Q 3 Science Scope and Sequence

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Lakeside integrated school of cabuyao Laguna


Kinder 1 2 3 4 5 6

tell objects Tell that sound Tell that sound State that all State that all what sound describe the
that produce is a form of is a form of sounds are sounds are waves are characteristics of
sound, energy. energy produced by produced by and produced sound using the
produce by vibration or vibration or or by vibration concepts of
sound waves sound waves
observe and Tell why one vibration wavelength,
record the can hear sound velocity, and
Define the Define the
sounds around Recognize the amplitude
word vibration word vibration outline how
them recognize that different
vibrations from sources of sound waves Recognize the
Show that Show that produce
tell how one sounds travel sounds we vibrations vibrations characteristics of
different types
produces through a hear in make sound make sound sounds : Pitch
of sounds
sound medium to the everyday life : Loudness , Quality
ear natural Recognize Recognize discuss why
Tell why one sources, man- that vibrations that vibrations explain sound
sound waves
can hear sound use telephone mase sources can be can be are important production in the
cups to changed to changed to human voice box,
Classify sound investigate identify how alter the pitch alter the pitch Find patterns and how pitch,
Sound as soft and how sound can the sounds are of a sound of a sound between the loudness, and
Energy loud transfer made. and amplitude volume of a quality of sound
Tell that affect the sound and the vary from one
Differentiate Give examples Identify how sound travels loudness if strength of person to another
pleasant and of loud and sound travels through solids sound the vibrations
unpleasant quiet sounds, and investigate as well as that produced
sounds and and high and vibration using gases (air) Tell that it. describe how
how one low pitched a range of sound travels organisms
protects sounds. instruments. identify the through solids Recognize produce, transmit,
as well as
himself from characteristics gases (air) that sounds and receive sound
unpleasant identify what recognize that of sounds and in which get fainter as of various
sound. sound vibrations from materials the distance frequencies
pollution and sounds travel observe and sound waves from the sound (infrasonic,
how it affects through a describe how travel the source audible, and
humans medium to the sounds differ fastest, increases ultrasonic sound)
observe and Define
tell that describe the
sound is noise explain how a ‘ultrasound’ as a
properties of
that is made sound passes sound that is
by vibrations. through the above the
ear; frequency range
Identify the
Recognize of human hearing.
sounds are
that identify the helpful and
vibrations are parts that can harmful to
things that be damaged people
move fast and when exposed
back and to loud sounds.
Tell the uses of
recognize define State that State that State that
electricity in 'electricity' electricity is a electricity is a electricity is a
some devices form of energy form of energy form of energy
found at home distinguish
and in the between static Identify how Identify how
surroundings: and current electricity is describe ways electricity is
switch, outlet, electricity formed to stay safe formed
Electricity lamp and post throught its when using
list the ways nature electricity Recognize the two
name common we use types of electricity
objects in electricity Name the parts identify how
each day electricity is
school and at of a circuit recognize some
home that uses andinfer the formed common
electricity common conditiond that conductors and
appliances that willmake the Recognize the insulators
recognize l the run on bulb light up two types of
sources of electricity given an electricity Investigate
electricity: illustration or materials that
battery and experiment Tell what an prevent the flow
powerplant electrical of electricity
like Identify the circuit is.
hydroelectric terms fuse and Tell what an
plant and other circuit breaker. recognize that electrical circuit is.
sources like a switch opens
steam, list the ways and closes construct a simple
geothermal. we use series electrical
Wind and electricity recognize some circuit
nuclear power each day common
plants conductors and identify and name
recognize some insulators, and its basic parts,
Name the uses common including cells,
of lectricity conductors and describe ways wires, bulbs,
insulators to stay safe switches and
differentiate when using buzzers
renewable describe ways electricity
resources and to stay safe
non renewable when using Draw and
resources electricity each label the
day components
of a
circuit that
switches and
loads (e.g.,
light bulb,

Get familiar State that State that State that

with how magnetism is a magnetism is a magnetism is a
magnets look force that force that force that exerts a
like. exerts a push exerts a push push or pull.
or pull. or pull.
Demonstrate Tell that magnets
how magnets Tell that Tell that have 2 poles: a
Magnetism exert force magnets have 2 magnets have north and a south
through its poles: a north 2 poles: a north pole.
poles. and a south and a south
pole. pole. Recognize that
Recognize that Like poles repel
Like poles repel Recognize that Recognize that and opposite
and opposite Like poles repel Like poles repel poles attract.
poles attract and opposite and opposite
poles attract. poles attract. Investigate how
magnets will
Identify which Investigate both attract and
objects are how repel other
magnetic and magnets will magnets
which are not. both attract
and repel Identify which
Observe that other objects are
magnets have magnets magnetic and
two sides— which are not.
north and Identify which
south. objects are Predict the motion
magnetic and of magnets, based
Predict the which are not. on knowledge that
motion of they repel and
magnets, based Predict the attract
on knowledge motion of
that they repel magnets, Compare
and attract. based on permanent
knowledge that magnets and
recognize an they repel and electromagnets.
electromagnet attract.
and how it Construct a
works. recognize an compass and
electromagnet explain how it
and how it works.
Recognize Tell what Tell what Name the main Name the Locate the
Forces that what nakes up our makes up our parts of the natural Philippines using a
affect changes surroundings surroundings surroundings surroundings: processes that coordinate system
on the earth’s are. land, water, air shape the
surface: Describe and Name the main earth’s surface demonstrate how
earthquakes Identify things name the parts of the identify the places on Earth
and volcanic in the lanforms and surroundings kinds of soil Tell the may be located
eruption surroundings water forms of and how they composition of using a coordinate
the earth Identify wjay affect the soil system;
Name the are healthy growth of describe the
parts of the Recognize and unhealthy plants Name the changes on the describe the
earth’s different soils surroundings factors that Earth’s surface location of the
surroundings of the earth State ways to affect soil as a result of Philippines with
Identify the conserve soil erosion earthquakes respect t to
identify land State that the landforms of and volcanic landmasses and
forms and earth has non our identify the stae the bodies of water
water forms of renewable and surroundings sources of reasons why enumerate
. the earth. renewable and their fresh water and people need to what to do recognize that soil,
resources and importance hoe peopleuse care about before, during water, rocks, coal,
Describe differentiate them erosion and after and other fossil
wayson hos to each earthquake fuels are Earth
take care of Identify the Identify the and volcanic materials that
the earth’s Name man’s landforms of ell he effect of of eruptions; people use as
surroundings activities that our impotance of gravity on resources;
support life surroundings water and erosion (Pls continue.
and destroy and their describe ways Don’t have the describe ways of
that support importance to conserve State the Gr. 6 book) using Earth’s
life on earth them effects of resources
Describe ways erosion and sustainably;
on how to take Recognize the how people
careof ones process of ccan presvent
surroundings water cycle soil erosion
and its effect
on living things

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