Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction
Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction
Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction
Petroleum and
Natural Gas
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
Oil Refinery- converts crude oil into high-octane motor fuel (gasoline/petrol), diesel oil,
liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), jet aircraft fuel, kerosene, heating fuel oils, lubricating oils,
asphalt and petroleum coke etc.
Flared Gas- at oil production rigs and in refineries is gas burnt at the site. Its primary
purpose is to act as a safety device to protect vessels or pipes from over-pressuring or due
to insufficient capacity in the domestic market to absorb such gas, and there are few
opportunities for its safe re-injection into reservoirs.
Petroleum Products- are any oil based products which can be obtained by distillation and
are normally used outside the refining industry. The exceptions to this are those finished
products which are classified as refinery feedstocks.
Refinery feedstock- is product or a combination of products derived from crude oil and
destined for further processing other than blending in the refining industry. It is
transformed into one or more components and/or finished products.
% Gas flared- Gas flared as percentage of total output of gas, excluding re-injected gas.
Offshore landfall point - Landfall point in 'Oil and Gas' lingo means the point at which the
offshore oil/gas touches the onshore terminal. It is basically entry to the onshore.
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
Reserve Capacity
7.2 The reserve capacity for crude oil extraction increased from 741 million tones in 2003
to 770 million tones in 2009 showing a CAGR of 0.64% per annum. The reserve capacity for
natural gas extraction increased from 751 billion cubic metre(BCM) in 2003 to 1090 BCM in
2009 showing a CAGR of 6.41% per annum. Future scope of natural gas as fuel seems to be
bright at present.
Refinery Capacity
7.5 Number of retail outlets has shown a significant increase at a CAGR of 10.43%, during 2003
to 2009. Oil tanker fleet increased from 203 in 2003 to 272 in 2009. Length of onshore
pipelines of crude, gas, product pipelines increased at a CAGR of 4.12%, 6.6% and 8.03%
respectively during the period 2003 to 2009. Length of offshore pipelines of crude, gas, product
pipelines increased at a CAGR of 3.82%, 4.56% and 2.21% respectively during the same period.
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
7.6 Number of persons employed in exploration and production decreased from 48 thousand to
33.6 thousand during 2003 to 2009 which may be due to change in technology. However
number of persons employed in refining , marketing and pipelines is showing a positive trend.
7.7 Gas flared during extraction is also going down over the years which may be due to
improvement in gas pipelines and refinery
Fiscal Cost
Capacity Utilisation
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
7.10 Capacity utilization of public sector refineries increased from 93.6% to 106.4% during 2003
to 2009, private sector refineries are also functioning at near full capacity, indicating a need for
further augmentation of new refinery capacity.
7.11 Weighted average of crude oil price (basic price) increased from `10607/MT to `29796/
MT during 2005 to 2009. Similarly consumer price of Natural Gas increased from `2850 per
thousand cubic metre to `3200 per thousand cubic metre during the same period.
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
Table 7A.1 : Statewise Reserves of Crude Oil and Natural Gas in India
as on 31st March
States 2008 2009 % Change
Crude Oil Natural Gas Crude Oil Natural Gas Crude Oil Natural Gas
(In Million (In Billion (In Million (In Billion (In Million (In Billion
Tonnes) Cubic Tonnes) Cubic Tonnes) Cubic Metres)
Metres) Metres)
Andhra Pradesh 4.37 40.33 4.21 39.59 -3.7 -1.8
Arunachal - - 3.646 1.12 - -
Assam 173.12 112.34 167.324 97.71 -3.3 -13.0
CBM - - 0 39.81 - -
Eastern Offshore 24.66 442.83 22.497 425.42 -8.8 -3.9
Gujarat 135.37 73.75 134.965 77.22 -0.3 4.7
Nagaland - - 2.69 0.12 - -
Rajasthan - - 84.68 12.71 - -
Tamil Nadu 7.98 27.77 7.97 26.95 -0.1 -3.0
Tripura - - 0.08 32.50 - -
Western 424.62 392.95 345.275 362.14 -18.7 -7.8
Total 770.12 1089.97 773.34 1115.26 0.4 2.3
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
A Coastal Trade
1 Product Carriers
NO. of Tankers 10 12 12 12 11 9 10 12 14
DWT ('000' tonnes) 83.2 90.1 61 61 54.9 40.5 42.6 44.7 66.7
2 Crude Oil Carriers
NO. of Tankers 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
DWT ('000' tonnes) 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2
3 Offshore Supply Vessels
NO. of Tankers 69 70 73 76 80 83 89 96 100
DWT ('000' tonnes) 85.4 85.6 95.8 9901 99.7 100.2 105.8 118.4 122.6
4 Specialised vessels
for offshore
NO. of Tankers 27 28 31 32 32 35 35 36 36
DWT ('000' tonnes) 59.2 59.2 53.2 54.1 54.1 47.4 47.4 47.4 49.3
Total Coastal Trade
NO. of Tankers 108 112 118 122 125 129 136 146 152
DWT ('000' tonnes) 310 317.1 292.2 10098 290.9 270.3 278 292.7 320.8
B Overseas Trade
5 Ore Oil bulk
NO. of Tankers 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
DWT ('000' tonnes) 355.1 231.6 169.3 169.3 169.3 169.3 169.3 169.3 169.3
6 Crude Oil Carriers
NO. of Tankers 34 34 36 46 49 47 54 53 54
DWT ('000' tonnes) 3455.7 3474.3 3592.1 4744.4 5735.4 5379.9 5730.9 5273.8 5264.1
7 Product Carriers
NO. of Tankers 45 45 40 45 47 52 47 48 50
DWT ('000' tonnes) 1656.5 1642.3 1493 1998 2471.9 2985.5 2684.8 2940.3 3302.9
8 L.P.G Carriers
NO. of Tankers 6 6 7 8 11 14 15 16 14
DWT ('000' tonnes) 138.1 138.1 162.6 183.2 250.7 341.9 385.5 442.3 395.8
Total Overseas
NO. of Tankers 89 88 85 101 109 115 118 119 120
DWT ('000' tonnes) 5605.4 5486.3 5417 7094.9 8627.3 8876.6 8970.5 8825.7 9132
Total Oil Tankers (A+B)
NO. of Tankers 197 200 203 223 234 244 254 265 272
DWT ('000' tonnes) 5915.4 5803.4 5709.2 17193 8918.2 9146.9 9248.5 9118.4 9453
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
# : Included in IOC
* : As on 1st January upto 2006 & 1st April from 2007 & onwards
Source: Indian Petroleum & Natural Gas Statistics published by M/o Petroleum &
Natural Gas
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
Source: Indian Petroleum & Natural Gas Statistics published by M/o Petroleum & Natural Gas
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
Source: Indian Petroleum & Natural Gas Statistics published by M/o Petroleum & Natural Gas
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
Grand Total 50049 49540 48237 44943 41415 39694 38948 33935 33612
Petroleum Refining
1 Executive /Managerial 5534 5556 5977 5899 6200 6296 5659 5975 8054
2 Supervisory 2740 2589 2586 2616 2716 2809 3961 3988 4249
3 Clerical 2748 2587 2521 2371 2293 2268 2216 1929 1959
4 Workman 13017 12338 12266 11847 11445 11345 11208 11334 10926
Total 24039 23070 23350 22733 22654 22718 23044 23226 25188
5 Expatriates/Foreign 3139 2252 3101 2907 4205 7544 5107 6902 7557
Experts/On Contract
Grand Total 27178 25322 26451 25640 26859 30262 28151 30128 32745
1 Executive /Managerial 11619 11649 11598 11747 11799 11365 10429 10841 11006
2 Supervisory 2188 2274 2320 2334 2419 2422 3845 4015 4378
3 Clerical 5726 5434 5245 5133 4831 4400 4413 4350 3973
4 Workman 18010 17956 17152 16725 15658 15148 14621 14046 13487
Total 37543 37313 36315 35939 34707 33335 33308 33252 32844
5 Expatriates/Foreign 3309 4552 4246 4293 5921 9982 9662 11743 9339
Experts/On Contract
Grand Total 40852 41865 40561 40232 40628 43317 42970 44995 42183
Source: Indian Petroleum & Natural Gas Statistics published by M/o Petroleum & Natural Gas
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
Source: Indian Petroleum & Natural Gas Statistics published by M/o Petroleum & Natural Gas
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
Fiscal Cost
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
Fiscal Cost
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
Note : The Weighted average of Crude Oil prices before 2004-05 were not maintained
in the Format.
Source: Indian Petroleum & Natural Gas Statistics published by M/o Petroleum & Natural
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction
7.Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction