’s original physical derivation of the so-called “bad”
Boussinesq equation is provided.
1. Introduction
DOI: 10.1111/sapm.12055 62
C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company
On the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Linearized Boussinesq Equation 63
that it preserved its initial speed and structure with almost no dissipation for
about two miles, before it got lost in the windings of the canal.
Truly amazed by this phenomenon, which he called the “wave of translation,”
Scott Russell performed further experiments with the help of a wave tank
that he built in his backyard, and was able to create waves that were
consistent with his observations, that is, they were stable and their speed
seemed to be proportional to their height. In 1844, he reported the wave of
translation during the meeting of the British association for the advancement of
science, challenging the scientific community to come up with a mathematical
explanation of the phenomenon. Most of the prominent mathematicians of the
day, including Airy and Stokes, remained skeptical regarding Russell’s remarks
because these were contradicting some earlier works in water wave theory.
A few decades later, however, the French mathematician and physicist
Joseph Boussinesq was the first to provide a mathematical theory in support to
Russell’s observations. Indeed, he derived in Refs. [1, 2] several approximations
to Euler’s equations that admit traveling wave solutions of the type that Russell
had described. Actually, the plethora of choices for the physical variables that
dominate the phenomenon led Boussinesq to a whole set of perturbations of the
linear wave equation which take into account the effects of weak nonlinearity
and dispersion, see discussion in Bona & Smith [4]. In fact, the celebrated KdV
(Korteweg-de Vries) equation was first derived by Boussinesq and appears in
his 700-pages-long essay [3] that presents his theory on water waves. This
essay was published in 1877, nearly two decades before the 1895 work of
Korteweg and de Vries.
A particular case that was considered by Boussinesq in Ref. 1 refers to the
situation where the depth of the channel is small compared to the length of the
wave. Approximating Euler’s equations in this case led him to the equation
u tt − u x x − u x x x x − (u 2 )x x = 0, x ∈ R, t > 0, (1)
which models the propagation of small amplitude, weakly nonlinear, long water
waves, and more importantly, possesses solutions that agree with Russell’s
Indeed, seeking a traveling wave solution of the form u(x, t) = f (ξ ), where
ξ = x − ct and c is the constant speed of propagation of the wave, we arrive at
the ODE
c2 f − f − f − ( f 2 ) = 0.
Integrating this ODE under the assumption that f and its derivatives tend to
zero as |ξ | → ∞ eventually gives
3 2 c 2−1
u(x, t) = (c − 1) sech2 (x − ct) + a , a = const. (2)
2 2
64 A. A. Himonas and D. Mantzavinos
This solution describes a wave that travels at a constant speed c, with amplitude
independent of x and t and positively correlated to c. Hence, (2) is a wave of
translation in accordance with Russell’s description. Such waves are nowadays
known as solitons.
Although with a solid physical interpretation, Equation (1) has a major
defect: it is badly ill-posed. This can be seen immediately by seeking small
amplitude solutions of the form
u(x, t) = εe−ikx+iωt , ε 1, x ∈ R, t > 0, k ∈ R, (3)
which make the nonlinear term of (1) negligible. The dispersion relation for
these solutions is ω2 = k 2 − k 4 . Hence, for |k| > 1 the time frequency of (3) is
imaginary and we get exponential growth at a rate of about ek t . This explains
why Equation (1) is known as the “bad” Boussinesq (BB) equation.
There are several ways to correct the ill-posed behavior of the BB equation.
These include replacing the fourth order x-derivative by a mixed derivative
u x xtt , which changes the dispersion relation to ω2 = k 2 /(1 + k 2 ) so that |ω| is
bounded, or simply flipping the sign of the fourth order term to obtain the
u tt − u x x + u x x x x − (u 2 )x x = 0, x ∈ R, t > 0, (4)
The aforementioned results indicate that the Cauchy problem for the GB
equation has been studied extensively by several researchers. This is not the
case, however, concerning the initial-boundary value problem (ibvp) for this
equation, where significantly less progress has been made. The most recent
result in this direction was obtained by Xue [15], who showed that the GB ibvp
u tt − u x x + u x x x x + (|u| p u)x x = 0, 0 < x < ∞, t > 0, 0 < p < 4, (7a)
e (u t + iωu) t
+ e−ikx−iωt u x x x + iku x x − (1 + k 2 )u x − ik(1 + k 2 )u x
= e−ikx−iωt f, k ∈ C, (10)
. 1
where ω = k 2 + k 4 2 .
2. Integration of the divergence forms. Define the half-line Fourier transform
of u in the spatial variable by
û(k, t) = e−ikx u(x, t)d x, k ∈ C− = {k ∈ C : Im(k) ≤ 0} . (11)
Note that, in contrast to the full line, the half-line Fourier transform (11)
is valid in all of the lower half of the complex spectral plane and not
just for k ∈ R. Then, integrate the divergence forms of Step 1 over the
given physical domain to obtain the so-called global relation, which is
On the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Linearized Boussinesq Equation 67
Note that Step 4 turns the integral representation of Step 3 turns into an
effective solution formula, in the sense that it only involves transforms of the
given data. In this connection, we emphasize that the main novelty of the unified
transform method in the case of linear equations is the exploitation, through
the deformations of Step 3, of the complex k-plane. Without performing
these deformations, the symmetries used in Step 4 for the elimination of the
unknowns from the integral representation could not have been employed.
k k
−i ϕ1
ϕ1 , ϕ2 ∈ [0, 2π ),
we may write ω in the form
ω = k |1 + k 2 | ei(ϕ1 +ϕ2 −π)/2 , (18)
ϕ1 , ϕ2 ∈ [0, 2π ).
Note that, according to the above choice of branch cut, for large |k| we
1 1
ω = k 2 + − 2 + O k −4 . (19)
2 8k
Inserting the particular solutions (15) into Equation (14), we find the
following divergence forms for FLGB:
e (u t − iωu) t + e−ikx+iωt u x x x + iku x x
− (1 + k 2 )u x − ik(1 + k 2 )u = e−ikx+iωt f, k ∈ C, (20)
e−ikx−iωt (u t + iωu) t + e−ikx−iωt u x x x + iku x x
−(1 + k 2 )u x − ik(1 + k 2 )u
=e f, k ∈ C. (21)
2. Integration of the divergence forms. Define the spatial Fourier transform
pair on the half-line by
û(k, t) = e−ikx u(x, t)d x, k ∈ C− {k ∈ C : Im(k) ≤ 0}, (22a)
u(x, t) = eikx û(k, t)dk, 0 < x < ∞. (22b)
2π −∞
Note that, because 0 < x < ∞, the spectral variable k can reside in C−
and not just in R. Taking the Fourier transform of the divergence forms
(20) and (21) yields
e [û t (k, t) − iωû(k, t)] t = eiωt u x x x (0, t) + iku x x (0, t)
− (1 + k 2 )u x (0, t) − ik(1 + k 2 )u(0, t)
+ fˆ(k, t)
e (û t (k, t) + iωû(k, t)] t = e−iωt u x x x (0, t) + iku x x (0, t)
70 A. A. Himonas and D. Mantzavinos
û t (k, t) − iωû(k, t) = e û 1 (k) − iωû 0 (k) + eiω(τ −t) fˆ(k, τ )dτ
+ e−iωt g3+ (ω, t) + ikg2+ (ω, t) − (1 + k 2 )g1+ (ω, t)
− ik(1 + k 2 )g0+ (ω, t) , k ∈ C− , (23a)
û t (k, t) + iωû(k, t) = e iωt
û 1 (k) + iωû 0 (k) + e−iω(τ −t) fˆ(k, τ )dτ
and depend on the spectral variable k only through ω (see Equation (16)).
Subtracting (23a) from (23b) gives the global relation
2iω û(k, t) = eiωt û 1 (k) + iωû 0 (k) − e−iωt û 1 (k) − iωû 0 (k) (25)
t t
−iω(τ −t)
+ e fˆ(k, τ )dτ − eiω(τ −t) fˆ(k, τ )dτ
0 0
The first two terms in the above expression depend only on the given
initial conditions and forcing, while the third term involves all four
boundary values ∂ j u(0, t), j = 0, 1, 2, 3, through the functions g ±j (ω, t).
For a well-posed ibvp, however, only two of these boundary values can
be specified as boundary conditions. Thus, Equation (26) contains two
unknowns that have to be eliminated.
Re (iω)
−Im k 2 = −|k|2 sin(2 arg k), |k| 1. (27)
D2 D1
L2 L1
Figure 4. The solution (48) depicted for (x, t) ∈ [0, 5] × [0, 6].
74 A. A. Himonas and D. Mantzavinos
Figure 5. The solution (42) for the initial data (49) and the boundary data (50), depicted for
(x, t) ∈ [0, 2] × [0, 3] with a = 3, b = 2.
Figure 6. The solution (42) for the initial data (49) and the boundary data (50), depicted for
(x, t) ∈ [0, 2] × [0, 3] with a = 2.5, b = 4.
On the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Linearized Boussinesq Equation 75
Figure 7. The solution (47) for zero initial data and the boundary data (51), depicted for
(x, t) ∈ [0, 2] × [0, 3] and b = 5.
1 eikx+iωt
+ g3 (ω, t) + ikg2− (ω, t) − (1 + k 2 )g1− (ω, t)
2π ∂ D2 2iω
− ik(1 + k 2 )g0− (ω, t) dk. (28)
k → ν ⇒ ω → −ω, (30b)
k → −ν ⇒ ω → −ω. (30c)
Applying these transformations to the global relation (25) gives rise to the
following equations:
76 A. A. Himonas and D. Mantzavinos
Figure 8. The solution (47) for zero initial data and the boundary data (51), depicted for
(x, t) ∈ [0, 2] × [0, 3] and b = 10.
z = h(x, t)
2iω û(−k, t) = eiωt û 1 (−k) + iωû 0 (−k) − e−iωt û 1 (−k) − iωû 0 (−k)
t t
−iω(τ −t) ˆ
+ e f (−k, τ )dτ − eiω(τ −t) fˆ(−k, τ )dτ
0 0
−e −iωt
g3+ (ω, t) − ikg2+ (ω, t) − (1 + k 2 )g1+ (ω, t)
On the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Linearized Boussinesq Equation 77
+ ik(1 + k 2 )g0+ (ω, t)
− 2iω û(ν, t) = e−iωt û 1 (ν) − iωû 0 (ν) − eiωt û 1 (ν) + iωû 0 (ν)
t t
+ eiω(τ −t) fˆ(ν, τ )dτ − e−iω(τ −t) fˆ(ν, τ )dτ
0 0
− 2iω û(−ν, t) = e−iωt û 1 (−ν) − iωû 0 (−ν) − eiωt û 1 (−ν) + iωû 0 (−ν)
t t
iω(τ −t) ˆ
+ e f (−ν, τ )dτ − e−iω(τ −t) fˆ(−ν, τ )dτ
0 0
Note the adjustment of the domain of validity of the global relation in each
one of the above cases, according to the transformation applied.
The three relations (31a)–(31c) can be employed for the elimination of
the unknowns from the integral representation (28). Next, we illustrate this
procedure by considering two ibvps that appear often in the literature.
78 A. A. Himonas and D. Mantzavinos
for some given functions h 0 and h 1 . Then, the functions g0± , g1± can be
computed through Equation (24), while the functions g2± , g3± are unknown.
However, for k ∈ D2 we can use Equations (31a) and (31b) to characterize
g2− and g3− in terms of given functions. Indeed, these two equations can be
combined into the 2 × 2 linear system
⎛ iωt ⎞ ⎛ iωt ⎞
⎛ ⎞ e g− ⎛ ⎞ e −
−1 ik ⎜2iω 3 ⎟ − 1 + k 2 ik 1 + k 2 ⎜2iω g1 ⎟
⎝ ⎠⎜
⎟ ⎝
⎟= ⎠⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎜⎝
−1 −iν e iωt
− 1 + ν 2
−iν 1 + ν 2 e iωt
g2− g0−
2iω 2iω
+ N (k, t) + U (k, t), (33)
⎛ ⎞
eiωt e−iωt
⎜ 2iω 1[û (−k) + iω û 0 (−k)] − [û 1 (−k) − iω û 0 (−k)] ⎟
⎜ 2iω ⎟
N0 (k, t) = ⎜ ⎟, (35a)
⎝ eiωt e−iωt ⎠
[û 1 (ν) + iωû 0 (ν)] − [û 1 (ν) − iωû 0 (ν)]
2iω 2iω
⎛ ⎞
eiωt t −iωτ e−iωt t
⎜ 2iω e fˆ(−k, τ )dτ − e iωτ
f (−k, τ )dτ ⎟
⎜ 0 2iω 0 ⎟
N f (k, t) = ⎜
⎜ iωt t
⎟ , (35b)
⎝e t ⎠
e−iωτ fˆ(ν, τ )dτ − e f (ν, τ )dτ
iωτ ˆ
2iω 0 2iω 0
⎛ ⎞
e−iωt + +
⎜ 2iω 1 + k g1 − ikg0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
N g (k, t) = ⎜ ⎟, (35c)
⎝ e−iωt ⎠
1 + ν 2 g1+ + iνg0+
On the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Linearized Boussinesq Equation 79
which arises after substituting for g3− in Equation (28) via Equation (33). First,
note that k + ν = 0 for k ∈ D2 . Moreover, by the definitions (22a) and (24) we
see that the integrand of (37) involves the exponentials eik(x+ξ ) , eikx−iω(t−τ ) and
eikx e−iνξ . Because x + ξ ≥ 0, the first exponential is analytic and bounded for
all k ∈ C+ . Regarding the second exponential, because t − τ > 0 and finite,
it is bounded for all finite k ∈ C+ , while as |k| → ∞ we need Re(iω) ≥ 0.
Thus, the second exponential is analytic and bounded in D2 . Finally, it follows
from (18) that the third exponential is also analytic and bounded for k ∈ D2 .
Hence, because ω = 0 in D2 we conclude by Cauchy’s theorem and Jordan’s
lemma that the integral (37) vanishes. Similarly, the integral that arises from
substituting for g2− in Equation (28) via Equation (33) also vanishes.
Consequently, we can write system (33) in the form
⎛ iωt ⎞ ⎛ iωt ⎞
⎛ ⎞ e g− ⎛ ⎞ e g−
−1 ik ⎜2iω 3 ⎟ − 1 + k ik 1 + k
2 2
⎜ 2iω 1 ⎟
⎝ ⎠⎜
⎟ ⎝
⎟ + N (k, t), (38)
⎝ ⎠ ⎝
−1 −iν eiωt − − 1 + ν 2 −iν 1 + ν 2 eiωt −⎠
g g
2iω 2 2iω 0
where the use of “
” denotes that the functions which yield zero contributions
in the integral representation (28) have been omitted from the right-hand side
of (33). Actually, some of the terms involved in the known vector N (k, t) also
yield zero contributions.
Solving system (38), we obtain
− i ν − k g1− − iωg0−
80 A. A. Himonas and D. Mantzavinos
+ − û 1 (−k) + iωû 0 (−k) + û 1 (ν) + iωû 0 (ν)
t t
−iωτ ˆ −iωτ ˆ
− e f (−k, τ )dτ + e f (ν, τ )dτ , k ∈ D2 , (39a)
0 0
(1 + iω)g1− − ω (ν − k) g0−
− ν û 1 (−k) + iωû 0 (−k) + k û 1 (ν) + iωû 0 (ν)
t t
−iωτ ˆ −iωτ ˆ
+ν e f (−k, τ )dτ + k e f (ν, τ )dτ , k ∈ D2 .
0 0
The unknowns g2+ and g3+ which are involved in the integral along ∂ D1 of
Equation (28) can be eliminated similarly to the functions g2− and g3− , combining
this time Equations (31a) and (31c) for k ∈ D1 . Analogous computations yield
i(ν + k)g1+
+iωg0+ + û 1 (−ν) − iωû 0 (−ν) − û 1 (−k) − iωû 0 (−k)
t t
+ e f (−ν, τ )dτ − eiωτ fˆ(−k, τ )dτ ,
iωτ ˆ
0 0
k ∈ D1 , (40a)
(1 − iω)g1+ − ω(ν + k)g0+ + ν û 1 (−k) − iωû 0 (−k) − k û 1 (−ν)
−iωû 0 (−ν) +ν eiωτ fˆ(−k, τ )dτ −k eiωτ fˆ(−ν, τ )dτ ,
0 0
k ∈ D1 . (40b)
Overall, employing expressions (39a), (39b), (40a), and (40b) in the integral
representation (28), we obtain
∞ ikx
1 e
u(x, t) = eiωt û 1 (k) + iωû 0 (k) − e−iωt û 1 (k) − iωû 0 (k) dk
2π −∞ 2iω
1 eikx+iωt k − ν
+ û 1 (−k) + iωû 0 (−k)
2π ∂ D2 2iω k+ν
On the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Linearized Boussinesq Equation 81
− û 1 (ν) + iωû 0 (ν) dk
1 eikx−iωt k + ν
− û 1 (−k) − iωû 0 (−k)
2π ∂ D1 2iω k−ν
− û 1 (−ν) − iωû 0 (−ν) dk
∞ t t
1 eikx −iωτ ˆ −iωt
+ e iωt
e f (k, τ )dτ − e e f (k, τ )dτ dk
iωτ ˆ
2π −∞ 2iω 0 0
1 eikx+iωt k−ν t
+ e−iωτ fˆ(−k, τ )dτ
2π ∂ D2 2iω k+ν 0
2k −iωτ ˆ
− e f (ν, τ )dτ dk
k+ν 0
1 eikx−iωt k + ν t iωτ ˆ
− e f (−k, τ )dτ
2π ∂ D1 2iω k−ν 0
− e f (−ν, τ )dτ dk
iωτ ˆ
k−ν 0
1 eikx+iωt
+ (iω − k 2 )g1− (ω, t) + ω(k − ν)g0− (ω, t) dk
2π ∂ D2 iω
1 e
+ (iω + k 2 )g1+ (ω, t) + ω(k + ν)g0+ (ω, t) dk. (41)
2π ∂ D1 iω
Because all the terms on the right-hand side depend on the given initial and
boundary data and the known forcing, expression (41) is an explicit solution
formula for the canonical problem of the FLGB on the half-line.
The solution formula (41) can be further simplified after observing that the
sign of the function (1 + k 2 ) 2 changes from negative, on the part of ∂ D2 that
lies on the left of the branch cut, to positive, on the part of ∂ D1 that lies on the
right of the branch cut.
Indeed, recalling the definition (17) we have that ϕ1 = π , ϕ2 = 2π as k
approaches the cut along ∂ D2 so that
1 + k 2 2 = |1 + k 2 | ei(π+2π−π)/2 = − |1 + k 2 |,
while ϕ1 = π , ϕ2 = 0 as k approaches the cut along ∂ D1 so that
1 + k 2 2 = |1 + k 2 | ei(π+0−π)/2 = |1 + k 2 |.
Consequently, both ν and ω change sign across the branch cut. Hence, the
integrals in (41) over the parts of the contours ∂ D2 and ∂ D1 that lie on the left
82 A. A. Himonas and D. Mantzavinos
and on the right of the branch cut, respectively, cancel and we arrive at the
following proposition.
PROPOSITION 1 (Solution to the canonical problem). The solution of the
FLGB Equation (8) posed on the half-line with the initial conditions (12b)
and the boundary conditions (32) is given by formula (41). Furthermore, this
formula may be written in the simplified form
∞ ikx
1 e
u(x, t) = eiωt û 1 (k) + iωû 0 (k) − e−iωt û 1 (k) − iωû 0 (k) dk
2π −∞ 2iω
1 eikx+iωt k − ν
+ û 1 (−k) + iωû 0 (−k)
2π L 2 2iω k+ν
− û 1 (ν) + iωû 0 (ν) dk
1 eikx−iωt k + ν
− û 1 (−k) − iωû 0 (−k)
2π L 1 2iω k−ν
− û 1 (−ν) − iωû 0 (−ν) dk
∞ ikx t
1 e
+ e iωt
e−iωτ fˆ(k, τ )dτ
2π −∞ 2iω 0
−e e f (k, τ )dτ dk
iωτ ˆ
1 e ikx+iωt
k−ν t
+ e−iωτ fˆ(−k, τ )dτ
2π L2 2iω k+ν 0
2k −iωτ ˆ
− e f (ν, τ )dτ dk
k+ν 0
1 eikx−iωt k + ν t iωτ ˆ
− e f (−k, τ )dτ
2π L1 2iω k−ν 0
− eiωτ fˆ(−ν, τ )dτ dk
k−ν 0
1 eikx+iωt
+ (iω − k 2 )g1− (ω, t) + ω(k − ν)g0− (ω, t) dk
2π L2 iω
1 eikx−iωt
+ (iω + k 2 )g1+ (ω, t) + ω(k + ν)g0+ (ω, t) dk, (42)
2π L1 iω
where the contours L 1 , L 2 are shown in Figure 3, the quantity ν is defined by
Equation (29), the functions û 0 , û 1 , fˆ are the Fourier transforms as defined
On the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Linearized Boussinesq Equation 83
by (22a) of the initial conditions u 0 , u 1 and of the forcing f , and the functions
g1± , g0± are defined by Equations (24).
and i −
− g2 + iωg0−
+ û 1 (−k) + iωû 0 (−k) − û 1 (ν) + iωû 0 (ν)
1 + 2k 2
t t
+ e iωτ ˆ
f (ν, τ )dτ − e f (−k, τ )dτ , k ∈ D2 , (45a)
iωτ ˆ
0 0
(1 + iω) g2− − ω2 g0−
84 A. A. Himonas and D. Mantzavinos
+ (1 + ν 2
) û 1 (−k) + iω û 0 (−k) − (1 + k 2
) û 1 (ν) + iω û 0 (ν)
1 + 2k 2
+ (1 + ν ) 2
e−iωτ fˆ(−k, τ )dτ
−(1 + k ) 2
e ˆf (ν, τ )dτ , k ∈ D2 . (45b)
Inserting these expressions in the integral representation (28) gives the analogue
of the solution formula (41), which again can be simplified to the analogue of
formula (42). In the particular case of zero initial conditions and zero forcing,
the expressions for g1± , g3± derived above become
i +
− g2 − iωg0+ , k ∈ D1 , (46a)
− (1 − iω) g2+ + ω2 g0+ , k ∈ D1 , (46b)
i −
g2 + iωg0− , k ∈ D2 , (46c)
(1 + iω) g2− + ω2 g0− , k ∈ D2 , (46d)
and the solution is given by
1 eikx+iωt
u(x, t) = 1
g2 (ω, t) − (1 + k 2 )g0− (ω, t) dk
2π L 2 (1 + k 2 ) 2
1 eikx−iωt
− 1
g2 (ω, t) − (1 + k 2 )g0+ (ω, t) dk. (47)
2π L 1 (1 + k 2 ) 2
3. Numerical Evaluations
u(x, t) = eikx+iωt (k − ν)g0− (ω, t)dk
2iπ L2
+ eikx−iωt (k + ν)g0+ (ω, t)dk (48)
2iπ L1
u(0, t) = te− 2 ,
u x (0, t) = sin bt, b ∈ R. (50)
Then, we have
1 2
û 0 (k) = , û 1 (k) =
(ik + a 2 )2 (ik + a 2 )3
and also
1 1
g0± (ω, t)= 2 ±iω − t −1 e (±iω− 12 )t
+1 ,
±iω − 12 2
± b ±iωt iω ±iωt
g1 (ω, t) = 2 1−e cos bt ± e sin bt .
b − ω2 b
The solution formula (42) in the case of conditions (49) and (50) is depicted in
Figures 5 and 6 below for different values of a and b.
Example 3. Suppose that u 0 (x) = u 1 (x) = 0 and
u(0, t) = te− 2 ,
u x x (0, t) = sin bt, b ∈ R. (51)
Then, we have
1 1
g0± (ω, t) = 2 ±iω − t −1 e ( ±iω− 21 )t
+1 ,
±iω − 12 2
86 A. A. Himonas and D. Mantzavinos
b iω ±iωt
g2± (ω, t) = 2 1−e ±iωt
cos bt ± e sin bt .
b − ω2 b
The solution (47) for b = 5 and b = 10 is depicted Figures 7 and 8.
This work was partially supported by a grant from the Simons Foundation
(#246116 to Alex Himonas) and an AMS-Simons Travel Grant to Dionyssios
Mantzavinos. The authors would like to thank the referees of the paper for
constructive comments that led to its improvement.
Appendix A
Verification of the Solution
The same is true for all the terms of (41) that depend on t and are integrated
along the contours ∂ D1 and ∂ D2 , that is, we can replace the upper limit of the
On the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Linearized Boussinesq Equation 87
The FLGB equation. Observe that, with the exception of the forcing
terms that are integrated along R, the only dependence in x and t in the
solution formula (54) is due to the exponential terms. These exponentials,
however, are particular solutions of the FLGB, and hence, the corresponding
88 A. A. Himonas and D. Mantzavinos
Note that, by the definition of D1 and D2 , the exponentials eikx , e−iνx , and eiνx
are analytic and bounded for k in C+ , D2 , and D1 , respectively. It then follows
from Cauchy’s theorem and Jordan’s lemma that the second and the third term
of Equation (57) vanish, that is,
1 eikx
u(x, 0) = û 1 (k) + iωû 0 (k) − û 1 (k) − iωû 0 (k) dk
2π −∞ 2iω
= u 0 (x) (58)
by the Fourier transform inversion. Thus, the initial condition u(x, 0) = u 0 (x)
has been verified. The initial condition u t (x, 0) = u 1 (x) can be checked
The boundary conditions. Evaluating expression (41) at x = 0 gives
1 1 iωt
u(0, t) = e û 1 (k) + iωû 0 (k) − e−iωt û 1 (k) − iωû 0 (k) dk
2π −∞ 2iω
1 eiωt k − ν
+ û 1 (−k) + iωû 0 (−k)
2π ∂ D2 2iω k + ν
On the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Linearized Boussinesq Equation 89
− û 1 (ν) + iωû 0 (ν) dk
1 e−iωt k + ν
− û 1 (−k) − iωû 0 (−k)
2π ∂ D1 2iω k−ν
− û 1 (−ν) − iωû 0 (−ν) dk
∞ t t
1 1 −iωτ ˆ −iωt
+ e iωt
e f (k, τ )dτ − e e f (k, τ )dτ dk
iωτ ˆ
2π −∞ 2iω 0 0
1 eiωt k − ν t −iωτ ˆ
+ e f (−k, τ )dτ
2π ∂ D2 2iω k + ν 0
− e−iωτ fˆ(ν, τ )dτ dk
k+ν 0
1 e−iωt k + ν t iωτ ˆ
− e f (−k, τ )dτ
2π ∂ D1 2iω k−ν 0
− e iωτ ˆ
f (−ν, τ )dτ dk
k−ν 0
1 eiωt
+ (iω − k 2 )g1− (ω, t) + ω(k − ν)g0− (ω, t) dk
2π ∂ D2 iω
1 e−iωt
+ (iω + k 2 )g1+ (ω, t) + ω(k + ν)g0+ (ω, t) dk. (59)
2π ∂ D1 iω
Let k → −k in the first and fourth term, and then deform the contours of
integration from the real line to either ∂ D2 or ∂ D1 to get
1 eiωt
u(0, t) = û 1 (−k) + iωû 0 (−k) dk
2π ∂ D2 2iω
1 e−iωt
− û 1 (−k) − iωû 0 (−k) dk
2π ∂ D1 2iω
1 eiωt k − ν
+ û 1 (−k) + iωû 0 (−k)
2π ∂ D2 2iω k + ν
− û 1 (ν) + iωû 0 (ν) dk
1 e−iωt k + ν
− û 1 (−k) − iωû 0 (−k)
2π ∂ D1 2iω k − ν
90 A. A. Himonas and D. Mantzavinos
− û 1 (−ν) − iωû 0 (−ν) dk
1 eiωt
+ e−iωτ fˆ(−k, τ )dτ dk
2π ∂ D2 2iω 0
1 e−iωt t iωτ ˆ
− e f (−k, τ )dτ dk
2π ∂ D1 2iω 0
1 eiωt k − ν t −iωτ ˆ
+ e f (−k, τ )dτ
2π ∂ D2 2iω k + ν 0
2k −iωτ ˆ
− e f (ν, τ )dτ dk
k+ν 0
1 e−iωt k + ν t iωτ ˆ
− e f (−k, τ )dτ
2π ∂ D1 2iω k − ν 0
− e iωτ ˆ
f (−ν, τ )dτ dk
k−ν 0
1 eiωt
+ (iω − k 2 )g1− (ω, t) + ω(k − ν)g0− (ω, t) dk
2π ∂ D2 iω
1 e−iωt
+ (iω + k 2 )g1+ (ω, t) + ω(k + ν)g0+ (ω, t) dk. (60)
2π ∂ D1 iω
Consider now the second part of the third term above, namely the integral
e−iωt 2k
û 1 (−ν) − iωû 0 (−ν) dk. (61)
∂ D1 2iω k − ν
The change of variables k = −i(1 + l 2 ) 2 implies that ω(k) = −ω(l) and
ν(k) = ν(l). Moreover, ∂ D1 is mapped to ∂ D2 and kdk = −ldl, hence
eiωt 2l
(61) = − û 1 (−l) + iωû 0 (−l) dl. (62)
∂ D2 2iω l + ν
Adding (62) to the first part of the second term of (60), we obtain the integral
1 eiωt
− û 1 (−k) + iωû 0 (−k) dk, (63)
2π ∂ D2 2iω
which cancels with the first integral of (60). Similar computations establish the
cancelation of the remaining terms that involve initial conditions or forcing.
Thus, Equation (60) becomes
1 eiωt
u(0, t) = (iω − k 2 )g1− (ω, t) + ω(k − ν)g0− (ω, t) dk (64a)
2π ∂ D2 iω
On the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Linearized Boussinesq Equation 91
1 e−iωt
− (iω + k 2 )g1+ (ω, t) + ω(k + ν)g0+ (ω, t) dk. (64b)
2π ∂ D1 iω
What is more, the change of variables k = i(1 + l 2 ) 2 implies that
ω(k) = −ω(l) and ν(k) = −ν(l) and maps the contour ∂ D2 to the contour
∂ D1 , that is,
e−iωt ldl
(64a) = (−iω + 1 + l 2 )g1+ (ω, t) − ω(l + ν)g0+ (ω, t) 1
∂ D1 iω i(1 + l 2 ) 2
= − (l 2 + iω)g1+ (ω, t) + (il 3 − lω)g0+ (ω, t) dl. (65)
∂ D1 iω
1 e−iωt
u(0, t) = − (l 2 + iω)g1+ (ω, t) + (il 3 − lω)g0+ (ω, t) dl
2π ∂ D1 iω
1 e−iωt
+ (iω + k 2 )g1+ (ω, t) + ω(k + ν)g0+ (ω, t) dk
2π ∂ D1 iω
1 e−iωt
= ik(1 + 2k 2 )g0+ (ω, t)dk. (66)
2π ∂ D1 iω
1 1
Finally, letting l = k(1 + k 2 ) 2 ω, which implies that (1 + k 2 ) 2 dl =
(1 + 2k 2 )dk, we have
ik(1 + 2k 2 )g0+ (ω, t)dk = e−ilt g0+ (l, t)dl, (67)
∂ D1 iω R
which, recalling the definition (24) of g0+ , the boundary condition (32) and the
inverse Fourier transform formula, implies
u(0, t) = e−ilt g0+ (l, t)dl
2π R
1 −ilt
= e eilτ h 0 (τ )dτ dl = h 0 (t). (68)
2π R 0
Thus, the Dirichlet boundary condition u(0, t) = h 0 (t) has been checked. The
verification of the boundary condition u x (0, t) = h 1 (t) is similar.
92 A. A. Himonas and D. Mantzavinos
Appendix B
The Derivation of Boussinesq
u = (u, v, w)
∇ · u = 0. (72)
∂2 ∂2
= + (87)
∂ x 2 ∂ y2
is the Laplacian in the (x, y) coordinates.
Because the soliton’s velocity components u and v do not vary much with z,
we may assume at a first approximation that
u(x, y, z, t)
u(x, y, 0, t) u 0 (x, y, t), (88a)
v(x, y, z, t)
v(x, y, 0, t) v0 (x, y, t), (88b)
where u 0 and v0 are the relevant velocity components at the bottom of the
channel. Equivalently,
∂φ ∂φ0
(x, y, z, t)
(x, y, t), (89a)
∂x ∂x
∂φ ∂φ0
(x, y, z, t)
(x, y, t). (89b)
∂y ∂y
Then, Equation (86) yields
z z
φ(x, y, t)
φ0 (x, y, t) −
φ0 (x, y, t)dζ dz
0 0
= φ0 −
φ0 (x, y, t) . (90)
Inserting this approximation back in Equation (86) gives an improved
approximation. By repeating this iterative approximations scheme, we obtain
On the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Linearized Boussinesq Equation 95
∂u 0 (H + h)3 ∂ 3 u 0
− (H + h) + + ...
∂x 3! ∂x3
∂h ∂h (H + h)2 ∂ 2 u 0
= + u0 − + ... , (102b)
∂t ∂x 2! ∂x2
where we have used the series representations
(H + h)2 ∂ 2 u 0
u = u0 − + ...
2! ∂x2
∂u 0 (H + h)3 ∂ 3 u 0
w = −(H + h) + + .... (103)
∂x 3! ∂x3
The first approximation. Recall that h is small relatively to H . This implies
that u 0 , which is the velocity in the x-direction at the bottom of the channel,
is also small and the relevant derivatives will be even smaller. As a first
approximation, we neglect the terms of (102a) that are small compared to u 0 and
also the terms of (102b) that are small compared to ∂u 0 /∂ x to get the system
∂u 0
gh − dx = 0 (104a)
x ∂t
∂u 0 1 ∂h
=− . (104b)
∂x H ∂t
Differentiating the first equation twice with respect to x, the second once
with respect to t and adding the resulting expressions gives d’Alembert’s wave
On the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Linearized Boussinesq Equation 97
∂ 2h ∂ 2h
= g H . (105)
∂t 2 ∂x2
The solution of this equation is
h(x, t) = f 1 (x − t g H ) + f 2 (x + t g H ). (106)
Hence, Equation (104b) becomes
∂u 0 g
= f 1 (x − t g H ) − f 2 (x + t g H ) (107)
∂x H
and integrating, we find
u 0 (x, t) = f 1 (x − t g H ) − f 2 (x + t g H ) + F(t), (108)
where F is an arbitrary function of time. √ According to Equation (104a),
however, F (t) = 0 implying that F(t) = g/H c. Thus,
! c" ! c "
u 0 (x, t) = f 1 (x − t g H ) + − f 2 (x + t g H ) − . (109)
H 2 2
Moreover, by writing the expression (106) for h in the form
! c" ! c"
h(x, t) = f 1 (x − t g H ) + + f 2 (x + t g H ) − , (110)
2 2
and letting f 1 → f 1 + c/2 and f 2 → f 2 − c/2, we find
h(x, t) = f 1 (x − t g H ) + f 2 (x + t g H ) (111)
u0 = f 1 (x − t g H ) − f 2 (x + t g H ) . (112)
Further, because we are studying waves that propagate in the positive direction,
we impose the conditions u 0 (x, 0) = h(x, 0) = 0 for all x > 0. Then, Equations
(111) and (112) yield the relations
f 1 (x) = − f 2 (x), f 1 (x) = f 2 (x) ∀x > 0 (113)
and hence,
f 1 (x) = f 2 (x) = 0 ∀x > 0. (114)
Therefore, Equations (111) and (112) become
h(x, t) = f 1 (x − t g H ) (115)
98 A. A. Himonas and D. Mantzavinos
g g
u0 = f 1 (x − t g H ) = h, (116)
implying that, in the first approximation,
√ the free surface performs a translation
in the x-direction at a speed g H .
The second approximation. Returning to Equations 102, at the level of the
second approximation we have the system
∂u 0 H 2 ∂ 2 u 0 u2
gh − dx − + 0 =0 (117a)
x ∂t 2! ∂t∂ x 2
∂u 0 H 3 ∂ 3u0 ∂h ∂h
− (H + h) + = + u0 . (117b)
∂x 3! ∂ x 3 ∂t ∂x
The new terms involved in this system are smaller than the ones that were
present in system (104), thus they can be handled by employing the expressions
(115) and (116) for h and u 0 that were obtained in the first approximation.
Then, we have the system
∂u 0 g H 2 ∂ 2 h g 2
gh − dx + + h =0 (118a)
x ∂t 2! ∂ x 2 2H
∂u 0 g ∂h H3 g g ∂ 3h ∂h g ∂h
−H − h + = + h (118b)
∂x H ∂x 3! H H ∂x 3 ∂t H ∂x
which can be rearranged to
∞ 2
∂u 0 g h2 2∂ h
d x = gh + +H (119a)
x ∂t 2 H ∂x2
∂h ∂u 0 ∂ h2 H 2 ∂ 2h
= −H − gH − . (119b)
∂t ∂x ∂x H 6 ∂x2
Next, we differentiate the second equation with respect to t; note that √ the
bracket on the right-hand side can be treated as a function of (x − g H t)
according to the first approximation and hence, its derivative √ with respect to t
is equal to its derivative with respect to x multiplied by − g H . Also, we
differentiate the first equation twice with respect to x. Overall, we find
∂ 2u0 ∂ 2h g ∂ 2 h2 2∂ h
− =g 2+ +H (120a)
∂t∂ x ∂x 2 ∂x2 H ∂x2
1 ∂ 2h ∂ 2u0 ∂ 2 h2 H 2 ∂ 2h
=− +g 2 − . (120b)
H ∂t 2 ∂t∂ x ∂x H 6 ∂x2
On the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Linearized Boussinesq Equation 99
Adding these two equations gives the “bad” Boussinesq equation in the form
∂ 2h ∂ 2 h 3g ∂ 2 h 2 g H 3 ∂ 4h
= g H + + . (121)
∂t 2 ∂x2 2 ∂x2 3 ∂x4
Rescaling. Letting
2 3 3g
h = H q, s= x, τ= t (122)
3 H H
so that
∂ 3 ∂ ∂ 3g ∂
= , = , (123)
∂x H ∂s ∂t H ∂τ
Equation (121) assumes the form
∂ 2q ∂ 2q ∂ 2 (q 2 ) ∂ 4 q
= + + 4, (124)
∂τ 2 ∂s 2 ∂s 2 ∂s
which is Equation (1).
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